Former Writer on Friction Between Cena & Vince

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WCW Halloween Phantom
Aug 6, 2010
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Hogan got that same reaction when WWF starting building up Randy Savage and Bret Hart , not to mention the lukewarm responses he would get in WCW when he signed with them. Nobody panicked, and nobody is panicking now because Cena doesn't do well in certain markets. He gets better reactions throughtout most of the country, but let's forget about that and say he gets booed everywhere because markets like Chicago and New York are everywhere.

And LOL @ you saying Cena's punches and submissions look fake then saying oh Rocks n Austins didn't look fake. Good call there, you must've been proud of that one. Suspend disbelief? Uh.....Yeah. This is pro-wrestling afterall. That's kind of the whole point of it.

And his selling is crap? You are legit Blue.

His selling is the thing he does best and for you go after that just proves you have no idea what you are talking about.

And it's whether.......Not weather, thats not even a fucking homonym.

1. I will have to take your word on Hogan getting luke warm for much of his WCW run as I didn't watch them a lot during that period (and may not have noticed such things anyway), but I do know the moment he went there their ratings and buyrates started increasing. Also the idea that Cena is anywhere near as sucessful as Hogan was I just can't agree with.

2. You've just agreed with me without noticing it on the suspend your disbelief point, because that is just what I was saying, good one!

3. Everyone except you thinks Cena's selling (or lack there off) is terrible, its funny how you cut yourself off from popluar when it supports your argument.

Final point on a serious note, don't talk to me like that and I stop calling me nasty names, and before you say its just part of your personaliaty that is just an excuse you use to be rude to people and yet if someone called you those things you wouldn't like it. It has nothing to do with our debate and you wouldn't disrespect someone on the street like that so don't do it here.
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Jul 10, 2012
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At his physical prime, I would say Cena's selling had some very good points and some weaknesses. When he was a young heel, the guy would bump like crazy. Physically, I don't think he can really do that as much anymore. Top baby faces aren't generally booked to be as giving as heels as far as selling, so I don't think he needs to bump like he did as when he was young and a heel. He's not one of those guys that no-sells moves though. He's not going to just pop right up after being suplexed like nothing happened. He's certainly not going to spring right up from a Pedigree as if he weren't touched. When he's punched, he'll snap his head and stagger. He'll lay there on the mat after taking a big move. He does the big facial expressions when put into submission holds. So no, I don't think his selling stinks in that sense.

Some could argue that the art of selling these days is a dying art. Like many coming up from his generation, I think he's not as likely to utilize a worked body part for the duration of a match. Not that he'll ignore it completely. He'll play off a strained back when trying to hit his Attitude Adjustment move if it's been strained earlier by a heavier opponent such as Big Show. But I don't think he's on the same level of that aspect of say a Shawn Michaels. One of the strong suits of what Shawn did and the better guys of his generation did was they'd play off having an injured body part. They'd milk it the entire match, it played into just about everything they did right to the end, keep using it to work the crowds.

You really don't see that from much of anyone these days.

Additionally, there's been arguments made that doing TV matches on RAW and Smackdown work against learning to sell. You sell too much, you risk hitting certain things you're supposed to do within the course of a 2 or 3 minute match. When you're rushed for time, it's no wonder if extensive selling is one of the first things to go.

But bad selling by Cena? Overall I'd say not. I think a lot of his career has been built off storytelling where he makes himself look like the underdog in a lot of matches. He has to do some semblance of selling to do that.


Nov 13, 2010
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1. I will have to take your word on Hogan getting luke warm for much of his WCW run as I didn't watch them a lot during that period (and may not have noticed such things anyway), but I do know the moment he went there their ratings and buyrates started increasing. Also the idea that Cena is anywhere near as sucessful as Hogan was I just can't agree with.

2. You've just agreed with me without noticing it on the suspend your disbelief point, because that is just what I was saying, good one!

3. Everyone except you thinks Cena's selling (or lack there off) is terrible, its funny how you cut yourself off from popluar when it supports your argument.

Final point on a serious note, don't talk to me like that and I stop calling me nasty names, and before you say its just part of your personaliaty that is just an excuse you use to be rude to people and yet if someone called you those things you wouldn't like it. It has nothing to do with our debate and you wouldn't disrespect someone on the street like that so don't do it here.

1. He sold more merch than Hogan, end of discussion.

2. You make an argument and try to say you can't bring so and so up to counter point me. What was there to say? Submissions look fake? Ofcourse.

3. Cena's facial expressions are what he does best, he doesn't just make silly faces like a WCW Jericho, he doesn't just lay in prone position like a Jeff HArdy and he doesn't no-sell like RVD. He sells perfectly, just because he blocks out the pain to pull of his big moves, doesn't mean he no-sells. Hogan did the same shit, Bret did the same shit. HBK did the same shit. For fuck sakes, every face champion has been doing it since the days of Bruno.

Final point, thicken up that skin, iof you are going to pretend you know more than everybody, you should be able to take the abuse that goes with it. I have and do on a continual basis. But again, I don't even pretend to act like I know more than most.