So I've been thinking about this and I've really been going back and forth on the whole thing. First off, I'm excited that the women will be getting another history making moment (and this time the SD women get a go). I feel like there are some good women on the roster that will do well in this match (unfortunately Naomi, whom I think would do well in this match, will not be in the match).
The real negative I have is that I believe that the MITB should be used to push somebody into the title scene who would struggle to break through otherwise (ie it gives them a chance to elevate to the next level). However, the women's divisions on both brands are so small that anyone on the roster can realistically get a shot at the champion which really defeats the purpose of having the briefcase in the first place. They really need to give it to a heel this year because that is the only way that is going to work.