FALLOUT 021: 'Return to the Freetown...' || RESULTS

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Sep 13, 2022
Reaction score


Live from Freetown Christiania
Saturday 12th November, 2022



After the main titles for Fallout play, instead of going directly into the arena we are shown some short clips from Meltdown which took place earlier this week. The primary highlights are Lizzie Rose’s victory over Phillip A. Jackson in the first F1 Climaxxx tournament match, then The Connection retaining their titles in the main event of the show, followed by Michelle von Horrowitz laying down the challenge for Tag Team Mile High Massacre on Fallout 024. Then finally, Jean-Luc Watkins announces that the FWA World Championship has been vacated and will be up for grabs in an open invitation Battle Royal on Meltdown XXII, with Golden Opportunity winner Chris Peacock then staking his claim.

After that, it is into the familiar setting of Freetown Christiania, which has played host to Fallout once before. The setting is very much the same as the last time that the FWA was present in the commune, with the ring set up in the middle of an intimate area where there is not much room for those that have decided to come and watch. Just like in London on Thursday, the weather is cold and everyone has dressed appropriately.

In the ring, Natalie Rosenberg is standing by with a microphone in her hand, herself wearing a thick fur coat.

Natalie Rosenberg: "Ladies and gentlemen, the following is your opening contest and an F1 Climaxxx Pool B match, scheduled for one-fall and with a thirty minute time limit!"

The announcement garners a positive response from the watching crowd and Rosenberg then smiles as upbeat music begins to play through the speakers that the FWA have installed specifically for the event.

Natalie Rosenberg: "Introducing first, from Boogie Wonderland by way of New York City… weighing in at two-hundred and ten pounds… he is the current holder of the Golden Opportunity briefcase… CHRIS PEAAAACCCOOOOOOOCCCKKKKK!!"

Peacock slides out through the curtains, dressed to compete in some purple suit trousers. As is becoming custom, he has his Singapore cane over his shoulder and his Golden Opportunity briefcase in the other hand. Looking slightly more relaxed than the last time he was seen on Meltdown, Peacock nods his head along with the music as he makes his way down to the ring. The fans in attendance are mixed in their reaction to him, but this is not something that Peacock is letting affect him it would seem.

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Welcome, wrestling fans, to Fallout 021 where we have returned to the Freetown in Christiania. Jean-Luc Watkins here to preside over tonight’s show and call the action and as usual I am joined by Allen Price. Price, I think we have contrasting views about this man, but just for fun, why don’t I let you wax lyrical over Chris Peacock for a minute?"

Allen Price: "Jean-Luc, you got into it with Chris on Meltdown, but I think you’ll have to admit that he surprised you. You believed that he would take the opportunity to use that briefcase on a vacant title and take what you called ‘the easy way out’, but he didn’t Peacock is ready to fight to become the FWA World Champion."

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Surprisingly less-biased than I was expecting, Price. Peacock has declared himself for the Battle Royal in twelve days’ time, but he still can choose to strike with that briefcase at any time before that. I wouldn’t put it past him. Although tonight, he’s going to have his hands full with his first match in the F1 Climaxxx tournament."

Allen Price: "He is. Chris knows that he overcame Cyrus Truth in that Steel Roulette match and I’ll be honest with you, J-L, I think that he is underestimating Cyrus Truth a little bit."

As Watkins is left wondering whether Allen Price has turned over a new leaf of sorts, Chris Peacock enters the ring and he acknowledges referee Larry Stevens - who was the man who accompanied him on Meltdown where he pondered his cash in. Peacock’s music fades out - but he is still the greatest dancer - and is replaced by that belonging to his opponent.

A big pop rings up as Cyrus Truth marches out from the back, and he discards his grey hoodie as he approaches the ring. With his eyes locked on Peacock, Truth walks up the steps and brushes his feet on the ring apron before entering.

Natalie Rosenberg: "His opponent, from The Long and Winding Road and weighing two-hundred and twenty-five pounds… ‘The Exile’... CYRUS TRRUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTHHHHHH!!"

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Price, you said that Chris Peacock could be overlooking the challenge that Cyrus Truth is going to present to him, and I do not think that you could be more accurate. Chris Peacock stepped up to me with all of his virtue signaling crap on Meltdown but I knew in the back of my mind that he was just days away from getting his ass handed to him by Cyrus Truth."

Allen Price: "This is going to be a motivated Cyrus Truth as well, J-L. Truth has been wanting a shot at the FWA World Championship for three years and he knows that in less than two weeks in Rotterdam that he’s got one if he chooses to be a part of that Battle Royal. He’s got to shut the door in Chris Peacock’s face, first."

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Even though I spent time on the other side of the fence from Cyrus, it would be foolish to deny this man his place as one of the greatest competitors in the world. Peacock the vulture has bitten off more than he can chew and there are no flies on Truth either."

Allen Price: "I can hold out some hope, but this is one where I’m not sure. Chris Peacock and Cyrus Truth have never faced off one-on-one before."

Cyrus enters the ring and the assured demeanor of Chris Peacock immediately draws the ire of ‘The Exile’. Peacock has placed his accessories at ringside next to the steps and Cyrus is ready to go as Larry Stevens calls for the bell!

Chris Peacock vs. Cyrus Truth.
Singles Match - F1 Climaxxx (Pool B).
Match Writer: Mandalorian.

Both men approach the centre of the ring where they exchange some words which the microphones are unable to pick up, but Peacock goes for a PIMP SLAP on Truth - a big show of disrespect - but Truth catches it! Peacock looks wide-eyed at Truth for a moment and then TRUTH SLAPS HIM IN THE FACE! Peacock recoils and Cyrus brings him in closer and strikes him with a knee to the midsection and then sends him hard into the corner. Peacock attempts to come out at Cyrus, but Truth shrugs him off and sends him back up against the turnbuckle, forcefully.

With Peacock in position, Cyrus chops him across his chest and the sound reverberates through the commune. This continues and Peacock’s chest turns a shade of beet red once Cyrus is through with him, with the Golden Opportunity winner clearly coming off the worst in the opening exchanges. Cyrus attempts a running forearm with Peacock still in the corner, but Chris weaves his way out of contact. Whilst Cyrus does manage to put the brakes on before the contact was made with the turnbuckle, he is left open for Peacock to go down low with a Chop Block to attack the back of his knee.

Allen Price: "Peacock immediately targeting the knee of Cyrus Truth, Jean-Luc. That’s going to make the kneebar submission even more dangerous if Chris is able to find a way to lock it in on the veteran."

Jean-Luc Watkins: "It is rather a basic strategy, Price. However, at least Peacock recognises that he will have to lay some sort of groundwork if he does want to gain a submission win against one of the most resolute members of the FWA roster."

Cyrus drops down and Peacock stomps on the back of the knee again, and then grabs Cyrus’s boot and pulls him closer, and lifts his leg into the air to cause Cyrus’s knee to slam onto the mat. Peacock repeats the action a few times and then retains his grip on the left knee of ‘The Exile’ and ducks out of the ring with Truth still in there. Peacock pulls Cyrus towards the corner where the majority of the action has taken place thus far, and Peacock then wraps Truth’s knee around the ring post! Cyrus groans in pain and Chris looks around the fans but receives little approval before doing it again!

All the while, the referee has been counting as Peacock is not in the ring, and Peacock rolls back in just as Stevens reaches the count of seven to avoid losing his first Climaxxx match via count out. Peacock pulls Truth out of the corner and back up to his feet and he grabs Cyrus’s leg once again and brings him closer and goes for a Dragon Screw, but Cyrus spins out of it and then connects with a forearm to the jaw of Peacock once he has done a full rotation. This rocks Peacock and Truth kicks Peacock in the midsection and drops him with a DDT.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Even a move as rudimentary as a simple DDT can be effective when used by someone like Cyrus Truth. Not only does he know how best to perform a move like that, he knows when best to do it as well. That’ll cut Peacock’s momentum off at the knees, rather ironically."

Cyrus slaps his knee whilst down on the mat and both he and Peacock begin their ascent back up to their feet at the same time. Peacock goes for a wild haymaker, but Cyrus ducks it and scoops Peacock up - Pendulum Backbreaker! However Cyrus himself comes out just as badly with him using the knee that Peacock has targeted to drop Chris’s entire body weight across. Cyrus holds his knee on the mat and Peacock crawls to the ropes to get himself back up and he stops Cyrus from getting up himself with a low Dropkick to the face.

Peacock holds his hand to his back and stands over Cyrus and then drops a leg down across his throat, and Peacock then goes back to the leg that he has put some yards in already. A stiff kick to the back of the knee follow and Peacock then steps over and looks to be going for a Figure Four - but Truth sees it coming from a mile away and then shoves Peacock into the turnbuckle with his free foot. Truth ducks the incoming Clothesline attempt from Peacock that follows due to not getting back up to his feet and when Chris comes back again, Cyrus reacts quickest and hooks Peacock up from behind - Dragon Suplex! The back of Peacock’s head smashes into the middle turnbuckle!

Allen Price: "Ouch. That was a nasty landing for Peacock. He’s got to find a way to bounce back from that."

Jean-Luc Watkins: "The only bouncing I saw there was Peacock’s head on the turnbuckle! Great ring awareness from Cyrus Truth there; he knew how much power to put on that throw to cause Peacock’s head to hit the buckle in the manner that it did."

It is a rough landing for Peacock, but it does give Cyrus Truth the opening that he needed to take control of the match properly now. The fans cheer as Cyrus walks as quickly as he can towards Chris up against the bottom turnbuckle - and Cyrus starts stomping away at him with the First Five Steps! The fans count along as Cyrus hits the first four, but a desperate Peacock grabs Truth’s boot on the fifth and then stands up, looking for a Dragon Screw again - but Cyrus thinks quickest and cracks Peacock on the side of the head with an Enziguiri!

The kick hits Peacock right on the button and the Golden Opportunity holder stirs for a moment before falling backwards limply straight back into the corner up against the bottom turnbuckle. The crowd encourages Truth as he gets up and gives Peacock the Second Five Steps - with all five connecting with Peacock’s face this time. Cyrus pulls Peacock up out of the corner and with his wrist in his grasp, Truth pulls Peacock out of the corner into a Short-Arm Clothesline! Cyrus drops down and goes for the first pin attempt of the match;


Allen Price: "We’ve seen Peacock endure a great amount of punishment in the past - he got hit by a car a few weeks ago and still almost went on to win the match - so Cyrus is going to need to do more than that to put him down!"

