you have nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo idea what you're talking about. first of all, if you take two evenly skilled players and have them compete in a fighting game, whoever spams the most is definitely going to win. im not talking about a normal player against a dumbass kid who keeps mashing one button the entire game. there are professional spammers out there, that will exploit certain characters' moves. im not saying its impossible for anyone to overcome them, but its pretty damn frustrating. now, back to FPS, please accept my offer and face me in MW2/MW3 on PC or PS3 and if i dont kill you 10 times more than you kill me via camping/cheating, ill suck your dick.
Not true. Even in the case of two evenly matched players there is still the issue of strategy to face. You can sucker anybody into any trap at any time. That's part of being good at the game.
And of course you would clown me in a series of FPS games. I don't play FPS games typically and on top of that I have zero knowledge of the game and no desire to learn.