When an American comes to a foreign country, be it in Europe, Asia, or elsewhere, that person is expected to at least be reasonably knowledgeable of that countries customs, language & cultures. When you are in Cypress you cannot refuse their candied mosquito snacks lest you be called rude and offensive. You cannot go to South Korea and expect to make friends at the dinner table if you refuse to partake in the eating of live squid. You cannot go to China and expect everyone to pray to Jesus with you just because you are Christian. You can't go to remote African villages and complain about how there is no air conditioning or clean water.
Case in point, when you're migrating to other countries, you are not allowed to change that countries customs to adapt better to your selfish tastes and desires.
So the idea that places like England and America should be forced to adapt to other countries cultures, it's ridiculous. We in no way should be expected to have any lesser standards in terms of our culture than any other country that demands we respect their heritage. Why should we not have that right?
Why do we have to not wear Red, White & Blue on the 4th of July because some spanish illegals will get offended that we are celebrating our country instead of theirs? Why do we have to remove Christmas Day from the Calendar and instead call it X-Mas or say "Happy Holidays" just because the Jews get pissed that we don't give equal celebration to Hanukkah? Why do we have to all say thanks to Simon Bolivar because he liberated Bolivians on some random day that nobody else could give a shit about but Bolivians?
It's all asinine and pointless. The idea that we can't force immigrants to adapt to our culture, but they can come in and force us to adapt to their culture, even when we are not visiting their country? Since when did reverse Tourism come into effect this way?
People from Japan, Italy, Germany, China, Australia ect. ect. ect. come to America to live and they learn the language, they know the culture better than we do, and they adapt to American living. The only two societies I know of right now that force other nations to live life their way instead of adapting are Muslims & Spanish speaking people. Why? What makes Islamic culture or the Mexican language so much more important than everyone else? I'd like an answer to that question before I even consider bowing down to the demands of an illegal immigrant.