Live from the Bell Centre in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Friday 15th June, 2024.

The crowd boos as Sir Stache, Mejor Amigo, and Tonya Scott emerge from the back first followed by Big Bryan Baxter and finally the FWA World Champion, Jeremy Best.
Jean-Luc Watkins: “It appears our champion Jeremy Best will be gracing us with his presence to start the show.”
Konchu Hao: “...I believe I am experiencing the sensation known as déjà vu...”
While the fans boo the arrival of the Friendship Wrestling Alliance, Jeremy is all smiles as he makes his way down the ring surrounded by his friends. Mejor Amigo and Sir Stache climb up the steps onto the apron first, sitting on the middle ropes to allow Jeremy to climb up and step through the ropes and into the ring.
Jean-Luc Watkins: “The champion is looking quite happy, Konchu. And I think we know why… because our Carnal Contendership winner Krash has indicated he’s NOT going to accept his prize of challenging for the FWA World Championship at Back in Business.”
Konchu Hao: “What a travesty it would be for Krash to not take the opportunity to end this reign of terror of the Friendship Freaks. Someone needs to talk some sense into the White Wolf.”
Jean-Luc Watkins: “I’m sure the likes of Alyster Black and Violet Dreyer have attempted… but let’s face it, Krash has not been the same since he returned to the FWA under the possession of Jeremy.”
Jeremy takes the microphone.
Jeremy Best: ”Hiya Besties!”
Jeremy smiled his goofy smile while waving to the booing crowd.
Jeremy Best: ”What a happy day! What a happy year! Things couldn’t get much better, could they? The era of the Friendship Wrestling Alliance is going stronger than ever as I still stand here… your Champion of Friendship…”
Jeremy lifts up his “Friendship Wrestling Alliance” branded championship, garnering more boos from the crowd.
Jeremy Best: ”And even better now… my best friend, Bryan Baxter, has struck yet another blow in the war against friendship…. FTN… perhaps the biggest evil that exists against the Friendship ideology… when he DETHRONED Christopher Peacock and won back HIS North American Title!”
Jeremy motions to Baxter, giving him a moment to shine. Baxter appears a little more modest, but does give his newly won championship a little proud pat. An excited Sir Stache gives Bryan a pat on the back, which seems to annoy Bryan more than anything as he moves away from the masked man.
Jeremy Best: ”We’re proud of ya buddy! I knew you could do it! We always believed in you! I told you that with us by your side, you’d get back on track and here we are! And I’m so happy to announce that things are just going to get better for the Friendship Wrestling Alliance! Because even with delivering another blow to FTN…. even after a win over Cyrus Truth at Carnal Contendership… the people who threaten Friendship continue to grow. But worry not, my Besties… because I assure you, we are prepared for this…”
“Because in a couple short weeks…”
“We will prepare for the future. We will grow the next generation of Defenders of Friendship. We have been very busy the last few weeks getting things prepared… and we’re just about ready… to open to the world…”
A logo for the Friendship Wrestling Academy appears on the screen.
Jeremy Best: ”Last year… I was trying to heal Krash. I was trying to make him better. I was trying to get the best out of him. Bring back that hero. My hero. At that time he was alone. He needed me. But unfortunately… I was too late. The Krash I knew and love was gone.”
“But it’s not too late for you. That’s right you. Those of you out there who feel like they are alone. Those of you who feel like no one believes in you. Let me tell you right now…”
“Jeremy believes in you.”
“Jeremy loves you.”
“And Jeremy can make your dreams come true. If you need a friend… you’ve got one in me. In US. And in a couple weeks… at Meltdown…”
“Meltdown XLII. July 4th. How fitting… Independence Day. What better day to celebrate Friendship… and to free Friendship from those that would want it dead. What better day to open up applications for my new Defenders?”
“I’m so excited! And we’ll see you there! And as for… the man who calls himself Krash… you’ve made the right choice. Because when the deadline to sign the contract for Back in Business expires on July 6th’s Fallout… I’ll be more than happy to spend that time training my new friends in the FWA instead..”
Cutting off the FWA World Champion is the opening to “Megitsune” by Babymetal and the Montreal crowd give a cheer as the graphics on the screen switch to a video-game inspired scene of cherry blossoms with the arena lights flashing red. Jeremy Best, surprisingly, seems alright with it, excited to meet a new friend. After a few moments, Katsu makes her way out. She has her gear on alrighty, with it having a red and white colour scheme. There’s a big grin on her face as she’s in front of an FWA crowd again. She crosses her arms and holds up two ‘fox head’ hand gestures before doing a quick throat-slash gesture.
Jean-Luc Watkins:”Finally someone is here to stop Jeremy’s charade, and a surprise as we see YOKAI Death Squad’s co-leader, the Kitsune Warrior, Katsu!”
Konchu Hao:”She is meant to be teaming with Gabrielle in the main event for a preview of the upcoming anarchy of the Steel Roulette, but she has been discussing her intentions to find a place at Back in Business.”
Jean-Luc Watkins:”And look who is in the ring… the FWA World Champion, AND the new North American Champion.”
Konchu Hao:”Yeees, but she is not FROM North America!”
Heading down the ramp, Katsu briefly turns around and points at the back of her mask, having a white maple leaf, with the YDS horned skull logo in the middle of it, a custom mask for her Canadian debut. She turns around and sees the two top champions in FWA. Jeremy has his usual over the top and almost unsettling grin while Bryan remains stoic, watching the young masked wrestler closely. She goes around the ring to grab a microphone and slides onto the edge of the ring. Stepping under the middle rope, Katsu enters the ring as her J-Rock theme fades away.
Jeremy steps forward and extends his hand to Katsu. The fans immediately boo his “good will.” Katsu simply smirks, not taking it. She clears her throat and speaks.
Katsu:”Excuse me, I have not done one of these in English for some time, so give me a moment… F… W…A…!
The Japanese star shouts at the top of her lungs. She takes a second to let the crowd get any cheers out of her system before she says.
Katsu:”I’m back and it feels so good…”
She smiles and there’s a cheer from the crowd. Jeremy, Tonya Scott, Mejor Amigo, and Sir Stache even join in clapping.
Katsu:”As for why I am out here now…”
Jeremy Best:”I know exactly why you’re here!”
The World Champion cuts her off with an abundance of enthusiasm like an eager kid ready to tell an adult about their favourite dinosaur.
Jeremy Best: “It’s quite obvious! You heard my call to action. You heard me rallying the troops. You want to join the fight for Friendship, don’t you! You want to join the Friendship Wrestling Alliance!
Slightly amused by the FWA World Champion’s antics, there’s a slight smirk on Katsu’s face.
Katsu:”Is that why you think I’m out here? Montreal, do you think that is why I’m out here?”
Katsu, who has begun to get a sense of North American crowds and how to ‘manage’ them, asks them. The Montreal fans jeer and begin a simple chant in French.
Jeremy Best: “I can’t imagine any other reason… I mean I know you had friends in the past… and… I don’t see them around here anymore. It seems like you could use some new friends.
As soon as Jeremy mentions Katsu’s friends, her playfulness fades. Some fans even jeer. She sticks her tongue in her cheek, trying not to lash out, but she lets her anger creep out with her tone being more direct.
Katsu:”First of all, the rest of YOKAI Death Squad are not FWA roster members, but they are still my friends and if you mention them one more time, they all have no problem coming here and kicking your face in…”
Katsu has a surprising coldness from the threat. There’s a line you do not cross with her and that is her friends. The crowd reacts in delight to Katsu's threat as Jeremy’s smile, for a brief moment, disappears.
Katsu:”And second, do you really think I would trust to be friends with you?! The man who TORTURED Krash to the point where he has never been the same and he has to decline a World Championship match at Back in Business? You didn’t help him, you were horrible to him! He buried you alive last year and yet he still can’t bring himself to fight you again! And I do not blame him. His health comes first. So that brings me to why I am here.”
Taking a step back, Katsu, realizing she is getting heated, takes a second to breathe. She holds up her pointer finger. Slowly, she ramps up the intensity of her speech.
Katsu:”Krash still has the first opportunity to fight you at Back in Business because of Carnal Contendership. He earned it, and until July 6th, he is at the front of the line. but let me remind you who finished runner-up in that match. Me. Back in Business needs a world championship match and if Krash will not fight you at Back in Business, then I will!”
There’s a sizable cheer from the Montreal crowd as Katsu, showing some bravery, is stepping up to the world champion. It might not be the ‘rematch’ from last year people were expecting, but someone new in the title picture?
Jean-Luc Watkins: “How about that for a challenge? And she has a point, her valiant efforts in the Carnal Contendership certainly make for a worthy case for a title shot…”
Jeremy Best: “Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning, didn’t they? So grumpy! Must be the jet lag… or maybe watching the Canadiens play their little hockey sport games has you feeling down in the dumps? I dunno… but whatever it is, I think we can all agree that coming in second isn’t enough to get a title shot, now is it? We don’t give away participation trophies in the Friendship Wrestling Alliance. Though we do give away Friendship Trophies to everyone!”
The crowd roar in jeers at the shot at their precious Habs. Jeremy seems surprised at the reaction, with Tonya going up to him to try to “calm” him. Shaking her head, Katsu expected that answer from the ‘Friendship Wrestling Alliance’ World Champion, but is still disappointed. Though, she remains strong in her will.
Katsu:”Such a shame, Jeremy. Are you just scared of losing to a girl at Back in Business? Or do you just have Krash on your mind? I am not planning on leaving this ring without a match at Back in Business and rather than trying to ask Jon for a solution, I do have another idea… Because there is some unfinished business.”
Looking up, Katsu’s eyes head towards Bryan Baxter… and the FWA North American Championship on his shoulder. The fans clue in and begin to cheer. Bryan, who mainly stood around in the background without much reaction to the back and forth between Jeremy and Katsu, straightens his back up to attention, locking eyes with her.
Katsu:”Do you have courage where your ‘friend’ doesn’t, Bryan? Because I still remember the last time I was on an episode of FWA television. You walked up to me and said to my face that I should ‘stay in my lane.’ Those words stung, but thank you. Because it motivated me. It reminded me that I am at my best when I step out of my comfort zone, and I could do everything in Japan but it would mean much more to show you what I can in person.”
Katsu steps forward and stands face to face (well, given how short she is in comparison, not really) and Bryan, normally loud, doesn’t say anything, doesn’t even strike. He stares down at Katsu, the young woman taking a stand.
Katsu:”Show me your courage, I will show you all the passion and skill I have. Show everyone you can stand up for yourself again, and I will show I can stand with the best… Fight me at Back in Business. ”
Bryan smirks and asks for his own microphone.
Bryan Baxter: “Look… I ain’t afraid of…”
But before Bryan could give his answer, Jeremy interrupts.
Jeremy Best: “It’s okay, Bryan. You don’t need to even give her a response. She’s been quite rude… comin’ out here… interruptin’ us in the middle of our Friendship Wrestling Academy announcement… look little girl, the answer is NO. So if you aren’t here to sign up for the FWA, then you can just hop on a plane back to Japan where your little phony friends are.”
The Montreal crowd roars in boos and Katsu doesn’t hesitate in stepping forward to meet the World Champion face to face. She raises her voice.
Katsu:”Phony!? You want to talk phony!? I see you here! YOKAI Death Squad are a true team of friends. No matter what continent I am on, they support me, and I support them! The ‘Friendship Wrestling Alliance’ as you call it, uses being ‘friends’ as a means to get ahead. Manipulate people. No matter the result, YDS support each other. We accept each other. We push each other to be champions. And we will stay friends… Not use each other-”
Katsu glances at Bryan Baxter, meeting him in the eye. He knows exactly what inference she is making. Katsu goes face to face with Jeremy, looking up.
Katsu:”Looking at you, I can’t say the same-”
Jeremy Best: “You’re right about one thing, Katsu. There is a difference between your friends… and mine…”
Jeremy glances to his friends in the ring…
Jeremy Best: “Mine are here. Now.”
Katsu is suddenly blindsided from behind by the trio of Mejor Amigo, Sir Stache, and Tonya Scott. Taking her down to the mat with a barrage of attacks before they pull her back up and whip her into the ropes…
But Katsu ducks a double clothesline from Amigo and Stache and lays out Tonya with a shotgun dropkick! Amigo rushes in but Katsu leaps up with a headscissor takedown before Stache… just runs out of the ring to hide. The fans cheer as Katsu leaps back up to her feet.
Jeremy Best: “Bryan! A little help?!
Bryan hesitates before blasting Katsu from behind in the head with his newly reclaimed North American title, knocking her back down to the mat. Jeremy smiles in approval and encourages more as Bryan puts the boots to the fallen Katsu’s back. Scott and Amigo return to their feet and join in on the attack.
Amigo and Scott help pick the motionless Katsu back up off the mat before pushing her into the arms of Bryan Baxter. Jeremy gives Bryan a knowing look and nod as Bryan nods back to the man he has sworn his loyalty to. He picks Katsu up…
Jeremy claps with glee to a chorus of boos and asks for a group hug over the fallen Katsu…
But not much time for celebration as… CYRUS TRUTH AND MIKE PARR rush out from the back! The Montreal crowd comes alive@
Konchu Hao:”Ah ha! Finally the cavalry has arrived!”
Jean-Luc Watkins: “Cyrus Truth and Mike Parr may not exactly be allies with Katsu, but they each have been similar recipients of attacks from Bryan Baxter in recent weeks… all at the request of Jeremy Best! So they certainly have something in common with her at the very least!”
Noticing the incoming reinforcements, Jeremy encourages his friends to scatter. Bryan hesitates, looking up for the challenge of taking them both on… but Jeremy tugs at his arm, pleading with him to come on.
Bryan relents, exiting the ring just Truth and Parr are entering. Bryan and Jeremy take off through the crowd while Amigo and Scott are left in the ring to take the wrath of Parr and Truth. Each laying waste them quickly and sending them packing from the ring - before heading through the ropes and into the crowd, continuing to give chase to Bryan and Jeremy.
A couple of doctors go to the ring to check up on Katsu who sits up, in clear discomfort and pain. She is favouring her neck and shoulder, specifically the collarbone area.
Jean-Luc Watkins: “The list of enemies of the Friendship Wrestling Alliance is beginning to be longer than their list of ‘friends.’ But Katsu now, getting more than she bargained for, may not be at 100% for the main event tonight!”
Konchu Hao:”Her spirit burned bright, but it appears her previous wounds have opened again. Can she fight through it with Gabrielle later tonight?”
Katsu is helped up to her feet as the doctors check on her, as we cut to break.

