Friday Night Carnage: Episode 11

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Take Over plays and the crowd roars as Chaos slowly walks onto the stage. He gazes around at the fans, then slowly makes his way to the ring. Chaos walks up the steps and hops over the ring ropes to enter the ring.

Justin Cash: The followling constest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from Boston, Massachusetts, weighing in at 180 pounds, Chaos!

All She Wrote came over the PA system and the lights dimmed as Ron The Crusher makes his way onto the stage, his pyro falling behind him, then walks down the isle. He taunts the crowd as they boo loudly, then slides into the ring.

Justin Cash: And his opponent, from Nashville, Tennessee, weighing in at 230 pounds, Ron The Crusher!

Leonard Scott: And this matchup features two men who have been on a roll over the last two weeks. Chaos pulled out an amazing win over Chucho two weeks ago, dispite having a broken wrist, and Ron The Crusher made his debut last week, gaining an impressive victory over Dustin Black! This looks to be an exciting matchup.

Mac Reynolds: Yeah, but this idiot Chaos is still wrestling fresh off of a broken wrist injury! He's wearing a large bullseye on it, and I won't be suprised if Ron The Crusher decided to take advantage of it!

The ref signaled for the bell, getting this match underway! Both men circle eachother for a moment, before locking up in the middle of the ring. Ron gets the better of the exchange, wrenching on the injured wrist of Chaos. Chaos yells out in pain and tries to fight out of the hold, before he manages to get to the ropes for the break. Ron slowly lets go and mocks Chaos as the crowd boos loudly. Chaos lets go of the ropes and locks back up with Ron, and this time he gets the advantage with the side headlock. Ron tries to fight out of it, but Chaos rolls over into a headlock takeover. The ref sees that Ron's shoulders are on the mat and goes for to make the pin, but Ron gets the shoulder up before the one count. his shoulder goes back down to the mat and the ref goes to make the count again, and again Ron gets the shoulder up before the one count. Ron finally manages to fight back to his feet and sends Chaos to the ropes, then drops him with a big shoulder knockdown on the return. He bounces off the ropes and leapfrogs over Chaos, and Chaos catches him with an armdrag takedown! Both men get back to their feet and charge at eachother, and Ron catches Chaos with an armdrag of his own! Both men get back to their feet and stare down as the crowd applauds the exchange.

Leonard Scott: It looks like these two are pretty even at the moment.

Mac Reynolds: Yeah, yeah. Lets see how long that keeps up.

The two go to lock back up again, and Ron kicks Chaos right in the midsection, sending him to a knee. He then begins firing off with the right hands, backing Chaos into the ropes. He whips Choas to the ropes an goes for a back body drop, but Chaos counters it with a swinging neckbreaker. He locks in a rea waistlock and drags Ron back to his feet, thinking Chaos Theaory, and Ron breaks the hold with two hard elbows to the jaw. He gets behind Chaos and locks in a waistlock of his own, and sends him flying with a german suplex. He goes right after the injured arm, stomping on the hand and wrist of Chaos. Chaos tries to fight back to his feet with some shots to the midesction, but Ron drops him with a boot to the side of the head. He quickly goes for the pin.



Kickout at two in a half by Choas!

Leonard Scott: And a kickout before the three by chaos, but Ron The Crusher has quickly taken this match over!

Ron begins stomping at the arm again, then drags Chaos over to the ropes and tangles his hand and wrist in the ropes.

Mac Reynolds: See! I told you that Ron would be all over Chaos' wrist, and now look at whats happening!

Chaos screams in pain as the ref tries to pry Ron off of Chaos, then starts counting for the break. Ron lets go right before the five and Chaos rolls around, clutching his wirst in agonizing pain. Ron picks Chaos back up and whips him to the ropes, Chaos ducks underneath the clothesline and springboards off the ropes, and hits a huge crossbody! Chaos favors his wrist for a moment, then gets back to his feet and pulls Ron up. He whips him to the ropes and catches him coming back in with a flying shoulder tackle. Chaos quickly goes up to the top rope and waits for Ron to stand. Ron staggers to his feet and Chaos leaps, and drills Ron with a missile dropkick! He quickly goes for the cover.




