The feed opens up outside the AllState Arena, the May sun beaming down on the parking lot which is already filling up with excited superfans hoping to get a glimpse of their favourite FWA stars. It is hours before the show starts, but the most avid amongst the Cosmos are lining up around the staff entrance with camera phones and selfie sticks in tow.
At this aforementioned staff door, two burly security guards stand with their hands folded in front of them. Security Guy Bob and Security Guy Chad look like ominous, looming statues, their bald heads glistening in the baking sunshine Their keen eyes scan the parking lot for any signs of anyone that shouldn’t be there. More specifically, they’re looking for one particular woman who has been asked to stay away from this location.
Breaking the silence that has existed between them for much of the afternoon, the walkie talkie attached to Security Guy Bob’s lapel buzzes to announce a call from Security Guard Herb, who was positioned nearby at the North-East Bus Depot. They didn’t know that yet, but soon enough they’re greeted by the unmistakable sound of Herb’s gravelly voice, the product of forty five years of heavy smoking.
Security Guy Herb: "Come in, Bob? You there, Bob?"
Whilst Chad straightens his back as if preparing himself for a threat that has just presented itself, Bob begins to peer over the heads of the assembled crowd for any sign of her.
Security Guy Bob: "Yeah, I’m here, Herb. What’s the word from the bus station? Any sign of her?"
Security Herb: That’s why I’m talking to you. It’s not a social call. No offense, Bob. I think she’s on her way to you now."
Bob stares over at Chad to check that he’s heard the news. Judging by his cocked eyebrow and heightened sense of alert, he’s in the loop. Bob sighs heavily, already regretful that he bothered to come into work today.
Security Guy Bob: "You didn’t try to stop her?"
Security Guy Herb: "I’m only three days from retirement, Bob. Not looking to get myself hurt. Besides, she hopped a railing and was out of my zone before I could even get my hat on."
Bob's second sigh is more disgruntled than reflective. He doesn't say anything more to Herb. That old timer wasn't worth the breath. Instead, he nodded in the direction of his counterpart on the staff entrance.
Security Guy Bob: "Fan out, Chad. This is go time."
Chad disappeared into the assembled crowd of excited fans, checking each and every one of them thoroughly with his eyes as if he was worried that one of them might be there in disguise. Bob wandered along the railing, his eyes narrowed and peering out in a north-westerly direction. That's where she would be coming from. She always got the bus. They should've put more guys there. Better guys than Herb.
Security Guy Bob: "Come out, come out, wherever you are."
He takes a cigarette out of his pocket and begins to rummage around for a lighter. He can't find one, and after a few too many moments spent looking for it, a hand reaches across and lights his cigarette for him. He grows more comfortable and takes a long, satisfied drag.
Security Guy Bob: "Thanks."
A voice, familiar, answers from off screen.
???: "No problem. Who are you looking for?"
Bob's eyes narrow as he stares down at the burning embers of his cigarette. He's cracked another case. He glances at the woman next to him.
Security Guy Bob: "I'm looking for you, Michelle. What are you doing here? You know you've been asked to stay away."
MvH: "Nobody told me."
Security Guy Bob: "They announced it on the show."
MvH: "I don't watch the show."
Security Guy Bob: "I'm sure you heard anyway."
Michelle joins the working man in lighting a smoke of her own. She inhales deeply and watches Chad checking the assembled superfans.
MvH: "I heard. And who exactly is going to stop me? You and Chad?"
You can almost hear Bob gulp before he replies.
Security Guy Bob: "We'll try, if we have to."
Dreamer doesn't suppress a chuckle. She admires his moxie and his pluck.
MvH: "Is this from Russnow?"
Bob nods his head.
Security Guy Bob: "Watkins, too. They were both at our briefing this morning. The whole team's looking out for you."
MvH: "Well, you found me."
Security Guy Bob: "You going to try and get in?"
Dreamer stares at the staff entrance, a playful but indecipherable glint in her eye. She turns away from the arena and offers the stiff a wink.
MvH: "Not yet."
With that, she walks back across the park. After watching her leave, his eyes full of caution and mistrust, Security Guy Bob reassumes his position. And now his watch begins.
040: “POP A FORTY.”
Live from the Allstate Arena near Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Saturday 25th May, 2024.
The crowd boos as Sir Stache, Mejor Amigo, and Tony Scott emerge from the back first followed by Big Bryan Baxter and finally the FWA World Champion, Jeremy Best.
Jean-Luc Watkins: “It appears our champion Jeremy Best will be gracing us with his presence to start the show.”
Konchu Hao: “Those are not the words I would use to describe this scenario, Jean-Luc.”
Jean-Luc Watkins: “That’s fair enough, Konchu. But be that as it may, Jeremy Best walked out of Carnal Contendership with that title still in his possession.”
Konchu Hao: “Through quite the nefarious means! Including keeping Konchu from the building while his Friendship Freaks took advantage!”
Jean-Luc Watkins: “Hey no one is arguing with that. Jeremy had a lot of help but either way, he’s still the FWA World Champion whether we like it or not. And it’ll be interesting to hear from him tonight after what we saw on Meltdown with his designated Back in Business opponent… seemingly electing to pull out of title match.”
While the fans boo the arrival of the Friendship Wrestling Alliance, Jeremy is all smiles as he makes his way down the ring surrounded by his friends. Mejor Amigo and Sir Stache climb up the steps onto the apron first, sitting on the middle ropes to allow Jeremy to climb up and step through the ropes and into the ring.
Jeremy takes the microphone.
Jeremy Best: ”Hiya Besties!”
Jeremy smiled his goofy smile while waving to the booing crowd.
Jeremy Best: ”The last few weeks have been crazy, haven’t they! But I’m so glad to be here tonight with all my friends!”
Still… loud boos.
Jeremy Best: ”But I’m also a little sad, if I’m gonna be honest. Sad because… of what could’ve been.”
Jeremy noticeably sighs while Sir Stache offers a reassuring shoulder rub to his friend and mentor.
Jeremy Best: ”Allow me to explain. Allow me to tell you a story. A story about a younger Jeremy Best. A Jeremy Best that should’ve known better. But many years ago… Your New Best Friend… had an idol. He had someone he looked up to. He had someone he could only imagine… could only DREAM… that one day he’d share the ring with. I was his biggest fan…”
“And of course… that man was…”
“And if you would’ve told that Jeremy that… one day… ONE DAY… he’d get to main event Back in Business… against THAT KRASH… he’d tell you that you were crazy. That it was impossible.”
“In fact, he never would’ve thought it’d be possible he’d even share the ring with his hero.”
“But boy did I ever get to share the ring with my hero. Cibernetico… he chose me. I was his personal pick to be on his team. He saw himself in me. He said that I could be just like him. It was an experience like I never thought was possible.”
“But then something happened.”
“Back in Business… in 2022….”
“The Krash I knew.”
“The Krash I idolized.”
“The Krash I loved.”
“He… died.”
“I watched it. You all saw it. He battled with Randy Ramon. He put everything into that battle… but he fell into the lake and he was never seen again.”
“The Krash we all know and loved died on that day.”
“I was a fool. I thought I could find him. I thought I could save him. Because he was my friend. He was my hero. He was… everything… to me.”
“So when I thought I found him. When I thought I could save him. I put everything I could into it.”
“But… whatever I found…. Whatever that thing is… it’s not Krash. Just look at it. Look at those eyes. That’s not Krash. That’s not Jake Montrosse.”
“I don’t know what IT is… but it’s not the hero I had.”
“The Krash I believed in for so ;long is gone. He abandoned me. He abandoned US. He abandoned all of you!”
“So last year at Back in Business… I agreed to a Buried Alive Match. Because I thought I could put that demon back where it belonged. Krash was dead and he belongs buried. So I thought I could get rid of whatever was inhabiting his body… and bury it. Once and or all. Kill it… once and for all.”
“But I made a mistake.”
“You can’t kill… something… that’s already dead.”
“So imagine my disappointment when I see that… thing… won the Carnal Contendership. But rejoice, my Besties, because the demon that inhabits the body of the man we all once knew as Krash… has made the wise decision. He has decided… to not face me at Back in Business.”
“And this is for… well, the best.”
“Because that’s not my Krash.”
“That’s not my hero.”
“And as you can see… I’ve learned from the mistakes of my hero. I now have people who look up to me… just as I looked up to him.”
Jeremy motions to the members of the Friendship Wrestling Alliance.
Jeremy Best: ”But unlike Krash, I will not abandon them. I will always be there for them. They believe in me… much like I believed in you, Krash. But where were you when I needed you most? Even before you died… even before Back in Business two years ago… you had already abandoned me. At Mile High… you won the title… and you never looked back. I helped you get there… I helped you ascend to that height. My efforts in Cibernetico got you that title… and what thanks did you give me? NOTHING!”
“I look in the eyes of that man… that thing… that now calls itself Krash.”
“They are empty. They are hollow. There’s no soul behind them.”
“So go ahead. Decline the title shot. You don’t deserve it.”
“And rejoice… my lovely defenders of Friendship… we remain undefeated in this war. Thanks to the efforts of my most devoted of friends… Bryan Baxter…”
Jeremy beams as he directs the attention to the former North American champion, who appears quite uncomfortable with attention being sent his way.
Jeremy Best: ”...we have managed to keep our World Friendship Championship safe from the hands of a false friend, Cyrus Truth. But more will challenge friendship as we know it… but fear not Besties… I am know we need more to win this battle. Don’t you worry… as we speak, the next generation of defenders are being trained… and built up…”
“The era of Friendship. Is just beginning.”
Jeremy smiles as he extends his arms out and takes in a group hug with Sir Stache, Mejor Amigo, and Tonya Scott. Baxter remains mostly isolated in the background but exits with the group as Jeremy Best is all smiles knowing that he has escaped a match with Krash at Back in Business.
Natalie Rosenberg: “Ladies and gentlemen, this match is set for ONE FALL! Introducing first, from Little Italy, Geno Galuuuuuuuci!”
Gino Galucci appears at the top of the ramp and waves to the warm reception from the capacity crowd. With a confident smile, he waves to the crowd, high fiving the fans as he makes his way down the ramp. Gino bounces from the steps and onto the apron before hopping into the ring, and throwing both arms in the air, welcoming the pop from the audience.
Jean-Luc Watkins: “Gino Galucci is a newcomer to FWA, but he got a lot of attention after his showing at Carnal Contendership. He’s looking to pick up his first win in FWA in a tough matchup with a man who has been involved in the TV title picture in his relatively short time in FWA.”
Natalie Rosenberg: “Aaaaand his opponent, hailing from White Chapel, London, accompanied to the ring by the Scissor Sisters, Jack the Cliperrrrrrr!’
The crowd lets out a chorus of boos as FWA’s least-popular barber appears at the top of the ramp. He seems unphased by their displeasure as he stomps toward the ring, leaving the Scissor Sisters several steps behind. He pulls himself up onto the apron, steps through the ropes, and immediately charges toward Gino, knocking him to the ground with a clothesline!
Konchu Hao: “Looks like this one is getting started.”
FIRST MATCH || 1/20.
Jack the Clipper vs. Gino Galucci.
Singles Match.
Match writer: Tommy.
<< 00:00. >>
Jack quickly builds on his early, albeit illegal, momentum, by stomping Galucci’s chest and head while the referee tries to create enough distance to give Gino a chance to get to his feet. Galucci still has his jacket on as Clipper ignores the official who has made it to 4 in his 5-count. Finally, as the official gets to 4, Jack throws up his hands and backs away from his opponent.
The official positions himself between the competitors as Gino slowly gets to his feet. He pulls himself up by the top rope, gets to his feet in the corner, and gingerly gets his jacket off.
Just as the official backs away, Jack the Clipper sees another opportunity and charges in again, but this time, Galucci ducks out of the way as the Clipper slams into the top turnbuckle chest first. Galucci charges in and delivers a chop block to the Clipper’s knees, forcing him to the ground. Gino then starts kicking Jack in the back and sides.
Jean-Luc Watkins: “Looks like the newcomer has rebounded after that tough opening. He’s got all the momentum right now.”
<< 04:24. >>
Gino Galucci still has the momentum behind him, and this crowd is electric. Chants of “Gino, Gino, Gino” fill the air as he drives Jack the Clipper into the mat with a textbook German suplex. As Gino moves in, Jack the Clipper realizes that the official is out of position, and he lands a low blow! Gino grabs his pepperonis and crumples to the mat.
Konchu Hao: “Jack the Clipper with the low blow. This one should already be over.”
Jean-Luc Watkins: “I’m not sure how the ref missed that one, but that may have been the break that Jack the Clipper needs.”
That appears to be the case as Jack the Clipper slowly gets to his feet, obviously a bit woozy from the German suplex that saw him get dropped on his head. He kneels down beside Galucci and starts delivering a series of punches and elbows to the side of his opponent’s head. With Gino down, Jack then takes his upper arm, where the hair has been cut into short, sharp spikes, and starts grinding them across Galucci’s forehead.
Sure that his opponent is incapacitated, the Clipper climbs up to the second rope.
Jean-Luc Watkins: “That’s a big man climbing those ropes, Konchu.”
The Clipper, all 273 pounds of him, launches himself from the second rope and drives a massive elbow into the sternum of Gino Galucci. He quickly goes for the cover!
NO! Gino gets a shoulder up, much to the relief of the crowd. Jack quickly starts punishing him in the head again, trying to drive him to unconsciousness and goes for another pin.
NO! Once again, Gino gets his shoulder up.
Jack the Clipper is getting visibly frustrated as he slams his fists into the mat. He drags Gino to his feet and drives Galucci to the mat with a Barberbreaker!
Jean-Luc Watkins: “The Barberbreaker! This one may be over!”
Clipper goes for the pin again.
NO! NO! Somehow, Gino manages to get his shoulder up with the ref’s hand only an inch from the mat.
Konchu Hao: “This Galucci kid will not stay down!”
<< 09:31. >>
Both men are down in the center of the ring after a double clothesline left them both looking up at the lights. The “Gino” chants have returned as the crowd tries to will him back to life. The official is well into his count, and we may be heading to a double count out.
Jack the Clipper rolls onto his side, but can’t get to his feet.
Gino is stirring too, but he’s obviously worn down
Clipper is pulling himself up by the ropes as Gino has grabbed onto the official’s waistband to get to his feet.
Jean-Luc Watkins: “This one isn’t over! Both men are back to their feet!”
Gino delivers a forearm to Jack’s jaw, but the barber responds with one of his own. Soon, the two men are exchanging blows, both refusing to give an inch. Gino goes for a haymaker and misses! Jack the Clipper grabs him and goes for the Clipper Cutter!
The Clipper is thrown off by the escape as Gino charges toward him from behind. He’s going for Slice Slice Baby!
The Clipper catches Gino on the rebound and drives him chest-first into the corner. The Clipper gets a sadistic look on his face as he charges in. He spins around and attempts a Little Off the Top!
Gino gets his elbow up first and catches Jack in the mouth, as FWA’s evil barber falls to a knee. Out of nowhere, Gino Galucci hits The Clipper with the Pizza Trigger!
Galucci goes for the pin!
Natalie Rosenberg: “Here is your winner! GINO GALUUUUUUUUCCI!”
Galucci gets to his feet as the official raises his hand. The crowd is ecstatic by the result.
Jean-Luc Watkins: “Gino Galucci is putting the FWA locker room on notice. This young man has been impressive both times we’ve seen him.”
Gino hops through the ropes and offers high-fives and hugs to the fans around ringside as he makes his way up the ramp.
Backstage, in an open area where staff and wrestlers gather, there’s screens showing the ongoing matches and the show for curious eyes. Though, at this time, a recap is playing from Meltdown in which we see, perhaps the biggest shock of the show, Krash announcing he is relinquishing his World title match. Keeping herself at a distance from the others is a woman in a kitsune inspired lucha mask. You know her, Katsu. Despite wearing her traditional mask, she’s not dressed to wrestle and instead has a pair of jean shorts on with a red top, purse slung over her shoulder. Arms crossed, she looks at the screen attentively, remaining quiet. Behind her is the logo of the Chicago Wolves hockey team, with a framed picture of a past championship winning team.
Looking at highlights and advertisements of the roster, her potential Back in Business plans swirl through her head. Could she step forward against some of her future Steel Roulette opponents? Maybe exercise some past demons? Or even fight someone new. She taps her foot before looking at the palm of her hand-
Where she holds a small wooden doll. It has a fox shape with a tail and a rounded bottom, as if it was seated. With some of the painted designs on it, most notably one eye is blank with the other having a black splotch of ink for its pupil. The Sky Fox is lost in thought until someone’s voice jolts her out of her daydream.
???: “Heyya Foxy!”
Katsu shakes her head and hides what was in her hand as she sees a member of production. Covering her dark hair is a beanie with an FWA branded polo shirt on. Her name tag reads ‘Kimmy Cortez (She/They)” Katsu appears to recognise her and breathes a sigh of relief.
Katsu: “Kimmy… You scared me.”
Kimmy Cortez: “What? We both work here.”
She snickers.
Katsu: “I know, remember, you working on videos for me got you hired in the first place.”
Katsu gathers herself as she addresses her friend.
Katsu: “What are you doing here? I thought you were in the production truck?”
Kimmy Cortez: “I put in extra hours this week so I finished early. I had to edit your interview with Katie and that was a nightmare since someone lost the audio and I had to search for it.”
They laugh as Katsu rolls her eyes at her friend.
Katsu: “You hero.”
Kimmy Cortez: “All part of the job.”
She says with a proud look on her face.
Kimmy Cortez: “Nice just to watch the show without having to worry about making sure the right music plays or the graphics don't mess up. Shame you aren’t wrestling.”
Katsu: “I think I have earned a weekend off.”
Katsu comments.
Katsu: “And with how much I pushed myself before my injury, I rather ‘ease’ my way back to my schedule. Make sure I’m giving my everything each match.”
Kimmy pats Katsu on the shoulder.
Kimmy Cortez: “I get’cha. Don’t want to see you crash and burn. Though you did decide to fly to America for a weekend even when not wrestling.”
Katsu shows a small smirk. She looks at Kimmy.
Katsu: “There’s more a wrestler needs to do than just wrestle a match. Besides, it is Back in Business season. I’m looking for something… Exciting to do for the big show. So I need to do some scouting.”
Kimmy Cortez: “Considering how your return went, I think it'd be a crime if you didn't have something on Back in Biz.”
Kimmy supports their friend, but gives a pause, adding.
Kimmy Cortez: “Buuut… I’m not sure sitting back too long will do you good.”
Katsu: “So you are a wrestling expert now after one year working in a wrestling company?”
She jokes with her friend.
Kimmy Cortez: “-And been a wrestling fan for years. But this is FWA, not Japan. Sometimes you need to make noise to get something and Back in Business time where’s everyone gunning for something! And have you BEEN Paying attention to what’s happened since you’ve been gone?”
Katsu: “I know, I know.”
Kimmy Cortez: "Seriously..."
Katsu: "Kay you don't-"
Kimmy begins to list off a bunch of things, increasing in speed with each thing she lists, even raising her voice.
Kimmy Cortez: “Xavien, forced to drop his tag title and X title shot. Ramon pulls a fast one with Toner to get the tag belts. Steiner AND Gray both get injured before a title match, TV belt vacated. Tommy, before King of the Deathmatch, messes up his shoulder, can’t enter and drops the X belt. A RACOON is a champion. Bobby Joel here’s now for some reason. It seems like everyone’s going through an Emo phase or are extra moody as of late, Konchu is on commentary. Oh, and there’s the fact that Krash is relinquishing his title match at Back in Business on account of the fact Jeremy is NUTS and KIDNAPPED AND TORTURED HIM LAST YEAR! SERIOUSLY HOW DID HE NOT GO TO JAIL!?”
Kimmy has to catch their breath as Katsu blinks through her mask.
Katsu: “Easy… Easy… I know. Your point?”
Finally, Cortez gets to her point.
Kimmy Cortez: “A lot is going down and if you are too cautious, you’ll be left in the dust. I get that you have to worry about stuff on both sides of the pacific, but after finishing second in Carnal Contendership you deserve something. So make ‘em take notice.”
The Kitsune Warrior hums and absorbs the opinion of her friend. She looks at her hand again and the doll she has. A small reminder for her. She takes a look at the screen again and a lightbulb goes off in her head. Tucking the doll in her purse, she mutters.
Katsu: “You may be right…”
And Katsu begins to walk away.
Kimmy Cortez: “I know that look, what are you thinking?”
Looking behind her, Katsu smiles.
Katsu: “I’m going to see Russnow. I think it is about time I have my first one on one match in FWA in almost a year. Make some noise, but do it my way-”
Returning a grin, Kimmy’s hyped up.
Kimmy Cortez: “That’s the spirit!”
Katsu: “-And.”
The Japanese star continues her thought.
Katsu: “I might have something else in mind, just you see.”
She gives a confident wink to her friend.
Katsu: “See you next week.”
Heading down the hallway, Katsu strolls along, feeling a sense of enthusiasm as she, hopefully, gets back on the grind in FWA… On the Path to Back in Business.
Natalie Rosenberg: “The next contest is set for one fall with a twenty-minute-time-limit!”
The alluring vocals of Janet Jackson’s “That’s The Way Love Goes” begins to play as the mood lighting in the arena dims to a sultry shade of red. Walking out onto the stage, through a steady cloud of smoke, are two people wearing pink, glittery, skin-tight full body suits. The back of one suit says “Antonio” in white and the back of the other says “Monica” in white. They each hold one furry cone shaped object in their hands as they slowly move and vibe to the music while standing on either side of the entryway. After a few seconds, out saunters Xperienx Xtacee, looking as flashy as ever in light purple, glittery tights with a matching velvet cloak and holding a rhinestone-encrusted cane. He motions Monica and Antonio with the cane, signaling them to come over and kiss him on either cheek. Xtacee puts on a very satisfied smile and holds his cane with both hands, pointing it in front of him, as Monica and Antonio stand at his side and point the furry cones at him. In unison, Xperienx Xtacee thrusts with the cane as his lovers tap the back of the cones, causing golden confetti to come shooting out of all three objects.
Natalie Rosenberg: “Making his way to the ring, side-by-side with his lovers Monica and Antonio, hailing from The Right Side of the Bed in Las Vegas, Nevada, and weighing in at a lean 180 pounds, Xperienx Xtacee!”
Jean-Luc Watkins: “Xtacee has experienced a fair amount of shortcomings as of late, most recently at the CC where not only he was eliminated but he was unable to secure a spot in the Golden Opportunity match. Tonight he’s looking for a win to bounce back in the win column, and possibly carve a path toward Back in Business…”
Now in the ring, Antonio grabs Xtacee’s cane and slides it out of his hand before leaving the ring. Monica removes Xtacee’s cloak and top before also leaving the ring. Xperienx goes into the corner and sits atop the turnbuckle with a flirtatious smile on his face as he stares down the entryway.
The crowd comes alive for Gabrielle who comes out looking ready and determined in her classic attire of the shortest of shorts, low-cut sports bra, and knee high boots all in white.
Natalie Rosenberg: “His opponent, from Auckland, New Zealand and weighing in at 132 lb…she is The Goddess…Gabrielle!”
Jean-Luc Watkins: “Gabrielle also was unsuccessful in the CC but she did secure a spot in the Golden Opportunity match. Much like her opponent, Gabrielle has also had her fair share of shortcomings as of late and she’s looking for a much needed win tonight.”
Konchu Hao: “Upon doing some research for this match, I learned Gabrielle and Mr. Xtacee are business partners now.”
Jean-Luc Watkins: “I did hear about that as well, Konchu. Gabrielle will have a hand in helping Xtacee’s club, The Right Side of the Bed.”
Konchu Hao: “It's a bit odd to get in bed with your opponent before you have a match with them, but stranger things have happened here in the FWA.”
Gabrielle is in the ring now and stands across from Xtacee as Grace-Lynn Guerrero checks both competitors before signaling for the bell…
Gabrielle vs. Xperienx Xtacee.
Singles Match.
Match writer: Jimmy.
<< 00:00. >>
Gabrielle doesn’t miss a beat after the opening bell and catches Xtacee by surprise with a running forearm that knocks him back into the corner, and Gabby stays on the attack with a running corner dropkick! She drags Xtacee out of the corner in a front facelock and peppers him with successive european uppercuts that have him reeling on the ropes, and eventually tosses him to the opposite but Xtacee holds on and catches an incoming Goddess with a back body drop to the apron where Gabby lands on her feet with precision. Gabrielle swings for the fences but she’s blocked as Xtacee counters with a right hook! He sets her in position and brings her back in the ring the hard way with a suplex! Gabrielle sits up with a wince and she winces once more as Xtacee strikes with a low kick to the spine, and he follows that up with a running basement dropkick that puts her back on the mat…
Jean-Luc Watkins: “This one started off hot and heavy in a hurry with Gabrielle showing off some aggressiveness, but Xtacee will not take that lying down…”
Koncho Hao: “Those losses that have piled up for The Goddess have got to be eating away at her, so I’m not surprised she’s being so aggressive and Xtacee is wise to counteract it like he has thus far…”
Jean-Luc Watkins: “Both competitors are hungry for a win but only one of them can walk away with one tonight…”
Xtacee has Gabrielle in a front facelock and drills her with an uppercut to the chin, and then follows up with a few chops to the chest before he sends her to the corner. He charges at her with a running knee, but Gabrielle moves out of the way in time and catches him on the side of the head with a jumping heel kick that knocks him back into the corner. She backs up before catching him with a thrust kickcin the corner! She keeps a hold on him and brings him out of the corner with a running bulldog! She then goes for the lateral press…
<< 05:06. >>
Gabrielle has a rear headlock applied but Xtacee starts to fight his way free and counters with a snapmare takeover but Gabrielle is right back on her feet, yet Xtacee is ready for that and connects with a gut kick, followed by a lick of his hand and he drops down, slaps her across the face, kip up, and enzuigiri!
Konchu Hao: “That was an…interesting sequence of events…”
Gabrielle is stunned and Xtacee has her in his possession and takes her down with a snap suplex! He follows that up with two successive leg drops, followed by a slow shake of the hips, and then finishes off with another leg drop before hooking the leg…
Jean-Luc Watkins: “Xtacee is having a bit of fun at the expense of The Goddess thus far…”
Konchu Hao: “I’m all for mind games and getting inside of an opponent’s head, but even I find it to be a bit unwise to test the patience of someone like Gabrielle…especially in her current state of mind...”
Xtacee whips Gabrielle back to the corner and goes for a running splash but Gabrielle moves again, but this time she catches Xtacee from behind with a roll-up!
Xtacee kicks out and rolls through but as he’s on his knees, he eats a knee strike from Gabrielle! Gabrielle unleashes a flurry of shoot kicks to Xtacee’s chest area, and then quickly follows that up with a shotgun dropkick! She drags Xtacee near the corner and hits a split-legged moonsault into a pin!
<< 09:56. >>
Gabrielle has Xtacee in a front face lock and begins to unload on him with a barrage of chops to the chest, but Xtacee counters with his own chest chops. Soon enough, the two exchange chest chops, much to the delight of the fans who are eating it up…
Eventually, Gabrielle gains the upper hand and fires off a forearm strike flush on the jaw that rocks Xtacee…she sets him up for her finish…but Xtacee spins out of it despite feeling the effects on the forearm strike to the jaw he still has some fight left in him, and he fires back with forearm strike of his own that rocks Gabrielle and she spins around enough and he catches her with a jumping STO!
Xtacee sends her to the corner and this time he connects with a running splash! He then hits Gabrielle with a bulldog out of the corner…he climbs up top and waits as Gabrielle rises up…he leaps off with a crossbody…but Gabrielle catches him mid-air and counters with a fallaway slam!
Jean-Luc Watkins: “Xperienx Xtacee was rolling but now Gabrielle is back in the driver’s seat!”
Konchu Hao: “I sense we are nearing the end of this one, Watkins…”
Gabrielle has Xtacee where she wants him now as she sets him up…The 34 D Double D-DT! She makes the cover…
Natalie Rosenberg: “The winner of the match…Gabrielle!!!”
Gabrielle quickly leaves the ring to relish in her much needed victory while back in the ring Xtacee is tended to by Monica and Antonio, both of whom glare at Gabrielle, who turns to look back inside the ring and she seems pleased with her work as she returns their glares with a sly smirk…
Jean-Luc Watkins: “That has got to feel good for Gabrielle to get back on the winning side, but at the expense of Xperienx Xtacee, who falls back again…”
Konchu Hao: “I can imagine that’s going to make the next business meeting between them awkward, to say the least…”
Backstage at Fallout in The Menage locker room, XYZ wears his green cape around his neck. He sits in a couch watching a game of the board game "Battleship being played by two members of his team. On one side sits Christian Howard, who nervously looks down at the board. On the other side sits Lizzy Golden, who seems confident. She smirks before immediately calling out "F7".
"How do you keep doing this?!"
XYZ grabs and shows Lizzy a red peg, signifying that she made a hit.
"Your battleship?"
"Yes. My battleship."
"You have to say 'it,'" Lizzy says.
"Do I really? You've beaten me four straight times."
"Saaaaay iiiiiiit," Liz says mockingly.
Christian sighs before corralling his best version of a war general voice.
"YOU'VE SUNK MY BATTLESHIP!" he shouts while raising his fist mockingly.
"Half-assed performance."
"Lizzy!" shouts Sierra from one side of the locker room.
Christian gets up from the table and XYZ remains lost in thought as he stares at the game.
"You OK, X?" Frank says from a spot in the room behind Lizzy.
"Hmm? Oh, yes. Yes. I am just ... among the clouded thoughts of our foremothers, forefathers, and forebirds."
"Certainly about your mom coming back," Sierra says. "It has been a whirlwind of a few weeks with Wild Jerry leaving, the King of the Deathmatch stuff, The Coven and Kleio de Santos, and now your mom."
