Full Throttle

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Feb 7, 2007
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Id really like a HHH sig, I will rep!!

The Wrestling Addict

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Jun 30, 2011
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The Dirty South
Since it's a Pay Per View and is only two weeks away, I figured I'd go ahead and post a thread on this in creative.

Matches so far

Main Event: Fire and Ice vs. Bromance for the Tag Titles in a Tables, Ladders, and Cane match (Will be announced this week)

Syn vs. Charlie White for the WKF World Title

Eric Snow vs. Mr. Bobby Beach vs. Alexi Arilenko for the NA Title (Will be announced this week)

Candy vs. Lila (Will be announced this week. Angled match, obviously.)

Matches that should be added

JC Epick vs. Chris Kline

Kai vs. Xavier Donovan (This can be an angled match since Manon has to rp for a world title match.)

Roger Ruiz vs. The Reaper vs. Milenko for the Rampage Title

Ron the Crusher and Chaos vs. Chucho and DJ PJ

What you guys think?


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Jun 30, 2011
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Louisville, KY
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Sounds good man.

The Boondocks

Jun 30, 2011
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Central Minnesota
Since it's a Pay Per View and is only two weeks away, I figured I'd go ahead and post a thread on this in creative.

Matches so far

Main Event: Fire and Ice vs. Bromance for the Tag Titles in a Tables, Ladders, and Cane match (Will be announced this week)

Syn vs. Charlie White for the WKF World Title

Eric Snow vs. Mr. Bobby Beach vs. Alexi Arilenko for the NA Title (Will be announced this week)

These three look good to go.

Candy vs. Lila (Will be announced this week. Angled match, obviously.)

Nosies on writing it.

Matches that should be added

JC Epick vs. Chris Kline

Kai vs. Xavier Donovan (This can be an angled match since Manon has to rp for a world title match.)

These two look good.

Roger Ruiz vs. The Reaper vs. Milenko for the Rampage Title

This has to happen under Rampage rules?

Ron the Crusher and Chaos vs. Chucho and DJ PJ

Dark match time?

What you guys think?

The Wrestling Addict

Active Member
Jun 30, 2011
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The Dirty South
We will scrape the dark match since how Ron the Crusher pm'd me and told me he needed next week off, plus Chucho pm'd me and said he was done with WKF. And DJ PJ and Chaos are handled by Sting who I haven't seen in a while.

The Wrestling Addict

Active Member
Jun 30, 2011
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The Dirty South
The Wrestling Kings Federation Presents:


Event: Full Throttle
Venue: Skydome in Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Date: September 2, 2011
Air Time: Live on PPV from 8:00-11:00 PM Eastern Time.


"Remedy" by Seether continues to fill the Skydome in Toronto as the fans are going nuts! Leonard Scott and Mac Reynolds attempt to welcome everyone to the show on commentary but it is hard to hear them over the screaming fans.

Leonard Scott: Listen carefully because it is so hard to hear over all of these feisty fans! Welcome to Full Throttle, ladies and gentlemen! We are from the Skydome in Toronto, Ontario, Canada with a packed crowd of 65, 277 people here to see what is going to be a huge pay per view!

Mac Reynolds: You can bet your ass it is going to be huge! We also want to send out a huge thanks to Seether for tonight's theme, "Remedy"! Be sure to check it out on Itunes! It is going to be explosive with the seven matches we have in store for you here tonight!

Leonard Scott: And one of those matches is our huge tag team TLC main event! Fire and Ice look to seek retribution on Bromance for screwing them over at the Champions Showcase. The titles will be hanging from above and the first team to pull them down will be our World Tag Champs but Fire and Ice are out to do more than win the titles tonight!

Mac Reynolds: Also we have Syn defending his World Title against Charlie White. Will Charlie White capture the World Title and will he get his girlfriend Cindy, back from Syn?

Leonard Scott: We will find all that out and more, tonight!

All of the lights in the dome suddenly turn off as a video package is played on the titantron, hyping all of tonight's matches and reviewing each feud. After the video is finished, the lights come back on and we head down to the ring where Justin Cash is all set to introduce the opening contest.

The Soviet Russia National Anthem fills the arena and the crowd gives a mixed reaction as Alexi Arilenko makes his way onto the stage, glancing coldly into the crowd as he walks down the ramp to the ring.

Justin Cash: The following contest is a Triple Threat Match scheduled for one fall, and is for the WKF North American Championship! Introducing the challengers, first, from San Diego, California, weighing in at 237 pounds, Alexi Arilenko!

Leonard Scott: And we kick things off with the North American title match between Bobby Beach, Eric Snow, and this man who, according to many, may have had an ulterior motive when he didn’t show up to that tag team match a few weeks back .

Mac Reynolds: I still say he had a good reason to not show up that night!

Good Lookin’ Guy plays and the fans boo heavily as Mr. Bobby Beach made his way down to the ring slowly, flexing his muscles and running a comb through his hair as he strolled down to the ring.

Justin Cash: And also from San Diego, California, weighing in at 245 pounds, “The Beach Terror” Mr. Bobby Beach!

Leonard Scott: Although he wasn’t in action, Bobby Beach’s bodyguard, Dino Colada, defeated Eric Snow in a match on Carnage last week. Whether or not he managed to weaken the NA Champion, we’ll find out in just a bit.

Pardon Me plays and pyro shoots out of the stage. The pyro clears, and the fans erupt as Eric Snow stands on the stage, holding up the NA title above his head, before walking down to the ring.

Justin Cash: And from Chicago, Illinois, weighing in at 200 pounds, he is the WKF North American Champion, “The X Factor” Eric Snow!

Snow rolls into the ring and hands the ref his title, staring down both Arilenko and Beach as the ref holds it up in the air, then signals for the bell to start the match off! The three start circling each other for a moment, before Arilenko and Snow suddenly run at Beach and begin double teaming him, backing him into a corner. They drag Beach out of the corner and set him up, then drop him with a double suplex. Beach tries to get back to his feet as he is again shoved back into a corner and stomped by Snow and Arilenko.

Leonard Scott: It looks like Alexi and Snow are going right after Beach in the early going to get rid of the larger competitor in this match!

Mac Reynolds: It’s a good strategy, but there is only so long these guys can work together before they start going after eachother.

Beach gets whipped into another corner and Eric goes to charge at him, but Arilenko grabs him and slams him hard into the corner and begins laying into him with the elbows to the jaw. He whips him to the opposite corner, and Beach moved out of the way just in time as Snow slams into the corner. He sends Alexi down to a knee with a kick to the midsection, and then goes to Irish whip him into Snow’s corner, but Alexi reverses it and sends Beach right into Snow. He charges at them, but Beach catches him with a boot to the jaw, knocking him down. Beach turns his attention back to Snow and grabs him, then suplexed him out of the corner. He quickly goes for the pin.


Tw-Arilenko breaks up the count!

Arilenko picks Beach up by the hair, but Beach nails him with a big right hand, forcing him to let go. He gets behind Arilenko and goes for a German Suplex, but Arilenko blocks it. He goes for it again, but Arilenko counters it with a Snapmare takeover. Beach gets back to his feet, and gets dropped back down with a dropkick from Arilenko. He picks Beach back up and forearms him in the face a few times, before bouncing off of the ropes and dropping him with a hard Lariat. He bounces off the ropes again, and hits a leg drop right across the throat of Beach. He goes back over to Snow and picks him up, but Snow jumps up and catches him with a step up enzuigiri. Arilenko staggers and Snow runs at him and rolls him up for the pin!



THR-Kick out by Arilenko!

Leonard Scott: Eric is trying to end this one early!

Both men get back to their feet and Arilenko goes for a clothesline, but Snow counters it with a victory roll pin!



THR-Again Arilenko kicks out!

Both men get up to their feet and Snow goes for another roll up, but Arilenko counters it into a fujiwara armbar. Snow screams in pain and desperately tries to either break the hold or get to the ropes while Arilenko Cranks up the pressure on the hold. It looks like Snow is going to submit, when Beach comes out of nowhere and breaks up the hold. He picks Arilenko up and tosses him out onto the ring apron and runs at him, but gets a shoulder to the midsection. Arilenko goes for a sunset flip, but Snow uses Beach as a step up and catches him with a flying knee to the jaw, sending him crashing down to the floor!

Mac Reynolds: I think i could hear his jaw crack from that shot all the way over here!

Snow turns back to Beach and kicks him in the leg, sending him down to a knee. He bounces off the ropes, and gets caught coming in with a powerslam. He pulls him up by the hair and picks him up for a powerbomb position, then tosses him spine first into a corner! Beach drags Snow away from the corner and goes for the pin, but Arilenko grabs him by the ankle and pulls him out of the ring to break up the pin!

Leonard Scott: Arilenko makes the save before the count is made and the match continues!

Mac Reynolds: How the hell did he get back up after that knee to the jaw from snow earlier!? That one should have knocked him out cold!

Arilenko pulls Beach forward, and then sends him right into the ring apron. He unloads with a few punches to the body, then goes bash Beach’s head off the steel steps, but Beach blocks it. He goes for it again, and Beach blocks it again and elbows Arilenko in the ribs, sending him backwards. The two men start brawling on the arena floor, neither man sees that Snow has recovered in the ring. He bounces off the ropes and springboards, and then takes both of them out with a No Handed Corkscrew Shooting Star Press!

Leonard Scott: Holy shit! Did you see the height, the elevation that Eric Snow got on that one!?

Mac Reynolds: It looked like the kid came out of orbit and crashed right on top of BOTH Bobby Beach and Arilenko!

The crowd roared and started a "Holy Shit!" chant as all three men are down and struggling to stand up at this point. Snow finally makes it back to his feet and pulls Arilenko back up to his feet, before tossing him back into the ring. He rolls back in and waits as Arilenko gets to his knees, before hitting him with a stiff kick straight to the chest. He brings his leg back, and hits him again with another hard kick. Snow hits Arilenko with two more kicks, before dropping him with a devastating buzzsaw kick right to the side of the head! He goes right for the pin.



THR-Arilenko just barely kicks out right before the two count!

Leonard Scott: That was as close as close can come to a three count! What an opening contest!

Snow gets back to his feet and goes over to the corner and climbs up to the top ropes, thinking about ending this one with The X-Splash. He gets up to the top and goes to leap, but Beach gets up to the ring apron and shoves him off of the top, sending him crashing into the guard rail! Arilenko and Snow are both down and out, while Beach is shaking out the cobwebs on the ring apron. He climbs up to the top rope, then leaps off and goes for a diving fist drop, but Arilenko moves out of the way and Beach ends up crashing down to the canvas.

Mac Reynolds: I think Beach might have broken his hand with that one!

He gets up to knees, holding his hand in agonizing pain as Arilenko bounces off the ropes, but catches him coming in with a snap powerslam. Beach gets back to his feet, still favoring his hand, then screamed at Arilenko to get up. Arilenko staggered back to his feet, and Beach got behind him and locked in a rear waist lock, before sending him flying with a germen suplex! He keeps his hands locked around Arilenko as he gets back to his feet, and drills him with a second germen suplex! He again keeps his hands locked around Arilenko as he goes for a third germen, but Arilenko blocks it. Beach clubs Arilenko in the back of the head and neck a few times, and then goes for it again, but Arilenko blocks it and rolls forward for the rolling heel trip, then locks in the ankle lock!

Leonard Scott: Ankle Lock! Alexi Arilenko has the Ankle Lock on tight, and Beach has nowhere to go!

Mac Reynolds: Beach might have to tap out here; he’s trapped in the middle of the ring!

Beach screams in pain as he scratches and claws his way to the ropes, with Arilenko trying to drag him back to the middle of the ring. Beach manages to roll forward and sends Arilenko face first into the bottom turnbuckle to break the hold. Beach gets up to a knee as Arilenko staggers out of the corner, then gets up and grabs Arilenko, before drilling him skull first into the mat with a vicious Piledriver!

Leonard Scott: Piledriver! Beach hit the Piledriver! This has got to be it!

Beach rolls over and hooks Arilenko’s leg for the pin.



THR-Snow springboards in and breaks up the pin with The X-Splash!

Leonard Scott: He broke it up with The X-Splash!

Mac Reynolds: He had no other choice Leonard! It was either pull out The X-Splash, or he would lose the NA title to Bobby Beach!

A “This Is Awesome!” Chant fills the arena as all three men try to recover in the ring, all down and exhausted from the match taking place. Snow rolls over and covers Beach.



THRE-Kickout by Beach at two and a half!

Snow quickly climbs over to Arilenko and hooks the leg for the pin.



THRE-Kickout by Arilenko!

Snow moans in fustration as he gets back to his feet and went to pick up Beach. He gives him a hard knife edge chop, then whips him to the ropes. He goes for a back body drop, but Beach counters it with a swinging neckbreaker. Beach gets back to his feet, clutching his lower back in pain, before making his way over towards a corner and up to the top rope. He gets up top, then dives and drives the point of his elbow right into the heart of Eric Snow! Snow rolls around, holding his chest in pain as Beach is on all fours, trying to get back to his feet. He makes it back up, then pulls Snow up to his feet and onto his shoulders, going for The Burning Hammer. Snow tries to fight out of it, and manages to get ahold of Beach's head and goes for Sliced Bread, but Beach counters it and sends Snow flying across the ring. Snow stumbles back to his feet and Beach picks him back up onto his shoulders, and drills him with The Burning Hammer!

