FWA YouTube Interview: Katsu

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Recorded: May 17th, Hotel Aman. Tokyo, Japan


The skies over the most populous city in Japan are clear as the cameras begin rolling inside the hotel. The clear windows behind give a look at the skyline, showing a light haze from the smog. The hotel appears to be well kept and fairly high class as FWA interviewer, Katie Baxter, sits in a chair, legs crossed while wearing a green dress. Next to her is a table with a championship belt resting on it. It has a white strap with gold plates. The sideplates have an almost diamond like design etched into them with the main center plate having a ringed planet design and purple-ish gemstones. Walking into frame is a woman with two cups of warm beverages and with her mask, she is instantly recognised as Katsu. The Sky Fox has a with a turtleneck sweater, and shorts with black boots. Placing the cup down, Katie smiles.

Katie Baxter: “Thanks, I needed this.”

She gives a friendly smile to the masked wrestler who takes a seat with her own drink. Someone hooks a microphone up to her sweater.

Katsu: “It is the least I can do. I need to show an act of goodwill.”

Her English is a hint rusty, but confident. She sips her drink before leaning in towards Katie, whispering.

Katsu: “And you do know we could have done this online or something? You didn’t need to fly out to Tokyo for this.”

The interviewer shows a small smirk.

Katie Baxter: “I have a confession. My vacation was after the Japanese tour. I spent half in New Zealand and decided to spend the last couple of weeks in Japan on my own time. So I agreed to do this for a little bonus pay.”

The interviewer gives a small wink as the Sky Fox gives a chuckle.

Katsu: “Smart. I hope you enjoyed it.”

Katie Baxter: “Batteries recharged and it’s nice to get back to work.”


Katie turns towards the camera.

Katie Baxter: “Ladies and gentlemen, I’m Katie Baxter, and I am here to bring you an exclusive sit-down interview with a woman who made her FWA return in Las Vegas at Carnal Contendership. She is a former FWA Television Champion, CJW star, the Kitsune Warrior, Katsu.”

Giving a small wave to the camera, Katsu gives a friendly grin before taking a sip of her drink.

Katie Baxter: “212 days, that was the time between your FWA matches. It was a long road to get there and as some people are acutely aware, there were a lot of hurdles to get there. Some of that we’ll get to in a moment, but I want to start with your return. Las Vegas you returned, entering 26 in Carnal Contendership. What was going through your mind during it?”

Katsu: “A lot of nerves.”

She says before further explaining.

Katsu: “It was quite a long time. 7 or 8 months I think? That is a long time in the world of wrestling. I was worried about whether or not the fans would react to me or care. You mentioned my long road. I have been in and out of the FWA loop so to speak while so busy. There were some weeks where I would get a pit in my stomach thinking about FWA, then other times I would not be able to look away…”

Stopping, she tries to explain how she thought.

Katsu: “Sometimes missing it, other times out of fear. Even stepping back I had doubts in. But once my music played and the people cheered I felt at ease, the more at home I felt. Though it helps that I kept my music.”

Katsu leans in, whispering.

Katsu: “They tried to change my music to this generic Japanese music by some ‘Dubb Rebel’ fellow, but I struck that idea down.”

Katie follows that up with another question about her return.

Katie Baxter: “And your return was in Las Vegas, but people expected that if you would return, it would have been in the Japanese tour, especially when Meltdown was in Osaka, your hometown.”

Katsu: “There were some things we needed to work out. Before we get into that, what I will say is my CJW contract gives them priority over my wrestling commitments in Japan. And while I would have loved to address my people in my hometown, have them see me in an FWA ring for the first time, if there was another place to return, then Las Vegas was just as poetic.”

Katsu takes a sip of her coffee before explaining.

Katsu: “My first appearance in FWA was Meltdown twenty I believe in Las Vegas.”

Katie Baxter: “Oh yes, the Bad Boys Boy Band interrupted our interview.”

