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Jimmy King

It’s Britney, bitch
Dec 12, 2010
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“Almost 20 years.”

That’s the first thing Jason Randall says as the camera rolls. The Wildcard appears to be in a studio in an undisclosed location. He’s sitting on a chair as he stares into the camera, and he lets those words linger without any context until he decides to continue.

“It’s been almost 20 years since I started doing this thing. It’s been almost 20 years since I first stepped foot inside of a wrestling ring. It’s been 20 years since I started doing the only thing I’ve ever been good at.”

He pauses and lets those words linger while pondering what to say next. He places his hands inside the pockets of his hooded sweater and leans back in his chair.

“I think Albert Einstein said insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results. Twenty years is a long time to be doing the same thing day in and day out, and I didn’t think I’d be doing this for as long as I have, but here we are. Some people doubted me, people close to me who didn’t believe in me or didn’t understand why I wanted to do this. I don’t speak about him often because it’s a bit of a sore subject with me, but my father was one of those people who didn’t believe in me. Not only did he not believe in me, but he didn’t understand. He never understood anything I showed a hint of an interest in and acted like he cared about my life and my future, but the truth is he didn’t. He wanted me to follow in his footsteps and do what he did, but I didn’t want that; I wanted to do my own thing, and he didn’t like that.”

“He was never there for me that much anyway, if I’m being honest, and when he decided he wanted to be a dad and treat me like his son, it was too late. I was beyond the age where I wanted to be treated like a child by him, so I lashed out, and of course, he didn’t like that. I went along to the beat of my own drum, which didn’t sit well with him. When he learned I wanted to be a wrestler, he didn’t support me, but I didn’t care. Well, maybe I did a little because all I ever wanted was for him to show that he truly cared, but deep down, I had come to terms with that would never happen.”

Randall pauses again and leans forward now. He removes his hands from the sweater pocket and rubs them together.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to get all personal for this shit. That was not my intention when I sat down in front of this camera today to do this promo for my match with Sawyer Xavier at Winter Wasteland. I wanted to tell a story, but then I got sidetracked with that tangent and got a little too personal, but I suppose that sort of ties into the story I wanted to tell. I wanted to tell the story of my very first match; the story won’t be about the match, but it’s on that day. The story takes place after the match.”

“Before I get into that, though, I want to say that Sawyer Xavier reminds me a lot of myself back then, especially after being in the business a little over five or so years. Around that time, I wasn’t sure if this was what I wanted to keep doing. I had been given opportunities everywhere I went, but I would squander them repeatedly. Then, I would take my frustrations out on anybody but myself when it was my fault. I got in my way of achieving what I wanted. That’s where Sawyer Xavier is now, but I digress because this story is not about that; this is about the beginning of what you see before you now. Long before I was The Wildcard, I guess you can call this The Wildcard Origins…”


Jason Randall in…
The Wildcard Origins

Sometime around 2004

I was on cloud nine.

I was on top of the world.

I was feeling good after my very first wrestling match. The match itself was nothing to write home about. Honestly, it was the drizzling shits, but you couldn’t tell that to me at the time. If you tried to tell me that, I wouldn’t believe you. I thought my shit didn’t stink, but it did stink. It was nowhere near as bad as that match, though, if I’m honest.

Anyway, after the match, I found the guy I had faced. Out of respect, I’ll keep his name out of this. Honestly, I can’t remember his name, but I do know he was a big name at one time, and I believe he’s no longer with us, so with all due respect to him, he’ll remain nameless in this story.

Here I was, young, fresh-faced. Full of inexperience but ready and willing to learn. I was eager to gain any knowledge as I was diving head first into this next chapter of my life. This guy, on the other hand, was not having it. I said he was a big name in his time, but he had seen better days. He was well past his prime and mentally checked out at this point in his life. I was too oblivious to make that observation, though. I wanted to learn, and who better to give me some advice than the guy who threw me around for about five minutes? My body was feeling it after those awful bumps I had taken, but that didn’t deter me.

“Um, excuse me, sir.”

He turned to look at me with his raggedly run-down facial features and a cigarette hanging between his lips. He had a look on his face like he’d rather be anywhere else in the world at that time so he could smoke his cigarette in peace for five minutes. It was the only good feeling he had left in his life, and this young schmuck was disturbing his peace.

“Uh, I’m new to the business, and I was wondering if you could give me some advice…”

He let out a rough-sounding cough; he nearly coughed up a lung at my feet, he was coughing so much. He finished his cigarette, flicked it to the ground, and stomped it out. He did this all while looking at me.

“You want some advice, kid? Get out while you still can. Do something else with your life; do something more meaningful. This isn’t the life you want, kid, believe me.”

He starts having another coughing fit as he slowly wanders off back into the building. I didn’t know what to think. That’s not the advice I was looking for at the time, but I was young, determined, and I wasn’t going to let his words deter me.

About a year or so later, I was signed to my first significant promotion, and things were going well there for a bit. I was still finding my footing and placed in a tag team with a guy named Josh. No, not Josh Drake. If that guy had been my partner all those years ago, I would’ve listened to that old-timer’s advice.

We captured tag team gold, and I won some singles gold. Then I had my big break. I was given a shot at the world champion, and wouldn’t you know it, I won. I was the world champion.

I was what you would call a transitional champion. They had no intention of me holding the belt for an extended period. There was a lot of backstage politics going on, and that’s when I realized that the old timer was correct, but I was too far into this now to back out, so I stuck around.

I would go to another promotion, PWF, where once again, I was inevitably screwed out of a world title.

The CWA offered me a contract, but I passed up on that. What could’ve been? Maybe if I had signed that contract, I would be treated like a big deal like other CWA stars of the past who have now stepped into the FWA.

I opted to take some time off before ultimately signing with FWA.


“There you go, the origins of The Wildcard. I guess it wasn’t all bad. I did meet Penny along the way, so that’s one bright spot.”

Randall leans back in his chair once more.

“Sawyer, you’re probably thinking to yourself, what does that story have to do with me? What does any of this have to do with me? Well, I did say you reminded me a lot of myself at one time. You were probably happy to be there like I was back then, but then you experienced pain. This business didn’t waste its time chewing you up and spitting you out, am I right? But can you blame this business? You freeze up whenever you’ve been given an opportunity to run with something in FWA. Every time you’ve been handed the ball to run with it. Instead, you drop it.”

“You won the match for Team Meltdown last year in the brand warfare, but then what? What happened after that, huh? Nothing, you flushed it all down the crapper. You let it all go to waste. You couldn’t handle it, so you backed down and soon disappeared.”

“Now, you’re back, and here you are, you make your grand return, and you eliminate me in the Gunfight Battle Royale. Then you have the nerve to call me out on national TV. You want to help me, but you can’t even help yourself. You should be helping yourself before you try to help me. I’m not denying everything you said to me. I know it all to be true, but I didn’t need to hear it from you. I know I’m not featured more prominently than others. I know I’m just another body for them to pad out the numbers, but at least it’s something. It’s more than I could say for someone like you, Sawyer.”

Randall pauses and lets out a sigh.

“Look, I’m not mad at you or what you said. Yeah, it hurts, but the truth always hurts. Just like what that old timer told me all those years ago. I may not have known it then, but now I know how he felt, and it hurts. Not just physically but mentally. I’m still here, though. Why am I still here? I don’t know. I ask myself that every day. It beats having one of those 9-5 desk jobs, flipping burgers, or pushing shopping carts. No offense to anyone who does those jobs that take a certain skill that I’m not built for. I’m built differently; I was put on this earth to wrestle.”

“I know that deep down inside of you, there’s a part of you that wants to succeed, Sawyer. Hell, I want you to succeed. You’re a hell of a talent. Half of the shit you do in the ring I sure as hell couldn’t do, I don’t know how the hell I’m going to combat any of it, but I’ll do my damndest.”

Randall stands up from his chair and gets closer to the camera.

“I know you’re hungry, kid; I want you to prove it. I want to see that same kid who won the match for Team Meltdown in brand warfare. I want to see the same Sawyer Xavier that tossed me on my ass in the gunfight battle royale. I want you to give me your best because I will give you my best.”

“May the best man win.”

Tommy Bedlam

E-Fed Staff Member
Sep 13, 2022
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Tommy Bedlam: To Hell and Back

(Click Text for PDF Version)


Rocco was startled out of his slumber around 4:30 on Saturday morning. Tommy was angrily shoving the Christmas tree that Randi had put up in the living room back into its box. For the first time that he could remember, he was actually looking forward to the holidays, but the nightmares and Keres’ looming presence in the apartment had ruined all of that. He had allowed himself to get excited about the idea of waking up on Christmas morning and watching Randi and Walker open gifts. He didn’t even care that Walker was too young to fully understand what was going on. He finally had the family he had never had before, but Keres had ruined it all.

It had been more than a week since Tommy had seen Randi and Walker. The minutes felt like hours, the hours like days, and the days like weeks. The man who had once enjoyed life as a bachelor suddenly missed the family that he had started. Of course, he wasn’t truly alone. Rocco had set up homestead in Tommy’s apartment the morning that Randi took Walker and fled to her aunt’s home in Tulsa.

The morning after Tommy’s most recent nightmare which culminated in the discovery of a wicked-looking doll bearing a purple feather was the last straw. Things had been tense around the apartment since Tommy’s first interaction with Keres following a tag team match. When “The Daughter of Demise” lightly scratched an X into Tommy’s chest after the match, it was as if some sort of portal to hell had been opened. Sleep became elusive and Tommy was perpetually on edge. Randi struggled to strike the balance between being a supportive fiance and a protective mother and eventually agreed to take Walker and get out of town until after Winter Wasteland.

Secretly, Tommy wondered if that would be long enough. Who was to say that Keres’ evil mind games would stop after the X Title match? She was unpredictable, to say the least. He hoped that the X Title match would be their last interaction, but ultimately, there was no way to know. If Tommy successfully defended his title, would Keres move on to torturing someone else? After all, Eternal, her evil tandem, was also dealing with Gabrielle, who seemed to want to set Elizabeth Rose free from their clutches. The uncertainty of what would happen after his match with Keres tormented him almost as much as Randi and Walker’s absences.
“Little early to be decorating isn’t it, kid?” Rocco rubbed his eyes as he stumbled down the hallway toward the living room.

“Un-decorating, Rocco. Not like there’s any fucking reason to have this shit up.” Ornaments hit the floor and shattered as Tommy angrily shoved the tree into its box. Tommy looked toward Rocco, and Bedlam’s most trusted confidant quickly saw just how rough his client looked. The bags under his bloodshot eyes seemed to be getting bigger every day. He had slept for all of an hour before he mercifully woke up.

“Another nightmare?”

“Of course. Fourth one this week.”

“Tell me about it.”

“Yea. You know how much I love talking about what’s going on inside. Go back to bed, Rocco.”

“Seriously, Tommy. Tell me about this one. You’ve been holding all this shit inside for weeks now, and it’s not working for you. You don’t wanna tell Randi because you need to look strong for her. Crowe is getting ready for his title match. I’m what you’ve got right now. Let me hear it.”

Tommy rubbed his eyes, looked around at the shattered remains of what should’ve been the best Christmas of his life, and realized that he had nothing to lose. He plopped down on the couch as Rocco stepped from the kitchen and handed him a glass of scotch. Unbeknownst to Tommy, he had dropped a very mild sleep aid into Tommy’s glass.
“You’re giving me scotch at 4:30 in the morning?”

“Eh, we can’t drink all day if we don’t start early, right?”

Rocco had watered his scotch down significantly, but he and Tommy clinked their glasses together as Tommy took a sip and started telling Rocco about the most recent nightmare.
Tommy began to detail the nightmare that found Tommy on an ancient clipper ship with the people who mattered the most to him. He was at the wheel, steering the odd-looking boat across the high seas. It had large purple sails, and atop the flag pole, inexplicably, there was a massive sunflower. Tommy’s focus on the sea ahead of him was disrupted by a knock on the door. It was Rocco.

“Ahoy, Captain Tommy! The sea, she be calm! The crew waits for you at the bow!”

In the nightmare, Tommy stepped away from the wheel of the ship and snapped his fingers. Two ravens quickly flew from somewhere in the bowels of the boat, one landing on each of Tommy’s shoulders. He glanced at each of the ravens and addressed them as he climbed the steps to the bow of the ship.

“Good morning Somber, Solace. I hope that you’re ready for what the day will bring.”

Tommy explained to Rocco how everything looked beautiful from the bow of the boat. In addition to Rocco, Tommy saw Randi, a young man who he somehow knew was a teenage Walker, Rocco, and Chris Crowe. Suddenly, the skies turned an eerie shade of yellow as Somber and Solace flew away from the meeting of the crew and into the horizon.
Retelling the story to Rocco forced Tommy to once again watch everything fall into a state of panic from the outside. Randi let out a shriek and yelled something about a Death Vessell, but Tommy didn’t have time to respond. He explained to Rocco how the cannonball landed in the space between him and everyone who mattered in his life, splintering the ship, and sending everyone into a frenzy. In the distance, he heard a voice, the voice of a woman yelling something.

“Slate! You hit them, darling!”

Tommy had no clue who the woman was, nor did he recognize the name “Slate.” The scotch and the mild sedative were kicking in, and his speech was slowing. He struggled to describe the scene to Rocco as his eyes grew heavier. His words trailed off into nothingness as he described the scene of seeing everyone he cared about sinking into the water before glancing up and staring into the cold, dead eyes of a man he had never seen before. He could only assume that the man was Slate.

Rocco wasn’t sure if that was how the dream ended, but Tommy mercifully drifted off to sleep. Rocco carefully slid the empty glass out of his hand, set it on the coffee table, and pulled out his cell phone. It was almost 5 AM, which was the time that Rocco typically started his days. He looked at Tommy, hoping that the dose he slipped him would force him to get some rest as he scrolled through his contacts and stopped on a number he hadn’t used in quite some time. For a moment, Rocco hesitated, but he knew what he had to do.

The expensive scotch and mild sedative had done the trick. Tommy finally started stirring as he looked around the living room with some confusion. As wintertime settled in over Sweetwater, the days were getting shorter, and the sun was already setting when he woke up. Was it alright night? Was it still early morning? He had no idea.
“Glad you’re up. Go get changed. We have dinner reservations in an hour.” “What time is it?”

“Little after 5. You’ve been asleep for about 12 hours. Any nightmares?” “I don’t think so. Holy shit. How did I sleep that long?”

“I spiked your drink. Slipped you a mild sedative. You needed the rest. Seriously, go clean yourself up a bit. Reservations are at 6:30.”

Tommy walked down the hallway toward the bathroom, splashed some water on his face, brushed his teeth, and stepped into the bedroom to find clothes.

“Where are we going in Sweetwater that you need a reservation? There’s nothing here,” he yelled down the hallway.