Chaos goes to pick Ron up, but Ron lifs Chaos up and drives him into the corner, then begins ramming his shoulder into Chaos' midesction. He grabs him by the arm and yanks him out fo the corner and into a hard clothesline. Ron goes for the pin.



THRE- Kickout!

Ron yanks Chaos back to his feet, then goes for The Destroyer, but Chaos counters it into a jacknife pinning combination!



THR- Ron bridges out of the pin and spins it into a backslide pin!



THR- Chaos manages to kick out!

Leonard Scott: Back and forth this match goes, with neither man able to get the clear cut advantage!

Mac Reynolds: Yeah, this match is all evened up!

Both men scramble to their feet and Chaos kicks Ron in the midsection and goes for a DDT, but Ron counters it into a spinebuster. He quickly tries to lock in an armbar, and Chaos clasps both hands to block it. The two fight over the submission, and Ron manages to knock Chaos' hand away and locks in the armbar. Chaos screams in pain as he tries to reach the bottom ropes. Chaos is close to the ropes, and he makes it. Ron lets go and goes to pull Chaos to his feet, when Chaos rolls him up with an inside cradle!




Chaos rolled out of the ring as Ron ast up in shock at what just happened

Justin Cash: Here is your winner, Chaos!

Leonard Scott: Wow! Chaos pulled out the suprise victory with that inside cradle, but this match was as close as close can come!

Mac Reynolds Yeah. I wouldn't mind seein' these two lock up again in the near future.

In the ring, Ron is arguing with the ref about the count, still not believing that he lost. He shoves the ref out of the way and rolls out of the ring, leaving the arena in a foul mood

The Boondocks

Jun 30, 2011
Reaction score
Central Minnesota

Event: Friday Night Carnage: Episode 11
Venue: Target Center in Minniapolis, Minnesota
Date: August 26th, 2011

Leonard Scott: Hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome to another installment of WKF Carnage. I'm Leonard Scott, joined here by my broadcast partner, Mac Reynolds.

Mac Reynolds: Yeah, I'm here with this dweeb. We've got a night of action in store for you tonight.

Leonard Scott: And tonight is the last episode of Carnage before we go back to Pay Per View to bring you Full Throttle! We're starting of the show with some wreslting action, featuring Chaos, and one of our newest stars, Ron The Crusher!

Take Over plays and the crowd roars as Chaos slowly walks onto the stage. He gazes around at the fans, then slowly makes his way to the ring. Chaos walks up the steps and hops over the ring ropes to enter the ring.

Justin Cash: The followling constest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from Boston, Massachusetts, weighing in at 180 pounds, Chaos!

All She Wrote came over the PA system and the lights dimmed as Ron The Crusher makes his way onto the stage, his pyro falling behind him, then walks down the isle. He taunts the crowd as they boo loudly, then slides into the ring.

Justin Cash: And his opponent, from Nashville, Tennessee, weighing in at 230 pounds, Ron The Crusher!

Leonard Scott: And this matchup features two men who have been on a roll over the last two weeks. Chaos pulled out an amazing win over Chucho two weeks ago, dispite having a broken wrist, and Ron The Crusher made his debut last week, gaining an impressive victory over Dustin Black! This looks to be an exciting matchup.

Mac Reynolds: Yeah, but this idiot Chaos is still wrestling fresh off of a broken wrist injury! He's wearing a large bullseye on it, and I won't be suprised if Ron The Crusher decided to take advantage of it!