Leonard Scott: BURNING HAMMER! Burning Hammer by Beach, and I don't think Snow has enough left in the tank to kick out!

Beach drops down and goes for the pin.



THR-Arilenko manages to break up the pin!

Leonard Scott: Arilenko manages to break up the pin just a hair before the three count! If he was a second later, we would be crowning a new North American Champion!

Arilenko went to pick Beach up, but Beach raked his eyes, blinding him and sending him stumbling backwards. Beach then irish whips him hard into a corner and charges, but Arilenko reverses it and sends Beach chest first into the turnbuckle. Arilenko then begins shoulder blocking Beach in the back, smashing him into the corner even further. He lets Beach stagger out of the corner, then climbs up to the second rope and leaps hittting a tornado ddt, spiking Beach right ontop of his head! Arilenko quickly goes for the pin.



THR-Beach gets the shoulder up right before the count of three!

Arilenko pounds the mat in fustration, then imediatly goes on the attack and locks in a sitting cobra clutch. Beach yelled out in pain as he tries to make it to the ropes while Arilenko applys more pressure to the hold. Beach slowly tries to get back to his feet, and suddenly breaks the hold with a modified arm drag, taking Arilenko out of the ring and onto the ring apron. Beach goes over to Arilenko and grabs him, before bringning him back into the ring with a hard suplex. He goes for a pin, but Snow comes out of nowhere and breaks it up before the ref makes the one count! Snow brings Beach up to his feet and kicks him in the knee. He kicks him again in the midsection, then drops him with a spinning wheel kick to the jaw. Snow looks down at Beach to make sure that he's down, before climbing up to the top rope, looking to end this match. He stands up on the top rope, then leaps and comes crashing down onto Beach with The X-Splash! He gets back to his feet, clutching his ribs as he tries to go for the pin, but Arilenko attacks him from behind! Arilenko starts throwing elbows at Snow, before whipping him to the ropes, and Snow holds onto the ropes. Arilenko charges, and Snow sends him flying over the top ropes with a back body drop. Snow gets out onto the ring and onto the ring apron and waits as Arilenko gets back to his feet. He runs and leaps at him, but Arilenko catches him in mid air and drives him spine first into the steel steps with a Powerslam!!!

Leonard Scott: Jesus Christ! Did you hear the sound of Eric Snow's back smashing into the steel off that Powerslam!?!

Mac Reynolds: Spine met steel Leonard, and steel won that one!

Arilenko picks up Snow's limp form and tosses him back into the ring, bafore sliding in after him. He slips behind him and goes for the Reverse Powerslam, but Snow manages to counter it into a victory roll!




Justin Cash: Here is your winner, and STILL the WKF North American Champion, "The X-Factor" Eric Snow!

Leonard Scott: Eric Snow manages to retain his title in a very highly contested match up! What a great way to start off our pay-per-view!

Snow rolls out of the ring and grabs his title, holding it up high as the crowd gives a great response.

We go to the back where Ricky Ranson walks inside the lockeroom of Candy Lebebe where she is seen getting ready for her match against Lila Vasquez later on.

Ricky Ranson: Candy, I wanted to get a word with you before your match tonight because if you think back a few months ago, you were in the same position as myself and tonight you will be competing in your first match. How does it feel, knowing that you will have to step inside the ring tonight?

Candy Lebebe: I have anger wanting to bulge out, from inside of me. Ricky, I am ready to release it and I am ready to release it on that skank Lila! I'm tired of the bull shit! I am ready to step inside that ring and beat Lila. I am not just going to defeat her, I am going to hurt her. I am going to put her through a shitload of pain. I will take her down to the mat, and then I will stomp on her repeatedly so that she realizes, you don't fuck with someone's emotions.

Ricky Ranson: That certainly will be interesting. Who do you think will walk out with a victory when Syn defends his World Title against Charlie White?

Candy Lebebe: I honestly don't know. To be honest, I am not sure if anyone can beat Syn. However, if their is anyone out there who can, it's Charlie White. He hasn't been beaten yet but Syn hasn't been beaten in that ring since winning that World Title. I know that Syn has Charlie White right where he wants him and has the psychological advantage over him by kidnapping his girlfriend. Now I don't want to talk about Syn any longer. Syn is in my past and even though I'm not sure who will win, I hope that White beats his ass. Now if you could excuse me so I can focus on my match, please?

Ricky Ranson thanks her and then leaves.

Leonard Scott: And now we're going to hear from WKF's newest acquisition, a man by the name of Raffi Vangelion. He's asked for a few minutes of time tonight to introduce himself.

The shot fades in, revealing a plain white background. A man walks into the shot from the left. He is wearing a cream-colored suit, with a light blue shirt and a white tie. He slowly walks to the center of the shot. He then turns and faces the camera.

Hello, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Raffi Vangelion. But tonight I don't want to talk about myself. I want to talk about you! We've seen some great matches tonight. At least, I think so. Don't you agree? Because it's not about what I think. It's about what you think. Remember, you have the power. What I've seen tonight has left me absolutely impressed. I'll be wrestling for this company in the very near future, and I can see there's a tough road ahead! The matches we've seen so far tonight: so much passion, so much heart shown from everybody in that ring! But only a select few can be winners. The so-called "losers," they left everything they had out there, and they did it for you. They deserved to win just as much as the winners! Don't you agree?

Raffi begins to pace around, keeping his focus on the camera. He is intent, determined, but still relaxed and charming.

Those losers, they probably did what most of you do. They prayed. They hoped. They dreamed. They asked someone for forgiveness, inspiration, assistance. THEY DIDN'T GET IT. Everything they did, and they still didn't get what they wanted. That's simply not fair. Don't you agree? They pushed their hands together, they turned their heads skyward, and they asked an invisible man for help. They shouldn't have done that. They shouldn't have to do that. They shouldn't have to beg some fairy tale for help! Because, ladies and gentlemen, help is right here.

He puts his hands on his chest and flashes a heartfelt grin.

I'm not god. I'm just a man, like you. But what I can do for you is this: I can be there. I can be there to answer your questions, to provide you with guidance, to bring you back from the depths. And I won't give you a list of rules to follow on a stone tablet. You don't need to be told what to do! Don't you agree? Your morals, your values, whatever you want to call them, they mean so much more if you genuinely believe in them. Do what you believe is right, but only for the right reasons. Sure, the 8th Commandment tells you not to bear false witness. But you KNOW, sometimes you have to tell a lie or two for the right reasons. You know your own path. For some of you, you "losers," your path will intersect with mine. When our paths do cross, I will do what your god has failed to do. I will listen to you, and I will help you. I think you'll agree.

Raffi begins to walk out of frame, back where he came from. He stops at the edge of the frame and looks back.

I'm here...I'm here for you.

Justin Cash: The following contest is a triple threat match and it will be contested under Rampage Rules! The first man to score a pinfall will not only win the match but will be crowned the Rampage Champion!

Undertaker's ministry theme fills the PA system and all of the lights in the arena go out. When they come back on, Reaper is being lowered from the rafters to the top of the entrance stage. He has his signature golf club in hand but this time it is looking quite a bit different as it has barbed wire wrapped around it. An evil smirk hit's Reaper's face as he enters the ring.

Justin Cash: From a Dark Basement, in Winchester, Kentucky, weighing in at 268 pounds, One member of the Disciples of Syn, The Reaper!

Once he enters, "The Great Milenko" by the Insane Clown Possee plays and all of the lights go out, just like Reaper's entrance. This time when they come back on, Milenko is standing behind The Reaper inside the ring and Lilith is at ringside.

Justin Cash: From the Dark Carnival, weighing in at 225 pounds, The Great Milenko!

Reaper turns around and both men have a stare down while "Undead" by Hollywood Undead hits and The Rampage Champion, himself enters through the curtain.

Justin Cash: From Beverly Hills, California, weighing in at 220 pounds, He is one member of the Resistance and is your reigning and defending Rampage Champion, The Overnight Celebrity, Roger Ruiz!

The Overnight Celebrity struts down to the ring as the fans give him a huge pop. He hands the referee his Rampage title and winks at his opponents as the referee signals for the bell to be rung, to get this match underway. The Reaper begins to throws strikes at both of his opponents with the barbed wire golf club but both duck and move out of the way.

Ruiz kicks The Reaper in the gut and works together with Milenko for a second to double suplex the Reaper. Roger Ruiz picks up the barbed wire golf club and tosses it outside the ring.

Leonard Scott:
Smart move by The Overnight Celebrity because no telling what The Reaper or even Milenko would do with that barbed wire golf club. I have never seen two sick individuals like Reaper and Milenko.

The Reaper gets up quickly and goes to clothesline Milenko out of the ring but Milenko ducks and sends him over the top rope and on to the outside. Milenko leaps over the top rope, going for a diving cross body on Reaper but Reaper moves out of the way and he crashes on the arena floor. Roger Ruiz comes running from inside the ring and dives through the middle rope with a suicide dive on The Reaper! He follows up by going for the pin on the outside.


Mac Reynolds:
Remember in Rampage Rules, falls count anywhere.



All three men get to their feet and Milenko goes for a superkick on Ruiz but he ducks and Milenko connects with a superkick to Reaper, who was standing behind Roger Ruiz. Milenko goes for the pin but Ruiz breaks it before even a two count. A fan hands The Overnight Celebrity a chair and he uses it to smack Milenko in the back with it.

Leonard Scott:
Chair shot to the back of Milenko!

He then throws a chair shot at The Reaper, while he's down. Ruiz pulls a sharpie out of his tights and autographs the chair. He hands the chair back to the fan to keep, and the fan jumps in joy.

Mac Reynolds:
He needs to worry about winning this match, not signing autographs.

Roger Ruiz picks up Milenko for a suplex on the outside but Milenko reverses into a suplex of his own. Milenko grabs a kendo stick from underneath the ring.

Leonard Scott:
That must be a singapore cane for the Tables, Ladders, and Canes match later on.

Milenko cracks the kendo stick on the temple of Roger Ruiz's head. He throws a shot at the Reaper but Reaper ducks, kicks him in the gut, and plants him with a snap DDT, on the concrete. Reaper picks up the kendo stick and breaks it in half across his leg! The Reaper grabs Ruiz and rolls him back inside the ring. He goes for the Lock of Death early on but Ruiz kicks him away. Roger Ruiz rolls him up with a school boy pin.



Milenko runs in from the outside and breaks up the count. The Great Milenko picks up Roger Ruiz and snaps his neck with a neck breaker down to the floor. The Reaper gets out of the ring and looks underneath the ring. He grabs a table and slides it inside the ring. He sets it up in the ring but Milenko kicks him in the head with the Murder-Go-Round! Milenko goes to the outside and grabs gasoline with a lighter!

Leonard Scott:
He's going to set the table on fire!

Milenko sets the table on fire but Roger Ruiz runs at him and clotheslines him! He lifts up Milenko above his head and powerbombs him through the flaming table as all the fans chant "Holy Shit!" in unison.

Mac Reynolds:
Oh my God, someone call the fire department!

While Milenko is out, The Reaper locks in his figure four leg lock version of the Lock of Death. Roger Ruiz covers Milenko for the pin while the Lock of Death is still applied. The referee counts the cover for Ruiz but Milenko taps out from the Lock of Death at a two count! The referee doesn't see him submit and brings his arm for a third count! He raises Ruiz's hand and calls for the bell but before Justin Cash can announce Roger Ruiz as the winner, The Reaper jumps Ruiz from behind. He takes The Overnight Celebrity down with a Reaping Death Drop and then hits The Reaping Death Drop on the referee!

Leonard Scott:
This is uncalled for! Sure he might have tapped out but that double finish was hard to call. I am pretty sure the referee was going to name Ruiz as the winner and The Reaper realized this and jumped both Ruiz and the official from behind.

He walks over and steals a microphone from Justin Cash and grabs the Rampage Title.

The Reaper:
I don't care who the referee was about to announce as Champ because I obviously won the match! Ladies and gentlemen, your winner and new Rampage Champion, The Reaper!

He throws down the microphone and walks out with Ruiz's Rampage Championship.

Mac Reynolds:
Who cares about the referee. Reaper clearly won the match.

Duality plays over the PA system, causing the crowd boos heavily as the lights go off for a moment, covering the arena in total darkness. They come back on a moment later, and Lila is sitting on one of the top turnbuckles, giving a sickeningly sweet and sinister smile.

Justin Cash: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from Parts unknown, “The devil’s Angel” Lila!

Leonard Scott: This match is probably one of the more personal matches on the card tonight. Candy had her heart broken by Lila’s husband, Syn, and Lila has done nothing but rubbed it in every chance she got. Not to mention we got word just a moment ago that this match will now be contested under no count outs, no disqualification, and falls count anywhere in the arena! Candy may very well get the chance to gain some revenge just yet!

Mac Reynolds: Not a chance boy! Lila has been training with the World Heavyweight Champion, as well as the rest of the Disciples of Syn, meaning she’s been taught by the very best this company has to offer in ways to physically dismantle somebody!

The crowd, as well as Lila, all wait for Candy to make her entrance, but she doesn’t show up. They wait a few moments longer, and still nothing. Everyone looks a bit confused as they all wonder what's going on.

Leonard Scott: Where’s Candy? After that interview with Ranson earlier, there’s no way she would miss the chance to get back at Lila.