The Kitsune Warrior shudders at the memory.

Katsu: Don’t get me started on those poor musicians. But there is that and Carnal Contendership LAST YEAR, being where the world was introduced to ‘Katsu.’”

The Joshi star points to her mask.

Katsu: “It was a place of new beginnings for me, and my time in FWA began again there. So I went from a girl who was still trying to be what someone else wanted me to be, secretly nervous as she tries to cut her first proper ‘English promo’ to a more confident, well rounded performer who knows who she is and why she is here.”

Katie Baxter: “And that confidence showed. Last year you finished fourth. This year, you managed to finish second. That’s similar to what Chris Peacock did.”

Katsu has a small smirk at the mention of the newly minted Grand Slam Champion’s name.

Katie Baxter: “Though in the end it was Krash who came out victorious.”

The Co-Leader of YDS nods her head.

Katsu: “Somehow finishing better stings more when you are so close. I still have a lot to be proud of. There is something about Krash getting the match against Best which seems… Poetic. Do not get me wrong, I still wanted the match. I just recognise the history there and if I am not the one to end this ‘phony friendship’ then Krash is the one to do it and I will gladly watch that match. I won’t lose sleep over it. Golden Opportunity comes again.”

Katsu gives a small chuckle. She glances to the side at the championship belt.

Katsu: “And I think this time, with a bit more experience, good things are in store for me. A lot has changed, and I think ‘coming second’ will be a thing of the past soon.”

Noticing Katsu’s glance towards the championship belt, Katie changes her focus.

Katie Baxter: “And speaking of things being different. What we have here on our table is CJW’s ‘Intergalactic COSMIC Championship.’ Currently you are the holder of it. Mind giving us a little background on this?”

Picking up the championship belt, it is smaller than the usual belts for FWA, obviously designed with exclusively female champions in mind. Katsu places it on her shoulder.


Katsu: “I am the 20th champion in this belt’s history. CJW has been around maybe half the time as FWA has and this championship was created shortly after I debuted as a ‘secondary championship.’ So it would be around the level of the FWA North American or X Championship for them. Championships which might not always be the ‘main event’ but are meaningful to hold for their own reasons. I was meant to fight for this championship last year at the CJW end of year show “Galaxy Clash.” But of course, I injured my collarbone in October. So it was moved to February in Osaka.”

Remembering the date, Katsu specifies.

Katsu: “In fact, it was the same day as Fallout from Tsushima. Though admittedly I had a match beforehand on January 4th against Yuna Funanori.”


Katie Baxter: “Worlds Unite, correct?”

Katie clarifies the show and Katsu nods.

Katsu: "I was uhh still hurt, but I did not want to lose out on a personal dream match of mine. I thank Yuna so much for that match. I think if I didn’t win, I would not have been first in line for the championship match upon return. And since then, it has been three defences, though, my match last week ended in a ‘no contest’ due to some interference. But that will be resolved.”

Katie Baxter: “And you say that is on the level of FWA’s North American and X titles? So what championship is more prestigious?”

Katie asks, partially joking, but also trying to stir up a little controversy. The CJW star is able to laugh her way through it.

Katsu: “A championship is built on both its previous champions and the people who hold it now. FWA’s championships have been around much longer. So they have a list of champions ranging from legendary to forgotten. The sample size is smaller for this, about fourteen different women? But this is my first singles championship in CJW after working for it for seven years. So it means a lot to me, and that is what matters. No matter how long I will hold it, I will try to enjoy it, and it has been my priority the past few months.”

Katie Baxter: “And CJW has been your priority for the past while. So I think now is the time to ask-”

The interviewer leans in and asks bluntly.

Katie Baxter: “What happened between you and CJW and FWA?”

Taking a deep breath, Katsu has been expecting this question and has been dreading it. But it is time to get it addressed and moved on from. She places her championship on the table.