The ref signaled for the bell, getting this match underway! Both men circle eachother for a moment, before locking up in the middle of the ring. Ron gets the better of the exchange, wrenching on the injured wrist of Chaos. Chaos yells out in pain and tries to fight out of the hold, before he manages to get to the ropes for the break. Ron slowly lets go and mocks Chaos as the crowd boos loudly. Chaos lets go of the ropes and locks back up with Ron, and this time he gets the advantage with the side headlock. Ron tries to fight out of it, but Chaos rolls over into a headlock takeover. The ref sees that Ron's shoulders are on the mat and goes for to make the pin, but Ron gets the shoulder up before the one count. his shoulder goes back down to the mat and the ref goes to make the count again, and again Ron gets the shoulder up before the one count. Ron finally manages to fight back to his feet and sends Chaos to the ropes, then drops him with a big shoulder knockdown on the return. He bounces off the ropes and leapfrogs over Chaos, and Chaos catches him with an armdrag takedown! Both men get back to their feet and charge at eachother, and Ron catches Chaos with an armdrag of his own! Both men get back to their feet and stare down as the crowd applauds the exchange.

Leonard Scott: It looks like these two are pretty even at the moment.

Mac Reynolds: Yeah, yeah. Lets see how long that keeps up.

The two go to lock back up again, and Ron kicks Chaos right in the midsection, sending him to a knee. He then begins firing off with the right hands, backing Chaos into the ropes. He whips Choas to the ropes an goes for a back body drop, but Chaos counters it with a swinging neckbreaker. He locks in a rea waistlock and drags Ron back to his feet, thinking Chaos Theaory, and Ron breaks the hold with two hard elbows to the jaw. He gets behind Chaos and locks in a waistlock of his own, and sends him flying with a german suplex. He goes right after the injured arm, stomping on the hand and wrist of Chaos. Chaos tries to fight back to his feet with some shots to the midesction, but Ron drops him with a boot to the side of the head. He quickly goes for the pin.



Kickout at two in a half by Choas!

Leonard Scott: And a kickout before the three by chaos, but Ron The Crusher has quickly taken this match over!

Ron begins stomping at the arm again, then drags Chaos over to the ropes and tangles his hand and wrist in the ropes.

Mac Reynolds: See! I told you that Ron would be all over Chaos' wrist, and now look at whats happening!

Chaos screams in pain as the ref tries to pry Ron off of Chaos, then starts counting for the break. Ron lets go right before the five and Chaos rolls around, clutching his wirst in agonizing pain. Ron picks Chaos back up and whips him to the ropes, Chaos ducks underneath the clothesline and springboards off the ropes, and hits a huge crossbody! Chaos favors his wrist for a moment, then gets back to his feet and pulls Ron up. He whips him to the ropes and catches him coming back in with a flying shoulder tackle. Chaos quickly goes up to the top rope and waits for Ron to stand. Ron staggers to his feet and Chaos leaps, and drills Ron with a missile dropkick! He quickly goes for the cover.




Chaos goes to pick Ron up, but Ron lifs Chaos up and drives him into the corner, then begins ramming his shoulder into Chaos' midesction. He grabs him by the arm and yanks him out fo the corner and into a hard clothesline. Ron goes for the pin.



THRE- Kickout!

Ron yanks Chaos back to his feet, then goes for The Destroyer, but Chaos counters it into a jacknife pinning combination!



THR- Ron bridges out of the pin and spins it into a backslide pin!



THR- Chaos manages to kick out!

Leonard Scott: Back and forth this match goes, with neither man able to get the clear cut advantage!

Mac Reynolds: Yeah, this match is all evened up!

Both men scramble to their feet and Chaos kicks Ron in the midsection and goes for a DDT, but Ron counters it into a spinebuster. He quickly tries to lock in an armbar, and Chaos clasps both hands to block it. The two fight over the submission, and Ron manages to knock Chaos' hand away and locks in the armbar. Chaos screams in pain as he tries to reach the bottom ropes. Chaos is close to the ropes, and he makes it. Ron lets go and goes to pull Chaos to his feet, when Chaos rolls him up with an inside cradle!




Chaos rolled out of the ring as Ron ast up in shock at what just happened

Justin Cash: Here is your winner, Chaos!

Leonard Scott: Wow! Chaos pulled out the suprise victory with that inside cradle, but this match was as close as close can come!

Mac Reynolds Yeah. I wouldn't mind seein' these two lock up again in the near future.