It is not enough to finish off the resilient Peacock, who does his best to pick himself up as Truth does the same. This time, Peacock does beat Cyrus to the punch and he connects with a solid right hand, and then another. Peacock spins on the spot and goes for another punch, but Cyrus blocks it and fires back with one of his own, but Peacock backs into the ropes and then comes back with a kick to the midsection that doubles Cyrus over.

Peacock places his leg over the back of Cyrus’s neck and then jumps into the air, looking for a Famouser - but Cyrus counters in mid-air and then drives Peacock into the mat with a Powerbomb! It is not a move usually seen in the Cyrus Truth playbook, but ‘The Exile’ is swift in his attempt to capitalise on it and he keeps hold of Peacock’s legs and flips over him into a Jackknife pin!


Peacock holds on still, and Cyrus lifts him up into the air from the mat and places him on his shoulders in an Argentine Rack - perhaps looking for the Exile’s Edge, but Peacock shuffles his weight and this causes Cyrus to have to tip him forward, and Peacock lands on his feet on the middle turnbuckle in the corner. Cyrus attempts to grab Peacock, but Chris scores with a Mule Kick to the face that knocks ‘The Exile’ back. This gives Peacock the window of time he requires to steady himself on the top rope.

With Peacock perched on the top rope, Cyrus anticipates the incoming high-flying move and does the smart thing by getting out of dodge through the ropes, and Truth exits to the ringside area. However this does not quell Peacock’s attempts and Peacock adjusts slightly before flying from the top rope and he crashes on top of Truth at ringside with a Glitterball Drop!! The back of Truth’s head lands on the floor with a thud and Peacock is quick up to his feet himself, with Truth having broken his fall.

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Slightly reckless there from Chris Peacock. Risking his own wellbeing as well as that of his opponent by doing something like that; there was a lot of margin for error on that one, and he’s lucky that he landed the way he did. That could have easily been his own knee getting blown out."

Allen Price: "Taking a risk like that just speaks to how confident Peacock is feeling about himself at the moment, Jean-Luc. He’s got all of the momentum heading into the World Championship Battle Royal on Meltdown XXII and then for the remainder of the F1 Climaxxx."

In control now, Peacock lifts Truth up from the floor and he powerfully Irish Whips him towards the steel steps, and Truth’s knees collide with the steps as he is sent into them, and he flips right over them and lands on his back! There is some concern as Cyrus reverts back to holding the knee that Peacock worked on earlier in the match, but there is no mercy from Peacock, who rolls Cyrus back into the ring. Chris follows Truth back in there himself and watches Truth try to pick himself up with the aid of the ropes before lining him up… and he kicks him in the back of the knee with enough force to cause Truth to get turned almost inside out!

Peacock goes straight back to that leg he was working on earlier in the match and uses it to bring Truth back up to his feet, and Peacock takes Truth over with a deep Dragon Screw! Keeping hold of the leg, Peacock repeats the action and with Truth up on one foot once again, Peacock repeats it! After two Dragon Screws, Truth is in some discomfort and Peacock stands over him for a moment before he slowly brings Truth up to his feet… and he connects with a Disco Thriller Stunner!

The move causes Truth to bounce back up to his feet, slightly out of it, so Peacock kips up and then connects with a Pimp Slap to Truth’s face! There are gasps of shock at the disrespect shown towards the legend, and Truth seems temporarily roused and angered by the move, but it only served to be a distraction that allowed Peacock to pick Truth’s leg and then apply the Commentator’s Curse!

Allen Price: "I called it at the beginning of the match, Jean-Luc! You know all about this one! The Commentator’s Curse is locked in!"

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Will a show go by where you don’t make a comment like that, Price? But yes, you are correct. All of the work that Peacock has done on Cyrus Truth’s left knee has been leading up to this moment. Does Cyrus have what it takes to get out of the hold or is Peacock going to earn a very unlikely submission victory?"

All of the work that Peacock had been doing on Truth’s knee was to lead up to this moment and Peacock heavily implores Truth to tap out as he is trapped in the hold. Truth is in clear pain and his plight is not helped by the positioning in the middle of the ring, clearly by design of the calculated Peacock. Cyrus finds himself unable to break the grip of Peacock around his leg, and his attempts to do so only result in Chris cranking further back on the submission to make matters even worse for ‘The Exile’.

The fans are clearly in Truth’s corner and they clap their hands and stomp their feet to will him on to find a way to escape from the hold. It seems like Truth’s only recourse is to go for the ropes which are a good distance away from him across the ring. Truth finds the will in himself to drag both his own as well as Peacock’s weight on top of that in the direction of the ropes. Peacock senses that Truth is getting closer, so he loosens his grip before attempting to pull Truth back, but Cyrus pulls him in and gets him in a Small Package!


It is a close shave for Peacock, who creates a bit of distance between himself and Cyrus as Truth gets to his feet with the assistance of the ropes. Peacock charges in at Truth, but Cyrus ducks down and elevates him over the top rope, with Peacock landing on the apron after grabbing onto the top rope to maintain his balance. Truth turns around as Peacock looks to springboard over the ropes, but Truth catches him with a throat thrust right under the chin and this sits Peacock down on the ropes, so Cyrus gets him up in the Argentine Rack again.

Truth walks towards the middle of the ring, but it looks like his knee is struggling to support all of the weight being put on it, but Truth is able to drop Peacock with the Exile’s Edge nonetheless! The crowd cheers, but Cyrus cannot follow up directly with a cover as he grabs his knee and holds it close to his chest, the toll of enduring the submission becoming clear to those watching. After roughly ten seconds, Truth edges towards Peacock on the mat and then leans back onto his chest, with Stevens getting down to count the pin!


Jean-Luc Watkins: "Cyrus could not get there quickly enough - and I’m not sure that he got the Exile’s Edge fully cleanly, either. Putting two-hundred and ten pounds on top of a bum knee is a risky strategy, but it would have been all worth it then if he was able to put Peacock away right there. Cyrus is asking all of the right questions of Chris Peacock though, and I think Peacock is struggling to keep coming up with answers to them.”

Peacock kicks out just in the nick of time; the delay in Cyrus getting to the cover was the difference in him winning this match and Peacock staying in it! Truth gets up to his knees and Peacock does the same, although both men are fatigued by the gruelling match. They start going strike for strike, with Cyrus getting the better of the exchange, until Peacock roars back with a Headbutt that catches Truth directly in between the eyes, that knocks him down onto his back.

Peacock uses this opening to get up to his feet and he backs into the corner and lines Cyrus up, before charging in and looking for THE STRUT - TRUTH AVOIDS IT - AND ROLLS PEACOCK UP!!


Allen Price: "I thought that was it, Jean-Luc!"

Jean-Luc Watkins: "That must have been thousandths of a second in it, Price. Peacock has not been having much luck with that Strut lately and Cyrus had clearly scouted it well!"

AGAIN, Peacock keeps himself in the match and both men seem to have found a second wind as both get up to their feet, fighting through their injuries. Peacock charges forward and tackles Truth into the turnbuckle behind him, and turns around, looking to complete the ROLLER DISCO - CYRUS COUNTERS IT INTO A TORNADO DDT!!! Peacock gets absolutely spiked onto the top of his head by ‘The Exile’, and Truth gets to his feet and waits on Peacock to groggily get up as well.

Staggering towards Cyrus, Chris is wobbly-legged and thus is in perfect position for Cyrus to scoop him up on his shoulders into a Fireman’s Carry! The fans cheer as Cyrus looks to put Peacock away with the JOURNEY’S END - BUT HIS KNEE GIVES WAY AS HE TRANSITIONS THE MOVE - AND PEACOCK GETS A VICTORY ROLL!!


Winner: Chris Peacock via pin fall at 15:11

‘He’s the Greatest Dancer’ begins to play immediately and Peacock is sent forward onto his chest as Cyrus kicked out just milliseconds after the count of three by Larry Stevens. Peacock rests on his hands and knees for a moment, breathing heavily, but a smirk soon forms on his face as he realises that he won the match. Truth leans back with his head in his hands.

Natalie Rosenberg: "Here is your winner… CHRIS PEACOCK!"

Allen Price: "Victory for Peacock! That was a gutsy performance from both of these guys, but Chris keeps the momentum rolling in what could potentially be one of the biggest victories in his career, Jean-Luc."

Jean-Luc Watkins: "In the end it was the work that Peacock had done on Cyrus’s knee that proved to be the difference between the two tonight, and Peacock takes an important scalp in the F1 Climaxxx. Let’s see what this has done to Pool B."


Jean-Luc Watkins: "Peacock joins Lizzie Rose on two points at the top of the pool, following the North American Champion’s victory over Phillip A. Jackson on Meltdown. It is Gerald Grayson up next for Peacock, and Truth will look to bounce back against ‘The Immortal’."

Allen Price: "I understand that both of those matches will be taking place on Fallout 022, so before that we will surely see Peacock and Truth competing against each other once again in that Battle Royal for the vacant FWA World Championship on Meltdown XXII."

Peacock is handed his briefcase and cane by the referee and he leans back in the corner to take a moment to relish in his victory. Cyrus Truth sits against the opposite turnbuckle and looks disappointed with the result of the match. As Peacock leaves through the ropes, Truth is shown shaking his head, and we linger on this image for a moment before fading away.


The show cuts to backstage where the cameras find Nate Savage preparing for his upcoming match with XYZ. He’s walking down the halls and he reaches the entrance area as he waits for his music to hit when he’s approached by Jackson Fenix.

Jackson Fenix: “Nate, there you are!”

Nate Savage: “What is it? Come on, my match is next.”

Jackson Fenix: “Bro, chill. I was just coming to see if you thought about me joining you out there tonight?”

Nate Savage: “I didn’t, but if I’m being honest, I want to do this one on my own. No offense Jack, but I can handle myself out there tonight.”

Jackson Fenix: “Are you sure?”

Nate Savage: “Seriously? Of course I’m sure.”

Jackson Fenix: “Okay, you don’t have to get hot about it! Well, good luck out there tonight then, but I know you won’t need it.”

Nate Savage: “Thanks.”

Cut back to the inside of the arena where Natalie Rosenberg is standing by in the ring.

Natalie Rosenberg: “The next contest is a singles match with a 20-minute-time-limit and it is scheduled for one fall!”


The familiar intro to “Bow Down” plays and as the song kicks into high gear, Nate Savage appears on the stage. Savage doesn’t pause on stage and instead continues his brisk walk down to the ring.