“It’s not in Sweetwater. It’s over in Abilene, a new place called Elle’s. Some sort of fusion place.”

Tommy came down the hallway wearing a black t-shirt and jeans that looked remarkably like those that he had just taken off. Rocco couldn’t help but chuckle at Tommy’s monotone wardrobe.
“You want me to drive?”

“Yea. Let’s take yours. I’ll navigate.”

Tommy sent Randi a quick text, letting her know that he was going to Abilene for dinner with Rocco. She had been relieved to find out that he had slept, even though Rocco hadn’t told her about the spiked scotch. As they drove into the setting sun, Rocco checked his phone once again. He quickly replied to a message and slipped his phone into the breast pocket of his jacket. For a moment, Tommy thought Rocco was acting strange, but he quickly chalked it up to his paranoia.

Tommy wheeled his truck into the parking lot at Elle’s, and immediately realized just how out of place he was going to be. Most spots were taken, and every car was some sort of sports car. This was clearly an upscale dining establishment, and he knew that he would never fit in. As they stepped into the front door and were greeted by an attractive hostess, Tommy’s

assumptions were proven true. The large dining room was filled with men in designer suits and beautiful women in expensive outfits. Rocco straightened his blazer a bit as they were led to a table near the back of the room.

“You could have told me about the dress code.”

“Would it have mattered?” Rocco chuckled a bit.

“Probably not. I don’t own dress clothes.”
Tommy and Rocco took their seats and were immediately greeted by a young waitress who flashed a million-dollar smile and introduced himself as Trevor. He would be their waiter for the evening, and he immediately started rattling through the specials. Tommy didn’t even recognize half the items he said. Fortunately, Rocco frequented fancier restaurants and immediately segued into what they would have.

Trevor quickly reappeared with two glasses filled with some sort of alcohol. Tommy wasn’t sure what he was drinking, but that had never stopped him before. Tommy and Rocco had never struggled to make conversation, but things just weren’t the same. Tommy was preoccupied, and Rocco knew it. He knew him better than anyone, perhaps even better than Randi. Rocco sipped on his drink as Tommy took a long pull from the glass.

“This Keres girl. She’s in your head pretty good, isn’t she, kid?”

“Looks like it, Rocco. I don’t know, buddy. I’ve beaten people bigger than her. Hell, I’ve fought people meaner than her. There’s just something different about this.”

“There is. In Greek mythology, the Keres were female death spirits.”

“That really helps, Rocco. Thanks a lot.”

Tommy finished off the alcohol in his glass and held it up in Trevor’s general direction. The young man quickly responded and brought him a second drink.

“They were the personification of violence. That’s probably why she’s decided to set her sights on the X Title. Blood, gore, destruction, all those things drew the Keres to the battlefields. Wherever there was violence, the Keres were there.”

“Are you trying to make me want to drink more, Rocco? Seriously. Outside of you drugging me today, I’ve barely slept in weeks. I’m having nightmares, Randi is gone, Walker is gone. Just between us, I feel like I’m losing it, man.”

“Let me finish, kid. The Keres were drawn to blood and violence since they were the spirits of death. But guess what? They didn’t actually have the power to kill anybody. All they could do was sit by and wait to feast on the dead.”
“Rocco, I’m sleep-deprived and a little buzzed. How ‘bout you just dumb this down for me?”

“They were all bark and no bite. They showed up whenever there was violence and destruction, but they couldn’t actually do anything. Keres is torturing you, I get that. Somehow, she’s inside your head, she’s wreaking havoc. But I think she knows that she can’t take you out. That’s why she’s doing all this spooky shit. She has to haunt you because she can’t hunt you.”

Tommy wanted to find comfort in those words, but it was hard to see past the inner turmoil that Keres had brought into his life. He mulled Rocco’s words over and then he saw him. Lucien Carpathia was walking around the room, shaking hands, and greeting guests. Was this his restaurant?! Had Rocco landed a table at the hottest new restaurant in Abilene that was owned by Satan himself? A cold chill went down Tommy’s spine as he tried to angle himself away from Lucien. He hadn’t told Rocco or anyone else about the deal he had struck with the Devil in the weeks before Back in Business.

It was futile. From two tables away, Lucien locked eyes with Tommy and made his way toward the table.

“Is…is this who I think it is? Do I have Fantasy Wrestling Alliance X Champion, Tommy Bedlam in my establishment?”

Maybe he wouldn’t say anything. Tommy would go along with the little ruse, pretend he had never seen Lucien before, and Rocco would never know.

“Yes, I’ve heard some good things. So, you’re the owner?”

“I am. And I’m a huge fan. Where are my manners? Rocco Sullivan. So nice to meet you. Gentlemen, order anything you’d like tonight. It’s on the house. I’m a huge fan of you both.”
“I, we, appreciate that.”

For what felt like forever, Lucien stood at the table, a smirk across his face. He didn’t appear evil. He was good at this. Of course, he was. He was Satan. Manipulation was one of his strongest traits. He looked down at Rocco, and that’s when Tommy saw it. Rocco returned his smile. Tommy had seen that shit-eating grin on Rocco’s face before. It usually happened when he was telling a story about ribbing one of the boys back when he was a wrestler. What was going on?

“Shall we tell him, Rocco?”

“I think we should. The poor kid has been through enough lately.”

“Seriously. What the hell is going on?”

Tommy Bedlam didn’t like surprises, and he was even less in the mood for them than usual. Lucien motioned for one of his employees to bring him a chair and he sat down at the table with Rocco and Tommy.

“Tommy, this may come as a surprise to you, but I wasn’t totally honest with you when we met for the first time over the summer.”

“Satan wasn’t totally honest. Wow, I’m stunned.”

“Let me finish. I told you that I had been following your career and wanted to get into the world of professional wrestling. That wasn’t necessarily true. Someone called me and told me that they thought that I should give you a look.”

As he finished his sentence, he looked at Rocco, whose smile had been replaced by a look of trepidation.

“Tommy, I contacted Lucien. You were fighting against a man who was as evil and twisted as anyone that I’ve ever seen in this business. I knew you had the physical capabilities, but Summers was a different beast. I also knew that there was only so far that I would be able to take you.”

This flood of information was almost more than Tommy could process. Taking the lack of sleep and the high-end alcohol out of the equation, he had just found out that Rocco had brokered the deal in which Tommy sold his soul to the Devil.

“Let’s back this thing way up. Rocco, how did you know Sa….Lucien? You said you called him.”

“How about I answer that one, Rocco? Tommy, it was 1983. Rocco here was one of the hottest names in the world of wrestling, at least in the Midwest. As I mentioned to you before, I’m always looking to…diversify my portfolio, so I wanted to get into wrestling. I offered Rocco Sullivan a deal, much like the one I offered you.”

“What?! So you bought Rocco’s soul 40 years before you bought mine? That’s what this whole thing was about? Rocco, is that why you got me signed to FWA?”

Tommy was getting angrier by the second, but the atmosphere at Elle’s was simply too jovial for anyone to notice his ever-raising voice.

“No, Tommy. That’s not the case at all. In fact, I told Lucien to shove his offer up his ass. I walked out of the building, and never saw him again until tonight. Two weeks after I walked away from the table, I blew out my knee. My career was over.”
“So that’s how this works, Lucien? You make people offers and if they decline you end their careers?”

“You overestimate me, Tommy. I didn’t end Rocco’s career. The Devil didn’t make his knee blow out. But, since he and I didn’t have a deal, I didn’t have any reason, or any way, to supernaturally protect my investment. We stayed in touch over the years, never in person, always by phone. I wanted to get into the wrestling industry, but I’ll be honest, I don’t have time to really follow it. So over the summer, no pun intended, Rocco reached out to me about you. I made an offer, you accepted, and your career has never been better.”

“Yea, career is going great. I have some sort of little voodoo witch haunting my dreams, my fiance is gone, and I haven’t seen my kid in over a week. I’m well on my way to being just like Sammy. Thanks fellas. I’m gonna be leaving now. Rocco, find your own fucking way home.”

“Sit down, Tommy. Rocco was right about your short fuse. First of all, you’re nothing like Sammy. Trust me; I checked out his career back in the 80s and realized that not even I could get him to any level of real success. Rocco called me about you when you were dealing with Summers because you needed something new to overcome the worst of the worst. Why do you think he called me today?”

“Because you guys don’t think I can beat Keres? Your confidence in me is overwhelming, really. I’ve already beaten her once. I can do it again.”

Tommy pushed his seat back from the table and started to stand up when Lucien put his hand on Tommy’s forearm. He had never felt something so cold and lifeless before. Almost instinctively, he sat down in his seat.

“Nobody said you can’t beat Keres. You’ve proven that you can, and that’s exactly why she’s doing the things she’s doing. She’s in your head, kid. Summers didn’t even have you losing

sleep like this. You’re distracted. You miss Randi, you miss Walker, and you want me out of your apartment. Shit, I want out of that place. It’s way too small for my taste. I got in touch with Lucien because I believe he can help you in ways that I can’t.”
“Rocco here is correct. It’s a shame it took him 40 years to recognize the kind of services that I can provide. Mr. Sullivan here, he’s doing an excellent job with you and your career. Honestly, I chose you because I have so much faith in this guy. The way he breaks down tape for you to help you prepare is expert-level. But Keres has waged a type of warfare against you that Rocco can’t get on tape, and you need me. This is what I’m here for, you know.”

At that moment, Tommy was done with everyone. He considered telling both of them to go to hell, but he realized that telling Lucien to go home wouldn’t carry much weight. He could always vacate the X Title, walk away from wrestling, and go to Tulsa with Randi and Walker. But what would he do? He was stuck. He looked around at the food being carried out from the kitchen but had no appetite.

“You guys have me by the balls here, don’t you? I sold my soul, so I guess I have to do your bidding, don’t I?”

“I’ll tell you what, Tommy. I’ll let you out of the deal. If you tell me right now that you want to walk away, you can go. No hard feelings and the contract is null and void. But, before you decide, you need to understand something about this match at Winter Wasteland. Keres and the rest of the TORN Universe are…familiar to me. You can walk away from our deal, but you’re still going to have to face her in a few weeks. You can prepare like you normally do. Hell, it’s not like you’re sleeping, so you should have plenty of time to study her. Or, you can use the tools that I have at my disposal. The choice is yours.”

“We all know what I’m going to choose, but you guys will have to forgive me if this whole thing is just a little much. Shit, I’ve hidden our whole deal from Rocco since the day we met because I didn’t want to advertise the decision I made. Now I find out that you were both in this together, and you seem to think I need you to face some goth girl.”

“Tommy, Keres is not ‘some goth girl.’ She is very capable, and she is quite evil. She comes by it honestly. Her parents, Slate and Eden Bassignani have created quite a name for themselves in the worlds of wrestling, art, and literature. I know Slate quite well; we’ve had some dealings in the past. That’s all I should say about that. But you go ahead and go home, think about what you want to do, and you can reach out to me tomorrow. No pressure. I’ll have one of my employees give Rocco a lift. We need to catch up anyway. It’s been 40 years.”
Tommy stood up from the table and put on his jacket, and in doing so, he missed the looks that were exchanged between Rocco and Lucien. He probably should have paid more attention.

Tommy made his way toward his truck, still attempting to process everything that he had just learned. He hit the button to unlock the doors, but nothing happened. He hit it once again, but there was nothing. Assuming the battery had gone dead in his fob, he stuck the key in the door, and that’s when they struck. He never saw them coming.

A black van pulled up beside Tommy’s truck, and before he could react, two massive masked men jumped out of the sliding back door. He tried to fight them off, but they were both bigger than him. His resistance was futile. They shoved a black hood over his head and shoved him into the van. His head bounced off a metal box of some sort, and the van’s tires squealed as it peeled out of the parking lot. Addled by the blow to the head, he wasn’t able to resist as his unknown assailants bound his hands and feet.

Tommy’s mind went straight to Randi and Walker. Somehow, in the middle of the chaos that his abduction brought about, he found some sort of solace in the fact that he thought of them instead of himself. Maybe he wasn’t quite as disgusting as his own father. Of course, his second thought focused on who was behind this. Keres? She seemed far more likely to haunt his dreams and torment him mentally than to resort to kidnapping. Summers? Tommy hadn’t seen

him since the second night of Back in Business. He briefly wondered if it could tie back to Bobby Ray Gallimore, but there was no way to know.
“Alright, mother fuckers. I’m not sure what you think you’re gonna get out of this. I don’t have enough money to be worth a ransom. If you think the company I work for is gonna pay you a bunch of money, you’re probably gonna be disappointed. I don’t matter that much. So let’s just pull the van over, and you can either roll me out on the side of the road, or you can untie me and we’ll fight this thing out.”

There was no response, not that he really expected one. He had watched enough of those damned true-crime shows with Randi to know how this would probably play out. He wasn’t going to show any fear, but he assumed he was going to be taken to an abandoned building somewhere and likely tortured. For what? He wasn’t sure, but everyone who got abducted from a dark parking lot wound up tortured and eventually killed.

“You boys know, it takes some real pussies to jump a guy from behind, two-on-one, and then throw him in a van. That’s some bitch shit if I’ve ever heard it.”

They weren’t going to respond, so Tommy was at least going to get his money’s worth before they murdered him and threw his body in a ditch. Would anybody care? Randi would probably be sad for a while, but she was gorgeous, smart, and hilarious. She would find somebody else. Walker would never remember him. Rocco would probably find another up-and-comer to sign a contract. Hell, he may even rope that guy into a deal with Lucien. Crowe would be pissed off and would probably vow to find the people who did it, but he had already found another partner to work with. Russnow would probably schedule a tournament to name a new X Champion the next week after the customary 10-bell salute. It was a staggering realization when Tommy recognized that the world wouldn’t look that different the next day if he wasn’t a part of it.

It felt like the van had been driving for hours, but there was no way for Tommy to really know. He tried to keep up with what directions the driver was turning, but it just wasn’t possible. The hood was still over his head, and he was losing feeling in his hands and feet. He continued to hurl insults at whoever was in the van, but no one responded. In fact, none of them made a noise.

They drove, drove, and drove some more. Either because of the hood that was still over his head or the temperature in the van, Tommy was feeling ill. If they were going to murder him, why not just go ahead and do it? Suddenly, he felt the van take a hard left-hand turn and slow down. He assumed they had arrived at the location where someone would find his body a few days later.
Again, no one in the van said a word. He wasn’t even sure how many of them there were. Other than the two who had grabbed him and stuck the mask on his head, he had no idea how many other thugs were in the van. He heard the metal door slide open and felt four hands grab him. They dragged him a few feet away, and he felt the ends of his boots go from skidding across the pavement to some grass.