In the ring, Ron is arguing with the ref about the count, still not believing that he lost. He shoves the ref out of the way and rolls out of the ring, leaving the arena in a foul mood

Leonard Scott: We're going to go to the back where Ricky Ranson has caught up with Charlie White.

A camera backstage pans to show Ricky standing next to Charlie in an interview room.

Ricky Ranson: Joining me now is the Number One Contender to the WKF World Heavyweight Championship, Charlie White. Charlie, what are your thoughts on your match against the Champion's brother, Kai, tonight?

Charlie White: To put it simply, Rick, it's a good test. Kai is a lot like Syn, so me fighting him will be a good warm up. He's got a lot of the traits Syn does, so all I have to do is memorize how he wrestles, and I should be ready for Syn.

Ricky Ranson: Thank you for your time.

Sunglasses at Night is pumping through the speakers and Dino Colada takes his time as he slowly walks down the ring. he walks up the steel steps and enters, before handing his sunglasses to a stagehand as he waits for his opponent.

Justin Cash: The following contest is Scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from San Diego, California, weighing in at 320 pounds, "The Fear", Dino Colada!

Leonard Scott: We saw a bit of what this man can do last week in a, well, handicap match against Erick Snow, this week he's going one on one with the NA Champion to weaken him for his employer, Bobby Beach.

Pardon Me plays and pyro comes out of the stage for a moment. The pyro stops and Eric Snow is standing on the stage, holding up the NA title, before he walks down the isle.

Justin Cash: And his opponent, from Chicago, Illinois, weighing in at 200 pounds, he is the WKF North American Champion, "The X Factor" Eric Snow!

Leonard Scott: In less than a week at Full Throttle, Eric Snow will put the North American title on the line in a triple threat match agains Bobby Beach and Alexi Arilenko. But tonight he has a tall task ahead of him as he faces Dino Colada.

Mac Reynolds: Yeah. He's giving up about three inches and 120 pounds to Colada, lets see how he does against a guy nearly twice his size!

Eric rolls into the ring and quickly ducks a clothesline from Colada to start off the match! Snow starts kicking at Dino's legs to try and chop the big man down, but Dino pushes him away. Snow gets back up and goes back after the legs again, and again Dino pushes him away again. Again Snow gets back up and runs at Dino, but Dino catches him coming in with a hard clothesline. He picks Eric back up, then sends him back down with a headbutt. He bounces off the ropes and hits the elbow drop on Eric, before going for the pin.



Kickout by Snow!

Leonard Scott: And a kickout at two by Snow, and "The Fear" has quickly taken over this match.

Dino picks up Snow and tosses him into a corner, then hits a few back elbows to the jaw, droping Snow in the corner. He yanks him back up and whips him into the opposite corner and charges after him, and Snow moves out of the way at the last second. Snow begins kicking Dino in the corner, then drops him with a spinning heel kick. He places his boot on Dino's face and begins raking it across, befoer bouncing off the ropes and leveling Dino with a running face wash! He waits for Dino to get back to his feet, then springboards and hits a tornado ddt! He manages to pull him away from the bottom ropes and goes for the pin.



Dino tosses Eric off of him to break the pin!

Mac Reynolds: Dino kicked out of that one with ease!

Eric waits for Dino to get to his feet and bounces off the ropes for a shining wizard, but Dino catches him and drills him with a powerslam. He picks Snow back up and goes for another powerslam, but Snow fights out of it and hits a DDT. Both men are down and the ref starts the count




Four....Snow stumbles back to his feet

Five...Dino manages to get back to his feet

Dino nails Snow with a right hand, and Snow fires back with one of his own. Snow ducks the second punch, then nails him with a step up enzuigiri. Dino doesn't go down, and Snow bounces off the ropes and dropkicks Dino, and he still doesn't go down. Snow runs to the ropes and springboards, hitting Dino with a huge dropkick and finally knocking him off his feet! Snow looks at Dino, before going over to a corner and quickly going up to the top ropes, thinking X-Splash. he leaps, and Dino manages to catch him by the throat on the way down!

