Fallout 039: 'An Original Show Name' || RESULTS.

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E-Fed Staff Member
Sep 13, 2022
Reaction score

Live from the Sapporo Dome in Sapporo, Japan.
Saturday 6th April, 2024.


As Fallout opens, we cut to inside the ring as lead commentator J.L. Watkins is standing in the middle, a microphone in hand.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Ladies and gentlemen and folks of all kinds, welcome to Fallout! We have yet another massive show for you all, but before we get into that, there’s a bit of housekeeping we need to take care of.”

Watkins points to the currently unoccupied commentary desk as the crowd is buzzing with excitement and curiosity.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “For the past several months, I’ve been maintaining a solo presence on commentary. While I will readily admit that it has been a challenge, it has been one that I’ve enjoyed. I think that the opportunity has helped me grow as the voice of Fallout, and the support you have given me during this time has been nothing short of amazing. And I can’t help but feel grateful for the chance that my…former partner’s choices provided.

“That being said, it has gotten a bit lonely at commentary, and it’s long past time that someone have a seat next to me. Someone who’s got the experience, the wrestling acumen, and the force of personality to bring life to the action here on Fallout for all our fans across the globe.

“With that said, it gives me great pleasure to introduce…”

Allen Price: “J.L! You’re being too kind! I’ve missed you too, buddy!”

The crowd immediately boos as we see, rolling down the ramp on his wheelchair in the tackiest suit imaginable, the ever-obnoxious Allen Price. Price is hamming it up tremendously on the microphone as J.L. sighs and rolls his eyes.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Price, what are you…”

Allen Price: “Hey! It’s okay! I know, I know. It’s been awful ever since those Dark Roads hooligans VICIOUSLY ASSAULTED me and took me away from the desk. God only knows how awful the show’s been without me on hand to break down the action for all these wonderful nimrods…”

The crowd boos as Allen’s cheesy smile is immediately replaced with a scowl.

Allen Price: “HEY! That is verbal abuse towards a disabled man, and you all should feel ashamed and damn grateful that I’m coming back…”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Price…”

Allen Price: “J.L., hush! I’m trying to explain to these absolute rude, obnoxious dumbasses that they should be a lot more appreciative that I’m rejoining you at the commentary desk…”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “You’re not my broadcast partner anymore, Allen.”

Allen Price: “...and that I’m back to bring class and dignity back to…wait, what?”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “You’re not rejoining me on commentary.”

Allen looks a bit confused. As if the thought hadn’t crossed his pea-brain. So, Jean-Luc decides to make it clear.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “When Mr. Russnow came to me and said he wanted to get Fallout back to a two-man commentary team, I gave him a few names I’d like to work with. But I also made it clear that I would rather tear both of my quads, have a lobotomy without any sedative, and be flayed alive before I would ever subject myself to your inane brand of wrestling ignorance. So, yeah. You’re not my broadcast partner.”

Allen looks indignant as he hops up and down in his wheelchair.

Allen Price: “Oh yeah? Oh yeah?! OH YEAH!?! Well, then who?!”

The crowd ERUPTS as “Army of the Night” blares and all of Allen’s bluster immediately turns into pant-soiling terror. From behind him, coming out of the curtain, emerges Konchu Hao, dressed in an impeccably-tailored black suit with a very dashing black and gold mask. And in his hands, he has a binder, not too dissimilar to the once J.L. uses to keep notes in.

It immediately dawns on the crowd who’s joining the Voice of Fallout on commentary.

Konchu, with a big smile on his face, walks past Allen and, without a second’s worth of hesitation, swipes the microphone from the man he appears to be replacing before strolling down to join Jean-Luc in the ring. Allen is apoplectic at what he perceives to be utter disrespect…

…But that immediately turns to terror as Epsilon, sneakily, has grabbed the wheelchair from behind. Allen, unable to properly turn around in the chair, screams for help as Epsilon wheels him out of the arena to…well, only Konchu probably knows.

The crowd continues to cheer as Konchu slides into the ring and extends his hand to his new broadcast partner. J.L. takes the Mad Wizard’s hand and shakes it as the music dies down and Konchu addresses the crowd.

Konchu Hao: “A pleasure as always, Jean-Luc. And before I get into the business at hand, allow me to address something many of my loyal minions must be thinking. No, this is not my retirement from in-ring competition. I have always enjoyed the thrills of combat, the dance of devastation that is professional wrestling, and I am not quite ready to hang up my boots. Besides, if history has taught us anything about the wonders of this magnificent sport, it is that opportunities and calls to action are never too far gone. Whether it be a friend who needs my aid to fend off a duo of delinquent dunces or an uppity would-be monster who needs a taste of that old black magic, I am certain that there will come a time for me to ply my craft in this ring and prove that few are as devious, as creative, and as dangerous as Konchu Hao!

“However, I did enjoy my brief dalliance with commentary a few months ago, and I would be a fool to not recognize the commentary chemistry between myself and this man who shares this ring with me. And while, Jean-Luc, you have done an admirable job at solo commentary, the burden of telling the story that is Fallout should not solely be on your shoulders.

“I have always felt that Fallout was MY show. Champions come and go, but my heart beats with the drums of Fallout. And this? his is my way of giving back to the platform and the brand that gave me so much. So, not to waste anymore time? Jean-Luc…let us get this show started! KEHAHAHA!”

Natalie Rosenberg: “Ladies and gentlemen, this match is set for ONE FALL with a 20-minute time limit. Introducing first, hailing from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Johnny “The Legend” Johnsooooooooon!”

The crowd doesn’t hold back as they greet Johnson with a chorus of boos. It’s pretty clear that he’s not a popular guy in Japan. Johnson saunters toward the ring, an arrogant smirk on his face. He climbs through the ropes and stands in the middle of the ring waiting for his opponent.

Natalie Rosenberg: “And his opponent, hailing from The City of Champions, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Colby Soooooooooooooooooooool!”

Sol is also greeted by a chorus of boos, though not quite as severely as Johnson was.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Colby Sol put the FWA on notice during the King of the Deathmatch Tournament, but Johnny Johnson certainly looked like he had taken his game to another level. Tonight, these two will face off to see who gets to square off against newly-crowned X Champion Trixie Bordeaux in what will be her first title defense.”

Colby Sol stomps toward the ring, a look of pure hatred for Johnson in his eyes. He’s focused on the match at hand as he seeks to continue to build on the impressive run he’s put together since signing with the FWA.

Sol steps through the ropes and immediately goes toward Johnson. The official gets between both men just as their heads make contact, both refusing to back down an inch.

Konchu Hao: “It doesn’t look like these two want to wait.”

The official gets the two men apart, sending each of them to their respective corner and signals for the bell.


FIRST MATCH || 1/20.
Johnny Johhson
vs. Colby Sol.
Singles Match - #1 Contendership Match for the FWA X Championship.
Match writer: Tommy.



The bell sounds and this one gets underway. Sol charges across the ring toward Johnson who quickly drops down and slides under the bottom rope, creating a bit of distance between himself and the boxer.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Johnson didn’t have any interest in getting in a fight with Sol there. I’m not sure what he’s going for here.”

Without missing a beat, Johnson pops up onto the apron and snaps Colby Sol’s head and neck over the top rope. Sol falls to the ground, giving Johnson the space that he was looking for.

Johnson grabs Colby Sol by the ankle, dragging him out of the ring and dropping him on the mat at ringside on his head. As Sol grabs the back of his head, Johnson begins unloading with a series of stomps to the torso while the official begins to count.






Konchu Hao: “These two might want to remember that this isn’t an X Rules match. Just because they’re fighting for a shot at the X Championship, they can still get counted out here.”

Johnson seemingly realizes what’s happening as he rolls into the ring and back out to reset the count. He drags Colby Sol over toward the steel steps, and props his head in the corner where the steps meet the ring. Johnson takes a few steps back and charges in! He slams Sol’s head between his boot and the steel steps!

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Oh my God! Oh my God! Johnny Johnson may have just ended Colby Sol’s career!’

The official stops his count and rolls out of the ring to check on Colby Sol as Johnny Johnson sits down on the edge of the announce table, a sick smirk on his face, surveying the damage that he’s already inflicted.





Johnson is back in the ring along with the official who he’s instructed to start counting Sol out. Colby Sol is still down near ringside but has refused to tell the official to end the match, so the count goes on.




Jean-Luc Watkins: “Look at this. Johnny Johnson is already starting to celebrate a win by count-out. Is this really the type of man we want as the face of the X Division?”

Konchu Hao: “He’d have to get past Trixie before he could be the face of anything.”


Somehow, Colby Sol slings himself under the bottom rope and into the ring before the official can get to 10! The match continues.

Johnny Johnson is outraged as he storms over toward Colby Sol and pulls him up from the mat. From somewhere deep inside, Colby delivers a crushing blow to Johnson’s ribs, quickly followed by another. It’s obvious that Sol is a bit dazed from the blow to the head, but he’s fighting back. Johnson gets driven back a step at a time as Colby relies on his boxing history to deliver body shot after body shot.

With Johnson doubled over, gasping for air, Colby Sol grabs him and hits a swinging neckbreaker that leaves both men lying flat on their backs.

Konchu Hao: “Somehow, Colby Sol is still in this one, Jean-Luc.”


Johnson gets back to his feet first, but Sol is starting to stir, too. Johnny walks over to the turnbuckle and peels the cover back, and pulls out a set of brass knuckles!

Jean-Luc Watkins: “What’s Johnson doing?! He’s going to get himself disqualified here!”

Fortunately, the official sees what Johnson is doing and grabs the brass knuckles from his hand. Johnson appears outraged that he got caught with the foreign object and argues with the official who doesn’t back down. Once he finally relents, the official takes the brass knuckles over to the corner nearest the time-keeper’s area and tosses them to a ringside attendant.

Johnson grins a bit, reaches into his trunks, and pulls out another set of brass knuckles!

Konchu Hao: “Oh, this son of a bitch came ready!”

While the official has his back turned, Johnny Johnson nails Colby Sol in the jaw with the brass knuckles before shoving them back into his trunks.

Sol stumbles backward and into the corner. As the official rejoins the action, Johnson grabs Sol by the head and connects with “The Greatest Finisher!”

Johnson goes for the pin

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Not like this!”



Konchu Hao: “What a chickenshit way to win this match and get a shot at Trixie Bordeaux and the FWA X Championship!”

Winner: Johnny Johnson via pinfall at 6:06.

Johnson jerks his arm away from the official and slides out of the ring, making his way up the ramp, clearly satisfied with stealing the match from Colby Sol.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “It was a chickenshit way to win the match, Konchu, but that’s a chickenshit with a mean streak. And now, Johnny Johnson is the number one contender for the FWA X Championship.”


XYZ is backstage with the rest of The Menage members: Sierra, Lizzy Golden, Frank, and Christian Howard. PacMan Bert is taking an allowed, official "Leave of Absence" per the allotted PTO and leave of absence listed in The Menage membership handbook. Wild Jerry is still A.W.O.L., and his absence is absolutely not allowed or official, but XYZ continues to express he would welcome him back with open arms.

Tonight, though, the focus is not on XYZ or the internal conflict caused by Wild Jerry. It's not on XYZ's brewing rivalry with the NEW FWA Television Champion Kleio de Santos. It's not on him being approached by Blair Ravenwood to overthrow Kleio in The Coven, only for X to tell Kleio about it, and then Kleio to brutally attack him during the King of the Deathmatch semifinals against eventual KODM winner and NEW FWA X Champion Trixie Bordeaux.