One of the abductors cut the tape free from his ankles and he tried to throw a kick in what he thought was his general direction but missed. The tape from his wrists was finally cut off, and he went for the hood on his head as quickly as he could. Somehow, by the time he snatched the black hood from his head, the men were gone, and so was the van.

Disoriented and angry, Tommy began to look around. He was standing near the front steps of a house that he had never seen before. Its towering walls seemed to reach into the sky. The landscaping was majestic, with brightly colored flowers lining the perfectly manicured sidewalks. Light purple wistaria scaled the outer walls, contrasting against the dark brick. Tommy had no idea where he was, but he was quite certain that there wasn’t a house anywhere in Sweetwater that looked like the one that he stood in front of.

There were no other homes in sight, and not a single street light illuminated the roadway. Where were the men who brought him here? Why was he still alive? His mind raced as he tried to process the questions that were coming faster than he could concoct answers to. He made his way slowly, cautiously to the large curved door at the front of the home, and reached for the doorbell. Before he could press the pearl-white button surrounded by an ornate bronze frame, the door swung open, and Tommy heard a familiar voice.

“Slate! Slate, our guest has finally arrived. Hello Mr. Bedlam, we’ve been waiting for you.”
He knew he had heard that voice before, but he was struggling to figure out where it was from. “Mr. Bedlam, please come in.”

Tommy looked up and down the street once more, but there was nothing in sight. This massive home was clearly isolated, and he had no idea where he was at. The woman was gorgeous and appeared to be in her 40s, maybe. She was wearing a dress that Tommy could only guess cost as much as his truck, and her black heels gave her a certain presence as she strolled across the tile floor in the foyer.

His mind was racing when he finally recognized the voice. It was the same one that he had heard in last night’s nightmare. That was the woman who was on the other ship when Tommy saw everyone he cared for drowning. Suddenly, the pieces were coming together. Keres was behind the abduction and everything else that had been going on.

The woman who stood in front of him in the atrium invited Tommy in, quickly bringing him into a grand dining room. There was a table that looked like it could seat 30 guests. Were there more people coming to whatever the hell this was? Tommy knew that Keres and Princess Nova had completely changed everything about Lizzie Rose who now went by “Elizabeth.” Was there plan to brainwash him and drag him into their little cult?

“Mr. Bedlam, please grab a seat. My husband will be with you in a moment. I’m going to go see what’s happening in the kitchen.”

As quickly as she had appeared, she was gone. Tommy could hear her designer heels clacking on the floor down the hallway. He sat down at one end of the huge table and started looking around for an exit. There had been so many twists and turns between the front door and the dining room, he wasn’t completely sure how to get back out. He damn sure wasn’t staying.
Instinctively, he reached his hand toward the back waistband of his jeans. He wasn’t going to wave his gun around, but he wanted to be sure that he could get to it quickly. It was gone. The Ruger 9mm that he always carried for personal protection wasn’t in the holster. The goons who jumped him must have taken it.

Tommy heard footsteps coming toward him from a distant hallway. He assumed that it was the same lady who had brought him into the house, but that wasn’t the case at all.

“Good evening Mr. Bedlam. So glad you could join us. My name is Slate Bassignani. Welcome to my…Residence.”

Tommy’s heart was beating in his throat, but he refused to show an ounce of fear. If he had survived being abducted from a parking lot, he was certain he could handle whatever this guy was going to throw at him.

Slate Bassignani had a look about him that intimidated everyone he came in contact with. His expensive suit was something even more high-end than the suits that Rocco and Lucien wore. His olive skin looked like it had been tanned in hours of the sunlight, but his dark, glaring eyes that set against it indicated that he was from the Mediterranean region. His jet-black hair made him look even younger.

“I assume you’re probably looking for this. I’m sorry that we had to confiscate it. It’s simply a security measure we have here at The Residence; no firearms.”
Slate Bassignani held up Tommy’s pistol and laid it on the table.

“With how you get people here, I can see why you don’t want them armed. I would have probably shot the place up and forced my way back out.”

“It’s nice that you think such a thing would even be plausible, Mr. Bedlam, but you wouldn’t have forced your way out. You see, you can’t come to The Residence unless we send for you and bring you, and you simply cannot leave until we decide that it’s time for you to go.”

“So what’s the deal, Mr. Bassignani? Do you mind if I just call you Slate? Your last name is a mouthful.”

“That’ll be fine. And since we’re dropping the formalities, I’ll just start calling you Tommy. I hate formalities, especially here at home. As far as ‘the deal,’ as you so eloquently put it, I’ve simply brought you here to talk about this little situation that we have concerning you and my daughter, Keres.”

“Ahh. So the little goth girl has her rich daddy trying to take me out before Winter Wasteland? I’m gonna be honest with you, Slate. That surprises me just a bit. I’ve already been in a couple of matches with your daughter, and she’s good. Tough girl. I’m sure you’re aware that my friend and I beat her and Princess Nova a few weeks back, and then The Buddy System beat all of us.”

Slate barely reacted to Tommy’s subtle jab at his daughter.

“I’m very much aware of all of that. I don’t typically attend the shows, but I keep up with everything that my little girl does. Her mother and I are quite proud of her, especially since she’s decided to pursue your X Title.”

“She’s pursuing it because I challenged her to a match for it.”

“You challenged her to a match for your title because we’ve made your life miserable. You see, Tommy, everything that you’ve been dealing with has been our work. The nightmares, the visions, all of it. We’ve been breaking you down from the inside out. I need to give you some credit, you’ve handled it better than most. Which is why I brought you here.”
“You brought me here to what? Kill me? Good luck, Slate. Do you want to keep me locked up until after Winter Wasteland? Again, I’m gonna say good luck.”

“None of that, Tommy. I want to make you an offer. Any sort of violence is an absolute last resort.”

“An offer?”

“Take a look around Tommy. I’m a very, very wealthy man. I know that you have a family, too. You’d do anything for Randi and Walker, wouldn’t you?”

There was certainly no denying that Slate was a man of means. His walls were covered in artwork that was clearly expensive. Tommy didn’t know anything about art, but it was clear that Slate treated it as an investment. The furniture in The Residence was all obviously high-end. Everything about the home exuded opulence.

“I would.”

Tommy gave a concise, cold answer. He hated hearing this man even say the name of his fiance and their baby.

“Now, I’ve made most of my money in art and literature, but I’m also somewhat familiar with wrestling. I know that as the X Champion, you make a bit more money. There are more merchandise sales. There are more endorsement opportunities. I know that you like bringing home more money to Randi and Walker, but what if I made you an offer that would completely change your life, and in turn, theirs? What sort of money would that look like? I’m a man of means, Tommy, and just like you, I’d do anything for my child.”

“So you brought me here to try to buy the X Title from me? Slate, I’m going to be honest, I’m a little surprised. I thought that Keres was a strong enough opponent to go out and win something on her own.”
“She is, but I’ve been told that you’re a man who likes to make deals. This wouldn’t be the first thing that you’ve sold, is it?”

Tommy wanted to pretend to not know what he was talking about, but he knew that doing so was stupid. Obviously, Slate had found out about the deal that Tommy had cut months ago with Lucien. He gave him a look from one end of the long dining table to the other and didn’t blink.

Slate pulled a checkbook and an ink pen from the pocket of his suit jacket. Even the pen that the man held looked like it was expensive.

“Alright, Tommy. Let’s cut to the chase. How many zeroes do I need to put on this check to make you throw the match? Let’s not act like you’d be the first person in the world of professional wrestling to take a dive for some extra money. I’ll give you enough money to make it possible for you to retire after Winter Wasteland. Obviously, you don’t have to if you want to keep wrestling, but you’d be free to walk away any time you’d like. How much would that take?”

Tommy chuckled and shook his head. Slate never took his dark, lifeless eyes away from him.

“Slate, don’t take this personally, but there’s nothing you could offer me to make me throw this match. I love being the X Champion. So, with all due respect, you can shove your checkbook up your ass.”

People didn’t typically talk to Slate Bassignani with such disrespect, and he was clearly annoyed. However, Slate had been involved in enough high-level negotiations to know that you never show weakness in any form. He calmly closed his checkbook and placed it back into his jacket.
“Tommy, how about we step into my den? The dining room feels so, so…formal. I know that you’re a man who enjoys a nice drink, and I have some old scotch down the hall that’s been waiting for an evening like this.”

As they stood up from the table, Slate picked up Tommy’s pistol and slid it in the front of his own waistband. As they made their way down the long hallway, Tommy couldn’t help but notice that there was more expensive artwork hanging from the walls. To no surprise, the den was filled with more of the same. In addition to the artwork that covered every wall, several bookshelves sagged under the weight of what Tommy could only assume were rare, expensive books.

Slate motioned for Tommy to sit down in one of the leather chairs as he moved to the other side of the desk. He poured a glass of scotch for Tommy and slid it toward him before pouring one for himself. Tommy had already decided that he wasn’t drinking anything that Slate offered him. He assumed that the man was simply looking for a way to poison him and get him out of the equation before Winter Wasteland.

Tommy was startled when he heard a voice on the other side of the door, and Eden, the woman whom he hadn’t seen since his arrival made her way in. She sat down in the chair closest to Tommy without a word.

“Tommy, I can’t help but notice that you look a bit haggard. How long has it been since you got a good night’s sleep?”
“Slate! That’s rude. You’ll have to excuse him, Mr. Bedlam. Sometimes he just doesn’t seem to have a filter between his brain and his mouth.”

“Please, let’s drop the Mr. and Mrs. stuff. And you don’t need to apologize. He’s right. I haven’t been sleeping too well lately.”

Tommy realized that there wasn’t any point in lying. Clearly, these people had the ability to know things that they had no business knowing. Tommy knew that whatever sort of dark magic they dabbled in was to blame for his lack of sleep, and perhaps more importantly, he knew that Slate knew.

“I suppose that I owe you an apology for that. Sometimes Keres gets a bit carried away, and I guess I should admit that she gets her persistence from me. But you have to understand, Tommy, you’re a large, hulking man. Moreover, you’re accomplished. A win over you would put Keres on a stage bigger than the one she already stands on. It would be great for ETERNAL, it would give even more credence to the life that we’ve erected in the TORN Universe, and it would allow us to reach even more people. Besides, some of the greatest champions in any walk of life were those who knew who to succeed in psychological warfare.”

“Well, considering Keres appears in some form in every nightmare, I had assumed that she had something to do with it.”

“Wasn’t the most recent one so much fun? The one with the ships, of course. Slate decided that it would be fun to put you in the middle of the story that Keres told just before the Garden of Eden match earlier this year. Granted, we didn’t expect you to have such a visceral reaction to that one.”

These people weren’t only haunting his dreams. Somehow, they had figured out how to watch his reaction to them.

“Alright, folks. Let’s cut through all the bullshit here. You’re not sorry about the bad dreams. Hell, I wouldn’t expect you to be sorry for them. They’re quite effective. I haven’t slept through a night in weeks. So what are we doing here?”
“I’m glad you asked, Tommy. Obviously, you weren’t moved by the money. I’ll concede that I’m a bit shocked by that. Perhaps you didn’t fully realize how much money I could have offered you, but regardless, the money is off the table. What if I offered you something even better than money?”

“Oh, good. I was hoping that we would go this route. I’ve been so troubled by the way that we’ve been accosting you during the night. However, I was glad that Keres was kind enough to give Walker that doll a couple of weeks back. She’s often had problems sharing and playing well with others.”

Instinctively, Tommy’s fist balled up. He considered knocking Eden out right where she sat, but he also knew that doing so would only make things more complicated for him. His tension wasn’t unnoticed.

“Tommy, calm down. You’re probably so on edge because you haven’t been resting. You miss your fiance and your little boy. Sending them away was a noble move. Not only did the purple-feather-clad doll let you know that there was trouble, but I know that you were at least a bit concerned that some of the violence that you saw in your dreams might come bubbling out. What if there was a way to make all of that end?”

“To make what end? The nightmares? Hell, Slate; I’m getting pretty used to not sleeping. I’m not completely sure that it matters anymore.”

Slate let out an audible laugh at the idiocy of what Tommy had just said.

“Even if that were true, Tommy, and it’s not, the offer that I’m making goes far beyond you getting a full eight hours. Your home really isn’t a home anymore, is it? With Randi and Walker gone to Tulsa, you’re back to living like you lived for years. Wouldn’t it be nice if everything went back to normal?”

Tommy felt the heat making its way up his neck. He sat the glass, still filled with scotch, back on Slate’s desk. He was afraid that he was going to squeeze it so hard that it exploded in his hand.
“And how do you propose that we make that possible, Slate?”

“It’s quite simple, really. I want my daughter to be the new FWA X Champion, and I believe that you’re a man of your word. Isn’t that a crucial part of that damned ‘cowboy code’ that you people in Texas talk about so much? If you make a promise to me that you’ll take a dive, I think we could make all of those nighttime issues go away. We, myself, my wife, and even Keres will stay out of your dreams. Also, there won’t be any more little gifts in Walker’s crib.”

Tommy had rejected the offer for money, so Slate was ramping things up. For a moment, Tommy mulled the offer over. He couldn’t help it. Physically, he was tired. Also, he hated the idea of going back to the apartment and not seeing Randi and Walker there. Should he take the deal? Slate leaned back in his chair and killed off the remaining scotch in his glass, a look of pure satisfaction on his face. He knew that the wheels were turning.

“Slate, I’d appreciate it if you stopped talking about Randi and Walker. Don’t take it personally, but I have an issue with someone who doesn’t really know me and my family talking about them.”

“Oh, Tommy. I find it both funny and sad that you don’t think I know them. I would venture a guess that I know more about them than you realize. Hell, I may know more about them than you do. I’m not sure if you’ve noticed this yet, but I don’t necessarily operate on the same plane that you live on. I have my ways, Tommy and my ways seem to be quite effective. We wanted you weakened, and you’re not looking particularly strong. We wanted you isolated, and the only people left in your corner are an aging Rocco and a distracted Chris Crowe. You take the deal, and everything goes away.”

“Slate, do you remember what I said you could do with your checkbook?”

“If I remember correctly, you told me that I could ‘shove it up my ass.”
“Your memory is good. You’ve obviously been sleeping well. If there’s any room up your ass beside that check you tried to write, you can slide this offer right up there with it. Now, if you folks will excuse me, I’ll be leaving.”

Tommy got up and stormed out of the den. Once again, his tendency to act first and think later bit him in the ass. He had no idea where he was going. Slate had already mentioned that people didn’t leave The Residence of their own accord. He stepped into the hallway and instinctively took a left-hand turn, walking back toward some of the gaudy, expensive artwork that he had noticed on his trip into the den. He heard footsteps coming behind him.

“Tommy, I’m not sure that you want to do this. Come back into the den and let’s talk this out. As we’ve already discussed, you’re not going to just walk out of my home. Not only do you not know the way, but there isn’t truly a way out.”