We return back to action on Fallout as Mejor Amigo and Tonya Scott are still recovering from the previous segment, as Sir Stache finally sticks his head out from under the ring, his masked face peeking from the ring curtain.
Konchu Hao: “As a fellow masked competitor, this Sir Stache brings shame onto our good name. He clearly must wear the mask out of fear for his life… the coward!”
Jean-Luc Watkins: “You’re absolutely right, Konchu. He’s literally been under there the entire time… waiting for it to be safe to come out..”
Amigo grabs Stache by the hand to help him out from under the ring…
Konchu Hao: “Ooooohhh but it’s not safe! I’m afraid it’s not safe at all!”
Hearing the sounds of Rammstein, Sir Stache immediately tries to go back under the ring to hide, but Amigo and Tonya Scott grab him, pulling him back from under the ring as Alyster Black and Violet Dreyer walk out from the back…
Jean-Luc Watkins: “Krash may be reluctant to step back into the ring with Jeremy Best… but here comes his two real best friends who are a lot less reluctant to dish out some punishment to the Friendship Wrestling Alliance!”
Natalie doesn’t even have time to give any type of ring introductions as Alyster and Violet rush down the aisle… as the trio of Amigo, Stache, and Scott try to run away much like their friends Bryan and Jeremy had earlier… but they are caught by Black and Violet - Violet grabbing Stache and Black grabbing Amigo, pulling them back across the railing where they each begin to unload on their respective FWA member.
Both Black and Violet lean Amigo and Stache up against the safety barrier before unleashing a barrage of chops to their opponents. Tonya Scott makes the mistake of trying to intervene, but when she finds herself toe to toe with “That Dastardly Dreyer,” she immediately tries to back off… but Violet isn’t having any of it as she rocks Scott with a pair of forearm smashes before delivering a poisonrana to the “friendly” magician.
With Tonya Scott momentarily incapacitated, Black and Dreyer send their opponents into the ring to officially start the match.

FIRST MATCH || 1/20.
Ser Stache and Mejor Amigo vs. Alyster Black and Violet Dreyer.
Tag Team Match.
Match writer: Dubb.

Black and Dreyer climb into the ring, joining Amigo and Stache… at least momentarily as Black quickly charges at Stache, nearly decapitating him with a ONE SHOT KILL that sends Stache head over heels to the mat before Stache rolls out of the ring to the apron. Black dusts off his hands before stepping out onto the apron, leaving Violet alone in the ring with Mejor Amigo.
Violet rocks Amigo backward with a headbutt, sending him stumbling into the ropes where Dreyer takes him by the arm and attempts an Irish Whip, but Amigo comes back off the ropes and leapfrogs over Dreyer! Amigo bounces back off the ropes with a springboard moonsault press to take Dreyer down to the mat!
Amigo looks for the tag, but Sir Stache is still down at ringside! So he steps out onto the apron and goes for a springboard clothesline..
But Dreyer catches him coming in with a forearm to the face! Dreyer then leaps onto Amigo with a Lou Thesz Press and unloads a series of ground and pound punches until referee Tommy Palmer has to step in to break it up.
Jean-Luc Watkins: “There’s a lot of pent up aggression to be let out for these two when it comes to Jeremy Best’s minions… I’m sure they wished it was Jeremy or even Bryan Baxter they were doing this too.. But this has to feel good either way.”
As Amigo slowly starggers to his feet, Violet rushes in with the Mohawk Missle, driving Amigo head first into the turnbuckle! Amigo falls backward as Violet follows it up by climbing up to the top turnbuckle…
Looking for Rooftop Riot…
BUT STACHE ROLLS AMIGO OUT OF THE WAY! Violet crashes back first into the canvas coming off the top rope as Stache pulls Amigo to the FWA corner. Stache steps out, and tags himself in!
Konchu Hao: “Ah ha! Leave it to the masked coward to look for the most opportune time to tag himself in.”
Unfortunately for Stache, that was not the only tag made… as Violet has been able to make it over to their corner and tagged in Alyster Black!
Sir Stache, who had entered the ring so confidently… immediately puts on the brakes and starts to back pedal.
The crowd really letting Sir Stache know how much his little plan had just backfired. Stache drops to his knees, pleading for his life…
Stache drops to the mat on his stomach as Black grabs him by the arms, pulling back and delivering a CURB STOMP to the masked man. Black Jesus isn’t done yet as he pulls Stache up…
And he follows that up by locking in the Bulldog Choke!
Stache is about to immediately tap out by Amigo dives into the ring with a falling headbutt to Black to break up the submission attempt! The crowd boos but Black is quickly back up to his feet and dodges a headbutt attempt from Amigo and instead takes him out with a ONE SHOT KILL!
Amigo hit the mat as Black looks to Violet and offers her the finishing touches. He tags her in and she climbs to the top turnbuckle while Stache begins to slowly stagger to his feet…
Violet hooks the legs!
Winner: Alyster Black and Violet Dreyer via pinfall at 03:58.
Natalie Rosenberg: “Here are your winners… Alyster Black and Violet Dreyer!”
As Sonne begins to play again, Black and Dreyer hug it out in the ring over the fallen minions of their shared enemy, Jeremy Best.
Jean-Luc Watkins: “The Friendship Wrestling Alliance is laid to waste here tonight by Alyster Black and Violet Dreyer… but as of right now, Jeremy Best is still getting the last laugh… as long as Krash is not willing to accept his earned title shot at Back in Business.”

A brief commercial for the extravaganza that is Back in Business, airing exclusively on the WCNetwork on 10th and 11th August.