The focus is instead on Sierra, who is in her very first 1-on-1 singles match in her young wrestling career. Sierra is off to the side, punching air with weak and slow jabs with her right hand. She may attest this is "just a warmup", but if we "practice how we play" then it doesn't look too promising.

"Sierra, 'gal, do ya' need us out thea' with ya' tonight?" Frank chimes in.

"No," Sierra says in exasperation in between deep breaths as she works up a small sweat punching the air further. "I want to go alone. Plus, who knows what The Coven will do if people are not around Liz."

"This is true. We must move Lizzy to a safe place. She's ..."

XYZ pauses for a moment, contemplating whether to finish his statement.

"She's too valuable."

It piques the interest of Frank and Christian Howard, who have only thought of Lizzy as a child growing and aging at an alarmingly fast rate. For context, Lizzy was younger than 10 years old as early as January 1, 2024. Now she is, somehow, 11 years old.

"I can take those bit..."

"Language!" Sierra shouts, taking a break from her warmup to cut Lizzy off mid-word and scold her "daughter."

Lizzy rolls her eyes and folds her arms as she sits back against the locker.

"Frank and Christian, can you two and Liz go off? I need to speak with Sierra in private."

Frank and Christian abide. Lizzy begrudgingly goes. This leaves Sierra and X alone.

"Are you sure you don't need anyone else? Celestia of the Ravenwood Clan is no slouch."

"I know. And I know the odds aren't great for me," Sierra says defeatedly as she sits next to XYZ on the bench in front of a row of lockers. "I gotta go alone, though. You know why."

"I leave you to it then. But I also have another topic to foray into your brain. The curiosity of the sand clouds berates me, and ..."

"X ... you can just ask: 'Have you found anything about my mother?'" Sierra interjects, with a warm smile to let X knows she isn't mad.

"Right. Well ..."

"I haven't yet. I'm looking, X. I promise. I found a few who could be, but ... I ... I don't know. I am going to keep looking and digging. I've been in contact with the Sitka, Alaska Police Department's Head of Internal Routine Communications Affairs and Lodging Request Record Keeping Database. I think there's some hope. And you remembering her name really helped a lot."

"Thank you, Sierra. It warms my heart to my toes."

"Didn't need to know about the toes. By the way, I think you should join Carnal Contendership. You may have a shot to go far, X. And you deserve it after your strong showing in the King of the Deathmatch tournament. It wasn't lost on any of us how you did, and if not for Kleio ..."

"I don't want to worry about Kleio tonight. Only you. And I think it's your match next, Sierra."

Sierra nods her head and rises from the bench, leaving the room and thus leaving X all to himself.

"Carnal Contendership," he says out loud to himself. "I think I will."


Natalie Rosenberg: "Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one-fall with a twenty minute time limit! Introducing first… representing the Menage… SIERRA!!"

Sierra gets a moderate, positive pop as she appears on the stage. She seems buoyed by the cheers, marching down towards the ring with minimum fuss and maximum focus.

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Here comes Sierra, who has only a handful of matches under her belt in an FWA ring or indeed any other ring. This match is a tangent of the recently resurfacing rivalry between Kleio De Santos and XYZ, which has sprawled to now involve both the Menage and the Coven…"

Konchu Hao: "Insubordination and conspiracy! I’d never stand for it!"

Jean-Luc Watkins: "And, it must be said, neither group has been as cohesive as they have in the past. It’ll be interesting to see how Sierra and her opponent tonight, Celestia Ravenwood, operate without the full support of their reinforcements. You’ll notice that Sierra is out here alone."

Konchu Hao: "I’m not sure that’s the best idea, given her lack of experience, but we’ll see how this one plays out."

Sierra climbs into the ring and warms up in her corner. Her music fades out and is replaced by…

Natalie Rosenberg: "And her opponent… accompanied to the ring by Trixie Bordeaux… weighing in at one hundred pounds… from Lock Haven, Pennsylvania… Celestia Ravenwood!!"

Celestia appears on stage to a chorus of boos from the Sapporo crowd. She is accompanied by the newly-crowned FWA X Champion, who applauds Ravenwood as she strides down the ramp and loosens up for singles action.

Jean-Luc Watkins: "It’s been a tumultuous couple of months for the Coven, culminating in their loss of the FWA Trios Championship three weeks ago at Fight Night. It has seemed as though tensions have been high within the group, particularly in regards to their supposed leader, Kleio De Santos."

Konchu Hao: "Who is absent, it seems? What is it with absentee leaders tonight?"

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Celestia is instead accompanied to the ring by Trixie Bordeaux, who won the FWA X Championship at the King of the Deathmatch just two days after she and the Ravenwoods lost those Trios titles. It’s a new beginning for Trixie, off the back of disappointment for her stable. Bordeaux has made it clear that she didn’t appreciate De Santos’ involvement on the island at King of the Deathmatch, and so much can be made of the fact that its her, and not Kleio, that accompanies Celestia to ringside tonight."

Trixie waits on the outside as Ravenwood climbs into the ring, occupying the opposite corner from her opponent. The official conducts his final checks and then calls for the bell.


Celestia Ravenwood
vs. Sierra.
Singles Match.
Match writer: SS.

<< 02:18. >>

Jean-Luc Watkins: "This one’s already beginning to look a little bit one-sided, with Celestia Ravenwood taking it to Sierra, who is cowering from these relentless strikes in the corner."

Konchu Hao: "Celestia is letting her have it with those Muay Thai style kicks, with Sierra perhaps out of her depth here against a much more experienced opponent."

Sierra is doing her best to block the worst of the kicks with her raised forearms, but Celestia changes tact and grasps her by the wrist. She hurls her across the ring with an Irish whip. Sierra colliding with the turnbuckles hard before bounding back at Ravenwood, who is coming at her for a spinning wheel kick… but it’s ducked beneath by Sierra!

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Evasion tactics by Sierra! Celestia scrambles up to her feet, but Sierra meets her with some kicks of her own!"

Konchu Hao: "Maybe not quite as technically proficient from Sierra, but those side-kicks are succeeding in backing Ravenwood up towards the ropes. Whatever works, am I right, Jean-Luc?"

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Um, sure… it’s Sierra’s turn to attempt an Irish whip, throwing Celestia into the opposite set of ropes. Leg lariat from Sierra… but Celestia catches the leg! Dragon screw leg whip!"

Konchu Hao: "And Ravenwood doesn’t let go of Sierra’s ankle… she transitions right into a figure 4 leg lock!!"

Sierra immediately begins to writhe and scream out in pain, the official moving in close to ask her if she wants to give up. She shakes her head and clenches her fist, though, showing that she has more resilience than she does technical know-how. She then begins to claw her way towards the ropes, Celestia wrenching on the leg lock, trying to inflict as much suffering as she can… before Sierra finally reaches the ropes!

The official enforces a break, which Celestia only gives when his count reaches four. Sierra rolls out onto the outside and attempts to recover. Celestia taunts and riles up the crowd as the match wears on…


<< 06:31. >>

Celestia has continued to control the match-up and have essentially all of the offense, and now has a side headlock slapped on in the middle of the ring. It was a grounded side headlock, but Sierra has shown more of that can-do spirit in fighting to a vertical base. Her attempts at causing separation with some elbows to the ribs are thwarted by Celestia absorbing the blows, but Sierra follows up by pushing Ravenwood into one set of ropes and finging her off into the other!

Jean-Luc Watkins: "After what seemed like an eternity in that side headlock, Sierra is free… and she goes for another leg lariat…"

Konchu Hao: "… but Celestia keeps hold of those ropes, halting her momentum, and Sierra crashes down onto the mat!"

Jean-Luc Watkins: "And Ravenwood follows up with a hurricanrana! She goes for the cover…"


Jean-Luc Watkins: "Sierra kicks out! She’s still in this… but for how long?"

Celestia grabs Sierra and lifts her by the hair, pulling her into a front face lock. She hooks the arm and then hoists Sierra into the air, maybe going for a snap suplex… but Sierra overrotates and lands on her feet behind Ravenwood. Sierra stumbles forwards into the ropes, bouncing off them as Celestia turns around…

Konchu Hao: "LEG LARIAT!! Sierra hits it at the third time of asking!!"

Jean-Luc Watkins: "This might be the opening she needs! Sierra backs into the corner, maybe going for some sort of big finishing attack? If I had to guess given tonight’s evidence, I’d wager it’s some form of kick…"

Konchu Hao: "Wouldn’t surprise me, Jean-Luc… but then again, I am conditioned so that nothing surprises me."

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Wait… is that… someone’s on the apron!! Is that a fan?! That’s Kleio De Santos!! KDS is here at ringside!"

Sierra is certainly distracted by Kleio, turning her focus away from Celestia and onto the woman on the apron. KDS stares her down… until she’s pulled down from the apron! De Santos expects to find a member of the Menage responsible for this, but instead she is face to face with Trixie Bordeaux!!"[/b][/color]

Jean-Luc Watkins: "The FWA X Champion just put her hands on the leader of the Coven! She’s made her thoughts clear on Kleio’s involvement at the King of the Deathmatch tournament three weeks ago… maybe Trixie doesn’t want a repeat performance here in Sapporo?"

That certainly seems to be the case, with Kleio slowly backing away from Trixie, who marches after her, blocking off the ramp as De Santos retreats up it…

… but the distraction is enough, with Sierra finally refocusing on Celestia as Ravenwood wipes her out with an elbow smash!! And then a snap DDT!

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Regardless of Trixie’s intervention, it seems that Kleio’s distraction was enough! Sierra already looks done for, and now Ravenwood climbs up to the top turnbuckle…"

Konchu Hao: "HEX BOMB!! A thing of beauty!!"

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Celestia hooks the far leg…"


Winner: Celestia Ravenwood via pinfall at 09:51.

Natalie Rosenberg: "Here is your winner… CELESTIA RAVENWOOD!!"

Ravenwood allows the official to lift her hand, looking proud of herself and her handiwork as she observes the prone body of Sierra. A pair of officials reach under the bottom rope and drag her onto the outside, allowing Celestia to scan the ringside area for her partners. Instead of seeing celebrations, she instead witnesses the tense stand-off that is still brewing between Kleio and Trixie.

Jean-Luc Watkins: "That might be one in the ‘W’ column for the Coven, but the scenes in the immediate aftermath are anything but celebratory. It appears the tensions between Kleio De Santos and the rest of the group are still rearing their ugly head. Three weeks ago should’ve been the biggest day of Trixie Bordeaux’s career, but since then she’s been embroiled in… well, in whatever this is with the apparent leader of the Coven."

Konchu Hao: "Kleio has pressures from without, too, with XYZ and his Menage still biting at her heels. I doubt this victory for Celestia over Sierra will settle that score."

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Pretty insightful."

Konchu Hao: "Konchu’s been watching…"

Finally, Kleio - who has backed all the way onto the stage - turns away from Trixie and leaves up the curtain. The X Champion looks nonplussed at the interlude. Celestia watches on from inside the ring.

Jean-Luc Watkins: "We’ll see Trixie Bordeaux in X Rules action later on, when she takes on ‘the Wildcard’ Jason Randall. But first, this…."


