Well I didn't say he measures up to those guys, I said they're hands down better. I'd put him on par with some of those dudes and sadly I forgot to mention Jericho in that last bunch (HHH not currently active, so meh). I sorta see your point with the facial expressions but someone like Cena has the same problem probably even worse where he's making Blue ass facial expressions trying so hard to come off genuine but it's so obviously forced. I also didn't bother with listing Cena since the last time he's truly gotten to show his talent on the mic and a cut a semi-diverse promo was like 2003. I sorta see Wolfe as a modified version of Regal. Regal is DAMN good on the mic and just amazingly consistent, like Kane. Those other two I would throw in there however I think Wolfe is easily on par with them and he cut his truly intense promos in his feud with Angle which I figured you already saw. Big Show is indeed fairly good on the mic as well. Sheamus is good where he's at, but I just don't see him getting to Miz, Jericho, Punk, Edge level. He'll probably just stay consistent and good enough to get by (sorta like Orton does now) and it seems unfair to compare him to AJ because Sheamus has such an easier job doing what he's probably told to do (come out, act really tough in his irish accent e.g. "YOU STAND NO MATCH FO ME, FELLAH!"). That Beer Money promo is backstage and James Storm comes up in the end and yells "SORRY ABOUT YOUR DAMN LUCK!", couldn't find it though. These guys just have loads of potential, but I don't think Wolfe should be anywhere near them, it's stupid, since he came in as his own man, like a one man power-trip. It'd be like Randy Orton in 2007 joining the Evolution faction. It just wouldn't look right. Wolfe had the ability to pull a turn like Anderson's, probably better, but he just got put into stupid ass shit with Chelsea and Abyss and the fans stopped caring. The Impact zone fans are dumb, yeah, but the point I was trying to make is that every Impact zone fan is on AJ's dick 24/7. He use to be the most over guy, so to see those fans boo him and tell him to 'YOU SUCK!' must mean something.