Natalie Rosenberg: “Introducing first, from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and weighing in at 266 lb, and representing The Undisputed Alliance…”Nasty” Nate Savage!”

Allen Price: “It is rather unusual to see Nate Savage without Jackson Fenix at his side, J-L.”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “It isn’t something that we’re used to, but Nate made it very clear to Jackson moments ago that he wanted to go at this alone and there’s nothing wrong with that.”

Allen Price: “Savage does have that future X-Championship match with the man that defeated him for the title over a year ago, Alyster Black.”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “You can bet that Savage would like nothing more than to suppress the reign of Alyster Black and reclaim that title, and a win tonight on the way to that match is the kind of momentum that Savage is looking for.”

“One Headlight” now plays and there’s a more positive reaction for the eccentric XYZ as he makes his way out on stage. He takes the time to posture for the fans on stage before trekking down to the ring.

Natalie Rosenberg: “Introducing his opponent, from Sitka, Alaska, and weighing in at 180 lb, XYZ!”

Allen Price: “As much as Savage is looking forward to that title shot, you can bet that a win for XYZ tonight would make him a favorite as a future contender for that title as well.”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “That is a possibility, so Nate Savage best be careful.”

The referee for the match is Larry Stevens, who checks on both men before calling for the bell.

Nate Savage vs. XYZ.
Singles Match.
Match Writer: Jimmy.


Right out of the gate, Nate Savage charges out of his corner and bum rushes XYZ in his corner, and Savage lays into XYZ with several clubbing blows to the head, as well as several stomps to the midsection until XYZ is slumped down and Savage wastes no time as he delivers a devastating corner cannonball senton! Savage drags XYZ’s near lifeless body away from the corner and he hits a jumping seated senton and he reaches back to hook the leg for the pin!


Allen Price: “Nate Savage is all business tonight and tried to end it early but XYZ won’t stay down that easy!”

Savage runs the ropes and goes for a running senton but XYZ rolls out of the way, and Savage hits the mat back first! Savage clutches at his lower back as he sits up but XYZ knocks him back down with a running knee strike right in the mush! XYZ then runs the ropes and then does a fake out with a springboard moonsault before striking with a quick standing senton and then straight into a pin attempt…


Savage with a shoulder up and he rolls out to the apron, and as he stands up on the apron, XYZ grabs him in a front facelock and tries to drag him back in the ring but Savage counters by draping XYZ’s neck down on the rope and that flings XYZ back first on the mat. Savage re-enters the ring and this time he connects with the running senton! He opts to not go for the pin and instead he traps XYZ in an arm-breaker submission and then starts to stretch XYZ’s fingers before snapping them back! XYZ writhes around on the mat as he clutches at his hurt fingers with his other pair of fingers…

Allen Price: “Ouch! Did you hear that sickening snap?!”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Nate Savage is showing that vicious side with such a torturous move!”

Savage stomps down on XYZ for good measure before attempting to apply a chicken wing with an inverted sharpshooter, and just as he has it locked in, XYZ is able to grab hold of the bottom rope. Frustrated, Savage delivers some more vicious stomps to the head and chest area of XYZ. Savage drags XYZ up to his feet by his hair, but then XYZ counters out of that with a standing dropkick straight to the chest! Savage is knocked and XYZ sweeps the legs and strikes with a quick jumping elbow drop! The crowd is rallying behind XYZ as he’s feeding off their energy, and he climbs up to the top rope and waits for Savage to rise up before leaping up and he hits flying double knees to the chest! XYZ then drops down on Savage for the cover!


Savage kicks out and rolls over as XYZ goes for another springboard moonsault, but again with the fake out but this time Savage pops up and doubles over XYZ with a boot to the midsection and this time Nate hits the bridging fisherman suplex on XYZ!


Allen Price: “I don’t think Nate Savage was expecting so much resilience from XYZ coming into this match, J-L.”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “It appears so, Price. Savage is learning first-hand tonight how crafty a competitor that XYZ is.”

Savage brings XYZ up again and once more XYZ nails him with a standing dropkick! Nate is knocked back into the corner and XYZ comes charging towards him but Nate catches him and sends XYZ crashing down hard with a uranage! Savage climbs up top and leaps off, hitting a frog splash to XYZ and he hooks the leg!


XYZ kicks out and Savage can’t believe it and even checks with the referee to make sure. Nate brings XYZ up but XYZ counters with a jawbreaker this time, and then he unloads on Savage with a barrage of vicious kicks to the thighs and shins repeatedly for 20 seconds. XYZ then runs the ropes and comes back with a headscissors takedown on Savage after spinning at 360 degrees in the air and XYZ drops down for the pin…


XYZ signals that he’s going for his finish and he begins his ascent to the top, and just as he’s about to tight-rope walk he’s knocked down a peg by Savage! XYZ is dropped cross-legged on the turnbuckle as Savage drags him off and hits him with a package fall away powerbomb and quickly hooks both legs!


Savage is irate with the referee now and he begins to berate Larry Stevens…


Savage turns around and leans down to pick up XYZ but then out of nowhere he’s caught by XYZ with an inside cradle!


Winner: XYZ at 13:45

Natalie Rosenberg: “The winner of the match, XYZ!”

XYZ has his hand raised but before he can celebrate he quickly makes his exit as a furious Nate Savage chases him out of there!

Allen Price: “A big win for XYZ but Nate Savage is obviously not happy about the result!”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Looks like he’s choosing to take his frustrations out on the referee.”

Allen Price: “I don’t get that, the referee was just doing his job!”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Savage doesn’t see it that way apparently.”

Nate has referee Stevens backed up in the corner and he grabs him by the collar…


Savage continues to berate the referee and before things get more serious, Jackson Fenix runs out and steps in between his friend and the referee.

“Nate, bro, calm down! He’s not worth it!”

Jackson is holding Nate back and eventually Nate opts to back away and leave as more referees come out to assist Stevens. Fenix helps Nate leave the ring but not before telling off the other referees when they look hesitant to get in the ring.

Allen Price: “Who would’ve imagined Jackson Fenix being the voice of reason here? Thankfully cooler heads prevailed for now.”

XYZ is shown watching from afar with a raised eyebrow before the show cuts to a brief ad break…


We cut to backstage to find Todd Salum standing by with a microphone in hand.

Todd Salum: "Joining me right now is one of our F1 Climaxxx competitors and also the Number One Contender to the FWA North American Championship. He’s also one half of the Buddy System… Big Bryan Baxter!

Walking into the shot, Big Bryan Baxter is chomping on some chewing gum while wearing a bright red “Buddy System” Letterman Jacket along with his black wrestling trunks, in full gear ready for action tonight.

Todd Salum: "Bryan, I wanted to first address some things we witnessed on Meltdown between you and Jeremy. I can’t help but notice that Jeremy Best isn’t here tonight… have you spoken to Jeremy since Thursday?”

Bryan stares at Todd intensely while continuing to chomp on the gum. An awkward silence ensues before Baxter finally breaks it.

Bryan Baxter: "No comment.”

Todd Salum: "Oh…well..um, okay then. You also had a run in on Meltdown with Lizzie Rose, who just happens to be not only sharing a Pool with you in the F1 but also the current North American Champion… the title you have earned a shot at. Tempers flared a bit after Lizzie was talking to Jeremy… what was that all about?”

Bryan again simply stares at Todd.

Bryan Baxter: "No comment.”

Todd Salum: "Um…well do you at least want to talk about your opening round match of the F1? Tonight you take on Gerald Grayson and…”

???: “Allow me….”
Interrupting the “interview,” is Mr. Bill Scorpane, the agent of both Bryan Baxter and Jeremy Best.

Bill Scorpane: "Clearly my client isn’t interested talking to you, and who can really blame him? He doesn’t owe an explanation to you or to anyone. What’s going on between Bryan and Jeremy is their business, not yours… not the people… and definitely not Lizzie Rhodes.”

Todd Salum: "That’s Rose.”

Bill Scorpane: "Yeah, whatever. Doesn’t really matter what her name is because she’s just keeping the belt warm for my man, BIG Bryan Baxter.”

Todd Salum: "Now, Mr. Scorpane… we’re not used to seeing you in front of the camera… why so suddenly so visible?”

Bill Scorpane: "Much like a lot of you… I underestimated Big Bryan Baxter. I brought him to FWA just to be in Jeremy’s corner. Someone who wouldn’t be afraid to do what needed to be done to win. To do what Jeremy would never do. But what I didn’t realize is… there’s something inside this man. There’s a real monster living inside him. He’s capable of much more than anyone has ever given him credit for. I feel like such a damn fool for never seein’ it until now. If anything, having Jeremy in his corner was holding HIM back! Keeping Bryan from being able to be the dominant force with that win at any cost attitude. Now with me at his side, he’s going to be damn near unstoppable! And it starts tonight… with lil’ GiGi… this ain’t your comin’ out party, ‘tulip’ - it’s HIS!

Scorpane gives a big ole’ grin and pats Baxter on the back before leading Baxter off screen. Baxter seems somewhat reluctant but does follow him off screen as Todd sends it back to the ring.


Natalie Rosenberg: "Ladies and gentlemen, the following is an F1 Climaxxx Pool A match, scheduled for one-fall and with a thirty minute time limit. Introducing first, weighing in at three hundred and nineteen libra… from inside the sacred Pomerium of the Glorious Roman Empire… Cornelius… Aurelius…. CAESAR!!"

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Caesar starts his campaign in the F1 with a tough opening battle tonight, but he’s overcome tough battles in the recent past. Most notably against Uncle J.J. JAY! at last month’s Lights Out supershow."

Allen Price: "That win all but earned Caesar his place in this tournament, and now a former FWA World Tag Team Champion is going to try his hand against the current one."

Caesar climbs into the ring, the audience positive in their reaction as he loosens up int he corner and waits for the appearance of his opponent.

Natalie Rosenberg: "And his opponent… accompanied to the ring by Uncle J.J. JAY!... from Rotterdam in the Netherlands… she weighs in tonight at fifty four kilograms… 'Dreamer'... Michelle… von… HORROWITZ!!"

Jean-Luc Watkins: "MvH qualified for the F1 thanks to being the FWA World Tag Team Champion, alongside Gerald Grayson, who will compete in the opposite pool in this preliminary stage. We also saw Dreamer and the Daredevil defend those championships at Hyde Park last Thursday…."

