Time for a few more.
Peggy is probably the most musically frenzied rap artist who is actually still enjoyable to listen to. Definitely someone worth checking out, even if hip hop isn't your lane, because his music covers a lot of ground sonically.
Hitler Wears Hermes 8: Side B - Westside Gunn
Westside Gunn is the face of the Buffalo-based group Griselda Records, who are known for being the grimy New York underground style back to the mainstream. He is also a huge wrestling fan, so you get a lot of samples and references to wrestling, which is always great.
La Maquina - Conway The Machine
Another offering from Griselda Records. While Westside Gunn's style is very in-your-face and blustering, Conway is more a rapper's rapper. His songs are very bar-heavy and focused on the technical aspects of rap, though he is also not short on machismo.
Donda - Kanye West
My all-time favorite rapper came back with a long ass album this year. It's mostly gospel or gospel adjacent, but despite the fact I'm not religious, I still find it to be a really solid piece of work. The biggest pitfall of the album is that is just so goddamn long.
shut the fuck up talking to me - Zack Fox
Basically the opposite of Donda.

Zack Fox is more of a comedian than artist, but that actually serves as an advantage to him. It's hard for musicians to make funny music, I find. It's usually really corny to me. With Zack Fox, he is able to make songs that actually sound very good, and are also funny as fuck, and it doesn't feel like he's trying too hard. Plus the album is like 25 minutes long so I appreciate that.