"Which, we should discuss what we saw on Meltdown, right? The stuff with Kleio de Santos talking to someone about a way to really get to X emotionally? That seems like something we should discuss."
Christian Howard is probably correct, but X's thoughts are understandably elsewhere. Suddenly, the door opens and a woman -- the woman -- walks in. She has a very thin figure – almost sickly thin – with black hair and beautiful pale skin. She seems to be around 40 years old in the face, but some of her skin is wrinkled, so maybe she’s closer to 50. Her attire is bombastic, with a vibrantly colorful shirt to go with pink pants fitting for the Kentucky Derby horse race.
The woman, who The Menage now know to be XYZ's mom, carries a large McDonald's bag filled with specialized food orders. With no accent and a bland, slightly high-pitch woman's voice, she calls out the food items.
"10 nuggets."
"Nice!" Lizzy says as she reaches out and accepts the tiny box filled with McGoodness.
"McChicken sandwich plain."
"Me," says Sierra, who senses judgement from the woman for having a sandwich "plain" with just meat and bread. "This was one of Devin's favorites."
"Um ... a McDouble hamburger?"
"That's me. Thanks," says Christian.
"That leaves 6 nuggets and fries for Frank and my McChicken with everything on it. You sure you don't want anything, X?"
"No, no. Thank you, though."
Sierra glares at the rest of The Menage and head-nods toward the door, a signal that they should all leave XYZ and his long-lost, newly found mother alone. As Christian, Frank, Liz, and Sierra scurry with their food, X stays in the room and his mom sits on one of the benches adjacent to him.
"I can tell your mind is muddled. Can you tell me why? Is it something to do with me?"
X does not answer in the affirmative or negative, but his non-answer is an answer for sure. He sort of grunts and then looks down to the ground yet again.
"So ... you have been where ... for these past 20-something years?"
"Twenty eight years. Don't think I haven't kept track. Do you remember that it was May? It was May of 1996. Almost to the day. May 29th, to be exact."
It was so long ago -- and X was so young -- that he cannot dispute this. Sounds correct, though.
"Listen, X. I've been place to place, just trying to find a way through life. You know I wasn't in the best place at that time. I tried to get better. I did and then didn't. I wanted to reach out so many times."
"Why didn't you?"
"Because ... well ... I don't know. I didn't know if you'd want me to. But when I saw you on television these past few years, I really tried to get better. Then, when I saw the stuff that you were looking for your mom, I decided to take the step. I flew to Paris when I heard you'd be there. Asked around to see where you'd be, if you were filming.
I didn't know how you'd take it and it's understandable for you to be unsure of this all."
"Yeah, it is."
"Well ... I want you to have some time to yourself. Just know that I'm your mom and mom loves you a lot. I'm going to leave you alone for a bit. I know you have been in your head. I could see it during your match on Meltdown against that woman Michelle. But otherwise, you competed well! You have talent, honey. You just need ... your family. Your mom. A mother's love will fill the void, a void you've been trying to fill for twenty eight years, honey."
X stays sitting as his mom rises up from her bench in the locker room and heads to the door. Before she leaves, though, she comes over and puts her hand on X's left arm, which joins his right arm in being placed down against his knees in a contemplative, hunched-forward sitting posture.
"I'm here for you, honey. You'll always be my superhero."
Those words resonate with XYZ, who looks up and watches his mom leave the locker room.
A big cheer goes up from the Chicago fans as they see that it is time for the third match of the evening, featuring the Trios Champions! Halloween Knight is the first one out from the back and as he dances, Trash Mammal crawls through his legs. Juan Tothrefor then leapfrogs Knight and performs a forwards roll, landing next to Trash Mammal. The three of them all pose with their championships and make their way down to the ring.
Natalie Rosenberg: “The following contest is a Trios Match scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, the team of Juan Tothrefor, Halloween Knight and Trash Mammal; the FWA Trios Champions… TR1CK OR TR4SH!”
Jean-Luc Watkins: “These luchadors would have spent some time since Carnal Contendership celebrating Cinco de Mayo where they were hopefully able to patch up their differences after that buffoon Juan’s counting habits costs the group spots in the Carnal Contendership match. Trash Mammal in particular was not best pleased…”
Konchu Hao: “With the run he’s on at the moment, that comes as little surprise! He currently possesses a perfect record of seven victories with no defeats. Were I a betting wizard, I’d have put my money on him!”
The Trios Champions enter the ring together and Halloween Knight does his dance once more for the fans before the music cuts off. Trash Mammal is in deep conversation with Juan as they await their opponents.
The chainsaws get a good reaction from the crowd as well as The Lumberjacks walk out onto the stage for the first time in quite a while here in the FWA. Lucy is at the front, trying to encourage the crowd support whilst Doug and Dan cut large ominous figures behind her. The Lupones are focused on their opponents as they make their way to the ring.
Natalie Rosenberg: “Their opponents… from The Yukon, Canada and at a combined weight of seven-hundred and fifty pounds… Doug Lupone, Dan Lupone and Lucy Lupone… THE LUUUUUUMBERRRRRJAAAACKS!!!”
Konchu Hao: “Purveyors of terror on all arborian lifeforms! Their weaponry is considered basic in the grand scheme of the known universe but most would not recover from an axe to the face from a leviathan!”
Jean-Luc Watkins: “Those big guys do certainly pack a punch and their ruggedness is shared with their younger sister, Lucy. This match is non-title, but a victory for The Lumberjacks here would almost certainly have them back and in prime position for a crack at the championships.”
Lucy rolls into the ring and then watches as Doug and Dan step onto the apron and then over the top rope into the ring. The luchadors across the ring from them are awestruck by the size of their opponents, but see Lucy as a more manageable prospect. Dan nominates himself to start for The Lumberjacks whilst Juan is instructed immediately that he is beginning the match for the Trios Champions, perhaps as a final recompense for his error of judgment at Carnal Contendership. Referee Joey Ortiz calls for the bell.
THIRD MATCH || 1/20.
TR1CK OR TR4SH (Juan Tothrefor, Trash Mammal, and Hallowe’en Knight) vs. The Lumberjacks (Doug LuPone, Dan LuPone, and Lucy LuPone).
Trios Match.
Match writer: Man.
<< 00:00. >>
Juan sizes up his large opponent as he and Dan converge on the centre of the ring. The Mexican initiates contact by attempting to wring Dan’s arm, but the burly man blocks it and shoves Juan away. Juan fires back with a Superkick to the midsection, and then another to the shin. He is unable to complete his Counting Stars sequence though because Dan wraps his hand around his throat. Dan elevates Juan up, but he lands on his feet and then hits the ropes, looking to come back with a Running Crossbody… but Dan catches him and sends him into the mat with a Scoop Slam!
The Lumberjack roughly pulls Juan up from the mat once again and delivers another one! Dan tries to hype the crowd up before picking Juan up and scoring with a THIRD Scoop Slam!!
Konchu Hao: “This is cruel, Jean-Luc! Juan LOVES counting and his favourite pastime is being employed as a weapon against him. This is psychological warfare at its finest… IT’S GREAT! KEHAHAHA!”
Juan crawls towards his partners on the apron and Dan backs into his own corner, allowing Doug to tag himself in, as Juan jumps up and gets Halloween Knight’s hand. Knight rushes in as Doug gets into the ring and he goes for a forearm, but Doug bursts into life with a cartwheel to avoid him! Halloween Knight puts the brakes on and turns around… into a huge LARIAT from Doug!! It knocks the veteran luchador through a loop and Doug drops to his knees, pressing his hands down on the orange and black costumed chest;
Picking Halloween Knight up from the mat, Doug sends him into the corner and then tags his twin brother back in. Dan paces towards the opposite corner in front of Trash Mammal and Juan Tothrefor… and charges in with a BODY AVALANCHE - BUT THERE’S NO ONE HOME!! Halloween Knight evades and Dan goes chest-first into the corner. He rolls through and pops out into the air, tagging in Trash Mammal, as Dan reaches out for Lucy.
Jean-Luc Watkins: “Here’s the undefeated and proven Trash Mammal, opposing the unproven entity in this Lumberjack trio. The younger sister, Lucy.”
Lucy’s initial strike is blocked by Trash Mammal’s forearms, and the rodent then gets a go-behind which he transitions into an arm-wringer… but Lucy pulls him in and connects with an elbow to the side of the head! This rocks Trash Mammal, who fires back with an Uppercut that catches Lupone completely offguard, he charges in and ducks Lucy’s swinging arm and hops up onto the ring apron over the top rope. Dan approaches him on the apron, but Trash Mammal cuts him off with a stomp on his knee. Trash Mammal then looks to springboard into the ring, but Lucy meets him with a boot to the midsection upon his landing… FLOATOVER DDT!!! The Lumberjacks assume a rare moment of control.
<< 05:39. >>
In the middle of the ring, Dan Lupone attempts to squeeze the life out of Trash Mammal with a Bear Hug, after the Lumberjacks had spent the last couple of minutes isolating him from his teammates. Trash Mammal reaches out for Halloween Knight and Juan Tothrefor, but in the middle of the ring he is unable to get anywhere near either of them for a tag.
Jean-Luc Watkins: “This looks like quite a difficult situation for Trash Mammal here, Konchu. A Bear Hug like this will put incredible pressure on your rib cage and will make it hard to breath. A mask is going to make that situation even worse, correct?”
Konchu Hao: “A traditional wrestling mask akin to the one being worn by the Trios Champions, yes. However what you see on my head is merely the best way for your human eyes to comprehend my true form and visage.”
The fans start to get behind Trash Mammal a bit and he attempts to remove himself from the clutches of the large man. A couple of punches to the head seems to do the trick and eventually, he fights himself out of the hold. A Rolling Uppercut from Trash Mammal sends Dan back into his corner and Doug tags himself in, and Trash Mammal tags in Halloween Knight. Knight hops onto the top rope and takes flight… TERROR TORNADO DDT!!! Doug gets spiked on the top of his head, but makes overtures at getting back to his feet once more, but Halloween Knight is ready… DIA DE LOS MUERTOS!! The Spinning Wheel Kick causes the big man to slowly fall backwards…
Jean-Luc Watkins: “TIMBERRRRRRRRR! If a lumberjack falls in the ring, who is there to pin him? Halloween Knight - that’s who!”
Lucy stomps on Halloween Knight’s back to break up the pin and then measures him as he rises to his feet, cracking him with a Step Up Knee to the face!! Lucy rises to her feet once again but sees Trash Mammal oncoming. She goes to strike him but he ducks it and lifts her up… RABIES SHOT!!!! The move causes Lucy to roll under the ring and Trash Mammal sees Dan approaching him, so he drops the top rope and allows the big man to fall to the floor! Juan Tothrefor runs across the apron with an eye on the still-down Doug in the middle of the ring… and takes flight with the SENOR SENTON!!! Halloween Knight, holding his jaw, then gets on top of Doug;
Natalie Rosenberg: “Here are your winners, the FWA Trios Champions, TR1CK OR TR4SH!!”
TR1CK OR TR4SH are handed their championships by the referee and all gather for a group hug in the middle of the ring, still undefeated when teaming together. Trash Mammal puts an arm around Juan and the two help Halloween Knight up from the mat. The Lumberjacks gather themselves too and begin to trudge back up the ramp.
Jean-Luc Watkins: “Another impressive victory for TR1CK OR TR4SH here on Fallout and well, I must admit that they’re starting to win me over a bit. Racking up wins like this is hard and they’ve knocked off a good team here tonight in Chicago.”
Konchu Hao: “The Dark Roads Alliance has competition for the greatest Trio in FWA history. Perhaps I will enter discussions with Cyrus Truth to see if we can change that undefeated record of theirs!”
Tired of being told no?
That you'll never make it?
Feel like no one believes in you?
We believe in you.
We will be there for you.
We will make your dreams come true.
Coming Soon.
The rather…interesting choice of a entrance theme rings out through the crowd and so does a growing cheer as the lovely Chicago crowd sees him before the camera can, swinging from his rope onto the stage,landing in the signature Spidey pose, it is the friendly wrestlinghood Spooder-Man!
Natalie Rosenberg: "Our fourth match of the evening is set for one fall with a ten minute time limit! Introducing first, fighting out of Sofia, Bulgaria, weighing in at 190 pounds, SPOOOOOOOOOOOOODER-MAAAAAAAAN!"
Busting moves down the aisle like Toby Maguire in Spiderman 3, Spooder-Man makes it to the bottom of the ramp, does a rather graceful looking foot-slide, and points suavely to the camera, before strutting his stuff all the way into the ring, before strutting on over to one of the corners and hopping onto the turnbuckle and standing in a crouched position on the top of the ring post as his entrance music fades.
Jean-Luc Watkins: "Well, Spooder-Man seems to be making the most of his rare opportunity at having an actual entrance. He seems in high spirits!"
Konchu Hao: "Maybe, but likely not for long…"
As Spooder-Man sits in his signature pose on the top turnbuckle post, awaiting the arrival of his opponent, ‘Only Love Can Save Me Now’ bazes through the arena speakers, and the FWA X Champion, Trixie Bordeaux, walks out onto the stage to a mixed reaction from the ruckus Chicago crowd.
Natalie Rosenberg: "And introducing his opponent, fighting out of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, weighing in at 127 pounds… she is the FWA X Champion, and the ‘Queen of the Deathmatch’, TRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRIXIE BOOOOOOOOOOOOORDEAUX!"
Pausing atop the stage for a moment as she stares a hole through her opponent, Trixie looks worse for wear right now, with her head bandaged up as a result of her grueling war with Johnny Johnson two days prior at Meltdown XL.
Jean-Luc Watkins: "Trixie doesn’t look in the best of shape, right now, Konchu, but regardless of that, you’d have to think that she’s still the clear favourite heading into this one."
Konchu Hao: "Trixie, if nothing else, has proven herself a true warrior. I am certain that she will give everything she has in this match aswell."
Trixie makes her walk down the ramp to the ring, not taking her eyes off of Spooder-Man. Spooder-Man presumably meets Trixie’s gaze, and although it’s difficult to tell, he doesn’t seem in the slightest bit intimidated by the X Champion, jumping on the spot as she climbs into the ring and removes the X Championship from around her waist, handing it to the referee for safekeeping.
Jean-Luc Watkins: "Well, unlike on Meltdown, Trixie seems to actually be waiting for the bell for this one."
Spooder-Man hops off his perch atop the turnbuckle post and lands on his feet in his corner as Trixie looks to stare a hole through the masked man’s very soul, as the bell rings.
Trixie Bordeaux vs. Spooder-Man.
Singles Match.
Match writers: Welsh and Gip.
<< 00:00 >>
Trixie, a little more reserved than usual, begins to circle Spooder-Man like a hungry shark, Spooder-Man doesn’t take his eyes off of Trixie, waiting for her to make the first move. To everyone’s surprise, Trixie signals for Sppoder-Man to meet her in the center of the ring for a collar-and-elbow tie-up. Cautiously, Spooder-Man steps forward, and after a moment’s stare down, the two lock up-NOPE, Trixie with a kick to Spooder-Man’s gut, which sends the masked-wrestler stumbling backwards! All of the calm and poise seems to have left the X Champion, as this one kick was swiftly followed by several thunderous right hands which backs Spooder-Man up into the ropes as he tries to cover up. Managing to block a couple of strikes, Spooder-Man fires back with a right hand of his own which rocks Trixie, and he connects with another, and another, and another, much to the fans’ delight as they cheer the underdog on as he takes the fight to the X Champion!
Jean-Luc Watkins: "Spooder-Man is taking the fight to Trixie!"
Spooder-Man’s punches connect like homing missiles onto Trixie’s bandaged up forehead as he backs the ‘Queen of the Deathmatch’ into the corner, before climbing the ropes and rains a rapid volley of punches down on the Champ as the fans count with him! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9… as the fans wait in anticipation for strike number 10, Spooder-Man pauses, before ripping the bandage off of Trixie’s forehead, revealing the nasty gash that she sustained during her title match with JJ, and that gash seems to have been reopened by Spooder-Man’s punches!
… 10!
After landing the tenth strike to Trixie’s bloody forehead, Spooder-Man raises his arms to cheers from the audience, as he holds up Trixie’s blood-covered bandage. This moment of celebration is short-lived, however, as Spooder-Man looks down to see a livid, blood-covered Trixie glaring up at him with murderous intent. You could almost see Spooder-Man gulp as he sees the rage in Trixie’s eyes.
Jean-Luc Watkins: "Spooder-Man, that might not have been the best idea."
Spooder-Man jumps off Trixie and backs up a few steps, eyes not leaving the vicious stare of the X Champion. But Spooder-Man, ever the fighter, slowly raises his fists bravely.
Spooder-Man: "With great power….comes great respon-"
Trixie doesn’t look to be in the mood for theatrics as she dropkicks Spooder-Man almost clean out of his spandex, sending him sailing through the air with such momentum that he winds up tumbling over the top rope! We get a good camera shot of Spooder-Man’s crumpled body on the ground, with the man, and his super-suit looking to have taken damage as small tears in the fabric begins to form from the impact of his nasty landing.
Trixie, still incensed that Spooder-Man busted her open, swiftly follows her prey to the outside. Spooder-Man struggles to get to his feet, but is interrupted as Trixie hits kicks him square in the gut! Spooder-Man falls backwards, and Trixie follows it up with several vicous punches to Spooder-Man’s head, before throwing him back into the ring. Showing his fighting spirit, Spooder-Man quickly scrambles to his feet and slides at Trixie with both feet, looking to connect with a Basement Dropkick as Trixie tries to enter the ring. The X Champion, however, sees this coming a mile away and catches Spooder-Man’s foot. Trixie, once again displeased with Spooder-Man’s attempts to fight back, tries to drag the masked wrestler back to the outside, but Spooder-Man once again defies her as he kicks Trixieright in the face with his free foot, and again, and AGAIN!
Jean-Luc Watkins: "Spooder-Man showing more fight than we’ve come to expect to him so far. He’s giving the X Champion a run for her money here!"
Konchu Hao: "When it is personal, combatants will always sacrifice more, and we are seeing that in my masked compatriot here tonight. Bellatrix made it so Spooder-Man couldn’t fight for a shot at the biggest prize of this industry, his chance having gone to someone else so his number one priority should be securing that Trixie regrets that mistake."
Trixie, stubbornly refusing to release her grip on Spooder-Man’s foot, recoils as her opponent kicks her repeatedly in the face. Eventually, however, one big kick from Spooder-Man sends Trixie stumbling backwards, releasing her hold on him. Seeing his chance, Spooder-Man scrabble back to his feet, runs off the ropes, and charges across the ring, looking to hit a massive dive on Trixie, but, once again Trixie sees it coming a mile away, and meets him with a collision of heads as Trixie snipes him out of the air with a Torpedo Trixie!
Jean-Luc Watkins: "Jesus, a sickening colliding of heads! Trixie’s rocked, but Spooder-Man looks out cold!"
Konchu Hao: "T’was indeed a truly impactful meeting of the minds."
Apparently having the single most durable skull in the history of forever, Trixie shakes the cobwebs loose and struggles to lift Spooder-Man’s lifeless body off the ground and rolls him back into the ring. Shaking her head once more, Trixie climbs onto the apron and makes her way to the top rope, looking to finish this match with Whistling Trixie, when suddenly…
Jean-Luc Watkins: "Wait, that’s Vengador’s music! What the hell!?"
Trixie looks up the ramp confused as Vengador walks out from behind the curtain and onto the stage to cheers from the Chicago crowd! Looking completely bemused, Trixie hops down off the top turnbuckle and into the ring, eyeing up this masked intruder to her match. This confusion quickly turns to anger as Vengador simply stares at her from atop the stage, creeping Trixie out and pissing her off in the process.
Trixie screams as she stands at the front of the inside of the ring, staring down this potential foe.
Jean-Luc Watkins: "Well, Trixie seems as perplexed as us, Konchu… but at least we know who Vengador is!"
As Trixie eyes up Vengador, suddenly, from behind…
Jean-Luc Watkins: "Wait, Spooder-Man’s back up…!"
Spinning Trixie around and catching her completely offguard, Spooder-Man grabs Trixie in a headlock and DRIVES HER SKULL FIRST INTO THE CANVAS!
Jean-Luc Watkins: "OSCAR NUMBER 4-Wait, that’s Aaron Harrows’ finisher… well, hey, if it works! SPOODER-MAN’S GOING FOR THE COVER!"
Natalie Rosenberg: "Ladies and gentlemen, here is your WINNER… SPOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODER-MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!!!"
The crowd erupts in complete and utter shock as Spooder-Man’s hand is raised in victory, before, noticing that Trixie is beginning to stir, decides that it’s in the best interest of his physical health if he gets the hell out of the ring, and so he bails to the outside and leaps over the barricade, jumping around ecstatic! The fans around him are just as excited as the luchador takes a hug from a random stranger as he regains his breath. Trixie slowly crawls to the ropes as Spooder-Man takes in all the celebration before reaching to the back of his head?
Jean-Luc Watkins: "Is..is he taking his mask off?"
Konchu Hao: "Three iterations of the Spooder-Man legacy and never have they done this, especially after a win. The identity of the Spooder-Man is going to be revealed!"
The Spooder-Mask falls from the head of the popular luchador.
Only for the crowd to pop once more, this time maybe even louder as the identity is revealed to be…
Jean-Luc Watkins: "AARON HARROWS?!"
Konchu Hao: "The shenanigans of Harrows reveal themselves once more at the expense of Bellatrix Bordeaux!"
Jean-Luc Watkins: "We did see Harrows walk off with Bobby Joel and Vengador on Fallout, talking about some kind of deal, was this it?"
Konchu Hao: "That remains in the unknown for right now, as well as the current whereabouts of Spooder-Man if he is not here."
The Top Star, Aaron Harrows meets Trixies stare one more time as she screams furiously at him, calling him a ‘CHEATER!’ and all the other nasty words in her limited vocabulary as she slams her fists into the canvas in pure hatred, all the while Aaron replies with the big, smug smile, before noticing the camera and holding up his mask.
Aaron Harrows: "SPOODER-MAN! YOUVE BEEN AVENGED! Your spidey-verse friends couldn’t do it, but I did! And Russnow…You know what I want. You know what the people want. Hashtag Sign Harrows, baby! WOOO!"
Harrows is fully in celebration mode as he high fives the local fans before quickly running off, presumably out of the arena before security can catch him, Spooder-Mask still in hand as Trixie’s anger only intensifies the more she stares at her former team partner leaving, having gotten one over her, while all she can do is stew in her rage.
It was a sight to behold. The transformation of one of the rooms inside the All-State Arena was some of the FWA’s finest work. The lighting was studio-quality, lit warmly showing the participants in a fuller and presentable manner.
The two stars of the interview are sat in their seats awaiting their cue from production that they may begin. Katie Baxter sits poised, switching her legs from closed to one leg crossed over the other. Shawn Summers is dressed casually - a white T-shirt emblazoned with the classic Clique Wrestling Alliance logo, tucked into a pair of blue jeans, and white low-top Nike Air Force One sneakers. The casualness of his attire was far from a departure from the usual formal business attire that he had once been known to wear.
Katie Baxter: "Ladies and gentlemen, it has been a long ten months, but we are pleased to welcome back the former X and Television Champion, Shawn Summers, to the FWA. Shawn, it’s great to see you."
Shawn Summers: "It’s great to be here…on Fallout (smirking), again."
Katie Baxter: "Shawn, we’d be remiss not to ask why you stepped away from the FWA when you were seemingly still at the top of your game."
Shawn Summers: "I answered that in the Back in Business post-show press conference, but I have no problem reiterating it. My body and mind needed a break from an industry that was draining me in a way that was no longer sustainable.
Think about what I went through in that year Katie. I had two women, and I use that word lightly here, attempting to use my name to elevate their own. I had my Television Championship stolen from me by corrupt officials. I fought and earned the X-Championship from one of the toughest wrestlers in the industry. And let’s not forget about the war between myself, Tommy, his family and friends.
I needed a break, but it seemed like no one in the FWA wanted to allow me or my name to fade out of existence. Even when I wasn’t here I seemed to be the topic of conversation. Funny how that works, right?"
Katie Baxter: "Well, Shawn, I must say that it seems the time away has done you well. You look refreshed and ready to go. Does this return mean we will see you step back into the ring?"
Shawn Summers: "No. Stepping into the ring is the furthest thing for me."
Katie Baxter: "Oh, come on. You’re telling me that you have no desire to take back your old titles or to settle the score with Bedlam and Crowe after they did a number on you at Back in Business?"
Shawn Summers shakes his head "no" as he leans back in his chair with a satisfied look.
Katie Baxter: "Well, let’s address something more personal. There have been videos…"
Shawn’s demeanor changes as he anticipates the question. The once calm look on his face has now been replaced with tension. He wipes his hands on his jeans and crosses his arms as Katie Baxter asks her question.
Katie Baxter: "Videos of Michelle von Horrowitz knocking on a hotel door and entering. The first time we saw the videos there was no audio and the videos ended once she entered the room. However, the one played at the Carnal Conterndership event changed everything when we were provided with audio, and the video ended with you poking your head out of the hotel room and giving the camera a wink."
Before Shawn can answer, a hand appears on his shoulder. He looks up, locking eyes with the no, no-nonsense former Fallout brand owner Rupert Watkins.
Rupert Watkins (stepping in): “I believe we’re done here."
Katie Baxter (surprised): “Sir, we were just getting to what the interview was scheduled for. Can I ask wh -"
Rupert Watkins (sternly): “I said, we’re done here. Let’s go, Shawn."
Although Shawn’s face was painted with a look of conflict, he breathed a sigh of relief before rising from his seat to stand next to Rupert. Katie Baxter watches as Rupert removes the microphone packs and wires from Shawn.
Katie Baxter: "Mr. Watkins, the fans have been waiting for answers don’t you think they deserve to get them?"
Rupert Watkins directs his attention to Katie Baxter. His gaze is cold and unnerving, but she doesn’t break eye contact with him.
Rupert Watkins: "The fans don’t deserve a damn thing from Shawn. None of you do. He wanted peace and time away from the industry and you all did everything to pull him back. Have you no shame? You’ll get your answers, but not today."
Rupert turns to lead Shawn away as the camera captures their retreating figures. Katie Baxter turns back to the camera, slowly composing herself before beginning.
Katie Baxter: "Back to you all at ringside…"
There’s a loud, respectful pop for Mike Parr as the FWA veteran walks out onto the stage, surveying the audience before continuing down the ramp.
Natalie Rosenberg: "Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall with a twenty minute time limit… Introducing first, weighing in at two hundred and forty pounds… ‘the Prodigy’... MIKE PARR!!"
Jean-Luc Watkins: “Here comes the Prodigy… noticeably missing that North American title that has become synonymous with him over the years. After winning it from Bryan Baxter, he unfortunately was not able to successfully defend it through the rest of the F1 as the title went to eventual winner, Chris Peacock.”
Konchu Hao: “So nice to see the Bastard go down, but can’t say I’m thrilled about where the title eventually landed.”
Jean-Luc Watkins: “Fair enough, Konchu. But this is an interesting match up since it puts Parr up against the partner of his North American division rival… and the current FWA Champion. A win here would be huge for the Prodigy, no matter how the F1 played out.”
Parr heads to the ring, climbing up the apron and stepping through the ropes. He begins to warm up as he awaits his opponent.
Boos once again feel the arena as Jeremy Best makes his second appearance of the night. The World Champion walks out with the world title strapped around his waist above his khaki pants. He waves to his less than adoring fans as Bryan Baxter walks out with him. Baxter seems less than thrilled to be joining Jeremy at ringside for this one.
Natalie Rosenberg: "And his opponent… representing the Friendship Wrestling Alliance and being accompanied to the ring by his Buddy System partner Big Bryan Baxter… he is the reigning FWA World Champion…. “Your New Best Friend”... JJEEEERREEEEMMMMY BBBEEESSSTT!”
Konchu Hao: “What a travesty to still see him with that title.”
Jean-Luc Watkins: “And as we saw on Meltdown and heard Jeremy’s reaction earlier tonight… the champ is currently without a challenger for Back in Business.”
Konchu Hao: “Then give Cyrus another shot… he certainly deserves it!”
Jean-Luc Watkins: “I can’t necessarily argue with that logic. But a win here from Mike Parr could certainly put him in the discussion as well. But interesting to see Bryan Baxter joining Jeremy at ringside for this one… especially given it was Parr who took the North American title from Bryan a few weeks ago!”
Konchu Hao: “You cannot trust that Bryan Baxter! No you cannot!”
Jean-Luc Watkins: “You may recall Bryan actually showed some respect to Parr after their North American Showdown… so it’ll be interesting to see how this plays out tonight!”
At ringside, Jeremy leans in and appears to give some instructions to Bryan before he climbs into the ring to get the match under way.
FIFTH MATCH || 1/20.
Jeremy Best vs. Mike Parr.
Singles Match.
Match writer: Dubb.
<< 00:00. >>
The bell rings as Mike Parr and Jeremy Best circle one another before moving in for a collar and elbow tie up. Neither man is able to get a distinct advantage as they jockey for position, struggling with one another until Parr pulls Jeremy in for a headlock. Jeremy tries to push Parr off, but the Prodigy holds on and then takes Jeremy to the mat with a headlock takeover. The Prodigy holds on for a submission, but Jeremy brings himself back up to his feet and up to a vertical base while still being held in the headlock by Parr. This time Jeremy is able to shove Parr off and into the ropes, but Prodigy comes back with a shoulder tackle that takes the champion down to the mat!
