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I like that show it the idiots who control the channeling in the UK out it on ITV chsnnel 3 one of the main channels lut it on itv2 i was like they're daft lots of people will find this funny. Seen every episode but the one where they're having a little tailgate when she is moving. I'm up to there.
I'm about to watch blood and guts . Can't wait! Think I'm up usually my lil daughter ain't up till 7 or 8 depends be between them times. Why I keep quiet or get told to keep quiet off the missus lol
My wife where u off in a half asleep tone watch AEW practically kicking me out for more space as our lil girl Kennedy likes to sleep between us and u know lads sometimes I want her in baby cot but she will scream so nah had nothing for weeks hahahaha. But boy she has made me happy had to grow up quick but it changes you for the better. Sorry for going on about this but ones in a fine mood after eating Some THC sweets only two just takes the edge off.
MJF full heel again I like it. Grandma dying id smash his face in for real of he mentioned that about mine if I was Will. This where having unscripted promos can be a bit much in AEW a lil Critique. Don't like it, should keep families out of business.