Hans Gruber said:
Yeah I just disagree i think other than Jericho stiff most r billed properly. I think u can make an argument for better booking the women but I diversity is more than skin color n they r very diverse. U don't push ppl just to fill a quota either imo. But that's me
It's not necessarily just push them because they are *insert non-white race here*, it's moreso they need to be positioned in better spots. What she's saying is that poc and women in the company, save for a very limited select few, weren't getting equal billing. When 95% of the poc or women are used in random factions, comedy roles, throwaway segments, random no-purpose matches OR heavily unadvertised matches, it's insulting. Like her thing with Diamante, it was great. But was advertised once and almost completely ignored. Again not saying to make them main eventers or champions just because, but the ratio shouldn't be like 30:2 in terms of recognition and billing.