Jeremy is quick back to his feet only to be hit with some swift kicks to the midsection from Parr. Best stumbles to the ropes where Parr comes in with a running knee before sending Best into the ropes. Parr ducks down for a backdrop, but Jeremy hooks the ropes to stop his own momentum. The Prodigy stands back up as Jermey rushes in with a clothesline…
But Prod ducks! Jeremy turns around into a spinkick from Parr! Jeremy is left staggering as Parr goes for an elbow smash to the champ. Best ducks it this time and hooks Parr for a back suplex…
But Parr flips over and lands on ihs feet!
And now it’s Parr who grabs Jeremy from behind and executes a back suplex!
Best rolls to his stomach and begins to pull himself up, but Parr is right there waiting for him with a pair of forearms to the back of the back and neck before he sends Jeremy into the corner, Best’s back colliding hard with the turnbuckle pads. Parr backs up and charges in… running knee to the corner from The Prodigy!
Jean-Luc Watkins: “An impressive start for The Prodigy! He literally has the champion on the ropes here!”
Konchu Hao: “Perhaps… but I’m keeping a close eye on that Big Bryan Baxter at ringside… I fear he is up to no good!”
While Konchu was right to be nervous about his presence, to this point Bryan simply is an observer as he watches Parr have a firm control of the match early on.
<< 04:17. >>
It’s a double underhook backbreaker to take Jeremy Best back down to the mat and Mike Parr is going for the pin now!
One! Two! Kickout!
Parr sits up and gives a glance to official Larry Stevens to make sure it was in fact just a two, while Jeremy clutches his back and rolls from the canvas out onto the aron and then to ringside. Bryan Baxter walks over, checking on his partner. Jeremy clutches at Bryan, helping pull himself up and seems to be asking Bryan why he wasn’t being of any more help. Bryan shrugs his shoulders, clearly not sure of what Jeremy wants from him…
As Mike Parr DIVE THROUGH THE ROPES with a suicide dive that connects with Jeremy, sending the champion crashing into the safety railing!
Parr gets to his feet, and stares down Baxter. The two former North American Champions stare each other down, the tension could be felt through the arena.
Jean-Luc Watkins: “These two men now share the record for longest North American Championship reign… and it looks like they may be about ready to start where they left off at North American Showdown!”
Parr and Baxter trade some words, but that’s about it for this moment as Parr walks away from Baxter and BBB doesn’t get physical with Prodigy. Instead, Mike grabs Jeremy and tosses him back into the ring…
Back in the ring, Jeremy begins to try and pull himself up as Prodigy climbs the apron…
And he springboardrds in with a springboard knee to the face!
Parr goes for the pin!
One! Two! Thre - NO! Kickout by Jeremy Best!
<< 08:24. >>
Parr lays out Best with a belly to back suplex before he makes his way to the corner and ascends the ropes…
Jean-Luc Watkins: “Can Parr finish Jeremy off here? He may be going for X Marks the Spot!”
As he climbs the top, he does in fact look to land his moonsault frog splash…
In a match that Parr has in large part controlled, suddenly the door was open for Jeremy Best. He pulls himself up as Parr is slow to recover… and as Parr gets up to his knees…
It’s a series of kicks from Jeremy..
As Parr absorbs kick after kick to his chest, Jeremy’s frustration mounts and he finally runs to the ropes and hits a running dropkick to the kneeling Parr to take Prod down to the mat! Now it’s Jeremy going for the pin!
One! Two ! No!
Jeremy was quickly back up as Prodigy tried to recover on the mat… Jeremy’s offense was coming fast and furious as he lept to the ropes and came back with a springboard diving DDT to Prodgy!
Another cover by the champ!
One! Two! Thre - NO!
<< 12:03. >>
The champion continues his control of the match as he looks to end things… lifting The Prodigy up into a fireman’s carry…
It looked like it was time for… The BFF!
He escapes down the back..
Parr has the cover… this could be it!
Jeremy kicks out at the last second!
Parr has a look of shock on his face as he sits up to his knees, thinking he for sure had put Jeremy away that time. But he shakes off the frustration and begins to measure up Jeremy as Best begins to pull himself up…
The Prodigy charges in..
Parr accidentally takes out the referee!
Konchu Hao: “Oh dear. With the officiant incapacitated, I fear this will no doubt lead to some shenanigans.”
Jean-Luc Watkins: “My thoughts exactly, Konchu.”
While Parr checks on Larry Stevens, Jeremy motions to Baxter to enter the ring. The crowd boos as the former North American Champion slowly makes his way up the apron, reaching into his pants’ pockets as he does so, and can be seen sliding his trusty brass knuckles onto his right hand.
Leaning against the ropes, Jeremy yells at Bryan, telling him to take care of Parr.
Bryan approaches his rival… and Parr stands up from the fallen FWA official and stares down Baxter as he enters the ring.
Parr holds out his arms. “What’s this all about, eh?”
Baxter seems to hesitate as he and Parr now go eye to eye… nose to nose…
Jean-Luc Watkins: “These two seem to keep finding their way to one another… but Baxter isn’t quite as quick to pull the trigger as he was against Cyrus!”
Baxter looks down at the knux… and then back up to Parr…
And he pushes his way past Parr and begins to leave the ring!
Konchu Hao: “My eyes… they deceive me! Is Baxter actually doing the honorable thing here?!”
Parr, just as surprised as anyone, watches Baxter as goes past, heading out of the ring…
The attack from Jeremy sends Parr colliding with Baxter from behind!
And the reaction from thinking he’s being attacked from behind…
Bryan seems a little surprised and confused after he laid out Parr, but Jeremy’s eyes light up and he quickly gives his friend a big hug.
Jean-Luc Watkins: “Bryan Baxter just laid out Mike Parr… but I am not so sure he even meant to!”
Konchu Hao: “Oh but of course he did, Jean-Luc! It was all a ruse! Do not trust these Friendship Freaks!”
A confused Baxter steps through the ropes as Jeremy shakes Larry Stevens to wake him up. Jeremy pulls Parr back up to his feet…
He makes the cover…
Natalie Rosenberg: "Here is your winner… JEREMY BEST!”
Jeremy Best rolls to his feet as he is declared the victory, hugging Larry Stevens instead of having his arms raised.
Jean-Luc Watkins: “Jeremy Best once again escapes the jaws of defeat thanks to some assistance from his… friends. This has to stop somehow Konchu… and perhaps the one man who can stop it… said he won’t!”
Konchu Hao: “We could certainly use a hero to defeat the Friendship Freaks, Jean-Luc.”
Jean-Luc Watkins: “But who will it be? Who will be Jeremy’s opponent for Back in Business if it’s not Krash?”
With that question remaining unanswered for the time being, Jeremy is more than happy to celebrate in the ring and at ringside, where he regroups with Bryan and gives his big burly friend another big unreturned hug. While Bryan’s intentions remain in question, he does head back up the aisle… side by side… with his friend.
A big cheer goes up inside the Allstate Arena as the entrance of The Undisputed Alliance means that it is time for the main event of the evening. Jackson Fenix and Nate Savage both jog out onto the stage and bump fists whilst looking out at the thousands of fans crammed into the arena. They both do their part to get the crowd on their side, urging them to increase the volume louder.
Natalie Rosenberg: “The following contest is a tag team match, scheduled for one fall, with a thirty minute time limit. The winners will advance to Back in Business XVIII to challenge Randy Ramon and Donny Toner for the FWA World Tag Team Championships! Introducing first, at a combined weight of four-hundred and seventy-six pounds… the team of ‘Nasty’ Nate Savage and ‘The Sin City Bad Boy’ Jackson Fenix… THE UNDISSSSSSSPUUUUTED AAAAAAAAALIANCE!!!”
Jean-Luc Watkins: “Konchu this match must be a strange one for you to decide a winner on, given your acrimonious history with both of these teams. Either would be worthy challengers for the tag titles at Back in Business given the momentum both are enjoying at the moment, and both former FWA World Tag Team Champions themselves.”
Konchu Hao: “The Undisputed Alliance are most definitely the crowd favourites, although I know that Epsilon will not be too keen on seeing his attackers rewarded by challenging for championship gold!”
Fenix is the first in the ring and with Savage not far behind him. Fenix makes sure to thank the crowd for their support after another impressive showing in the Carnal Contendership match. He and Nate put their heads together to discuss some strategy as very loud, very obnoxious music blares through the speakers;
As quick as two flashes, Chris Peacock and Alyster Black sprint out from the back, Chris holding the North American Championship in his hand as FTN seem to be doing everything in their power to match the energy being shown in the music that they have chosen to come out to the ring to.
Natalie Rosenberg: “Their opponents… at a combined weight of four-hundred and thirty pounds… the team of ‘Black Jesus’ Alyster Black and the FWA North American and Grand Slam Champion Chris Peacock… they are EFFFFFFFFFFF-TEEEEEEEEEEEE-ENNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!”
Konchu Hao: “It is no shock to me that FTN are failing to take this match seriously with their ridiculous spectacle of an entrance. Chris Peacock spoke very passionately about how much he wants to rendezvous with Randy Ramon, but it would seem that the childishness has won again.”
Jean-Luc Watkins: “There’s no Allen Price, so let’s take that as the victory it is, Konchu. But you’re right about Peacock wanting a piece of Ramon. Since Ramon came back last year, he has cost Peacock at almost every turn including eliminating him from this year’s Carnal Contendership. This match seems to be the only route Peacock can take to get the man he wants at Back in Business, with the two masked men thrown in as well for good measure.”
FTN (Alyster Black and Chris Peacock) vs. The Undisputed Alliance (Jackson Fenix and Nate Savage).
Singles Match.
Match writer: Man.
Of the two Undisputed Alliance members, it is evident which the FTN boys want to mix it up with first. Their exaggerated waddling and bloating out of their cheeks are clear jibes at Nate Savage and most specifically, his weight. The ‘Nasty’ one is only too happy to oblige them and he motions for Alyster Black to join him in the ring once the bell has rung. Black continues to joke around with Peacock as he walks away from teh FTN corner, and this earns him a bundling over from Savage which takes him down to the mat!
Savage drops a knee down across the side of Black’s head, and then lays into him with a series of strikes down on the mat. From the mat, Black attempts to reach out to Peacock, but Savage gets up and stomps directly in his face to keep him back and at bay. He hooks Black’s arm around his own and pulls him up to his feet and strikes him in the stomach with his free hand, and then a Knee Lift sends Black stumbling back towards the Undisputed Alliance corner where Jackson Fenix is ready and waiting to get tagged in.
A big cheer goes up as Fenix gets into the match and he connects with a couple of forearm strikes to Black in the corner whilst Savage reaches over and holds onto ‘Black Jesus’ to keep him in position. Stevens gets in between and tells Savage to let Black go, but all Alyster does is wander back into Fenix’s path and he receives a Dropkick to the face for his trouble! It knocks the former X Champion back and Black slumps against the bottom turnbuckle. Fenix reaches out and tags Savage back in.
Jean-Luc Watkins: “It would seem that FTN’s taunting has lit the proverbial fire underneath Nate Savage, and that has led to the Undisputed Alliance taking control in the early goings here.”
Konchu Hao: “It is typical of Peacock and Black to consider a result nothing more than a foregone conclusion; it was their blind assurances in themselves which allowed myself and Cyrus to conquer them at Lights Out!”
With a determined look on his face, Savage gets into the ring and lines Black up after performing a ‘SUCK IT motion in Peacock’s direction… and Savage crushes Black against the bottom turnbuckle with a CANNONBALL! Nate grabs one of Alyster’s boots and pulls him towards the middle of the ring, hooking a leg for the first cover of the match;
The pin is illegally broken up by Chris Peacock, who stomps on the back of Savage’s head to effect the break. Jackson Fenix attempts to get into the ring to counter Peacock, but Larry Stevens keeps him on the apron in order to prevent things completely breaking down. Peacock uses this time to lay into Savage with some stomps to his face and chest, giving Alyster Black precious moments to get with it a bit as he crawls towards a neutral corner. Fenix relents and Stevens then turns his attention to Peacock, ordering him to vacate the ring and return to the apron.
Savage gives Fenix a nod to indicate that he is okay despite Peacock’s best efforts, and he picks himself up to see Black in the corner also rising to his feet, holding the back of his head. Building up a bit of steam, Savage goes at Black in the corner, but Alyster cuts him off by exploding out of the corner with a Rolling Elbow! It does not take Savage down, but instead causes him to drop to a knee after turning away from Black. Not wanting to deter from a winning formula, Black then cracks Savage with another Rolling Elbow to the back of the head! This causes Savage to slump to the mat and Black grabs onto his wrist to keep him in place as he reaches to tag Peacock in.
As Peacock gets into the ring legally for the first time, Black makes the most of the available time given by the official and kicks Savage in the face multiple times. Peacock takes over by controlling Savage’s wrist himself and he wrings Savage’s arm. Savage slowly begins to rise from the mat and Peacock kicks him in the gut to cause him to double over. This leaves Savvage in prime position for a Famouser, but Peacock instead chooses to showboat and make more fat faces. The former FWA World Champion leaps into the air for a Famouser - but Savage catches him! This then easily transitions into a huge POWERBOMB INTO THE CANVAS!!
Konchu Hao: “The continued mocking of Nate Savage has cost FTN position in this match already on more than one occasion… these knuckleheads seldom learn their lessons, don’t they?”
Savage plucks the Peacock pancake from the mat and drags Chris towards the UA corner and Fenix holds his arm out to tag Savage into the match. As soon as he gets into the ring, Fenix lines Peacock up in the corner and Savage lifts him up into the air, bringing him down into an Atomic Drop! The impact causes Peacock to propel forward, and right into the path of Fenix, who scores with a huge SUPERKICK!!
Jean-Luc Watkins: “The Undisputed Alliance are the far more experienced team in terms of time spent teaming with each other. They both already know what the other is going to do or what they want in the ring and when those cylinders start firing, it is very hard to fight against. There’s no denying the singular capabilities of Black and Peacock, but as a team, this is still relatively new to them, even with Black’s extensive tag team experience.”
Peacock crumples to the mat once more, and Fenix this time goes for a pin;
Alyster Black repays his partner’s favour from before by breaking the pin up this time and it looks like the smart thing to do given the glazed look in Peacock’s eyes after getting his bell rung by the Superkick from Fenix. Fenix stays on the mat holding his head after the forearm connected with it, and Black goes one further by rising to his feet and knocking Nate Savage down from the apron! Even before the referee can ask Black to leave, he is already on the outisde of the ring stalking Nate Savage… and he sends him straight into the steel steps!
In the ring, Fenix is still in control despite Black’s interrupting of the pin attempt. He lifts Peacock up from the mat and lifts him up… FALCON ARROW!!! He reaches forward and grabs onto one of Peacock’s legs to assist with the pin;
Fenix grits his teeth for a moment and rolls backwards to move away from Peacock and after brushing his hair from his face, he motions for Peacock to rise up one more time. Once Chris is up, Fenix comes in looking for another Superkick - but Peacock dodges it and grabs Fenix by the leg, bringing his elbow down across the front of his knee! This causes Fenix to yell out in pain, and Chris then transitions into a Dragon Screw! Fenix holds his knee and Peacock stomps on his hands and the joint several times. On the outside of the ring, Black charges in and hits a knee strike to Savage’s face which crushes his head against the steel steps.
Konchu Hao: “That will certainly ring a bell, Jean-Luc. Alyster Black is no stranger to Nate Savage given their numerous clashes in the past across multiple currencies. Their most recent crossing was when Alyster Black commenced his goliathan reign as the Warrior of X; a mantle he wrestled from Nate Savage’s grasp.”
Jean-Luc Watkins: “The momentum has shifted fully in the favour of FTN now, Konchu, and that is because of their repeated interferences in the match from the apron to break up a pin. I have always pondered why a tag team partner would ever run the risk of their partner not being able to kick out of their own volition. Why not just break up every pin attempt to be safe? For Peacock though, it seems that he may have a submission in mind instead.”
The knee of the kicking leg of Jackson Fenix is the object of Chris Peacock’s attention as he drapes the leg over the bottom rope and then drops a knee down across it. Meanwhile, Alyster Black has Nate Savage in trouble… BACKDROP SUPLEX ONTO THE FLOOR!!! A smirk forms on Peacock’s face as he mocks Fenix for being weak in the face of a better man. Seemingly for his own amusement, Peacock asks Fenix to get back to his feet just to see if he is able to do it. As Fenix does start picking himself back up, Peacock boots him directly in the ribs! This sends Fenix rolling towards the corner.
Chris charges in and hits a forearm on Fenix, sending him careening into the turnbuckle. A couple of forearm strikes follows and Fenix tries pushing Chris away, but a rough knee across his opponent’s gut brings Fenix to heel. The fans know what is coming next as Peacock climbs up onto the second rope and begins to land several strong punches to the top of Fenix’s head. The crowd does not chant in with much enthusiasm. Before a tenth punch can be laned, Jackson Fenix himself was able to secure a ticket out of the corner by blocking the final blow.
Fenix slips through Peacock’s legs, and Chris looks down to see where he went but Fenix strikes through Peacock’s own legs to hit him with another SUPERKICK ME BABY ONE MORE TIME!! Fenix almost loses balance on his other leg after hitting the move, but he is in good position to reach up from the mat and get his arms fastened around Peacock’s waist, and he hits Chris with a German Suplex out of the corner!! After dropping Peacock on the back of his head, Fenix turns around and stacks him up, looking to get the win secured;
To Fenix’s frustration, Alyster Black breaks up the pin once again to keep FTN alive in the match and their Back in Business prospects intact.
Jean-Luc Watkins: “It is going to be virtually impossible for the Undisputed Alliance to counter this strategy so long as Peacock and Black continue to employ it. Especially when Fenix is at a numbers disadvantage here with Savage still stirring.”
A brief shot of Savage at ringside shows him holding the back of his head down on the floor. Fenix drags his aching leg behind him slightly as he wanders back to Peacock in the middle of the ring. Fenix attempts to lift Chris up from the mat, but Peacock shoots his fist up straight into the air and catches Jackson with Fight Fever! Fenix recoils backwards and Peacock steadies himself, catching Fenix with a jab to the face, followed by a second. The dancer strikes a quick pose… and then PIMP SLAPS FENIX ACROSS THE FACE!!
This has the effect of enraging Fenix, who fires back immediately with a stinging chop across the chest of Peacock. He fights Chris into the ropes and then shoots him off across the ring. Peacock attempts to Spear Fenix, but Jackson times a kick perfectly, so it catches Peacock straight in the face. Peacock turns around and Fenix drives him into the mat with a Snapdragon Suplex… and then follows up by driving his knee straight through Peacock’s face! After the Double Shot, Fenix initially goes for a pin out of instinct, but he catches Alsyter Black already making overtures to get into the ring to break any pin up.
Fenix charges Black, but Alyster sees him coming a mile away and meets him with a Headbutt! This causes Fenix to drop down to a knee and he then moves away from Black and closer to his own corner, but Savage is still not there.
Konchu Hao: “That crafty Alyster Black is often one step ahead and you can tell even with that mask on that he takes an enjoyment from outthinking someone. It does not happen often though, kehehehehe!”
Jean-Luc Watkins: “With no Savage available to help him, Fenix must go it alone against Chris Peacock for the time being. Peacock has taken somewhat of a beating in this match himself, so he is who Fenix will want in there.”
Peacock tries to get towards Black, who is wanting a tag. However, Fenix prevents this by grabbing Peacock whilst holding his head and he attempts to finish Chris off with IF YOU SEEK AMY - BUT PEACOCK SPINS OUT OF IT! Chris boots Fenix in the midsection, and follows up with the DISCO THRILLER STUNNER!!! The move knocks Fenix flat onto his back in front of Peacock, who wags his finger that he is not going to go for the tag. Instead, Peacock holds Fenix’s ankle and remembering the work he put in earlier in the match, he applies THE COMMENTATOR’S CURSE!!!
The targeted attacks on Fenix’s knee were all leading up to this point as Peacock has the Kneebar locked in tightly. Fenix shouts and screams, not wanting to submit and hand the match at Back in Business to FTN. He rejects any notion of giving up but realises that it is a very dire situation he finds himself in. On the outside of the ring, Savage reaches up and yanks Alyster Black from the apron, causing ‘Black Jesus’ to smush his face on the apron on the way down.
Konchu Hao: “AH! Savage is back!”
Savage then slides into the ring and sees that Fenix is in a lot of trouble being trapped in Peacock’s submission. He lines Peacock up and CRUSHES HIM WITH A RUNNING SENTON!!! It causes Peacock to release Fenix’s leg immediately, and Savage pulls Fenix towards the Undisputed Alliance corner before hopping onto the apron and tagging himself in. Fenix rolls out to the floor where he holds his knee close to his chest.
Jean-Luc Watkins: “Savage had to sit out part of this match thanks to FTN’s actions but he’s turned it around on them by breaking the Commentator’s Curse, and with just Chris Peacock in the middle of the ring all on his lonesome, this match is there for the taking for The Undisputed Alliance.”
The full weight of Savage crashing down on his chest seemed to wind Peacock and it only gets worse when Savage does it again for good measure! It looks perilous for Peacock now as Savage scoops him up from the mat and sends him into the ropes… and elevates him… NASTY BOMB!!!! The fans cheer loudly as Savage drops to his knees to pin Peacock, but Larry Stevens doesn’t make the count! Savage imagines a three but is then informed by the referee that Peacock is not the legal man - Alyster Black had tagged himself in when Peacock hit the ropes!
Unbeknownst to Savage, Black is in the ring behind him and Alyster FLOORS HIM WITH THE ONE SHOT KILL!!! Savage is flat out down, and Black hooks both legs;
Alyster Black slams his fist into the mat in happiness as he and Peacock have booked their ticket to Back in Business as a result of overcoming a very game Undisputed Alliance. Jackson Fenix hangs half-in the ring as he was unable to get in quickly enough to break the pin due to his knee that Peacock had worked on. Nate Savage rolls towards his partner and the UA put an arm around each other in shared pain and disappointment.
Natalie Rosenberg: “Here are your winners and the new number one contenders for the FWA World Tag Team Championships… Alyster Black and Chris Peacock; FTN!!!”
It takes Peacock a few seconds to realise that they have won, but as he is handed the North American Championship and is hugged by Black, he grins broadly. Still feeling the effects of the Nasty Bomb, he is helped to his feet by Alyster and he beckons to the back.
Jean-Luc Watkins: “Make it official, wrestling fans, Chris Peacock and Alyster Black are going to Back in Business with an aim of becoming two-time FWA World Tag Team Champions… but it is Randy Ramon and Donny Toner that stand in their way. These are men that are all familiar with each other-”
Konchu Hao: “Here come the celebrations…”
The Diamond Dogs - Rick Vance and Santino Dongarell - rush out from the back with streamers and party hats on. As they get into the ring, Peacock seems quite confused and asks them where Allen Price is.
Jean-Luc Watkins: “That’s a good question. Where could Price have gotten to? Not like him to miss a moment like this…”
Peacock is encouraged to enjoy himself by Black and the Dogs, but suddenly a voice is heard through the speaker system in the Allstate Arena;
???: “Yo, Chris? Alyster? Can you boys hear me?”
The music stops and FTN look around the arena before the large screen comes to life and the fans let out a big cheer as it shows one half of the FWA World Tag Team Champions, Donny Toner. Donny’s mask takes up the majority of the frame, but it is clear from the background that he is inside a locker room. A squint from Peacock in the ring makes it clear that he recognises the location. Some background noises suggest something is happening in the room; grunting and objects being thrown around.
Donny Toner: “You did it, boys. Congratulations. We know how much the two of you enjoy celebrating, so we thought that we would swing by your locker room and give you a little present. Have you wrapped it yet, Randy?”
Donny moves the camera so it is peering over his shoulder and Randy Ramon can be seen on the floor struggling with something. The camera adjusts its framing slightly more and that something is Allen Price! Ramon has Price on the floor as well, who is screaming for help as Ramon grabs his leg and starts to pull, trapping Price in a Kneebar. In the ring, Peacock can be seen going white as a sheet and Alyster has his head in his hands.
Donny Toner: “Recognise this scene, Chris? Close personal friend, locker room floor?”
Jean-Luc Watkins: “This is very reminiscent to the scene of Chris Peacock crippling Christian Quinn - a close friend of Toner, or Rondo - two years ago.”
Donny Toner: “So as you know, there’s just one thing missing.”
Donny turns his head to Ramon, who has Price almost passed out from the amount of pain that he is suffering. The tag team champions share a nod and Ramon quickly contorts Price’s leg at his knee joint… AND A LOUD CRACKING SOUND IS HEARD!!! Price lets out a bloodcurtling scream as his leg is shown to be bent in the complete wrong angle on the locker room floor. In the ring, Peacock drops to his knees and closes his eyes as Black kicks the bottom rope in frustration and anger. Ramon looks down at his handiwork and smirks before he takes his place next to Donny on the screen.
Donny Toner: “So be careful what you wish for…”
After pausing for a moment, Donny reaches back and grabs the mask on top of his head. He slides it forward to reveal the face underneath. The crowd collectively lose their minds as they see the smug face of Danny Toner next to Randy Ramon’s. In the ring, both members of FTN are shocked and unmoving at this latest twist in the tale. Black is on his knees next to Peacock now, with memories from eighteen months ago flooding back as he looks into Danny’s eyes from in the ring.
Danny Toner: “The ride is only just beginning, boys.”
Fallout 040 comes to an end with Danny winking at the camera before the feed abruptly cuts to black.
At this aforementioned staff door, two burly security guards stand with their hands folded in front of them. Security Guy Bob and Security Guy Chad look like ominous, looming statues, their bald heads glistening in the baking sunshine Their keen eyes scan the parking lot for any signs of anyone that shouldn’t be there. More specifically, they’re looking for one particular woman who has been asked to stay away from this location.
Breaking the silence that has existed between them for much of the afternoon, the walkie talkie attached to Security Guy Bob’s lapel buzzes to announce a call from Security Guard Herb, who was positioned nearby at the North-East Bus Depot. They didn’t know that yet, but soon enough they’re greeted by the unmistakable sound of Herb’s gravelly voice, the product of forty five years of heavy smoking.
Security Guy Herb: "Come in, Bob? You there, Bob?"
Whilst Chad straightens his back as if preparing himself for a threat that has just presented itself, Bob begins to peer over the heads of the assembled crowd for any sign of her.
Security Guy Bob: "Yeah, I’m here, Herb. What’s the word from the bus station? Any sign of her?"
Security Herb: That’s why I’m talking to you. It’s not a social call. No offense, Bob. I think she’s on her way to you now."
Bob stares over at Chad to check that he’s heard the news. Judging by his cocked eyebrow and heightened sense of alert, he’s in the loop. Bob sighs heavily, already regretful that he bothered to come into work today.
Security Guy Bob: "You didn’t try to stop her?"
Security Guy Herb: "I’m only three days from retirement, Bob. Not looking to get myself hurt. Besides, she hopped a railing and was out of my zone before I could even get my hat on."
Bob's second sigh is more disgruntled than reflective. He doesn't say anything more to Herb. That old timer wasn't worth the breath. Instead, he nodded in the direction of his counterpart on the staff entrance.
Security Guy Bob: "Fan out, Chad. This is go time."
Chad disappeared into the assembled crowd of excited fans, checking each and every one of them thoroughly with his eyes as if he was worried that one of them might be there in disguise. Bob wandered along the railing, his eyes narrowed and peering out in a north-westerly direction. That's where she would be coming from. She always got the bus. They should've put more guys there. Better guys than Herb.
Security Guy Bob: "Come out, come out, wherever you are."
He takes a cigarette out of his pocket and begins to rummage around for a lighter. He can't find one, and after a few too many moments spent looking for it, a hand reaches across and lights his cigarette for him. He grows more comfortable and takes a long, satisfied drag.
Security Guy Bob: "Thanks."
A voice, familiar, answers from off screen.
???: "No problem. Who are you looking for?"
Bob's eyes narrow as he stares down at the burning embers of his cigarette. He's cracked another case. He glances at the woman next to him.
Security Guy Bob: "I'm looking for you, Michelle. What are you doing here? You know you've been asked to stay away."
MvH: "Nobody told me."
Security Guy Bob: "They announced it on the show."
MvH: "I don't watch the show."
Security Guy Bob: "I'm sure you heard anyway."
Michelle joins the working man in lighting a smoke of her own. She inhales deeply and watches Chad checking the assembled superfans.
MvH: "I heard. And who exactly is going to stop me? You and Chad?"
You can almost hear Bob gulp before he replies.
Security Guy Bob: "We'll try, if we have to."
Dreamer doesn't suppress a chuckle. She admires his moxie and his pluck.
MvH: "Is this from Russnow?"
Bob nods his head.
Security Guy Bob: "Watkins, too. They were both at our briefing this morning. The whole team's looking out for you."
MvH: "Well, you found me."
Security Guy Bob: "You going to try and get in?"
Dreamer stares at the staff entrance, a playful but indecipherable glint in her eye. She turns away from the arena and offers the stiff a wink.
MvH: "Not yet."
With that, she walks back across the park. After watching her leave, his eyes full of caution and mistrust, Security Guy Bob reassumes his position. And now his watch begins.