Tommy stood under what was undoubtedly an expensive painting of a naked woman resting on a cloud. He considered slamming Slate’s head into the glass, but this place had more corridors and corners than he could possibly imagine.

“I’m not going back to your den. I’m not drinking your scotch. I’m not taking any of your offers. I’m going to fight your daughter at Winter Wasteland, and when I beat her ass and keep my title, I’m going to find you, and I’m going to kill you. Slate, here’s an offer from me. Show me the door of this place and I’ll let you live to see tomorrow.”

Slate was not remotely moved by Tommy’s words. In fact, he let out a laugh. This wasn’t a bluff. Instead, it was a genuine laugh that echoed down the long hall with such power that it caused Eden to stick her head out of the den to see what the two men were joking about in the hall. She quickly realized, after looking at Tommy’s face, that there had been no jokes told. She knew what was coming, and it was anything but a laughing matter.

“Tommy, Tommy, Tommy. Once again, your temper and that damn mouth of yours are putting you in trouble. A moment ago, you asked me if I remembered what you had said to me in the dining hall. Of course, I remembered. In fact, I can’t recall the last time that someone spoke to me with such disrespect.”
Tommy had clearly gotten under Slate’s skin. There was a large vein in his right temple that bulged out through the place where his black hair met his olive skin. His dark eyes burned with a fury that Tommy had not yet seen as he moved in closer.

“The question is, Tommy Bedlam, do you remember what I said to you in the dining room just before I made you a very generous offer?”

Tommy’s mind raced as he tried to replay every word that he and Slate had spoken to each other since the master of The Residence made his way to the table. There had been a lot of words tossed back and forth, and Tommy was struggling to recall all of them.

“Let me help you out, you dumb fucking hick. I told you that any act of violence would be a last resort. I didn’t bring you here to hurt you. I had you brought here, to my not-so-humble abode to make you some offers that would make life better for you and your family. But you

have been impossible to deal with since the moment you were delivered to my door. With that said, I believe that violence is the only option that I have left.”

In one fluid motion, Slate let out a piercing whistle through his teeth as Tommy seamlessly grabbed the Ruger from the front of his waistband. He fired off a shot that Slate somehow managed to duck, causing the bullet to careen wildly between the narrow walls that lined the hallway. The bullet finally came to rest in the middle of a large painting of some dead Greek philosopher.

By the time Tommy got his bearings, the creature was only a few feet away from him. He had never seen anything quite like it. It was as though something had lept out of a horror movie and its hot, sulfuric breath beat against his face. Its own face looked like a woman. In fact, its eyes looked like Keres, Feminine in nature, but cold and demonic. The creature had fangs that dripped with a nauseating mix of saliva and blood. The creature had a mix of fur and scales lining its body and claws that looked like long blades.
Tommy could hear Slate screaming as he made his way down the seemingly endless hallway. “Eris! Destroy him!”

Tommy had never seen anything like the creature that stood before him. The top of its back seemed to scrape the vaulted ceiling of the hallway as its shoulders moved the picture frames that hung on each wall. It had stopped running and began to slowly, methodically make its way toward a backpedaling Tommy as he fired multiple shots at the beast.

She was impervious to it. The bullets hit her, seeming to pierce the hybrid of fur and scales, but nothing happened. In fact, Tommy was convinced that he saw her smile at him as the sixteenth and final round emptied from the clip. Angered and scared, Tommy slammed the gun into the floor as he turned to flee, trying desperately to create some separation between himself and whatever the hell Eris was.

Tommy made his way into a room that looked a lot like Slate’s den. There was expensive furniture everywhere and a roaring fire crackled in the corner fireplace that was surrounded by rocks. Tommy slammed the door and leaned against it for a moment, but it was futile. Eris mule-kicked the door with one of her massive back feet, ripping it from its hinges and throwing Tommy headlong into the stone hearth. He was immediately busted open.

Tommy grabbed some sort of ancient sword that was hung on the wall and began to wield it wildly at Eris. As he struggled to look through the steady stream of blood that slowly seeped down his face, he could see fur and scales flying wildly into the air, some of them landing in the fire.

Tommy finally lunged the blade forward, burying it in the neck of the beast. She raised up on her two hind legs and let out some sort of a roar that was mixed with a screech. The sound came forth with such veracity that it rattled the massive stained glass window that covered most of the wall furthest from the fireplace. For the first time since he laid eyes on Eris, she was reeling. However, his sword was stuck in her neck.
She was wounded as she began to careen off of the walls in the room. One errant bounce resulted in a large shelf that was filled with books falling dangerously close to the fire. One of the ancient tomes caught a spark, and before long, the entire shelf was engulfed in flames. The fire rapidly spread, catching the carpet, the walls, and everything else on fire.

As Eris’ blood mixed with the ever-spreading flames, Tommy realized how important it was for him to find a way out. There was simply no way for him to get around Eris and to the door. Even if he did, he had no idea where he would go. He had no time to think. Somehow, through the pain that she was obviously feeling, Eris locked her eyes on Tommy once more, seemingly drawn to the blood that poured from his head and down his face.

Tommy grabbed a large wooden African djembe that was starting to catch fire and threw it into the face of the wounded Eris. This time, there was no screech or growl. Instead, a wicked hiss came from the face of the beast. The eyes of Keres still locked firmly on Tommy who did the only thing that he knew to do. He hurled himself into the stained glass window, shattering it.

As he hurled helplessly into the night sky, not knowing where he was falling to or what he might land on, Tommy felt a surge of supernatural strength chorus through his veins. He couldn’t explain it, but as he watched Eris stand at the edge of the shattered window, he suddenly didn’t care if she dove out after him, which she did.

In addition to the amount of blood that was pouring from her neck, she was on fire. Tommy watched as the glowing ball of death fell toward him against the clear night sky. He didn’t think to look down at what he was falling toward until the last possible minute. He landed hard against the ground, instinctively rolling to try to lessen the impact.

He landed and didn’t seem to break any bones. He had no idea how far he had fallen, but the last thing he saw before hitting the ground was the spreading flames slowly consuming every inch of The Residence. As he slowly rose to his knees, he saw Eris slowing her run as she continued to burn and lose blood. For a moment, he hung his head and embraced the silence. That silence was shortlived, as he heard something coming toward him. What was that? It sounded like…applause?
“Excellent job, Tommy Bedlam! Absolutely incredible work, there. Rocco, do you think our boy is ready?”

“I believe he is. You OK, kid?”

Tommy was confused. He looked around, and suddenly, there was no burning mansion. His eyes darted through the darkness for any sign of Eris fleeing into the night, but there was nothing. From the shadows, Lucien and Rocco slowly made their way toward him.

“Seriously guys, somebody needs to tell me what the fuck is going on. Y’all got about 30 seconds to let me know what’s up.”

“Listen, kid, this match at Winter Wasteland isn’t like some of your matches from the past. Keres and the rest of her little universe have launched a full scale assault on you. Tape from past matches, scouting reports, none of that was going to help you.”

“Where the fuck have I been? Where am I now?!”

Tommy looked around and realized he was standing in the same parking lot that he had been taken from earlier in the night. How much earlier? He wasn’t sure.”

“You’ve been with some of my other…let’s call them ‘employees,’ shall we? Rocco has been keeping me up to date about everything that’s going on, and as I mentioned earlier, I know Slate Bassignani quite well.”
“So you sent me in to destroy him, The Residence, all of that?”

“Not quite. You see, Tommy, you never actually left this property.”

“I’ve been at your restaurant the whole time?”

“Well, you’ve been here the whole time. There is no restaurant. I’m busy enough with all my other investments. Putting a gourmet restaurant in Abilene, Texas sounds absolutely dreadful. You’ve never been to The Residence, but I orchestrated a few things, set up a temporary shop in this building, and had Rocco bring you here under the guise of a nice dinner. A couple of my guys-”


“That sounds bad. I prefer referring to them as trusted members of my team. Anyway, they picked you up, drove you around for a bit, and then dropped you back off.”

“Goddammit, you guys tried to kill me, and for what? What was the point of all that? That’s how you ‘protect your investment?!”

“Tommy, you gotta calm down. We did what needed to be done to make sure that you’re ready to put an end to Keres.”

“And how in the blue hell did trying to kill me in a flaming mansion with an angry beast set me up for that? I’m beat half to death here and have a big match coming up.”

“You’re only looking at the physical aspect of this, Tommy. That was the entire point. What did Rocco tell you earlier about the Keres in Greek mythology? They feasted on the bodies of

those who were dead, but they had no power to actually kill anyone. That’s why Keres and the rest of her ilk have been so relentless about tormenting you and trying to destroy what matters the most to you.”
Tommy was still annoyed, but at that point, he had no reason to not let Lucien finish.

“I wanted to make sure that nothing mattered more to you than keeping your title. That’s why I had my guy who was playing Slate offer you a shit ton of money. I wanted to know if you would put your financial future and the financial future of your family ahead of defending our title.”

“First of all, it’s my title. Second of all, what would you have done if I had taken the fake check from the fake Slate?”

“You would’ve cashed out. Hell, money is no object to me. But I would’ve known that you weren’t really interested in this whole thing.”

“And what about if I hate taken the truce offer? What then?”

“That would’ve probably taken a bit more work on my end, but I would have figured it out. There’s not much that I can’t make happen. But the important thing is that you didn’t take the offers. You’re all in, Tommy, and that’s what I need from you.”

“And Eris?”

“She wouldn’t have killed you. I’ve had her working for me for thousands of years. She knows her role. You were never going to die. You proved tonight that you’re not only physically stronger than Keres, but you’re able to handle anything her and the rest of the TORN Universe throw at you. Go home and get some rest.”

Rocco made his way over to the passenger side of Tommy’s truck as Tommy got in. He couldn’t remember the last time he had looked at his cell phone. He pulled it from his pocket and saw a text from Randi.

“We’re heading back your way. Should be back home around 5 AM. Can’t handle being away from you. Not scared of Keres. You can protect me ;-)”
Tommy backed out of the parking lot of the building that now looked abandoned, and couldn’t help but think of the first time he met Lucien at the former feed store that he had turned into a sprawling office. Most people would never understand how he could sell his soul, but they didn’t matter. His family was on their way home, and he was going to destroy Keres and keep his title.

“You alright, kid? I don’t want you to hate me, but I knew we needed to ramp things up.” “Hate you? Hell no, Rocco. I’ve been to hell and back, but I think it’s just what I needed.”
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Dirk Dickbutt

Dec 3, 2020
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The night time streets on the outskirts of Istanbul were near empty. It was late into the night as Sawyer stepped across the pavement, looking around the area. Somedays, he just needed to walk around. He looked at his watch, he hit 20k steps. Breaking off from his short sprint, Sawyer would lean alongside a wall, taking a breather.

It was only a few weeks until the moment he had wished for had arrived. A chance to showcase himself to the masses, to get his message out, to try and make the change that he needed. This match was more than just a match. It was a moment in history that would determine everything. Randall needed to be converted, or else everything would break apart.

Sawyer knew this was his final chance at breaking out. His one message would die if he couldn’t make Randall realize his destiny. This … fueled a desire in him. Not to win, but to inspire. He wanted to make sure Randall would know what it was like to be hungry again, to have a passion to excel in the business. This wasn’t for any bragging rights, this was to enlarge the spark and burn the people at the top.

Sawyer would continue to lean on the wall, slightly closing his eyes. He wanted to rest so badly, but couldn’t. He couldn’t let himself stop fighting for both men’s careers. Why should they be destined towards simply exciting a crowd. They were both starving for opportunity and moment, and he wanted to help both him and Jason feast on chance.

Sawyer kept his eyes closed, before bursting them open after hearing footsteps. He examined the environment around him, it was still the outskirts. Only, something was off. Everything looked the same, but there was something different, something hazy. He stepped off the way, looking around the street, when he saw a figure leaning on a street lamp the opposite side of him.

SAWYER: Hello? Are you okay over there?

The figure didn’t answer, but looked up, its eyes glaring at Sawyer. They almost had this tense, cold nature to them, but slightly softened at the look of Sawyer. It began to walk figure, its stature being oddly similar to Xavier … as it had a hood to cover its face. Sawyer would back up slightly, as the figure approached him, only to take off the hoodie. Here, we see a man who nearly looks identical bodywise to Sawyer, but his face was coated with hair. His eyes baggy, a drunken grin on his face.

SAWYER: You good man? You probably don’t want to be out this late, especially in your state. Lord knows how much that has screwed me.

The figure laughed, his laugh similar to Sawyer’s own. It was like looking into a distorted mirror, and Sawyer felt an uncanny feeling … and that’s when the figure spoke.

FUTURE SAWYER: There you are! Oh, to be young again. Better enjoy it before you get addicted to the hard stuff.

It was him. Sawyer was staring himself down, but it didn’t feel right. Nothing else made sense, except for the image in front of him. The older version let out a drunken burp, as he rested his hand on Sawyer’s shoulder.

FUTURE SAWYER: This is where everything went wrong. I remember it like it was yesterday. Winter Wasteland, Istanbul! I was backstage, readying for my biggest match to date. I had never had the chance to be on a stage until I decided to grow some balls and talk down Randall. I was in gorilla, as my music hit. And when I got on stage, my body froze. It was freaky, but I froze. I didn’t know what to do. That was the last chance I had. Of course, no need to worry you, but I just had the final hiccup.

SAWYER: Okay, let’s slow down. Who the hell are you? Why do you look like me, why do you know stuff about me?

FUTURE SAWYER: Look at me Sawyer. I’m you, if you just decided to give up and become a drunken old man. So, I guess I’m a future version of you.

SAWYER: Oh … okay. So, is this like a dream or something. Did someone slip me some LSD while I was eating. You can’t be me because I’m me, and I certainly am not that bad with my habits.

FUTURE SAWYER: Dream or not, I’m still you. I figured I’d pay you a visit, try to see what my younger self is doing before he fucks it all up. This is a big moment, I hope you know. If you mess this up, it’s game over.

Sawyer blinked repeatedly, slapping his face slightly. There was no pain to it, but it tingled slightly as he looked at another figure approaching from the shadows. Its feet stepped with the confidence of a stone-hearted man. His shoes appeared first, sleek black, matching the black dress pants. As the rest of its body walked into frame, it was another Sawyer. Only, this was a more modern version. Still youthful, but with a slight beard. His hair was cut, slicked back. He stared down Sawyer, with a look of disgust.

CORPORATE SAWYER: And look here. It's me, only a me who resents everything that I am. Tell me, Sawyer, do I intimidate you? Do I show off everything you wish you could be. You do hate the men in suits, because they’re holding you down. However, the only limitations you have are those you insist upon yourself. If you were to give up your barbaric nomadic ways and chose to put some dignity into your character, maybe you wouldn’t be so … what’s the word, Nugatory.