In the parking lot, a rental car is shown pulling into the arena and there is a loud reaction from the watching crowd as ‘Rockstar’ Randy Ramon is the man to exit it from the driver’s side door. Ramon is not yet dressed to compete, wearing a leather jacket and his signature bandana around his head. The FWA Hall of Famer acknowledges Todd Salum, who is approaching him with a microphone in hand;

Randy Ramon: “Todd Salum. Good night so far?”

Todd Salum: “It has been agreeable, yes. But Randy Ramon, tonight you are competing in the main event against Jay Kenny and Donny Toner with the FWA World Tag Team Championships on the line. The one thing that you are currently missing is a partner. Who is going to be the one to replace ‘The Showman’ Chris Crowe?”

Randy Ramon: “Obviously I won this opportunity alongside Chris and it is him that I want to be standing alongside tonight but he’s got himself in a spot of bother with a very specific branch of law enforcement, so he can’t be here. My new partner isn’t here just yet, but trust me, by the time that bell rings, all of your questions will be answered.”

A straight to the point response from Ramon, who wheels his suitcase towards the arena as Todd watches on, offering the veteran interviewer a nod. Ramon quickly doubles back and clears his throat with a grin.

Randy Ramon: “You’re doing some sort of presser with Peacock and Michelle later on, right?”

Salum nods, and Ramon cannot contain his smirk.

Randy Ramon: “Say hi to Chris from me.”

With that, Ramon waves and heads into the arena. Todd gives a knowing nod and then the scene fades away back into the arena…


Natalie Rosenberg: “The following is set for one fall with a twenty-minute-time-limit!”

After a few seconds of the song playing, Sawyer Xavier appears on stage to a mixed reaction from the crowd. He doesn’t waste any time sprinting down to the ring and hops up on the nearest turnbuckle to take a look out at the crowd in Sapporo Dome.

Natalie Rosenberg: “Introducing first, from Savannah, GA and weighing in at 176 lb… he is Sawyer Xavier!”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Wrestling fans, if you missed Meltdown then go back and watch it now, but if you did see it then you’ll know that we have a new FWA TV Champion in Kleio De Santos. That’s right, KDS is now a two-time TV Champion and we don’t have to wait long to find out who will be her first challenger for the title because right now we’ll see two young hungry competitors looking for a win and a shot at gold.”

The alluring vocals of Janet Jackson’s “That’s The Way Love Goes” begins to play as the mood lighting in the arena dims to a sultry shade of red. Walking out onto the stage, through a steady cloud of smoke, are two people wearing pink, glittery, skin-tight full body suits. The back of one suit says “Antonio” in white and the back of the other says “Monica” in white. They each hold one furry cone shaped object in their hands as they slowly move and vibe to the music while standing on either side of the entryway. After a few seconds, out saunters Xperienx Xtacee, looking as flashy as ever in glitter covered red tights with a matching velvet cloak and holding a rhinestone-encrusted cane. He motions Monica and Antonio with the cane, signaling them to come over and kiss him on either cheek. Xtacee puts on a very satisfied smile and holds his cane with both hands, pointing it in front of him, as Monica and Antonio stand at his side and point the furry cones at him. In unison, Xperienx Xtacee thrusts with the cane as his lovers tap the back of the cones, causing golden confetti to come shooting out of all three objects.

Natalie Rosenberg: “Making his way to the ring, side-by-side with his lovers Monica and Antonio, hailing from The Right Side of the Bed in Las Vegas, Nevada, and weighing in at a lean 180 pounds, Xperienx Xtacee!

Now in the ring, Antonio grabs Xtacee’s cane and slides it out of his hand before leaving the ring. Monica removes Xtacee’s cloak and top before also leaving the ring. Xperienx goes into the corner and sits atop the turnbuckle with a flirtatious smile on his face as he stares down at his opposition in the ring.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Both of these men are coming off the KODM tournament, but now it’s back to good old fashioned wrestling and a chance at gold for one of them. Xavier and Xtacee are both eager to start racking up some wins and earn a shot at the TV Champion, Kleio De Santos, who should be keeping a close eye on this match.”

Konchu Hao: “A great opportunity indeed for both competitors here, JL.”


THIRD MATCH || 1/20.
Sawyer Xavier
vs. Xperienx Xtacee.
Singles Match - #1 Contendership Match for the FWA Television Championship.
Match writer: Jimmy.


<< 00:00 >>

The match begins with a feeling out process as both men circle each other before locking horns, but instead of a traditional collar and elbow tie up, Xtacee takes Xavier down with an arm drag. He follows up with a series of arm drags in order to wear down his opponent, and after the last one he keeps an arm lock applied to Xavier, who is down but not out of it just yet as he starts to rise up while the hold is still locked in on him. Xtacee tries to twist Xavier’s arm behind his back but Xavier slips away and counters with an arm drag of his own! Xtacee is right back to his feet but he’s caught by a standing dropkick from Xavier, and Xtacee is sent stumbling backward into the corner. Xavier takes Xtacee by the wrist and irish whips him to the opposite corner, which Xtacee slams into hard and bounces off of that into the waiting arms of Xavier who hits him with a monkey flip!

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Sawyer Xavier is rolling so far, wrestling fans! He is taking it to Xperienx Xtacee!”

Konchu Hao: “If I can be honest, he would be wise to slow the pace to avoid wearing himself out early on.”

Xtacee stumbles back to his feet but he’s caught with a pele kick to the side of his head that knocks him into the ropes and then Xavier sends him toppling over the top rope with a running dropkick! Xtacee is on the outside now and he’s checked on by his lovers Monica and Antonio, but he senses danger and gets them out of the way in time just as Xavier comes down on him with an asai moonsault!

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Xtacee sacrificed himself in order to protect his loved ones on the outside, and that could pay dividends for Sawyer Xavier if he can get Xtacee back in the ring. Surely you would do the same for Epsilon if in that position, Konchu?”

Konchu Hao: “Of course I would, JL. I’ve been in that position before and I’d do it again in a heartbeat if I had to.”

Xavier rolls Xtacee back into the ring and doesn’t waste a second as he connects with a slingshot senton through the middle rope and he’s quick to make the cover…



<< 06:11 >>

Xtacee stays alive but he’s trapped now as Xavier applies a sleeper hold in order to keep Xtacee grounded. Xtacee is doing his best to fight out of the hold and find a way back into this match, and he uses the support from Monica and Antonio, as well as the fans to power up as he rises up and repeatedly drills Xavier in the midsection with back elbows until Xavier relents on the hold. Xtacee nails Xavier with a european uppercut to the chin and then slaps Xavier across the cheek! Xavier reacts accordingly by holding his cheek but this gives Xtacee the opening he was looking for as he lights up Xavier’s chest with an open palm slap! There’s another one! And another! Xtacee switches things up as Xavier is backed into the corner and Xtacee lights him up with sharp chest chops until he feels like Xavier has had enough…

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Xavier’s chest is about as red as Xtacee’s tights right now after that brutal onslaught of chest related strikes from Xtacee!”

Konchu Hao: “I thought I hit hard with my strikes!”

Xtacee drags Xavier away from the corner and hits a snap suplex on Xavier. He follows that up with two quick successive leg drops, a slow hip shake that gets the crowd and his lovers going, and then another leg drop! Xtacee drops down for the lateral press and a hook of the far leg…


Xavier gets a shoulder up and Xtacee grabs hold of the arm and quickly applies an arm triangle submission. Eventually, Xtacee transitions to a cross-arm breaker submission on Xavier, who is writhing around and trying to find a way to wriggle free…


<< 09:58 >>

Xtacee’s grip on Xavier’s arm starts to slip and this allows Xavier to reach out to the nearest rope to break the hold…

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Nice ring awareness by Sawyer Xavier, but the damage may already be done on his shoulder thanks to Xtacee and that cross-arm breaker.”

Xavier rolls to the apron for a brief respite to loosen up his shoulder after that submission hold. Xtacee reaches over the ropes to bring Xavier up by the hair, but Xavier fends him off after a few forearm strikes that has Xtacee reeling back a few steps. Xavier lines up Xtacee in his sights before propping himself up…springboard DDT! Another pin attempt from Xavier…


Xavier proceeds to ascend to the top rope and who knows what’s going through his mind at this moment, but we won’t find out as Xtacee joins him on the top rope and the two of them exchange blows before Xtacee gets the upper hand. Xtacee then pulls Xavier close in position…


Jean-Luc Watkins: “This is the kind of explosive action you can only find in the FWA, wrestling fans!”

The crowd is losing it now while Monica and Antonio look on with concern for their lover, who hasn’t moved after hitting that spanish fly, nor has Xavier moved. Eventually, after what seems like an eternity, Xtacee draps an arm over Xavier for a pin…


The crowd can’t believe it while Monica and Antonio look relieved that Xtacee is okay but also a bit concerned that the match is continuing…

<< 12:40 >>

Xtacee is slow to his feet as he brings Xavier up with a front facelock, and he lays in some uppercuts for good measure before he sends Xavier into the corner with an irish whip. Xtacee backs up to gain some speed and comes charging in for a running body splash, but Xavier moved out of the way in time as he slips underneath Xtacee between the legs and delivers a dropkick to the back of Xtacee before he spins him around and lifts him up on his shoulders…Sunset Apollo! Xavier hits the death valley driver but that’s not all as he climbs up top…The Genesis of Truth! Diving double stomp to the back! Xavier hooks the leg…


Winner: Sawyer Xavier via pinfall at 14:12.

Natalie Rosenberg: “The winner of the match…Sawyer Xavier!”

Xavier has his arm raised in victory and it quickly sets in now that he has a shot at gold as he motions around his waist before he exits the ring. Monica and Antonio are now in the ring tending to Xtacee, who appears disappointed with another loss but he does his best to shake it off while being assisted to his feet.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Sawyer Xavier has a date with destiny! It’ll be him and Kleio De Santos for the FWA TV Championship!”

Konchu Hao: “Xperienx Xtacee has nothing to be ashamed of despite coming up short. He put up an admiral effort but it’s back to the drawing board for him unfortunately…”


We cut to an area in the back that has been set up for a press conference. Todd Salum stands at a podium, two microphones set up either side of him, and facing this arrangement are a few rows of foldout chairs, occupied by (semi-)familiar faces from the wrestling media. The eagle-eyed amongst the viewership will recognise the likes of Shake Meltzer, Derrick Silver, and former FWA star Ty Johnson, who are amongst those clicking their pens and flexing their notepads.

Todd Salum: “Back at the start of the year, eight men and women qualified for what would be the second instalment of the F1 Climaxxx tournament. In the three months since then, these eight competitors were whittled down to two, most recently in the semi-finals in Osaka on Meltdown XXXIX. Bryan Baxter and Mike Parr, the two men who have held the FWA North American Championship during this tournament and who both agreed to put that belt on the line, were both eliminated in this most recent round, ensuring that we’ll crown a new champion at the Carnal Contendership. That new champion will either be Chris Peacock…”

At the mention of his name, Peacock appears through a door on the right of the room, appearing somewhat casual in a shirt with open collar, but with sunglasses hiding his eyes. He takes up position next to the microphone to Salum’s left.

Todd Salum: “Or Michelle von Horrowitz…”

Dreamer appears through a different door on the opposite side of the room, dressed in her usual attire with her rucksack slung low over her shoulders. She stands behind her microphone with her hands stuffed into the front pocket of her hoodie. She doesn’t so much as glance at Peacock, who stands on the other side of the segment’s emcee.