040: “POP A FORTY.”
Live from the Allstate Arena near Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Saturday 25th May, 2024.

The crowd boos as Sir Stache, Mejor Amigo, and Tony Scott emerge from the back first followed by Big Bryan Baxter and finally the FWA World Champion, Jeremy Best.
Jean-Luc Watkins: “It appears our champion Jeremy Best will be gracing us with his presence to start the show.”
Konchu Hao: “Those are not the words I would use to describe this scenario, Jean-Luc.”
Jean-Luc Watkins: “That’s fair enough, Konchu. But be that as it may, Jeremy Best walked out of Carnal Contendership with that title still in his possession.”
Konchu Hao: “Through quite the nefarious means! Including keeping Konchu from the building while his Friendship Freaks took advantage!”
Jean-Luc Watkins: “Hey no one is arguing with that. Jeremy had a lot of help but either way, he’s still the FWA World Champion whether we like it or not. And it’ll be interesting to hear from him tonight after what we saw on Meltdown with his designated Back in Business opponent… seemingly electing to pull out of title match.”
While the fans boo the arrival of the Friendship Wrestling Alliance, Jeremy is all smiles as he makes his way down the ring surrounded by his friends. Mejor Amigo and Sir Stache climb up the steps onto the apron first, sitting on the middle ropes to allow Jeremy to climb up and step through the ropes and into the ring.
Jeremy takes the microphone.
Jeremy Best: ”Hiya Besties!”
Jeremy smiled his goofy smile while waving to the booing crowd.
Jeremy Best: ”The last few weeks have been crazy, haven’t they! But I’m so glad to be here tonight with all my friends!”
Still… loud boos.
Jeremy Best: ”But I’m also a little sad, if I’m gonna be honest. Sad because… of what could’ve been.”
Jeremy noticeably sighs while Sir Stache offers a reassuring shoulder rub to his friend and mentor.
Jeremy Best: ”Allow me to explain. Allow me to tell you a story. A story about a younger Jeremy Best. A Jeremy Best that should’ve known better. But many years ago… Your New Best Friend… had an idol. He had someone he looked up to. He had someone he could only imagine… could only DREAM… that one day he’d share the ring with. I was his biggest fan…”
“And of course… that man was…”
“And if you would’ve told that Jeremy that… one day… ONE DAY… he’d get to main event Back in Business… against THAT KRASH… he’d tell you that you were crazy. That it was impossible.”
“In fact, he never would’ve thought it’d be possible he’d even share the ring with his hero.”
“But boy did I ever get to share the ring with my hero. Cibernetico… he chose me. I was his personal pick to be on his team. He saw himself in me. He said that I could be just like him. It was an experience like I never thought was possible.”
“But then something happened.”
“Back in Business… in 2022….”
“The Krash I knew.”
“The Krash I idolized.”
“The Krash I loved.”
“He… died.”
“I watched it. You all saw it. He battled with Randy Ramon. He put everything into that battle… but he fell into the lake and he was never seen again.”
“The Krash we all know and loved died on that day.”
“I was a fool. I thought I could find him. I thought I could save him. Because he was my friend. He was my hero. He was… everything… to me.”
“So when I thought I found him. When I thought I could save him. I put everything I could into it.”
“But… whatever I found…. Whatever that thing is… it’s not Krash. Just look at it. Look at those eyes. That’s not Krash. That’s not Jake Montrosse.”
“I don’t know what IT is… but it’s not the hero I had.”
“The Krash I believed in for so ;long is gone. He abandoned me. He abandoned US. He abandoned all of you!”
“So last year at Back in Business… I agreed to a Buried Alive Match. Because I thought I could put that demon back where it belonged. Krash was dead and he belongs buried. So I thought I could get rid of whatever was inhabiting his body… and bury it. Once and or all. Kill it… once and for all.”
“But I made a mistake.”
“You can’t kill… something… that’s already dead.”
“So imagine my disappointment when I see that… thing… won the Carnal Contendership. But rejoice, my Besties, because the demon that inhabits the body of the man we all once knew as Krash… has made the wise decision. He has decided… to not face me at Back in Business.”
“And this is for… well, the best.”
“Because that’s not my Krash.”
“That’s not my hero.”
“And as you can see… I’ve learned from the mistakes of my hero. I now have people who look up to me… just as I looked up to him.”
Jeremy motions to the members of the Friendship Wrestling Alliance.
Jeremy Best: ”But unlike Krash, I will not abandon them. I will always be there for them. They believe in me… much like I believed in you, Krash. But where were you when I needed you most? Even before you died… even before Back in Business two years ago… you had already abandoned me. At Mile High… you won the title… and you never looked back. I helped you get there… I helped you ascend to that height. My efforts in Cibernetico got you that title… and what thanks did you give me? NOTHING!”
“I look in the eyes of that man… that thing… that now calls itself Krash.”
“They are empty. They are hollow. There’s no soul behind them.”
“So go ahead. Decline the title shot. You don’t deserve it.”
“And rejoice… my lovely defenders of Friendship… we remain undefeated in this war. Thanks to the efforts of my most devoted of friends… Bryan Baxter…”
Jeremy beams as he directs the attention to the former North American champion, who appears quite uncomfortable with attention being sent his way.
Jeremy Best: ”...we have managed to keep our World Friendship Championship safe from the hands of a false friend, Cyrus Truth. But more will challenge friendship as we know it… but fear not Besties… I am know we need more to win this battle. Don’t you worry… as we speak, the next generation of defenders are being trained… and built up…”
“The era of Friendship. Is just beginning.”
Jeremy smiles as he extends his arms out and takes in a group hug with Sir Stache, Mejor Amigo, and Tonya Scott. Baxter remains mostly isolated in the background but exits with the group as Jeremy Best is all smiles knowing that he has escaped a match with Krash at Back in Business.

