I haven't the slightest as to why you're so emotional and teeing off. I asked you to calm down. You got offended, so I suggested you go back to your corner.
You said 'Calm Your Tits' which is a sexist comment.
No one else has felt the need to bring gender into any other comment - apart from you.
And now I am emotional. I am offended - but you are trying to paint me as emotional as well. And so it continues.
Sorry guys out on date rn will check in little
Lethal whether it is intentional or not to be sexist - it is a sexist comment, especially when direct at someone with actual tits.
Being told to not be so emotional and sit in a corner - is something only men say to men to diminish them.
I won't be unvote you because of this post alone - I just find a bit strange. Random votes on day one are one thing - but a suggestion of a vote without any follow through are FOS for me. You'd have to town tell for me to unvote you
I don't understand the vote for Hank. Reasons?
You realise this is his only post.
Why would he be more deserving of votes than some of our other single and zero posters?
This is just such a bizarre vote switch.
Vote: Phenom
Firstly - what reasons do you have for following Poyser?
Two - why would Chris be a good lych?
Im still sus on Ingo for actually be online - but posting nothing at all. Just straight ghosting.
It makes me look scummy - for calling you out for no posting?
And suddenly you have become active - but you've just said you are actively not talking in the thread.
Make your mind up.
'I hate people who do this' - let remember this is a game. If you are choosing to hate me - for thinking you are acting shady. Then either your serious deflecting because your scum - or your just one tracked minded on not being suspected and not actually lookign for the evil players
See now you are role revealing without even being asked - and no real pressure to do so.
Vote: Ingonious
this will be my final vote for Day 1
You wanted to stay under the radar one Day 1.
Now you wanted to be voted out.
Those two bits of information don't fit together.
Your statements are like two incorrect puzzle pieces...
...they just don't quite fit - and neither does what you are saying.
He is an indie or mafia role - with a kill after death feature.
If he was town - he would have to have a strong suspicion of somebody just to use it.
It would be anti-town just to random kill - just because you have a power
Lets put this whole conflict under the bridge then and pretend nothing happened - I just got triggered, but if you thought I was a dude. Then it was clearly not malicious.
You do know that you can 'buddy' with people to try and give yourself a town read. I mean, I'd almost suggest that you're being purposely obtuse to get town read and engaging in little tiffs that are rife with holes.
Evans, why do you have this effect on the women? You drove Sky and Junk mental, now Juice
Chris lived on my street, if you catch my drift
You didn't bust shit, so stop false prophecising. You were calling people stupid for voting Poyser.
You had zero sway to remove the lynch from Alco, and he was swinging with or without you.