Meh... i suffered 3 or more concussions in school supposedly... Well, that's what i've been told on my medical record! lol!
1. One for getting slung head first from behing by some 1 into a brick wall... WWE Style (Narrowly Missing a pile of coat Pegs thank god!)
2. Going for a header in footie (Soocer) whilst at the same time somebody went for a shot. He missed the ball & caught me right in the chops! lol
3. Mid-air collision with someone whilst diving over crash mats (Minor... I have the video of it in "The Real You" Thread... Quite amusing!)
I'm not boasting about being big because TBH everytime somebody would have a scuffle with me... i'd be the 1 that would get knocked the fuck out! Yes, i'm pretty small!
About this incident... Although i probably wouldn't have beaten Niko's ass, i would've gaven it all my heart! lol... What a prick! Nothing stupider than a guy fighting you over an ex-girlfriend, especially if you have no beef with him. Hope that ryan kid's allright though!