The official Federation X discussion thread
*yaaawns* just had shower.. all snuggled up in bed with a nice hot cup of tea.. what better to accompany this enjoyable experience than to read stars of X while listening to my favourite music :gusta:
Razor sounds cool.. Nice to see Luchadors

cant wait to read him in action!
FU alex kidd you aint no jericho
dont know who spike is but makes me think of Spike Dudley lol he always got beat up
damn connection too slow to listen to Jack's entrance song -.-
lol ronny in pain. he just being wuss
oh he facing baba now >:O
wonder if ronny will interfere
lol he spit in his face
yeah he interfere by distracting him lol what a jerk
wonder what this smith announcement thing is
lol Luis is pissed
Lets see what Alex Kidd has to say in the interview
Warzone = Raw?
Stars of X = Smackdown?
ha he seems pretty confident.. wonder if he will win
:O wonder what the bones brothers will say about clash of styles
they accept? :O
Bones Brothers vs Saturn and Razor
LOL wtf is saturn doing with the mic
haha he leaving match
Bones win..not sure if I like these guys or not screw saturn for leaving razor
Apollo vs Phreak w/Luis as guest referee.. should be interesting
love how the crowd go wooo
hahaah luis is down