SAWYER: Do I have to even ask where you’re from. Look at you, this isn’t the Sawyer that said fuck the world when he was 18 and left to become his own thing. This … isn’t who I am. You are the amalgamation of everything I, no we, have fought against our entire careers. It’s always been marking our own destiny, and for what. You show up here, dressed up like a suck-up who’s going to go with the flow? You’re not me, you will never be me. I’m not going to put on a suit to appeal to anyone.

CORPORATE SAWYER: You might regret it. Picture the scene. Winter Wasteland. Jason Randall has just knocked you out. When you think your done, you get up and strike him. So, what does Randall do? He knocks you right out. That cycle repeats, until your strikes end up pitiful, broken, obsolete. Randall beats you until you give up. You head to the back in shame, when Jon Russnow approaches you. Next thing you know, you cut your hair, you put on one of the best beards in wrestling, and boom. You go from a zero with a passion to the top of the world. Maybe you should learn from me, and understand that sometimes, you just got to give into life.

Sawyer grit his teeth and went to throw a punch at the corporate version of himself. The suited man faded into mist as the fist flew through him, before materializing behind him. Sawyer would back up, staring at the older and cold-hearted versions, before bumping into another. This time, he had another suit, but it was white. This Sawyer dawned a cane and had a jolly smile on his face.

SAWYER X. BRILLIANT: Greetings kiddo! Sawyer X. Brilliant, famed protege of the infamous George E. Brilliant. Heard what these two were spitting from the outside, and decided to come in. You know what we all have in common? We all were at this exact same place, in the exact same time. All of us somehow ended up in Winter Wasteland, facing off against Jason Randall. However, instead of cold feet or getting my teeth kicked in, I took a more, devastating approach. Shit happens as they say, and boy shit did happen. My knee snapped. I mean, it was disgusting. Docs told me my career was donezo, but was I really going to let a simple injury take me away? It did, however, I decided to take up training from ol’ George, as I became the world-famed Sawyer X. Brilliant, manager and talent scouting extraordinaire.

SAWYER: Really, you let that hack keep riding around with you. All he was using me for was to get a paycheck. He didn’t care about me, he was making his name relevant because I was trying to be relevant. Let me guess, you’re going to give me a lecture on how I shouldn’t take this for granted. I know I shouldn’t, that’s why I’m trying my damn best to prepare myself for Randall. This is my moment, and I’m not going to let you or anyone else convince me otherwise.

The bearded Sawyer came and placed his hand on Sawyer's shoulder. He shook his head slightly in slight defeat, before staring into Sawyer’s eyes. Sawyer’s body shook, as the eyes he stared at were dead. They weren’t real, but they felt alive … they felt important.

OLDER SAWYER: That’s not the point, son. This is the point in time that matters most to you. Whatever happens in that ring will set you along the path for the rest of your career. You could end up like me, killing all my passion for business and becoming a drunk slob. You could end up like suits here, a corporate ass-kisser but having more success than we could dream for. Or, something could go freakishly wrong. You need to realize that this is your making point. Every Sawyer to this point has failed. None of us have been able to come out with a victory over Randall, and that’s fine. You can either take that in stride and choose to make your path, or you could prove yourself better than us and break that fact. You may become the only one of us to take out Randall. What you choose to do after that … nobody can tell you. This is your moment Sawyer, it’s make or break.

CORPORATE SAWYER: And if these two slobs are anything to speak about, I’m inclined to believe you’ll break … and break … and break again until you’re nothing but broken dreams and disgust. Maybe then, you’ll realize the good in stepping up to fill the void you didn’t want to fill.

SAWYER X. BRILLIANT: Don’t listen to him. Sawyer, you’re destined for greatness, and you are fingertips away from going full sprint towards it. Make your moment count, don’t let it go to waste.

Sawyer would nod slightly, as the figures started to fade away into mist. The environment began to shake, as a loud buzzing sound began to play. Sawyer backed up slightly before everything went dark … then he opened his eyes. The environment was still the same as before, but the Sawyer’s were gone. He breathed out slightly, before feeling the same buzzing sound. He quickly shuffled in his pockets, seeing a call from Oliver Kemp. He clicked accept, after staring blankly at it for a few seconds, trying to scramble back to normality.

KEMP: Where the hell are you? You promised to be back in an hour, and you’ve been gone for three. It’s getting a little tiring trying to come up with strategy without you.

SAWYER: Look, I’m sorry man. I got caught up with something. I found a voice … a few. I needed to hear that voice for a while. Besides, it’s my time. Nobody is forcing you to be awake, I’m a grown-up. We can discuss this in the morning when I get my voice situated.

KEMP: Alright fine, just, get back to the hotel as soon as possible. Can’t have you go rogue, again.

Kemp hung up, as Sawyer looked around the area. The figures of himself were gone. Was it just a dream … it sure didn’t feel like it. It felt like walking on a plain in between dreams and reality, a conversation with himself. He wanted his voice for so long, and he found three people with their own, all forged because of Jason.

Was this the chance to finally create himself what he desired? Was this the chance for Sawyer Xavier to grasp at opportunity, not just for himself but to prove to everyone that he deserved to be here? To prove to Randall that he deserved to be here. Hell, this was to prove to Randall that they both deserved to be here, to be more.

He wasn’t certain though, was he doing this for himself or the good of everyone. Were his desires to break the men at the top simply desires, or was he doing this for himself? Winter Wasteland is the final frontier, breaking off into dozens of paths. Anything could happen, and Sawyer was ready for it. For the first time … he was ready to lose, if it meant making a change for the better … or for the worse.​
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Sep 21, 2022
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“How’s that deal sound to you Baby?”

Gabrielle closes the door behind herself before directing her attention upon the man who had just spoken to her. She doesn’t reply immediately, just letting a wicked smile slink across her face as she stands there. Her blonde messy hair is ever so slightly curled and frames the delicate features of her face. Her skin, that iconic skintone sparkles and dazzles under the low lighting even more than usual, as she’s decorated with glitter. That glitter and the minimalist lace she wears locked in a battle currently to see which conceals more of her body. The lace wins…just. Lace in the form of a tiny, near sheer black bra, an even tinier matching lace G-string, and a sheer red mini skirt. Those three clothing items do very, very little to retain any kind of modesty for Gabrielle. Her knee high stiletto heeled black boots cover more of her figure than all of her ‘çlothing’ combined.

But that's kind of the point isn’t it. I mean who wants a reasonably clothed stripper?

“Well…how's that sound?” The man chimes in again as he absent mindedly wipes some glitter off his lap.

Gabrielle bites down on her bottom lip and steps away from the door, closing the distance between the two of them.

“So…I’d get to choose everything? She says with a playful mirth to her tone. It's not really a question, more of a provocation to get him to repeat himself.

“Yeah, you pick everything about it. The scene, the setting, your co-Star, what you’re willing to do on camera, the Director. The works, you can pick how many camera men we have, even the Title of the scene.”

“And the price?” She asks as she stops right in front of him, his eyes wandering up along her body until he’s staring into her eyes, while her focus starts in his eyes and drifts…lower.

“You name it, as many zeros as you need.”

Gabrielle smirks, and he hopefully grins back, he expects the worst while hoping for the best. He’s made similar offers to her several times in the past. In fact over the years many Directors, Producers, Casting Agents and the like in the Adult Entertainment industry have made offers like this to her over the years. And everytime Gabrielle has said no.

But this time could be different. In the past he’d take her out for dinner, wine and dine her, lay out a proposal for her on the table, which she’d turn down before he’d inevitably lay her out on her bed that night. Gabrielle doesn’t say “no” that regularly. Instead tonight, he’s gone to where he’s heard rumours that Gabrielle has been working. This Strip Club in Las Vegas, and it's surprisingly not as busy as you’d expect it is.

It's almost like most people don’t really believe that Gabrielle would actually be working here. That she’d be dancing on stage, stripping out of her clothes, giving out lapdances…or especially not her ‘backroom activities’. But when Desmond had heard the rumblings of Gabrielle working here, he knew it was true, and he knew this presented itself as a prime opportunity. One that he would need to swoop on before anyone else did.

When he walked into the Club the first girl he saw was Gabrielle on center stage dressed as a…there’s no other way to put it; a Slutty Cowgirl and working the Pole. She was being showered in money as she removed her clothing bit by bit until only a Cowgirl Hat, Boots, some Nipple Pasties, and a little Thong had remained. She’d locked eyes with Desmond and handed her Hat off to him. Desmond had chuckled as seemingly he was the only person who noticed all the other items of clothing she’d removed had ‘disappeared’ into the throng of people watching her.

When she was done she returned to the back, got dressed in her minimalist lace outfit and re-emerged. Greeting Desmond with a warm embrace, the two are friends after all, it’s just one of those friendships where one of them really, really wants to film the other one having butt sex and then post it all over the internet…

She had given him a lapdance in a quiet corner of the Club, grinding her body against his as the two had caught up. It was almost comical as this beautiful woman, dressed in just lace and leather writhed in this mans lap and they talked about how life had been going for each other. Gabrielle’s run in the FWA hadn’t panned out how she hoped, now she’s here. Desmonds business was taking a hit with the rise of Only Fans, now he’s here.

But it wasn’t long before he made that familiar proposal, which sparked Gabrielle to slide out of his lap, take him by the hand and lead him back to this private room. Somewhere she’s quite familiar with. Occasionally she brings someone back here, someone that catches her eye in some way. Sometimes it's as simple as a very private dance with no prying eyes and some intimate touching. Rarely things went all the way with Gabrielle bent over the table, or flat on her back on the couch. Most often it’d just see Gabrielle on her knees with her companion's hand on the back of her head.

If you asked her why she was so willing to perform fellatio on these strangers, she still wouldn’t have an answer. It just felt right in the moment. All that dancing, stripping, grinding, little touches and everything else all exciting her a little too much. Perhaps she’s just lonely after having abandoned her identity as a Professional Wrestler..

So this time was very different up to this point for Desmond’s meetings with Gabrielle. He hasn’t winded her or dined her, and he’s already got her alone. She allows the glitter to win its war with the lace as she unclasped her bra and tossed it aside. His eyes lighting up as she then sits in his lap, straddling his waist as they stare into each other's eyes.

“So…” She begins as she slides a hand between her legs and undoes his fly with an alarming degree of skill. “Any amount of money…” Her ‘negotiation skills’ on display as she then swiftly slides a hand down his pants.

Desmond grins from ear to ear as he relaxes into the chair, letting Gabrielle take charge as she leans in closer to him, whispering into his ear. Every word, and every sentence making his smile grow even wider before she leans back with a devilish smile firmly on her face as well.

Gabrielle the two time Back in Business Main Eventer slides out of his lap so she can free him of his pants before she gets in that familiar position on her knees in front of someone in this room. A position the World will get to watch her in within a couple of days as her first scene; Carnal Slutendership is released…


“Hows that deal sound to you Baby?”

Gabrielle closes the door behind herself before directing her attention upon the man who had just spoken to her. She doesn’t reply immediately, just letting an ever so slightly mischievous smile slink across her face as she stands there. Her brunette hair is ever so slightly curled and frames the delicate features of her face. Her skin, that iconic skintone sparkles and dazzles under the bright lighting even more than usual. It's a darker tone of Caramel now, more time spent out in the sun. Her tight denim jeans and a little white baby tee are locked in a battle currently to see which conceals more of her body. The denim wins…and quite easily so. The cloth of her baby tee, leaving much of her midriff and her cleavage bare. Some things never really change with Gabrielle, while some things inevitably do.

“Well…how's that sound?” The man chimes in again as he absent mindedly wipes some lint off his pants.

Gabrielle bites down on her bottom lip and steps away from the door, closing the distance between the two of them.

“So…I get it…the F1 Climaxxx…it sounds like a porno doesn’t it.” She says with a playful mirth to her tone. It's not really a question, more of a provocation to get him to repeat himself.

“Exactly. The F1 ClimaXXX starring Gabrielle in her return to Porn. It just makes so much sense, we can capitalise on that tournament. We’d be missing out on a huge opportunity if we don't take advantage of this.”

“How huge?” She asks as she stops right in front of him, his eyes drifting lower, from staring into her eyes he’s now unashamedly staring at her tits., while her focus had started lower before rising upwards to see the whites of his eyes.

“Well its a BIG tournament right.”

Gabrielle smirks, and he grins back hopefully, he expects the absolute best while also hoping for even better than the absolute best. Last time he made a similar pitch to Gabrielle was in that Strip Club, and everything worked out perfectly for him. He’d enjoyed every carnal delight imaginable with her in that back room she’d claimed as her own. Then the very next day they filmed her first scene to all her demands. It was more than anyone could have ever hoped for, Gabrielle didn’t just dip her toes into that new career, she dived in head first.

A well hung co-Star, a bigger list of sex acts performed, an entire crew of cameramen, and all for a sum of money that would shock the World with just how many zeros were involved. Desmond didn’t expect this time to be any different, she’d retired from this industry to return to the FWA, but from what he’d seen things weren’t working out for her.

But this time could be different. He’d taken her out to lunch, nothing special, nothing fancy, just a nice little cafe. It was nice for him being in her presence again. For most of this year he went everywhere with her. Gabrielle was on his arm everywhere he went, usually scantily clad at best and turning their heads whether he was taking her to a Porn shoot, a red carpet event, Dinner, or just to see the sights.

He’d felt like a King whenever he had Gabrielle on his arm. When she’d first signed onto his tactfully named ‘Stuffed Sluts’ Company it was such a thrill to go anywhere with her. She owned every room she walked into. She had this presence, this beauty that made every head turn. And as her ‘filmography’ had grown so did that feeling he got whenever he went anywhere with her. The more she did, the more the World wanted her, he felt powerful being the man that decided who could have her.

He’s missed that feeling. You’d think a man who routinely works with women desperate for approval, or money would just move onto the next girl. You’d think a man who was in the position to organise with essentially the highest bidder amongst the Pornographic Film Companies who gets to work with Gabrielle next and what she’ll be doing would have moved on. That sounds degrading, or even demeaning.

Maybe it's because Gabrielle had taken every scene on like a challenge’, but it never felt like he was degrading her. Just letting her do what she did best and getting to film it and profit from it. Just sitting with her for lunch, and watching all the glances thrown her way had brought back that sense of power he’d previously had.

But this time was different than the last, and he couldn’t ignore that. Last time she was barely clothed at all, and he couldn’t keep her off of his lap if he wanted too. He’s wined and dined her, and now has her alone. The denim continues its war with the cloth as she sits down beside him on the couch. A warm smile on her face as she tussles her hair.