Allen Price: "*commentary relating to tag team match*"

MvH climbs into the ring, where Caesar waits for her in the opposite corner. The audience has been mixed in their reaction towards Dreamer and Uncle (the COSMIC HORROR has remained on the outside of the ring, and has in fact taken a seat next to the timekeeper), but it seems that the cheers are in the majority. The official coThe officialnducts his final checks and then call for the bell.calls for the bell….

Cornelius Aurelius Caesar vs. Michelle von Horrowitz .
Singles Match - F1 Climaxxx (Pool A).
Match Writer: SS.

The match kicks off and it looks like Caesar is attempting a collar and elbow, but Michelle neglects chain wrestling in favour of strikes, hitting Caesar with a trio of forearms to back him up into the ropes, and then a half-dozen alternating knife-edge and overhand chops. The Roman blocks an overhand, and fires back with a series of European uppercuts, backing Michelle up all the way across the ring. He whips Michelle hard into the turnbuckles and attempts a clothesline as Dreamer bounces back towards him, but she ducks beneath it and then fires off with Mongolian chops and forearm strikes. Caesar is backed up into the ropes, and MIchelle charges at him, only for the Roman to duck beneath her clothesline and lift her up and over the top with a big back body drop!

Caesar follows her out, and what follows is a tit-for-tat on the outside. After Ceasar whips Michelle into the barricade and follows up with a series of knife-edge chops, Michelle eventually blocks one, and then whips Caesar into the barricade in turn, proceeding to hit her own knife-edge chops in retaliation. After Dreamer connects with an Irish whip into the steel steps, which the Roman takes shoulder-first, Caesar reverses an attempt to repeat the gesture and sends Dreamer into the steps instead. Michelle hits them hip-first and lands in a heap on the other side. The contest goes on like this on the outside, a game of ‘anything you can do, I can do better’, the match punctuated by one of the pair constantly breaking up the referee’s ten-count and then continuing the battle outside of the ring.

This goes on until Caesar is able to hit a catapult into the steel ring post, which Michelle hits head-first at a funny angle, bringing a stream of blood out of her forehead. The official wants to check on Michelle, but the Roman refuses to let up, and once more throws her into the steel ring steps before following up with a frantic series of stomps. He rolls her into the ring, and then connects with a scissors kick as Dreamer fights back up to a vertical base! It wipes her out, von Horrowitz landing in a heap in the middle of the ring as Cornelius goes for the cover…


Michelle kicks out, and Cornelius lifts her up by the arm, twists it into a hammerlock, and then attempts a hammerlock suplex… only for Michelle to anchor her weight down by grasping for the adjacent ropes. Caesar forces her to relinquish it with a headbutt, Michelle falling to her knees in the centre of the ring. Cornelius hits the ropes and winds up for a spinning backfist… but Michelle is up to a vertical base and fires back with a headbutt of her own!! Cornelius is staggered, and Dreamer immediately runs past him and hits the ropes, the Roman turning round into a big discus forearm that wipes him off his feet!

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Is that the shift in momentum that Michelle von Horrowitz needs? Caesar has seemingly had the better of these early stretches, but Dreamer is finally able to knock him off his feet… a bloody Dreamer, after that connection with the steel ring post on the outside."

Allen Price: "It looks like Uncle J.J. JAY! is going to get a little company on the outside here, J-L! That’s Quiet and Thomas West appearing through the curtain at the top of the ramp… a regular Nephew reunion here at Hyde Park!"

Jean-Luc Watkins: "It’s not a reunion if they’ve never been apart, Price! The Nephews looking to get more eyes on the scene here in London…"

Indeed, the podcast host and the masked man have joined Uncle at the bottom of the ramp, and JAY! greets them both happily whilst the referee keeps a close eye on these new interlopers…

Michelle takes the opportunity to climb up to the top rope, but before she can make her way all the way to the top Caesar is back up to his feet and he cuts her off at the pass with a forearm strike, causing her to lose her balance and land split-legged over the top turnbuckle. Caesar follows her up, climbing up to the second rope and applying a front facelock. He looks to be trying to wrench her up for a superplex, but MvH wraps her arms around the top rope to avoid being lifted. Caesar relinquishes the front facelock in order to connect with a trio of forearms and then a European uppercut… but Michelle fires back with a headbutt to the chest, and then another one to the forehead of Cornelius! Caesar falls back into the middle of the ring, and MvH steps up onto the top rope… she leaps off, going for a frogsplash – only for Caesar to lift the knees! Michelle skids away across the ring!

Caesar scrambles up to his feet, and to her credit Dreamer does the same, but is holding her ribs after the connection with the Roman’s knees. MvH goes for another discus forearm, but Caesar ducks underneath it and lifts her with a fireman’s carry… and then the gutbuster! Caesar goes for the cover…


Jean-Luc Watkins: "Michelle kicks out! Cornelius Aurelius Caesar edges closer to victory, but Dreamer’s resilience is on display here!"

Allen Price: "And yet more moral support is on its way down for Michelle, it seems! Here comes Harry the Sane Wizard, along with the Maid of Death!"

The two latest interlopers arrive at ringside, with the official noting the merry band of Nephews that have now accrued on the outside. Harry and the Maid join Uncle, Thomas, and Quiet on the outside, conversing about the seemingly dire situation going on between the ropes.

Meanwhile, Caesar feels like he’s closing in on victory, and he comes towards Dreamer from behind, maybe looking for his Et Tu, Caesar… but Michelle grips onto an adjacent top rope and Caesar falls back in the backstabber without her. The Roman scrambles up… but Michelle connects with a superkick! And then a mule kick! Caesar is doubled over, and Dreamer hits the ropes for a swinging neckbreaker!

She can’t follow up with a pin attempt, and is slow to get to her feet, and when she does she notices that a steel chair has been slid into the ring…

Of course, the referee notices it, too, having watched Harry the Sane Wizard slide the chair into the ring. Immediately he makes his decision, and decides to eject the Nephews from ringside!!

Allen Price: "A quick decision and an excellent one! The referee here decides not to run the risk of Nephew involvement, and he sends Uncle and his team to the back!"

But, whilst the official is busy ejecting Uncle, Thomas, Harry, and Quiet, the Maid is on the opposite side of the ring, and she slides a second chair into the ring…

Of course, the referee notices it, too, having watched Harry the Sane Wizard slide the chair into the ring. Immediately he makes his decision, and decides to eject the Nephews from ringside!!

Allen Price: "A quick decision and an excellent one! The referee here decides not to run the risk of Nephew involvement, and he sends Uncle and his team to the back!"

But, whilst the official is busy ejecting Uncle, Thomas, Harry, and Quiet, the Maid is on the opposite side of the ring, and she slides a second chair into the ring. Michelle, realising the official’s distraction won’t last forever, quickly drags Caesar over to the chair in a front facelock, and drops him onto the steel with a double-arm underhook DDT!! Dreamer quickly slides the chair out of the ring…

Allen Price: "The referee is none-the-wiser!! And Michelle von Horrowitz now makes her way up towards the top turnbuckle…"

Jean-Luc Watkins: "She steadies herself… 450 SPLASH!! Michelle connects with Cornelius Aurelius Caesar in the middle of the ring!"

Allen Price: "And she hooks the far leg!!"


Winner: Michelle von Horrowitz via pinfall at 11:38.

Uncle, Thomas, Harry, and Quiet are still on the top of the stage, and turn back towards the ring when the bell sounds to signify the end of the match. They cheer Michelle as she snatches her hand away from the official, deciding instead to prioritise the collection of her FWA World Tag Team Championship belt from the time-keeper’s area.

Natalie Rosenberg: “Here is your winner… Michelle… von… Horrowitz!”

Uncle and the Nephews have re-entered the ring, and busy themselves in lifting MvH up onto their shoulders.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Michelle moves herself ahead of the field in the early stages of the F1, recording the first victory in the first match of Pool A.”


Allen Price: “We’ve got two more huge Pool A matches coming up tonight, including Alyster Black versus Mike Parr in our main event, and the rearranged match between Vampyra and Tommy Bedlam.”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “MvH was staring at a tough week ahead of her, with hers and Gerald’s tag team title defense against Andersen Vega and an unknown opponent on Meltdown, and then this opening match in the F1 Climaxxx… but she’s managed to emerge from it unscathed, even if her ego is responsible for another week of double-duty lying ahead in her future…”

Allen Price: “You’re referring of course to her challenge to the entire tag team division for a Mile High Massacre match on Fallout 024. The F1 Climaxxx will be almost at its conclusion by that stage, and we’ll see how Michelle handles split priorities again when we come to that business end.”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Or perhaps that day will come sooner… we heard last Thursday on Meltdown that Fallout 022 will feature a Battle Royal to declare the new holder of the vacant FWA World Championship. It wouldn’t surprise me to see MvH entering the fray in hopes of her third reign with that title.”

Allen Price: “Unless her partner can speak some sense into her…”

Von Horrowitz is set down in the ring and climbs out of it, walking up the ramp as the Nephews follow merrily behind her.


Going backstage, we get a glimpse of the FWA Television Champion, Phillip A. Jackson in front of a television screen. “The Cleanser” has his eyes glued to the screen as he watches the end of the match from the other block of the tournament. He has a leather jacket along with a white t-shirt on and jeans. The FWA Television Championship rests on his shoulder, the piece which adds to his hall of fame resume. The gold plates have a light shine as the lights hit them. Then, a familiar voice is heard behind him.

???: “I suppose it is promising we have a champion who takes his preparation seriously. It is a shame it wasn’t enough against Miss. Rose.”

Turning to the side, Phillip A. Jackson sees someone outside of his block on his radar, number one contender Vampyra. The newcomer is in her full gear, minus her entrance mask. Though not initially expecting it, she has a second match in as many nights and finds herself in the same tournament as the Television Champion she has in her sights, though in an opposite block. One hand is behind her back, covered by her cape. Jackson is slightly bemused by Vampyras presence.

Jackson: “Can…Can I help you? I’ve come straight here from the airport. I’m not actually in the mood for visitors.”

Vampyra paces, taking a step or two around her future opponent.

Vampyra: “Being that I was… added to the card last minute, I thought it would be only fair to meet my future opponent at least for a moment. But seeing that you are not in a good mood, I’ll make my leave quickly.”

Vampyra glances towards her arm that is behind her back.

Vampyra: “This is a little present from me Just as a reminder as you are busy with the F1 not to lose sight…”

Reaching from behind her back, she pulls out a mask similar to the extra one she wears often for entrances with a striking design compared to normal. The base which is usually a darker colour is a pure white. There are some red and gold trims on it, taking inspiration from PAJ’s ring attire. The horns are black with red tips on the end. She hands it off to PAJ who turns it around and sees a Union Jack design on the back.