Katsu: “Before I get into detail, I just want to explain how my contracts work. As I said, CJW has priority over Japan. My FWA contract is per appearance, and they get priority almost any other place. So I get paid when I appear depending on the matches I wrestle or what I do along with merchandise. When I was healed up, it coincided with FWA’s tour of Asia and Japan. Some shows did have overlap, like I said, the night I fought in Osaka, FWA was having Fallout. So, something could be worked out, correct? Well, around the time I was injured things began to, uh, become tense.”

Katie Baxter: “And why?”

Katie Baxter tries to keep Katsu on track. The wrestler sighs. She twirls her finger in her hair sticking out of her mask.

Katsu: “I broke my collarbone at home after a flight. Cali was visiting since she flew with me. I fell, my shoulder hit the side of something and felt a snap. As I was at the hospital, they were running tests, asking me questions and they found I had a lot of symptoms of long-term fatigue. I admit, I was feeling tired at the time, I was not careful and likely tripped on something. Once the news came back to both CJW and FWA, neither group was happy. Fingers were pointed and things unravelled. At the time, one week I would appear for CJW and our weekend tours often had two shows, and occasionally a week long tour with four and I would wrestle on all of them. Then in FWA I was balancing two divisions at once, wrestling multiple times in a show then. Then add the fact we have done international tours with a lot of travel. But each company would point to the other for them ‘over-doing it’ for me.”

She shakes her head. Some frustration is heard in her voice. She stops.

Katsu: “And for the record, it was my choice to wrestle two divisions at once. It was my choice to wrestle multiple shows in Japan to make up for the ones I would miss from being overseas. I knew the challenges, and it was mentally draining. But even if I would tell both companies that, it would not matter.”

Putting her hand in a fist, there is a physical sign of the strain this whole situation has put on her mentally.

Katsu: “This opened up a can of worms as I think they say in English and it seemed like for weeks on end, every mistake or ‘wrong-doing’ by the other was put on blast. Some ‘issues’ that were brought up from around the time I started, and a few more recent. I-I don’t think it would be appropriate to list every single thing. It would not be productive and really, there is no ‘right side’ or wrong side to this. Just anger. That anger even went to my friends in YDS. Everyone was so mad I-”

Seeing the frustration on her guest’s face, Katie gives a small nod, letting Katsu take a moment to collect myself.

Katsu: “I felt stuck between these two worlds, like in the middle of your parents fighting. I felt trapped watching FWA in my home, unable to share it with them.”

Katie nods her head, feeling some understanding as Katsu gets honest.

Katie Baxter: “Is that why it took so long?”

Katsu nods her head.

Katsu: “I had a responsibility to CJW as a champion. Getting involved in this would have not ended well. I also know FWA has done so much for my career and I felt guilty. Why did I get hurt? Why am I a burden to them? Why do both?”

Rubbing her head, the Kitsune Warrior exhales and leans back in her chair.

Katsu: “CJW. My home. The place I began. The place that trained me, where I met my friends who I hope are with me for life. I left home at 16 so I could be in CJW and I grew up there. Saori Suzuki became like a big sister to me, mentoring me. Ririko was always supportive and ready to cheer me up. Cali opened my eyes to the world and to people who are different. YDS became more than a unit. Family. FWA. The place that allowed me to see the world. The place where I got better and made being a singles champion a reality. The first time flying to Las Vegas, I was in awe. Going to the Superdome in New Orleans for Lights Out made me feel like I was in a futuristic Tokyo Dome. Then to Europe, the United Kingdom, Germany, and so on. Even if I lost against big names early on and I hated it… I got better each time. It made me become Katsu.”

Katie Baxter: “Well, we are fortunate to have you here. I’m glad FWA has been a big thing to you, but how did it get fixed?”

Katsu: “Osaka.”


She answers.