Natalie Rosenberg: “Ladies and gentlemen, this match is set for ONE FALL! Introducing first, from Little Italy, Geno Galuuuuuuuci!”
Gino Galucci appears at the top of the ramp and waves to the warm reception from the capacity crowd. With a confident smile, he waves to the crowd, high fiving the fans as he makes his way down the ramp. Gino bounces from the steps and onto the apron before hopping into the ring, and throwing both arms in the air, welcoming the pop from the audience.
Jean-Luc Watkins: “Gino Galucci is a newcomer to FWA, but he got a lot of attention after his showing at Carnal Contendership. He’s looking to pick up his first win in FWA in a tough matchup with a man who has been involved in the TV title picture in his relatively short time in FWA.”
Natalie Rosenberg: “Aaaaand his opponent, hailing from White Chapel, London, accompanied to the ring by the Scissor Sisters, Jack the Cliperrrrrrr!’
The crowd lets out a chorus of boos as FWA’s least-popular barber appears at the top of the ramp. He seems unphased by their displeasure as he stomps toward the ring, leaving the Scissor Sisters several steps behind. He pulls himself up onto the apron, steps through the ropes, and immediately charges toward Gino, knocking him to the ground with a clothesline!
Konchu Hao: “Looks like this one is getting started.”

FIRST MATCH || 1/20.
Jack the Clipper vs. Gino Galucci.
Singles Match.
Match writer: Tommy.

<< 00:00. >>
Jack quickly builds on his early, albeit illegal, momentum, by stomping Galucci’s chest and head while the referee tries to create enough distance to give Gino a chance to get to his feet. Galucci still has his jacket on as Clipper ignores the official who has made it to 4 in his 5-count. Finally, as the official gets to 4, Jack throws up his hands and backs away from his opponent.
The official positions himself between the competitors as Gino slowly gets to his feet. He pulls himself up by the top rope, gets to his feet in the corner, and gingerly gets his jacket off.
Just as the official backs away, Jack the Clipper sees another opportunity and charges in again, but this time, Galucci ducks out of the way as the Clipper slams into the top turnbuckle chest first. Galucci charges in and delivers a chop block to the Clipper’s knees, forcing him to the ground. Gino then starts kicking Jack in the back and sides.
Jean-Luc Watkins: “Looks like the newcomer has rebounded after that tough opening. He’s got all the momentum right now.”
<< 04:24. >>
Gino Galucci still has the momentum behind him, and this crowd is electric. Chants of “Gino, Gino, Gino” fill the air as he drives Jack the Clipper into the mat with a textbook German suplex. As Gino moves in, Jack the Clipper realizes that the official is out of position, and he lands a low blow! Gino grabs his pepperonis and crumples to the mat.
Konchu Hao: “Jack the Clipper with the low blow. This one should already be over.”
Jean-Luc Watkins: “I’m not sure how the ref missed that one, but that may have been the break that Jack the Clipper needs.”
That appears to be the case as Jack the Clipper slowly gets to his feet, obviously a bit woozy from the German suplex that saw him get dropped on his head. He kneels down beside Galucci and starts delivering a series of punches and elbows to the side of his opponent’s head. With Gino down, Jack then takes his upper arm, where the hair has been cut into short, sharp spikes, and starts grinding them across Galucci’s forehead.
Sure that his opponent is incapacitated, the Clipper climbs up to the second rope.
Jean-Luc Watkins: “That’s a big man climbing those ropes, Konchu.”
The Clipper, all 273 pounds of him, launches himself from the second rope and drives a massive elbow into the sternum of Gino Galucci. He quickly goes for the cover!
NO! Gino gets a shoulder up, much to the relief of the crowd. Jack quickly starts punishing him in the head again, trying to drive him to unconsciousness and goes for another pin.
NO! Once again, Gino gets his shoulder up.
Jack the Clipper is getting visibly frustrated as he slams his fists into the mat. He drags Gino to his feet and drives Galucci to the mat with a Barberbreaker!
Jean-Luc Watkins: “The Barberbreaker! This one may be over!”
Clipper goes for the pin again.
NO! NO! Somehow, Gino manages to get his shoulder up with the ref’s hand only an inch from the mat.
Konchu Hao: “This Galucci kid will not stay down!”
<< 09:31. >>
Both men are down in the center of the ring after a double clothesline left them both looking up at the lights. The “Gino” chants have returned as the crowd tries to will him back to life. The official is well into his count, and we may be heading to a double count out.
Jack the Clipper rolls onto his side, but can’t get to his feet.
Gino is stirring too, but he’s obviously worn down
Clipper is pulling himself up by the ropes as Gino has grabbed onto the official’s waistband to get to his feet.
Jean-Luc Watkins: “This one isn’t over! Both men are back to their feet!”
Gino delivers a forearm to Jack’s jaw, but the barber responds with one of his own. Soon, the two men are exchanging blows, both refusing to give an inch. Gino goes for a haymaker and misses! Jack the Clipper grabs him and goes for the Clipper Cutter!
The Clipper is thrown off by the escape as Gino charges toward him from behind. He’s going for Slice Slice Baby!
The Clipper catches Gino on the rebound and drives him chest-first into the corner. The Clipper gets a sadistic look on his face as he charges in. He spins around and attempts a Little Off the Top!
Gino gets his elbow up first and catches Jack in the mouth, as FWA’s evil barber falls to a knee. Out of nowhere, Gino Galucci hits The Clipper with the Pizza Trigger!
Galucci goes for the pin!
Natalie Rosenberg: “Here is your winner! GINO GALUUUUUUUUCCI!”
Winner:Gino Galucci by Pinfall at 12:02.
Galucci gets to his feet as the official raises his hand. The crowd is ecstatic by the result.
Jean-Luc Watkins: “Gino Galucci is putting the FWA locker room on notice. This young man has been impressive both times we’ve seen him.”
Gino hops through the ropes and offers high-fives and hugs to the fans around ringside as he makes his way up the ramp.

Backstage, in an open area where staff and wrestlers gather, there’s screens showing the ongoing matches and the show for curious eyes. Though, at this time, a recap is playing from Meltdown in which we see, perhaps the biggest shock of the show, Krash announcing he is relinquishing his World title match. Keeping herself at a distance from the others is a woman in a kitsune inspired lucha mask. You know her, Katsu. Despite wearing her traditional mask, she’s not dressed to wrestle and instead has a pair of jean shorts on with a red top, purse slung over her shoulder. Arms crossed, she looks at the screen attentively, remaining quiet. Behind her is the logo of the Chicago Wolves hockey team, with a framed picture of a past championship winning team.
Looking at highlights and advertisements of the roster, her potential Back in Business plans swirl through her head. Could she step forward against some of her future Steel Roulette opponents? Maybe exercise some past demons? Or even fight someone new. She taps her foot before looking at the palm of her hand-
Where she holds a small wooden doll. It has a fox shape with a tail and a rounded bottom, as if it was seated. With some of the painted designs on it, most notably one eye is blank with the other having a black splotch of ink for its pupil. The Sky Fox is lost in thought until someone’s voice jolts her out of her daydream.
???: “Heyya Foxy!”
Katsu shakes her head and hides what was in her hand as she sees a member of production. Covering her dark hair is a beanie with an FWA branded polo shirt on. Her name tag reads ‘Kimmy Cortez (She/They)” Katsu appears to recognise her and breathes a sigh of relief.
Katsu: “Kimmy… You scared me.”
Kimmy Cortez: “What? We both work here.”
She snickers.
Katsu: “I know, remember, you working on videos for me got you hired in the first place.”
Katsu gathers herself as she addresses her friend.
Katsu: “What are you doing here? I thought you were in the production truck?”
Kimmy Cortez: “I put in extra hours this week so I finished early. I had to edit your interview with Katie and that was a nightmare since someone lost the audio and I had to search for it.”
They laugh as Katsu rolls her eyes at her friend.
Katsu: “You hero.”
Kimmy Cortez: “All part of the job.”
She says with a proud look on her face.
Kimmy Cortez: “Nice just to watch the show without having to worry about making sure the right music plays or the graphics don't mess up. Shame you aren’t wrestling.”
Katsu: “I think I have earned a weekend off.”
Katsu comments.
Katsu: “And with how much I pushed myself before my injury, I rather ‘ease’ my way back to my schedule. Make sure I’m giving my everything each match.”
Kimmy pats Katsu on the shoulder.
Kimmy Cortez: “I get’cha. Don’t want to see you crash and burn. Though you did decide to fly to America for a weekend even when not wrestling.”
Katsu shows a small smirk. She looks at Kimmy.
Katsu: “There’s more a wrestler needs to do than just wrestle a match. Besides, it is Back in Business season. I’m looking for something… Exciting to do for the big show. So I need to do some scouting.”
Kimmy Cortez: “Considering how your return went, I think it'd be a crime if you didn't have something on Back in Biz.”
Kimmy supports their friend, but gives a pause, adding.
Kimmy Cortez: “Buuut… I’m not sure sitting back too long will do you good.”
Katsu: “So you are a wrestling expert now after one year working in a wrestling company?”
She jokes with her friend.
Kimmy Cortez: “-And been a wrestling fan for years. But this is FWA, not Japan. Sometimes you need to make noise to get something and Back in Business time where’s everyone gunning for something! And have you BEEN Paying attention to what’s happened since you’ve been gone?”
Katsu: “I know, I know.”
Kimmy Cortez: "Seriously..."
Katsu: "Kay you don't-"
Kimmy begins to list off a bunch of things, increasing in speed with each thing she lists, even raising her voice.
Kimmy Cortez: “Xavien, forced to drop his tag title and X title shot. Ramon pulls a fast one with Toner to get the tag belts. Steiner AND Gray both get injured before a title match, TV belt vacated. Tommy, before King of the Deathmatch, messes up his shoulder, can’t enter and drops the X belt. A RACOON is a champion. Bobby Joel here’s now for some reason. It seems like everyone’s going through an Emo phase or are extra moody as of late, Konchu is on commentary. Oh, and there’s the fact that Krash is relinquishing his title match at Back in Business on account of the fact Jeremy is NUTS and KIDNAPPED AND TORTURED HIM LAST YEAR! SERIOUSLY HOW DID HE NOT GO TO JAIL!?”
Kimmy has to catch their breath as Katsu blinks through her mask.
Katsu: “Easy… Easy… I know. Your point?”
Finally, Cortez gets to her point.
Kimmy Cortez: “A lot is going down and if you are too cautious, you’ll be left in the dust. I get that you have to worry about stuff on both sides of the pacific, but after finishing second in Carnal Contendership you deserve something. So make ‘em take notice.”
The Kitsune Warrior hums and absorbs the opinion of her friend. She looks at her hand again and the doll she has. A small reminder for her. She takes a look at the screen again and a lightbulb goes off in her head. Tucking the doll in her purse, she mutters.
Katsu: “You may be right…”
And Katsu begins to walk away.
Kimmy Cortez: “I know that look, what are you thinking?”
Looking behind her, Katsu smiles.
Katsu: “I’m going to see Russnow. I think it is about time I have my first one on one match in FWA in almost a year. Make some noise, but do it my way-”
Returning a grin, Kimmy’s hyped up.
Kimmy Cortez: “That’s the spirit!”
Katsu: “-And.”
The Japanese star continues her thought.
Katsu: “I might have something else in mind, just you see.”
She gives a confident wink to her friend.
Katsu: “See you next week.”
Heading down the hallway, Katsu strolls along, feeling a sense of enthusiasm as she, hopefully, gets back on the grind in FWA… On the Path to Back in Business.

