Brief Summary (from yahoo)
Searching for his missing sister, Clay Miller heads up to the eerie woods of legendary Crystal Lake, where he stumbles on the creaky remains of rotting old cabins behind moss-covered trees. And that's not the only thing lying in wait under the brush. Against the advice of police and cautions from the locals, Clay pursues what few leads he has in the search for his missing sister, Whitney, with the help of Jenna, a young woman he meets among a group of college kids up for an all-thrills weekend. But they are all about to find much more than they bargained for. Little do they know, they've entered the domain of one of the most terrifying specters in American film history -- the infamous killer who haunts Crystal Lake, armed with a razor-sharp machete... Jason Voorhees.
My Review
I went to see this movie last night and was biting my lip before going in. My brothers and I grew up on watching all the F13, Halloween and Elm St movies so we get fucking angry when our shit is messed up (like the Halloween remake, which fucking REEKED) so I was a bit afraid of watching this movie and being left angry at the disappointment.
As a big F13 fan, I must say in all honesty, this movie DELIVERED.
If you didn't already know, this movie is basically the first few F13 movies put together.
The first 15-20 is fucking WILD. It starts off back with Alice (if you haven't seen the original first movie, Alice is the one who chopped off Mrs. Voorhees head) and Mrs. Voorhees. Mrs. Voorhees is chasing Alice through the woods and to the lake, just like in the original, and, again, like the original, Alice ends up chopping Mrs. Voorhees head off.
We then fast forward to present time. A group of teens are headed to the camp to find some weed that is growing there (the makers of the movie obviously knew their target audience, though it's a gay concept, imo). Anyways, two wonder off to check out the cabins (this is done by Clay's sister, Whitney, and her BF, who actually find where Jason lived and search the house, in which Whitney finds a necklace with Jason and his mom's pictures inside so she keeps it), two stay at the camp site (they set up their tents in a random spot so they could sleep the night and continue their search for the weed) and one heads off to take a leak. The guy taking a leak finds the weed but Jason ensures he doesn't make it back to his friends. At this point, Jason has his sack over his head, like in F13 part 2.
Jason owns all the teens except one, who is Clay's'll find out why later on.
Fast foward again to 6 weeks after that attack and you meet Clay, who is going around town handing out flyers for his missing sister. He runs into a group of teens in a store who are off to a cottage owned by the rich asshole friend in the group. Clay and Whitney's mother died of cancer and Whitney never showed up to the funeral so Clay knows something is wrong.
As Clay continues his search for his sister, he ends up heading to Crystal Lake and knocking on the door of the teens with the asshole rich guy that he met at the store. One of the girls offers to help Clay so they head off to the other side of the lake to hand out the flyers. As they approach a house, they hear something and hide. In the scramble, Clay leaves his bag with the flyers out in the open. The noise is from Jason, who is carrying a headless body. Jason finds the bag and takes it with him to his hiding place.
In this movie, Jason has a sort of "underground lair", which is his hiding spot for the bodies (if you've seen the original movies, his hiding spot was in the cabin with his mother's head) and his prisoner, Whitney. Jason throws the bag down and walks to the back of the lair with the dead body he was carrying and Whitney reaches for the bag and searches it. She finds Clay's flyers and knows he is there somewhere.
To explain why Jason suddenly keeps prisoners, if you saw F13 part 2, you will remember when the one counselor found Mrs. Voorhees' head and put her sweater on to "trick" Jason into thinking she was really his mother and he would do what she said. This is the same conecpt, except they use a necklace instead of the sweater. I liked the sweater idea way better. The one thing I didn't get is if the necklace made Jason think Whitney was his mother, why would he chain her up? He wouldn't chain up his own mother....
The rest of the movie is your typical F13 movie with lots of pretty cool kills. One (which I wont give away) surprised me because I didn't see it coming at all (just remember water skiiing...).
I wont give away anything else but I will tell you that the end was Jason style and you had a feeling it would happen.
For a cast of mostly unknown actors, it was surprisingly good acting. I LOVED the soundtrack to the movie but was disappointed that they barely used "ch ch ch ha ha ha", which was probably only used twice in the entire movie. It had an awesome scare factor. Even though you knew something was about to happen, you still jumped in your seat. The kills reminded me of good old classic Jason. They are nothing you haven't really seen before but they are still fun to watch.
Some of the complaints people seemed to have when I was reading other reviews were complaints that showed people didn't even watch the first few original F13 movies. A lot of people whined about him running. HE RUNS IN THE OLD MOVIES. Jason was not always like a zombie. He was fairly human in the earlier F13 movies and RAN.
The amount of nudity. Every fucking slasher movie has nudity in it. People were making it sound like every 5 seconds of the movie had nudity in it. They showed 3 FUCKING SETS OF BOOBS IN THE ENTIRE MOVIE. One guy even said there was "more nudity than killing". Not sure what movie this asswipe was watching because I saw far more killing than nudity. Yes, two couples fuck in the movie. This is what any young couple would do when camping or at a cottage. Nothing new, get over it.
I would give this movie an 8/10. I take away one point because they should have made the part where Jason gets his mask fucking EPIC but it kinda failed. I take another point away just for the weed idea. Weed suddenly grows at Crystal Lake? Yeah, fuck off, that's gay. They should have just been going on a dare or something, not to find a magical stash of weed that suddenly started to grow one day at a camp.
It was a great movie that kept the feel of the original F13 movies. If you want a real comparison, go watch F13 parts 1 and 2 and you will see the similarites.