Todd Salum: “Both come into this final with impressive records in the F1, both this year and last. Dreamer, of course, was the victor in the 2023 incarnation, but Chris Peacock bowed out of the tournament early in order to focus on his Golden Opportunity cash-in. Peacock would win that World Championship challenge against Devin Golden, and then successfully defended against MvH at the Grand March. That is only part of their history, with the two also clashing repeatedly in the tag division as part of FTN and the Connection respectively. Up until now, von Horrowitz is yet to defeat Peacock outside of 2020’s Carnal Contendership match. In all-time F1 competition, Peacock comes into this match 6-3, whilst Dreamer’s record stands at an impervious 9-1. Despite their often parallel ascents through the FWA over the past four years, next month will be the first time ever that they will meet one-on-one. Chris, Michelle, your thoughts on next month’s final…”

Salum takes a step back from his pulpit, opening up the floor for discussion. Perhaps surprisingly, Michelle is first to take up his offer, her hands still stuffed in her pockets as she approaches her microphone.

MvH: “You’re right, Todd, to talk about the long history that Boogie Baby and I have. Often, we’ve watched each other’s rises from afar. He arrived as I was finally breaking through in my own ascent, after all, and he was walking through the path that I cleared during my brief moments at the summit. One thing that you neglected to mention, Todd, in your lengthy and somewhat tedious introduction, is that we once teamed together. Many years ago. Back when I thought that he was something of a worthwhile human being. But time teaches many lessons, and it has revealed my opponent for what he is. Particularly the last year, when Chris and his strange little group of like-minded trogs moulded their entire identity around myself, and Gerald and Uncle and Thomas and the rest of them.”

A pause here. The memory of the names belonging to a group who has been absent since last year’s Back in Business is clearly problematic for her.

MvH:Fuck The Nephews. A simple refrain for the simple-minded. One can only guess where this singular missive could’ve originated. For Peacock it’s perhaps clearer: defeats to Uncle, defeats to Thomas… though, you’d think his status as the World Champion and his victory over me would be enough to satisfy that particular score but… well, this is Chris Peacock that we are talking about. For an ego of this size and this sort, a world championship is not enough. A banal and vulgar team name: that’ll show ‘em. But, it must be said, they did fuck the Nephews. They took our championships and, outside of Gerald, the Nephews haven’t been seen for nearly a year. Well done. You won, more absolutely and in more ways than you could even know.”

There is less passivity about Michelle now. The recollections of the last year have brought with them a sense of shame and of loss, and beneath it all injustice. Her breathing is quickened alongside the pace of her diatribe.

MvH: “This match is more than just the final of the F1. I’m sure the fact that the North American Championship has, by happenstance, become the prize is of more note to my opponent than it is to me. Just like with the World Championship, the collecting of the accomplishment means more to a man like Peacock than the accomplishment itself, as my old friend Cyrus so eloquently argued. I am sure he will have one eye on the Grand Slam that one more win would bring with it. To me, this match is much, much more. It is the culmination of the last year of my life: a lost year, spent behind a mask and in a suit.”

The next pause is reflective. There is a sense about Michelle that she is finally lifting her head above the surface after a long period submerged underwater.

MvH: “I don’t dream as much as I used to because I don’t sleep as much as I used to, but in the dreams I have been afforded it has never been you. It has been the other, whose descent into the state that we see him in now is more marked and more disappointing. But it appears that he has lost the stomach for it, and it is to be you. But there is no doubt in my mind that this is it. The F1, the North American Championship, and the Grand Slam… they mean a lot to me, of course. But it means more to keep all of them from you.”

She leaves it there. She’s already said enough. Too much, maybe. She takes a step away from the microphone, allowing Peacock to make his response.

Chris steps forward. Uncharacteristically, he seems devoid of the usual overt mannerisms and expressions that he is known for. There is an unfamiliar composure about him, and he removes his sunglasses, tossing them down onto the floor next to him.

Chris Peacock: “What was it, Rod? A Carnal Contendership match that she didn’t even eliminate me from? That I lasted over an hour in? That’s all that the great Michelle von Horrowitz has over me? Well, that - and I’ll give you credit for this - throwing me off my game at the beginning of all of this. I won’t lie. You made sure that I wasn’t all with it when we got this tournament started. Well done.”

The two F1 Climaxxx tournament finalists stare intensely into each other’s eyes for a moment, and Chris points across the room at Michelle.

Chris Peacock: “Michelle, since I found out this tournament was happening again, there has been only one thing that I have wanted. To be here, in this moment, with you. I won’t lie, there were times that even I didn’t think I’d get here. My road to the final has not been as straightforward as yours, I’ll admit it. Some people would probably try to say that if it wasn’t for certain events, that I wouldn’t even be here. Well, that doesn’t matter and those people don’t matter. I am here. I understand that might disappoint you… but let me be clear about one thing; it doesn’t matter if it is me, or if it was Alyster. The result is going to be the same. It will be the same result as every other time you have stepped into that ring with me, Michelle. You lose.”

Peacock takes a moment to smirk and revel at his previous accomplishments over MvH. He allows his wrist to slightly limp, causing the microphone to hang before he puts it back up to his mouth.

Chris Peacock: “I know that eats you up inside, Michelle. Chris Peacock - ‘Dreamer’s Nightmare’. You fucking hate it. What makes you hate it so much, is because it is true. Not just because it is true, but also because of what it means. My very existence threatens that aura that you have curated for yourself over the last four years. I’m not Kennedy and I’m definitely not Snowmantashi… but one thing I am, is here every fucking week. They can come and go, but I’m always going to be here. I’m always going to be here to remind you that no matter what, there’s always someone here that can beat you.

“I can see now why you went so far out of your way at that press conference to single me out and throw me off. It’s because I have that same effect on you, right? Why the fuck else would you say something as hypocritical as you just did?”

There seems to be some confusion from von Horrowitz as Peacock angles that question towards her, she even cocks an eyebrow and mouths to him to ask what he is referring to.

Chris Peacock: “I’ll let you think about that one. But I do find it interesting that you’re so concerned with why I want to win this tournament, Michelle. Even if you were right, and even if Cyrus was right when he said what you just repeated, you’ve shown your hand. So, focus on me all you want, Michelle. Do your worst to try and stop me from getting this accomplishment too. Because whilst you’re doing that, I’ll be doing what has gotten me through this tournament so far and what kept the FWA World Championship around my waist for eight months…”

Peacock skirts around the podium in front of him in order to get closer to his opponent. There seems to be a rising of tensions in the room, and the photographers rapid taking of pictures causes the room to be illuminated by flashes.

Chris Peacock: “I’ll be doing everything in my power to beat you, Michelle. I think I demonstrated pretty well on Meltdown that I’m ready, willing and able to do whatever it takes. I won’t bat an eyelid about faking an injury or using brass knuckles or getting Allen Price to distract a referee. None of that makes a difference to me anymore. Now, don’t get me wrong, I’ll enjoy beating you and holding that North American Championship over you, but after the journey I’ve been on, I’d have enjoyed it just the same as whether it was Parr, Konchu, Halloween Knight or even that fat fuck Baxter. So, what I guess I’m trying to say is that when I beat you again… don’t take it personally, tulip.

Despite her best efforts, the taunting from Peacock seemed to have struck a chord with MvH. She was clearly not ready to see the usually-volatile man in a more composed manner. She looked at him full of scorn, knowing that he wanted nothing more than for her to lash out at him. The smug expression on Peacock’s face reflected a man who believed that he was in complete control of the situation, but he knew that he would be lying to himself if he said that he knew what Michelle was thinking. Todd Salum wisely takes the initiative and motions for the security in the room to escort Peacock back behind his podium.

Todd Salum: “Okay, I think that everyone has said what they’ve wanted to say here, and there’s no reason why we can’t leave it here. We’ll let the rest of the talking happen in the ring at Carnal Contendership… thank you for attending, ladies and gentlemen.”

At the conclusion of the press conference, the press gathered capture some more photos of the two F1 Climaxxx tournament finalists as Michelle leaves the room without giving Peacock another glance and Peacock wears a goofy grin, still sure in himself that he got the better of that exchange but completely ignorant of the bear that he just poked.


Much like those seen on Meltdown, a shot of the crowd reveals that there are a number of hooded individuals congregating within the fans inside the Sapporo Dome. Whilst on Meltdown there was a dozen or so, their number has increased somewhat to about thirty.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Do these folks have something to do with you, partner?”

Konchu Hao: “Whilst definitely dressed like members of the Army of the Night, I can confirm that would be a negative, my esteemed companion. No, I wonder who is orchestrating the appearances of these individuals?”

Suddenly, a placard is lifted up from the mass of people, reading ”HE IS COMING.” It disappears almost as quickly as it arrived.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Who is coming? When? This whole thing seems rather-”

Konchu Hao: “Were you going to say “spooky”, Jean-Luc? KEHAHAHAHA!”

The crowd cheers loudly for the entrance of TR1CK or TR4SH, with Halloween Knight the first one through the curtain doing his famous dance. He widens his stance, allowing Trash Mammal to scurry between his legs. Knight then ducks down and Juan Tothrefor leapfrogs over him, and Trash Mammal makes it through Juan’s legs as well. There is something different about the group, which is of course the FWA Trios Championships that they won at Fight Night.

Natalie Rosenberg: "The following contest is a Trios Match scheduled for one fall with a twenty minute time limit, Introducing first, the challengers… at a combined weight of six-hundred and seventy-seven pounds… they are the NEWWWWW FWA TRIOS CHAMPIONS… JUAN TOTHREFOR, TRASH MAMMAL and HALLOWEEN KNIGHT… THEY ARE… TR1CK… OR…. TR4SH!!!!”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Ugh, I was so busy with King of the Deathmatch and getting you on board here that I forgot all about this… wrestling fans, your new FWA Trios Champions…”

Konchu Hao: “No need for such cynicism, now! What you are seeing is the only other undefeated trio in this company other than the Dark Roads Alliance, KEHAHAHAHA!!”

TR1CK or TR4SH enter the ring collectively and pose with their championships. They then take a look at their opponents…

Natalie Rosenberg: "Their opponents, already in the ring… PONI BOI!”

The three PONI BOI members look around the arena with disapproving looks, as if being here is beneath them. The three luchadors remove their championships and pass them to someone at ringside. The referee is Joey Ortiz, and he calls for the bell!


(Juan Tothrefor, Halloween Knight, and Trash Mammal) vs. PONI BOI (midnight MUSTANG, sunrise STALLION and midday MULE)
Trios Match.
Match writer: Man.

It is the animal responsible for winning the lucha-bros their titles that starts off the match, and Trash Mammal tussles with sunrise STALLION, and Basura easily gets the better of the K-Pop star to get him down with a Rolling Uppercut. Trash Mammal screeches at the other two PONI BOIs and then lifts STALLION up onto his shoulders, and drives him into the mat with a Cartwheel Death Valley Driver! It is at this point that Trash Mammal seems to permit his opponent to make a tag, and midday MULE enters the match. He tries a Dropkick on Trash Mammal, but Basura shrugs him off. Trash Mammal sends MULE into the corner and then tags in Halloween Knight.

Knight vaults himself over the top rope to get into the match and he and Trash Mammal take turns to get in a couple of shots on MULE, before Halloween Knight executes a Snapmare to get his opponent out of the corner. With MULE taking his time to get up, Halloween Knight climbs up in the corner and then walks along the top rope, doing his DANCE~! and he then leaps from the top rope, planting MULE with the TERROR TORNADO DDT!!!