Jackson looks at the mask, lifts it to his eye line and stares at the mask. Jackson turns it around in his hand and stares at the back. Jackson lets out a wry smile.

Phillip A. Jackson: “This is different…”

Vampyra chuckles.

Vampyra: “It’s special. Just for you. Take care I’ll be watching and if you’re truly the champion you say you are, you’ll be keeping a close eye on my match… Maybe I can show you how to beat Tommy Bedlam, or at least last longer than you?”

And Vampyra winks before turning, leaving down the hallway to prepare for her F1 match.

Jackson continues to look at the mask as Vampyra leaves, almost as if he is entranced by it but quickly snaps out of it and smirks and scoffs.

Phillip A. Jackson: “Poor young Vampyra trying to buy my mercy with a present. It is good that she understands respect and knows that you need to pay your dues to the people who made this company. How dare she interrupt me?! She is getting ideas above her station, first thinking she can compete in the Climaxxx and challenge me and approach me backstage?! I’ll show her what her respect means to me…”

Jackson looks to the side and holds the mask over a trash can. Jackson is stuck between throwing it away and keeping it. He continues to be entranced by it. Jackson tries to throw it in the trash but can’t bring himself to do it. Jackson kicks the trash can and lets out a scream in frustration. Jackson brings the mask to his eye line and speaks to it again.

Phillip A. Jackson: “Fine, if I can’t get rid of you. I guess I’ll keep you with me.”

Jackson begrudgingly takes the mask with him as he walks down the hall in the opposite direction to his future challenger.


Back to the ring, two new faces are standing in the ring already.

Natalie Rosenberg: “This next match is a tag team match scheduled for one fall with a twenty minute time limit. Introducing first, already in the ring, the team of Roderick Vasyl and M…D…C!”

The duo get a mild reaction from the fans, some fans recognizing them from other organizations. Neither man seems to thrilled about having to team up with the other however and some back and forth banter is occurring during the intros.

The crowd becomes a little more alive, giving some heat for the Ravenwood sisters as they slowly make their way out from the back.

Natalie Rosenberg: “And their opponents, weighing in at a combined weight of two-hundred twenty pounds… from Lock Haven, Pennsylvania… BLAIR… AND… CELESTIA RAVENWOOD…. THE CCCCOOOOOOOOVVEEEEEN!”

The sisters stop at the top of the stage to stare down their opponents in the ring with a sinister smirk on their faces.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “We’re getting our first taste of the Sisters of the Coven in action tonight after they’ve impressed in Ground Zero. For the last year or so, they’ve had their eyes on bringing Kleio De Santos into their Coven and have finally succeeded in doing so…”

Allen Price: “Speaking of Kleio… I’m surprised she’s not accompanying them to the ring.”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “That’s actually an astute point, Price. I’m not sure what to make about the whereabouts of Kleio here tonight.”

Allen Price: “Spooooooooky!”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Settle down, Price. Halloween is over.”

The sisters slowly march their way down to the ring before they both, in unison, crawl under the bottom rope to enter the ring.

THE COVEN (Blair Ravenwood and Celestia Ravenwood) vs. Roderick Vasyl and MDC.
Tag Team Match.
Match Writer: Dubb.

Unfamiliar with one another, Vasyl and MDC seem unsure about which one wants to start the match as the Ravenwood sisters both lean against the ropes with broodling looks in their face…Blair even licking her lips in anticipation before finally its Vasyl who starts the match off for the opposing team.

Vasyl moves in for a collar and elbow, but Blai Ravenwood decides to avoid the lock up and instead scores a quick ROLL UP!




NO! Vasyl does in fact kick out!

Vasyl gets back up to his feet, clearly not amused by Blair’s attempt at a quick flash pin, while Blair sports a sneaky grin as she gets back to her feet. Vasyl runs in with a lariat, but Blair once again avoids the attack. She runs to the ropes where Celestia gets the blind tag. Off the ropes, Vasyl goes for a backdrop, but Blair leapfrogs over into a sunset flip attempt…but Vasyl fights it off, and sits down into a cradling pin attempt instead!

But it’s the legal woman Celestia coming in with a springboard dropkick to break that up! The pair team up, sending Vasyl into the ropes. Coming back, Vasyl POWERS through a double clothesline attempt from the twins before bouncing back off the ropes…he shows off his athleticism as he leapfrogs over Celestia, but he lands awkwardly on his leg and drops to a knee!

Allen Price: “Yikes, that was not a good landing by Vasyl.”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “My notes indicate some past ACL issues for Vasyl. He may have just tweaked it…or worse. Unlucky timing for an old injury to be rearing it’s ugly head here in your FWA debut.”

Allen Price: “Unlucky… or… dare I say it? Perhaps it’s…”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Don’t you dare say it..”

Allen Price: “WITCHCRAFT!”

Blair wastes no time taking advantage as she targets the leg with a CHOPBLOCK, bringing Vasyl down to the mat where she immediately grabs that leg and turns him over into a Single Leg Boston Crab submission! MDC enters the ring but is cut off by Celestia.. but Vasyl has to quickly tap due to his injury!

Winner: The Coven by submission at 1:38

Blair and Celestia embrace each other with a hug to celebrate their very decisive victory as the crowd responds with some boos.

Natalie Rosenberg: “Here are your winners… Blair and Celestia Ravenwood… THE COVEN!

Jean-Luc Watkins: “An impressive start here in FWA for the Coven! We’ll be keeping an eye on this team, especially with the Tag Team Mile High Massacre announcement from Meltdown!”

While the Ravenwood sisters celebrate, the medical team comes out to check on Vasyl while an aggravated MDC watches on. He finally walks away, clearly frustrated while Vasyl is able to get up and walk to the back with some assistance.

Allen Price: “This was not the start to their FWA careers neither one of these men wanted, I assure you. But chin up fellas, it’s just the beginning and there will be better days!”


An advert airs for a blender.


Natalie Rosenberg: "Ladies and gentlemen, our next contest is an F1 Climaxxx Pool B match, scheduled for one-fall and with a thirty minute time limit! Introducing first, being accompanied to the ring by Mr. Bill Scorpane… weighing in at three-hundred two pounds…. from Hickory, North Carolina…. BIIIIIIG BRYAN BAAAAAAAAXXXTTER!"

Big Bryan Baxter jogs out from the back in his glossy red “Buddy System” letterman jacket and is joined not by his normal partner, Jeremy Best, but instead by his agent, Bill Scorpane. A man who actually nearly matches Baxter in size and weight, Mr. Scorpane walks out slowly behind Baxter, dressed in a beige leisure suit.

Allen Price: “We witnessed some trouble in paradise on Meltdown for the Buddy System and now there’s no Jeremy Best in his corner tonight.”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “No, instead we’re getting our first in-arena look at Jeremy and Bryan’s agent, Mr. Scorpane. Baxter has been making some waves lately on his own… not only qualifying for the F1 but he also earned himself a shot at the North American Championship during the Spooktacular at Lights Out. I think having Mr. Scorpane in his corner might actually make Baxter a more dangerous competitor.”

Allen Price: “We’ll see, JL. I think I speak for myself and these fans that we’re a little disappointed to not see Jeremy though!”

Indeed, the reaction for Baxter and Scorpane is not nearly as positive as it is when Baxter has Jeremy by his side. But Baxter appears focused as he and Mr. Scorpane make their way down the aisle, Baxter showing no interest in interacting with the fans.

Natalie Rosenberg: "And his opponent, one half of the FWA World Tag Team Championships… weighing in at two-hundred twenty pounds… he’s from Raleigh, North Carolina… he is FWA’s Resident Daredevil…. GGGEEERRAALD GGGRAAAAYYYYSON!

Gerald trots out from the back, jumping up and down on the stage to get himself pumped up. He heads to one of corner of the stage and tosses his hands up in the air to get the crowd fired up as well before heading to the opposite side of the stage and doing the same there as well. He then heads to the center of the stage, looking up and pointing to the sky.

Allen Price: “The fans love them some GG! And who can blame them!”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “What a ride it’s been for Gerald Grayson as of late as he captured the FWA Tag Team Championship at Lights Out alongside Michelle von Horrowitz and also qualified for the F1 in the process.”

Allen Price: “It’s worth noting, JL, that both of these men feel like they have something to prove in this tournament.”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “That is true. Both competitors have had success in tag team action lately here in FWA, but want to show that they can have success on their own as well. The F1 Climaxxx is certainly a way for both of them to just that… and how funny it is that they both drew each other, not only in the same pool but in the first round of action!”’

Grayson now rushes down the ramp, slapping hands with the fans in the front row and then around ringside. He then slingshots himself into the ring and begins doing some stretches to prepare for the match about to begin.

Big Bryan Baxter vs. Gerald Grayson.
Singles Match - F1 Climaxxx (Pool B).
Match Writer: Dubb.

As the bell rings, Bryan and Gerald meet in the center of the ring to trade some heated words with one another, but after some competitive trash talk, the duo start the match off with your traditional collar and elbow tie up. Baxter immediately uses his size advantage to push Gerald into the corner where a rope break is forced, but Baxter immediately hits a big knife edge chop to Grayson, sending a groan through the crowd.

Baxter winds up for another one, but Grayson’s speed allows him to elude the attack! Braxter turns around into a running boot to the face that seems to simply annoy Baxter more than anything. Baxter goes in for a right hand, but Gerald blocks it and delivers another high kick that staggers the bigger man. Gerald tries to make it a trifecta of kicks, but this time Baxter telegraphs the attack and catches his boot…

But Grayson responds with an enziguri! The bigger man drops to a knee but is right back up only to be met with a European Uppercut! This sends Baxter falling back into the corner as Grayson charges in with a big running high knee!

Allen Price: “I’m very impressed by this start from Gerald Grayson!”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Bryan Baxter may have that size advantage but Gerald Grayson doesn’t care! He’s taking it right to the big man and using his speed to his advantage!”

With Baxter trapped in the corner, Grayson now unleashed a barrage of forearms to the chest of Baxter before ending his combination with a springboard side kick! Baxter stumbles out of the corner as Grayson scales the turnbuckles…FLYING CROSSBODY…

BUT IT'S CAUGHT BY BAXTER! Baxter then drives Grayson down into the mat with a powerslam! Baxter stays on for the pin! One, Two, KICKOUT!

Jean-Luc Watkins: “An early nearfall for Baxter… it was only a matter of time before he was able to really use that size to get the upperhand.”