Natalie Rosenberg: “The next contest is set for one fall with a twenty-minute-time-limit!”
The alluring vocals of Janet Jackson’s “That’s The Way Love Goes” begins to play as the mood lighting in the arena dims to a sultry shade of red. Walking out onto the stage, through a steady cloud of smoke, are two people wearing pink, glittery, skin-tight full body suits. The back of one suit says “Antonio” in white and the back of the other says “Monica” in white. They each hold one furry cone shaped object in their hands as they slowly move and vibe to the music while standing on either side of the entryway. After a few seconds, out saunters Xperienx Xtacee, looking as flashy as ever in light purple, glittery tights with a matching velvet cloak and holding a rhinestone-encrusted cane. He motions Monica and Antonio with the cane, signaling them to come over and kiss him on either cheek. Xtacee puts on a very satisfied smile and holds his cane with both hands, pointing it in front of him, as Monica and Antonio stand at his side and point the furry cones at him. In unison, Xperienx Xtacee thrusts with the cane as his lovers tap the back of the cones, causing golden confetti to come shooting out of all three objects.
Natalie Rosenberg: “Making his way to the ring, side-by-side with his lovers Monica and Antonio, hailing from The Right Side of the Bed in Las Vegas, Nevada, and weighing in at a lean 180 pounds, Xperienx Xtacee!”
Jean-Luc Watkins: “Xtacee has experienced a fair amount of shortcomings as of late, most recently at the CC where not only he was eliminated but he was unable to secure a spot in the Golden Opportunity match. Tonight he’s looking for a win to bounce back in the win column, and possibly carve a path toward Back in Business…”
Now in the ring, Antonio grabs Xtacee’s cane and slides it out of his hand before leaving the ring. Monica removes Xtacee’s cloak and top before also leaving the ring. Xperienx goes into the corner and sits atop the turnbuckle with a flirtatious smile on his face as he stares down the entryway.
The crowd comes alive for Gabrielle who comes out looking ready and determined in her classic attire of the shortest of shorts, low-cut sports bra, and knee high boots all in white.
Natalie Rosenberg: “His opponent, from Auckland, New Zealand and weighing in at 132 lb…she is The Goddess…Gabrielle!”
Jean-Luc Watkins: “Gabrielle also was unsuccessful in the CC but she did secure a spot in the Golden Opportunity match. Much like her opponent, Gabrielle has also had her fair share of shortcomings as of late and she’s looking for a much needed win tonight.”
Konchu Hao: “Upon doing some research for this match, I learned Gabrielle and Mr. Xtacee are business partners now.”
Jean-Luc Watkins: “I did hear about that as well, Konchu. Gabrielle will have a hand in helping Xtacee’s club, The Right Side of the Bed.”
Konchu Hao: “It's a bit odd to get in bed with your opponent before you have a match with them, but stranger things have happened here in the FWA.”
Gabrielle is in the ring now and stands across from Xtacee as Grace-Lynn Guerrero checks both competitors before signaling for the bell…

Gabrielle vs. Xperienx Xtacee.
Singles Match.
Match writer: Jimmy.

<< 00:00. >>
Gabrielle doesn’t miss a beat after the opening bell and catches Xtacee by surprise with a running forearm that knocks him back into the corner, and Gabby stays on the attack with a running corner dropkick! She drags Xtacee out of the corner in a front facelock and peppers him with successive european uppercuts that have him reeling on the ropes, and eventually tosses him to the opposite but Xtacee holds on and catches an incoming Goddess with a back body drop to the apron where Gabby lands on her feet with precision. Gabrielle swings for the fences but she’s blocked as Xtacee counters with a right hook! He sets her in position and brings her back in the ring the hard way with a suplex! Gabrielle sits up with a wince and she winces once more as Xtacee strikes with a low kick to the spine, and he follows that up with a running basement dropkick that puts her back on the mat…
Jean-Luc Watkins: “This one started off hot and heavy in a hurry with Gabrielle showing off some aggressiveness, but Xtacee will not take that lying down…”
Koncho Hao: “Those losses that have piled up for The Goddess have got to be eating away at her, so I’m not surprised she’s being so aggressive and Xtacee is wise to counteract it like he has thus far…”
Jean-Luc Watkins: “Both competitors are hungry for a win but only one of them can walk away with one tonight…”
Xtacee has Gabrielle in a front facelock and drills her with an uppercut to the chin, and then follows up with a few chops to the chest before he sends her to the corner. He charges at her with a running knee, but Gabrielle moves out of the way in time and catches him on the side of the head with a jumping heel kick that knocks him back into the corner. She backs up before catching him with a thrust kickcin the corner! She keeps a hold on him and brings him out of the corner with a running bulldog! She then goes for the lateral press…
<< 05:06. >>
Gabrielle has a rear headlock applied but Xtacee starts to fight his way free and counters with a snapmare takeover but Gabrielle is right back on her feet, yet Xtacee is ready for that and connects with a gut kick, followed by a lick of his hand and he drops down, slaps her across the face, kip up, and enzuigiri!
Konchu Hao: “That was an…interesting sequence of events…”
Gabrielle is stunned and Xtacee has her in his possession and takes her down with a snap suplex! He follows that up with two successive leg drops, followed by a slow shake of the hips, and then finishes off with another leg drop before hooking the leg…
Jean-Luc Watkins: “Xtacee is having a bit of fun at the expense of The Goddess thus far…”
Konchu Hao: “I’m all for mind games and getting inside of an opponent’s head, but even I find it to be a bit unwise to test the patience of someone like Gabrielle…especially in her current state of mind...”
Xtacee whips Gabrielle back to the corner and goes for a running splash but Gabrielle moves again, but this time she catches Xtacee from behind with a roll-up!
Xtacee kicks out and rolls through but as he’s on his knees, he eats a knee strike from Gabrielle! Gabrielle unleashes a flurry of shoot kicks to Xtacee’s chest area, and then quickly follows that up with a shotgun dropkick! She drags Xtacee near the corner and hits a split-legged moonsault into a pin!
<< 09:56. >>
Gabrielle has Xtacee in a front face lock and begins to unload on him with a barrage of chops to the chest, but Xtacee counters with his own chest chops. Soon enough, the two exchange chest chops, much to the delight of the fans who are eating it up…
Eventually, Gabrielle gains the upper hand and fires off a forearm strike flush on the jaw that rocks Xtacee…she sets him up for her finish…but Xtacee spins out of it despite feeling the effects on the forearm strike to the jaw he still has some fight left in him, and he fires back with forearm strike of his own that rocks Gabrielle and she spins around enough and he catches her with a jumping STO!
Xtacee sends her to the corner and this time he connects with a running splash! He then hits Gabrielle with a bulldog out of the corner…he climbs up top and waits as Gabrielle rises up…he leaps off with a crossbody…but Gabrielle catches him mid-air and counters with a fallaway slam!
Jean-Luc Watkins: “Xperienx Xtacee was rolling but now Gabrielle is back in the driver’s seat!”
Konchu Hao: “I sense we are nearing the end of this one, Watkins…”
Gabrielle has Xtacee where she wants him now as she sets him up…The 34 D Double D-DT! She makes the cover…
Winner: Gabrielle by pin at 13:58.
Natalie Rosenberg: “The winner of the match…Gabrielle!!!”
Gabrielle quickly leaves the ring to relish in her much needed victory while back in the ring Xtacee is tended to by Monica and Antonio, both of whom glare at Gabrielle, who turns to look back inside the ring and she seems pleased with her work as she returns their glares with a sly smirk…
Jean-Luc Watkins: “That has got to feel good for Gabrielle to get back on the winning side, but at the expense of Xperienx Xtacee, who falls back again…”
Konchu Hao: “I can imagine that’s going to make the next business meeting between them awkward, to say the least…”

Backstage at Fallout in The Menage locker room, XYZ wears his green cape around his neck. He sits in a couch watching a game of the board game "Battleship being played by two members of his team. On one side sits Christian Howard, who nervously looks down at the board. On the other side sits Lizzy Golden, who seems confident. She smirks before immediately calling out "F7".
"How do you keep doing this?!"
XYZ grabs and shows Lizzy a red peg, signifying that she made a hit.
"Your battleship?"
"Yes. My battleship."
"You have to say 'it,'" Lizzy says.
"Do I really? You've beaten me four straight times."
"Saaaaay iiiiiiit," Liz says mockingly.
Christian sighs before corralling his best version of a war general voice.
"YOU'VE SUNK MY BATTLESHIP!" he shouts while raising his fist mockingly.
"Half-assed performance."
"Lizzy!" shouts Sierra from one side of the locker room.
Christian gets up from the table and XYZ remains lost in thought as he stares at the game.
"You OK, X?" Frank says from a spot in the room behind Lizzy.
"Hmm? Oh, yes. Yes. I am just ... among the clouded thoughts of our foremothers, forefathers, and forebirds."
"Certainly about your mom coming back," Sierra says. "It has been a whirlwind of a few weeks with Wild Jerry leaving, the King of the Deathmatch stuff, The Coven and Kleio de Santos, and now your mom."
"Which, we should discuss what we saw on Meltdown, right? The stuff with Kleio de Santos talking to someone about a way to really get to X emotionally? That seems like something we should discuss."
Christian Howard is probably correct, but X's thoughts are understandably elsewhere. Suddenly, the door opens and a woman -- the woman -- walks in. She has a very thin figure – almost sickly thin – with black hair and beautiful pale skin. She seems to be around 40 years old in the face, but some of her skin is wrinkled, so maybe she’s closer to 50. Her attire is bombastic, with a vibrantly colorful shirt to go with pink pants fitting for the Kentucky Derby horse race.
The woman, who The Menage now know to be XYZ's mom, carries a large McDonald's bag filled with specialized food orders. With no accent and a bland, slightly high-pitch woman's voice, she calls out the food items.
"10 nuggets."
"Nice!" Lizzy says as she reaches out and accepts the tiny box filled with McGoodness.
"McChicken sandwich plain."
"Me," says Sierra, who senses judgement from the woman for having a sandwich "plain" with just meat and bread. "This was one of Devin's favorites."
"Um ... a McDouble hamburger?"
"That's me. Thanks," says Christian.
"That leaves 6 nuggets and fries for Frank and my McChicken with everything on it. You sure you don't want anything, X?"
"No, no. Thank you, though."
Sierra glares at the rest of The Menage and head-nods toward the door, a signal that they should all leave XYZ and his long-lost, newly found mother alone. As Christian, Frank, Liz, and Sierra scurry with their food, X stays in the room and his mom sits on one of the benches adjacent to him.
"I can tell your mind is muddled. Can you tell me why? Is it something to do with me?"
X does not answer in the affirmative or negative, but his non-answer is an answer for sure. He sort of grunts and then looks down to the ground yet again.
"So ... you have been where ... for these past 20-something years?"
"Twenty eight years. Don't think I haven't kept track. Do you remember that it was May? It was May of 1996. Almost to the day. May 29th, to be exact."
It was so long ago -- and X was so young -- that he cannot dispute this. Sounds correct, though.
"Listen, X. I've been place to place, just trying to find a way through life. You know I wasn't in the best place at that time. I tried to get better. I did and then didn't. I wanted to reach out so many times."
"Why didn't you?"
"Because ... well ... I don't know. I didn't know if you'd want me to. But when I saw you on television these past few years, I really tried to get better. Then, when I saw the stuff that you were looking for your mom, I decided to take the step. I flew to Paris when I heard you'd be there. Asked around to see where you'd be, if you were filming.
I didn't know how you'd take it and it's understandable for you to be unsure of this all."
"Yeah, it is."
"Well ... I want you to have some time to yourself. Just know that I'm your mom and mom loves you a lot. I'm going to leave you alone for a bit. I know you have been in your head. I could see it during your match on Meltdown against that woman Michelle. But otherwise, you competed well! You have talent, honey. You just need ... your family. Your mom. A mother's love will fill the void, a void you've been trying to fill for twenty eight years, honey."
X stays sitting as his mom rises up from her bench in the locker room and heads to the door. Before she leaves, though, she comes over and puts her hand on X's left arm, which joins his right arm in being placed down against his knees in a contemplative, hunched-forward sitting posture.
"I'm here for you, honey. You'll always be my superhero."
Those words resonate with XYZ, who looks up and watches his mom leave the locker room.

Natalie Rosenberg: “The following contest is a Trios Match scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, the team of Juan Tothrefor, Halloween Knight and Trash Mammal; the FWA Trios Champions… TR1CK OR TR4SH!”
Jean-Luc Watkins: “These luchadors would have spent some time since Carnal Contendership celebrating Cinco de Mayo where they were hopefully able to patch up their differences after that buffoon Juan’s counting habits costs the group spots in the Carnal Contendership match. Trash Mammal in particular was not best pleased…”
Konchu Hao: “With the run he’s on at the moment, that comes as little surprise! He currently possesses a perfect record of seven victories with no defeats. Were I a betting wizard, I’d have put my money on him!”
The Trios Champions enter the ring together and Halloween Knight does his dance once more for the fans before the music cuts off. Trash Mammal is in deep conversation with Juan as they await their opponents.
Natalie Rosenberg: “Their opponents… from The Yukon, Canada and at a combined weight of seven-hundred and fifty pounds… Doug Lupone, Dan Lupone and Lucy Lupone… THE LUUUUUUMBERRRRRJAAAACKS!!!”
Konchu Hao: “Purveyors of terror on all arborian lifeforms! Their weaponry is considered basic in the grand scheme of the known universe but most would not recover from an axe to the face from a leviathan!”
Jean-Luc Watkins: “Those big guys do certainly pack a punch and their ruggedness is shared with their younger sister, Lucy. This match is non-title, but a victory for The Lumberjacks here would almost certainly have them back and in prime position for a crack at the championships.”
Lucy rolls into the ring and then watches as Doug and Dan step onto the apron and then over the top rope into the ring. The luchadors across the ring from them are awestruck by the size of their opponents, but see Lucy as a more manageable prospect. Dan nominates himself to start for The Lumberjacks whilst Juan is instructed immediately that he is beginning the match for the Trios Champions, perhaps as a final recompense for his error of judgment at Carnal Contendership. Referee Joey Ortiz calls for the bell.

THIRD MATCH || 1/20.
TR1CK OR TR4SH (Juan Tothrefor, Trash Mammal, and Hallowe’en Knight) vs. The Lumberjacks (Doug LuPone, Dan LuPone, and Lucy LuPone).
Trios Match.
Match writer: Man.

<< 00:00. >>
Juan sizes up his large opponent as he and Dan converge on the centre of the ring. The Mexican initiates contact by attempting to wring Dan’s arm, but the burly man blocks it and shoves Juan away. Juan fires back with a Superkick to the midsection, and then another to the shin. He is unable to complete his Counting Stars sequence though because Dan wraps his hand around his throat. Dan elevates Juan up, but he lands on his feet and then hits the ropes, looking to come back with a Running Crossbody… but Dan catches him and sends him into the mat with a Scoop Slam!
The Lumberjack roughly pulls Juan up from the mat once again and delivers another one! Dan tries to hype the crowd up before picking Juan up and scoring with a THIRD Scoop Slam!!
Konchu Hao: “This is cruel, Jean-Luc! Juan LOVES counting and his favourite pastime is being employed as a weapon against him. This is psychological warfare at its finest… IT’S GREAT! KEHAHAHA!”
Juan crawls towards his partners on the apron and Dan backs into his own corner, allowing Doug to tag himself in, as Juan jumps up and gets Halloween Knight’s hand. Knight rushes in as Doug gets into the ring and he goes for a forearm, but Doug bursts into life with a cartwheel to avoid him! Halloween Knight puts the brakes on and turns around… into a huge LARIAT from Doug!! It knocks the veteran luchador through a loop and Doug drops to his knees, pressing his hands down on the orange and black costumed chest;
Picking Halloween Knight up from the mat, Doug sends him into the corner and then tags his twin brother back in. Dan paces towards the opposite corner in front of Trash Mammal and Juan Tothrefor… and charges in with a BODY AVALANCHE - BUT THERE’S NO ONE HOME!! Halloween Knight evades and Dan goes chest-first into the corner. He rolls through and pops out into the air, tagging in Trash Mammal, as Dan reaches out for Lucy.
Jean-Luc Watkins: “Here’s the undefeated and proven Trash Mammal, opposing the unproven entity in this Lumberjack trio. The younger sister, Lucy.”
Lucy’s initial strike is blocked by Trash Mammal’s forearms, and the rodent then gets a go-behind which he transitions into an arm-wringer… but Lucy pulls him in and connects with an elbow to the side of the head! This rocks Trash Mammal, who fires back with an Uppercut that catches Lupone completely offguard, he charges in and ducks Lucy’s swinging arm and hops up onto the ring apron over the top rope. Dan approaches him on the apron, but Trash Mammal cuts him off with a stomp on his knee. Trash Mammal then looks to springboard into the ring, but Lucy meets him with a boot to the midsection upon his landing… FLOATOVER DDT!!! The Lumberjacks assume a rare moment of control.
<< 05:39. >>
In the middle of the ring, Dan Lupone attempts to squeeze the life out of Trash Mammal with a Bear Hug, after the Lumberjacks had spent the last couple of minutes isolating him from his teammates. Trash Mammal reaches out for Halloween Knight and Juan Tothrefor, but in the middle of the ring he is unable to get anywhere near either of them for a tag.
Jean-Luc Watkins: “This looks like quite a difficult situation for Trash Mammal here, Konchu. A Bear Hug like this will put incredible pressure on your rib cage and will make it hard to breath. A mask is going to make that situation even worse, correct?”
Konchu Hao: “A traditional wrestling mask akin to the one being worn by the Trios Champions, yes. However what you see on my head is merely the best way for your human eyes to comprehend my true form and visage.”
The fans start to get behind Trash Mammal a bit and he attempts to remove himself from the clutches of the large man. A couple of punches to the head seems to do the trick and eventually, he fights himself out of the hold. A Rolling Uppercut from Trash Mammal sends Dan back into his corner and Doug tags himself in, and Trash Mammal tags in Halloween Knight. Knight hops onto the top rope and takes flight… TERROR TORNADO DDT!!! Doug gets spiked on the top of his head, but makes overtures at getting back to his feet once more, but Halloween Knight is ready… DIA DE LOS MUERTOS!! The Spinning Wheel Kick causes the big man to slowly fall backwards…
Jean-Luc Watkins: “TIMBERRRRRRRRR! If a lumberjack falls in the ring, who is there to pin him? Halloween Knight - that’s who!”
Lucy stomps on Halloween Knight’s back to break up the pin and then measures him as he rises to his feet, cracking him with a Step Up Knee to the face!! Lucy rises to her feet once again but sees Trash Mammal oncoming. She goes to strike him but he ducks it and lifts her up… RABIES SHOT!!!! The move causes Lucy to roll under the ring and Trash Mammal sees Dan approaching him, so he drops the top rope and allows the big man to fall to the floor! Juan Tothrefor runs across the apron with an eye on the still-down Doug in the middle of the ring… and takes flight with the SENOR SENTON!!! Halloween Knight, holding his jaw, then gets on top of Doug;
Winner: TR1CK OR TR4SH by pin fall at 08:09.
Natalie Rosenberg: “Here are your winners, the FWA Trios Champions, TR1CK OR TR4SH!!”
TR1CK OR TR4SH are handed their championships by the referee and all gather for a group hug in the middle of the ring, still undefeated when teaming together. Trash Mammal puts an arm around Juan and the two help Halloween Knight up from the mat. The Lumberjacks gather themselves too and begin to trudge back up the ramp.
Jean-Luc Watkins: “Another impressive victory for TR1CK OR TR4SH here on Fallout and well, I must admit that they’re starting to win me over a bit. Racking up wins like this is hard and they’ve knocked off a good team here tonight in Chicago.”
Konchu Hao: “The Dark Roads Alliance has competition for the greatest Trio in FWA history. Perhaps I will enter discussions with Cyrus Truth to see if we can change that undefeated record of theirs!”

Tired of being told no?
That you'll never make it?
Feel like no one believes in you?
We believe in you.
We will be there for you.
We will make your dreams come true.
Coming Soon.