Katsu: “In Osaka I came to the show unknown to people. I was considering asking to leave FWA for the time being. Continue to wrestle at home because I was able to drown this all out when I wrestled. Then when the time was right, maybe come back? But hearing the crowd, seeing some familiar faces reminded me how much I missed FWA. I went into Russnow’s office and explained my hopes to return. I set up a meeting between him and CJW’s representatives in Sapporo before Fallout. We met that morning and it took until after lunch with me playing as a translator. Finally both sides listened to each other, and things were resolved. CJW even suggested I appear in Carnal Contendership, and the rest was history. Things are better now, and I hope if there are issues again, they will talk. CJW is family. FWA is family. Wrestling is one big family, and it is best when we work together. I am just happy to be back.”

With the feel good message at the end, Katsu gives a small smile. Katie Baxter is taken back by how honest Katsu was, not dodging the questions.

Katie Baxter: “I think that message is one we can get behind. But while you have the Steel Roulette upcoming against some big names, future Hall of Fames no less, before that we have Back in Business. What plans do you have?”

Katsu: “For the Steel Roulette, I want to build my momentum for it. Cyrus Truth I faced last year before Back in Business and it is one of my favourite matches I have had in FWA. Gabrielle has been a dream match of mine that has been taken from me before. Trevor Ocean and Gino I am not too familiar with, but I’m looking forward to seeing how they grow before then, and Mike Parr, Hall of Famer even without a world title, someone I also was robbed of a chance of facing before. An amazing list of competitors… And I placed higher than all of them. But that was one night. I need to do my best for them.”

Katie asks Katsu again one more question.

Katie Baxter: “And what about Back in Business?”

Tapping her finger on the table, Katsu thinks and hums.

Katsu: Quality over quantity.”

She says.

Katsu: “I competed in two matches over the weekend last year, and spread myself thin. So I prefer to get a quality match. I know I have not been around much as of late, but given the fact I did not stop ‘working’ and my runner up position, I earned the right to sink teeth into something?”

Katie Baxter: “And that would be?”

Katsu: “A match where there can be passion and meaning”

The masked wrestler’s eyes glance at her Intergalactic COSMIC title.

Katsu: “And whether it is directly for a championship, or someone of championship quality, I want to go to the bright lights of New York at Back in Business and shine for the world to see. Since I was injured, FWA has changed. Records were challenged. People joined me on the injured list, some yet to return, others quicker than expected. Queen’s and Kings have been crowned, the kaiju hunter has become the kaiju, and some people I felt have lost their heart or mind. I’ll admit, at the height of my time away, I lost some of that motivation for FWA, but my passion for wrestling, for my career, didn’t die. It is only stronger…”

Katsu looks at Katie.

Katsu: “-And I want to grow it. Grow the passion for FWA, its fans, its roster and raise myself further. プロレスの心臓は私と私が表現するものとともに鼓動しています。”

Katsu clarifies in English.

Katsu: “I am the heart. I give life. What FWA needs is New Life. Something different. YDS は、私たち全員が異なるものを称賛します。I am different. I will be in the building for Meltdown and Fallout. That much I can promise. And maybe, I’ll make my intentions known?”

Nodding, Katie gives a small wink.

Katie Baxter: “And there, that’s the cliffhanger we needed. Thank you once again, Katsu, for doing this.”

The masked wrestler smiles, grabbing her belt from CJW.

Katsu: “Same for me, I got a lot off my chest and you have always been good. I hope this was an okay ‘return to work’ for you.”

Looking at the camera, Katie Baxter signs off.

Katie Baxter: “Thank you for tuning in to this online exclusive interview. Remember to follow us on social media, Katsu at Katsu_YDS. Tune into Meltdown, Thursday May 23rd from the Denver Coliseum, and Fallout, Saturday the 25th from the Allstate Arena just outside of Chicago, both on the WC Network. Until then.”

Katie gives a wave to the camera as the camera zooms in, focusing on the Tokyo skyline as the video ends.


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