Once upon a time annual wrestling games were needed because the technology for video games was moving so fast that by the time in a New Year rolled around the last game was completely outdated and generally every new game had a completely new engine. They could do completely new things with it, but we’re at the point now where like the PS five engine that they use is mostly top-of-the-line already. If not now gonna be top of the line with 2024 now that the PS five has been out long enough for them to be able to maximize its usage. So unless something drastically changes where they actually plan to overhaul the entire game engine a new game after 2024 really wouldn’t be needed. All you need to do is continue to release DLC updates throughout the year every year and also include patches that could potentially change small things you normally do in between years like maybe if you decided to change a little bit about the way like submissions worked or something or added a match type and what not. Roster changes though can 100% done with three large dlc drops a year.