Mac Reynolds: Maybe she’s still hung up over what Syn did to her. I mean, she didn’t sound like she was completely over our World Heavyweight Champion now, did she?

Leonard Scott: Wait a minute; I’m getting word that something is going on backstage!

The camera cuts backstage just in time to show Candy getting thrown through a door, and Cindy stalking after her as she tries to get away. Cindy pulls Candy up and slams her into a wall and begins assaulting her with stomps all over her while she's still trying to get away from her. Cindy picks her back up and sends her head and neck first into another hallway door!

Leonard Scott: Holy shit! What the hell is going on!? Why is Cindy attacking Candy like this!?

Mac Reynolds: I don’t know, but I don’t think she’s done yet!

Leonard Scott: Wait, you don't think this is that "Request" that Syn had, is it!?

Mac Reynolds: The hell if I know! If it is, then he just basically handed his wife an assured win, because Candy is getting it taken to her right now!

Cindy walks over to Candy and yanks her up by the head, before throwing her right into a production cart. She starts stomping Candy as officials try to pull her away from her. Lila, meanwhile, is still in the ring watching all of this, that smile never leaving her face as she and the crowd watch Candy being destroyed. Candy manages to get back to a knee, only for Cindy to send her back skull first into the production cart!

Leonard Scott: Oh my God! The back of Candy’s head whiplashed off of that cart!

Mac Reynolds: She’s hurt, and hurt badly!

The officials finally are able to pull Cindy away from Candy, but the damage had been done as Candy lies on the ground, holding the back of her head and neck in pain. Officials come back to check on her after a moment, trying to see if she is still able to stand. Candy shakily makes it back to her feet, then shakes the officials away as she stumbles in the direction of the ring with a swarm of officials trying to stop her from going out there.

Leonard Scott: Wait, she’s not still coming out here is she!? After an attack like that, she still wants a piece of Lila!

Mac Reynolds: She’s crazy if she does! Lila won’t be the type to let up just because she’s injured!

A few moments pass, and then Candy finally makes her way onto the stage, holding the back of her heard as she gives Lila a murderous stare. Lila calmly gets off of the turnbuckle and walks over to the ropes, motioning for Candy to bring it on as the crowd cheers in anticipation.

Leonard Scott: She is coming out here to go through with this match, but after what happened just a few moments ago, this can’t be a good idea.

Mac Reynolds: Yeah, this ain’t gonna be pretty!

Candy starts walking down the isle, and Lila rolls out of the ring and the two meet and begin brawling in the isle-way before the match can begin! The two were trading rights and lefts in the isle way, until Lila knees Candy right in the ribs. Lila grabs Candy by the hair and drags her to the ringside area, then tosses her right into the steel steps. Candy is down, and Lila begins stomping her into the steps, before picking her back up and rolling her into the ring. Lila goes on the attack, beating down Candy before the ref manages to pull her off and checks on Candy. Lila goes back on the attack and places her boot in Candy's throat and begins choking her before the ref finally is able to pull her away. The ref checks on Candy as she tries to pull herself up using the ropes, coughing and holding her sore throat.

Leonard Scott: The referee is now checking on Candy in order to see if she can continue, but she looks like she’s in a bad way right now. I don't think anyone would hold it against her if she did say she was unable to continue.

Mac Reynolds: After all of the talking she did earlier, I think a few people might just do that.

The ref asks Candy if she wants to continue, and she tells him to ring the damn bell. The ref doesn’t look like he wants to, but he gives Candy her wish and rings the bell to officially start off the match! Lila wastes no time and goes right on the attack, beating Candy down in the corner and stomping her while she’s down. She pulls her out of the corner and gives her a stiff elbow to the jaw, then lifts her up and hits her with a sidewalk slam. She looks like she's gonna go for the pin, but decides against it. She picks candy back up to her feet and lifts he onto her shoulders in a firemans carry, then drops her abdomin first across her knees for the gutbuster! She quickly goes for the pin.



THR-Candy kicks out!

Leonard Scott: Lila almost stole that one!

Lila growls in frustration, then brings Candy back up by the hair and drops her with a backbreaker,, and keeps her there as she places her hand on Candy's chin and midesction, putting her in a potential submission hold. Candy screams out in pai as Lila presses harder, but refuses to give up. Candy brings her leg up and manages to kick Lila in the head and shoulder, but Lila doesn't break the hold. Candy does it again, and Lila's grip loosens, freeing her! Candy gets back to her feet and goes for a clothesline, but Lila catches her with a vicious spin kick! She drops down and goes for the pin.



THR-Candy again gets the shoulder up!

Lila picks her back up and whips her hard into the opposite corner. Lila runs at her, but Candy moves out of the way and Lila goes shoulder first into the ring post! She falls through the ropes and out to the floor as Candy tries to recuperate in the ring.

Leonard Scott: It looks like we might have spoken too soon about this being a bad idea and now Lila is the one who may be in trouble! Can Candy take advantage?

Mac Reynolds: She damn well better. She came into this thing not at 100 percent, and she had the chance to get out of it. She HAS to take advantage of this!

Candy makes her way onto the ring apron and waits for Lila to stand. Lila makes it to her feet and slowly turns around, and Candy runs off the ring apron and catches her with a thez press off the apron and begins firing away with the right hands! She picks Lila up and sends her spine first into the ringpost, then tosses her over near the announce table as she continues the assault.

Leonard Scott: These two are getting a little close here.

Mac Reynolds: That normally wouldn’t be a bad thing, but with how these two hate eachother –

Mac was cut off as Candy sent Lila flying over the announce table, right into he and Leonard! Leonard’s headset got caught when Lila landed, and he ends up falling along with her. Candy climbed over the table and moved Leonard out of the way, before kneeling down and unloading with the rights and lefts on a defenseless Lila.

Mac Reynolds: Jesus, these two are crazy! They wanna destroy eachother and they might end up taking us along with them! I think they might have knocked Leonard’s headset loose when Lila got thrown over here! You alright kid?

Leonard Scott: - Am I’m on? Is this thing working? Holy shit, I knew this would be a brawl, but I didn’t think that WE would be pulled into it!

Mac Reynolds: Yeah. At least you can say you had a hot woman in your lap for about 10 seconds!

Leonard: Not funny! Anyways, Candy has taken this match back over with authority.

Candy picks Lila up and slams her into the table, then goes to irish whip her, but Lila counters and sends her hard into the guard railing. Lila runs at her , and Candy counters with a huge back body drop over the rail, sending her into the crowd.

Leonard Scott: It looks like the fans are about to get up close and personal with these two!

Mac Reynolds: Something you experienced a few minutes ago!

Candy favors her head neck for a moment, then slowly makes her way over the railing and follows after Lila. Lila staggers back to her feet and turns around, right into a knife edge chop from Candy, who grabs her by the head and drags her up some steps. Lila tries to fight out of it with a few elbow shots to the midsection, but Candy stops her with a knee to the chest. Candy bounces Lila's head off a support rail, then goes to toss her over it and down to the floor. Lila blocks it, then kicks Candy in the back of her knee then suplexes her right onto a row of chairs!!

Leonard Scott: Oh My God!

Mac Reynolds: Candy’s back might be broken after that!

Lila rolls around in pain, clutching her lower back. Candy isn’t much better off as she holds the back of her head, laid out across the chairs. Lila starts crawling towards one of the exits leading out of the arena, and Candy grabs her by the leg. Lila manages to kick her off and gets through the curtain, disappearing to the other part of the arena. Candy shakily makes her way back to her feet and looks around at the cheering audience, before going through the curtain after Lila. She looks around for a moment, realizing she's in the concession area, which is completely empty aside from a few stand managers. She didn't see Lila anywhere in sight, then catiously made her way forward.

Candy Lebabe: C'mon out bitch! I know your ass is out here!

Candy continues to look around, the Lila suddenly attacks her from behind, sending her crashing into one of the stands. She drags Candy back to her feet, and slams her head and shoulder first into a beer stand. Candy yells out in pain as she clutches at her shoulder, while Lila reaches over the stand and grabs a beer. Lila leans against the stand and opens it, then takes a long sip. She waits until Candy gets to her knees, then spits the beer right into her eyes!

Leonard Scott: Oh for Gods sake, was that really necessary!?

Mac Reynolds: What? It was some bad beer! Anyone would have done the same thing!

Lila picks Candy up, and drags her over towards a cart of some kind. She goes to place Candy on the cart, but Candy starts fighting back with the right hands. Lila cuts off Candy's offense with a rake of the eyes, blinding Candy momentarily as she tosses her onto the cart. Candy tried to get off, but Lila held her there with a forearm to the throat and starts punching her. She then turns her attention back to the cart and slowly turns it towards the merchandise stands, a very evil look on her face as she looks down at Candy, then back up at the stands. She starts to push it, then lets it pick up a bit of speed before letting it go. Candy manages to roll off of the cart at the last second before it crashes into the stands. Lila starts to walk over to her, but Candy surprises her with a Spear, sending them both crashing into one of the stands!

Leonard Scott: SPEAR! SPEAR! SPEAR!

Candy crawls over to Lila's prone for and goes for the pin.



THR-Lila kicks out before the three!

Candy rolls off of Lila and pulls herself up, then yanks Lila back to her feet and begins dragging her over to another entry way back into the arena. She opens up the curtain, then tosses Lila back out into the cheering fans, before entering herself.

Leonard Scott: And here they come again. Candy has gone from being the hunted to the huntress!

Lila is on all fours, trying to get away from Candy as she comes after her, and Candy punts Lila right in the ribs, sending her falling down a few stairs. She slowly walks down as Lila struggles to get back to her feet, then sends her back down with a hard right hand. She grabs a hand-full of Lila's hair and dragged her over towards a tech area in the crowd, then threw her over the railing into the area. Candy looked around as the crowd roared all around her, then made her way over to the rail and down into the tech area. She reached down and picked Lila up, before dumping her onto a table, before she starts to climb back up out of the tech area.

Leonard Scott: I think Candy wants to not only end the match right here, but she wants to end Lila here as well!

Candy looks back at Lila, then goes to leap off of the railing for a moonsault, when Lila jumps up and pushes her feet off, sending her crashing chest first into the rail!

Leonard Scott: Did you hear the sound of Candy's ribcage smashing into that rail!? What a counter!

Mac Reynolds: Yeah, and I don't think she's done yet!

Lila climbs out of the tech area as Candy just hangs there on the railing, completely defenseless. She kicks Candy in the chest, before leaping back over the railing and grabbing Candy on the way down for a sunset flip, sending both 6 feet below and crashing onto the table!

Leonard Scott: Oh My Fucking God! Lila may have just taken Candy, as well as herself on a one way trip to hell with that sunset flip that sent both women crashing nearly seven feet below!

Mac Reynolds: Lila's down, Candy has to be broken in half, and the table didn't even break from that! it just collapsed!

A "Holy Shit!" Chant fills the arena as both women are laying motionless on the collapsed table, neither one able to move. Lila slowly crawls over to Candy, who looks to be nearly unconscious, and gets an arm across her chest for a pin.



THR-Candy kicked out!

Mac Reynolds: You gotta be kidding me! What the hell will it take to keep these two girls down!?

Leonard Scott: The fans down't believe it, Lila doesn't believe it, hell, I don't think I can believe it! Neither woman is willing to die here!

Both women lay there on the table, Candy's out of it and Lila looking at Candy in disbelief that she was able to kick out. She slowly tries to pull herself up, and shakily manages to get back to her feet as the crowd roars and starts a "This Is Awesome!" chant. She reaches down and picks Candy by the hair and drags her to her feet, then slowly drags her in the direction of the ring. Lila tosses Candy into the guard rail, then picks up a chair as Candy tries to recover from the damage she's taken. Candy turns around, and Lila catches her with a shot to the ribs with the chair! Candy doubles over, and Lila strikes her again with the chair, this time in the back, sending her down to a knee! She waits for Candy to get back to her feet, then swings, but Candy ducks out of the way of this one. Candy tuns Lila around and boots her in the midsection and grabs her head, then uses the guard rail as a step up and hits The Sliced Bread, just barely missing a few fans in the process!!!

Leonard Scott: Oh Dear Lord! I think Candy may have finally destroyed Lila with that one!

Mac Reynolds: Thats it. This one's over! After everything these two have done to eachother, there is no way Lila is kicking out here!

Candy holds onto her ribs for a moment, obviously in pain, before slowly rolling over to Lila and going for the pin.



THRE-Lila kicks out right before the three!

Now its Candy's turn to look at Lila in shock as she sits against the guard rail, the crowd going crazy all around her. She slowly manages to make it back to her feet, then picks Lila up by the hair and tosses her back over the railing, then follows after her. She stomps Lila one time, before she starts to climb up onto the top rope. She looks down at Lila, then leaps for the moonsault, and Lila moves out of the way and Candy crashes into the arena floor!

Leonard Scott: Candy crashed, and Candy burned in one of the most violent ways possible!

The crowd roared and started a "WKF" Chant as Candy rolled around in pain. She slowly manages to get back to a knee, and Lila springs up and runs at Candy, hitting her with a Shining Wizard right in the jaw! Candy is out cold as Lila hooks the leg for the pin.




Justin Cash: Here is your winner, Lila!

Duality plays as both women are laid out on the floor just feet away from the announce table, Lila just barely conscious and Candy still not moving from the shining wiard she just took.

