same hereLooks like the same eyes to me. My eyes are also blue-green and some days they just look more blue and some they look more green
same hereLooks like the same eyes to me. My eyes are also blue-green and some days they just look more blue and some they look more green
lol if I wasn't such a sucker for my avatar I would 100% use thisIs this Roman as Jesus?
Its pretty dope tbh. I get complimented on them on the regsame here
It's always a really great talking point with girls you just meet, I've never brought it up even.Its pretty dope tbh. I get complimented on them on the reg
try harder bro.It's marketing and if this allows the viewer to see Reigns as 'from another planet' then more power to them.
It increases the value of doing that double turn when you see Reigns walking through an airport.
Blue represents the sky and green represents nature. Notice the hue in Christopher Reeve's eyes. Very effective.
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Is this Roman as Jesus?
lol if I wasn't such a sucker for my avatar I would 100% use this
seriously is that fan made or something WWE did? Either way awesome, if WWE did it then that is hilariousIf you won't, then I will. I'm Samoan Jesus from now on. Peace
I watched his promo from Raw this week and he defo didn't have colored contacts in. I think AMF is just a blueberry personallyI dunno I just stumbled upon it while looking for images of him with the blue eyes and it stuck out to me