Helping Grayson back up to his feet, Baxter takes him by the head before sending him head first into the top turnbuckle. The tables now turn as Baxter begins to take control, he unloads some punches and chops to Gerald in the corner. But Grayson begins to battle his way back out of the corner! He unloads some punches of his own to rock Baxter back before charging out of the corner with a running dropkick.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Well placed dropkick there from Grayson! Right on target in the sternum! That has Baxter reeling!”

Baxter staggers backwards, falling towards the ropes before GG runs in with a running boot to the back of the head that sends Baxter falling through the ropes to ringside! This gives GG the chance to live up to his daredevil name as he runs to the ropes and dives out of the ring on the recovering Baxter with a suicide dive!

After both men crash to the floor, Grayson pulls BBB back to his feet and looks to send him into the ring post, but Baxter reverses an Irish Whip and instead its Grayson colliding HARD with the steel ring post! At ringside, Baxter takes some guidance from Bill Scorpane who is encouraging him to show no mercy outside the ring. Baxter inflicts some more punishment on his opponent as he lifts him up into his arms, driving Gerald THREE TIMES back first into the ring post!

Baxter starts to get more boos from the crowd as he adds some more insult to injury to the fan favorite GG, wrapping a camera cord around his throat, choking the life out of Grayson much to the delight of Mr. Scorpane.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “I thought Bryan might’ve turned over a new leaf with Jeremy Best but with no Jeremy in his corner, we’re seeing more of what we initially saw out of Big Bryan Baxter when he debuted here in FWA! Someone who will do anything to win!”

Baxter relinquished the choke hold at risk of disqualification, and tosses Grayson back into the ring to avoid a countout. Grayson grabs the ropes in the corner, pulling himself back up only to have Baxter charge in with a big avalanche corner splash!

A growingly confident Baxter backs up as Grayson staggers out of the corner…into a kick to the midsection…POWERBOMB into a BACKBREAKER to GG!

Allen Price: “My God! I felt that in my back. JL, get my chiropractor on the line.”

Baxter makes the cover!

ONE! TWO! THRE…NO! Grayson with the shoulder up!

Baxter gets right back up to his feet, laying in some stomps to Grayson to prevent him from recovering while also dropping down with a couple of falling headbutts. Baxter then slows the pace down by locking Gerald in his Carolina Cloverleaf submission!

As the referee checks in on him, Gerald is refusing to give up and the crowd is solidly behind him, urging him to reach those ropes!

GG manages to pull himself up on his arms..inch by inch…slowly making his way to the ropes, finally reaching out and grabbing the bottom one, forcing the break of the submission!

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Listen to these fans come alive for GG! They’ve willed him to the ropes and now Baxter has to release the hold! But how much has that taken out of Grayson?”

Baxter makes sure to hold the submission for the full five count before letting go. He then grabs Gerald by the hair, pulling him up to his feet and now takes him back to the center of the ring before lifting him up into a Torture Rack submission!

Gerald begins to fight his way out, delivering some punches to the forehead of Baxter until he loses his grip and Gerald is able to escape down the back! Baxter turns around and swings a wild right hand, but Gerald ducks and ROCKS the bigger man with his Spinning Backfist!

With Baxter staggering, Gerald bounces off the ropes… SLINGBLADE!

Gerald makes the cover! ONE! TWO! KICKOUT!

Allen Price: “What a comeback from GG! Look at that guy go!”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “But he comes up just short of keeping the big man down!”

Both men are slow to their feet, but Grayson is up first and he jumps to the ropes, looking for a springboard DDT…

BUT BAXTER REVERSES IT - Northern Lights Suplex!




Baxter climbs back up to his feet as Gerald begins to sit up. BBB quickly strikes with a stiff kick right to his back. Baxter continues to lay into Gerald, wearing him down some more before sending him into the ropes with an Irish Whip. Off the ropes, Baxter catches Gerald with a tiltawhirl but this time it's Grayson who reverses it, connecting with a tiltawhirl DDT!

Baxter’s head bounces off the mat and he rolls out of the ring down to the floor at ringside where as he tries to get to his feet, he has to deal with Mr. Scorpane verbally berating him for allowing this “little gnat” to have him in this much trouble!

However, as Scorpane notices Grayson is back up, he quickly moves out of the way because Grayson comes FLYING OFF THE TOP TURNBUCKLE with MOONSAULT to the outside, wiping Baxter back out again!

Jean-Luc Watkins: “What a move! Once again Gerald Grayson shows he’s not afraid to put his body on the line to win a match.”

GG is slow to recover but once up, he hits a big uppercut and a pair of punches to Baxter before rolling the big man back into the ring.

Grayson climbs to the apron…

Jean-Luc Watkins: “This is it! He’s going for Extreme Impact”

Allen Price: “It’s looking like the end of the line here for Big Byran Baxter!”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Not so fast…Mr. Scorpane is on the apron! This guy is making the most out of his first time at ringside here in FWA!”

Indeed, Mr. Scorpane has climbed up onto the apron, right beside Grayson! A confused Gerald can be seen yelling at Scorpane, telling him to get out of the way. The referee joins in too, warning Scorpane but all this has allowed Baxter to recover and he attacks Grayson on the apron and then SUPLEXES him back into the ring!


Allen Price: “Can we get rid of this guy? He’s wanting Baxter to use the brass knux! He’s openly telling his man to cheat right now!”

Baxter shakes off the advice from Scorpane, and instead lifts Grayson back up to his feet and sets him up for a Powerbomb, running towards the turnbuckles for a Turnbuckle Bomb…BUT GRAYSON REVERSES IT INTO A HURRICANRANA, sending Baxter into the corner back first!

Grayson stumbles to his feet…RUNNING KNEE into the corner to Baxter! Grayson staggers back as BBB begins to pull himself back up out of the corner…Grayson charges in…jumps to the ropes…and this time connects with the SPRINGBOARD DDT!

With Baxter once again down and slowly starting to stir, Grayson steps back out onto the apron, once again showing he’s going for the High Impact!

Grayson springboards in the ring with a somersault but is met with…A BIG STIFF RIGHT HAND FROM BAXTER sends Grayson to the mat instead!

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Check that man’s hands! He had to have used the brass knuckles!”

Allen Price: “I’m looking closely, JL…he…DID NOT! That was as clean a right hand as they get! And what a punch!”

Sure enough, Baxter hands are empty and Grayson drops to the mat like a sack of potatoes. Baxter staggers over, pulling Grayson up to his feet…lifting him up into the air and then spinning him over into the BAXTER DRIVER! Baxter reaches forward and hooks the far leg:


Winner: Big Bryan Baxter by pinfall at 15:37

Baxter rolls to his feet, some disbelief on his own eyes as he picks up a big first win in the F1 Climaxxx. Mr. Scorpane climbs into the ring with a huge grin on his face as well to embrace his client. Bryan can’t help but be elated in the moment, allowing Mr. Scorpane to lift up his arm in victory.

Natalie Rosenberg: “Here is your winner… Big… Bryan… Baxter!

Allen Price: “I tell ya, both of these guys looked great here, but what a big win for Bryan Baxter! Many were surprised to see him even in this tournament and here he is getting the pin over one half of the tag team champions!”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “There’s absolutely no denying that, Price. And don’t discount GG. This is a long tournament and there’s moor pool matches to come… he’ll still have his chances.”

GG slowly begins to pull himself up as Baxter and Scorpane are still revealing in the victory. Grayson walks over, pushes past Scorpane and confronts Baxter… before offering a handshake to his opponent.

Allen Price: “Look at GG, such a stand up guy! Such sportsmanship!”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Yes, very much the opposite of his partner!”

Baxter looks down at Grayson’s extended hand, and seems to be about to accept the handshake but is pulled away by Mr. Scorpane! Scorpane seems to have some words for Baxter as he leads him away from the ring while Grayson is left standing alone in the ring, his arm extended before finally dropping it to his side.

As Bryan walks up the ramp with Scorpane, the standings are shown on the screen…


Jean-Luc Watkins: “That concludes proceedings for Pool B tonight, with Bryan Baxter joining Chris Peacock and Lizzie Rose on two points after the first round of matches. But with four more fixtures to go, all is still to play for at this very early stage in the tournament…”

In the ring, Gerald shakes his head before climbing out of the ring as well.


Natalie Rosenberg: "The following is a tag team contest set for one fall-"


Natalie Rosenberg: ”Introducing the competitors... First, already in the ring... The team of Jimmy Boom Boom, and Kung Fu Karl-KUNG FU BOOM!”

The two get a minor pop as they do an elaborate cool guy high-five before playing to the crowd, the good vibes coming from them in waves.






The sound of a chainsaw is quickly followed by a blue-rock riff as "The Lumberjack" kicks into gear which, as you might expect, brings out two absolutely massive man mountains, wearing matching red and black flannel shirts and Denni blue jeans with brown boots dressing less like wrestlers and like two guys who just walked off a building site, and of course sporting two massive beards that totally cover the lower half of their faces. Such impressive facial hair; even Krash would be impressed. They don't play to the crowd, they simply look at each other, offering a quick fist bump, and they march in step, storming towards the ring with a purpose.
Natalie Rosenberg: "And their opponents from The Yukon, Canada... weighing in at a combined weight of six-hundred twenty-five pounds... DAN AND DOUG LUPONE... THE LUUUMMMMBERJACKS!"

Allen Price: ”I know this is 2022, and in wrestling, we've moved on from the concept of big=good....but WOW, these guys are massive! Two big bad scary dudes who seem poised to take the tag division by storm. Canada's greatest double act since Terrance and Philip."

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Both nearly seven feet tall. Over six hundred pounds of sheer humanity. One of the largest teams we've ever seen-....I pity their poor mother. No wonder they hate trees so much; they don't like anything that can get to their eye level."

Allen Price: "We've seen The Lumberjacks a few times before, They're fixtures of the wrestling scene in Canada, and they dominated ground zero, and with good reason; they're a terrifying blend of size, speed, power and ability. You see these two walking towards you, and i'd argue the match is over before the bell rings."

Kung Fu Boom are now pressed up against the back ropes. This keeps them out of the way of Dan and Doug, who enter the ring, and march around menacingly while the typical snarky UK crowd tries to start an "EH? EH? EH?" chant, which Dan pumps his fists to, encouraging them before the towering twins exchange a look and stand side to side as an imposing unit that Karl and Jimmy seem more than a little intimidated by at the moment.