“So…” He begins as he starts to undo his fly, sliding the zipper down as Gabrielle watches him, perhaps a little too intently. A little giggle escapes her lips as she subtly shakes her head. “Any amount of money…” He continues. “Last time, that deal we had…we can work a new deal out, whatever you need. Whatever you want for this I’ll pay it. Name your price, any price at all.”

He’s almost pleading with her by the end of it, his ‘negotiation skills’ are not quite as sinfully joyous or effective as Gabrielle’s…

“Des…I’m just not that person anymore. I want to be in the F1 Climaxxx, not just get filmed having guys climax on my face okay. I cant be that person anymore, I need to be someone else.”

“Well…” Desmond interjects. “What about what I saw a couple of weeks back? You and Mark? Tell me how does that work…you call him up and tell him you want to pretend to give him head for a Promo…then explain it all away in a dream?

Desmond stares into her eyes hopefully, one of her recent promos was a faux throwback to what he wants from her again after all. “You know Mark sent me a photo once you guys had ‘finished’ whatever that was right…”

Gabrielle nods her head, she cant pretend that didn’t happen after all. “You and what you offered were exactly what I needed in a certain part of my life Des…but not this time. You understand right?”

Desmond sighs as he sinks into the couch, looking absolutely deflated by what she has just told him. Gabrielle frowns as well before then sliding over closer to him, kneeling over top of him.

“Listen, in a weird way I’m flattered that still after all the movies I did for you that you still want more. Whatever kind of scene you want me to film, I’ve already done it, everyone can already watch it. Yet still everyone wants more. I need to give my everything to something else now. I gave you everything for as long as I did, now I’m doing something else...”

Desmond goes to reply but Gabrielle’s ‘negotiation skills’ are on display as she then swiftly slides a hand down his pants. Some things change, and some things never do, or they revert back to how they once were. Desmond puts the two time World Champion on her back easily where the denim and the white cloth both suddenly lose their battle in unison as they fly from her body like bullets out of a gun. Gabrielle doesn’t say “no” that regularly.


Gabrielle’s sexuality has dominated her 2023. It was a year that perhaps people had always expected to see from her, but still not really thought it would ever happen. Gabrielle was a Back In Business Main Eventer, a World Champion, the first Women’’s Champion…you get the idea. She was even inducted into the Hall of Fame this year.

But her sexuality always dominated her life, truth be told. Whether it was people passing judgement on her because of the way she looked and dressed, perhaps fairly so. Or all her exploits, all the rumours, the sex tape she’d later admit to leaking herself. Her sexuality was her ‘ace up the sleeve’. It opened doors for her, it brought her opportunities, it got the World paying attention to her right from day one all those years ago.

Her wardrobe was revealing, her tongue was always dancing across her bottom lip, she knew how to accentuate everything. She knew how to get what she wanted from anyone. Whatever that was. In 2023 it was an identity, it was praise, it was a feeling of worth and value, as sad as that may be.

In years past it was her greatest weapon. People wouldn’t take her as seriously, or people wouldn’t want to go too hard against her, less they ruin their chances of hooking up with her. Gabrielle always prided herself on her toughness for all those years, but she still made sure everyone who stepped in the ring with her had other thoughts in the back of their mind.

Last night it was how she got what she wanted. How she let Desmond down easily. He didn't get what he wanted, but he still got what he wanted. Perhaps it was a stress relief for Gabrielle as well, and a way to take her mind off of things for a while.

Her return to the FWA wasn’t quite panning out as grand as she had hoped. For all of Desmond's talk of Gabrielle’s ClimaXXX she wasn’t even in contention to make the F1 Climaxxx. Yesterday, sans some kind of miracle will be as close as Gabrielle gets to the Climaxxx this year.

She’s already fallen short in a couple of matches, maybe she’s rusty, maybe her 2023 exploits made her a little too comfortable with going down easily. Maybe last night despite everything was a nice reminder that there’s always options out there for Gabrielle.

Just not right now.

She stirs from her sleep, leaving Desmond alone in bed as she gets dressed into something comfortable and slinky. A little nightie that blissfully clings to her curves.She heads into her Kitchen, quickly making herself a coffee and then heading out to sit in what sunlight she can bask in. It's warm against her skin, and makes that famed skintone of hers sparkle.

Last night was fun, yesterday in general was perhaps something she’s needed. As the former Goddess was reborn for that day. Wined and dined, lusted after, wanted. She doesn’t want to be that anymore, or rather only that but it's still a rush to experience it.

But there’s a bigger rush she’s chasing. Something that her exploits of this year just couldn’t replicate, no matter what or who she did. All that sex, all the lights, all the camera’s, all the men were no replacement for that rush of stepping into an FWA ring with the World watching intently.

The roar of the fans, the thud of the canvas, even the pain that would run through her body at times. It's the rush of all rushes. One she’ll always be chasing, probably forever. One that brings heartache and sorrow with it that matches or even eclipses the joy you can feel in that ring.

She sips from her coffee, and retrieves her phone. Something about yesterday has suddenly brought all of this into focus. It would be so easy to just slip back into being the Goddess. She flicks through a few apps, it’d be so easy to just log into onlyfans right now and take her camera to Desmond for round two…or well round four as it actually is. But that's not what she’s after.

She opens up Instagram instead and starts a live stream as she sits there sipping her coffee. She gives it a few minutes, letting the masses join in to watch as she sits there smiling and occasionally waving. There’s something so simple and pure about this. The warmth of the morning sun, the stillness and coolness of the air. The decadence of the silk gown. And of course that Caramel skin tone of hers.

It betrays the sinfulness of last night, the sinfulness of the past year of her life and the temptations she’s felt in recent weeks. You could forget about all of that as you look upon this woman, this Mother, this Daughter, this Friend, this Wrestler.

Äfter enough time has passed for her fans to jump on board the livestream, she finally begins.

“So Winter Wasteland is almost here. The match I’ve been chasing for these past few weeks, the confrontation I’ve been after with young Elizabeth. No…that just doesn’t sound right Lizzie. You’re still Lizzie Rose to me.”

“And I know, after everything that happened between us in the past, I have no right to call you that, I have no right to deny you being who you are. But I know better Lizzie, I know better than you, and I know where this path you’re on leads. What you’re doing now, I’ve done before, not just too you but to countless others.”

“And while you might find some reward for who you’ve become in the present, it won't last, and you wont look back on any of this fondly at all. Just look at me Lizzie…I came back for four of the longest and hardest years of my life, the worst four years of my career. To finally hold a Championship I had to become everything I had hated about myself again. I had to sell out, I had to betray my conscience and single mindedly only care about winning.”

“I brought back Executive Excellence to become a Champion again, for that brief month. I betrayed my friends, I hurt you, I hurt Alyster…and I proved all my doubters like Cyrus Truth right in becoming that narcissistic ‘Goddess’ again. I don't look back at those decisions fondly, I don't look back on that month I spent as a Champion with Kayden proudly.”

“I don't want the same for you Lizzie. You don't deserve that, you don't deserve to feel so crushed. Where’s that blissfully happy, pure, woman I knew and saw something in gone?”

“The woman that glued her head to my wall…”

“Because I saw something great in that woman. And for all my faults, all my flaws, all my misdeeds I know talent when I see it. Perhaps it is my most underrated attribute, my least glorified skill. But what do all of these people have in common; Danny Toner, Drew Stevenson, Alyster Black, Cameron Cross, Dave Sullivan, James Hughes, Lizzie Rose…”

“I saw something in all of those people. Sometimes no one else did, sometimes I was just the first to see something special in them. But all of them went onto be Champions, all of them went onto do great things. All of them went onto be special, including you Lizzie. The former North American Champion. I wasn’t wrong about you was I?”

“Cleary not…because I didn’t just see greatness in you, I saw myself in you. I saw what once upon a time I could have been. I saw an innocence that I was jealous of. When I was a child, it was that innocent dreaming that made me chase greatness when I grew older. But I lost that innocence. The way people looked at me, talked about me, I couldn’t hide from that…and I used that, I leaned into that, I embraced that and lost my innocence.”

“But the Lizzie Rose I knew, the Lizzie Rose I miss was still innocent and pure. She dreamed big, and would never sell out or change herself to achieve those things.

“Lizzie I didn't come back to save myself from this identity of being remembered as a Whore, I came back to save you from being remembered as anything other than who you really are, deep down.”

“Lizzie Rose, make me proud of you.”

With that said Gabrielle signs off, ending her live stream and leaving all the words in the past. Mentor vs Mentee. Both of them became something that they wouldn’t recognise to get here, but both of them can become what they once knew again.​


Isn't that a daisy?
Sep 13, 2022
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, PA
A Coven Christmas


A Coven Christmas

Ah, Christmas time with The Coven. Some may think that witches do not know how to celebrate Christmas. But even the witchiest of witches are quite the fan of this holly jolly time of year. Perhaps not the whole birth of Jesus thing, but Santa? Everyone loves Santa, with nobody more so than Trixie Bordeaux.

Of course it was just your average fat guy with a fake beard, but she didn’t know that, and so the group of witches went to the mall. An excited Trixie jumped up and down giddily as she, along with her best friends Blair and Celestia Ravenwood, waited in line to meet the famed deliverer of gifts.

Trixie: OMG, there he is! It’s really him! Trixie said, shaking with excitement. I’ve never met Santa before…what do I say?

Celestia smiles at Trixie’s child-like excitement, all the while Blair rolls her eyes and stares back down at her phone.

Blair: Tell him that his fat ass needs to hit the gym.

Trixie: But that’s really mean. I don’t wanna make Santa sad!

Blair: Santa doesn’t like people who lie. If he catches people lying to him, then they’ll get put on the naughty list. You don’t want to be put on the naughty list, do you?

Trixie thinks for a moment. She really does want that Nimbus 2000 Broomstick that she asked for on her Christmas list, and if she gets put on the naughty list, Santa probably won’t give her it…

Trixie: …no?

Blair: Exactly! Trust me, he’ll be so grateful that you told him the truth that you’ll probably get everything you ever dreamed of!

Trixie: Woah…and I dream a lot, too!

Trixie says, imagining all of the presents she’s gonna be opening on Christmas morning.

Walmart Santa: Hello there, young lady…

Walmart Santa says with near to no enthusiasm as he quickly checks his phone, before looking up and seeing a beautiful blonde bombshell standing before him.

Suddenly, Walmart Santa’s “Christmas spirit” rises up, and he seems a little more interested in his job.

Trixie: He-Hello Mr. Santa!

Trixie says, becoming nervous all of a sudden.

Walmart Santa: Why don’t you come sit on my lap and we can make your Christmas wish come true…

Blair and Celestia share disgusted looks as Trixie naively skips forward and takes a seat on Walmart Santa’s knee.

Walmart Santa: Now then young lady, what would you like for Christmas, hm?

Santa says creepily as his hand slides slowly down Trixie’s back, venturing weirdly close to her butt.

Celestia notices this and is about to step in, when Blair stops her and tells her to wait.

Trixie: Well, I want a new broomstick…Celestia said she was gonna teach me how to fly!

Santa looks at Trixie confused, while Blair and Celestia giggles to themselves.

Trixie: I want some Jolly Ranchers, and I want the FWA World Championship, and I want Aaron Harrows to get a job in FWA, and I want my parents back, and I want a new book cover for my Great-Grandmama - since she said the one she’s wearing right now makes her look old fashioned, and…I want you to go to the gym and and lose some weight, because I want you to live forever and ever!

Santa’s pervy smile fades as Trixie very politely calls him fat.

Walmart Santa: What the hell, lady!?

Santa says, aggressively pushing Trixie off his lap. Trixie is completely stunned and looks a little shook by Santa’s reaction.

Trixie: Bu-But…I’m Trixie! I-I’ve sent you a letter every year since I was little…

Walmart Santa: You sent me-…

Walmart Santa looks completely shocked at this grown adult woman’s sheer gullibleness.


In a fit of anger, Santa rips his hat and fake white beard off, revealing himself a fraud. Trixie looks a mix of baffled and outraged…

Trixie: Yo-You’re a fake!?

…and suddenly, her mind rushes to the worst possible scenario.

Trixie: What have you done with the real Santa, you ugly fat kidnapper!?

Walmart Santa: Kidnapper? I haven’t kidnapped anyone! THERE’S NO SUCH THING AS SANTA! I can’t kidnap someone who doesn’t exist!


Trixie looks like she’s about to obliterate Walmart Santa’s “Jingle Bells” with one of her patented pee-pee punches, she’s so livid. Meanwhile Blair and Celestia stand off to the side, laughing their heads off as Trixie and fake Santa bicker.

Walmart Santa: Look lady, Santa isn’t real. It’s just some lie invented to trick kids and idiots like you! It’s all a big scam!


With basically the entire mall watching the scene unfolding before them, and envisioning headlines of “FWA Wrestler Bellatrix Bordeaux assaults Mall Santa’s “Jingle Bells” in heated altercation”, Blair and Celestia decide that now would be a good time to intervene.

Blair: Alright Chris Pringles, you’d best waddle on outta here before Trixie bludgeons you.

Walmart Santa: HA! What, this stupid little girl?

…and that was the last straw. Trixie, in a fit of rage, swings her foot and hoofs Walmart Santa directly in the pee-pee, before Blair and Celestia grabs Trixie and drags the enraged young woman away from the fat old man, who’s on the ground, clutching his balls.

Trixie: Lemme at ‘em! LEMME AT ‘EM!

Blair and Celestia carry the flailing and screaming Trixie out of the mall as the scene fades.

Later that evening, Blair and Celestia were left picking up the pieces for a distraught Trixie. After crying all night, Trixie had come to the conclusion that Christmas just wasn’t worth it anymore.

As she laid in bed, her Coven friends tucked her in, trying to comfort her.

Trixie: None of it matters now…

Celestia: Aw, Trix…that’s not true. One bad mall Santa can’t ruin your holiday cheer.

Blair: More importantly, it can’t get you thrown off track for what really matters.

Trixie: Christmas?

Blair: No! The Trios Championships.

Celestia: You know Blair, this reminds me of a story.

Trixie: Oh I love stories!

Celestia: Then you’ll definitely love this one. It’s called The Grinch Who Stole X-Mas.

Trixie sat on the edge of her bed, pulling her flannel nightgown down over both her knees as she listened intently.

How The Grinch Stole X-Mas


You’ve heard of The Grinch Who Stole Christmas, but have you heard of The Grinch Who Stole X-Mas?

Unlike the other Grinch, this Grinch was obsessed with X’s. For some reason instead of spelling words the correct way, he would use X’s instead.

That is why when the people of Whoville began celebrating X-Mas, the X Grinch himself could not stand it.

That was HIS letter.

How dare they say X-Mas.

It wasn’t a political thing. No he wasn’t one of those people who thought that Christmas was being “cancelled” or anything, and that you weren’t allowed to say it anymore.

No, he just thought the letter X was his.

