What's funny about TNA using NFL players is Brandon Jacobs and Pacman Jones are fucking jabronies. Jacobs was never top 15 at his position and Jones is known for his off the field issues. So Euro-TNA fans might think it is sad to see TNA bringing in 'NFL Stars' when in reality it is 100 X sadder because these NFL players are not well known except to pretty dedicated NFL watchers.
Seem to remember they got a whole bunch of ESPN plugs from the original Pacman thing, and the whole saga around that got TNA some mainstream publicity (although iirc, the main thing they discussed about it was "He's going to the minor leagues of a fake sport?", making it sound like TNA was a step down for Pacman Jones because they're clueless dumbshits), and they joked around a bit with the Brandon Jacobs thing on shows like Sportsnation.
Not sure if it's anything that would get you to turn on Impact (especially the Brandon Jacobs thing) but it'll let people know the company exists I guess, and the Brandon Jacobs one (didn't see Team Pacman, heard it was some of the most Blue shit, but you can't trust anything anyone except @
Testify says about TNA) was harmless enough.
Think that's why I'm not as passionate as I used to be about wrestling. If a washed-up backup running back can show up on Impact, chokeslam one of your top heels through a table, and then the next week the heel will just show up just as passionately hated as always, then what can you do to bury someone? What can you do that has real consequence? (Granted it's Bully Freakin' Ray who you couldn't bury with a bulldozer)
oh fuck, I might've been wrong
Dammit, Park, I was just starting to like you again... yeah, there's the Abyss thing hurting it, but... Man, I was really trying to like you again!
"Good luck against the Ravens, kick their butts" Oh, really Park? Putting the blessing of the almighty Joseph Park onto the other team? The nerve.
Good grief, how many fat wrestlers are gonna piss on Baltimore this year? There's already the Pitta injury which has to be somehow connected to those damned Husky Harris chants...