THE LUMBERJACKS (Doug LuPone and Dan LuPone) vs. Jimmy Boom Boom and Kung-Fu Karl.
Tag Team Match.
Match Writer: AON.

This match doesn't fill in many criteria of most tag team matches, with The Lumberjacks certainly looking to assert their dominance. That's true of what we see as we jump in with Doug just throwing Kung Fu Karl with right hands and clubbing blows and then a big exploder to him into the canvas. As soon as he stands, Doug grabs Karl by the head and yanks him up, too, rather than covering, and throws him into the KFB's corner, telling Jimmy to tag in. It seems like an odd thing to do, but the fact is that The Lumberjacks want to impose their will on both members; Jimmy tags in off the shoulder, stepping into the ring looking somewhat apprehensive, taking it slow as he squares up to Doug....and starts with a kick to the gut, throwing a bunch of right hands, but Doug shrugs them all off then solves Jimmy into the ropes, scooping him up when he comes back there's the military Press- THEN DROPS HIM TO EARTH! Jimmy plummets into the canvas, the crowd groaning as his body folds over in pain and Doug circles his hurt frame, heading to the corner while Jimmy begins to struggle up, wincing all the way, then turns around....SO DOUG RUNS THROUGH HIM WITH A CLOTHESLINE!

Allen Price: "The logic here should be obvious; Kung Fu Boom, should use their speed advantage to befuddle the jacks, but how do you befuddle something that can hit THAT hard and sudden."

This is one-way traffic, as Doug turns and tags Dan in; The taller brother wants a piece of the pie, and he eagerly heads in.

Jimmy's up again, though he leans against the corner to stay upright. Dan measures him-a MASSIVE Body Avalanche follows! Dan uses his huge frame to his advantage there as Jimmy staggers out of the corner, allowing Dan to hook up the pump handle.....but no, Jimmy gets out and stuns Dan with a dropkick....it doesn't knock him down. Still, it stuns him. Jimmy crawls to tag in Kung Fu Karl, who heaves his tired body back between the ropes, having suffered just as much despite this match not running for that long. So Karl gets a run-up and CRACKS DAN WITH AN ENZUIGIRI....BUT IT STILL DOESN'T KNOCK HIM DOWN!

Jean-Luc Watkins: "That's the scary thing about these guys; they're one of the largest tag teams we've ever seen; it's hard enough to put them down, let alone keep them down!"

Jimmy grits his teeth as if to say..."oh shit," on the apron. And as Karl gets up, he gets scooped into the grip of Dan, who drops him with a couple of backbreakers, keeping hold of him the whole time....Then throws Karl with a fallaway slam! Karl crumples to the floor, but Dan isn't done, getting up without any real strain and hauling him up again. There's no resistance from the king fu master here as Dan hooks him up and hits him with GREETINGS FROM THE NORTH. It leaves Karl in a heap, but Dan makes sure to head to the ropes, bringing Jimmy Boom Boom over the top rope! Jimmy scrambles back to his feet, but he walks into Doug, who kicks him in the gut...up onto the shoulders...MAPLE BOMB! The young team have been massacred here, despite some good work in the early going, and now Doug leaves the ring so the ref will stop complaining, and Dan covers Karl.


Winner: The Lumberjacks via pinfall at 07:14.

Natalie Rosenberg: "Here are your winners-THE LUMBERJACKS"

Well, that was ugly. Doug returns to the ring, slapping Dan on the shoulder to tell him "Good job" in a way. As the "EH?" chants start up again which Doug and Dan play to

Allen Price: "Kung Fu Boom did the best they could, but this, quite frankly, was a mismatch; these two monsters would have gone to hell and back to send their message tonight; they just didn't have to go that far."

Jean-Luc Watkins: “How glad do you think the Connection are that these guys couldn't climb fast enough to get a briefcase?"

Allen Price: "Well, I don't think either MVH or The Connection are intimidated by the size of the Lumberjacks, but they'd be stupid not to see the threat these two might be"

Jean-Luc Watkins: "I think everyone should be intimidated by The Lumberjacks; They're looking to cut through everyone""

Back in the ring, Doug makes a note to casually step over Kung Fu Boom and walk up to the hard camera and make several belt motions around his waist. His meaning was more than clear…


An advert airs for the Krash Memorial Extravaganza, airing live on the WCNetwork on Saturday 12th February, 2023.


Natalie Rosenberg: "Ladies and gentlemen, the following is a Pool A contest in the F1 Climaxxx Tournament, and is scheduled for one-fall with a thirty minute time limit. Introducing first, from Sweetwater, Texas, weighing in at two hundred and forty four pounds… TOMMY… BEEEDLAAAAAAM!"

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Tommy Bedlam has been very impressive since his return to action here in the FWA, recording three consecutive victories on his route to qualification for this F1 tournament. Those wins came over Nate Savage, Phillip A. Jackson, and Jason Randall, and now Bedlam prepares to fight a late replacement after Danny Toner - his originally scheduled opponent for this Pool A opening match - withdrew due to injury."

Allen Price: "That 3-0 record for Bedlam is important, J-L. He’s picked up some momentum on the run-in to this tournament, and many have Tommy marked as a dark horse here in Pool A. He’s motivated and mean, and I don’t think it really matters too much which poor soul you put opposite him in the ring here tonight. Bedlam’s been on a tear!"

Tommy climbs into the ring and climbs onto the second rope, where he’s cheered by the London audience despite his very American aesthetic. He climbs down and removes his hat, his music fading out before being replaced by…

Natalie Rosenberg: "And his opponent, from Osaka, Japan… weighing in tonight at one hundred and ten pounds… she is ‘The Wicked Spirit’... VAAAAAMPYYYRAAAAAA!"

Jean-Luc Watkins: "And it’s a Vampyra fresh from success at the Lights Out pay-per-view, where she earned herself a shot at the FWA Television Championship at some point before Christmas… though the dispute rages on over who exactly is the champion…"

Allen Price: "Regardless, we last saw Vampyra on Meltdown, where she overcame the challenge of Sawyer Xavier and then, later on in the evening, was entered into the F1 tournament as a late replacement for Danny Toner."

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Vampyra would’ve had very little time to prepare for her opponent here tonight, but the same is true of Tommy Bedlam, who would’ve been strategising with Danny Toner in mind until this week. We’ll have to see who is able to adapt more quickly in what is sure to be a clash of styles here in the Freetown…"

Vampyra gets in the ring and it’s immediately obvious what JLW is alluding to, with Vampyra less than half of Bedlam’s weight and giving up a lot of height to the Cowboy as well. Bedlam stands in the middle of the ring… and offers Vampyra a handshake. Vampyra slaps Bedlam’s hand away and then begins to circle the ring, Bedlam nodding and reciprocating as the official calls for the bell…

Tommy Bedlam vs. Vampyra.
Singles Match - F1 Climaxxx (Pool A).
Match Writer: SupineSnake.

This one starts off with Vampyra attempting to use her speed to her advantage, at first sliding beneath a big boot and connecting with a jumping forearm strike followed by a low dropkick to the knees. Vampyra hits the ropes and then connects with a shotgun dropkick, backing the larger man up towards the ropes himself, with the smaller competitor looking to follow up with a clothesline. She's unable to take Bedlam up over the top rope, though, and has a second attempt, only for Tommy to duck beneath and then hoists her up and over with a back body drop. Vampyra lands on her feet on the ring apron, and then connects with an enziguri as Bedlam turns to face her! Tommy stumbles back into the middle of the ring, allowing Vampyra to springboard up and in with an attempted cross-brody…


Allen Price: "Impressive anti-air there from Tommy Bedlam, and Vampyra suddenly looks a lot smaller now she's not flying around the ring."

Indeed, Vampyra remains motionless in a heap whilst Bedlam shakes away the cobwebs after the enziguri. He finally hoists Vampyra up to her feet and connects with a quartet of right hands, backing Vampyra up into a corner, and then hits a trio of overhand chops whilst she's up against the opposite set. Bedlam hurls Vampyra across the ring with an Irish whip, but she shows her agility again in leaping up to the second and then third rope, before trying a moonsault as Bedlam re-approaches… but Tommy catches her, and then plants her on the mat with a power slam! Bedlam hooks the far leg.


Vampyra is able to get the shoulder up, but Tommy slows the pace down by applying a grounded headlock, attempting to keep his opponent on the mat and nullify her aerial advantage. The crowd begin to will Vampyra back into it, though, and after a lengthy period squirming in the hold she begins to fight back up towards a vertical base. When she's on her feet, she hurls an elbow into Tommy's gut… then a second… then a third… she walks Tommy into the ropes, and fires him off into the opposite set… Vampyra leaps up, attempting a standing dropkick, but Tommy has held onto the ropes to check his momentum! Vampyra lands in a heap, and Bedlam hoists her up before planting her back down with a sidewalk slam! Tommy isn't done there. He employs a methodical pace as he circles Vampyra with a series of well-placed stomps, before he lifts her to her feet again. He pulls Vampyra's head into position between his legs…

Jean-Luc Watkins: "We've seen Tommy Bedlam employ a stout powerbomb before, and it looks like he's shaping up for that here."

Allen Price: "The Cowboy easily lifts his much lighter opponent up into the air… BUT SHE SLIPS THROUGH THE BACK! ROLL-UP!"

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Vampyra with the victory roll!"


Bedlam kicks out, and both competitors scramble up to their feet. Tommy winds up, looking to deliver a big discus lariat… but Vampyra ducks beneath it…

Jean-Luc Watkins: "REVERSE HURRICANRANA! Tommy Bedlam is spiked onto his head!!"

Allen Price: "And it doesn't look like Vampyra is done there. She's climbing up towards that top rope, facing away from the ring…"

Jean-Luc Watkins: "She favours that top rope moonsault, and I think she's looking for exactly that here tonight… but Tommy Bedlam rather wisely rolls beneath the bottom rope!"

The Cowboy looks to want to take a breather on the outside, but Vampyra is already up on the top rope. She shrugs her shoulders before steadying herself, before leaping off the top with an attempted cross-brody body to the outside…

… only for Tommy Bedlam to catch her!! And then he hurls her into the second row with a fallaway slam! The crowd goes ape for the move, and Bedlam rolls in and out of the ring before collecting Vampyra and dumping her back to the ringside area. He throws her once against the ring apron, connects with alternating forearms and straight rights, and then sends her rolling back into the ring with a headbutt. He slides back into the ring and then drags Vampyra up in a front facelock, and then appears to be attempting to hook both of her arms.