Leonard Scott: By hook or by crook, Lila managed to pull off the win in this very volitile and emotional battle, but you cannot take anything away from Candy Lebabe here. She was attacked even before the contest, she was able to come very close to winning this falls count anywhere match!

Mac Reynolds: Yeah yeah, she came close, but close doesn't cut it in this business!

EMT's finally come down to ringside and begin checking on both women. They help both women out of the arena as everyone gets ready for the next match.

"Duel" by Swervedriver begins to blare throughout the arena.

Justin Cash: The following match is set for one fall. Introducing first, from Chicago, Illinois, Xavier, "The Savior" Donovan!

Xavier makes his way out onto the ramp, and is met with a ton of cheers. He gets down to the ring, excited to be here tonight. He gets into the ring and pumps up the crowd, waiting for his opponent. Suddenly, Asylum takes over on the PA. The lights dim and Kai comes out, met with boos. He grins menacingly, and works his way down to the ring.

Justin Cash: And his opponent, from Parts Unknown, representing The Disciples of Syn, Kai!

Mac Reynolds: You gotta think that Kai has the advantage, he's been working here in WKF while Donovan has been all talk and no fight.

Leonard Scott: It's not Donovan's fault he's been out of the ring, he hasn't been booked.

Ding! The bell rings, and the match gets under way. Donovan looks like he wants to hurt Kai, as he gets after him right away. Kai ducks under a grapple attempt and gets back control. He swings Xavier down onto the mat with a back suplex. He quickly jumps on top of Donovan and begins to strike furiously with elbows. Kai is pulled off by the ref, who didn't want to end the match by DQ so soon. Kai gets up and falls back, leaning into the corner, as if he's planning something. Donovan helps himself up with the ropes, and Kai charges at him. Xavier flips Kai over the top rope, but Kai catches himself on the apron. He grabs onto Donovan's neck and pulls on it as he jumps to the floor. Xavier falls to the mat inside the ring.

Mac Reynolds: Great awareness by Kai.

Kai grabs Donovan's leg and pulls him to the floor. He stands Xavier up and charges him at the ring post. Kai smashes the neck of Xavier into the post, who falls to the floor. Kai picks him up and tosses him into the ring as the refs count reaches six. Kai, instead of getting in the ring, climbs onto the top turnbuckle. He prepares himself, and leaps off at Donovan. He tries to connect with a moonsault, but Donovan catches him in an Oklahoma slam position, on his shoulder. Xavier brings Kai down as he takes a knee to smash the shoulder of Kai onto his knee.

Leonard Scott: Terrific counter from Donovan. That's his first offense in this contest.

Donovan looks to get into his opponents head, as he climbs the turnbuckle and leaps for a moonsault of his own. He connects, and smashes onto Kai. He gets up, watching Kai roll in pain. Kai slowly tries to get to his feet, but is kicked in the chest by Donovan. Xavier grabs a hold of the kneeling Kai and plants him with a DDT. Donovan attempts a cover...



Mac Reynolds: Xavier Donovan is going to have to try harder to beat someone of the likes of Kai.

Donovan gets to his feet after the pin attempt and awaits the rise of Kai. Kai gets to his feet, and Donovan charges at him for a running dropkick. Kai shunts him off and gets out of the ring. Donovan gets to his feet to see Kai grabbing a chair. He gets in the ring with it, but Xavier kicks him in the gut. Kai drops the chair, and Donovan spots up to suplex him onto it. Xavier lifts Kai into a stalling vertical suplex. The ref rushes up and pulls the chair out from beneath the two men. Donovan slams Kai down, but is disappointed that the chair was moved, and sees the ref throwing it out of the ring. Donovan walks over and complains that Kai brought it into play so it should be legal. The ref argues that he would get disqualified. Donovan looks at him in frustration, and Kai rushes over to roll Donovan up...




Leonard Scott: Donovan was too busy with the ref, and he almost paid the price. Near fall from Kai.

Donovan gets to his feet and charges at Kai. Kai reverses his subsequent clothesline attempt by ducking under it, and laying a volley of kicks into the back of Donovan. Xavier falls to his feet in pain. Kai runs to the ropes in front of Donovan, rebounds off, and kicks Xavier in the face with a running face wash. Donovan falls straight to the mat, where Kai attempts, again, to pin him...



Thre-no! Kickout again!

Mac Reynolds: Come on! That was three! the ref is obviously favoring Xavier!

Leonard Scott: Relax Mac, the men hired to ref like both of the men. If they didn't like you, though, I would understand.

Kai lifts Donovan to his feet and grapples Donovan for a powerbomb. Xavier is on the shoulders of Kai when he falls into the turnbuckle. Donovan fights, striking Kai in the head repeatedly. Kai falls out of the turnbuckle and onto his knees in the middle of the ring. Xavier turns around on the top turnbuckle, so that he is facing Kai. As the face painted menace gets up and turns, he is smashed with a missile dropkick. Kai falls to the mat, and Xavier covers...




Leonard Scott: Another terrific counter by Donovan. He has demanding control now.

Kai slowly gets up, and falls into Donovan. Xavier grabs a hold for the Event Horizon. He jumps to flip Kai, but Kai slips out. Donovan eats mat and is slowly getting to his feet now. Kai sets up for a superkick. He charges for the kick, but Xavier ducks away. He grabs a hold of a half nelson and slams Kai with Ultimate Judgement. He locks in the half nelson crossface and wrenches on the neck of Kai. Kai struggles hard, but can't find a way out. He keeps struggling to escape, but eventually, taps out!

Justin Cash: Here's your winner, by way of submission, Xavier "The Savior" Donovan!

Justin Cash: This next contest is scheduled for one and will be for the WKF World Heavyweight Championship!

We see video package up on the titantron, hyping the World Title match. It recaps the Charlie White and Syn feud, showing the Resistance's debut, White's undefeated streak, and Syn kidnapping Cindy. Once the video ends, "Undefeated" by Def Leppard hits and Charlie White enters through the curtain with a massive ovation from the fans!

Justin Cash: Introducing first, The Challenger, From Boston, Massachusets, weighing in at 211 pounds, he is the undefeated, Charlie "Griz" White!

Once he is in the ring, "Duality" by Slipknot fills the PA System and Syn enters through the curtain with the World Title draped around his waist. All of the fans in the arena give him heat as he wals down the entrance ramp.

Justin Cash: And his opponent, the reigning and defending WKF World Heavyweight Champion, Hailing from Parts Unknown, weighing in at 218 pounds, Syn!

Syn hands his title to the referee and asks for a microphone. He gets it and has a thing or two to say to Charlie White before this match.

Syn: Charles, that's right I called you Charles, so you can deal with that! I know tonight's going to be rough for you since your undefeated streak is about to end but I figured I would be generous and make a deal with you. If you could somehow defeat me, you won't only win the World Title but I will hand Cindy right back over to you. However, during our match she is going to be hanging from inside a small cage structure above the ring.

Cindy is being lowered to about twenty feet above the ring inside a small cell structure and she looks nothing like she used to. She has her fingernails painted black, she has face paint covering her face, and she is dressed in a gothic style. Charlie White sees her and begins to freak out.

Syn: I see you look a bit stunned. Don't worry Lila and my disciples have taken good care of her. I'm sure you love the makeover they gave her.

Syn throws down the microphone and the referee signals for this match to start.

*Ding* *Ding* Ding*

Leonard Scott
: It's going to be WKF's most popular vs. WKF's most hated in this match. It seems as if Syn wants to continue playing mind games with Charlie White by having Cindy locked up inside a cage above the ring, while the match is going on.

Mac Reynolds: Hey now! At least he will hand Cindy over to Charlie White if he wins here tonight.

Charlie White runs at Syn in anger but Syn ducks. White trys to slow his emotions down as he realizes it is only going to cost him the match. They lock up and White wrenches around him with a waist lock. Syn trys to budge out of it but White takes him down to the mat and they mat wrestle before both men get to their feet and lock up once again. White shoves him away but they continue to grapple and Syn takes him down with an arm drag. White gets back up and Syn goes for another arm drag but Charlie White reverses into an arm drag of his own and locks in some type of arm bar. Syn gets to the ropes quickly, forcing White to break the hold. Syn rolls out of the ring and Charlie White looks up at Cindy above the ring. White gets out of the ring and chases after Syn but he runs from Charlie White. Syn gets chased around the ring and then slides back inside the ring. When White follows him in the ring, Syn drop kicks him and goes for a swift pin but he kicks out at one.

Leonard Scott:
Does Syn really think he can end it that quick? He's facing the undefeated Charlie White.

Both men get to their feet and Syn throws a chop at the chest of Charlie White but White throws a chop in return to Syn's chest. They trade a few chops and then Syn throws a punch. White throws a punch as they brawl back and forth in the middle of the ring. Syn throws a kick but White catches his leg and drops him on his back, looking to lock in a type of leg lock but Syn kicks him away and then rolls him up for a pin.



Mac Reynolds: Nice rollup for Syn. It will pay off in the long run.

Syn applies a head lock but White throws him off. Syn bounces off the ropes and White flips him over his head, and he lands on the canvas after a back body drop. Once Syn gets up, Charlie White spears him and throws continous punches while on top of him. Syn gets his head beaten into the canvas and his head bounces off the wood but the referee stops Charlie White and warns him. The fans begin to boo the referee. Once Syn is up, White runs at him and goes for a roundhouse kick but Syn ducks and throws a roundhouse kick of his own to the temple of his opponent. Syn is now working the offense. White falls on his back and Syn's leg comes down on his throat when he hits a leg drop. Syn looks up at Cindy and smiles. He picks up Charlie White and slams his head into the corner turnbuckle. Syn positions him in the corner and then runs at him with a corner clothesline but Charlie White catches him with a spine buster!

Leonard Scott: Spine on the pine!

Syn gets slammed onto the mat and rolls outside the ring as the referee begins the count.







Syn realizes he can't lose his title by countout so he stays on the outside. Charlie White exits the ring, thus breaking the count in the process. He picks up Syn and whips him towards the steel steps but Syn leaps, lands on the steel steps, does a moonsault off the steps towards White, spins around and DDTs him!!!

Mac Reynolds: I have never seen a DDT like that in my entire life! Much less on the arena floor.

A "Holly Shit!" chant erupts in the first couple of rows in the arena. Both men are dazed on the outside and the referee has restarted the count.





Syn crawls back inside the ring at five.




White is starting to pull himself up to his feet.


He manages to slide in the ring just before ten!

Leonard Scott: I don't know how Charlie White was able to get up after that DDT.

Syn picks him up and goes for a powerslam but White reverses it and takes him down with a neckbreaker. Charlie White goes to the top rope and waits for Syn to get to his feet. Once Syn is up, White leaps off with a cross body but Syn reverses it by connecting with a drop kick in mid-air!

Mac Reynolds: Syn with another incredible move!

Syn crawls over and covers him for the...




Leonard Scott: Charlie White kicks out!

Syn rolls Charlie White out of the ring with his foot and then Syn runs and leaps through the middle rope with a suicide dive to the outside! He hits it and the referee proceeds to start another count.




Syn gets up to his feet and blows a kiss at Cindy, hanging inside the cage above the ring. You can see fear in her eyes.


Syn enters the ring but gets back out to break the count as he wants to do damage to Charlie White. Syn picks up Charlie White for a side suplex but White flips out of it and hits his own, german suplex on the outside! He high fives a fan as the crowd begins to chant "Griz" over and over. White picks up Syn and throws him into the guard rail, before rolling him back inside the ring. White goes for the cover.




Mac Reynolds:
Syn lifted his shoulders before three!

Charlie White throws him into the corner and slams him into the top turnbuckle before positioning him on top the turnbuckle. White gets on the top rope as well and is looking for a superplex. He lifts Syn up above his head and falls off the top rope, connecting with the huge superplex!

Leonard Scott: Superplex from the top rope!

Charlie White looks for the pin.




White gets to his feet and springboards himself off the second rope with a lionsault across the ring, on Syn! He goes for another pin...




He glances up at Cindy once again and this lights a fire in his eyes. He wants to end it now so he heads to the top rope for "Fly Jets over Boston." White gets on the top turnbuckle and leaps off but Syn rolls out of the way and Griz White crashes with a wicked thud! Syn sees an opening and locks on the crippler crossface.

Mac Reynolds:
Charlie White crashed and burn! Now Syn has the crippler crossface applied on Charlie White!

White screams in agony as Syn wrenches the submission hold even tighter. Griz crawls towards the ropes but Syn pulls him away. Finally, Charlie White grabs the bottom rope but Syn won't break the hold. White uses the ropes to assist himself to stand up with Syn on his back, and he flips Syn out of the ring, as Syn lands on his back on the arena floor!

Leonard Scott: Nice slam from Charlie White, sending Syn to the outside.

Charlie White gets on the outside of the apron and springboards himself off the top rope with a moonsault on to Syn, on the outside!

Leonard Scott: Charlie White flew off that top rope with a moonsault on Syn, with both men crashing on the arena floor.

The referee starts another count!





Charlie White gets to his feet before a five count and slides in and out of the ring to break the count. Griz picks up Syn but Syn connects with a low blow to the sack of Charlie White and the referee never sees it!

Leonard Scott: That was a cheap shot!

Mac Reynolds: No, that was a smart shot!

Syn moves the padding on the outside and exposes the concrete of the Skydome! Syn grabs Charlie White and goes to piledrive him on the concrete but White reverses into a back body drop on the concrete!

