stephan1 said:It'll probably be a DLC. It's not enough to make 50-60 dollars off the game. THQ has to get you to pay 10-20 more for DLC.
stephan1 said:It'll probably be a DLC. It's not enough to make 50-60 dollars off the game. THQ has to get you to pay 10-20 more for DLC.
stephan1 said:tbh i think WWE should give the game to 2k or EA. They'd do a lot better with it than THQ. What do you think?
Leo C said:I've read discussions on this. It might not be that good, think about it: THQ has worked with wrestling games for over 10 years. They know the tricks of the trade, they're probably the company with the most experience. If you handed the game to any other company, you'd probably have something like TNA/AAA games, not very good, because it's the first time they're working with it. In a few years, could they get better? Yes. Would it be a good idea immediately? No.
stephan1 said:THQ is going broke, that's why they make DLC's. If I have to put up with some low quality games for a couple years but it will mean no DLC's and they company will actually listen to the fans, like adding GM Mode, I'll take it.
Plus, if they do hand it to another company, the company will just take Previous WWE/SvR games by THQ and make it better than THQ seemed to. It's not like they have to start from scratch.
Stopspot said:Bleacher Report reported via IGN the full WWE 13 roster.
LOL no Del Rio. One thought winning the Royal Rumble and Money in the bank plus the WWE title twice would qualify you for the video game.
wwerulesrkolover23 said:AND NO RILEY? NOOOOOOOO...
And who're in the Diva's set? tunga:
Stopspot said:All the divas are mentioned in the OP. You just have to read through the list.
stephan1 said:i dont get why there are 3 different mick foley characters. why not just have 1 and be able to change them up. like changing attires for kane and masked kane
Big Hoss Rambler said:They better get Otunga's entrance right.