Aight Card rundown and predictions just for you Bootyful

Holy shit I can't even fathom this match tbh, I'm actually predicting MCMG to win here just bc of the ladder stip, think they're better suited for it, but the mix of their spots and Midnights psychology plus Cornette's involvement as well

I would prefer if the Midnights won and it was booked logically and great tho just FYI
Malenko/Tessa - FUCKIN' Genius use of my Malenko pick bro. Expect this to be slow but amazing. Tessa can get this victory here, Dean never had a problem doing the job if it was best for business.
Heat/DiamondDust - Awesome team name, not expecting the in-ring work of the previous matches here but hopefully great character work by all four with DDP and Dusty shining. Harlem Heat goes over with the experience edge tho.
Joe/Muta - Another fuckin' dream match but it almost feels like a breather with how stacked this card is lmaoo Kind of a toss-up to me, you could book this one a lot of different ways tbh. Toss-up prediction goes Muta probably with mist or maybe interference shenanigans.
Sting/Cena - lowkey dreading the in-ring work for this one but I KNOW the build was fire with Cena's promos. Rapper Cena just couldn't go like he could in the future and idk if he'd mesh with Sting tbh. I hope you prove me wrong tho. Picking Cena with the upset here.
Angle/Steamboat - BRUH I CAN'T WHAT A FUCKIN' MATCH. God damn like GOAT match potential here tbh. I think Angle should go over but I always say this era Angle should go over anyone tbh
Andre/Yoko - Bruh the ring def gonna break

I dare you to book a superplex spot

Andre FTW always, actually nah let him put over the younger guy, I mean he did it for Warrior.

Taker wins and then pours up a shot for both of them and they toast before he rides away on his motorcycle BOOK IT PLEASE

Man I really don't even care who wins tbh, I think I'd prefer whichever victor can produce the coolest finish tbh

and with that criteria I'm predicting Lee.
Dream/Macho - Oh my god I don't even know what to expect from just the entrances alone in this one holy SHIT

I hope you can work in a good bit of pure entertainment and also fire wrestling bc we know both these two can go too. Would say Macho for the win for sure tho, but with the way the angle has been going I think Dream's the logical choice tbh, helluva rub for him too.
Triple Threat Tag - THANK GOD you made this the stiuplations you did

God damn some of my favorite guys in this one for sure. I'd say I'm probably cheering for Hennig/Rude but mostly I hope Perfect has a star of the night performance. Predict Beer Money to get this win though, as I think a fire ending would be them swooping in and stealing it from the "legends"
Kliq/Evolution - There's def gonna be better matches than this on the card, but holy shit I LOVE that this was booked and dat story rules too

In-ring work seems hard to book tbh so good luck there

Personally would want Evolution to go over, predicting them as well but I think it could go either way.
Indy-4-Way -Holy shit might be match of the night

I have no idea how you're gonna book all this action these fools gonna kill themselves.GOAT Bryan wins this one.
Austin/Bruno - Oh my god what a fuckin' main event

I've watched probably 10 or so Bruno matches in full, and he was really a good fuckin' worker for his time. Him and Austin I think would mesh styles brawling really well tbh Bruno probably wouldn't wanna go all Attitude Era tho but you got a helluva story with him maybe wanting to wrestle a classic match and Austin not giving a fuck about that. Austin gotta go over IMO. Great fuckin' shit bro.