It had been almost a year since they had last heard the opening chords of Cola by Lana Del Rey, but like trained mice in a Pavlovian experiment, they knew to boo the impending arrival of Shawn Summers. Visibility in the arena dimmed as a white fog rose from center stage. The smoke parted as two figures ascended from below into the spotlight's luminescence. The camera focused in on Shawn, capturing the moment that he inhaled deeply, his eyes still closed taking in the moment. That trademark smirk took its rightful place on his face as he opened his eyes, peering out into the arena for the first time since Back in Business. His head turned to the left, looking at Rupert Watkins. In a moment that doesn't happen often, Shawn wasn't the sharpest dressed man in the arena. No, as he dressed in a white tank top tucked into a pair of blue jeans, Rupert wore a grey three-piece suit with a black and white windowpane pattern.
Konchu Hao: "Well, if it isn't the prodigal son returning to the den of his misdeeds! Shawn Summers, looking as smug as ever and flanked by Rupert Watkins, the man who once had more influence behind the scenes than anyone.”
Jean-Luc Watkins: "I’d be remiss not to acknowledge my father, Rupert Watkins, standing there with Shawn Summers. It's... unsettling, to say the least.”
Try as they might, with their comments and obscene gestures toward Shawn and Rupert, the fans couldn't ruin this homecoming for Der Bastard. Rupert entered the ring and immediately asked for a microphone. Shawn took liberty with the time allotted to them and casually strolled around the ringside area - taking in the moment. He entered the ring, and the darkness lifted. The fans continued to show their displeasure with his and Rupert's presence, but they were unsuccessful at getting under the pair's skin.
Konchu Hao: "Shawn Summers and Rupert Watkins, united in arrogance, basking in the boos like it’s their personal soundtrack."
Rupert Watkins: “It's disappointing to hear the egregious reception bestowed upon Shawn and I as we make our long awaited return to the Fallout brand, here in Montreal, mais cela ne m'étonne pas vu que nous sommes en présence des descendants de gens que les vrais Français ont laissés derrière eux.”
Konchu Hao: "Wow, Rupert pulling no punches with his disdain for the crowd here tonight. Insulting an entire city's heritage like that is sure to rile up this audience!"
Rupert flashed a smile. His words had gotten under their skin, and they were furious.
Rupert Watkins: “You boo as if being left behind is a bad thing. To be left behind can be a good thing if that is what you want. To be left behind can allow you to grow and move forward. To be left behind is what some must experience for them to find happiness. To be left behind is all that my dear nephew, Shawn, wanted to do with his wrestling career, but the FWA wouldn't allow that to happen.”
Jean-Luc Watkins: "He’s almost rewriting history. This isn't about growth or happiness; it's about ego and control. And hearing Rupert call Shawn his nephew — it just makes my skin crawl."
Konchu Hao: "The fans aren’t buying it, and frankly, neither am I. Summers wanted out, and now he’s back claiming victimhood? It's ludicrous! Ludicrous!”
Rupert Watkins: “My nephew was content with the life that he had built and walked away from an industry that didn't appreciate him and what he had accomplished. But, try as they might the industry and the FWA realized that they couldn't thrive without someone like Shawn Summers. They realized that no matter how much money they pumped into him and how much they showcased him, the fans weren't going to get behind someone like Tommy Bedlam. No, a backwoods American hick like that needs someone like Shawn to make him interesting.
“The FWA realized that no matter how many segments they allowed and how many new wrestlers they brought into the fold, no one could make the television championship as interesting as my nephew, Shawn Summers. The FWA knew that without Shawn Summers, they would have to rely on promoting the same main event from last year's Back in Business to generate a semblance of interest from the fans. Well, that was, until they received the tapes.”
Jean-Luc Watkins: "Oh, here we go. My father has a talent for rewriting history, making Summers out to be some irreplaceable force in the FWA."
Rupert Watkins: “The tapes that made a private moment public - and let's not forget that just because a private moment is made public does not give us the right to pass judgment. No, we should not pass judgment on a woman succumbing to her animalistic desires to be fulfilled and coming to the only man that could do so. We should not pass judgment on someone who, despite being manhandled just hours earlier in victory at Back in Business, needed to be manhandled again by a man she claimed repulsed her. But most importantly, we shouldn't pass judgment on a man who is the victim of his privacy and his peace being invaded and disturbed.”
Shawn placed a hand on Rupert's shoulder, gaining his attention. He then placed his hands over Rupert's and slowly released control of the microphone from him. The devilish smirk on his face was unnerving to witness as he remained close to Rupert.
Shawn Summers: “Uncle Ru, I appreciate your kind words, but I have to correct you on one part. You called me a victim, but I am the furthest...thing...from a...victim. In this situation, I'd call myself a benefactor of circumstances.”
Konchu Hao: "That’s Shawn Summers for you, turning everything to his advantage. A benefactor of circumstances — more like an opportunist of chaos."
Jean-Luc Watkins: "It’s chilling to hear him say it so casually. My father and Summers manipulating every piece of the narrative for their benefit. This isn't just a return; it’s a calculated power play."
Shawn Summers: “When I left the FWA, I knew that I needed to tie up loose ends. I never dreamt that tying things up would lead me back here…to you…Michelle.
“That night in the hotel, you used me to gain clarity. I wasn’t the first person you used in that way, and I know that I won't be the last. The difference, though, between me and the others…the difference between me and you, Michelle…is that I plan to use you…for infamy.”
He gives a wink to the camera and allows the microphone to tumble onto the ring mat as Lana’s melodic vocals intertwine with the chorus of boos from the fans in attendance.
Konchu Hao: "Summers dropping bombshells left and right! This isn’t just a comeback — it’s a declaration of war! And listen to these fans. They’re livid, but Summers and Rupert are reveling in every second. This is far from over.”
Shawn strolls up the ramp with Rupert Watkins trailing behind, a grin on his face that could only be removed surgically as the scene fades to commercial.

Cameras are outside the locker room of The Menage as Katie Goldsmith has a microphone in hand.
Katie Goldsmith: “We are trying to get a word from XYZ before the tag team match coming up later tonight with Gino Galucci against Sawyer Xavier and Brooklyn Steiner. I haven’t seen XYZ or anyone else from The Menage come out yet, but …”
As Katie pauses, she, the cameraperson, and everyone watching the feed hear inaudible noises from nearby. The locker room of The Menage is right next to a hallway corner, and Katie peeks around the corner before looking back at the camera person with her eyes wide.
“Oh crap. Shhh. Come here. Look. Can you get that?”
Katie Goldsmith points down the hallway, which is lit after the corner for about 15 feet before going dark. The light from the original hallway where The Menage locker room is only reaches that far down this adjacent hall.
The camera spots a person – a woman – standing right where the light ends. She is talking on her cell phone, and as the camera gets an unobstructed view, her speech becomes audible and legible now.
XYZ's mom: “(inaudible word but begins with a "J") … I understand you … upset. But we … too far along.”
The woman pauses, looking down at the ground and every so often looking down the hallway into the darkness to see if she is alone. She does not look down the opposite end, though.
“If you have reservations … to (inaudible word but something beginning with a “K”). … the one running. I cannot … anything now.”
She then looks down at her cell phone, taps it once, and places it into her pocket. The camera person quickly moves back to the original hallway along with Katie Goldsmith, who takes a position in front of The Menage locker room and continues her spiel.
“We have not had The Menage come out yet for an interview but hopefully soon we can get a word from XYZ and …”
Her pretend-report pauses when XYZ’s mother walks around the corner and stops, almost like a deer in headlights. Katie looks at the camera but pretends not to be any the wiser.
“XYZ’s mom. What do you think about your son’s match tonight?”
“I … um … well I think … um …”
The Menage locker room door suddenly opens, and out comes XYZ along with Frank and Sierra. They interrupt the rattled speech of XYZ's mom, who takes a breath as she feels saved.
XYZ: “Out for some hot dogs, mom. You want anything?”
“No. Not me.”
After a pause.
“Wait. Hot dogs? From where? Why not go to catering like the other wrestlers?”
Frank: “Good question, XYZ’s mom. Good question.”
“We are one with the people, so we must eat … like the people. Hot dogs from the hot dog stands we go!”
XYZ walks off, with a disgruntled Frank in tow. Sierra then gives XYZ’s mom a suspicious glare before walking away. The mom looks at the camera briefly and then looks back at Sierra before she herself enters the locker room quietly.

Natalie Rosenberg: “Ladies and gentlemen, your next match is scheduled for ONE FALL! Introducing first, hailing from New York, BROOOOOKLYN STEEIIIIIIIIIIIIINERRRRRRRRRR!”
Brooklyn Steiner appears at the top of the entrance ramp to a raucous ovation, but something is clearly on his mind. With a sense of what appears to be paranoia, Steiner looks over his shoulder as he makes his way down the ramp.
Jean-Luc Watkins: “Clearly, Brooklyn Steiner has something on his mind after that vicious attack that he suffered last week at the hand of a masked assailant. We still don’t know exactly who it was that jumped Steiner. FWA officials have been working diligently to determine if it was a crazed fan or if anyone in the locker room had a hand in it.”
Steiner continues down the ramp and seems to be returning to a sense of normalcy. He steps over to the left side of the ramp and greets a few fans, before hopping across the ramp and doing the same with a young fan holding up an “I LOVE BROOKLYN” sign over her head. As he reaches out to bump fists with the young girl, someone reaches out, grabbing Steiner’s arm, and pulling him over the railing!
Jean-Luc Watkins: “What the…what the hell?!?!”
The cameraman manages to get over the barricade as the masked man pummels Brooklyn on the ground in the middle of the FWA universe. He stands up and begins delivering a series of stomps to Steiner’s chest. He shoves a fan out of the way and grabs his chair. The masked man picks the chair up over his head and swings it down toward Brooklyn, but Steiner rolls out of the way! The chair falls to the ground, and Brooklyn Steiner is on his feet.
He begins delivering a series of punches to the head of his assailant who is trying desperately to create some distance between himself and Steiner.
The two have battled around the crowd, and are now behind the announce table. A kick to the gut pins Steiner’s attacker against the barricade as Brooklyn charges toward him with a clothesline that carries both men over the railing and into the announce area. Jean-Luc and Konchu both leave their seats.
Steiner grabs the headset that Konchu has left behind and wraps the cord around the throat of his attacker, choking him. He’s trying to pull the mask off, but it’s trapped between the cord and his neck.
The attacker finally delivers an elbow to Steiner’s abdomen doubling him over. He then grabs Steiner’s head and slams it into the announce table, busting open the fan favorite, BUT STEINER WILL NOT BE STOPPED.
As the blood begins to run down his face, he blocks the attacker’s second attempt to slam his head into the table and drives him face-first into it. Steiner rips a monitor out of the table, raises it high above his head, and slams it down toward his assailant, but this time he’s the one who rolls out of the way.
The attacker rolls under the bottom rope and into the ring and Steiner is hot on his heels. A double-leg takedown from the masked man brings Steiner to the mat, and it’s pure pandemonium as they begin exchanging punches. Finally, FWA referees and security guards start charging down the ramp. A group of at least 10 men get into the ring and start trying to pull the two men apart, but they’re still going at one another!
Finally, Steiner manages to deliver a boot to the side of his attacker’s face, giving security the chance to get between them. They’re dragged into opposing corners, as Jean-Luc and Konchu make their way back to their broadcast position.
Jean-Luc Watkins: “Ladies and gentlemen, I’m receiving word that the scheduled tag match is not going to happen. Brooklyn Steiner is busted open, and security has finally managed to….OH MY GOD!”
Before Watkins can finish his statement, Steiner and the masked man manage to break away from the officials holding them back, and the fight is back on. Brooklyn Steiner has the upper hand, as he’s wailing away on the individual who has now attacked him twice.
It’s hard to see exactly what’s happening as security guards and referees are trying to pull the two men apart. Finally, Brooklyn Steiner gets peeled away, and he has something in his hand.
Jean-Luc Watkins: “What does Steiner have there? That’s….that’s the mask that this attacker has been wearing!”
As five officials and guards hold Steiner in his corner, the attacker gets to his feet. His head is still down, so it’s hard to see. His head still down, he tries to charge toward Steiner once again, but the officials and guards have a firm grip around his waist. They push him back to another corner and he finally raises his head.
Jean-Luc Watkins: “Oh my God! Tommy Bedlam? We haven’t seen him since he dropped the X Title and announced that he had to have shoulder surgery. What the hell has this all been about?!”
The crowd is initially stunned by the reveal of Steiner’s attacker’s face before they start raining down a chorus of jeers. Tommy Bedlam has an intense look on his face as he’s screaming at Steiner across the ring, while Brooklyn tries to break away from the officials who are holding him in place.
Jean-Luc Watkins: “Ladies and gentlemen, I have no idea what’s going on in Tommy Bedlam’s mind. The tag match featuring Brooklyn Steiner, Sawyer Xavier, XYZ, and Gino Galucci is not going to happen. But we’ve got more questions than we have answers right now. Let’s go to commercial and we’ll try to restore some order out…..”
Before he can finish, he’s cut off once again as an unmasked Bedlam and Brooklyn Steiner have both broken free of their corners and are once again wailing on each other in the middle of the ring. FWA officials in suits, including Jon Russnow charge out of the back and down the ramp to try to restore some semblance of order.