Konchu Hao: “It really fathoms me why you do not enjoy watching these fine athletes compete, Jean-Luc. Are you not the scholar for the inner workings and machinations for this craft that I expected you to be?”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “I just don’t get it, Konchu. That’s all it is. Oh, and here comes the most egregious of them all; Juan Tothrefor. A decorated competitor in Mexico, who has been reduced to a fool who enjoys counting.”

As Juan gets in fresh off the tag from Halloween Knight, MULE retreats, leaving just midnight MUSTANG to fight on behalf of PONI BOI. MUSTANG tries rushing Juan, but the Art of Lucha alum catches him off-guard with a Superkick to the midsection! Juan hits a second to the knee, then the shin… and then a final strike to the head! This knocks him flat down onto his back, and Juan motions to his partners. With no hesitation, the other two TR1CK or TR4SH members rush out from their corner and dive through the ropes, taking out MULE and STALLION!

Juan then gracefully exits to the ring apron, where he lines up MUSTANG and elevates himself up… SENOR SENTON!!! Juan’s full weight crushes MUSTANG’s ribs and chest, and Tothrefor makes the cover…



… FOUR!!!!

Winner: TR1CK or TR4SH via pin fall at 2:26.

Natalie Rosenberg: "Here are your winners… TR1CK or TR4SH!!!!”

Halloween Knight and Trash Mammal join Juan in the ring and the three of them are handed their championships, which they raise to a strong ovation from the crowd. With the music playing, it turns into a dance break with Halloween Knight entertaining his partners and the crowd.

Konchu Hao: “The new Trios Champions make their presence felt here tonight and continue their undefeated run as a group. For Trash Mammal… he’s now 7-0!”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “...”

Even though JLW is not a fan, the guys don’t mind and we fade away from their celebrations…



Cigarette smoke wafts through the air.

Elizabeth Rose sits on a crate, puffing on a cigarette.

Elizabeth Rose: "What, you forgot I was here? Figures."

She takes another puff of her cigarette before continuing on

Elizabeth Rose: People are going to ask two questions: Where have I been ? And where's Keres? And my answer to both those questions. Go fuck yourself and suck my dick."

To underline the point, Elizabeth flips the screen the bird twice.

Elizabeth Rose: "Oh, what, don't act like you gave a shit where I was; the only engagement that I got is, "Oh, Elizabeth Rose sucks now. I wish she went back to how she was."

Elizabeth crossed her eyes and her arms

Elizabeth Rose:"Cry me a river. But I digress - I ain't got much time for you fuckwards; I got things to do, and actual places I want to be. So let me cut to the chase for you. The Carnal Contendership. You're looking at the winner. Brooklyn, New York. Your daughter's coming home at Back In Business in the main event. It doesn't matter the opponent or how many… it doesn't matter the time or the place…I'm raving through all you bitches"

Elizabeth takes another draft of her cigarette.

Elizabeth Rose: "There. I cut a fucking promo. You wanted me to show up, I did. Are you happy now? Good. Now, get the camera out of my face.”


Natalie Rosenberg: “The next contest is set for one fall with a twenty-minute-time-limit!”

Gabrielle saunters out on stage to a loud, positive reception from the fans. She poses for the fans before making her way down to the ring.

Natalie Rosenberg: “Introducing first, from Auckland, New Zealand and weighing in 132 lb…she is Gabrielle!”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “The Carnal Contendership is right around the corner and Gabby has yet to announce her intentions in regards to that match, but she’s a surefire favorite to win it if she does decide to enter it this year, wouldn’t you agree, Konchu?”

Konchu Hao: “It would be hard to argue against that, JL.”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Gabby’s list of accomplishments speaks for itself, but the one thing that has eluded her is winning the Carnal Contendership match. I’m sure she’d love nothing more than to add that notch to her belt.”


The crowd continues to cheer for Jackson Fenix, who appears on stage with Nate Savage and Bubbles the Clown. After some posturing, Fenix hops on Bubbles’ back and rides down to the ring while Nate follows behind.

Natalie Rosenberg: “Her opponent, being accompanied by Nate Savage and Bubbles the Clown, from Las Vegas, Nevada and weighing in at 210 lb…he is The Sin City Bad Boy…Jackson Fenix”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Speaking of favorites, here’s a man that could very well win it all at CC and someone that is not to be overlooked. Jackson Fenix had a renaissance in 2023 and he’s looking to continue that growth in 2024. Also, he will have home field advantage at CC with it being in his hometown of Las Vegas…”

Konchu Hao: “Despite my personal feelings for him and that neanderthal he hangs out with, I would be remiss if I were to dismiss his talent.”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Plus, who doesn’t want a Jeremy Best and Jackson Fenix if it were to come to that…”

Konchu Hao: “Cyrus Truth for one, if Jeremy can get through Truth, which I don’t think will be happening…”

Savage and Bubbles stay at ringside while Fenix is in the ring now and offers a handshake to Gabrielle, who obliges him, and the crowd applauds the good sportsmanship. Referee Joey Ortiz checks both competitors before he signals for the bell…


FIFTH MATCH || 1/20.
vs. Jackson Fenix.
Singles Match.
Match writer: Jimmy.


<< 00:00 >>

The match begins with the traditional collar and elbow tie up before Gabby traps Fenix in a side headlock. Fenix slips out of it and counters with a rear hammerlock, but Gabby counters back as she wriggles free and connects with an arm drag takedown and she attempts an arm lock submission but Fenix twists his way and counters with an arm drag of his own. Both competitors are back to a vertical base and Fenix is quick to attack with a standing dropkick that takes Gabby off her feet, but she’s quickly back up. Fenix swings for the fences with a spinning back fist, but Gabby ducks it and spins behind him and applies a rear waistlock and goes for a german suplex but Fenix blocks it and slithers underneath between the legs and he has Gabby in position for a snap dragon suplex but she flips out of it and Fenix has little time to react as Gabby connects with an enziguri!

Fenix is stunned as he falls to a knee and Gabby hits another enziguri that takes him down. Gabby has Fenix where she wants him…split legged moonsault! She hooks the leg…

Gabby has Fenix up in a front facelook now and she’s peppering him with forearm strikes to the dome before backing him into the corner. She lays in some more forearm strikes before backing up and charging forward but Fenix stops her in her tracks as he gets a boot in time. Gabby stumbles backward a few steps and does her best to gather herself while Fenix has positioned himself on the second rope now…Kill The Lights! Fenix gets all of the diving meteora and reaches back to hook the leg for the pin…



<< 06:02 >>

Jean-Luc Watkins: “This has been fast paced with back and forth action, but now the action has to a bit of a standstill with Fenix slowing the pace with a rear headlock applied on Gabrielle.”

Konchu Hao: “I’m a little surprised these two are so evenly matched, JL. I’ll be honest, this was not what I was expecting.”

Gabby starts to show signs of fighting back and starts to rise up while Fenix has the headlock still applied until he’s fended off with several back elbows to the midsection. Gabby then counters with a snapmare takeover into a running low angle dropkick to Fenix’s spine. Fenix winces in pain and slowly rises up but he’s knocked back down thanks to a running thrust kick from Gabby…

Fenix rolls to the apron for a brief respite but Gabby doesn’t afford him that luxury, and yanks him up by the hair and she starts drilling him with hard hitting forearm strikes but eventually he fights back with his own forearm strikes that knock her back, which affords Fenix some breathing room. He readies himself and has Gabby in his sights before launching himself forward with a springboard high knee strike and again he goes for another pin…


Fenix shakes that off and brings Gabby up in a front facelock, but right away she manages to counter with a sitout jawbreaker that sends Fenix stumbling backward. Gabby gathers bearings before she’s back up again and hits Fenix with two successive suplexes before following up with a third and transitions it into a bridge…


Gabby is quick to go back on the attack and applies a lotus lock submission hold on Fenix with nowhere for him to go, while the referee continues to ask Fenix if he’s ready to quit but he declines each time despite the pain surging through his upper body at this time. Nate Savage on the outside is watching on and tries to rally Fenix back in this while Bubbles looks greatly concerned for his friend…

Konchu Hao: “Fenix is refusing to give up despite the obvious pain he must be feeling right now.”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “The human body most certainly should not bend that way.”


<< 10:08 >>

Fenix uses a last ditch effort to stay alive as he falls backward on top of Gabby, which causes her to lose her grip on the lotus lock and her shoulders both fall to the mat…


Fenix tries to loosen up the joints in his shoulders as he rises up while Gabby gathers herself and both of them are back up. Fenix instinctively goes for a superkick, but Gabby has that well scouted as she catches him by the boot but Fenix has a response for that with an enzugiri! He spins her around…snap dragon suplex…he goes for the follow up with a bicycle knee but Gabby ducks it…he stops himself at the ropes and he senses her coming up behind so he counters with a low spinning heel kick and then a low angle superkick to the knees followed by a shining wizard! Another pin attempt…


Fenix doesn’t miss a beat as he brings her up and he goes for Sin City Hangover but Gabby flips out behind him and counters with the GaBuster! Fenix crumbles to the mat while clutching at his back…Gabby wastes no time as she stays on the attack with another split-legged moonsault! She’s not done yet though as she hits the ropes and drops a split-legged leg drop on Fenix for good measure before she reaches over to hook his leg for the pin…



<< 14:22 >>

Jean-Luc Watkins: “No matter what Gabrielle throws at him, Jackson Fenix refuses to stay down!”

Gabby has him up now and drives repeated knee strikes to his head, and then follows up with several european uppercuts. She takes some time before setting him up in position for the 34 D Double D-DT…but Fenix is able to counter with a northern lights suplex into a bridge!


Fenix is up now and he’s feeling as he waits for Gabby to rise up…he pulls her in close for In The Zone…but Gabby slips out and takes him by the wrist and goes for a short arm lariat but Fenix ducks it…sling blade! He picks her up now…Sin City Hangover into the pin!


Winner: Jackson Fenix via pinfall at 16:20.

Natalie Rosenberg: "Here is your winner of the match...Jackson Fenix!"

Fenix has his arm raised before he's joined by his stablemates. Gabrielle is being assisted by the referee and Fenix insists on shaking her hand again, to which she obliges again despite wearing a look of disappointment. Gabrielle exits the ring while Fenix continue to celebrate with his friends in the ring...

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Jackson Fenix's wave of momentum continues and he goes into CC with a win! Not the result Gabrielle was looking for but I have no doubt she'll bounce back in no time. In the meantime, the show will roll on..."


The Coronation of Kleio De Santos
Queen of TV

Announcer: "All rise for the Coronation of Kleio De Santos"

As the music plays, the camera spans around the arena. We see a red velvet carpet laid all the way down the entrance ramp going all the way into the ring. Inside the ring is a large Golden Throne, and next to it a crown.

The music continues as the crowd boos.

The Witch Queen doesn't care.

She continues to strut down the ramp. Her TV title is wrapped delicately around her waist once again.

On her shoulders is a beautiful robe, with a lot of Flair if you get my drift. It's sparkly and fluffy. She gets into the ring, and looks at her throne, and her crown sitting next to it. The crown is absolutely beautiful, with little ruby TVs as gems.

She smiles at it before sitting down on the throne, grabbing the microphone next to it, and crossing over her leg. However, she leaves the crown sitting on the table.

Queen Kleio De Santos: "Welcome to my coronation! As the only two-time female TV Champion, I think it only makes sense that I officially be named the Queen of TV? No?"