F13 remake>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Halloween remake.
Searching for his missing sister, Clay Miller heads up to the eerie woods of legendary Crystal Lake, where he stumbles on the creaky remains of rotting old cabins behind moss-covered trees. And that's not the only thing lying in wait under the brush. Against the advice of police and cautions from the locals, Clay pursues what few leads he has in the search for his missing sister, Whitney, with the help of Jenna, a young woman he meets among a group of college kids up for an all-thrills weekend. But they are all about to find much more than they bargained for. Little do they know, they've entered the domain of one of the most terrifying specters in American film history -- the infamous killer who haunts Crystal Lake, armed with a razor-sharp machete... Jason Voorhees.
My Review
I went to see this movie last night and was biting my lip before going in. My brothers and I grew up on watching all the F13, Halloween and Elm St movies so we get fucking angry when our shit is messed up (like the Halloween remake, which fucking REEKED) so I was a bit afraid of watching this movie and being left angry at the disappointment.
As a big F13 fan, I must say in all honesty, this movie DELIVERED.
If you didn't already know, this movie is basically the first few F13 movies put together.
The first 15-20 is fucking WILD. It starts off back with Alice (if you haven't seen the original first movie, Alice is the one who chopped off Mrs. Voorhees head) and Mrs. Voorhees. Mrs. Voorhees is chasing Alice through the woods and to the lake, just like in the original, and, again, like the original, Alice ends up chopping Mrs. Voorhees head off.
We then fast forward to present time. A group of teens are headed to the camp to find some weed that is growing there (the makers of the movie obviously knew their target audience, though it's a gay concept, imo). Anyways, two wonder off to check out the cabins (this is done by Clay's sister, Whitney, and her BF, who actually find where Jason lived and search the house, in which Whitney finds a necklace with Jason and his mom's pictures inside so she keeps it), two stay at the camp site (they set up their tents in a random spot so they could sleep the night and continue their search for the weed) and one heads off to take a leak. The guy taking a leak finds the weed but Jason ensures he doesn't make it back to his friends. At this point, Jason has his sack over his head, like in F13 part 2.
Jason owns all the teens except one, who is Clay's'll find out why later on.
Fast foward again to 6 weeks after that attack and you meet Clay, who is going around town handing out flyers for his missing sister. He runs into a group of teens in a store who are off to a cottage owned by the rich asshole friend in the group. Clay and Whitney's mother died of cancer and Whitney never showed up to the funeral so Clay knows something is wrong.
As Clay continues his search for his sister, he ends up heading to Crystal Lake and knocking on the door of the teens with the asshole rich guy that he met at the store. One of the girls offers to help Clay so they head off to the other side of the lake to hand out the flyers. As they approach a house, they hear something and hide. In the scramble, Clay leaves his bag with the flyers out in the open. The noise is from Jason, who is carrying a headless body. Jason finds the bag and takes it with him to his hiding place.
In this movie, Jason has a sort of "underground lair", which is his hiding spot for the bodies (if you've seen the original movies, his hiding spot was in the cabin with his mother's head) and his prisoner, Whitney. Jason throws the bag down and walks to the back of the lair with the dead body he was carrying and Whitney reaches for the bag and searches it. She finds Clay's flyers and knows he is there somewhere.
To explain why Jason suddenly keeps prisoners, if you saw F13 part 2, you will remember when the one counselor found Mrs. Voorhees' head and put her sweater on to "trick" Jason into thinking she was really his mother and he would do what she said. This is the same conecpt, except they use a necklace instead of the sweater. I liked the sweater idea way better. The one thing I didn't get is if the necklace made Jason think Whitney was his mother, why would he chain her up? He wouldn't chain up his own mother....
The rest of the movie is your typical F13 movie with lots of pretty cool kills. One (which I wont give away) surprised me because I didn't see it coming at all (just remember water skiiing...).
I wont give away anything else but I will tell you that the end was Jason style and you had a feeling it would happen.
For a cast of mostly unknown actors, it was surprisingly good acting. I LOVED the soundtrack to the movie but was disappointed that they barely used "ch ch ch ha ha ha", which was probably only used twice in the entire movie. It had an awesome scare factor. Even though you knew something was about to happen, you still jumped in your seat. The kills reminded me of good old classic Jason. They are nothing you haven't really seen before but they are still fun to watch.
Some of the complaints people seemed to have when I was reading other reviews were complaints that showed people didn't even watch the first few original F13 movies. A lot of people whined about him running. HE RUNS IN THE OLD MOVIES. Jason was not always like a zombie. He was fairly human in the earlier F13 movies and RAN.
The amount of nudity. Every fucking slasher movie has nudity in it. People were making it sound like every 5 seconds of the movie had nudity in it. They showed 3 FUCKING SETS OF BOOBS IN THE ENTIRE MOVIE. One guy even said there was "more nudity than killing". Not sure what movie this asswipe was watching because I saw far more killing than nudity. Yes, two couples fuck in the movie. This is what any young couple would do when camping or at a cottage. Nothing new, get over it.
I would give this movie an 8/10. I take away one point because they should have made the part where Jason gets his mask fucking EPIC but it kinda failed. I take another point away just for the weed idea. Weed suddenly grows at Crystal Lake? Yeah, fuck off, that's gay. They should have just been going on a dare or something, not to find a magical stash of weed that suddenly started to grow one day at a camp.
It was a great movie that kept the feel of the original F13 movies. If you want a real comparison, go watch F13 parts 1 and 2 and you will see the similarites.
F13 remake>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Halloween remake.