Following the non-match involving XYZ, Brooklyn Steiner, Sawyer Xavier and Gino Galucci, XYZ is standing in front of the camera. Katie Goldsmith is not present this time. It's just XYZ, along with The Menage members. Frank, PacMan Bert, Christian Howard, Sierra, Lizzy Golden, and XYZ's long-lost and recently returned mom.
"Kleio de Santos ... you have erred. You have blamed me for your shortcomings. You have put responsibility on me for your own group's coup. Yet it was I who raised alarm bells. Why would I do that? What grievances would I have on your head if so? The answer is none, and it is logically none.
But I disregard this pattycake squabble. I am XYZ, leader of The Menage, leader of the XYZites, and I cannot be broken. Not spiritally. Not mentally. Not psychologically. Not emotionally. Even if you break me physically, my bones will heal. If you tear my muscles, they will re-grow. My ligaments will re-attach. My mind ... will always be strong and sound.
Kleio ... you come for me. You say you will break me. Yet, you haven't. I am only stronger. My own mother ... returned ... to make me stronger and more whole than ever. I feel the love of eternity, and all the mountain ranges in between, within my heart.
You cannot take this love from me. You cannot take my family from me. Because my family is here ... all of them ... blood (points to his mom) and water (points to the others).
But you seem dead set on trying, Kleio. So let me invite you to a party dance of the ages. Meet me in the ring ... at the Business of the Back ... and you can have your chance at killing my spirit ... and killing the XYZites. You will fail, even if you win, because I ... and my family ... go nowhere but right here."

Natalie Rosenberg: “The following is set for one fall with a twenty-minute-time-limit!”
The familiar theme hits the sound system and after a few seconds Nate Savage steps out on stage, and behind him is Jackson Fenix and Xperienx Xtacee! The crowd comes alive for the trio known as Undisputed Xperienx with Fenix hyping up the crowd while Xtacee puts a hand on Nate’s shoulder, and then Fenix starts to hype up Nate, who looks fired up and ready for a fight as he heads down to the ring.
Natalie Rosenberg: “Introducing first, being accompanied by Jackson Fenix and Xperienx Xtacee, from Philadelphia, PA and weighing in at 266 lb…he is Nasty Nate Savage!!”
Jean-Luc Watkins: “This is Nate Savage’s first singles match of the year and by the looks of it he’s more than ready to go, especially after what went down at Fallout 040 where he and Jackson Fenix fell short against FTN and failed to secure a date to Back in Business…”
Konchu Hao: “My personal feelings aside, I can’t blame Savage for being upset after coming up short against those hooligans in FTN. I know how it feels to be on the losing end against those neanderthals and it stings.”
Jean-Luc Watkins: “Savage has a chance to get over that tonight and a win here he could earn himself as well as his cohorts a shot at trios gold.”
Konchu Hao: “I know what an irate Nate Savage is like in that ring, so I don’t envy his opponent tonight…”
The spooky fun music plays and the crowd continues to cheer as Halloween Knight comes dancing out on stage with Trash Mammal and Juan Tothrefor following behind him. Knight hypes up the crowd with his dancing and gets some of them to dance along with him while Mammal and Juan slap hands with fans.
Natalie Rosenberg: “and his opponent, being accompanied by Mamifero De Basura and Juan Tothrefor, from Torreon, Mexico and weighing in at 221 lb…he is one third of the FWA Trios Champions…Halloween Knight!!”
Jean-Luc Watkins: “TR1CK or TR4SH is coming off a win over The Lumberjacks at the last Fallout and are surely looking to continue that momentum on the path to Back in Business. Much like Savage and his Undisputed Xperienx cohorts, TR1CK or TR4SH do not have a date for Back in Business but that could change after tonight if Nate Savage manages to score a win here…”
Konchu Hao: “Knight and his mates have had great success since coming together and winning the gold, so he best be careful if he wants to continue that success…”
The referee for the match is Joey Ortiz, who checks both competitors before calling for the bell…

THIRD MATCH || 1/20.
Nate Savage vs. Halloween Knight.
Singles Match.
Match writer: Jimmy.

<< 00:00 >>
Both men lock up but it doesn’t last long as Savage starts laying it in on Knight with stiff forearm strikes that break up the collar and elbow tie up. Savage isn’t known for his traditional offensive style and he’s letting Halloween Knight find that out the hard way. Savage has Knight backed up into a corner and continues his relentless assault with a barrage of forearm strikes, as well as some headbutts mixed in until Knight is slumped down in the corner, which leaves an opening for Savage as he goes for his cannonball senton in the corner…
Knight moves out of the way just in time though and Savage crashes spine first into the corner. Knight senses he has an opening now and Savage is clutching at his lower back area while trying to get back on his feet, but he’s taken down with a basement dropkick from Knight! Savage rolls back into the corner, where he has left himself open for Knight to strike with a monkey flip! Savage is flung from out of the corner across the ring and takes a nasty bump! Savage howls in pain upon landing and he begins crawling toward the opposite corner where he uses the nearby ropes for leverage, and as he sits in the corner he immediately senses danger and moves out of the way as Knight hits nothing but turnbuckle with a running splash! Savage takes advantage of this as he pummels Knight in the corner and Knight finds himself slumped down again and this time Savage doesn’t miss a beat…corner cannonball senton! Savage drags Knight out of the corner to the center of the ring and makes the pin…
One…TW--NO!! Knight gets a shoulder up!
Jean-Luc Watkins: “This has been fairly evenly matched thus far, but as we know the tides can turn at the drop of a dime…”
Konchu Hao: “I don’t think Halloween Knight was expecting this sort of aggressive offense from Nate Savage, but he’s done the best he can to counter it despite Savage currently being in the driver’s seat…”
<< 05:10 >>
The match continues as Savage has Knight in a rear headlock keeping the luchador grounded, but Knight manages to break free and he nails Savage in the gut with a kick as they’re both on their feet now and Knight has Savage in position…three spooky suplexes! Halloween Knight hits three consecutive rolling vertical suplexes on Savage and Knight makes the cover…
One…TW--NO!! Savage kicks out!
On the outside of the ring, Juan Tothrefor starts to question Joey Ortiz’s counting skills and tries to assist him but Ortiz ignores Juan. Back in the ring, Knight lands a running senton on Savage but he’s not done yet as he hits the ropes and comes back with a springboard moonsault into another pin…
One…TW--NO!! Savage kicks out again!
Konchu Hao: “It amazes me that at his age Halloween Knight is able to move the way that he does!”
Knight sends Savage to the corner and goes for another running splash, but this time he’s caught by Savage who counters with a ring rattling uranage! Savage composes himself before hitting a running senton of his own to Knight! Savage isn’t through yet though as he hits the ropes again and hits a jumping seated senton on Knight and hooks both legs…
Once again, Juan is questioning the counting skills of referee Joey Ortiz but this time Nate Savage notices it and tells Juan to buzz off. Juan throws up his hands in innocence while Jackson Fenix throws in his two cents while being held back by Xperienx Xtacee. Meanwhile, all of this happening has allowed Halloween Knight ample time to recover as he sneaks up behind Savage and sends him toppling over the ropes with a running dropkick!
Savage manages to land on his feet but he has no time to gather himself as he’s taken down with a fosbury flop from Knight! The crowd cheers for the amazing display of athleticism from Halloween Knight and Knight feeds off the energy before he tosses Savage back inside the ring…
Knight ascends to the top rope while Savage is starting to come to and Knight does his signature dance across the rope before hitting Nate with a TERROR Tornado DDT! Knight quickly hooks the leg…
<< 10:14 >>
Jean-Luc Watkins: “That momentary distraction on the outside nearly cost Nate Savage the match but he’s still in it somehow as the match rolls on, wrestling fans!”
Knight brings Savage up in a front facelock but Savage breaks away and strikes with a headbutt that stuns Knight! Savage unloads on Knight with a barrage of forearm strikes, followed by a bionic elbow to the dome that was preceded by a crude gesture from Savage and Knight is down as Savage positions himself on the top rope by sitting on the turnbuckle where he’s lining up Knight before he leaps off..jumping rope moonsault!
One…two…THR--NO!!! Knight kicks out!!!
Savage is feeling it now with the crowd behind his every move as he climbs back to the top rope and he’s calling for a frog splash…but Halloween Knight has hopped up back to his feet and he’s up there with Savage where the two of them start trading blows until Knight gains the advantage and sends Savage crashing to the canvas with a superplex! Both men are laying on the mat lifeless while the crowd loses their minds, and on the outside we see both Undisputed Xperienx and TR1CK OR TR4SH look on with concern…
<< 14:56 >>
Jean-Luc Watkins: “I don’t know how he’s doing it but Nate Savage somehow found the strength to get his shoulder up after being sent down to the mat with authority from a superplex delivered by Halloween Knight!”
*A replay is shown of the superplex as well as the pin and the kick out*
Knight looks for his Three Spooky Suplexes again but this time Nate has an answer for it and counters with his own suplex, and he follows up with two more into a bridging pin!
Nate thought that was it as he sits up beside Halloween Knight and suddenly Knight rolls up Savage into a crucifix pin!
Savage kicks out and both men are on their feet now as Halloween Knight goes for a kick to the gut, but Nate blocks it, spins Knight around and nails him with a boot to the midsection before setting him up…Savaged! Package piledriver to Halloween Knight and Savage drops down for the pin…
Winner: Nate Savage via pinfall at 16:33.
Natalie Rosenberg: “The winner of the match, Nate Savage!”
Savage exits the ring after having his hand raised and joins his friends on the outside while back in the ring, Trash Mammal and Juan Tothrefor check on Halloween Knight while staring daggers back at Undisputed Xperienx on the outside…
Jean-Luc Watkins: “A much needed big win for Nate Savage heading into Back in Business where we could possibly see TR1CK OR TR4SH defend those titles against The Undisputed Xperienx, who knows for sure but I don’t think this is the last time we’ll see these six competitors in the same vicinity…”

