Why? He threatened users' real livesBobby Barrows said:Deezy's back after Mania, so we're free from him for another 6 months
Oh really...Bobby Barrows said:Deezy's back after Mania, so we're free from him for another 6 months
Let's clarify, he threatened *my* life.Sky said:Why? He threatened users' real lives
well yeah but it was Barry's life so eirher we undervalue that or he was involved in the decision since he seems to know more than meSky said:Why? He threatened users' real lives
Smark asked what I wanted to to with Deezy's banChris said:Was there a vote bc I feel like my permanent may not have been counted
tf is wrong with youBobby Barrows said:So I had carte blanche to make it permanent