The speed didn't kill him...the fire did...okay, I really ruin potential crying moments.
Such sad news, he was awesome inTokyo Drift
someone just moved into first place on Zach's WWEF friendslist.ok dipshit please explain the profound meaning of your post since you were coming to the completely wrong conclusion on what the dude was saying anyhow
He wasn't even in Tokyo Drift you stupid fuck.
Or the sudden lack of speed which resulted in hard impact.The speed didn't kill him...the fire did...okay, I really ruin potential crying moments.
No, the speed did. He was dead on impact.The speed didn't kill him...the fire did...okay, I really ruin potential crying moments.
No, the speed did. He was dead on impact.
Oh god, now we are gonna have a bunch of Alex Jones running around saying that the people around him killed him.Heard from multiple sources he died after the impact. Fire started about a min after impact, but people too busy filming it with their thumbs stuck up their ass than trying to get dude out.
Unless someone did try to help, and then i'm stupid
Oh godOh god, now we are gonna have a bunch of Alex Jones running around saying that the people around him killed him.
It's like if Arnold Schwarzenegger died by a tumor.A dude who's claim to fame is a series called Fast And The Furious about fast cars who died in an exploded Porsche on the side of the road.... It's kind of a head scratcher. I'm not mocking the dude's death or making light of it, but seriously WTF?
It's like when Croc Hunter died by fuckin' with wild animals.
It's like if Bruce Willis died by tying a fire hose around his waist and jumping off an exploding building without shoes.
He wasn't even in Tokyo Drift you stupid fuck.