Trevor’s feet felt heavy with each step he took down the hallway. He could feel his skin getting slippery with sweat as he thought about confronting Russnow regarding the tag-team situation. He mustered up a smile as he passed by production assistants and producers, but it was simply a mask for his true emotions. The rapping of his fist against Russnow’s office door felt like it echoed throughout the backstage corridor. He took a deep breath and entered the office not waiting for an invitation - his wishes had been disrespected, so why should he act in any other way?
Russnow was sat, his feet propped up on his desk, and his attention buried in the screen of a Gameboy color. He briefly looked up to acknowledge Trevor’s presence before beginning.
Jon Russnow: “Trevor Ocean. To what do I owe the pleasure of having you in my office?”
Trevor Ocean: “Jon, I’m really grateful for you and the company taking a chance on me and allowing me to enter the Carnal Contendership. I thought I did a pretty good job in the match, and although I didn’t have that good of an outing against Cyrus, I would really like the opportunity to continue to showcase myself as a singles wrestler.”
Jon Russnow: “So what’s the problem? You’re a singles wrestler.”
Trevor Ocean: “Yeah, you see, I’m technically a singles wrestler, but tonight you’ve got me booked in a tag-team match, and then you got me booked in another tag-team match next week with Michelle and - oh, that’s something else I’m wanting to talk to you about. I’d rather not be involved in any of that Shawn and Michelle stuff. I’m trying to break away on my own and -”
Jon Russnow: “Trevor, I’ve got a full roster of wrestlers like you that I’m trying to please. You’re getting the opportunity to main-event Fallout this week, and you’re teaming up with one of the biggest stars in the industry next week. Forgive me for not sympathizing with you regarding your position and presentation.”
Trevor’s eyes slowly close, and he presses his lips together in an attempt to stop himself from saying something he’d regret. He opens his eyes and notices Russnow has returned his attention to his Gameboy.
Trevor Ocean: “Right. I’ll just go fuck myself. Thank’s, Jon”
Jon looks up from his Gameboy, caught off guard by the curtness of the usually polite Trevor Ocean. He opens his mouth to speak, but Trevor is already out of his office. Jon lets out a deep sigh as he stares at the ceiling and spins in his office chair.
???: “He’d rather play his little games instead of taking care of one of his newest stars. That’s very telling, isn’t it?”
Trevor turns and notices Rupert Watkins leaning on the wall outside of Russnow’s office. Trevor wave’s Rupert off, not wanting to give him or anything he has to say attention, but that wouldn’t deter the former Fallout Executive.
Rupert Watkins: “I may not be directly in charge of the FWA anymore, but I stil have some influence. People tend to listen when I talk and…consult on matters regarding the company. I’m sure someone would be interested in what I had to say if I put in a word about showcasing Trevor Ocean as a singles star. I wonder - could I help you in the same way that I’ve helped…Shawn?”
Trevor stands frozen at Rupert’s question. He was intrigued by what Rupert had to say despite wanting nothing to do with him and Shawn. If Russnow wouldn’t listen to his requests, maybe Watkins could get through to them.
Rupert Watkins: “Walk with me, Trevor. I’d like to discuss your future.”
Rupert puts a hand out in a gesture to ask Trevor to come with him. Trevor looks around for anyone before walking down the corridor with Rupert as the scene fades to black.

The watching fans are in awe at the mesmerising entrance of The Coven. Blair Ravenwood makes a point to be at the forefront, with her sister Celestia to her left. with current FWA X Champion Bellatrix Bordeaux is bringing up the rear. ‘The Hex Girl’ has her head bowed down and obscured by her hanging hair. Trixie then steps forward to the front of the group, lifts up head and instructs the sisters to follow her down to the ring.
Natalie Rosenberg: “Ladies and gentlemen, your next match is a trios match scheduled for ONE FALL! Introducing first, Their opponents… from Lock Haven, Pennsylvania… BLAIR RAVENWOOD, CELESTIA RAVENWOOD and the reigning FWA X CHAMPION… TRIXIE BOOOOOORDEEAAAUUXXX… THEY ARE THEEEEEEEE COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVENNNN!!!”
Jean-Luc Watkins: “The former trios champions, The Coven, have found themselves under new leadership it would seem, after The Ravenwoods and Trixie lead a full on hostile takeover during Carnal Contendership, giving the proverbial boot to Kleio Des Santos.”
Konchu Hao: “I have always warned people that you cannot trust a witch. Even worse, a pair of them.”
Jean-Luc Watkins: “Since then, Trixie has proclaimed herself the de facto leader of the Coven… and tonight she brings the Ravenwood sisters with her to fight along side her against three people gunning for her X Championship.”
Blair confidently strides up the steps with Celestia right behind her. Trixie rolls under the bottom rope and into the ring, walking to the center of the ring, holding up her X Championship high into the air with both Ravenwood sisters flanked by her side.
As the whistles go through the speakers, the fans are unsure what to think as the lights begin to dim as strobe lights begin to flicker across the arena. Smoke fills the stage as four figures walk out from the back… wearing… Ninja Turtle masks. Leading the way is a very excited Aaron Harrows, with a Michelangelo mask on, dancing along to the beat, pumping his fists with exuberance for every “GO NINJA GO NINJA GO” moment. Behind him is a less than enthusiastic Johnny Johnson, who is not dancing but at least seems to be playing along enough to wear the Raphael mask. Bobby “The Dubb” Joel seems a little more into it, adding some fists bumps in his Donatello mask, eventually working his way to the front to bump his fists with Aaron Harrows. ANd finally, bringing up a very distant rear… was Vengador. Who did not wear his Leonardo mask, instead he just held it in his hand. Clearly unamused with the antics of Aaron Harrows.
Natalie Rosenberg: “And their opponents… being accompanied to the ring by Bobby “The Dubb” Joel… “The Top Star” AARON HARROWS… “The Legend” JOHNNY JOHNSON… and VENGADOR!”
Jean-Luc Watkins: “Ugh… I just… I can’t… why? Why is this guy allowed in the building. He doesn’t have a contract.”
Konchu Hao: ”He sure does seem to get a lot of matches despite not having a contract. Does that mean he is working for free? What a fool.”
Jean-Luc Watkins: “I could not agree more with that last statement. But somehow this fool managed to sneak into the Spooder-Man costume last time on Fallout… and score an upset victory over his former friend Trixie Bordeaux… and I don’t think I can emphasize how much Aaron Harrows has been a thorn in Trixie’s side since Carnal Contendership.”
Konchu Hao: ”Or since the Buddy Bowl really.”
Jean-Luc Watkins: “To be fair, he’s been a thorn in all of our sides. But Bobby Joel has his eyes set on the X Championship for his client and has certainly enlisted the help of some interesting associates to do so.”
“GO NINJA GO NINJA GO! GO NINJA GO NINJA GO!” The fans in Montreal certainly seemed to be getting into it, joining Harrows in the fist bump as the foursome made their way down to the ring. The Coven were not amused as they awaited their opponents arrivals to the ring.

Trixie Bordeaux, Blair Ravenwood, and Celestia Ravenwood vs. Johnny Johnson, Vengador, and Aaron Harrows.
Trios Match.
Match writer: Dubb.