The crowd continues to boo in response.

Queen Kleio De Santos: "What do you people know? You are all just like that little Trixie. Completely immature, controlled by emotions. My partners voted to keep Trixie in The Coven. Fine, let her stay. She will eventually run herself into the ground. She makes more and more enemies each and every day, and yet she refuses my help?

Little Trixie thought that I interfered in her match at King of the Deathmatch for her. To spite her? Or help her? She is upset, because she thinks my actions during that match with XYZ helped her win the tournament. And poor little Trixie's ego can't handle the fact that people will think she needed help to win. What she fails to comprehend is...I was going to win the King of the Deathmatch tournament myself. I was registered in it, I was competing in it, and after coming so close the last two years, this year I was winning it. Seeing how they all actually competed, I have no doubts in fact that I would have won the entire thing with ease. Had I been in that tournament, Trixie wouldn't have even gotten that match against XYZ. It would have been me, and I would've been able to crush XYZ then and there. But, alas, she was there instead.

And why? Because I withdrew. So, there you go...if it wasn't for me, Trixie wouldn't have her title. It had nothing to do with the match, and it had nothing to do with her. And I only withdrew in the first place, because I decided I would rather get back my Television Championship instead.

So...why did I interfere in Trixie's match?

Is it because that is what The Coven does? We help each other win? Trixie seemed to think so. Trixie also didn't seem to have a problem when we did the same thing a dozen times before. But apparently sometime recently she got a traumatic brain injury, and her prefrontal cortex is struggling to control her own emotions and impulsive decisions.

But no, believe it or not, I could have cared less whether Trixie won that match or not.

I interfered in that match, because of one person...the Alphabet Man.


You see, XYZ decided to...per his character, stick his nose where it didn't belong. He stuck his nose in my interview time years ago, and now he's sticking his nose in my business. The pompous bastard came up to ME during the show, and tells me that Blair is planning a coup. Oh, what a favor XYZ is doing for me, he's such a great guy right? That's what he wants everyone to think. That even as my enemy he thinks he's above me, Blair, and everyone else.

And yet, he also must think I'm stupid.

That I wasn't aware Blair Ravenwood and her sister had been trying to overthrow me for months? Does he think so little of me, that I'd have no regard for what's going on in my own house? That I need his intelligence to figure it out? Blair Ravenwood is not very sneaky. I knew immediately what she was doing when she started, and I didn't care...because it's something I can handle. Eventually, and Blair knows this, the Ravenwood sisters both will be put in their place and they will follow me like the puppy dogs they are. Blair isn't a leader, she's a follower. Every once in a while she gets a little too big for her shorts, and I smack her down a couple pegs to remind her who the best Witch is...me.

XYZ will not interfere in my family's affairs without consequence. This time, it costed him a match. Next time, it'll cost him more. I think perhaps he should start to worry a little bit more of what's going on under his own nose, than mine.

Consider that your only warning Letter Boy.

Because this time you aren't just dealing with Kleio De Santos. You're dealing with Kleio De Santos, leader of The Coven, and Queen of TV.

And like it or not, I will make you kneel before me. You will kiss my ring, you will beg for my mercy, and you will...


With that, Kleio drops her microphone.

Two assistants in black suits head into the ring.

Kleio bends over, as they carefully place the TV Crown on her head.

The coronation music continues once more. The crowd boos, but the Queen of TV is unphased as unstraps her title, and holds it high above her hair. She struts around the ring with the belt, holding it high up.

This continues for a handful of minutes uninterrupted.

The coronation of Queen Kleio De Santos is complete. Done with elegance, respect, and dignity.

Just as a true coronation for a TRUE Queen should be done. Any respectable Queen would have a coronation go smoothly like this. Much emphasis on the wording "respectable Queen".​


The lights in the Sapporo Dome go pitch black as the the guitar rifts and drums of Here Comes Revenge kick in. Purple strobe lights flicker and smoke fill the arena as a spotlight reveals Vengador now standing at the top of the stage.

The lights come back up to reveal Vengador is joined on the stage by Bobby Joel, sporting his cowboy hat and a shit eatting grin as well as the trio of Triple J Security, Jobber Jimbo, Jugem Jugem, and Jiggy Jon.

Natalie Rosenberg: "Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is an eight man tag match scheduled for one-fall with a twenty minute time limit! Introducing first, being accompanied to the ring by “The Dubb” Bobby Joel… the team of Triple J Security and… VEEEEEENNNGGGGAAADOOOOORRRR!”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “It was surprising turn of events on Fight Night when a fixture of the Japanese wrestling scene, “The Dubb” Bobby Joel showed up alongside GroundZero Season 5 Winner, Vengador and looked to make a statement by confronting Cyrus Truth.”

Konchu Hao:: “While normally I’d be in support of a masked GroundZero competitor, I must say that it may not have been wise to go after my associate, Cyrus Truth.”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Perhaps, but you have to appreciate the boldness… though you could certainly cast some doubt on his ability to choose his own associates, as Triple J Security may not be the ideal backup.”

Bobby Joel led his group down to the ring, Vengador stepping into the ring and tossing his arms in the air to a round of boos from the crowd.

Natalie Rosenberg: "And their opponents, introducing first, being accompanied to the ring by Tonya Scott… the team of Mejor Amig… Sir Stache… and the FWA World Champion… JEEERRREEEMMMYY BBBEESSSSST!”

More boos from the crowd as the “World Champion of Friendship” Jeremy Best walks out from the back with a big smile on his face, waving to the Besties in the crowd, seemingly completely oblivious to the boos. Jeremy is joined by his two masked compatriots, Sir Stache and Mejor Amigo as well as their friendly magician pal, Tonya Scott who tips her hat to the crowd.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “I’m sure you have some thoughts on this team up, Konchu, given your relationship with Cyrus Truth in the Dark Roads Alliance.”

Konchu Hao: “I trust that Cyrus knows what he is doing here. I, of all people, know all about Jeremy Best and know he is not one to trust. I perhaps knew it before anyone else.”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Be that as it may, it was Jeremy Best and the Friendship Wrestling Alliance that came to the aid of Cyrus Truth in the four one on attack from Vengador and Triple J Security at Fight Night.”

Konchu Hao: “Something just seems fishy to me, Watkins.”

Tonya Scott climbs the apron, leaving over and sitting across the middle ropes (something the fans at ringside seemed to enjoy), allowing Jeremy, Amigo, and Stache to enter the ring.

The crowd now comes alive with cheers as “The Exile” Cyrus Truth jogs out from the back, tossing both arms in the air, receptive to the warm reaction from the Sapporo fans.

Natalie Rosenberg: "And their tag team partner… he is the number one contender to the FWA World Title… he is… “THE EXILE”... CCYYYYYYYRRRRRUUUUUSSSSSS TTTTTRRRRRRUUUUUTTTHHHHHH!”

Cyrus rotates his neck, warming himself up as he walks down the ramp toward the ring, keeping his eyes closely monitoring not just his opponents but also keeping a close eye on his own partners, especially Jeremy Best.

Jean-Luc Watkins: The former and…”

Konchu Hao: “And next FWA World Champion makes his way down to the ring!”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “He very well could be. At Carnal Contendership it will be Cyrus Truth looking to gain another title reign as he takes on Jeremy Best, the very man he is teaming with tonight. Which makes this quite a precarious position and you can understand Cyrus being uneasy about this. Jeremy basically volunteered him for the match at Fight Night.”

Konchu Hao:: “I’m keeping a close eye on this one… if things go south, I’ll be ready to help.”


SIXTH MATCH || 1/20.
Team True Friendship
(Cyrus Truth, Jeremy Best, Sir Stache, and Mejor Amigo) [w/ Tonya Scott] vs. Vengador and Triple J Security (Jobber Jimbo, Jugem Jugem and Jiggy John) [w/ Bobby Joel].
Eight-Person Tag Team Match.
Match writer: Dubb.

On the far side of the ring, it is already evident that Vengador is starting the match out for that foursome while there’s not quite the agreement on “Team True Friendship” as Cyrus appears adamant he’s going to do the heavy lifting to start the match, but Sir Stache wants the chance to shine it seems. Jeremy goes to bat for Stache, insisting that Cyrus lets the smaller worker start things off. Finally, Cyrus shrugs his shoulders and relents, stepping out to the apron along with Jeremy and Mejor Amigo. The bell sounds and the match gets under way officially.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Already some communication issues on Team True Friendship it would see.”

Konchu Hao: “I’m not sure what the issue is here. Just like Cyrus go in and handle business. No reason to let these imbeciles mess things up.”

Vengador wastes no time taking it to Sir Stache, who is no match for the more powerful wrestler. The bigger masked wrestler backs down the smaller with one a series of machine gun chops before lifting him up onto his shoulders into a fireman’s carry before swinging him around into a facebuster!

Stache crawled back to the corner where Cyrus reaches out for a tag, but Stache leaps up and tags in Amigo instead. Truth turns to Jeremy, visibly frustrated as Amigo springboards into the ring…


The man in the skeleton mask grabs Amigo by the throat, pulling him back up to his feet. Amigo shakes his head, seeming to plead while Tonya Scott covers her eyes at ringside…

Stache rushes back into to try and help his partner…

But Vengador grabs him by the throat as well…


Jean-Luc Watkins: “An impressive start here from Vengador… he’s simply toying with the lesser members of the Friendship Wrestling Alliance here.”

Konchu Hao: “Ah yes, playing with his food it would seem! Let’s see him up against some real competition.”

Sir Stache rolls out of the ring, plopping to the floor where Tonya rushes over to check on him. Meanwhile, Amigo begins to stagger to his feet as Vengador shows off some of his agility as he hits a step up enziguri that sends Amigo falling back into his corner corner…

Where Cyrus tags him self in, slapping Amigo across the back.
Jean-Luc Watkins: “Here we go! Now things should get interesting!”

Vengador steps back up to his feet, welcoming Cyrus into the ring as the two go toe to toe, garnering some cheers in anticipation from the crowd. Vengador strikes first with a blow to Cyrus, but Truth comes back with a forearm shot of his own. Back and forth the two heavy hitters go!

Truth backs Vengador down, getting the upperhand in the exchange and backing him toward the corner with a series of forearm shots, but it ends up being a small taste of what could’ve been as Jiggy Jon tags himself in!

With the tag being made, Jon tries to break things up but Cyrus shoves him down to the mat! Jon rolls back to his feet… and Truth takes him right back down with a STIFF knife edge chop!

Here comes Jugem Jugem coming to his partners aid… only to get hit with a hip toss from Truth!

Jobber Jimbo comes in swinging… Truth ducks… DRAGON SUPLEX!

Konchu Hao: “Now that’s taking care of business!”

Jiggy Jon crawls to the corner, begging off Truth… but Truth doesn’t listen and unleashes the First Five Steps to Jon in the corner. Jugem Jugem leaps onto Truth’s back trying to break it up…

But Truth repositions Jugem off his back and onto his shoulders…


Jobber Jimbo is back up and tries to attack Truth from behind, but in comes Jeremy Best with a springboard dropkick, cutting him off at the pass! Jeremy then lifts up Jimbo onto his own shoulders…


Meanwhile, while Cyrus and Jeremy are making easy work of Triple J Security… Bobby Joel has ordered Vengador away from the ring… he’s taking him out of the match!

Jean-Luc Watkins: “What’s he doing? He’s just leaving?!”

