Counterpoint: what is the average person able to do to combat injustice? Honestly? Jack shitRoyal Reaper said:The poem is basically a damning indictment of those who sit idly by while injustice is done. It's pretty much the same as Martin Neimoller's "First they Came" poem.
I feel that, all I ever really ask from anyone is speak up where you can but if it will jeopardize your own livelihood and I can tell you're not just using it as an excuse to ignore the issue, I'll be understandableSky said:Counterpoint: what is the average person able to do to combat injustice? Honestly? Jack shit
Well, let's take Nazi Germany into account: Die protecting those who need it. Bring them to safety, stand up to injustice by sabotaging their goals and aims. Die a villain to them, die a hero to the world. "He who saves one, saves the world entire."Sky said:Counterpoint: what is the average person able to do to combat injustice? Honestly? Jack shit
We haven't had "good" leadership since Johnson.Canadian Dragon said:I sometimes think the only thing we need is good leadership from good men. just been a god damn while since thats happened