I thought this was interesting enough. It pretty much takes 1-25 of the first ever wwe champions and pits them against the 26th-50th wwe champions. I have the full list if you don't want to watch the video and I also put my predictions for who would win.
#1 Buddy Rogers vs #26 Vince McMahon- Buddy would kill.
#2 Bruno Sammartino vs #27 Big Show- Bruno
#3 Ivan Koloff vs #28 Kurt Angle- Angle cause U-S-A! U-S-A!...i'm british, why did i do that?
#4 Pedro Morales vs #29 Chris Jericho- the GOAT, Jericho
#5 Stan Stasiak vs #30 Brock Lesnar- Lesnar
#6 Superstar Billy Graham vs #31 Eddie Guerrero- Billy.
#7 Bob Backlund vs #32 JBL- Tough one but Backlund
#8 Iron Sheik vs #33 John Cena- Cena
#9 Hulk Hogan vs #34 Edge- Hogan
#10 Andre the Giant vs #35 Rob Van Dam- Andre
#11 Randy Savage vs #36 Randy Orton- Orton
#12 Ultimate Warrior vs #37 Jeff Hardy- Warrior
#13 Sgt Slaughter vs #38 Batista- Batista
#14 The Undertaker vs #39 Sheamus- Taker
#15 Ric Flair vs #40 The Miz- Flair
#16 Bret Hart vs #41 CM Punk-....Punk?
#17 Yokozuna vs #42 Rey Mysterio- Yokozuna
#18 Diesel vs #43 Alberto Del Rio- Del Rio
#19 Shawn Michaels vs #44 Daniel Bryan- OH COME ON! Michaels, as much as it pains me.
#20 Sid vs #45 Seth Rollins- Rollins if his leg doesn't get snapped by Sid
#21 Stone Cold Steve Austin vs #46 Roman Reigns-Austin, obvious
#22 Kane vs #47 Dean Ambrose- Kane
#23 The Rock vs #48 AJ Styles- Styles
#24 Mankind vs #49 Bray Wyatt- Mankind
#25 Triple H vs #50 Jinder Mahal- Jin- HAHAHHAHAHA no, it's gotta be HHH
#2 Bruno Sammartino vs #27 Big Show- Bruno
#3 Ivan Koloff vs #28 Kurt Angle- Angle cause U-S-A! U-S-A!...i'm british, why did i do that?
#4 Pedro Morales vs #29 Chris Jericho- the GOAT, Jericho
#5 Stan Stasiak vs #30 Brock Lesnar- Lesnar
#6 Superstar Billy Graham vs #31 Eddie Guerrero- Billy.
#7 Bob Backlund vs #32 JBL- Tough one but Backlund
#8 Iron Sheik vs #33 John Cena- Cena
#9 Hulk Hogan vs #34 Edge- Hogan
#10 Andre the Giant vs #35 Rob Van Dam- Andre
#11 Randy Savage vs #36 Randy Orton- Orton
#12 Ultimate Warrior vs #37 Jeff Hardy- Warrior
#13 Sgt Slaughter vs #38 Batista- Batista
#14 The Undertaker vs #39 Sheamus- Taker
#15 Ric Flair vs #40 The Miz- Flair
#16 Bret Hart vs #41 CM Punk-....Punk?
#17 Yokozuna vs #42 Rey Mysterio- Yokozuna
#18 Diesel vs #43 Alberto Del Rio- Del Rio
#19 Shawn Michaels vs #44 Daniel Bryan- OH COME ON! Michaels, as much as it pains me.
#20 Sid vs #45 Seth Rollins- Rollins if his leg doesn't get snapped by Sid
#21 Stone Cold Steve Austin vs #46 Roman Reigns-Austin, obvious
#22 Kane vs #47 Dean Ambrose- Kane
#23 The Rock vs #48 AJ Styles- Styles
#24 Mankind vs #49 Bray Wyatt- Mankind
#25 Triple H vs #50 Jinder Mahal- Jin- HAHAHHAHAHA no, it's gotta be HHH