Post your Gamertag, I.D or Wii Code, and get added by others for potential fun times and frolics. I've recovered those who I added but the rest of y'all will need to repost I'm afraid, especially if you have a PS3 or Wii.
Chaka Krim - DarthRogue432
Suntan Superman - Suntan Sup0rman
Castiel - Dave Wazz 1611
detriotKG - detriotKG
HEEL Blazy - GeOrGiA B3AsT
JayDee - JayDee2188
Jimmy King - jrsaxton
NovaRoad - NovaRoad
Macho King Trent - OctoberFalls
The Linebacker - K1989dAVE
Call of Duty - Dhoffz
TactMrBlack - tactmrblack
Dex - Reap3r252
James Murray - ScoringStar
Mr. North - Roflmao Ur Dead
Walter South - xXCarnal SinXx
Call of Duty - Dylilan
Citan - CitanKainUzuki
Kevin The Bull - kevthebull420
Porkchop Express - nightcrawlerd4
JayDee - jedplum88
Mr. North - Infected Urethra
Walter South - Carnal Sin
The Chosen Messiah - miraigaara
Wii U
Walter South - CarnalSin (possibly)