Konchu Hao: “Ah ha! The coward always eventually shows their true colors, Jean-Luc!”

Jeremy pulls Jiggy Jon up to his feet, lifts him up onto his shoulders…

BFF For Jon as well!

And Cyrus Truth finishes him off, locking in the Long Road To Nowhere!

Jiggy Jon quickly taps!

Winner: ‘Team True Friendship’ via submission at 4:53.

Jeremy jumps up and down with glee as Cyrus releases the submission. Mejor Amigo pulls himself up, licking his wounds while Sir Stache seems content milking his “injuries” at ringside due to the attention he is receiving from Tonya Scott. She helps him into the ring as he noticeably limps despite never having his leg worked at all during the match.

Meanwhile, Bobby Joel and Vengador watch on from the top of the stage, not too distraught by their loss it would seem.

Natalie Rosenberg: “Here are your winners… Team True Friendship!”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Vengador and Bobby Joel left their partners high and dry… an unusual turn of events but they don’t seem too hurt by the loss. For Vengador, he now sets his sights on the Carnal Contendership…. And for Truth and Jeremy… well… this partnership wasn’t set to last too long… as they’ll face each other at Carnal Contendership for the title… but… wait, looks like we’re not done here, Jeremy is asking for the microphone.”

Truth stands with his hands on his hips, still unsure of the situation as Jeremy is all smiles with the microphone in his hand.

Jeremy Best: ”Cyrus! Cyrus! We did it! I told you! This is true friendship! We did it! This is what friendship is all about! This is what it’s like to have a real friend! You know you enjoyed it. You can’t deny it! I can see you’re holding back a smile!”

The camera zooms in on Truth, who… surprisingly enough… does seem to be starting to crack a smile.

Jeremy Best: ”Ah ha! There it is! There it is! I knew I could get you to see the light! So whattaya say… let’s call this whole thing off… we don’t need to fight at Carnal Contendership… let’s just be friends! How about we hug it out?”

Cyrus now cracks a full smile as he calls Jeremy over. Jeremy’s eyes grow perhaps wider than ever…

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Surely Cyrus isn’t falling for this, right?”

Jeremy, clearly experiencing pure joy, rushes in for the hug…

But Cyrus holds arm out as he gets within reach and stops Jeremy in his track and instead takes the microphone.

Cyrus Truth: “Now let’s just wait one second. You’re right about one thing, Jeremy. You saw it… I… am smiling. But… it’s not for the reason you think.”

The smile begins to fade away from Jeremy’s face.

Jeremy Best: ”What do you mean? Aren’t we gonna hug?”

Cyrus Truth: “You preach friendship. You say you just want to be friends. That you can be a real friend. But what is the Truth, Jeremy?”

Jeremy Best: ”That is the truth, of course!”

Cyrus Truth: “See, that’s the thing. You really want me to believe that. Maybe you even want to convince yourself that that’s the Truth. But, here’s the problem with that, Jeremy. Words don’t mean a damn thing if your actions don’t match up to them. And your actions? Well…”

On cue, we fade to some black and white CCTV footage. The date indicates it was from March 24th - the night of Fight Night. The time indicates it would’ve been before the show started. It appears to be in the backstage area. We see Bobby Joel arriving alongside Vengador… and they are both approached by Sir Stache.

We can’t make out the conversation, but after a few moments, Sir Stache pulls out a big rolled up wad of cash, handing it over to Bobby Joel.

Joel can be seen smiling and laughing as he pats the masked man on his shoulder. The two shake hands as Joel and Vengador now walk off.

Konchu Hao: “There you have it! I knew there were dastardly deeds behind this team up! And so did Cyrus!

Jean-Luc Watkins: “That seems to explain why Bobby Joel and Vengador had no interest in sticking around for the match itself… they got their money already!”

The crowd boos as the camera fades back to the ring.

Jeremy’s eyes are wide and he shakes his head furiously.

Jeremy Best: ”Cyrus… I… I.. I… I… I… I.. don’t know what that was. Stache - what was that?”

Sir Stache clutches his arm and acts like he’s in pain and unable to answer Jeremy’s request.

Cyrus Truth: “It’s EXACTLY what it looks like it is, Jeremy! It’s your little minion… you little STOOGE… paying off that man… paying off those men to attack me at Fight Night so that you and your merry band of friendship goofs run in and save the day. A fraudulent attempt of friendship if there ever was one. All in an attempt to get out of your title defense.”

Jeremy Best: ”Cyrus, I had nothing to do with that! I swear! I…”

Cyrus Truth: “Enough. Just…stop. I’m done listening to your pathetic attempts to justify what we all saw with our eyes. At Carnal Contendership…well, I’m going to settle this in my way. And I know what to expect. I know that you’ll have these little stooges… I know you’ll have Bryan Baxter hiding somewhere to do your dirty work… I know the odds are stacked against me for that reason. But I’m well and truly done with bullshit interference robbing me of the FWA World Championship. And that’s why at Carnal Contendership…well, I did something I really don’t like doing. I spoke to Russnow, showed him the same footage we just saw, and used my stroke to get him to agree to my stipulation.….

“Our match… for the FWA Championship…


The roar of approval goes through the crowd as Jeremy stumbles backwards, nearly fainting as Mejor Amigo and a suddenly miraculous spry Sir Stache rushes over to help hold him up.

Cyrus Truth: “Now go… have fun with your friends… enjoy the days you have left as champion… because at Carnal Contendership, the belt once again…comes home where it belongs.”

“Blood of Glory” hits once again as Truth drops the mic down to the mat. He steps out of the ring, leaving Jeremy and the FWA in disbelief in the ring and making it clear that “Team True Friendship” was never destined to be.


Natalie Rosenberg: “Ladies and Gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall…”

Jason Randall makes his way out onto the stage to a mixed reaction from the fans in attendance. He looks all business as he makes his way down to the ring, as Natalie Rosenberg introduces him.

Natalie Rosenberg: “Introducing first, from San Diego, California, weighing in at 234 pounds, he is “THE WILD CARD”!... JAAAAAAAAASON RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANDAAAAAAALL!”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Well, I’m sure Jason Randall has been relishing this opportunity here tonight. A win would put him well and truly in contention for the title that he once held, but also, it was with Trixie’s help that Blair Ravenwood managed to overcome Jason Randall in the opening match of the King of the Deathmatch tournament, when all 16 competitors were locked in the Cage of Death. So I’m sure that “The Wild Card” will be looking to gain some measure of payback against Trixie here tonight.”

Konchu Hao: “From battles with Jason Randall myself, I can speak well on the tenacity and ferociousness that this man brings. A veteran competitor and someone who is crossed at one’s own risk.”

Jason Randall’s music fades as he enters the squared circle, as he, along with the fans in attendance, awaits the arrival of the “Queen of the Deathmatch”...

The audience cheers in support of the new FWA X Champion as she makes her way onto the stage. She doesn’t look happy as she turns back around and shouts back through the curtain…


She screams furiously before storming her way down to the ring in a huff.

Natalie Rosenberg: “Aaaaaaaaaaand his opponent, from Baton Rouge, Louisiana, weighing in at 120 pounds, she is “The Hex Girl”, TRRRRRRRRRRRIXIEEEEEE BORDEAAAAAAAAUX!”

Natalie’s introduction seems to send Trixie into an even bigger strop as she yells…


Jean-Luc Watkins: “Well, Trixie doesn’t seem too thrilled with how her entrance is being handled right now, but considering that she’s about to share the ring with a former X Champion in his own right in Jason Randall, I’d suggest that she get her head in the game. The last thing she needs is to treat Jason Randall as an afterthought.”

Konchu Hao: “Titles and getting them correctly are important, Jean-Luc. I would not take too kindly if I were to be referred to anything else other than ‘The Mad Wizard’, it is a perfect summation of my character.”

Trixie moodily rolls into the ring and removes her jacket, before tossing her newly won X Championship to the referee, looking as though she wants to get this over with as quickly as possible.


Trixie Bordeaux
vs. Jason Randall.
Singles Match.
Match writer: Welsh.

<< 00:00 >>

Trixie paces back and forth as she awaits the opening bell, as though she’s chomping at the bit to get going. Noticing this, Randall braces himself, and when the bell finally rings, Trixie charges across the ring, and Randall meets her, as the two paragons of extreme trade viscous right hands! Randall, being the far larger and harder-hitting of the two, gains the upper hand as a perfectly placed punch connects to Trixie’s jaw, staggering her back. Randall connects with another, another, and one more, as he backs Trixie into the corner, before unleashing a series of kicks to her midriff. Trixie, feisty as ever, tries to fire back through Randall’s barrage of strikes, but “The Wild Card” ducks the strike and drives his shoulder into Trixie’s abdomen, trapping her in the corner. Desperate to escape the corner as Randall repeatedly drives his shoulder into her stomach, Trixie claws at Jason’s back with her long, pointed fingernails, drawing blood as she scratches and claws at his flesh. Randall backs up, clutching his stinging back as Trixie rushes him… and RUNS INTO A THUNDEROUS CLOTHESLINE THAT SENDS TRIXIE INTO A SUMMERSAULT!

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Oh, good God Almighty!!! Trixie may not have a head to put a crown after that!”

With Trixie in a heap on the ground and unmoving, Randall rolls her over and makes the cover, hoping to end this early!



Thre-NO! Trixie kicks out, barely!

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Jesus, that was close! Trixie looks completely out of it!”

Trixie remains unmoving as Randall gets to his feet and stares down at her. He lifts her limp body to her feet, and-TRIXIE WITH THE SMALL PACKAGE!


Two-NO! Randall manages to escape!

Trixie grogily tries to scramble to her feet, but as she manages to lift herself to her knees, Randall nails her with a viscous knee to the face! KILL-SHOT! He makes the cover!



Three-NO! Trixie gets the shoulder up!

Looking to stay on the attack, Randall locks Trixie in a Bulldog Choke, trying to put her to sleep!

<< 05:21 >>

Jean-Luc Watkins: “This match has been all Jason Randall thus far. Trixie has barely been able to get out of the starting gate!”

Trixie is once again trapped in the corner, as Randall delivers a series of thunderous knife-edge chops to Trixie’s chest, before grabbing her wrist and launching his far lighter opponent into the opposite corner, but Trixie stumbles and her momentum sends her flying through the middle and top turnbuckle as she CRASHES SIDE-FIRST INTO THE RING POST!


Konchu Hao: “A calamitous collision!”

Trixie’s limp body flops to the outside as the referee starts the count. Randall, not wanting to win via a measly countout, rolls out of the ring and quite effortlessly lifts Trixie’s light, unconscious frame off the floor and rolls her back into the ring. He follows her in and makes the cover…



THREE!-NO! Trixie manages to drape her foot over the bottom rope!


Randall seems to be wondering the same thing as he looks down at Trixie, who somehow begins to stir. Realising that Trixie may be unable to continue, the referee checks on her, asking her if she’s able to go on in this match. Trixie doesn’t answer as she struggles to climb to her feet with the aid of the ropes. Randall looks to go back on the attack, but the referee, unconvinced that Trixie is fit to continue, backs Randall up, and Trixie SOMEHOW scrambles to her feet and leaps onto Randall with a Thesz Press, before unloading with a wild barrage of… pretty much everything as she screams with great fury!

Jean-Luc Watkins: “And Trixie is all over Randall!”