The bell rings to start the match with Blair Ravenwood starting things out for the former trios champions while Johnny Johnson tosses his turtle mask out of the ring, ready to get serious as he approaches Blair in the center of the ring for a collar and elbow lock up. Johnson uses his power advantage to force his will on Blair, but Blair’s technical prowess allows her to escape his grasps and places Johnny in a hammer lock. The Legend fights free with some elbows to rock Blair before hitting her with a boot to the midsection to double her over.
Johnson lifts Blair up in the air for a suplex, but Blair comes free flipping over Johnson’s back and landing on her feet. Johnson turns around and is greeted by an uppercut from Johnson sending him staggering until it’s now Blair who takes Johnson down with a quick vertical suplex before tagging in Celestia.
The Legend staggers back up to his feet just as Celestia climbs the turnbuckles after the tag… FLYING CROSS BODY takes Johnson down and is a pinning attempt!
One! Tw - No! Only a one count!
Johnson is quick back up to his feet, ducking a spin kick from Celestia and delivers a stiff forearm shot to rock the witch backward and allows him to make the tag in to Aaron Harrows, much to the delight of the fans.
Harrows, still rocking his Ninja Turtle mask, dances into the ring and quickly lays out Celestia with a headbutt! Frustrated by the antics of “The Top Star,” Blair rushes into the ring, but Harrows avoids her attack and lands a headbutt to her with the turtle mask!
But it was Trixie who was really frustrated with her former friend, launching herself off the top rope and onto Harrows with a splash onto Harrows, taking him down with Trixie staying on top, grabbing the mask off of him and slapping him repeatedly with his own ninja turtle mask!
Jean-Luc Watkins: ”Hey, that’s a foreign object being used! Come on ref - that’s a disqualification!”
Konchu Hao: "Ahh but that silly little man brought it in the ring himself, he gets what he deserves!”
Referee Richard Davis gets some order in the ring, pulling the literally scratching and clawing Trixie off of Aaron and forcing her and Blair out of the ring.
<< 05:06 >>
Harrows finds himself in trouble, having gotten himself trapped in the Coven corner - Celestia, Blair and Trixie have taken turns tagging themselves in and working the actor over. A snap DDT from Trixie sees the X Champion going for the pin.
One! Two! No! Harrows just barely with his shoulder up!
Celestia tags herself back in, keeping the pressure on Harrows with a series of rapid strikes and a snapmare followed by a kick to the back. Blair gets the tag next, executing a double suplex with Celestia on Harrows, keeping him grounded. As Celestia hits the turnbuckles for a split legged moonsault and a pin.
One! Two! Thre…NO!
Celestia is up and the theme of the Coven keeping the fresh woman in, Trixie now tags herself back in again and she enters the ring with a moonsault onto Harrows!
One! Two! Thre.. NO!
A collective look of frustration can be seen on the sisters, but especially Trixie who now yells at referee Richard Davis, like a kid having a temper tantrum after being told they couldn’t have that toy at Walmart. Celestia and Blair share a look to one another on the apron as Trixie continues voice her displeasure…
Jean-Luc Watkins: ”The Coven have been in the driver’s seat here… but she’s clearly really lost it lately with this Aaron Harrows situation and not being able to put him away seems to be driving her even more crazy.”
One person looking to calm her down, was from an unlikely source… Bobby “The Dubb” Joel climbs the apron and asks Trixie to calm down and worry about he match. “CALM DOWN? CALM DOWN?!” Trixie shouts at The Dubb… “I AM CALM! THIS IS ME CALM!” She then proceeds to punch Joel in his groin, sending the older gentleman down off the apron, clutching his southern jewels.
Trixie finally returns to face Harrows, who is up but staggering. Trixie charges at him with a wild right hand, but Harrows DUCKS…
The desperation move leaves both Trixie and Harrows down… but the crowd is solidly behind Harrows as he crawls to the corner…
Trixie also gets the tag to Celestia but both Ravenwood sisters charge in. They attempt a double clothesline, but Vengador POWERS through it, bounces off the ropes and takes both sisters down with a double clothesline of his own! He then sends Trixie packing from the ring with a savate kick, sending her through the ropes to ringside.
Vengador lets out a primal scream, garnering some support from the fans while his manager The Dubb still struggles to regain his footing at ringside.
<< 09:37 >>
Vengador remains in control as he sends Celestia into the ropes, catching her off the ropes with a big powerslam! He then shows he’s not just a man of power as he hits a standing moonsault onto the fallen Ravenwood sister!
One! Two! Thre.. TRIXIE is there to break it up this time!
Konchu Hao: "I cannot deny I am impressed with this Vengador - a man of both power and agility and he has a mask. I like it.”
As Richard Davis once again finds himself trying to admonish Trixie… Blair slides into the ring… and she has Trixie’s X Championship in her hands! SHE NAILS VENGADOR WITH IT! Blair exits the ring just as quickly as she had entered as Trixie steps out as well, unaware of Blair’s transgressions. Davis just finds both Vengador and Celestia on the mat…
And Celestia slowly… makes the crawl… over… FOR THE PIN!
NO! Vengador with the shoulder up…
And now both Vengador and Celestia are making the crawl to the corner, looking for the fresh tag…
Aaron Harrows extends his arm as far as humanly possible, looking for that tag as Vengador inches closer…
JJ springs into the ring as Celestia makes the tag to Trixie!
Trixie and The Legend trade back and forth blows in the ring until Johnson lifts his leg up into her midsection and goes for a snap suplex, but Trixie counters it mid move into a stunner! Johnson hits the mat but quickly staggers back up, as Trixie nails a SHOTGUN DROPKICK to take him back down to the mat.
Trixie climbs the ropes…
She’s got the cover..
“YOU AGAIN” Trixie shouts as she goes after Harrows, but Harrows avoids a wild headbutt from Trixie and instead strikes her with running knee strike! But just as Harrows takes Trixie down, Celestia and Blaire are in the ring and its the SHINING WITCH from Blair to Harrows, sending him to the mat!
Jean-Luc Watkins: ”It’s pure chaos in the ring!”
Konchu Hao: "And I love it!”
Vengador now enters the ring, but is met with a pair of boots from Celestia and Blair. They attempt a double Irish Whip on the big man, but when sent to the ropes, Vengador hooks the ropes to stop his own momentum! Celestia rushes him only to get back dropped over the rope to the floor. He then blocks a strike from Blair, lifting her up into a Gorilla Press…
Vengador then begins to climb the turnbuckles… while Celestia and Blair are trying to help themselves up…
DIVING MOONSAULT TO THE OUTSIDE! Vengador takes out Celestia and Blair… but he himself is also down!
Back in the ring… Trixie and Johnny Johnson slowly get back up to their feet…
Johnson strikes first with a boot to the midsection, he takes her the arm and pulls her in for a short arm clothesline..
But Trixie… DUCKS!
Trixie makes the cover!
Winner: Alyster Black and Violet Dreyer via pinfall at 14:29.
The bell rings as Trixie sits up, a look of relief on her face to have picked up a win after the embarrassment last time on Fallout against Harrows/Spooder-Man. She pulls herself up, looking around for her Coven teammates to celebrate with, but they are still outside the ring from the moonsault from Vengador.
Natalie Rosenberg: "Here are your winners…THE COVEN!”
The crowd boos as the masked man stood solemnly over Trixie as she drops to the mat next to Johnny Johnson.
Jean-Luc Watkins: “What the Hell?! I thought Vengador was a man of honor! Not a sore loser!”
Konchu Hao: "Look at the man he’s associated with, Jean-Luc!”
Bobby “The Dubb” Joel is all smiles to get some payback on the woman who dick punched him earlier in the match as he slides two more chairs into the ring. Vengador places his sizeable boot across Trixie’s throat, choking her violently as Richard Davis tries to restore order, only to get a elbow to the side of the head from Vengador.
Johnny Johnson begins to stir, as Bobby Joel helps him up and hands him a chair. Johnson realizes what is happening… and nods his head with a sadistic smile as he takes a chair as well, driving it down across Trixie’s back.
Jean-Luc Watkins: “This is a disgusting post-match attack… hopefully Blair and Celestia will be back to their feet here in a moment to help their ‘sister’ of the Coven.”
Johnson and Vengador put the boots to Trixie, keeping her from being able to pull herself up as Celestia and Blair begin to get to their feet by the ramp. The sisters look to one another and then to the ring as Bobby Joel directs traffic, encouraging Johnson and Vengador’s continued assault on the X Champion.
Konchu Hao: "Well? What are they waiting for? Get in there and help her!”
But Celestia and Blair seem to be in no hurry to help their friend and stablemate. Instead, they watch as Vengador lifts her up off the mat by her throat… and then LAYS HER OUT WITH JUSTICIA in the middle of the ring!
The crowd boos loudly as Blair… turns to leave?
Jean-Luc Watkins: “Wait? Blair is just leaving Trixie to this all out assault?”
Celestia seems to take a step toward the ring, but Blair grabs her by the arm and shakes her head. Blair nods and the pair slowly turn their back to Trixie as she tries to crawl toward the ropes, her face covered in blood… reaching out towards her ‘sisters’ that are leaving her for dead.
But the attack isn’t done. Bobby Joel wants more bloodshed as he helps Aaron Harrows up to his feet. “C’MON BOY, MAKE YOURSELF FAMOUS!” he instructs as he hands the third chair to Harrows. Aaron seems confused as he shakes away the cobwebs, and looks around the ring to see Vengador… Johnny Johnson… and now himself… armed with chairs as Trixie is in the middle of the trio…
Jean-Luc Watkins: “No… no… Trixie isn’t going to make it to Back in Business…”
Joel seems to give a countdown…
Harrows shakes his head, he knows this isn’t right. Trixie was his friend. Trixie.. IS his friend! HE DRIVES HIS CHAIR INTO JOHNNY JOHNSON’S MIDSECTION, doubling him over and then CRACKS the chair across Johnson’s back sending him down to the mat!
Bobby Joel is outraged as he yells at Vengador to take out Harrows. Vengador swings his chair at The Top Star, but Harrows DUCKS! And he drives the chair into Vengador’s ribs, taking the masked man down to his knees before he runs and hits a running knee strike!
Vengador rolls out of the ring… as Harrows kneels down next to the bloodied and battered Trixie, requesting help from the back.
Konchu Hao: "This Aaron Harrows has proven himself as a man of integrity here tonight.”
Jean-Luc Watkins: “I wasn’t sure he had it in him, to be honest. But the damage has already been done… if we thought the Coven had fractured at Carnal Contendership… then it has completely imploded here tonight!”

