
^^^dude im not trying to be bogus.... im just saying what i saw ok.... i love benoit... he is honesty and i swear to go on this, my 2nd fave wrestler ever... no lies... i feel so bad for him and his family.... i loved him.... he was such a great wrestler... he was so good in and out of the ring, I didnt mean what i wrote, I'm just saying what I saw on wwe.com, double murder... kiled family then himself, I'm not the only one saying this either... people are saying worse things about this than I am, shit, when I heard he died, I almost cried, and I dont even know the guy.... come on, dont be bogus, look at some of the other threads that were on here, and I want you to see what THEY wrote about him, I LOVED HIM, I love him, and I feel bad for his family, god bless his sole, BENOIT... YOU WILL BE MISSED!!!!!!!!!!! o and btw, vince must really feel like shit right now with the whole, VINCE DEATH STORYLINE....SCREW YOUR DAMN STORYLINE.... BENOIT 4 LIFE