Leonard Scott: Charlie White reverses the piledriver into a back body drop and Syn slammed on the concrete!

Charlie White slides back inside the ring and exits it again to stop a possible countout. He picks up Syn and whips him into the ring post on the outside. White rolls him back inside the ring and climbs up the top rope. He glances up at Cindy and he goes for Fly Jets Over Boston! As soon as he hits it, all of the lights inside the arena suddenly turn off!

Mac Reynolds:
What the hell is going on?

The lights stay off for a few seconds and when they come back on, the cage above the ring is empty! Cindy is gone!

Leonard Scott: Where is Cindy?

White notices that she is gone and begins to look around to see where she could be. While White is distraced looking for Cindy, Syn is starting to get back to his feet. White realizes he can't find Cindy so he gets back into the ring. As soon as he enters, Syn connects with The Killing Joke! He makes his way to the top rope and leaps off with Falling into Chaos! He covers White, and looks to end it!



And Three!!!

Justin Cash:
Here is your winner and still WKF World Heavyweight Champion, Syn!

Mac Reynolds: Syn is still champion!

Leonard Scott: Charlie White's undefeated streak has finally come to an end.

"Duality" by Slipknot plays and Syn poses with his Title but realizes Cindy is gone. His joy turns to anger as he doesn't know where she is. Syn storms to the back, fearing where Cindy could be.

Their are tables, ladders, and canes set up all around the ringside area.

Leonard Scott: It looks like it's time for the Tag Team TLC match. It will be the first time ever a tables, ladders, and Canes match has ever happened in professional wrestling.

Justin Cash: The following contest is your main event of the evening! It is a tag team, tables, ladders, and canes match where the first team to climb up a ladder and grab the titles are your winners. All Tables, Ladders, and Canes are not only legal but encouraged!

"Nuclear War" by Electric Six hits and all the fans get up on their feet. Justin Fire and Daniel Ice run out and high five fans as they make their way to the ring.

Justin Cash: From Sacramento, California, at a combined weight of 419 Pounds, Justin Fire, Daniel Ice, they are the challengers... Fire and Ice!

Bromance's theme plays and they come out to a bad reaction from the Toronto crowd.

Justin Cash: And their opponents, from Elizabeth, New Jersey, at a combined weight of 460 pounds, Eli Preston, Trey Walker, the World Tag Team Champions, Bromance!

Bromance attempts to enter the ring but Fire and Ice waste little time going after them as they kick things off by launching themselves through the middle rope with a double suicide dive on Bromance! The bell rings and this match is underway.

Mac Reynolds: Bromance didn't even get a chance to enter the ring.

Justin Fire and Daniel Ice jump to their feet quickly and pick up a ladder to slide into the ring. They take their time setting up the ladder and by the time they have it set up, Bromance has recovered as both men are up to their feet. They slide into the ring and trade blows with Fire and Ice inside the squared circle. Eli Preston grabs Justin Fire by the back of the head and tosses him over the top rope and onto the arena floor. Trey Walker and Daniel Ice are still inside the ring and Walker throws a chest chop at Daniel Ice but Ice retaliates with a thundering chest chop of his own at Trey Walker. They go back and forth with chops before Ice takes him down with an arm drag. Eli Preston picks up a singapore cane on the outside and swings at Justin Fire. He takes Fire down with a few shots to the head. Preston leaves Justin Fire and goes back into the ring with the signapore cane. He throws a shot at the abdominal section of Daniel Ice.

Leonard Scott: Eli Preston is swinging that kendo stick like Alex Rios swinging for the fences.

Trey Walker proceeds to climb the ladder as Preston watches his back with the singapore cane in hand. Justin Fire recooperates on the outside and slides in. Preston throws a swing at him but Fire ducks and drop kicks Eli Preston! He picks up the kendo stick and hits Trey Walker with it, knocking him off the ladder. Justin Fire climbs up the ladder himself butt Eli Preston is up and pulls him down. Preston takes him down on the canvas with a neckbreaker. Daniel Ice and Justin Fire focuses on Trey Walker and send him over the top rope with a double clothesline. Justin Fire leaps over the top rope but lands on the apron and springboards himself off the middle rope with a diving moonsault, flipping himself on Trey Walker, on the outside. Both Fire and Walker are laid out on the outside.

Mac Reynolds: Daniel Ice and Eli Preston are all alone in the ring.

Preston and Ice lock up. Ice clinches his arms around Preston with a waiste lock. He pulls Preston back with a german suplex but Eli Preston flips out of it and goes for a suplex of his own on Daniel Ice but Ice flips out of it as well and they both go for a kick at the same time and manage to kick each other in the head at the same time, knocking each other out. Justin Fire is getting up on the outside and he looks to be setting up a table. Once it is set up, he lifts up Trey Walker and trys to suplex him through it but Walker counters out of it and slams Fire into the steel steps. Trey Walker picks him up and stands on top of the steel steps. He goes to powerbomb Justin Fire through the table but Fire reverses into a hurricanranna, sending Trey Walker through the table!

Leonard Scott: Justin Fire hurricanrannas Trey Walker off the steel steps and through the table on the outside!

Justin Fire climbs up on the top turnbuckle and as Eli Preston and Daniel Ice recover in the ring. Fire leaps off the top turnbuckle with a diving forearm but Preston moves out of the way and Justin Fire crashes on the canvas.Eli Preston smacks Daniel Ice in the face and Ice returns the favor with an enziguri kick to the head. Daniel Ice grabs the ladder and lays it in the middle of the ring. He picks up Trey Walker and body slams him on the ladder! He then, goes up to the top rope and leaps off with a diving senton but Preston rolls off the ladder and Daniel Ice dives on his back on the ladder!

Mac Reynolds: Daniel Ice flipped and landed on his back on the ladder! I don't see how he will be able to stand.

Eli Preston gets up and rolls to the outside to help his partner get to his feet. Once Walker is up, they each grab a singapore cane and enter the ring. They come at Fire and Ice firing with repeated shots and make sure Fire and Ice are down. Instead of going for the belts, Bromance makes their way to the outside and sets up a table. Once they get one table set up, they go to set up a second table but are cut off when Daniel Ice recovers and runs, dives over the top rope, on Bromance with a flying sentonm over the top rope and onto the outside! It knocks both members of Bromance down and even takes himself out as well.

Leonard Scott: Daniel Ice just took Bromance, along with himself out of the equation with that move.

Justin Fire is in the ring all by himself but is in a ton of pain. He crawls over to the ladder and uses it to help himself up. He positions the ladder underneath the titles hanging from above. It is taking him a while because of how much pain he is in from being beaten with the canes. Once he pulls himself up the ladder, all three men on the outside are getting to their feet. Bromance double suplexes Daniel Ice on the arena floor and get back inside the ring. Eli Preston climbs up the ladder and trades blows with Justin Fire, twenty feet in the air. Justin Fire kicks him in the head and then shoves him off the ladder! Preston falls from the top of the ladder and crashes into the ring ropes. Instead of grabbing for the titles, Justin Fire leaps off the ladder with a diving cross body on Trey Walker! All three men are down inside the ring and Daniel Ice is getting back up on the outside. He picks up a table and slides it inside the ring. Ice throws Eli Preston into the corner and sets him on the top turnbuckle. Ice trys to superplex Preston through the table but Preston won't let him and he shoves Daniel Ice off the top rope, on the table! Daniel Ice bounces off the table and it doesn't break!

Mac Reynolds: Holy shit!

Leonard Scott: How the hell did that table not break? I guess that's one of the perks of weighing under 220!

Eli Preston can't believe what he is seeing, that Daniel Ice didn't break the table. Ice is laying on top the table and Eli Preston leaps off at him with a leg drop, and they crash through the table! Eli Preston gets up quickly and leaves Daniel Ice lying there. Justin Fire and Eli Preston clash in the middle of the ring with a test of strength but Eli Preston low blows him and spikes him on his head with a snap DDT. Preston helps Trey Walker get to his feet and then Preston picks up the ladder and throws it on top of Daniel Ice. He then dives on the ladder, on Daniel Ice, with a standing moonsault!

Mac Reynolds: That standing moonsault may have done as much damage to Eli Preston as it did to Daniel Ice.

Trey Walker picks up Justin Fire but out of nowhere, Fire superkicks Trey Walker! Justin Fire sees an opening and he makes his way to the top turnbuckle. He leaps off and connects with a shooting star press, getting a ton of air in the process!

Leonard Scott: Great hang time with the shooting star press by Justin Fire.

Justin Fire gets up and proceeds to climb up the ladder but Eli Preston is up to his feet from the standing moonsault, and he runs over, and powerbombs Justin Fire off the ladder, over the top rope, to the outside of the ring and through a table!

Mac Reynolds: This match has been complete carnage so far! Justin Fire is laid out on the outside, after going through that table as Preston, Walker, and Ice are in the ring.

Eli Preston begins to climb up the ladder but Daniel Ice is up on his feet and he picks up a kendo stick. Ice climbs up to the top of the ladder with the kendo stick and throws a strike at Preston! He connects and it knocks Eli Preston off the ladder. Daniel Ice throws the cane down and grabs at the titles but Trey Walker climbs up the ladder. They trade right hands before Walker lifts him up over his shoulder and superplexes him off the ladder, twenty feet down to the ring!

Leonard Scott: Oh my God! I have never seen a superplex from that high up, before.

Eli Preston, Trey Walker, and Daniel Ice are knocked out in the ring while Justin Fire is still out on the outside. The fans in the Skydome are chanting "WKF" in unison. Justin Fire is starting to reach his feet on the outside. He picks up a ladder on the outside and positions it on the apron, across to the barricade, setting him up to slam someone on it. Once he has it set up, he crawls back into the ring and assists his partner, Daniel Ice to his feet while Bromance get up to their feet as well. Eli Preston swings at Daniel Ice and Ice fires back with a right hand of his own. Justin Fire whips Trey Walker off the ropes but Walker fires off the ropes with an impactful clothesline that turns Justin Fire inside out! Walker then throws a big boot at Daniel Ice but he ducks and then connects with a pe leg kick, from out of nowhere! Hen then goes to the top rope and is looking to dive off the turnbuckle, at Eli Preston with a cross body. Ice leaps off but Preston catches him in mid-air with a reversal into a scoop slam!

Mac Reynolds: Nice counter by one half of the defending tag team champions, Eli Preston.

Trey Walker throws Justin Fire outside the ring and he exits the ring as well. Walker whips Justin Fire into the barricade and then connects with a spinebuster on the arena floor! Eli Preston picks up Daniel Ice in the middle of the ring and grabs a ladder. He goes to hit Ice with the ladder but Ice ducks and dropkicks the ladder, slamming it into Eli Preston and knocking him down. Ice exits the ring and grabs a table. He gets back inside and sets up the table. Daniel Ice lays Eli Preston on the table and sets up a ladder. He throws a punch at Preston to make sure he is out before climbing up the ladder. Once Daniel Ice gets to the top of the ladder, he leaps off with a 450 plash off the ladder, on top of Eli Preston, through the table!!!!!!!!! All of the fans jump to their feet and chant, "Holy Shit!" repeatedly!

Leonard Scott: Oh my Fuckin God! Daniel Ice just did a 450 splash off the top of a ladder, on Eli Preston through the table!

Paramedics rush to the ring to check on them but neither man will let them as both Daniel Ice and Eli Preston wants to continue on with this match. The paramedics leave but Ice and Preston are still laid out in the middle of the ring.

Mac Reynolds:
It looks like a car wreck out here.

Trey Walker realizes what has happened so he leaves Justin Fire on the outside and gets inside the ring to check on Eli Preston. Walker is trying to get to his feet but Eli Preston can't stand. Trey Walker leaves Eli and begins to climb up the ladder and go for the titles. Before he reaches the top, Justin Fire runs in from the outside and springboards himself off the top rope, only to land on the ladder with Trey Walker and take him out with a clothesline from the top of the ladder! Both men splash on the canvas.

Leonard Scott: Nice move from Justin Fire but now all four men are down inside the ring.

Justin Fire is the first man up. He sees an oppurtunity and goes for it. Once he is at the top of the ladder, he reaches for the titles. By the time he gets a hold of them, Eli Preston is up and moves the ladder out from under his feet but Justin Fire hangs on to the belts! He is hanging from the belts with nothing under him to support him!

Leonard Scott: Justin Fire is hanging on by those titles!

Eli Preston jumps up and grabs his legs. Instead of pulling him down, he swings him back and forth. After a swing or two, he falls down and lands awkwardly on his right leg! The belts didn't come down but he crashed with a wicked thud and is holding his leg in pain. As the camera zooms in, you can see that a bone has popped out of place and Justin Fire has a broken leg!

Mac Reynolds: Shit Scott! Did you see his leg?

Leonard Scott: Unfortunately I did. They need to get some trainers out here to help him to the back.

Paramedics run back down to the ring and it looks like they will be taking someone with them this time. They begin to help Justin Fire off and his partner, Daniel Ice realizes what is going on. He is trying to help Justin Fire get out of the ring and says he can take care of the rest of the match by himself. Since he is distracted by his partner's injury, Bromance jumps him from behind!

Leonard Scott: That isn't right at all! Daniel Ice was distracted because Justin Fire has a broken leg and Bromance takes advantage of that.