We cut away from the rabble and the hum of the energy within the ring [Author’s note: or backstage shenanigans, depends which show this one is taking place on], to the underground parking lot of the arena. In sharp contrast to the previous scene, it’s quiet, nearly silent save for the occasional flutter of a draft. A maze of concrete pillars and barriers, white lines and signals on the concrete, creating a private park for FWA’s drivers. Not a soul around, save for a tired security guard, idly working on a crossword puzzle.
With a creak, one of the security doors swung open. A figure stepped out with a stretch, exhaling, thin stubble on a close cut scalp. Wearing a blue sweatshirt over some black slacks, the man made eye contact with the security guard for a brief second, before the guard nodded, waving him along. The man nodded once, then turned, moving down the lot with a loose gaze, flickering without a target, passing car after car in the lot.
As he passed one particular car, he slowed to a pause. His firm gaze faltered, as he turned his head back, glancing at the car behind him.
A cherry red Cadillac, visibly worn, clearly seen better days.
And, yet. Familiar.
The man adjusted his jaw, backing up and observing the car. With nary a blink, he approached the passenger side, and rapped his knuckles against the glass twice.
There was a long, long pause.
Then the door clicked open.
The man climbed into the passenger seat, swinging the door shut behind him. His eyes settled on the snowglobe on the dashboard, before he exhaled.
Cyrus Truth: ”… So why are you here, then?”
There is a beat of silence. Cyrus’ steely eyes flickered, gaze drifting from the cracked gray concrete pillars of the parking lot, to the man sitting behind the driver’s wheel. The poorly buttoned Hawaiian shirt, scuffed white trousers… The frazzled black mustache.
Krash: ”… Moral support, I suppose.”
The winner of the Carnal Contendership smiled in a way that did not meet his eyes, glancing away in unease. Unblinking, Cyrus only nodded once.
Cyrus Truth: ”Moral support? Hmm. Kinda hard to give that when you’re sitting out here all by yourself while the action’s going on inside. Unless you’re trying to give Ulysses over there an ego boost.”
The Exile points over to where the security guard was seated, although from this distance, it’s not as if he can see anything to react to. Krash, meanwhile, lets out a chuckle at Truth’s attempt at a joke, although there’s a definite air of sadness, regret, and somberness behind it.
There’s several seconds of silence in the Caddy, where the only sounds are the two men breathing. It looks as if Krash wants to say something, wants to work up to it, but before he does…
Cyrus Truth: ”I’m sorry, Krash.”
That…seems to surprise Krash a bit. The apology coming from a man who offers very few strikes at the man already grappling with powerful emotions and dark thoughts. He looks over to his friend, the stoic Exile himself trying to keep his own emotions in check.
Cyrus Truth: ”You were suffering last year. It was obvious what was going on, and I wasn’t there to help you. I was…well, I was too obsessed with the World Title and beating the shit out of Michelle and Peacock. I was a terrible friend, and I doubt an apology is enough to make it right. But I can’t fix anything between us unless I apologize, so…yeah. I’m sorry that I left you to struggle alone.”
An unreadable expression passes Krash’s face, as he closes his eyes with an exhale.
Cyrus Truth: “And…sorry about not getting the job done at Carnal Contendership. We’ve talked for years about finally getting that proper main event, marquee World Title match that’s eluded us ever since our CWA days. You did your part, and I fumbled the ball. It sucks-”
Krash: ”Don’t.”
Now it’s Cyrus’ turn, for a flicker of surprise to run across his face. Krash gestures limply with a hand, before running it through his hair.
Cyrus Truth: ”Don’t?”
Krash: ”You don’t have to… Y’know. Apologize or anything. For either of those. You had your own shit to deal with back then. You all did. You, Alyster… Everyone. I wouldn’t expect you to drop anything for me.”
Cyrus Truth: ”Still.”
Krash: ”But, for what it’s worth… Apology accepted.”
Cyrus sighed, a little bit less tension in his chest.
Krash: ”I just… I just really hoped it would’ve been you.”
Cyrus glanced Krash’s way, immediately understanding, grimacing.
Cyrus Truth: ”I know.”
Krash: ”You were part of the reason I decided to come back, y’know? I wanted it to be you. Not… Not him.”
Cyrus Truth: ”I know.”
Krash: ”I guess the road is just a bit more winding than we hoped.”
Cyrus hummed in agreement.
Cyrus Truth: ”It always is. But don’t sweat it. We’ll get there. One day.”
Krash: ”Will we?”
Cyrus Truth: ”We will. I guess it’s up to you to put that into play now.”
Krash turned, slightly, glancing Cyrus’ way with a raised eyebrow.
Cyrus Truth: ”And all you have to do is beat him down, just like you did last year. Finish the job.”
Then, Cyrus with the Golden Opportunity Steel Roulette… Maybe it’s not quite as much of a pipe dream as one would expect. And yet, despite not even saying his name, just the topic alone is enough. Krash visibly hitches, one hand scratching at his wrist, as he turns, looking out the window.
Krash: ”… I don’t think it’s going to be that easy, Cy.”
Cyrus Truth: ”Nothing ever worth doing is. The only easy day was yesterday.”
Cyrus leans back in the passenger seat and looks to the sky, his gaze blocked by the roof of the car. Lacing his fingers behind his head, he almost absentmindedly states:
Cyrus Truth: ”I hear he’s opening up a new wrestling school.”
The mention of “him” that made Krash flinch before seems to be muddied by Krash’s surprise at this new piece of information. He knew, of course…didn’t he?
Cyrus Truth: ”Can’t imagine anything that demon wants to teach is worth a damn, but knowing him? It’s just another chance for him to have his way and impose his sick little worldview on unsuspecting prospects. And if he walks out of Back in Business as the champion? Well…that’s a load of free publicity. Clout that’s ill-earned, but is appealing to the impressionable.”
Krash: ”I…guess. But…”
Krash is struggling. He’s no fool. He knows full well what Cyrus is trying to get at. But the words…the emotions, the justifications to this man, this pillar of this industry…this friend all struggle to come out.
Cyrus Truth: ”Jake…I need you to be honest with me. Why are you here? Really?”
Over the course of many years, over two promotions and countless matches…when has Cyrus ever used Krash’s real name? This familiarity, the way Cyrus speaks with the tone of a concerned friend and a warrior wanting one of his rivals to overcome what’s keeping him held in place…
It’s something else. Something Krash was not expecting.
Cyrus Truth: ”I know you, Jake. I know you better than just about anybody in wrestling. Hell, even that masked malcontent former tag partner of yours doesn’t know you the same way I do. Know why? Because you and I have been and done it all together. We’ve stood on the same side of a wrestling ring against our mutual enemies, but we’ve clashed on opposite sides for pride and the greatest prizes in our industry. I know you, Jake. And above all else, I know your heart.”
Leaning back up to a more upright position, Cyrus looks out through the windshield of the Cadillac, but for Krash? The Exile might as well be looking directly at him…through him, into his heart and soul.
Cyrus Truth: ”In all the years that I’ve known you, I know that you possess a quality that few wrestlers do, and that’s perspective. The ability to know when it’s time to act and when it’s time to walk away. That’s…why I’m so confused. You had to know that there was a chance that I wasn’t going to be able to take the World Title, loathe as I am to say it. Hell, you knew before Carnal Contendership that I wasn’t going to be the one walking into Back in Business with the World Title since my match was the opener. And yet…you still entered Carnal Contendership. Why?”
Krash remained silent. Yet, he was listening. Cyrus knew that too well. His eyes flickered, ever so briefly, towards the snowglobe on the dashboard.
Cyrus Truth: ”You might be struggling with the demons in your mind. But your heart? I think…in your heart, if you look deep enough and stop listening to the monsters in your head for long enough, you’ll know why you entered Carnal Contendership. You’ll remember why you fought like hell to survive to the end and win the whole damn thing, even when it was obvious what that meant. And I refuse to think that you entered Carnal Contendership and didn’t back out when you had the chance because you weren’t mindful of the ramifications. That’s something your idiotic ex-tag team partner and his blowhard fool of a new best friend would do. Not you, even as you are.”
Cyrus finally turns his gaze to Krash, who meets it with his own. Looking at him with a fiery look, trying his best to ignite the soul of one of his few friends, The Exile once again pointedly asks:
Cyrus Truth: ”So then…if you truly want to give up the shot at the World Title, if you wanted to walk away from FWA and that smiling demon…then why are you still here?”
Krash…doesn’t have an answer for that. It takes him a few seconds to even think of what to say, leaving the two men in the Cadillac in an uncomfortable, heavy silence. Finally, with a weary and doubtful look in his eyes, Krash finally responds.
Krash: ”Truth…I don’t…I don’t know if I can be what you see in me.”
Cyrus simply chuckles morosely as he reaches for the door handle.
Cyrus Truth: ”You can. But in the end, that decision and that path is up to you to decide whether you want to walk that road. I’m not going to judge you either way for it, but it IS a decision you have to make and live with. And do me a favor?”
Cyrus opens the door to the Cadillac and steps out, standing and stretching his legs and back. He then leans down and looks towards Krash in the car.
Cyrus Truth: ”Whatever your decision is going to be? You better make it quick before that dimwit Russnow gives your World Title match to someone far less deserving of it. Or worse, he lets the so-called “champion” have the main event all to himself to annoy us all with his toxic drivel. If your heart is telling you to walk away, I’ll trust that and support you in that. But…I think we both know deep down? Your heart’s telling you something else. Now…if you don’t mind? Some of us have to put in the work to get on the Back in Business card. See you around, pal. And do me another favor?”
Cyrus closes the door, but the window was lowered just enough so that Krash can hear The Exile clearly speak as he walks away into the night.
Cyrus Truth: ”For all the hell you gave me about being hard to reach? Next time I try to call you, just pick up the phone, okay?”
There’s a long quiet, broken only by Cyrus’ footsteps fading into silence.
Until a solitary chuckle of disbelief echoes from the cadillac.
Krash: ”Huh. So that’s how it feels.”
We fade to black.

Natalie Rosenberg: "Wrestling fans, the following is your Fallout 041 MAIN EVENT! This is a tag team contest, scheduled for one-fall and with a twenty minute time limit. Introducing first, he hails from Kansas City, Missouri, and weighs in at two hundred and fifteen pounds… Trevor… OCEAN!!"
Jean-Luc Watkins: "Trevor Ocean made his explosive return as #30 in the Carnal Contendership match, and was one of six competitors to earn themselves a spot in the Golden Opportunity match… three others of whom will also be in this tag team main event."
Konchu Hao: "It's almost as if it was planned this way!"
Ocean rolls into the ring and loosens up in a corner, not bothering to look up at the screen or stage when his music is replaced by…
Natalie Rosenberg: "And his tag team partner… from Valetta, Malta, and weighing in at eighty nine kilograms… ‘the Maltese Falcon'… Alejandro… GIUNTI!!"
Jean-Luc Watkins: "Here comes another man who made his return during the Carnal Contendership match-up, surprising many by lasting until the final seven. This will be our first chance to see Giunti in action following that return, albeit in tag team option, with the added dynamic of having to coexist with a man he'll be fighting at the Anniversary Show."
Konchu Hao: "And, judging by Trevor Ocean’s perma-scowl and general demeanour, that's not going to be an easy task. This might end up closer to a 4-way. Should be fun, Jean-Luc!"
When Giunti enters the ring and approaches Ocean's corner, Trevor responds by simply walking to another one. Alejandro smiles and shrugs, before realigning his attention to the stage area…
Natalie Rosenberg: "And their opponents, introducing first… from Auckland, New Zealand and weighing in at one hundred and thirty two pounds… ‘the Goddess’... GABRIELLE!!"
Jean-Luc Watkins: "This year's chamber match will feature three highly accomplished FWA stars, and there wrestlers who have yet to prove themselves in the singles division. The latter category are all here in this main event, whilst Gabrielle is the only three of the more proven commodities in this one. We saw Mike Parr and Cyrus Truth unsuccessfully challenge for the North American Championship as part of the Gauntlet on Meltdown XLI. Gabrielle will be hoping to do better than her fellow stalwarts here in Montreal."
Konchu Hao: "But her mind, surely, cannot be completely on this tag team contest. We already know that she'll be facing Elizabeth Rose at Back in Business, and the member of Eternal has made her presence felt against Gabrielle already tonight."
Gabrielle seems to be focussed on the task in hand, at least as she regards Ocean and Giunti carefully from the bottom of the ramp. She waits here patiently for her partner's arrival…
Natalie Rosenberg: "And her opponent… representing YOKAI Death Squad, from Osaka, Japan, she is the Kitsune Warrior, KAAATSUUUU!!!"
Jean-Luc Watkins: "Here comes yet another surprise returnee at the Carnal Contendership, with the former FWA Trios Champions almost going all the way, before finally being eliminated by the eventual winner, Krash. And as we saw earlier, she’s looking a little rough for wear after her interaction with the Friendship Wrestling Academy."
Konchu Hao: "Would you listen to these fans? They'll cheer anyone! That's four from four, now. Jesus, Montreal: pick a side!"
Jean-Luc Watkins: "The fans no doubt soldily behind Katsu for showing the heart and fortitude to even make her way out to the ring after the attack from Bryan Baxter! One has to wonder just how well she might hold up in this one.”
Katsu joins Gabrielle at the base of the ramp, sharing a glance with her before the pair hop up onto the apron and climb into the ring. Ocean and Giunti stare back at them from separate corners. The referee stands between them, attempting to issue final instructions but being ignored and forgotten about during the stand-off. Eventually, he gives in, and calls for the bell…

Gabrielle and Katsu vs. Alejandro Giunti and Trevor Ocean.
Tag Team Match.
Match writer: SS.