Leonard Scott: Dino caught him! Dino Caught him!

Mac Reynolds: Damn, now thats a counter!

Dino gets up to his feet, still holding Snow by the throat, before hitting The Final Cut! Dino drags Snow back to his feet and places him ontop of his shoulders, and hits the Shock Treatment! He goes for the pin.




Justin Cash: Here is your winner, "The Fear" Dino Colada!

Dino looks down at Snow and smirks, before he exits the ring and leaves the arena.

Leonard Scott: We've got to keep the action moving with Charlie White facing Kai.

Asylum Instrumental by Disturbed begins to blare on the PA. He quietly and sadistically goes to the ring. He leans in the corner ominously and waits for Charlie.

Justin Cash: Introducing first, from Parts Unknown, weighing in at 209 pounds, Kai!

Justin is nearly cut off by Charlie's music. Undefeated takes over the arena, and the crowd erupts. Charlie comes out with a smile on his face, pumping up the crowd. He gets in the ring and stares Kai down, who grins.

Justin Cash: And his opponent, from Boston, Massachusets, Charlie "Griz" White!

The match starts with Kai laughing at Charlie. Charlie circles his prey, and goes for a lock up. Kai gains an advantage and trips up White. Charlie gets up slowly and tries to lock up again. Kai again takes him over and slams him to the mat. Charlie rolls out of the ring and gathers himself. While he paces the ring, we see Syn walk out at the top of the ramp, with Cindy again on a dog leash. She has a makeshift muzzle covering mouth. Charlie runs up to her, but Syn pulls out a remote, which operates a shock collar. He grins and shakes his finger at Charlie, directing him to the ring. Charlie hesitantly gets in, and is grabbed by Kai, who goes for Misery's Bliss. Charlie spins around on the arm of Kai and rolls him up. He quickly gets out of the ring as the bell rings and the ref calls the winner.

Justin Cash: Here's your winner, Charlie White!

Mac Reynolds: Charlie stole it! Give Kai a rematch!

Charlie goes to look for Syn, who has disappeared into thin air with Cindy! Charlie looks immensely frustrated. He rages and goes to the back to search. Meanwhile, the bell rings again, and Justin is already calling in for the next match.

Justin Cash: The following match is a tag team match and is the main event of the evening!

The Great Milenko by ICP plays on the PA, and the lights go out. After a few moments of darkness, the lights come in, and Milenko and Lilith are in the middle of the ring. The music dies down, and they await his team mate. The Dark Side hits the PA, and nobody recognizes it. Reaper's face shows on the video, but nobody comes out. Eventually, Justin chimes in.

Justin Cash: Ladies and gentlemen, the general manager of Carnage has informed me that because Reaper has not appeared yet, this match will become a handicap match.

Milenko gets a look of frustration, but soon realizes he has to depend on nobody, and grins ominously. Undead plays on the PA now, and Roger Ruiz begins to come to the ring. He is met with a mixed reaction, mostly cheers. He comes out with his Rampage Title, which Milenko's eyes can't leave for even a second. Roger now waits for his partner outside of the ring. Duel begins to run through the speakers, but Xavier is nowhere to be seen. The music stops and restarts, but nobody comes out. Justin again is left with an announcement.

Justin Cash: As Curtis Ange has again informed me, Donovan could not get to the ring in time, so this match is now a one on one match.

Both men get looks on their faces, Roger one of dismay, and Milenko a sadistic joy. Suddenly, Duel plays again, and the lights go out. They stay out for an abnormally long time, and suddenly, they return. Ruiz and Milenko are both knocked out in the ring, and Reaper is standing at the top of the stage, bat in hand.

Leonard Scott: Wow! It looks like Reaper left a dominating statement on both Ruiz and Milenko! I was just informed that Milenko has been added to the Rampage title match. What will happen next week when these three meet in the ring with no rules? Will Charlie win back his girlfriend from the hostile Syn? Will the Title come with him? What will come of the North American Title in the Triple threat for that championship? So many questions to be answered next week at Full Throttle. It's one that we can't afford to miss! Tune in!