Mac Reynolds: I think it was smart! It's not ballet! Have you seen this match? Someone is bound to get hurt but Daniel Ice shouldn't let an injury of his partner, distract him.

Leonard Scott: Do you hear yourself right now? Justin Fire is Daniel Ice's best friend. He was trying to make sure Fire is alright. Trey Walker and Eli Preston would do the same exact thing if one of them were injured.

Mac Reynolds: How do you know they would do the same thing? Bromance has more brains than Fire and Ice. Now shut the hell up and call the action down the middle.

Leonard Scott: I'm just going to ignore you and not let your ignorance get in the way of a classic match.

They finally get Justin Fire to the back and Bromance continues their beatdown on Daniel Ice. Trey Walker gets out of the ring and grabs a table, to set up. He brings it back inside the ring and sets it up in front of the ring post. Walker lays Daniel Ice on it and tells Eli Preston to go to the top rope. He does and looks to be leaping off with a moonsault but Daniel Ice rolls off the table and Eli Preston crashes through it!

Leonard Scott: Daniel Ice moved in the nic of time and Eli Preston came crashing down through the table!

Walker is pissed so he throws Daniel Ice into the corner and takes care of him while Eli Preston is down. Trey Walker runs at Ice, looking for a big splash in the corner but Daniel Ice lifts his foot up and Walker eats a boot to the mouth! Ice follows up with a european uppercut, and then a dropkick. He picks up a kendo stick and begins to fire at Trey Walker. Ice throws the cane down and goes up to the top rope, looking to dive off on Eli Preston who is now getting up from going through the table. Daniel Ice leaps off but Preston picks up a cane and hits him in mid-air!

Mac Reynolds: Eli Preston hits him with that singapore cane, while he was jumping off at him!

Preston assists Walker up to his feet and they go to the outside while Daniel Ice is laying in the ring.

Leonard Scott: It has just been confirmed that Justin Fire has suffered a broken right leg, due to the fall from hanging on to the title belts.

Bromance sets up tables on the outside. They stack three up and three more up behind them.

Mac Reynolds: Six tables are stacked up on the outside!

By the time Bromance gets back inside the ring, Daniel Ice is up and has a singapore cane in hand. He starts swinging at the both of them and takes out Trey Walker. Eli Preston picks up a cane as well and they fight back and forth with the canes, almost as if they are sword fighting.

Mac Reynolds: What is this, star wars?

Eli takes him down by swipping his legs out from underneath him and quickly Eli Preston climbs up a ladder, looking to end this. When Daniel Ice gets up, he picks up two kendo sticks and climbs to the top of the ladder with them. He begins to eat Eli Preston repeatedly with both canes. Finally, it knocks Preston off the ladder and Ice drops the kendo sticks and focuses on grabbing the titles. Trey Walker runs over and pushes the ladder, sending Daniel Ice flying out of the ring and crashing through the six tables on the outside!!!!!!!!

Leonard Scott: God Damn!!! Trey Walker just pushed the ladder and Daniel Ice went crashing out of the ring and through the six tables on the outside of the ring!

"Holly Shit!" is being chanted throughout the arena and Trey Walker climbs up the ladder, only to grab both title belts to pick up the win for Bromance!

Mac Reynolds: Yes!

Justin Cash: Here are your winners and still WKF World Tag Team Champions, Eli Preston and Trey Walker, Bromance!

Their music plays as they celebrate with the tag titles inside the ring. The training staff comes out to ringside to help Daniel Ice to the back. Fans are going crazy in the Skydome in Toronto as the pay per view goes off air with Bromance posing inside the ring with the tag titles.


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Duality plays over the PA system, causing the crowd boos heavily as the lights go off for a moment, covering the arena in total darkness. They come back on a moment later, and Lila is sitting on one of the top turnbuckles, giving a sickeningly sweet and sinister smile.

Justin Cash: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from Parts unknown, “The devil’s Angel†Lila!

Leonard Scott: This match is probably one of the more personal matches on the card tonight. Candy had her heart broken by Lila’s husband, Syn, and Lila has done nothing but rubbed it in every chance she got. Not to mention we got word just a moment ago that this match will now be contested under no count outs, no disqualification, and falls count anywhere in the arena! Candy may very well get the chance to gain some revenge just yet!

Mac Reynolds: Not a chance boy! Lila has been training with the World Heavyweight Champion, as well as the rest of the Disciples of Syn, meaning she’s been taught by the very best this company has to offer in ways to physically dismantle somebody!

The crowd, as well as Lila, all wait for Candy to make her entrance, but she doesn’t show up. They wait a few moments longer, and still nothing. Everyone looks a bit confused as they all wonder what's going on.

Leonard Scott: Where’s Candy? After that interview with Ranson earlier, there’s no way she would miss the chance to get back at Lila.

Mac Reynolds: Maybe she’s still hung up over what Syn did to her. I mean, she didn’t sound like she was completely over our World Heavyweight Champion now, did she?

Leonard Scott: Wait a minute; I’m getting word that something is going on backstage!

The camera cuts backstage just in time to show Candy getting thrown through a door, and Cindy stalking after her as she tries to get away. Cindy pulls Candy up and slams her into a wall and begins assaulting her with stomps all over her while she's still trying to get away from her. Cindy picks her back up and sends her head and neck first into another hallway door!

Leonard Scott: Holy shit! What the hell is going on!? Why is Cindy attacking Candy like this!?

Mac Reynolds: I don’t know, but I don’t think she’s done yet!

Leonard Scott: Wait, you don't think this is that "Request" that Syn had, is it!?

Mac Reynolds: The hell if I know! If it is, then he just basically handed his wife an assured win, because Candy is getting it taken to her right now!

Cindy walks over to Candy and yanks her up by the head, before throwing her right into a production cart. She starts stomping Candy as officials try to pull her away from her. Lila, meanwhile, is still in the ring watching all of this, that smile never leaving her face as she and the crowd watch Candy being destroyed. Candy manages to get back to a knee, only for Cindy to send her back skull first into the production cart!

Leonard Scott: Oh my God! The back of Candy’s head whiplashed off of that cart!

Mac Reynolds: She’s hurt, and hurt badly!

The officials finally are able to pull Cindy away from Candy, but the damage had been done as Candy lies on the ground, holding the back of her head and neck in pain. Officials come back to check on her after a moment, trying to see if she is still able to stand. Candy shakily makes it back to her feet, then shakes the officials away as she stumbles in the direction of the ring with a swarm of officials trying to stop her from going out there.

Leonard Scott: Wait, she’s not still coming out here is she!? After an attack like that, she still wants a piece of Lila!

Mac Reynolds: She’s crazy if she does! Lila won’t be the type to let up just because she’s injured!

A few moments pass, and then Candy finally makes her way onto the stage, holding the back of her heard as she gives Lila a murderous stare. Lila calmly gets off of the turnbuckle and walks over to the ropes, motioning for Candy to bring it on as the crowd cheers in anticipation.

Leonard Scott: She is coming out here to go through with this match, but after what happened just a few moments ago, this can’t be a good idea.

Mac Reynolds: Yeah, this ain’t gonna be pretty!

Candy starts walking down the isle, and Lila rolls out of the ring and the two meet and begin brawling in the isle-way before the match can begin! The two were trading rights and lefts in the isle way, until Lila knees Candy right in the ribs. Lila grabs Candy by the hair and drags her to the ringside area, then tosses her right into the steel steps. Candy is down, and Lila begins stomping her into the steps, before picking her back up and rolling her into the ring. Lila goes on the attack, beating down Candy before the ref manages to pull her off and checks on Candy. Lila goes back on the attack and places her boot in Candy's throat and begins choking her before the ref finally is able to pull her away. The ref checks on Candy as she tries to pull herself up using the ropes, coughing and holding her sore throat.

Leonard Scott: The referee is now checking on Candy in order to see if she can continue, but she looks like she’s in a bad way right now. I don't think anyone would hold it against her if she did say she was unable to continue.

Mac Reynolds: After all of the talking she did earlier, I think a few people might just do that.

The ref asks Candy if she wants to continue, and she tells him to ring the damn bell. The ref doesn’t look like he wants to, but he gives Candy her wish and rings the bell to officially start off the match! Lila wastes no time and goes right on the attack, beating Candy down in the corner and stomping her while she’s down. She pulls her out of the corner and gives her a stiff elbow to the jaw, then lifts her up and hits her with a sidewalk slam. She looks like she's gonna go for the pin, but decides against it. She picks candy back up to her feet and lifts he onto her shoulders in a firemans carry, then drops her abdomin first across her knees for the gutbuster! She quickly goes for the pin.



THR-Candy kicks out!

Leonard Scott: Lila almost stole that one!

Lila growls in frustration, then brings Candy back up by the hair and drops her with a backbreaker,, and keeps her there as she places her hand on Candy's chin and midesction, putting her in a potential submission hold. Candy screams out in pai as Lila presses harder, but refuses to give up. Candy brings her leg up and manages to kick Lila in the head and shoulder, but Lila doesn't break the hold. Candy does it again, and Lila's grip loosens, freeing her! Candy gets back to her feet and goes for a clothesline, but Lila catches her with a vicious spin kick! She drops down and goes for the pin.



THR-Candy again gets the shoulder up!

Lila picks her back up and whips her hard into the opposite corner. Lila runs at her, but Candy moves out of the way and Lila goes shoulder first into the ring post! She falls through the ropes and out to the floor as Candy tries to recuperate in the ring.

Leonard Scott: It looks like we might have spoken too soon about this being a bad idea and now Lila is the one who may be in trouble! Can Candy take advantage?

Mac Reynolds: She damn well better. She came into this thing not at 100 percent, and she had the chance to get out of it. She HAS to take advantage of this!

Candy makes her way onto the ring apron and waits for Lila to stand. Lila makes it to her feet and slowly turns around, and Candy runs off the ring apron and catches her with a thez press off the apron and begins firing away with the right hands! She picks Lila up and sends her spine first into the ringpost, then tosses her over near the announce table as she continues the assault.

Leonard Scott: These two are getting a little close here.

Mac Reynolds: That normally wouldn’t be a bad thing, but with how these two hate eachother –

Mac was cut off as Candy sent Lila flying over the announce table, right into he and Leonard! Leonard’s headset got caught when Lila landed, and he ends up falling along with her. Candy climbed over the table and moved Leonard out of the way, before kneeling down and unloading with the rights and lefts on a defenseless Lila.

Mac Reynolds: Jesus, these two are crazy! They wanna destroy eachother and they might end up taking us along with them! I think they might have knocked Leonard’s headset loose when Lila got thrown over here! You alright kid?

Leonard Scott: - Am I’m on? Is this thing working? Holy shit, I knew this would be a brawl, but I didn’t think that WE would be pulled into it!

Mac Reynolds: Yeah. At least you can say you had a hot woman in your lap for about 10 seconds!

Leonard: Not funny! Anyways, Candy has taken this match back over with authority.

Candy picks Lila up and slams her into the table, then goes to irish whip her, but Lila counters and sends her hard into the guard railing. Lila runs at her , and Candy counters with a huge back body drop over the rail, sending her into the crowd.

Leonard Scott: It looks like the fans are about to get up close and personal with these two!

Mac Reynolds: Something you experienced a few minutes ago!

Candy favors her head neck for a moment, then slowly makes her way over the railing and follows after Lila. Lila staggers back to her feet and turns around, right into a knife edge chop from Candy, who grabs her by the head and drags her up some steps. Lila tries to fight out of it with a few elbow shots to the midsection, but Candy stops her with a knee to the chest. Candy bounces Lila's head off a support rail, then goes to toss her over it and down to the floor. Lila blocks it, then kicks Candy in the back of her knee then suplexes her right onto a row of chairs!!

Leonard Scott: Oh My God!

Mac Reynolds: Candy’s back might be broken after that!

Lila rolls around in pain, clutching her lower back. Candy isn’t much better off as she holds the back of her head, laid out across the chairs. Lila starts crawling towards one of the exits leading out of the arena, and Candy grabs her by the leg. Lila manages to kick her off and gets through the curtain, disappearing to the other part of the arena. Candy shakily makes her way back to her feet and looks around at the cheering audience, before going through the curtain after Lila. She looks around for a moment, realizing she's in the concession area, which is completely empty aside from a few stand managers. She didn't see Lila anywhere in sight, then catiously made her way forward.

Candy Lebabe: C'mon out bitch! I know your ass is out here!

Candy continues to look around, the Lila suddenly attacks her from behind, sending her crashing into one of the stands. She drags Candy back to her feet, and slams her head and shoulder first into a beer stand. Candy yells out in pain as she clutches at her shoulder, while Lila reaches over the stand and grabs a beer. Lila leans against the stand and opens it, then takes a long sip. She waits until Candy gets to her knees, then spits the beer right into her eyes!

Leonard Scott: Oh for Gods sake, was that really necessary!?

Mac Reynolds: What? It was some bad beer! Anyone would have done the same thing!

Lila picks Candy up, and drags her over towards a cart of some kind. She goes to place Candy on the cart, but Candy starts fighting back with the right hands. Lila cuts off Candy's offense with a rake of the eyes, blinding Candy momentarily as she tosses her onto the cart. Candy tried to get off, but Lila held her there with a forearm to the throat and starts punching her. She then turns her attention back to the cart and slowly turns it towards the merchandise stands, a very evil look on her face as she looks down at Candy, then back up at the stands. She starts to push it, then lets it pick up a bit of speed before letting it go. Candy manages to roll off of the cart at the last second before it crashes into the stands. Lila starts to walk over to her, but Candy surprises her with a Spear, sending them both crashing into one of the stands!