Randall attempts to cover up, managing to block several strikes before throwing Trixie off him. Randall tries to scramble to his feet, but FAMOUSER BY TRIXIE! The X Champion goes for the cover!


Two-NO! Randall kicks out with authority!

Seemingly running on sheer fury and adrenaline, Trixie keeps up her relentless assault on “The Wild Card” as she lays into him with several soccerball kicks to Randall’s torso as he tries to get to his feet. As he climbs to his feet, he manages to catch one of Trixie’s kicks, before kicking her standing leg from beneath her, causing Trixie to do the splits! With Trixie in a compromised position, Randall, still holding her leg, unloads with a series of kicks to Trixie’s head and chest!

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Randall is kicking the crap out of Trixie!”

With one final kick to Trixie’s face, Randall lifts Trixie back to her feet using her leg and lifts her up into a powerbomb position… POWERBOMB LUNGBLOWER! Randall goes for the cover!




… NO! Again Trixie kicks out!

Konchu Hao: “Such impressive stamina. Perhaps her smaller frame means that this Trixie can withstand more pain than the average competitor?”

<< 10:25 >>

Randall has Trixie locked in a Sharpshooter, with the X Champion scratching and clawing with everything she has to get to the ropes to break the hold. Eventually, and with great difficulty, she manages to drag herself, and Randall’s 230lbs frame to the ropes, and the referee tries to break the hold. Randall keeps the hold cinched in for the 4 count, before relinquishing the hold. Going straight back on the attack, Randall grabs Trixie’s leg and pulls, with the “Queen of the Deathmatch” holding onto the ropes for dear life. Eventually, Randall’s superior strength wins out as he pulls Trixie to the center of the ring. Trixie manages to scramble to her free leg, however, and she nails Randall in the side of the head with an Enziguri! Randall staggers back, rocked, as Trixie scrambles to her feet, nursing her side from her impact into the ring post earlier in the match. Randall shakes the cobwebs loose, but a little too late as Trixie charges in anf connects with…

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Torpedo Trixie! Randall’s still on his feet, but he’s rocked-AND TRIXIE WITH A SHOTGUN DROPKICK!”

Jason Randall crashes into the corner with a sickening thud, he’s down!

Trixie sees her opportunity. She climbs to the top rope, her face wincing with every step, and after steadying herself for a moment, she leaps backwards…

Jean-Luc Watkins: “WHISTLING TRIXIE! She got all of it!”

Konchu Hao: “Death-defying! Daring! Deranged!”

Spent after the extended beating at the hands of Randall, Trixie’s body remains draped over Randall’s after the Coffin Drop manoeuver, and since Randall’s shoulders are down, the referee counts the pin…




Winner: Trixie Bordeaux via pin fall at 12:21.

Trixie slowly manages to roll off of Randall and up to a seated position after this hard-fought win. She looks spent as the referee hands her the X Championship, and offers to help her to her feet. Trixie defiantly refuses his help and struggles to her feet, nursing her right side, before gritting her teeth and lifting the X Championship in the air, triumphantly, to a respectful applause from the Japanese audience.

Natalie Rosenberg: “Ladies and gentlemen, here is your winner, TRRRRRRIXIE BORDEAAAAAAAAX!”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “What a gutsy display by Trixie here tonight, showing exactly the grit and heart that won her the King of the Deathmatch tournament, against an on his game Jason Randall.”

Konchu Hao: “Indeed, Jason Randall showed a very keen appetite for victory in this bout, but it would seem that our Queen of the Deathmatch will continue to reign on! That is unless someone can pose a challenge to her crown!”

Trixie glares at Randall, who’s perched up in the corner. Trixie had promised to do terrible things to Randall if the FWA higher-ups did not grant her her grand coronation… but, she decides against it, and instead simply exits the ring and makes her way to the back, looking the furthest thing from satisfied.


Backstage, the cameras have caught Randy Ramon on his way out of his locker room, but he has not noticed their presence. His phone rings from inside his pocket and he answers it, ensuring to walk back inside of the locker room to do so. However, he does not shut the door completely behind him, allowing a chance to peek inside and a listen…

Randy Ramon: “You’ll definitely be there? Good, I’m counting on you… yeah, I’m looking forward to it too…”

Ramon hangs up the call and then drops his phone into his bag. He seems content. The cameraman scurries away as Ramon heads towards the door…


The Sapporo Dome erupts in a blanket of cheers as one half of the FWA World Tag Team Champions, Jay Kenny, steps out from the back. He soaks in the jeers and shows off the title belt around his waist. A few steps behind him lags the one and only Donny Toner, his own title belt hanging from his shoulder.

Natalie Rosenberg: “The following contest is scheduled for one fall, with a sixty minute time limit, and is for the FWA WORRRRRRLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIIIIIIIIIPS! Introducing first, at a combined weight of four-hundred and seventeen pounds.. JAY KENNNNYYYY AND DONNNNYYYYY TOOOOOOOOOOOONERRRR!!!!!!!”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “You know Konchu, there’s just something familiar about that Donny Toner.”

Konchu Hao: “You mean, other than the fact that it’s Ryan Rondo?”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “You couldn’t possibly know that… I mean, he’s not really even built like Rondo…”

Konchu Hao: “Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice?”

Jay and Donny slide into the ring and hold their championship belts high, much to the dismay of the crowd. They turn to the entrance ramp and await their opponents.

The crowd rise to their feet in unison as Randy Ramon steps out from the back - alone. He’s not his usual calm, cool and collected self. There’s a look of hesitation on his face. He stops at the top of the ramp and takes it all in.

Natalie Rosenberg: “And their opponents. First, from Detroit, Michigan… Weighing in at two-hundred and forty pounds, he is THE ROCKSTARRRRRR, RANDY RAMOOOOOOOOOONNN!!!!!!!!”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “There is no man or woman in the FWA today who is more decorated in the art of Tag Team wrestling than Randy Ramon. Five title reigns across three different partners over a span of nearly a decade. He’ll be looking to make a sixth reign tonight, but will it be with a fourth different partner? Or a very familiar one?”

Konchu Hao: “That’s right Jean-Luc, this place has been absolutely buzzing all night with anticipation over who will step in for “The Showman” Chris Crowe as Ramon’s partner in this match.”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Rumors have been abound as to who it could be. Could Randy coerce Devin Golden into one more match? Did he dig Ayla El up from the past? Maybe he buried the hatchet with Chris Peacock? All we know, for sure, is that it will not be Chris Crowe, who had an unfortunate run-in with the time police.”

Konchu Hao: “Who will it be? Let’s find out!”

Randy stands alone at the top of the ramp, waiting.

Natalie Rosenberg: “And his partner!”

Nothing but crickets.

Konchu Hao: “Does he even have a partner?”

Natalie Rosenberg: “And his partner…”

Still nothing. No music, no video. Nothing.

Randy, still standing at the top of the ramp, takes a mic from his back pocket.

Randy Ramon: “So, uh, this is awkward. He’s not here yet. I have a partner… he’s en route… but he got caught up in traffic - again - and isn’t here yet. Any chance we can, uh, push this back another week?”

The crowd yells “NOOOO!!!” as Jay Kenny and Donny Toner shake their heads from side to side, confident smiles across their faces.

Randy Ramon: “Oof. That’s a bummer. Alright then, let’s get to it!”

Randy drops the mic, tosses his jacket to the floor and charges into the ring.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “It would appear that Randy Ramon does not, in fact, have a partner here tonight and will attempt to go at this alone.”

Konchu Hao: “It’s a bold strategy for sure.”


Jay Kenny
and Donny Toner vs. Randy Ramon.
Handicap Match for the FWA World Tag Team Championships.
Match writer: Shawn.

The bell rings as Ramon slides under the bottom rope and into the ring. He immediately ducks a clothesline attempt from Jay Kenny, steps aside, loads up and…


Donny Toner falls out of the ring, collapsing on the floor below.

Konchu Hao: “Well, that’s one way to even the odds! He might not even need a partner, at this rate!”

Ramon smiles, looking across the ring at Kenny, who glares back with a look slightly less confident than it appeared a few minutes ago. Both men shrug, then meet in the middle of the ring and start absolutely tearing into one another with haymakers. Eventually Kenny rakes Randy across the face and gets the upper hand. He drives an elbow into Ramon’s temple, and slams him down with a hard body slam.

Kenny quickly tries to go for an ankle lock, but Randy is able to roll through it. Kenny wastes no time and hits Randy with a quick drop kick as he comes out of his roll. He drops an elbow on Ramon’s chest and keeps on the offensive. He climbs on top of Randy and starts laying into him with lefts and rights, pummeling the Rockstar into a mashed pulp.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “I bet Ramon wishes he had a partner right now. Someone to get Kenny off of him, or at least so he could tag out and get a rest.”

Konchu Hao: “I do not envy anyone who finds themselves on the other side of those fists. That’s gotta hurt.”

Kenny climbs off, satisfied with his work so far, and taunts towards the crowd, who respond with a cacophony of boos. He laughs and turns his sights back to Randy who is slowly recovering. Kenny goes in with a right, but Randy blocks it and responds with one of his own. Kenny just shrugs it off and drives another elbow into the top of Randy’s head. He crumples down to the mat, holding his head in his hand. Kenny kicks at Randy, sending him under the bottom rope and to the floor.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “I don’t think I’ve seen Randy Ramon beaten like this since the last time he stepped into the ring with me.”

Konchu Hao: “I’ve literally never seen it.”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “I just said… nevermind… back to the- hey, what’s going on?”

The lights in the arena have dimmed. Randy has recovered enough to get back to his feet and once again has a mic in hand.

Randy Ramon: “Sorry for the delay… but without further adieu, my partner has arrived.”

He motions towards the entrance way. Every set of eyes in the arena turns towards the entrance ramp.

Including those of Jay Kenny.

But nothing happens, again.

Until it does.

Jay Kenny turns back around…




Ramon slides back into the ring.

Konchu Hao: “I told you! I told you it was Rondo! It’s always Rondo!”

He makes the cover.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “I cannot believe what we’ve just seen.”


Winners: Randy Ramon and Donny Toner via pin fall at 2:47.

Natalie Rosenberg: “Here are your winners… and NEW FWA WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS!!! THE ROCKSTAR, RANDY RAMON AND DONNY TONER!!!”

The crowd aren’t sure if they should boo or cheer, though there are definitely more in favour than opposed. The two hold their championship belts high, before sharing a tentative embrace.

Konchu Hao: “Randy Ramon and Donny Toner, I mean, Ryan Rondo, with the heist of the century here tonight. Donny reeled Kenny in… hook, line and sinker, and the kid fell for it.”

The realisation of what just happened dawns on a dazed and confused Jay Kenny, who looks up to see the new champions standing over him.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Well, whoever, it is… they’ve conspired with Randy Ramon to screw this kid out of the tag team titles! Randy Ramon is a SIX time FWA World Tag Team Champion… that’s put him just one reign behind Ashley O’Ryan… and Devin Golden. I’m just stunned by these developments, Konchu…”

Konchu Hao: “It has been a historic night here on Fallout, and it has been just how I like it, with CHAOS reigning supreme! KEHAHAHAHAAAA!”

Fallout concludes with Randy Ramon and Donny Toner standing in the middle of the ring, over a betrayed Jay Kenny… having turned the tag division in the FWA on its head.



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Cyrus Truth

Sep 16, 2022
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JL's new commentary partner's pretty good.

Excellent show, fellas.
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