The cameras fade out in a split screen, one showing Reaper and his joyous destructive smile, and one showing Milenko and Ruiz, barely moving after Reaper's attack.


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Sunglasses at Night is pumping through the speakers and Dino Colada takes his time as he slowly walks down the ring. he walks up the steel steps and enters, before handing his sunglasses to a stagehand as he waits for his opponent.

Justin Cash: The following contest is Scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from San Diego, California
, weighing in at 320 pounds, "The Fear", Dino Colada!

Leonard Scott: We saw a bit of what this man can do last week in a, well, handicap match against Erick Snow, this week he's going one on one with the NA Champion to weaken him for his employer, Bobby Beach.

Pardon Me plays and pyro comes out of the stage for a moment. The pyro stops and Eric Snow is standing on the stage, holding up the NA title, before he walks down the isle.

Justin Cash: And his opponent, from Chicago, Illinois, weighing in at 200 pounds, he is the WKF North American Champion, "The X Factor" Eric Snow!

Leonard Scott: In less than a week at Full Throttle, Eric Snow will put the North American title on the line in a triple threat match agains Bobby Beach and Alexi Arilenko. But tonight he has a tall task ahead of him as he faces Dino Colada.

Mac Reynolds: Yeah. He's giving up about three inches and 120 pounds to Colada, lets see how he does against a guy nearly twice his size!

Eric rolls into the ring and quickly ducks a clothesline from Colada to start off the match! Snow starts kicking at Dino's legs to try and chop the big man down, but Dino pushes him away. Snow gets back up and goes back after the legs again, and again Dino pushes him away again. Again Snow gets back up and runs at Dino, but Dino catches him coming in with a hard clothesline. He picks Eric back up, then sends him back down with a headbutt. He bounces off the ropes and hits the elbow drop on Eric, before going for the pin.



Kickout by Snow!

Leonard Scott: And a kickout at two by Snow, and "The Fear" has quickly taken over this match.

Dino picks up Snow and tosses him into a corner, then hits a few back elbows to the jaw, droping Snow in the corner. He yanks him back up and whips him into the opposite corner and charges after him, and Snow moves out of the way at the last second. Snow begins kicking Dino in the corner, then drops him with a spinning heel kick. He places his boot on Dino's face and begins raking it across, befoer bouncing off the ropes and leveling Dino with a running face wash! He waits for Dino to get back to his feet, then springboards and hits a tornado ddt! He manages to pull him away from the bottom ropes and goes for the pin.



Dino tosses Eric off of him to break the pin!

Mac Reynolds: Dino kicked out of that one with ease!

Eric waits for Dino to get to his feet and bounces off the ropes for a shining wizard, but Dino catches him and drills him with a powerslam. He picks Snow back up and goes for another powerslam, but Snow fights out of it and hits a DDT. Both men are down and the ref starts the count




Four....Snow stumbles back to his feet

Five...Dino manages to get back to his feet

Dino nails Snow with a right hand, and Snow fires back with one of his own. Snow ducks the second punch, then nails him with a step up enzuigiri. Dino doesn't go down, and Snow bounces off the ropes and dropkicks Dino, and he still doesn't go down. Snow runs to the ropes and springboards, hitting Dino with a huge dropkick and finally knocking him off his feet! Snow looks at Dino, before going over to a corner and quickly going up to the top ropes, thinking X-Splash. he leaps, and Dino manages to catch him by the throat on the way down!

Leonard Scott: Dino caught him! Dino Caught him!

Mac Reynolds: Damn, now thats a counter!

Dino gets up to his feet, still holding Snow by the throat, before hitting The Final Cut! Dino drags Snow back to his feet and places him ontop of his shoulders, and hits the Shock Treatment! He goes for the pin.




Justin Cash: Here is your winner, "The Fear" Dino Colada!

Dino looks down at Snow and smirks, before he exits the ring and leaves the arena.