Leonard Scott: SPEAR! SPEAR! SPEAR!

Candy crawls over to Lila's prone for and goes for the pin.



THR-Lila kicks out before the three!

Candy rolls off of Lila and pulls herself up, then yanks Lila back to her feet and begins dragging her over to another entry way back into the arena. She opens up the curtain, then tosses Lila back out into the cheering fans, before entering herself.

Leonard Scott: And here they come again. Candy has gone from being the hunted to the huntress!

Lila is on all fours, trying to get away from Candy as she comes after her, and Candy punts Lila right in the ribs, sending her falling down a few stairs. She slowly walks down as Lila struggles to get back to her feet, then sends her back down with a hard right hand. She grabs a hand-full of Lila's hair and dragged her over towards a tech area in the crowd, then threw her over the railing into the area. Candy looked around as the crowd roared all around her, then made her way over to the rail and down into the tech area. She reached down and picked Lila up, before dumping her onto a table, before she starts to climb back up out of the tech area.

Leonard Scott: I think Candy wants to not only end the match right here, but she wants to end Lila here as well!

Candy looks back at Lila, then goes to leap off of the railing for a moonsault, when Lila jumps up and pushes her feet off, sending her crashing chest first into the rail!

Leonard Scott: Did you hear the sound of Candy's ribcage smashing into that rail!? What a counter!

Mac Reynolds: Yeah, and I don't think she's done yet!

Lila climbs out of the tech area as Candy just hangs there on the railing, completely defenseless. She kicks Candy in the chest, before leaping back over the railing and grabbing Candy on the way down for a sunset flip, sending both 6 feet below and crashing onto the table!

Leonard Scott: Oh My Fucking God! Lila may have just taken Candy, as well as herself on a one way trip to hell with that sunset flip that sent both women crashing nearly seven feet below!

Mac Reynolds: Lila's down, Candy has to be broken in half, and the table didn't even break from that! it just collapsed!

A "Holy Shit!" Chant fills the arena as both women are laying motionless on the collapsed table, neither one able to move. Lila slowly crawls over to Candy, who looks to be nearly unconscious, and gets an arm across her chest for a pin.



THR-Candy kicked out!

Mac Reynolds: You gotta be kidding me! What the hell will it take to keep these two girls down!?

Leonard Scott: The fans down't believe it, Lila doesn't believe it, hell, I don't think I can believe it! Neither woman is willing to die here!

Both women lay there on the table, Candy's out of it and Lila looking at Candy in disbelief that she was able to kick out. She slowly tries to pull herself up, and shakily manages to get back to her feet as the crowd roars and starts a "This Is Awesome!" chant. She reaches down and picks Candy by the hair and drags her to her feet, then slowly drags her in the direction of the ring. Lila tosses Candy into the guard rail, then picks up a chair as Candy tries to recover from the damage she's taken. Candy turns around, and Lila catches her with a shot to the ribs with the chair! Candy doubles over, and Lila strikes her again with the chair, this time in the back, sending her down to a knee! She waits for Candy to get back to her feet, then swings, but Candy ducks out of the way of this one. Candy tuns Lila around and boots her in the midsection and grabs her head, then uses the guard rail as a step up and hits The Sliced Bread, just barely missing a few fans in the process!!!

Leonard Scott: Oh Dear Lord! I think Candy may have finally destroyed Lila with that one!

Mac Reynolds: Thats it. This one's over! After everything these two have done to eachother, there is no way Lila is kicking out here!

Candy holds onto her ribs for a moment, obviously in pain, before slowly rolling over to Lila and going for the pin.



THRE-Lila kicks out right before the three!

Now its Candy's turn to look at Lila in shock as she sits against the guard rail, the crowd going crazy all around her. She slowly manages to make it back to her feet, then picks Lila up by the hair and tosses her back over the railing, then follows after her. She stomps Lila one time, before she starts to climb up onto the top rope. She looks down at Lila, then leaps for the moonsault, and Lila moves out of the way and Candy crashes into the arena floor!

Leonard Scott: Candy crashed, and Candy burned in one of the most violent ways possible!

The crowd roared and started a "WKF" Chant as Candy rolled around in pain. She slowly manages to get back to a knee, and Lila springs up and runs at Candy, hitting her with a Shining Wizard right in the jaw! Candy is out cold as Lila hooks the leg for the pin.




Justin Cash: Here is your winner, Lila!

Duality plays as both women are laid out on the floor just feet away from the announce table, Lila just barely conscious and Candy still not moving from the shining wiard she just took.

Leonard Scott: By hook or by crook, Lila managed to pull off the win in this very volitile and emotional battle, but you cannot take anything away from Candy Lebabe here. She was attacked even before the contest, she was able to come very close to winning this falls count anywhere match!

Mac Reynolds: Yeah yeah, she came close, but close doesn't cut it in this business!

EMT's finally come down to ringside and begin checking on both women. They help both women out of the arena as everyone gets ready for the next match.


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Jun 30, 2011
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Louisville, KY
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The Soviet Russia National Anthem fills the arena and the crowd gives a mixed reaction as Alexi Arilenko makes his way onto the stage, glancing coldly into the crowd as he walks down the ramp to the ring.

Justin Cash: The following contest is a Triple Threat Match scheduled for one fall, and is for the WKF North American Championship! Introducing the challengers, first, from San Diego, California, weighing in at 237 pounds, Alexi Arilenko!

Leonard Scott: And we kick things off with the North American title match between Bobby Beach, Eric Snow, and this man who, according to many, may have had an ulterior motive when he didn’t show up to that tag team match a few weeks back .

Mac Reynolds: I still say he had a good reason to not show up that night!

Good Lookin’ Guy plays and the fans boo heavily as Mr. Bobby Beach made his way down to the ring slowly, flexing his muscles and running a comb through his hair as he strolled down to the ring.

Justin Cash: And also from San Diego, California, weighing in at 245 pounds, “The Beach Terror†Mr. Bobby Beach!

Leonard Scott: Although he wasn’t in action, Bobby Beach’s bodyguard, Dino Colada, defeated Eric Snow in a match on Carnage last week. Whether or not he managed to weaken the NA Champion, we’ll find out in just a bit.

Pardon Me plays and pyro shoots out of the stage. The pyro clears, and the fans erupt as Eric Snow stands on the stage, holding up the NA title above his head, before walking down to the ring.

Justin Cash: And from Chicago, Illinois, weighing in at 200 pounds, he is the WKF North American Champion, “The X Factor†Eric Snow!

Snow rolls into the ring and hands the ref his title, staring down both Arilenko and Beach as the ref holds it up in the air, then signals for the bell to start the match off! The three start circling each other for a moment, before Arilenko and Snow suddenly run at Beach and begin double teaming him, backing him into a corner. They drag Beach out of the corner and set him up, then drop him with a double suplex. Beach tries to get back to his feet as he is again shoved back into a corner and stomped by Snow and Arilenko.

Leonard Scott: It looks like Alexi and Snow are going right after Beach in the early going to get rid of the larger competitor in this match!

Mac Reynolds: It’s a good strategy, but there is only so long these guys can work together before they start going after eachother.

Beach gets whipped into another corner and Eric goes to charge at him, but Arilenko grabs him and slams him hard into the corner and begins laying into him with the elbows to the jaw. He whips him to the opposite corner, and Beach moved out of the way just in time as Snow slams into the corner. He sends Alexi down to a knee with a kick to the midsection, and then goes to Irish whip him into Snow’s corner, but Alexi reverses it and sends Beach right into Snow. He charges at them, but Beach catches him with a boot to the jaw, knocking him down. Beach turns his attention back to Snow and grabs him, then suplexed him out of the corner. He quickly goes for the pin.


Tw-Arilenko breaks up the count!

Arilenko picks Beach up by the hair, but Beach nails him with a big right hand, forcing him to let go. He gets behind Arilenko and goes for a German Suplex, but Arilenko blocks it. He goes for it again, but Arilenko counters it with a Snapmare takeover. Beach gets back to his feet, and gets dropped back down with a dropkick from Arilenko. He picks Beach back up and forearms him in the face a few times, before bouncing off of the ropes and dropping him with a hard Lariat. He bounces off the ropes again, and hits a leg drop right across the throat of Beach. He goes back over to Snow and picks him up, but Snow jumps up and catches him with a step up enzuigiri. Arilenko staggers and Snow runs at him and rolls him up for the pin!



THR-Kick out by Arilenko!

Leonard Scott: Eric is trying to end this one early!

Both men get back to their feet and Arilenko goes for a clothesline, but Snow counters it with a victory roll pin!



THR-Again Arilenko kicks out!

Both men get up to their feet and Snow goes for another roll up, but Arilenko counters it into a fujiwara armbar. Snow screams in pain and desperately tries to either break the hold or get to the ropes while Arilenko Cranks up the pressure on the hold. It looks like Snow is going to submit, when Beach comes out of nowhere and breaks up the hold. He picks Arilenko up and tosses him out onto the ring apron and runs at him, but gets a shoulder to the midsection. Arilenko goes for a sunset flip, but Snow uses Beach as a step up and catches him with a flying knee to the jaw, sending him crashing down to the floor!

Mac Reynolds: I think i could hear his jaw crack from that shot all the way over here!

Snow turns back to Beach and kicks him in the leg, sending him down to a knee. He bounces off the ropes, and gets caught coming in with a powerslam. He pulls him up by the hair and picks him up for a powerbomb position, then tosses him spine first into a corner! Beach drags Snow away from the corner and goes for the pin, but Arilenko grabs him by the ankle and pulls him out of the ring to break up the pin!

Leonard Scott: Arilenko makes the save before the count is made and the match continues!

Mac Reynolds: How the hell did he get back up after that knee to the jaw from snow earlier!? That one should have knocked him out cold!

Arilenko pulls Beach forward, and then sends him right into the ring apron. He unloads with a few punches to the body, then goes bash Beach’s head off the steel steps, but Beach blocks it. He goes for it again, and Beach blocks it again and elbows Arilenko in the ribs, sending him backwards. The two men start brawling on the arena floor, neither man sees that Snow has recovered in the ring. He bounces off the ropes and springboards, and then takes both of them out with a No Handed Corkscrew Shooting Star Press!

Leonard Scott: Holy shit! Did you see the height, the elevation that Eric Snow got on that one!?

Mac Reynolds: It looked like the kid came out of orbit and crashed right on top of BOTH Bobby Beach and Arilenko!

The crowd roared and started a "Holy Shit!" chant as all three men are down and struggling to stand up at this point. Snow finally makes it back to his feet and pulls Arilenko back up to his feet, before tossing him back into the ring. He rolls back in and waits as Arilenko gets to his knees, before hitting him with a stiff kick straight to the chest. He brings his leg back, and hits him again with another hard kick. Snow hits Arilenko with two more kicks, before dropping him with a devastating buzzsaw kick right to the side of the head! He goes right for the pin.



THR-Arilenko just barely kicks out right before the two count!

Leonard Scott: That was as close as close can come to a three count! What an opening contest!

Snow gets back to his feet and goes over to the corner and climbs up to the top ropes, thinking about ending this one with The X-Splash. He gets up to the top and goes to leap, but Beach gets up to the ring apron and shoves him off of the top, sending him crashing into the guard rail! Arilenko and Snow are both down and out, while Beach is shaking out the cobwebs on the ring apron. He climbs up to the top rope, then leaps off and goes for a diving fist drop, but Arilenko moves out of the way and Beach ends up crashing down to the canvas.

Mac Reynolds: I think Beach might have broken his hand with that one!

He gets up to knees, holding his hand in agonizing pain as Arilenko bounces off the ropes, but catches him coming in with a snap powerslam. Beach gets back to his feet, still favoring his hand, then screamed at Arilenko to get up. Arilenko staggered back to his feet, and Beach got behind him and locked in a rear waist lock, before sending him flying with a germen suplex! He keeps his hands locked around Arilenko as he gets back to his feet, and drills him with a second germen suplex! He again keeps his hands locked around Arilenko as he goes for a third germen, but Arilenko blocks it. Beach clubs Arilenko in the back of the head and neck a few times, and then goes for it again, but Arilenko blocks it and rolls forward for the rolling heel trip, then locks in the ankle lock!

Leonard Scott: Ankle Lock! Alexi Arilenko has the Ankle Lock on tight, and Beach has nowhere to go!

Mac Reynolds: Beach might have to tap out here; he’s trapped in the middle of the ring!

Beach screams in pain as he scratches and claws his way to the ropes, with Arilenko trying to drag him back to the middle of the ring. Beach manages to roll forward and sends Arilenko face first into the bottom turnbuckle to break the hold. Beach gets up to a knee as Arilenko staggers out of the corner, then gets up and grabs Arilenko, before drilling him skull first into the mat with a vicious Piledriver!

Leonard Scott: Piledriver! Beach hit the Piledriver! This has got to be it!

Beach rolls over and hooks Arilenko’s leg for the pin.



THR-Snow springboards in and breaks up the pin with The X-Splash!

Leonard Scott: He broke it up with The X-Splash!

Mac Reynolds: He had no other choice Leonard! It was either pull out The X-Splash, or he would lose the NA title to Bobby Beach!

