@#RicSolarFlair @Booty By Jake @Jeff Valley Driver @Blaze @Chris @OldJay @The Gipper @Storm Trooper
1. Cereal Killer previously announced that he will not be joining us for Season 2. Therefore we will need another member. I will start asking people for it imminently. That being said, if anyone else wishes to not continue with Season 2 then please let me know ASAP. Also if anyone knows someone who wants in tell them to slide in my DMs.
2. With Season 2 my goal is to have it start before the next AEW PPV, as I would like to have 2 AEW PPVs (hell maybe even 3 i think we can stretch it out to All Out) as I know it can be WWE heavy sometimes.
3. There was an idea of having 1 Keeper, and then if you keep that person you lose your pick from the round you drafted that person, IE when Solar keeps Rhea he'd have Rhea but not his 1st round pick, but if I kept Darby Allin I'd lose my 3rd round pick since I drafted him round 3. I like this idea but will get others opinions so as to not unilaterally enact such a rule. I also may have a cap of 1 season keeper to keep a late round pick who got pushed from being stashed forever.
4. Also, as I previously mentioned, in an update to the rules the Female lineup spot will be going away and replaced by an additional Flex spot. However everyone will be obligated to start at least one Female performer. This will lead to more roster flexibility (which will especially be needed for when AEW Forbidden Door happens as the NJPW guys will only be Flex eligible).