The rather…interesting choice of a entrance theme rings out through the crowd and so does a growing cheer as the lovely Chicago crowd sees him before the camera can, swinging from his rope onto the stage,landing in the signature Spidey pose, it is the friendly wrestlinghood Spooder-Man!
Natalie Rosenberg: "Our fourth match of the evening is set for one fall with a ten minute time limit! Introducing first, fighting out of Sofia, Bulgaria, weighing in at 190 pounds, SPOOOOOOOOOOOOODER-MAAAAAAAAN!"
Busting moves down the aisle like Toby Maguire in Spiderman 3, Spooder-Man makes it to the bottom of the ramp, does a rather graceful looking foot-slide, and points suavely to the camera, before strutting his stuff all the way into the ring, before strutting on over to one of the corners and hopping onto the turnbuckle and standing in a crouched position on the top of the ring post as his entrance music fades.
Jean-Luc Watkins: "Well, Spooder-Man seems to be making the most of his rare opportunity at having an actual entrance. He seems in high spirits!"
Konchu Hao: "Maybe, but likely not for long…"
As Spooder-Man sits in his signature pose on the top turnbuckle post, awaiting the arrival of his opponent, ‘Only Love Can Save Me Now’ bazes through the arena speakers, and the FWA X Champion, Trixie Bordeaux, walks out onto the stage to a mixed reaction from the ruckus Chicago crowd.
Natalie Rosenberg: "And introducing his opponent, fighting out of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, weighing in at 127 pounds… she is the FWA X Champion, and the ‘Queen of the Deathmatch’, TRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRIXIE BOOOOOOOOOOOOORDEAUX!"
Pausing atop the stage for a moment as she stares a hole through her opponent, Trixie looks worse for wear right now, with her head bandaged up as a result of her grueling war with Johnny Johnson two days prior at Meltdown XL.
Jean-Luc Watkins: "Trixie doesn’t look in the best of shape, right now, Konchu, but regardless of that, you’d have to think that she’s still the clear favourite heading into this one."
Konchu Hao: "Trixie, if nothing else, has proven herself a true warrior. I am certain that she will give everything she has in this match aswell."
Trixie makes her walk down the ramp to the ring, not taking her eyes off of Spooder-Man. Spooder-Man presumably meets Trixie’s gaze, and although it’s difficult to tell, he doesn’t seem in the slightest bit intimidated by the X Champion, jumping on the spot as she climbs into the ring and removes the X Championship from around her waist, handing it to the referee for safekeeping.
Jean-Luc Watkins: "Well, unlike on Meltdown, Trixie seems to actually be waiting for the bell for this one."
Spooder-Man hops off his perch atop the turnbuckle post and lands on his feet in his corner as Trixie looks to stare a hole through the masked man’s very soul, as the bell rings.

Trixie Bordeaux vs. Spooder-Man.
Singles Match.
Match writers: Welsh and Gip.

<< 00:00 >>
Trixie, a little more reserved than usual, begins to circle Spooder-Man like a hungry shark, Spooder-Man doesn’t take his eyes off of Trixie, waiting for her to make the first move. To everyone’s surprise, Trixie signals for Sppoder-Man to meet her in the center of the ring for a collar-and-elbow tie-up. Cautiously, Spooder-Man steps forward, and after a moment’s stare down, the two lock up-NOPE, Trixie with a kick to Spooder-Man’s gut, which sends the masked-wrestler stumbling backwards! All of the calm and poise seems to have left the X Champion, as this one kick was swiftly followed by several thunderous right hands which backs Spooder-Man up into the ropes as he tries to cover up. Managing to block a couple of strikes, Spooder-Man fires back with a right hand of his own which rocks Trixie, and he connects with another, and another, and another, much to the fans’ delight as they cheer the underdog on as he takes the fight to the X Champion!
Jean-Luc Watkins: "Spooder-Man is taking the fight to Trixie!"
Spooder-Man’s punches connect like homing missiles onto Trixie’s bandaged up forehead as he backs the ‘Queen of the Deathmatch’ into the corner, before climbing the ropes and rains a rapid volley of punches down on the Champ as the fans count with him! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9… as the fans wait in anticipation for strike number 10, Spooder-Man pauses, before ripping the bandage off of Trixie’s forehead, revealing the nasty gash that she sustained during her title match with JJ, and that gash seems to have been reopened by Spooder-Man’s punches!
… 10!
After landing the tenth strike to Trixie’s bloody forehead, Spooder-Man raises his arms to cheers from the audience, as he holds up Trixie’s blood-covered bandage. This moment of celebration is short-lived, however, as Spooder-Man looks down to see a livid, blood-covered Trixie glaring up at him with murderous intent. You could almost see Spooder-Man gulp as he sees the rage in Trixie’s eyes.
Jean-Luc Watkins: "Spooder-Man, that might not have been the best idea."
Spooder-Man jumps off Trixie and backs up a few steps, eyes not leaving the vicious stare of the X Champion. But Spooder-Man, ever the fighter, slowly raises his fists bravely.
Spooder-Man: "With great power….comes great respon-"
Trixie doesn’t look to be in the mood for theatrics as she dropkicks Spooder-Man almost clean out of his spandex, sending him sailing through the air with such momentum that he winds up tumbling over the top rope! We get a good camera shot of Spooder-Man’s crumpled body on the ground, with the man, and his super-suit looking to have taken damage as small tears in the fabric begins to form from the impact of his nasty landing.
Trixie, still incensed that Spooder-Man busted her open, swiftly follows her prey to the outside. Spooder-Man struggles to get to his feet, but is interrupted as Trixie hits kicks him square in the gut! Spooder-Man falls backwards, and Trixie follows it up with several vicous punches to Spooder-Man’s head, before throwing him back into the ring. Showing his fighting spirit, Spooder-Man quickly scrambles to his feet and slides at Trixie with both feet, looking to connect with a Basement Dropkick as Trixie tries to enter the ring. The X Champion, however, sees this coming a mile away and catches Spooder-Man’s foot. Trixie, once again displeased with Spooder-Man’s attempts to fight back, tries to drag the masked wrestler back to the outside, but Spooder-Man once again defies her as he kicks Trixieright in the face with his free foot, and again, and AGAIN!
Jean-Luc Watkins: "Spooder-Man showing more fight than we’ve come to expect to him so far. He’s giving the X Champion a run for her money here!"
Konchu Hao: "When it is personal, combatants will always sacrifice more, and we are seeing that in my masked compatriot here tonight. Bellatrix made it so Spooder-Man couldn’t fight for a shot at the biggest prize of this industry, his chance having gone to someone else so his number one priority should be securing that Trixie regrets that mistake."
Trixie, stubbornly refusing to release her grip on Spooder-Man’s foot, recoils as her opponent kicks her repeatedly in the face. Eventually, however, one big kick from Spooder-Man sends Trixie stumbling backwards, releasing her hold on him. Seeing his chance, Spooder-Man scrabble back to his feet, runs off the ropes, and charges across the ring, looking to hit a massive dive on Trixie, but, once again Trixie sees it coming a mile away, and meets him with a collision of heads as Trixie snipes him out of the air with a Torpedo Trixie!
Jean-Luc Watkins: "Jesus, a sickening colliding of heads! Trixie’s rocked, but Spooder-Man looks out cold!"
Konchu Hao: "T’was indeed a truly impactful meeting of the minds."
Apparently having the single most durable skull in the history of forever, Trixie shakes the cobwebs loose and struggles to lift Spooder-Man’s lifeless body off the ground and rolls him back into the ring. Shaking her head once more, Trixie climbs onto the apron and makes her way to the top rope, looking to finish this match with Whistling Trixie, when suddenly…
Jean-Luc Watkins: "Wait, that’s Vengador’s music! What the hell!?"
Trixie looks up the ramp confused as Vengador walks out from behind the curtain and onto the stage to cheers from the Chicago crowd! Looking completely bemused, Trixie hops down off the top turnbuckle and into the ring, eyeing up this masked intruder to her match. This confusion quickly turns to anger as Vengador simply stares at her from atop the stage, creeping Trixie out and pissing her off in the process.
Trixie screams as she stands at the front of the inside of the ring, staring down this potential foe.
Jean-Luc Watkins: "Well, Trixie seems as perplexed as us, Konchu… but at least we know who Vengador is!"
As Trixie eyes up Vengador, suddenly, from behind…
Jean-Luc Watkins: "Wait, Spooder-Man’s back up…!"
Spinning Trixie around and catching her completely offguard, Spooder-Man grabs Trixie in a headlock and DRIVES HER SKULL FIRST INTO THE CANVAS!
Jean-Luc Watkins: "OSCAR NUMBER 4-Wait, that’s Aaron Harrows’ finisher… well, hey, if it works! SPOODER-MAN’S GOING FOR THE COVER!"
Winner: Spooder-Man by pinfall at 08:45.
Natalie Rosenberg: "Ladies and gentlemen, here is your WINNER… SPOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODER-MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!!!"
The crowd erupts in complete and utter shock as Spooder-Man’s hand is raised in victory, before, noticing that Trixie is beginning to stir, decides that it’s in the best interest of his physical health if he gets the hell out of the ring, and so he bails to the outside and leaps over the barricade, jumping around ecstatic! The fans around him are just as excited as the luchador takes a hug from a random stranger as he regains his breath. Trixie slowly crawls to the ropes as Spooder-Man takes in all the celebration before reaching to the back of his head?
Jean-Luc Watkins: "Is..is he taking his mask off?"
Konchu Hao: "Three iterations of the Spooder-Man legacy and never have they done this, especially after a win. The identity of the Spooder-Man is going to be revealed!"
The Spooder-Mask falls from the head of the popular luchador.
Only for the crowd to pop once more, this time maybe even louder as the identity is revealed to be…
Jean-Luc Watkins: "AARON HARROWS?!"
Konchu Hao: "The shenanigans of Harrows reveal themselves once more at the expense of Bellatrix Bordeaux!"
Jean-Luc Watkins: "We did see Harrows walk off with Bobby Joel and Vengador on Fallout, talking about some kind of deal, was this it?"
Konchu Hao: "That remains in the unknown for right now, as well as the current whereabouts of Spooder-Man if he is not here."
The Top Star, Aaron Harrows meets Trixies stare one more time as she screams furiously at him, calling him a ‘CHEATER!’ and all the other nasty words in her limited vocabulary as she slams her fists into the canvas in pure hatred, all the while Aaron replies with the big, smug smile, before noticing the camera and holding up his mask.
Aaron Harrows: "SPOODER-MAN! YOUVE BEEN AVENGED! Your spidey-verse friends couldn’t do it, but I did! And Russnow…You know what I want. You know what the people want. Hashtag Sign Harrows, baby! WOOO!"
Harrows is fully in celebration mode as he high fives the local fans before quickly running off, presumably out of the arena before security can catch him, Spooder-Mask still in hand as Trixie’s anger only intensifies the more she stares at her former team partner leaving, having gotten one over her, while all she can do is stew in her rage.

It was a sight to behold. The transformation of one of the rooms inside the All-State Arena was some of the FWA’s finest work. The lighting was studio-quality, lit warmly showing the participants in a fuller and presentable manner.
The two stars of the interview are sat in their seats awaiting their cue from production that they may begin. Katie Baxter sits poised, switching her legs from closed to one leg crossed over the other. Shawn Summers is dressed casually - a white T-shirt emblazoned with the classic Clique Wrestling Alliance logo, tucked into a pair of blue jeans, and white low-top Nike Air Force One sneakers. The casualness of his attire was far from a departure from the usual formal business attire that he had once been known to wear.
Katie Baxter: "Ladies and gentlemen, it has been a long ten months, but we are pleased to welcome back the former X and Television Champion, Shawn Summers, to the FWA. Shawn, it’s great to see you."
Shawn Summers: "It’s great to be here…on Fallout (smirking), again."
Katie Baxter: "Shawn, we’d be remiss not to ask why you stepped away from the FWA when you were seemingly still at the top of your game."
Shawn Summers: "I answered that in the Back in Business post-show press conference, but I have no problem reiterating it. My body and mind needed a break from an industry that was draining me in a way that was no longer sustainable.
Think about what I went through in that year Katie. I had two women, and I use that word lightly here, attempting to use my name to elevate their own. I had my Television Championship stolen from me by corrupt officials. I fought and earned the X-Championship from one of the toughest wrestlers in the industry. And let’s not forget about the war between myself, Tommy, his family and friends.
I needed a break, but it seemed like no one in the FWA wanted to allow me or my name to fade out of existence. Even when I wasn’t here I seemed to be the topic of conversation. Funny how that works, right?"
Katie Baxter: "Well, Shawn, I must say that it seems the time away has done you well. You look refreshed and ready to go. Does this return mean we will see you step back into the ring?"
Shawn Summers: "No. Stepping into the ring is the furthest thing for me."
Katie Baxter: "Oh, come on. You’re telling me that you have no desire to take back your old titles or to settle the score with Bedlam and Crowe after they did a number on you at Back in Business?"
Shawn Summers shakes his head "no" as he leans back in his chair with a satisfied look.
Katie Baxter: "Well, let’s address something more personal. There have been videos…"
Shawn’s demeanor changes as he anticipates the question. The once calm look on his face has now been replaced with tension. He wipes his hands on his jeans and crosses his arms as Katie Baxter asks her question.
Katie Baxter: "Videos of Michelle von Horrowitz knocking on a hotel door and entering. The first time we saw the videos there was no audio and the videos ended once she entered the room. However, the one played at the Carnal Conterndership event changed everything when we were provided with audio, and the video ended with you poking your head out of the hotel room and giving the camera a wink."
Before Shawn can answer, a hand appears on his shoulder. He looks up, locking eyes with the no, no-nonsense former Fallout brand owner Rupert Watkins.
Rupert Watkins (stepping in): “I believe we’re done here."
Katie Baxter (surprised): “Sir, we were just getting to what the interview was scheduled for. Can I ask wh -"
Rupert Watkins (sternly): “I said, we’re done here. Let’s go, Shawn."
Although Shawn’s face was painted with a look of conflict, he breathed a sigh of relief before rising from his seat to stand next to Rupert. Katie Baxter watches as Rupert removes the microphone packs and wires from Shawn.
Katie Baxter: "Mr. Watkins, the fans have been waiting for answers don’t you think they deserve to get them?"
Rupert Watkins directs his attention to Katie Baxter. His gaze is cold and unnerving, but she doesn’t break eye contact with him.
Rupert Watkins: "The fans don’t deserve a damn thing from Shawn. None of you do. He wanted peace and time away from the industry and you all did everything to pull him back. Have you no shame? You’ll get your answers, but not today."
Rupert turns to lead Shawn away as the camera captures their retreating figures. Katie Baxter turns back to the camera, slowly composing herself before beginning.
Katie Baxter: "Back to you all at ringside…"

There’s a loud, respectful pop for Mike Parr as the FWA veteran walks out onto the stage, surveying the audience before continuing down the ramp.
Natalie Rosenberg: "Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall with a twenty minute time limit… Introducing first, weighing in at two hundred and forty pounds… ‘the Prodigy’... MIKE PARR!!"
Jean-Luc Watkins: “Here comes the Prodigy… noticeably missing that North American title that has become synonymous with him over the years. After winning it from Bryan Baxter, he unfortunately was not able to successfully defend it through the rest of the F1 as the title went to eventual winner, Chris Peacock.”
Konchu Hao: “So nice to see the Bastard go down, but can’t say I’m thrilled about where the title eventually landed.”
Jean-Luc Watkins: “Fair enough, Konchu. But this is an interesting match up since it puts Parr up against the partner of his North American division rival… and the current FWA Champion. A win here would be huge for the Prodigy, no matter how the F1 played out.”
Parr heads to the ring, climbing up the apron and stepping through the ropes. He begins to warm up as he awaits his opponent.
Boos once again feel the arena as Jeremy Best makes his second appearance of the night. The World Champion walks out with the world title strapped around his waist above his khaki pants. He waves to his less than adoring fans as Bryan Baxter walks out with him. Baxter seems less than thrilled to be joining Jeremy at ringside for this one.
Natalie Rosenberg: "And his opponent… representing the Friendship Wrestling Alliance and being accompanied to the ring by his Buddy System partner Big Bryan Baxter… he is the reigning FWA World Champion…. “Your New Best Friend”... JJEEEERREEEEMMMMY BBBEEESSSTT!”
Konchu Hao: “What a travesty to still see him with that title.”
Jean-Luc Watkins: “And as we saw on Meltdown and heard Jeremy’s reaction earlier tonight… the champ is currently without a challenger for Back in Business.”
Konchu Hao: “Then give Cyrus another shot… he certainly deserves it!”
Jean-Luc Watkins: “I can’t necessarily argue with that logic. But a win here from Mike Parr could certainly put him in the discussion as well. But interesting to see Bryan Baxter joining Jeremy at ringside for this one… especially given it was Parr who took the North American title from Bryan a few weeks ago!”
Konchu Hao: “You cannot trust that Bryan Baxter! No you cannot!”
Jean-Luc Watkins: “You may recall Bryan actually showed some respect to Parr after their North American Showdown… so it’ll be interesting to see how this plays out tonight!”
At ringside, Jeremy leans in and appears to give some instructions to Bryan before he climbs into the ring to get the match under way.

FIFTH MATCH || 1/20.
Jeremy Best vs. Mike Parr.
Singles Match.
Match writer: Dubb.

<< 00:00. >>
The bell rings as Mike Parr and Jeremy Best circle one another before moving in for a collar and elbow tie up. Neither man is able to get a distinct advantage as they jockey for position, struggling with one another until Parr pulls Jeremy in for a headlock. Jeremy tries to push Parr off, but the Prodigy holds on and then takes Jeremy to the mat with a headlock takeover. The Prodigy holds on for a submission, but Jeremy brings himself back up to his feet and up to a vertical base while still being held in the headlock by Parr. This time Jeremy is able to shove Parr off and into the ropes, but Prodigy comes back with a shoulder tackle that takes the champion down to the mat!
Jeremy is quick back to his feet only to be hit with some swift kicks to the midsection from Parr. Best stumbles to the ropes where Parr comes in with a running knee before sending Best into the ropes. Parr ducks down for a backdrop, but Jeremy hooks the ropes to stop his own momentum. The Prodigy stands back up as Jermey rushes in with a clothesline…
But Prod ducks! Jeremy turns around into a spinkick from Parr! Jeremy is left staggering as Parr goes for an elbow smash to the champ. Best ducks it this time and hooks Parr for a back suplex…
But Parr flips over and lands on ihs feet!
And now it’s Parr who grabs Jeremy from behind and executes a back suplex!
Best rolls to his stomach and begins to pull himself up, but Parr is right there waiting for him with a pair of forearms to the back of the back and neck before he sends Jeremy into the corner, Best’s back colliding hard with the turnbuckle pads. Parr backs up and charges in… running knee to the corner from The Prodigy!
Jean-Luc Watkins: “An impressive start for The Prodigy! He literally has the champion on the ropes here!”
Konchu Hao: “Perhaps… but I’m keeping a close eye on that Big Bryan Baxter at ringside… I fear he is up to no good!”
While Konchu was right to be nervous about his presence, to this point Bryan simply is an observer as he watches Parr have a firm control of the match early on.
<< 04:17. >>
It’s a double underhook backbreaker to take Jeremy Best back down to the mat and Mike Parr is going for the pin now!
One! Two! Kickout!
Parr sits up and gives a glance to official Larry Stevens to make sure it was in fact just a two, while Jeremy clutches his back and rolls from the canvas out onto the aron and then to ringside. Bryan Baxter walks over, checking on his partner. Jeremy clutches at Bryan, helping pull himself up and seems to be asking Bryan why he wasn’t being of any more help. Bryan shrugs his shoulders, clearly not sure of what Jeremy wants from him…
As Mike Parr DIVE THROUGH THE ROPES with a suicide dive that connects with Jeremy, sending the champion crashing into the safety railing!
Parr gets to his feet, and stares down Baxter. The two former North American Champions stare each other down, the tension could be felt through the arena.
Jean-Luc Watkins: “These two men now share the record for longest North American Championship reign… and it looks like they may be about ready to start where they left off at North American Showdown!”
Parr and Baxter trade some words, but that’s about it for this moment as Parr walks away from Baxter and BBB doesn’t get physical with Prodigy. Instead, Mike grabs Jeremy and tosses him back into the ring…
Back in the ring, Jeremy begins to try and pull himself up as Prodigy climbs the apron…
And he springboardrds in with a springboard knee to the face!
Parr goes for the pin!
One! Two! Thre - NO! Kickout by Jeremy Best!
<< 08:24. >>
Parr lays out Best with a belly to back suplex before he makes his way to the corner and ascends the ropes…
Jean-Luc Watkins: “Can Parr finish Jeremy off here? He may be going for X Marks the Spot!”
As he climbs the top, he does in fact look to land his moonsault frog splash…
In a match that Parr has in large part controlled, suddenly the door was open for Jeremy Best. He pulls himself up as Parr is slow to recover… and as Parr gets up to his knees…
It’s a series of kicks from Jeremy..
As Parr absorbs kick after kick to his chest, Jeremy’s frustration mounts and he finally runs to the ropes and hits a running dropkick to the kneeling Parr to take Prod down to the mat! Now it’s Jeremy going for the pin!
One! Two ! No!
Jeremy was quickly back up as Prodigy tried to recover on the mat… Jeremy’s offense was coming fast and furious as he lept to the ropes and came back with a springboard diving DDT to Prodgy!
Another cover by the champ!
One! Two! Thre - NO!
<< 12:03. >>
The champion continues his control of the match as he looks to end things… lifting The Prodigy up into a fireman’s carry…
It looked like it was time for… The BFF!
He escapes down the back..
Parr has the cover… this could be it!
Jeremy kicks out at the last second!
Parr has a look of shock on his face as he sits up to his knees, thinking he for sure had put Jeremy away that time. But he shakes off the frustration and begins to measure up Jeremy as Best begins to pull himself up…
The Prodigy charges in..
Parr accidentally takes out the referee!
Konchu Hao: “Oh dear. With the officiant incapacitated, I fear this will no doubt lead to some shenanigans.”
Jean-Luc Watkins: “My thoughts exactly, Konchu.”
While Parr checks on Larry Stevens, Jeremy motions to Baxter to enter the ring. The crowd boos as the former North American Champion slowly makes his way up the apron, reaching into his pants’ pockets as he does so, and can be seen sliding his trusty brass knuckles onto his right hand.
Leaning against the ropes, Jeremy yells at Bryan, telling him to take care of Parr.
Bryan approaches his rival… and Parr stands up from the fallen FWA official and stares down Baxter as he enters the ring.
Parr holds out his arms. “What’s this all about, eh?”
Baxter seems to hesitate as he and Parr now go eye to eye… nose to nose…
Jean-Luc Watkins: “These two seem to keep finding their way to one another… but Baxter isn’t quite as quick to pull the trigger as he was against Cyrus!”
Baxter looks down at the knux… and then back up to Parr…
And he pushes his way past Parr and begins to leave the ring!
Konchu Hao: “My eyes… they deceive me! Is Baxter actually doing the honorable thing here?!”
Parr, just as surprised as anyone, watches Baxter as goes past, heading out of the ring…
The attack from Jeremy sends Parr colliding with Baxter from behind!
And the reaction from thinking he’s being attacked from behind…
Bryan seems a little surprised and confused after he laid out Parr, but Jeremy’s eyes light up and he quickly gives his friend a big hug.
Jean-Luc Watkins: “Bryan Baxter just laid out Mike Parr… but I am not so sure he even meant to!”
Konchu Hao: “Oh but of course he did, Jean-Luc! It was all a ruse! Do not trust these Friendship Freaks!”
A confused Baxter steps through the ropes as Jeremy shakes Larry Stevens to wake him up. Jeremy pulls Parr back up to his feet…
He makes the cover…
Winner: Vengador via pinfall at 15:17.
Natalie Rosenberg: "Here is your winner… JEREMY BEST!”
Jeremy Best rolls to his feet as he is declared the victory, hugging Larry Stevens instead of having his arms raised.
Jean-Luc Watkins: “Jeremy Best once again escapes the jaws of defeat thanks to some assistance from his… friends. This has to stop somehow Konchu… and perhaps the one man who can stop it… said he won’t!”
Konchu Hao: “We could certainly use a hero to defeat the Friendship Freaks, Jean-Luc.”
Jean-Luc Watkins: “But who will it be? Who will be Jeremy’s opponent for Back in Business if it’s not Krash?”
With that question remaining unanswered for the time being, Jeremy is more than happy to celebrate in the ring and at ringside, where he regroups with Bryan and gives his big burly friend another big unreturned hug. While Bryan’s intentions remain in question, he does head back up the aisle… side by side… with his friend.