A “This Is Awesome!†Chant fills the arena as all three men try to recover in the ring, all down and exhausted from the match taking place. Snow rolls over and covers Beach.



THRE-Kickout by Beach at two and a half!

Snow quickly climbs over to Arilenko and hooks the leg for the pin.



THRE-Kickout by Arilenko!

Snow moans in fustration as he gets back to his feet and went to pick up Beach. He gives him a hard knife edge chop, then whips him to the ropes. He goes for a back body drop, but Beach counters it with a swinging neckbreaker. Beach gets back to his feet, clutching his lower back in pain, before making his way over towards a corner and up to the top rope. He gets up top, then dives and drives the point of his elbow right into the heart of Eric Snow! Snow rolls around, holding his chest in pain as Beach is on all fours, trying to get back to his feet. He makes it back up, then pulls Snow up to his feet and onto his shoulders, going for The Burning Hammer. Snow tries to fight out of it, and manages to get ahold of Beach's head and goes for Sliced Bread, but Beach counters it and sends Snow flying across the ring. Snow stumbles back to his feet and Beach picks him back up onto his shoulders, and drills him with The Burning Hammer!

Leonard Scott: BURNING HAMMER! Burning Hammer by Beach, and I don't think Snow has enough left in the tank to kick out!

Beach drops down and goes for the pin.



THR-Arilenko manages to break up the pin!

Leonard Scott: Arilenko manages to break up the pin just a hair before the three count! If he was a second later, we would be crowning a new North American Champion!

Arilenko went to pick Beach up, but Beach raked his eyes, blinding him and sending him stumbling backwards. Beach then irish whips him hard into a corner and charges, but Arilenko reverses it and sends Beach chest first into the turnbuckle. Arilenko then begins shoulder blocking Beach in the back, smashing him into the corner even further. He lets Beach stagger out of the corner, then climbs up to the second rope and leaps hittting a tornado ddt, spiking Beach right ontop of his head! Arilenko quickly goes for the pin.



THR-Beach gets the shoulder up right before the count of three!

Arilenko pounds the mat in fustration, then imediatly goes on the attack and locks in a sitting cobra clutch. Beach yelled out in pain as he tries to make it to the ropes while Arilenko applys more pressure to the hold. Beach slowly tries to get back to his feet, and suddenly breaks the hold with a modified arm drag, taking Arilenko out of the ring and onto the ring apron. Beach goes over to Arilenko and grabs him, before bringning him back into the ring with a hard suplex. He goes for a pin, but Snow comes out of nowhere and breaks it up before the ref makes the one count! Snow brings Beach up to his feet and kicks him in the knee. He kicks him again in the midsection, then drops him with a spinning wheel kick to the jaw. Snow looks down at Beach to make sure that he's down, before climbing up to the top rope, looking to end this match. He stands up on the top rope, then leaps and comes crashing down onto Beach with The X-Splash! He gets back to his feet, clutching his ribs as he tries to go for the pin, but Arilenko attacks him from behind! Arilenko starts throwing elbows at Snow, before whipping him to the ropes, and Snow holds onto the ropes. Arilenko charges, and Snow sends him flying over the top ropes with a back body drop. Snow gets out onto the ring and onto the ring apron and waits as Arilenko gets back to his feet. He runs and leaps at him, but Arilenko catches him in mid air and drives him spine first into the steel steps with a Powerslam!!!

Leonard Scott: Jesus Christ! Did you hear the sound of Eric Snow's back smashing into the steel off that Powerslam!?!

Mac Reynolds: Spine met steel Leonard, and steel won that one!

Arilenko picks up Snow's limp form and tosses him back into the ring, bafore sliding in after him. He slips behind him and goes for the Reverse Powerslam, but Snow manages to counter it into a victory roll!




Justin Cash: Here is your winner, and STILL the WKF North American Champion, "The X-Factor" Eric Snow!

Leonard Scott: Eric Snow manages to retain his title in a very highly contested match up! What a great way to start off our pay-per-view!

Snow rolls out of the ring and grabs his title, holding it up high as the crowd gives a great response.

The Boondocks

Jun 30, 2011
Reaction score
Central Minnesota
"Duel" by Swervedriver begins to blare throughout the arena.

Justin Cash: The following match is set for one fall. Introducing first, from Chicago, Illinois, Xavier, "The Savior" Donovan!

Xavier makes his way out onto the ramp, and is met with a ton of cheers. He gets down to the ring, excited to be here tonight. He gets into the ring and pumps up the crowd, waiting for his opponent. Suddenly, Asylum takes over on the PA. The lights dim and Kai comes out, met with boos. He grins menacingly, and works his way down to the ring.

Justin Cash: And his opponent, from Parts Unknown, representing The Disciples of Syn, Kai!

Mac Reynolds: You gotta think that Kai has the advantage, he's been working here in WKF while Donovan has been all talk and no fight.

Leonard Scott: It's not Donovan's fault he's been out of the ring, he hasn't been booked.

Ding! The bell rings, and the match gets under way. Donovan looks like he wants to hurt Kai, as he gets after him right away. Kai ducks under a grapple attempt and gets back control. He swings Xavier down onto the mat with a back suplex. He quickly jumps on top of Donovan and begins to strike furiously with elbows. Kai is pulled off by the ref, who didn't want to end the match by DQ so soon. Kai gets up and falls back, leaning into the corner, as if he's planning something. Donovan helps himself up with the ropes, and Kai charges at him. Xavier flips Kai over the top rope, but Kai catches himself on the apron. He grabs onto Donovan's neck and pulls on it as he jumps to the floor. Xavier falls to the mat inside the ring.

Mac Reynolds: Great awareness by Kai.

Kai grabs Donovan's leg and pulls him to the floor. He stands Xavier up and charges him at the ring post. Kai smashes the neck of Xavier into the post, who falls to the floor. Kai picks him up and tosses him into the ring as the refs count reaches six. Kai, instead of getting in the ring, climbs onto the top turnbuckle. He prepares himself, and leaps off at Donovan. He tries to connect with a moonsault, but Donovan catches him in an Oklahoma slam position, on his shoulder. Xavier brings Kai down as he takes a knee to smash the shoulder of Kai onto his knee.

Leonard Scott: Terrific counter from Donovan. That's his first offense in this contest.

Donovan looks to get into his opponents head, as he climbs the turnbuckle and leaps for a moonsault of his own. He connects, and smashes onto Kai. He gets up, watching Kai roll in pain. Kai slowly tries to get to his feet, but is kicked in the chest by Donovan. Xavier grabs a hold of the kneeling Kai and plants him with a DDT. Donovan attempts a cover...



Mac Reynolds: Xavier Donovan is going to have to try harder to beat someone of the likes of Kai.

Donovan gets to his feet after the pin attempt and awaits the rise of Kai. Kai gets to his feet, and Donovan charges at him for a running dropkick. Kai shunts him off and gets out of the ring. Donovan gets to his feet to see Kai grabbing a chair. He gets in the ring with it, but Xavier kicks him in the gut. Kai drops the chair, and Donovan spots up to suplex him onto it. Xavier lifts Kai into a stalling vertical suplex. The ref rushes up and pulls the chair out from beneath the two men. Donovan slams Kai down, but is disappointed that the chair was moved, and sees the ref throwing it out of the ring. Donovan walks over and complains that Kai brought it into play so it should be legal. The ref argues that he would get disqualified. Donovan looks at him in frustration, and Kai rushes over to roll Donovan up...




Leonard Scott: Donovan was too busy with the ref, and he almost paid the price. Near fall from Kai.

Donovan gets to his feet and charges at Kai. Kai reverses his subsequent clothesline attempt by ducking under it, and laying a volley of kicks into the back of Donovan. Xavier falls to his feet in pain. Kai runs to the ropes in front of Donovan, rebounds off, and kicks Xavier in the face with a running face wash. Donovan falls straight to the mat, where Kai attempts, again, to pin him...



Thre-no! Kickout again!

Mac Reynolds: Come on! That was three! the ref is obviously favoring Xavier!

Leonard Scott: Relax Mac, the men hired to ref like both of the men. If they didn't like you, though, I would understand.

Kai lifts Donovan to his feet and grapples Donovan for a powerbomb. Xavier is on the shoulders of Kai when he falls into the turnbuckle. Donovan fights, striking Kai in the head repeatedly. Kai falls out of the turnbuckle and onto his knees in the middle of the ring. Xavier turns around on the top turnbuckle, so that he is facing Kai. As the face painted menace gets up and turns, he is smashed with a missile dropkick. Kai falls to the mat, and Xavier covers...




Leonard Scott: Another terrific counter by Donovan. He has demanding control now.

Kai slowly gets up, and falls into Donovan. Xavier grabs a hold for the Event Horizon. He jumps to flip Kai, but Kai slips out. Donovan eats mat and is slowly getting to his feet now. Kai sets up for a superkick. He charges for the kick, but Xavier ducks away. He grabs a hold of a half nelson and slams Kai with Ultimate Judgement. He locks in the half nelson crossface and wrenches on the neck of Kai. Kai struggles hard, but can't find a way out. He keeps struggling to escape, but eventually, taps out!

Justin Cash: Here's your winner, by way of submission, Xavier "The Savior" Donovan!

The Boondocks

Jun 30, 2011
Reaction score
Central Minnesota
Justin Cash: The following match is set for one fall! Introducing first, representing the Disciples of Syn in this match, from Elizabethtown, Kentucky, The Original, JC Epick!

ain't No Rest For The Wicked plays on the PA as Epick comes out to the ring. He is greeting with a bounty of boos, which he doesn't seem to mind. He gets into the ring and waits for his opponent. God Save The Queen takes over as the sound, and as soon as it hits, the crowd erupts. Chris Kline comes to the ring confidently. He gets into the ring and awaits the bell so he can have at Epick.

Justin Cash: And his opponent, from Manchester England, making his in ring return to WKF, Chris Kline!

The crowd cheers when his name is mentioned. The bell rings now and the match is under way. Kline takes his time in testing Epick, to see if he's gifted in the ring. Epick passes all standards, so Kline goes for a simple collar and elbow lock up. Epick gains the advantage and goes to a side headlock. He slams Kline over with a judo hip toss and releases and gets to his feet. He taunts Kline, which garnishes boos. Kline gets up and offers a handshake. JC agrees, but is kicked in the gut by Kline. Chris snaps Epick with an arm drag and holds the arm to wrench. He is tugging on it, trying to wear down Epick. JC makes it to the rope with his foot, forcing Kline to release.

Mac Reynolds: The back and forth in this match is great.

Epick gets up and charges at Kline, who counters with a drop toe hold. He locks in a seated side headlock and pulls at the head of JC. Kline switches over to using his legs to lock onto the head of Epick. JC struggles and again reaches the rope with his feet. Kline releases, and gives Epick a few stomps before letting him up. When Epick does get up, he is met with a clothesline attempt, which he ducks. He grabs the arm of Kline and locks in the crippler crossface!

Leonard Scott: Oh my, JC Epick could end it with this counter!

Chris fights valiantly to escape the submission. He can't get out or reach the ropes. He starts to go limp. His arm is lifted to check consciousness. The first time, it drops flat to the mat. Second time is ended with the same result. The ref holds the hand of Kline up for the third time. As it falls, JC releases, thinking he's won. Kline stops his hand and grabs the shirt of the ref. The crowd cheers, which confuses JC. Kline grabs Epick by the ankle and trips him down, and getting up right after. Epick gets a confused face on his look and turns to see Kline standing over him. Kline picks up Epick and hits him with the stunner! He connected with his finisher, but Epick fell through the ropes and out. Kline gets up and taunts to the crowd as Epick holds his jaw on the floor.

Mac Reynolds: It looks like Kline somehow got control of the match.

Epick takes his time getting in the ring. When he does, he tries to catch Kline off guard by grabbing his ankle. Chris slips his for out and presses his foot down on the hand of Epick. He releases and JC gets up, clutching his fingers. Kline charges, but Epick dodges and pushes Chris into the turnbuckle post. JC points out to the crowd to distract the ref, and kicks Kline below the belt while he's in the corner. The ref gets his attention back and notices the man hurt where he is. He asks Epick, but JC declines anything. Epick pulls Kline out and hits him with a few chest chops and elbows, finishing the volley with a spinning heel kick. He covers Kline...




Leonard Scott: Can you believe that? JC cheating for an advantage, go figure.

Mac Reynolds: What are you talking about? The ref didn't see it, so it didn't happen!

JC grabs a hold of Kline's leg and locks in a knee bar. He wrenches at it for a while, before releasing. Epick gets up to stomp on the leg, but Kline moves his leg out of the way. He uses his legs to trip Epick down to the mat. Chris gets up and pulls Epick into the middle of the ring, where he locks in an ab stretch. He fights to wear down Epick, but JC manages to slip out. He kicks Kline a few times in the back and chest, before hitting him with a short arm clothesline. Kline is down in the middle of the ring, and Epick decides to climb the turnbuckle. JC is taunting at the top of the corner, when Chris gets up and punches him in the stomach. JC falls forward, but is caught by Kline. Chris holds on to hit the Tower of London!

Leonard Scott: Tower of London! Kline has it!

Chris pulls JC to the middle of the ring and covers!



Mac Reynolds:
No! Not JC! Kickout, come on!


Justin Cash: Your winner, by way of pinfall, Chris Kline!