So one night he snuck into Whoville, and tried to steal ALL of their X’s from the town.

Fred’s X-Treme sports became Fred’s -Treme Sports.

The Xfinity Mobile store was just Finity Mobile. How embarassing.

And don’t even get started on the XXX Porn Shop. Where will anyone get their Gabrielle Montgomery merchandise in Whoville now?

For the people of Whoville, X-Mas was ruined. And it was all because of this mean old Grinch. Despite the fact that he thought he was a smooth talker, a nice guy, someone people looked up to…all they saw him for was a mean old grinch. This was further proven by the mean folks he hung out with, like Nate and Jackson.

But just when you thought that X-Mas was over in Whoville, it was little Trixie Lou Who that would save X-Mas for all.


“Where are you X-Mas…why can’t I find you? Why have you gone away?”

It was the sweet innocence of Trixie Lou Who that finally broke through to the mean old X Grinch. His heart grew TEN sizes that day (Get it? X is ten in roman numerals, hehe).

No longer could you describe the grinch with stink, stank and stunk. No, because Trixie warmed his cold cold heart.

He realized that those mean folks he was hanging out with weren’t worth it, and neither were the X’s!

X-Mas was saved!

Trixie clapped at the story, already cheering up.

Trixie: Those characters seemed awfully familiar.

Celestia: Oh did they? Huh. Strange.

Trixie: Especially that Cindy Lou Who. Did you guys ever see the MOVIE? The little girl who plays Cindy Lou Who is great isn’t she?

Blair: Eh, I’m not a fan.

Celestia: It is a great Christmas story though.

Blair: You know, that reminds me. I have a story myself! It’s a Christmas Classic.

Trixie: Ooh, oh! Is it The Christmas Carol?

Blair: No, we couldn’t possibly tell such a layered story within such a limited amount of time.

Celestia: Whatever that means.

Blair: No no…this one…is Frosty The Undisputed Snowmen.

Again, Trixie leaned in to listen to yet another story.

Her christmas cheer already repairing with each and every word.

Frosty The Undisputed Snowmen


You’ve heard of Frosty The Snowman. But have you heard of his two pals Frosty The Undisputed Snowmen? See while Frost was a jolly happy soul, the Undisputed Snowmen were not so jolly.

But the kids who made him that day didn’t know that. No, the children Blair, Celestia, and Trixie had no idea.

So the three girls went ahead to build some fresh snowmen!

Blair started by rolling the big balls of snow.

While Celestia and Trixie gathered the ingredients to make these snowmen magic! For the first snowman, Blair added the smallest twigs she could find for arms. Because no one is impressed by the muscles! Then she got two carrots! One for the nose, and a much bigger one for…well…down below.

Meanwhile Celestia and Trixie worked on building the bigger snowman. This one was much uglier. Maybe not as mean as the other one though!

When it was all said and done, the Snowmen were finished! But one the three girls put the magic old silk hat on their heads, they came to life!


But the girls laughed. The snowmen didn’t have any championships. Maybe some day long ago in snowman land they were relevant. But ever since there was actually real competition in the tag team division, it just wasn’t the same. Oh how they longed for the days when it was just them and The Elite.

They didn’t take the news well.

The two mean snowmen began to chase the three girls around the town! They went Thumpety Thump thump over the hills of snow.

But the girls were too fast.

The snowmen wouldn’t catch them, and they wouldn’t catch the Trios Championships either.

With the story over, Trixie’s Christmas Cheer has grown even larger.

Trixie: I really liked the part about the extra carrot!

Blair: You know I really don’t think it’s as big as everyone says it is.

Celestia: It is…

Both Trixie and Blair shoot Celestia a look.

Celestia: Uhm…I mean…that’s what…friends have told me.

Blair: Ok then…well, Trixie…are you feeling better?

Despite the fact that Trixie was in fact feeling much better, she wasn’t beneath milking her friends for one more story before bed.

Trixie: Uh, er…no! I’m not. I think…I think one more story aughta do it though!

Blair lets out a large sigh.

Blair: Fine. This one…is called Trixie The Red Nosed Reindeer!

Trixie giggles with glee and claps her hands as Blair begins to tell the story.

Trixie The Red Nosed Reindeer


You’ve heard of Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer, but have you ever heard of Trixie The Red Nosed Reindeer? I mean you know Dasher, and Damcer, Prancer, Comet, Cupid, and well the rest.

But, do you recall the most famous Reindeer of all? It was Trixie of course! But…little Trixie The Red Nosed Reindeer stood out from the rest.

Not only was she the smallest Reindeer, but because of her little red nosed, nobody took her seriously? Including her Reindeer friends. Bla-I mean Blitzen. And Cel-...I mean Comet.

Trixie The Red Nosed Reindeer wanted SO badly to be apart of their group. But the other Reindeer were mean, and didn’t take Trixie seriously. They just used to laugh and call her names, and didn’t let her play in ANY of the Reindeer wrestling games.

Then one foggy Back In Business, Kleio came to say, Trixie…with your nose so bright, will you lead the Reindeer tonight?

And Trixie did. She along with Blitzen and Comet went blazing ahead. And it was Trixie who’s red nosed shined the brightest! It allowed the Reindeer to win the Trios Champions- er, to save Christmas!

After that, Trixie slowly became part of the Reindeer. A big part. The other reindeer began to respect her. They saw that her abilities were just as strong as theirs, if not better in some ways.

Ever since then, the Reindeer got stronger. Not just because of Trixie’s bright red nose, but because they were all working as a team. And that’s what Klei- Santa wanted all along!

With the story done, a tired Trixie begins to yawn.

Trixie: So…wait…who were those other reindeer supposed to be again?

Blair: Her friends.

Trixie: Right, but why were they so mean to her?

Celestia: Because, at first…they didn’t realize how important Trixie the Red Nosed Reindeer was. She brought a lot of skills to the Reindeer team that went underutilized for awhile.

Blair gives Celestia a look, and even begins to admit herself.

Blair: Yeah, I think…those Reindeer at first didn’t appreciate Trixie. But they wouldn’t have gotten this far if they didn’t have her. They can admit that.

But by the time Blair finishes talking, Trixie has fallen asleep. Snoring like a log with her head against the pillow.

Celestia nudges Blair, and the two begin to sneak out of the room.

Celestia: I think it’s safe to say her Christmas Spirit is back.

Blair: Good. The last thing we need is for that kid to be down a peg when we’re fighting against those three idiots. As much as it pains me to admit it…we need her. And for her to be on her A Game…she needs this.

Celestia: I think we’ll be okay Blair.

Celestia and Blair sneak off.

But as we look back to Trixie, we see she wasn’t asleep after all. She lets out a big smirk across her face.

For you see Trixie isn’t as dumb as people think she is. She knows that Blair and Celestia were the other Reindeer in the story. And she knows what they thought of her. But she also knows what they think of her now. The three of them have come a long way…and the fact is, Trixie knows just how important she is to her friends, and how important they are to her. Blair and Celestia may think it’s Christmas Spirit, but Trixie knows the truth. It’s friendship spirit. And that is something The Undisputed Xperienx will never have.

She also knew of course that Walmart Santa wasn’t real from the start. She isn’t a child, of course he wasn’t real…the real Santa is much fatter!
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Reactions: Dubb and WelshyBOI


Isn't that a daisy?
Sep 13, 2022
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, PA
Kleio's Home Alone


Little Kleio, a foster kid in a broken home, was once again considered the runt of the liter. In a crazy house filled with other foster kids, she was somehow the most disregarded.

As all of the other kids screamed and cried during dinner, as pizza was served by a family who was only doing it for a subsidy check, Kleio just sat quietly.

That is until a drink got knocked over, and somehow little Kleio got blamed.

Soon enough she was sent up to the attic, alone.

And that is how she woke up.

The rest of the foster family had gone on vacation, and had mistakenly left Kleio behind. But she didn't care! It was perfect for her. For once, she was at peace. Kleio ran downstairs, and jumped on the couch. She turned on the TV, and for once she had it all to herself. She enjoyed a nice episode of Spongebob, as she ate some cold pizza on the fride. She even plaid with her foster brother's iPad! She didn't get one, her foster father told her she didn't deserve.

All was well.

That is until, some crooks arrived at the front door!

Little Kleio was startled, as she poked her head through the curtain. She could hear them talking.

"And that's why, we're going to call ourselves The Hairy Bandits!" the one said.

"That's the stupidiest thing I ever heard, Jack" the one said.

"Aw come on Brooklyn. It's our calling card! We leave hair trimmings all over the house. That way they know we're Jack Hairy and Brooklyn Marv. The two biggest crooks in the city" he said.

"Good crooks don't want their name to be known. Besides, hair is sort of your thing".

Kleio gasped! These two were about to rob the house. She had to think of something. So she grabbed the remote and switched it to the quickest channel she could find! Luckily, a mobster movie was on.

"GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!" the tv screamed. It startled Jack Hairy, who jumped back.

Suddenly, the shooting started, and Jack and Brooklyn went running.

"What the hell! I thought you said they weren't home!" Brooklyn yelled at Jack.

"I didn't think they were!" he said.

The two ran off to go check. The TV saved her, just as it always had. That's why Kleio had the Television Championship after all. Kleio was smart, she knew they'd be back. They were after he title. So she did whatever she could to prepare. She spent the next few hours prepping the house as best as she could.

Soon enough, the bumbling thieves arrived yet again. And this time they meant business. But when Jack touched the doorknob, it was screeching hot! He screamed as loud as he could, and fell backwards into the snow.

"Come and get me you idiots!" Kleio yelled.

Brooklyn grumbled. Not falling for he tricks, he went around the back, but when he went up the stairs he slipped on ice!

The young Kleio had outsmarted them yet again! She had been outsmarted them every step of the way, and this was no different. They were after he championship, and she wasn't going to give it up without a fight. Soon the two busted through the door, but they were met with paint cans to the head!

They continued to chase Kleio. And eventually, Jack grabbed her by the leg.

"I got you, you little brat! You thought you could get one over on me with all your tricks. But guess what, I have a trick of my own! A monolgue! Muwahaha that is right! I am the monolgue king! I love monoluges! And now you're going to sit there and be bored to death as I go on one right now about why I am the greatest!"
he says.

Kleio screams and tries to cover her ears.

But the hairy bastard just keeps on going.

"Blah blah blah, Jack is the best! Because I am the best at monologues! Even though they're usually just a bunch of paragraphs that nobody reads. And you end up having to repeat a bunch of stuff to make it seem bigger. But that's what makes monologues so great you see. It's the classic wrestling promo. Good old traditional wrestling".

But, while Jack was going on his monolgue, Kleio through a spider in his face. The Hairy Bandit screamed as he then stumbled down the steps.

All that was left was Brooklyn! He stared Kleio down, but she ran up the steps as fast as she could. Soon enough, she was cornered in the attic.

"Nice try Kid. But here's the thing. Halloween is over. Nobody cares about witches or barbers. They care about me...obviously, a generic acting person with no personality! I should know, being that I'm brand new in this business and don't have many wins! And also totally failed as an actor and now this is my backup job. So obviously nothing can go wrong!"

Kleio smirks.

He underestimated her.

She wasn't just wearing a costume! She was a witch. And soon enough the attic filled with smoke.

Kleio was gone.

She wasn't a foster kid anymore.

This wasn't a flashback.

She had enough of those. The past was in the past. The only thing now is the future. Whether she wins or loses, she knows that things are looking up. She won her first title ever, she successfully defended it against Madison Gray. and she's leading the strongest stable in the FWA right now. Jack The Clipper and Brooklyn Steiner couldn't come close to that. Whether they get a win in this match or not.

No, Kleio accomplished something.

But she wasn't alone anymore. She had friends, and it was time she started to rely on them.​

Jazz Wolf

Friendship Wolf
Oct 20, 2022
Reaction score
The Pillow Fort
Favorite Wrestler







Insecurity In Security

It's the morning. Well, morning ish. It's double digits but not midday yet, so it's still morning, and that's the important thing. Within his classroom, currently empty because, yknow, holidays and all, Juan Tothrefor sat at his desk, idly debating what to get for the upcoming FWA secret santa. He was assigned Michelle von Horrowitz, what the fuck was he supposed to get her? A calendar of funny cats in amusing situations?

His laptop buzzed, a discord notification inviting him to a call. Without thinking twice, he idly threw on a headset and joined the call.

Immediately his ears were violated by the sound of his lucha compatriots, Halloween Knight and Trash Mammal, locked in a verbal battle, apparently about whether a hot dog was considered a sandwich. Juan promptly muted the call and continued quietly mulling things over in silence, until ten minutes later, he got another notification.

“Hola.” He greeted with a sigh.

“Juan, have you ever thought about adopting a police officer gimmick and calling yourself Nine Juan Juan?”

Juan once again muted the call for another ten minutes.

Ten minutes later, he finally rejoined the call. “Hey amigos. What’s a good gift for Michelle von Horrowitz?”

“A DVD boxset of Bear In The Big Blue House.”

"A pinata full of cocaine.”

“You two are terrible.”

“Thanks, sweetheart. Anyway, Juan, do we need ta talk about… The Thing?”

“You mean the 1982 John Carpenter movie?”

“No, Knight.”

“The 2011 edition? Boy, let me tell you, that movie gave me some THOUGHTS.”

“No, fer- No. The thing with those security bozos. Fuckin’ whosit. Triple Bypass Security or somethin’.”

“Oh, right. We did get arbitrarily challenged by a trio of historical losers out of the blue again, huh. Is this turning into a pattern? Can we get the trio of OMBHausen, Rawrdlow, and Michael Transactions next?”

“One of them was fired and another one died.”

“I like those odds.”

“Triple J Security. What’s the J even stand for?”

“Their names?”

“Nah. Probably something like… Jerks. Triple Jerks Security.”

“... Good one, Knight.”


“I’ve never seen a more hapless trio of nitwits and buffoons, and we just met the Bad Boys Bad Boy Band or somethin’, that’s taking the cake.”

“Y’know, I bet we could find a better trio of security guards than these bozos.”

“Oooh, a plan’s coming together. What’re you thinking about, Juan?”

“Let’s each hire our own security guard, bring them to dinner tonight, and we’ll see if a ragtag trio of randoms can secure something better than Triple J Security.”

“Now there’s a plan! On the count of three, we all scream Tr1ck or Tr4sh! Ready? One, two, th-”

Juan muted the call again without another word.



And upon the stage, the lone spotlight, the man dressed in a furry onesie competed with a matching fuzzy face mask, struck a dramatic hero pose, his hands on his hips, as Halloween Knight looked up with a notepad clutched in hand.

"So you're like a superhero-, crime fighter guy."


"And you're themed around-"



"I've mastered several forms of karate, that I have formed into my own fighting style, that I and only I can master, and no man can survive the deadly martial art- of Wombat Combat-! HI-YAH-!"