<< 00:00. >>
The match starts with Trevor Ocean and Katsu in the ring, the pair circling it twice before eventually coming together in a collar and elbow tie up, Ocean is clearly the stronger of the two, but it's a bait and switch from Katsu, who shifts behind into a rear waist lock. She bundles Trevor forward into the ropes, looking for a pin attempt with an O’Connor roll. Ocean is wise to it, though, and clutches the top rope, sending Katsu rolling back without him. Katsu quickly climbs to her feet, but she's quickly taken off them again with a shoulder block! And then a clothesline!
This time, the masked woman stays down for enough time for Ocean to hit the ropes… but before he can hit an offensive manoeuvre, Giunti reaches over and tags himself in!! Trevor stops short and turns towards his ‘teammate’: he has his hands on his hips and a look of deep consternation on his face. Giunti offers him a smile and even a wink as he enters the ring, before charging at Katsu, who has regained a vertical base and is able to duck beneath the attempted clothesline. Alejandro turns around to face her…
Jean-Luc Watkins: "Katsu with an armdrag on Giunti! Then a second! She takes a sideways glance at Ocean, to check whether he's going to get involved…"
Konchu Hao: "No chance! Ocean climbs out of the ring and onto the apron. I don't think he's enjoying being back in tag team action at all tonight. Poor guy. Misses his partner, I bet…"
Katsu refocuses on Giunti as he gets up a third time, and this time she knocks him back into her own corner with a standing dropkick. She tags Gabrielle in, the pair dragging the Maltese Falcon out of the corner in a front facelock before taking him over with a tandem snap suplex! Gabrielle goes for the cover…
Jean-Luc Watkins: "Giunti gets the shoulder up at two, as expected, but there's no question here that one team is working reasonably well together, whilst the other is barely even a team…"
Not frustrated by the kickout, Gabrielle slaps on a grounded side headlock, attempting to keep her high-flying opponent grounded…
<< 04:15. >>
Thus far, Gabrielle and Katsu have done a reasonably good job of keeping Giunti on their side of the ring, tagging in and out frequently and working well as a pair. At this juncture, she wears Giunti down in the corner with alternating forearms and elbow strikes, Alejandro doing his best to throw up a hasty guard. Katsu changes tact, applying a front facelock and dragging him away from the corner. She's maybe looking for her snap DDT, but Alejandro senses the danger and fights out with rights and lefts to the gut. He's eventually able to push her away from him, but he's unable to immediately follow up. Katsu senses the advantage slipping away, and looks to keep it with a superkick…
… but Giunti ducks beneath it! And then he catches her as she turns with a hurricanrana!
Jean-Luc Watkins: "Giunti makes the tag to Ocean! And, boy, does he look unenthused to be called into action…"
Konchu Hao: "I think that's the very opposite of a hot tag, Jean-Luc."
Nonetheless, he comes in and immediately backs her up into a corner with alternating forearm strikes and knife edge chops. He whips her hard into the opposite set of turnbuckles, Katsu bouncing off them and towards Ocean, who charges at her to take her down with a hard lariat! Katsu lands on the top of her back and her shoulders, with Ocean trying his luck with a lateral press.
Katsu gets the shoulder up, and Ocean immediately goes back to work with a reverse chin lock as the match continues.
<< 08:52. >>
Whilst the period of dominance that Katsu and Gabrielle enjoyed was punctuated by rudimentary but effective teamwork, Giunti and Ocean take up a more antagonistic relationship. They tag themselves in at the slightest opportunity and offer nothing in the way of teamwork, but their individual arsenals are enough to wear Katsu down. Giunti continues the onslaught with a trio of chops, before grasping Katsu by the arm and twisting it. He backs up into the corner and climbs up onto the top turnbuckle, proceeding to walk across the top rope… OLD SCHOOL! Alejandro doesn't go for the cover, though, instead climbing onto the apron and once more heading to the top rope, this time with Katsu laid out on the mat.
Jean-Luc Watkins: "We know that Alejandro Giunti is comfortable up there on the top rope… elbow drops! Right into the heart of Katsu! This might be it…."
Jean-Luc Watkins: "Gabrielle is in to break it up! And just in time!"
The referee busies himself in removing Gabrielle from the ring, allowing Giunti to continue the attack on Katsu…
<< 11:58. >>
After hitting Katsu with a body slam, Ocean glances over to his corner, where he sees that Giunti is reaching over the top rope, asking for a tag. Trevor cocks an eyebrow, clearly bemused by this attempt at teamwork, but eventually shrugs and tags Giunti in.
Jean-Luc Watkins: "I think that's the first proper tag, with both members of the team willing participants in it, that we've seen all match!"
Alejandro hops over the top rope and collects Katsu by the scruff of the neck before placing her in a full nelson. He appears to be presenting her towards Ocean, encouraging him to make use of the five seconds they have in the ring together for some double teaming. Trevor begrudgingly acquiesces, beginning by hitting a left hand to the gut, and then a right. Ocean takes a step back, winding up for a forearm strike to the face…
… but Katsu wriggles and slips out of the full nelson, causing Ocean to instead crack his partner with the forearm! Giunti reels backwards towards the ropes whilst Trevor looks on in shock, and he doesn't notice that Katsu is on her feet behind him. She hits a standing dropkick to Ocean's back, sending him forwards into Giunti again and bundling him out of the ring!
Ocean, not the legal man, turns around to face Katsu, who connects with a pair of back elbows, and then a roundhouse kick to knock him off his feet! Trevor rolls out of the ring and onto his feet next to Giunti, who is at the base of the ramp, whilst Katsu propels herself from the opposite set of ropes.
Jean-Luc Watkins: "TOPE SUICIDA!! Katsu takes out both Ocean and Giunti, and seems to have reclaimed full control of this one!"
Katsu hoists Giunti up and throws him into the ring. He occupied a supine position in the centre of it as she begins to climb the turnbuckles in her own corner. Gabrielle tags herself in as Katsu steadies herself on the top turnbuckle.
Jean-Luc Watkins: "Frog splash!! And here comes the Goddess, she's heading up to the top rope as well…"
Konchu Hao: "Split-legged moonsault from Gabrielle! Straight into a lateral press…"
Kickout from Giunti! The match rolls on, with Gabrielle now in complete control and the Falcon at her mercy…
<< 14:40. >>
We rejoin with Alejandro Giunti in agonising pain, Gabrielle wrenching at his arm with a lotus lock. The Falcon is sundered in the middle of the ring, a good way away from any of the ropes, with the official in close asking him if he wants to give it in.
Jean-Luc Watkins: "We're getting a sense of the intestinal fortitude of Alejandro Giunti here, with the Maltese Falcon unwilling to give this one up, despite the fact that he's been in this lotus lock for more than a minute now."
He attempts to reach out towards the ropes with a boot, but Gabrielle immediately begins to tug and wrench on the joint, stymying any thoughts he might have had about dragging her over to the ropes. Giunti lifts his palm parallel to the mat, as if the idea of tapping is crossing his mind… but then he clenches this hand into a fist and, with one big outburst of effort, succeeds in forcing Gabrielle’s weight back down onto her own shoulders, pinning them down to the mat in the process!
Gabrielle kicks out, but as she does she's forced to relinquish her grasp of Giunti’s arm. And, in lightning quick fashion, Alejandro is able to grasp the Goddess’ boot, flipping her over onto her stomach and applying an ankle lock!!
Konchu Hao: "The tables turn!"
Jean-Luc Watkins: "Indeed! Alejandro Giunti shifts the momentum in his favour, and now he's wrenching at that ankle joint! Gabrielle looks close to tapping!"
Indeed, there's a look of desperation on her face and the official asks the question… but then she crawls arm over arm, before clutching onto the bottom rope! The official insists upon the break, Giunti backing away and allowing Gabrielle to climb to her feet.
Natalie Rosenberg: "Wrestling fans: this is your FOUR MINUTE WARNING!"
With renewed urgency, Gabrielle stumbles out into the middle of the ring where Alejandro is waiting for her. He charges in, hoping to cut her in half with the TURBOxALEJANDRO… only for Gabrielle to reverse with a knee lift! She catches him square in the jaw! And then follows up with a savage kick!!
Jean-Luc Watkins: "Giunti is floored, but Gabrielle is unable to follow up, not even to go for the cover!"
Konchu Hao: "About all she can muster is to crawl towards her corner and tag Katsu back in…"
Indeed, the Goddess is making the slow traversal of the ring, inch by inch, closer and closer to her tag team partner, who is reaching over the top rope with outstretched fingertips…
But Ocean has re-entered the ring, charging across it to clear Katsu off the apron with a shoulder block!! The masked wrestler takes a tumble to the outside and into the barricade.
Gabrielle, who is still reaching up to a now empty corner, can do nothing to resist Ocean as he hoists her up to her feet. He carries her into the middle of the ring in an inverted Gory special…
Jean-Luc Watkins: "Reikō Explosion!! In the middle of the ring! Trevor Ocean might not be the legal man right now, but that's going to be it!"
Konchu Hao: "The referee has totally lost all control… and I love it!!"
With Gabrielle laid out on the mat, Ocean unceremoniously drags his tag team partner by the arm and drapes him over her.
Winner: Alejandro Giunti and Trevor Ocean via pinfall at 18:07.
As soon as he had placed Giunti carefully into position, Ocean climbed out of the ring, and when the bell is called for he is already half way up the ramp.
Natalie Rosenberg: "Here are your winners… Trevor Ocean and Alejandro Giunti!!"
Jean-Luc Watkins: "Well, they may have been declared winners, but I don't think that tag match has done anything to build any bonds between Ocean and Giunti."
Konchu Hao: "You think Dreamer might regret her choice of partner for Meltdown XLII?"
In the ring, Giunti is coming to after being laid out by Gabrielle's savate kick. He rolls away from the Goddess, hearing his own music playing but not exactly sure how we got to this juncture. The Falcon stares up the ramp at his partner, who is now standing on the stage. Katsu is on her feet on the outside, frustrated at the loss. Gabrielle is also beginning to regain herself, and has taken up a seated position in the corner.
Jean-Luc Watkins: "A chaotic way to end this match, and indeed to end Fallout 041, with these four competitors due to meet up again very soon at the Anniversary Show, after Back in Business."
Konchu Hao: "Carnage and chaos, Jean-Luc! Bodes well for the chamber!"
Fallout closes on Trevor Ocean taking his leave of the arena, disappearing behind the curtain as we fade to black.

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