Yeah so I just watched it and it was pretty fucking trash.
Slow, low impact for the most part. Cardona did bleed buckets and sustained a couple of gnarly gashes, which is cool coming from him, but outside of that I really don't have anything good to say about it.

Gage can hardly move, there was an awkward Jericho imposter run-in that fell completely flat, and then another segment of run-ins with 44OH! coming out to fight Gage, only for RSP to intervene, and then turn on Gage in the end anyways after several plodding minutes of uninteresting brawling. And then the commentary... just a yikes from me. Maybe if you are a GCW fan you might enjoy their lowbrow jokes and the way they try to bury Cardona for collecting dolls, but I found it lame as fuck. Legitimately, this match was so much more boring than the photos would indicate.

The scene after Cardona won was at least cool and unique. Imo, it's in people's best interests to just enjoy the clips because the full 30 minutes is pretty mid.