With that, Combat Wombat did a slow and some nervous-looking karate chop, at nothing in particular, the best possible way to show his deadly kung fu skills.

"Ok, so....All this? All this?"

Halloween Knight gestured with his hands up and down Combat Wombat's attire.

"I'm loving ALL of this. And I feel like you absolutely HAVE to teach me Wombat Combat by Combat Wombat, but here's the thing. Here's the deal, here's the dealio. Here's the sad and awful truth. We got a problem."


"Ok, well there's a challenge."


"Well, this is a covert operation, done in utmost secrecy, and I don't know if a combat wombat is going to blend in with such a secret operation.

"Just to confirm, you're a grown-ass man who dresses as a skeleton and likes to dance."


Cue awkward silence



"I don't see what point you're trying to make here."

Combat Wombat sighed to himself, unable to hide his disappointment.

"Well, if you need me...don't call me, I'll find you."


"I live in your basement."

"Wait, what?!"


POW, out of Combat Wombat's hand, he smashes a smoke bomb onto the ground, which releases an.... embarrassing lack of smoke, which results in another awkward silence as Combat Wombat and Halloween Knight maintain silent eye contact before Combat Wombat sigh and just walk off the stage.

With a sigh, Halloween Knight scratches off the second to last name on his pad; running out of people, he can audition and quickly gets worried he won't find someone for his security gig...when suddenly? Hope.

Hope walks through the door in the form of a very non-descript-looking middle-aged man in a security guard uniform. "Hello, hi. My name is Larry, and I'm here to audition for the role of Security Guard; oh, and I should say for this, I'll be using the acting depersonalization wipe technique to remove elements of my personality. I think you're not looking for...





"Thank you. That was my audition for a security guard, and my name is Larry Michaels....Or am I?"


"Hi, that was actually security guard audition Larry Michaels, One of my personas; I'm actually the real Larry Michaels-"


"Oh my god, you got to help me; I'm the real Larry Michaels. I took one acting class six years ago, and my soul splintered into eight different Larry Michaels who hunger for validation! Now, please, you got to help me; I haven't seen my wife and kids in years because I've been suppressed in the-"


"That wasn't supposed to happen, but you have to admit it does show range".

He was perfect.


“Roight. Roight. If I were some kinda security-type fella, what’d I need to be good at security-type things?” Trash Mammal wondered aloud, idly tapping his snout as searched within his trusty receptacle of information - namely, the dumpster behind the arena. Shifting aside important confidential contractual documents that probably should’ve been shredded, he inspected a receipt for a blender, before summarily discarding it. “Huh, someone brought one of those.”

Aside from a half-eaten apple, the search had been fruitless. No pun intended. He sat in the rim on the dumpster, expression torn in concentration, as he pressed a finger against his temple. “Y’know, I moight be approaching’ this in the wrong directional degree. Think, Basura, think. Yer’ a thief, you like to steal shit. Security guys exist to stop you from stealin’ shit. Ergo, a good security guy is someone who can stop me from stealin’ shit, fer one reason or another. So… A good security guy is someone who can prevent me from stealin’ some shit with just a look. They gotta be big, a brick shithouse of a person. They gotta look loike they can crush my face between their pecs. They gotta look like they eat nukes an’ shit out… uh. Bigger nukes. Or is it worse nukes? They’re a nuke incubator, or something, I don’t- Alright, Basura, put that train in reverse, we’re leaving the station too early. They’re intimidatin’, that’s the big thing. So, question is… Where can I find a big ol’ beefcake of an intimidator? A walkin’ slab of muscles, who has to enter a room sideways cos’ their shoulders are too wide?”

Trash Mammal squinted, before snapping his fingers, eyes growing wide. “A’ course! A security guard is a beefcake of insecurity, an’ who are the beefiest, most insecure guys on the planet? Gym Junkies! Basura, you idiot, you’re a fuckin’ genius!” He exclaimed, throwing a fist into the air. He rummaged through the dumpster again, grabbing an out-of-date newspaper to quickly find the location of the closest gym…

Which, conveniently, was just next door, which saves the time of writing a transition scene. Running a hand through the patch of fuzz on his mask, Trash Mammal confidently strode directly into the gym, the receptionist too bewildered by the approach of a man-sized rodent to tell him to, rightly, fuck off. Instead, they quietly sat back in their chair and vowed to check themselves into rehab as soon as possible. There was only one man inside the gym, doing bicep curls in the corner, mumbling to himself all the while. He was large, muscular, a big ol’ beefy fuck, and Trash Mammal audibly gasped, delighted that his search was over so soon.

Oblivious to his presence, the gym junkie continued doing bicep curls in the corner. Politely waiting for him to finish - it’s rude to interrupt someone’s gym routine, y’know - Trash Mammal texted his success to the Tr1ck or Tr4sh group chat, as the gym junkie finally stood, putting the weight back on the shelf.

Trash Mammal cleared his throat, eyeing the muscles on the man’s shoulder. “Scuze me, fella, I don’ mean ta interrupt, but I couldn’t help but…” He grinned in victory, eyeing the massive right arm of the man. “Notice how… Intimidating you are.”

The gym junkie turned to face Trash Mammal, and Trash’s gaze fell to the other side of the man’s body. “... At least, yer roight side is.” He said, torn between triumph and dejection. Whilst the man’s right arm was a swole beauty of muscles and power, his left was… Not. Limpy, puny, spindly, Trash Mammal glanced back and forth between the two appendages.

“Oh, thank you for noticing.” The gym junkie replied, smiling. “I do try to maintain my image, it’s nice to have some recognition. I’m ‘Strong Arm’ Ron Armstrong.” ‘Strong Arm’ Ron Armstrong greeted, extending his right hand out. “Called as such, on account of my-”

“Yer strong arm, yeah, I - I put that together.” Trash Mammal noted, accepting the handshake, mildly surprised at how light the hand was. “Not strong arms? Plural?”

“No sir.” ‘Strong Arm’ Ron Armstrong shook his head. “I only got one strong arm, so I figure keep things in line, y’know?” ‘Strong Arm’ Ron Armstrong said, gesturing to his arm. Particularly, the smaller, limp noodle left arm.

Trash Mammal stared quizzically at ‘Strong Arm’ Ron Armstrong noodle-like arm, the math in his head not quite adding together. “... That’s your strong arm?”

‘Strong Arm’ Ron Armstrong nodded. “Yup.”

Trash Mammal blinked, and stared at the oversized right arm. “... Not that one?”

“Oh, goodness no.” ‘Strong Arm’ Ron Armstrong said, chuckling. “Those are my glamor muscles.”

“Glamor muscles.”
Trash Mammal quietly repeated. “Roight.” He glanced at ‘Strong Arm’ Ron Armstrong’s left arm. “Ya mind if i-”

“Oh, no, go ahead.” ‘Strong Arm’ Ron Armstrong replied, holding his left arm out for a handshake. Trash Mammal hesitantly accepted the handshake, and had to bite his lip to stop from shrieking out loud as ‘Strong Arm’ Ron Armstrong nearly crushed his hand without even exerting any visible effort.

“Yeah, no, that’s - Yeah, that’s strong, that is.”

“Hence the nickname, ‘Strong Arm’ Ron Armstrong.”
‘Strong Arm’ Ron Armstrong declared. What a tongue twister of a name. Say that five times real fast and try not to get tripped up.

“Hm.” Trash Mammal narrowed his eyes, considering. “Well… You’re intimidatin’ from one side. Good enough by my books. You ever thought ta be a security guard?”


Juan Tothrefor sat in the booth of the restaurant, staring at the floor and twiddling his thumbs, avoiding eye contact as Halloween Knight & Trash Mammal stared at him in disbelief.

“Juan, this was your idea.” Trash Mammal said.

“I know.”

“I spent five thousand dollars renting out a room to hold auditions, and you FORGOT to even look for a guy?!?” Halloween Knight shrieked.

“I didn’t forget!” Juan Tothrefor replied. “I just- Look, you try finding a present for Michelle von Horrowitz that’s under fifty dollars! Look, my security guy is waiting just… Just over there, see?” Juan pointed behind the other two. Trash & Knight immediately turned around, and Juan grabbed a passing waiter, forcing him into the empty seat beside him with a startled yelp.

“What’s the big ide- oh, hey Juan.” Lou Cha said, eyes glimmering in admiration.

“... Lou Cha is your security guy?” Trash Mammal noted with a raised eyebrow.

“Who’s Lou Cha?” Halloween Knight asked, leaning in to whisper to Trash. “Do- Do know him?”

Trash opened his mouth, then summarily closed it when he realized he genuinely wasn’t sure how to answer that question.

“Now, Lou Cha may LOOK like he got put in a microwave and left out in the sun for a few months-”

“I’ve been working on my tan, thank you for noticing.” Lou beamed, pointing to a patch of skin on his arm that was a crispy bright red, as opposed to the remainder of his body that was a blinding pale.

“But I assure you, Lou is MORE than qualified to be the best security guard of all time.”

“I- I am?”

"Sure you are! You're... You probably have hidden talents or something, right?"

An awkward silence ensured.

“Ha!” Halloween Knight laughed, beckoning his security guard over with a hand. “I’d like to see him try against my handpicked security guard, LARRY STEVENS!”

Larry Stevens waved politely. “Hello.”


"How'd ya do?"

“Is this the- Should I do the thing?” Larry asked, looking at Halloween Knight expectantly. Knight nodded. Larry shuddered, going through his split personalities until he found the security guard one. “Halt! This is a restricted area. I’m going to have to ask you to leave.”

Juan & Trash ‘oooh’d’, impressed. “He’s got a good voice.” Juan noted.

“Alright, Larold, what if I refuse to leave?” Trash asked.

Larry blinked. “Sorry?”

“You asked me to leave. What if I say no?”

“I…” Larry glanced at Halloween Knight. “I don’t- This wasn’t in the script?”


“I’ll… I’ll ask you to leave again in a slightly more insistent tone.”

Trash Mammal shrugged. “Still here. Now what?”

Larry looked at Halloween Knight, and shrugged.

“Do the- Do the ‘help I’m trapped inside of myself’ thing, with your split personalities.”

“Oh. I dunno, that doesn’t seem appropriate.”

“... Please?”


“This seems medically inaccurate.” Juan noted with a sigh. “What do you got, Trash?”

“I’m glad you asked! Presenting, the most intimidating guy in the room, ‘Strong Arm’ Ron Armstrong!” Trash Mammal declared, pulling a blanket off of the person beside him. ‘Strong Arm’ Ron Armstrong waved, his right side facing the trio.

“Ooooh, look at that bicep!” Juan cheered.

“What a beefy boi!” Halloween Knight echoed.

“Yup! As long as you view ‘Strong Arm’ Ron Armstrong from this specific angle, he’s extremely intimidating, doncha agree?” Trash Mammal asked, vocally triumphant.

Juan hummed. “That’s an oddly specific requirement. Why this angle?”

“No reason.”

“Well, what happens if I walk around and look at him from- Oh. Oh yeah no, I see why there is a lack of plural in that nickname.” Juan noted. "That looks like a flaccid penis. You know?"

“I assure you, that arm may look as weak as a flaccid penis, but it's as strong and virile as the opposite of that." Trash Mammal said, before visually giving up. "Damn. You weren’t supposed to view him from any other angle.”

“I mean, you’re right, from this one angle he’s extremely intimidating, granted. It's just from the other side that it's all... Limp penis.”

“Alright, so, let’s recap. In an effort to arrange a security trio more effective than Triple J Security, we’ve assembled a man with split personality disorder, a man who only works out on one arm, and… Lou Cha.”


“Quiet, Lou.”

“So, in summary, were we successful in our endeavor?”

“... Hm. What say you, Trash? You’re the thief.”

“I mean." Trash Mammal glanced at the three 'guards' with an expression that seemed to exhume sadness. "I’d probably hesitate to steal from anyone who hired these guys, because anything that is being protected by them probably isn’t worth stealing. No offense, Larry, Ron.”

“… Does that mean we win? Are these guys more or less qualified than Triple J Security?”

“... Both, kinda.”

“Hm. What were the parameters of the bet again?”

“... I don’t know, man. It’s fuckin’ Triple J Security. I wouldn’t even trust them to look after a plastic plant without somehow killing it through incompetence. This was all just window dressing to serve a point that I don’t think we even bothered to discuss.”

“... Who’s the bigger guy who can only say one word?”

“Jugem Jugem?”

“Yeah, he seems neat. It’s a fun word to say. Jugem Jugem.”

“What, Jugem Jugem?”

“Yeah, Jugem Jugem.”

“Jugem Jugem?”

“Jugem Jugem.”

“Jugem Jugem Jugem Jugem Jugem Jugem Jugem Jugem Jugem Jugem- oh god my brain is starting to hurt.” Halloween Knight cried, clutching his skull.

“Yeah, let’s just… Leave. Lou, you good to foot the bill, right?” Juan said, getting up and starting to walk away without waiting for a response.

“What? Oh, uh sure!”

“Thanks, later dawg.” Trash Mammal casually pointed a pair of fingerguns at Lou, as he dragged a pained Halloween Knight away. Lou vibrated in joy.

“Did you hear that, Larry? Ron? I’m their dawg.”

“Congratulations, Lou.”

“Everything’s coming up Lou!”

Ten minutes later, Lou Cha was summarily fired for abandoning his waiter post, and arrested for being unable to pay the bill.​
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Dec 4, 2023
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The bright vignette unfolds, casting a nostalgic glow on the earlier days of La Sombra Filosa – a hero adorned in vibrant colors, adored by fans, and soaring through the air with grace. Cheers resonate through the arena as the footage captures his triumphant moments. But then, the scene shifts.

The hues fade to grayscale, the vibrant colors draining away as the video chronicles the fateful day of the knee injury. The cheers morph into gasps, and the lively atmosphere turns somber. La Sombra Filosa, once a symbol of hope, now clutches his injured knee, the pain etched across his masked face.

As the footage turns grungey and black-and-white, a stark transformation unfolds. La Sombra Filosa, now shrouded in darkness, emerges with a menacing demeanor. The scenes of violence and chaos unfold, capturing the raw intensity of his new persona. Shadows dance across his figure as he unleashes relentless strikes and brutal maneuvers.

The crowd, once filled with cheers, now watches in awe and trepidation as the grungey black-and-white footage unfolds, revealing the depths of La Sombra Filosa's descent into darkness. The imagery echoes the struggles, the pain, and the violent rebirth of a fallen hero.

The vignette concludes with La Sombra Filosa standing tall, his silhouette imposing against a backdrop of shadows. The grungey, black-and-white footage leaves an indelible mark, a testament to the haunting journey that led him to this enigmatic and vengeful incarnation.