Natalie Rosenberg: “The following contest is a tag team match, scheduled for one fall, with a thirty minute time limit. The winners will advance to Back in Business XVIII to challenge Randy Ramon and Donny Toner for the FWA World Tag Team Championships! Introducing first, at a combined weight of four-hundred and seventy-six pounds… the team of ‘Nasty’ Nate Savage and ‘The Sin City Bad Boy’ Jackson Fenix… THE UNDISSSSSSSPUUUUTED AAAAAAAAALIANCE!!!”
Jean-Luc Watkins: “Konchu this match must be a strange one for you to decide a winner on, given your acrimonious history with both of these teams. Either would be worthy challengers for the tag titles at Back in Business given the momentum both are enjoying at the moment, and both former FWA World Tag Team Champions themselves.”
Konchu Hao: “The Undisputed Alliance are most definitely the crowd favourites, although I know that Epsilon will not be too keen on seeing his attackers rewarded by challenging for championship gold!”
Fenix is the first in the ring and with Savage not far behind him. Fenix makes sure to thank the crowd for their support after another impressive showing in the Carnal Contendership match. He and Nate put their heads together to discuss some strategy as very loud, very obnoxious music blares through the speakers;
Natalie Rosenberg: “Their opponents… at a combined weight of four-hundred and thirty pounds… the team of ‘Black Jesus’ Alyster Black and the FWA North American and Grand Slam Champion Chris Peacock… they are EFFFFFFFFFFF-TEEEEEEEEEEEE-ENNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!”
Konchu Hao: “It is no shock to me that FTN are failing to take this match seriously with their ridiculous spectacle of an entrance. Chris Peacock spoke very passionately about how much he wants to rendezvous with Randy Ramon, but it would seem that the childishness has won again.”
Jean-Luc Watkins: “There’s no Allen Price, so let’s take that as the victory it is, Konchu. But you’re right about Peacock wanting a piece of Ramon. Since Ramon came back last year, he has cost Peacock at almost every turn including eliminating him from this year’s Carnal Contendership. This match seems to be the only route Peacock can take to get the man he wants at Back in Business, with the two masked men thrown in as well for good measure.”

FTN (Alyster Black and Chris Peacock) vs. The Undisputed Alliance (Jackson Fenix and Nate Savage).
Singles Match.
Match writer: Man.

Of the two Undisputed Alliance members, it is evident which the FTN boys want to mix it up with first. Their exaggerated waddling and bloating out of their cheeks are clear jibes at Nate Savage and most specifically, his weight. The ‘Nasty’ one is only too happy to oblige them and he motions for Alyster Black to join him in the ring once the bell has rung. Black continues to joke around with Peacock as he walks away from teh FTN corner, and this earns him a bundling over from Savage which takes him down to the mat!
Savage drops a knee down across the side of Black’s head, and then lays into him with a series of strikes down on the mat. From the mat, Black attempts to reach out to Peacock, but Savage gets up and stomps directly in his face to keep him back and at bay. He hooks Black’s arm around his own and pulls him up to his feet and strikes him in the stomach with his free hand, and then a Knee Lift sends Black stumbling back towards the Undisputed Alliance corner where Jackson Fenix is ready and waiting to get tagged in.
A big cheer goes up as Fenix gets into the match and he connects with a couple of forearm strikes to Black in the corner whilst Savage reaches over and holds onto ‘Black Jesus’ to keep him in position. Stevens gets in between and tells Savage to let Black go, but all Alyster does is wander back into Fenix’s path and he receives a Dropkick to the face for his trouble! It knocks the former X Champion back and Black slumps against the bottom turnbuckle. Fenix reaches out and tags Savage back in.
Jean-Luc Watkins: “It would seem that FTN’s taunting has lit the proverbial fire underneath Nate Savage, and that has led to the Undisputed Alliance taking control in the early goings here.”
Konchu Hao: “It is typical of Peacock and Black to consider a result nothing more than a foregone conclusion; it was their blind assurances in themselves which allowed myself and Cyrus to conquer them at Lights Out!”
With a determined look on his face, Savage gets into the ring and lines Black up after performing a ‘SUCK IT motion in Peacock’s direction… and Savage crushes Black against the bottom turnbuckle with a CANNONBALL! Nate grabs one of Alyster’s boots and pulls him towards the middle of the ring, hooking a leg for the first cover of the match;
The pin is illegally broken up by Chris Peacock, who stomps on the back of Savage’s head to effect the break. Jackson Fenix attempts to get into the ring to counter Peacock, but Larry Stevens keeps him on the apron in order to prevent things completely breaking down. Peacock uses this time to lay into Savage with some stomps to his face and chest, giving Alyster Black precious moments to get with it a bit as he crawls towards a neutral corner. Fenix relents and Stevens then turns his attention to Peacock, ordering him to vacate the ring and return to the apron.
Savage gives Fenix a nod to indicate that he is okay despite Peacock’s best efforts, and he picks himself up to see Black in the corner also rising to his feet, holding the back of his head. Building up a bit of steam, Savage goes at Black in the corner, but Alyster cuts him off by exploding out of the corner with a Rolling Elbow! It does not take Savage down, but instead causes him to drop to a knee after turning away from Black. Not wanting to deter from a winning formula, Black then cracks Savage with another Rolling Elbow to the back of the head! This causes Savage to slump to the mat and Black grabs onto his wrist to keep him in place as he reaches to tag Peacock in.
As Peacock gets into the ring legally for the first time, Black makes the most of the available time given by the official and kicks Savage in the face multiple times. Peacock takes over by controlling Savage’s wrist himself and he wrings Savage’s arm. Savage slowly begins to rise from the mat and Peacock kicks him in the gut to cause him to double over. This leaves Savvage in prime position for a Famouser, but Peacock instead chooses to showboat and make more fat faces. The former FWA World Champion leaps into the air for a Famouser - but Savage catches him! This then easily transitions into a huge POWERBOMB INTO THE CANVAS!!
Konchu Hao: “The continued mocking of Nate Savage has cost FTN position in this match already on more than one occasion… these knuckleheads seldom learn their lessons, don’t they?”
Savage plucks the Peacock pancake from the mat and drags Chris towards the UA corner and Fenix holds his arm out to tag Savage into the match. As soon as he gets into the ring, Fenix lines Peacock up in the corner and Savage lifts him up into the air, bringing him down into an Atomic Drop! The impact causes Peacock to propel forward, and right into the path of Fenix, who scores with a huge SUPERKICK!!
Jean-Luc Watkins: “The Undisputed Alliance are the far more experienced team in terms of time spent teaming with each other. They both already know what the other is going to do or what they want in the ring and when those cylinders start firing, it is very hard to fight against. There’s no denying the singular capabilities of Black and Peacock, but as a team, this is still relatively new to them, even with Black’s extensive tag team experience.”
Peacock crumples to the mat once more, and Fenix this time goes for a pin;
Alyster Black repays his partner’s favour from before by breaking the pin up this time and it looks like the smart thing to do given the glazed look in Peacock’s eyes after getting his bell rung by the Superkick from Fenix. Fenix stays on the mat holding his head after the forearm connected with it, and Black goes one further by rising to his feet and knocking Nate Savage down from the apron! Even before the referee can ask Black to leave, he is already on the outisde of the ring stalking Nate Savage… and he sends him straight into the steel steps!
In the ring, Fenix is still in control despite Black’s interrupting of the pin attempt. He lifts Peacock up from the mat and lifts him up… FALCON ARROW!!! He reaches forward and grabs onto one of Peacock’s legs to assist with the pin;
Fenix grits his teeth for a moment and rolls backwards to move away from Peacock and after brushing his hair from his face, he motions for Peacock to rise up one more time. Once Chris is up, Fenix comes in looking for another Superkick - but Peacock dodges it and grabs Fenix by the leg, bringing his elbow down across the front of his knee! This causes Fenix to yell out in pain, and Chris then transitions into a Dragon Screw! Fenix holds his knee and Peacock stomps on his hands and the joint several times. On the outside of the ring, Black charges in and hits a knee strike to Savage’s face which crushes his head against the steel steps.
Konchu Hao: “That will certainly ring a bell, Jean-Luc. Alyster Black is no stranger to Nate Savage given their numerous clashes in the past across multiple currencies. Their most recent crossing was when Alyster Black commenced his goliathan reign as the Warrior of X; a mantle he wrestled from Nate Savage’s grasp.”
Jean-Luc Watkins: “The momentum has shifted fully in the favour of FTN now, Konchu, and that is because of their repeated interferences in the match from the apron to break up a pin. I have always pondered why a tag team partner would ever run the risk of their partner not being able to kick out of their own volition. Why not just break up every pin attempt to be safe? For Peacock though, it seems that he may have a submission in mind instead.”
The knee of the kicking leg of Jackson Fenix is the object of Chris Peacock’s attention as he drapes the leg over the bottom rope and then drops a knee down across it. Meanwhile, Alyster Black has Nate Savage in trouble… BACKDROP SUPLEX ONTO THE FLOOR!!! A smirk forms on Peacock’s face as he mocks Fenix for being weak in the face of a better man. Seemingly for his own amusement, Peacock asks Fenix to get back to his feet just to see if he is able to do it. As Fenix does start picking himself back up, Peacock boots him directly in the ribs! This sends Fenix rolling towards the corner.
Chris charges in and hits a forearm on Fenix, sending him careening into the turnbuckle. A couple of forearm strikes follows and Fenix tries pushing Chris away, but a rough knee across his opponent’s gut brings Fenix to heel. The fans know what is coming next as Peacock climbs up onto the second rope and begins to land several strong punches to the top of Fenix’s head. The crowd does not chant in with much enthusiasm. Before a tenth punch can be laned, Jackson Fenix himself was able to secure a ticket out of the corner by blocking the final blow.
Fenix slips through Peacock’s legs, and Chris looks down to see where he went but Fenix strikes through Peacock’s own legs to hit him with another SUPERKICK ME BABY ONE MORE TIME!! Fenix almost loses balance on his other leg after hitting the move, but he is in good position to reach up from the mat and get his arms fastened around Peacock’s waist, and he hits Chris with a German Suplex out of the corner!! After dropping Peacock on the back of his head, Fenix turns around and stacks him up, looking to get the win secured;
To Fenix’s frustration, Alyster Black breaks up the pin once again to keep FTN alive in the match and their Back in Business prospects intact.
Jean-Luc Watkins: “It is going to be virtually impossible for the Undisputed Alliance to counter this strategy so long as Peacock and Black continue to employ it. Especially when Fenix is at a numbers disadvantage here with Savage still stirring.”
A brief shot of Savage at ringside shows him holding the back of his head down on the floor. Fenix drags his aching leg behind him slightly as he wanders back to Peacock in the middle of the ring. Fenix attempts to lift Chris up from the mat, but Peacock shoots his fist up straight into the air and catches Jackson with Fight Fever! Fenix recoils backwards and Peacock steadies himself, catching Fenix with a jab to the face, followed by a second. The dancer strikes a quick pose… and then PIMP SLAPS FENIX ACROSS THE FACE!!
This has the effect of enraging Fenix, who fires back immediately with a stinging chop across the chest of Peacock. He fights Chris into the ropes and then shoots him off across the ring. Peacock attempts to Spear Fenix, but Jackson times a kick perfectly, so it catches Peacock straight in the face. Peacock turns around and Fenix drives him into the mat with a Snapdragon Suplex… and then follows up by driving his knee straight through Peacock’s face! After the Double Shot, Fenix initially goes for a pin out of instinct, but he catches Alsyter Black already making overtures to get into the ring to break any pin up.
Fenix charges Black, but Alyster sees him coming a mile away and meets him with a Headbutt! This causes Fenix to drop down to a knee and he then moves away from Black and closer to his own corner, but Savage is still not there.
Konchu Hao: “That crafty Alyster Black is often one step ahead and you can tell even with that mask on that he takes an enjoyment from outthinking someone. It does not happen often though, kehehehehe!”
Jean-Luc Watkins: “With no Savage available to help him, Fenix must go it alone against Chris Peacock for the time being. Peacock has taken somewhat of a beating in this match himself, so he is who Fenix will want in there.”
Peacock tries to get towards Black, who is wanting a tag. However, Fenix prevents this by grabbing Peacock whilst holding his head and he attempts to finish Chris off with IF YOU SEEK AMY - BUT PEACOCK SPINS OUT OF IT! Chris boots Fenix in the midsection, and follows up with the DISCO THRILLER STUNNER!!! The move knocks Fenix flat onto his back in front of Peacock, who wags his finger that he is not going to go for the tag. Instead, Peacock holds Fenix’s ankle and remembering the work he put in earlier in the match, he applies THE COMMENTATOR’S CURSE!!!
The targeted attacks on Fenix’s knee were all leading up to this point as Peacock has the Kneebar locked in tightly. Fenix shouts and screams, not wanting to submit and hand the match at Back in Business to FTN. He rejects any notion of giving up but realises that it is a very dire situation he finds himself in. On the outside of the ring, Savage reaches up and yanks Alyster Black from the apron, causing ‘Black Jesus’ to smush his face on the apron on the way down.
Konchu Hao: “AH! Savage is back!”
Savage then slides into the ring and sees that Fenix is in a lot of trouble being trapped in Peacock’s submission. He lines Peacock up and CRUSHES HIM WITH A RUNNING SENTON!!! It causes Peacock to release Fenix’s leg immediately, and Savage pulls Fenix towards the Undisputed Alliance corner before hopping onto the apron and tagging himself in. Fenix rolls out to the floor where he holds his knee close to his chest.
Jean-Luc Watkins: “Savage had to sit out part of this match thanks to FTN’s actions but he’s turned it around on them by breaking the Commentator’s Curse, and with just Chris Peacock in the middle of the ring all on his lonesome, this match is there for the taking for The Undisputed Alliance.”
The full weight of Savage crashing down on his chest seemed to wind Peacock and it only gets worse when Savage does it again for good measure! It looks perilous for Peacock now as Savage scoops him up from the mat and sends him into the ropes… and elevates him… NASTY BOMB!!!! The fans cheer loudly as Savage drops to his knees to pin Peacock, but Larry Stevens doesn’t make the count! Savage imagines a three but is then informed by the referee that Peacock is not the legal man - Alyster Black had tagged himself in when Peacock hit the ropes!
Unbeknownst to Savage, Black is in the ring behind him and Alyster FLOORS HIM WITH THE ONE SHOT KILL!!! Savage is flat out down, and Black hooks both legs;
Winner: FTN by pin fall at 17:17.
Alyster Black slams his fist into the mat in happiness as he and Peacock have booked their ticket to Back in Business as a result of overcoming a very game Undisputed Alliance. Jackson Fenix hangs half-in the ring as he was unable to get in quickly enough to break the pin due to his knee that Peacock had worked on. Nate Savage rolls towards his partner and the UA put an arm around each other in shared pain and disappointment.
Natalie Rosenberg: “Here are your winners and the new number one contenders for the FWA World Tag Team Championships… Alyster Black and Chris Peacock; FTN!!!”
It takes Peacock a few seconds to realise that they have won, but as he is handed the North American Championship and is hugged by Black, he grins broadly. Still feeling the effects of the Nasty Bomb, he is helped to his feet by Alyster and he beckons to the back.
Jean-Luc Watkins: “Make it official, wrestling fans, Chris Peacock and Alyster Black are going to Back in Business with an aim of becoming two-time FWA World Tag Team Champions… but it is Randy Ramon and Donny Toner that stand in their way. These are men that are all familiar with each other-”
Konchu Hao: “Here come the celebrations…”
The Diamond Dogs - Rick Vance and Santino Dongarell - rush out from the back with streamers and party hats on. As they get into the ring, Peacock seems quite confused and asks them where Allen Price is.
Jean-Luc Watkins: “That’s a good question. Where could Price have gotten to? Not like him to miss a moment like this…”
Peacock is encouraged to enjoy himself by Black and the Dogs, but suddenly a voice is heard through the speaker system in the Allstate Arena;
???: “Yo, Chris? Alyster? Can you boys hear me?”
The music stops and FTN look around the arena before the large screen comes to life and the fans let out a big cheer as it shows one half of the FWA World Tag Team Champions, Donny Toner. Donny’s mask takes up the majority of the frame, but it is clear from the background that he is inside a locker room. A squint from Peacock in the ring makes it clear that he recognises the location. Some background noises suggest something is happening in the room; grunting and objects being thrown around.
Donny Toner: “You did it, boys. Congratulations. We know how much the two of you enjoy celebrating, so we thought that we would swing by your locker room and give you a little present. Have you wrapped it yet, Randy?”
Donny moves the camera so it is peering over his shoulder and Randy Ramon can be seen on the floor struggling with something. The camera adjusts its framing slightly more and that something is Allen Price! Ramon has Price on the floor as well, who is screaming for help as Ramon grabs his leg and starts to pull, trapping Price in a Kneebar. In the ring, Peacock can be seen going white as a sheet and Alyster has his head in his hands.
Donny Toner: “Recognise this scene, Chris? Close personal friend, locker room floor?”
Jean-Luc Watkins: “This is very reminiscent to the scene of Chris Peacock crippling Christian Quinn - a close friend of Toner, or Rondo - two years ago.”
Donny Toner: “So as you know, there’s just one thing missing.”
Donny turns his head to Ramon, who has Price almost passed out from the amount of pain that he is suffering. The tag team champions share a nod and Ramon quickly contorts Price’s leg at his knee joint… AND A LOUD CRACKING SOUND IS HEARD!!! Price lets out a bloodcurtling scream as his leg is shown to be bent in the complete wrong angle on the locker room floor. In the ring, Peacock drops to his knees and closes his eyes as Black kicks the bottom rope in frustration and anger. Ramon looks down at his handiwork and smirks before he takes his place next to Donny on the screen.
Donny Toner: “So be careful what you wish for…”
After pausing for a moment, Donny reaches back and grabs the mask on top of his head. He slides it forward to reveal the face underneath. The crowd collectively lose their minds as they see the smug face of Danny Toner next to Randy Ramon’s. In the ring, both members of FTN are shocked and unmoving at this latest twist in the tale. Black is on his knees next to Peacock now, with memories from eighteen months ago flooding back as he looks into Danny’s eyes from in the ring.
Danny Toner: “The ride is only just beginning, boys.”
Fallout 040 comes to an end with Danny winking at the camera before the feed abruptly cuts to black.