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Tommy Bedlam is going for his Bullseye DDT! Vampyra senses her peril, and rightly so – if the Cowboy is able to spike her with that DDT, this one's over!"

Vampyra anchors her weight down to the mat, dropping to one knee. She wrenches one of her arms free and uses it to pick Bedlam's ankle, sending him sprawling face first onto the mat. She hits a stomp to the back of Tommy's right leg, and then a knee to the back of the left one, causing Bedlam to roll over onto his back. Vampyra picks up his legs and then turns him over with a Boston crab! Vampyra sits down at a high angle, wrenching on the move, contorting Bedlam's body at an ugly angle. Tommy screams in agony… and then begins to fight towards the ropes. The movement of his much larger body makes it hard for Vampyra to keep her grip, and she shifts into a single-leg Boston, but Tommy continues to struggle, and eventually reaches the bottom rope!!

Vampyra backs away from Tommy when the official begins his count, allowing the Cowboy to use the ropes to regain his feet whilst she does the same. The pair suck in lung-fulls of oxygen, hardwon after the exertions of the match, as they come together once more…

Tommy stumbles away from the ropes, and Vampyra goes for a forearm strike… but it's blocked by Bedlam, who fires back with a headbutt! Vampyra stumbles back into the ropes, bounces off them, and lunges at Tommy with an attempted clothesline. Tommy ducks beneath it and hits the ropes himself, and Vampyra turns into a Lou Thesz press! Bedlam rains down the right hands, and then is all fired up when he gets back to his feet, the audience whipped up into a frenzy.

Allen Price: "Tommy Bedlam really feeling it now… He thinks he's closing in on victory, and it looks like that might be the case."

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Indeed, Vampyra is stumbling around trying to get to her feet, and she turns around to face Bedlam… the Cowboy is preparing himself in the corner, and then comes at her for a superkick…"

Allen Price: "No dice!! Vampyra catches his foot! And then sweeps his other leg out… she's going for that Boston Crab again!"

Vampyra is trying to turn Bedlam over, but he lashes out with right hands, eventually forcing her to lose control of one of his legs. Tommy kicks out at her with this free leg, causing a little separation though that he can scramble to his feet… but Vampyra is already hitting the ropes, and she knocks the big man clean off his feet with a flying forearm! And she's not done there: she charges at the ropes once more…

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Springboard moonsault!!! A thing of beauty!"

Allen Price: "Vampyra hooks the leg…"


Tommy Bedlam forces the shoulder up! Vampyra doesn't show any frustration, instead hoisting Tommy up and planting him back down onto the mat with a Lightning Spiral!

Allen Price: "Whoa! What was that one called?!”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “She calls that Dark Lightning, Price!”

Allen Price: “...but no pinfall attempt from Vampyra this time… instead she's climbing back up to that top rope…"

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Vampyra likes to finish things off with her patented twisting frogsplash, which she calls Nightfall. I'd wager that's what she's going for here…"

Indeed, Vampyra steadies herself on the top rope, takes a deep breath, and comes off the turnbuckle with the beautiful move…

… but Tommy Bedlam gets his knees up!! Vampyra crashes and burns! She skids across the ring after impact, and to her credit she manages to battle up to her feet again…

… only for Tommy to knock her head off with a superkick!!!

Jean-Luc Watkins: "THE BUCKSHOT!!"

Allen Price: "THERE IT IS!!"

Tommy falls back into a cover…


Winner: Tommy Bedlam via pinfall at 16:02.

Natalie Rosenberg: "Here is your winner… TOMMY BEDLAM!!"

Bedlam is slow to rise to his feet, adjusting his pads and sucking in some deep lung-fulls of oxygen, the exertions of the match written all over him. When he has his wits about him, he allows the official to raise his hand in victory, a loud cheer emanating around the audience again.

Jean-Luc Watkins: "A hard fought victory for Tommy Bedlam, who was pushed to the limit here tonight by a very game Vampyra."

Allen Price: "Bedlam joins Michelle von Horrowitz from Pool A on two points, getting off to the best possible start here in week one of the F1 Climax…"


Jean-Luc Watkins: "Vampyra, meanwhile, slumps to defeat, but the short amount of time that she had to prepare for this battle with Tommy Bedlam - and to recover from her match only forty eight hours earlier in London for Meltdown XXI - would surely have contributed in some way to this result."

Allen Price: "Maybe. Vampyra has impressed in both the Spooktacular Spectacular and last Thursday's warm-up match against Sawyer Xavier, and did so again even in loss to Bedlam."

We have cut back to the ring, where Vampyra has got up to her feet. Her body language suggests that she is dejected, and she briefly looks up at Tommy. He offers her a nod, and it seems somewhat approving. She returns the gesture and then rolls beneath the bottom rope. The Cowboy climbs up to the second turnbuckle to whip up the fans some more.

Jean-Luc Watkins: "… but to the victor go the spoils, and Tommy Bedlam moves to 4-0 since making his FWA return in the fall. Can anyone stop him?"

Allen Price: "He's beginning to look more and more like a genuine contender in Pool A each week… I wouldn't want to be Cornelius Aurelius Caesar right about now…"

Bedlam climbs out of the ring and begins to stride back up the ramp as we fade out.


Todd Salum is backstage, with his microphone in hand. Standing next to him is a freshly-showered and dressed man with a number of accessories in his possession at the moment; the holder of the Golden Opportunity briefcase (and Singapore cane), Chris Peacock.

Todd Salum: "As you can all see, I currently have the pleasure of being joined by the man who defeated Cyrus Truth in tonight’s opening contest and the man who can challenge for the FWA World Championship at any time he chooses, Mister Chris Peacock. Chris, thank you for joining me.”

Chris Peacock: "Pleasure as always, Todd.”

Todd Salum: "Chris, victory over Cyrus Truth. Not many people can say that they’ve done that. You’ve got to be feeling good going into this Battle Royal.”

Chris Peacock: "Todd, I feel great. I said on Thursday night that I was going to go into that Battle Royal and win it, and I think tonight that I showed that I deserve to be thought of as one of the potential winners of that match, because I just beat one of them earlier tonight. Cyrus Truth has been wanting a chance to challenge for the title, he’s got it on Meltdown XXII, but I think I showed tonight why he should be careful what he wishes for, because he just might get it.”

The assuredness of Peacock that was coming through on Meltdown appears to be making another appearance here.

Chris Peacock: "He made me fight for that win, but I’m no stranger to fighting and I’m no stranger to defying expectations. So, I don’t think there’s anyone that could possibly… bring me… down.”

Peacock trails off towards the end of his sentence as he sees a number of figures approaching him and he moves over to create some space between them. Todd pats Peacock on the shoulder and then takes a step back as a sizeable contingent of Cthulhu’s Nephews join Peacock in the frame.

Thomas West, Uncle and Michelle von Horrowitz stand at the front, with Quiet and Harry behind them and Gerald Grayson at the back, wearing his FWA World Tag Team Championship belt over his shoulder but looking rather uninterested and frustrated following his defeat to Big Bryan Baxter earlier tonight. Peacock scoffs as he sees the group in front of him.

Chris Peacock: “I’ve clearly pissed someone up there off, do I need to even ask what you’re doing here?”

Thomas West: “Still so distrusting, Peacock! No, we wanted to seek you out and congratulate you - you actually did it! You won a big match, despite our best efforts to make sure you didn’t get there in one piece. You didn’t get my Crown of Thorns, but you won this round, Peacock.”

As West motions to his accolade resting on his head, Uncle nods his head. Peacock laughs to himself, which raises a couple of eyebrows.

Chris Peacock: “Thomas, I know where you’re going to want to go with this, so I’m just going to tell you now that it’s not going to happen. You’re not going to goad me into doing anything stupid, alright? I’m focusing on that Battle Royal, although from what I hear I’m not going to be seeing the Battle Royal specialist there! You not thinking straight or something, Michelle?”

The smug smirk on Peacock’s face causes a flicker of annoyance on Michelle’s, but Wets snaps his fingers and causes Chris to divert his attention back to him.

Thomas West: “Hey! Don’t push your luck. You’re forgetting one important fact, Peacock. Whether you’re the champion of the world, the universe or the entire Cosmos… we still own you. Nephews always beat Chris Peacock. You’re our bitch.”

Chris shakes his head and points to the back of the group in front of him.

Chris Peacock: “No, your bitch is back there. What’s going on, Gerald?”

That caused Gerald to look in Peacock’s direction with anger behind his eyes, Chris ignores the other Nephews’ reactions to his comment.

Chris Peacock: “Yeah, don’t think I’ve forgotten. I might have a title to win, but I know we’ve got our match coming up next in the Climaxxx. I know you couldn’t get the job done against Baxter on your own, but what about me? Do you really need these pricks at ringside if Nephews always beat Chris Peacock? Or are you going to let Michelle’s bullshit drag you into something else that you don’t need to do?”

It seems as if Gerald is ready to respond, but Dreamer steps in front of him, indignant on his behalf in the general direction of Peacock.

MvH: “Don’t you start with this shit as well. People have been pointing at my work ethic as some apparent source of shame for years, tulip, and throughout that time I’ve just kept on winning... We have just kept on winning. And now, we find ourselves with the championships, standing at a frontier, a history reign already stretching out before us. We are united in this dream. Gerald’s loss tonight… well, it’s wrestling. Sometimes you win, and sometimes you don’t. We bounce back next week…”

Michelle is perhaps not quite finished, but she pauses mid-stream.

MvH: “You think Gerald needs me? Gerald’s been fighting without me his whole life. He did so tonight, not that I imagine you watched. You still only watch your own matches? But regardless, if Gerald decides he wants me, or Uncle, or Thomas, or Harry, or anyone else for that matter at ringside next week, we’ll be there…”

Gerald finally cuts her off by reaching out and dragging the microphone towards him.

Gerald Grayson: “You’re on, Chris.”

Grayson walks out of shot, with most of the Nephews following him after staring daggers at Peacock. There’s an uneasy stand-off between Michelle and Peacock, before Dreamer follows her partner and the other walks in the opposite direction, the Golden Opportunity winner clearly enjoying the tension currently present in the Nephews.


Fallout returns to the ring with the strange sight of none other than Steve the Techno Vampire standing in the ring on his own, ready for the next match. Steve sways back and forth to the music that is likely constantly playing in his head. Natalie Rosenberg looks slightly uncomfortable as she is forced to make the introduction.

Natalie Rosenberg: “The following contest is scheduled for one fall, with a twenty-minute time limit! Introducing first, Steve the Techno Vampire!”

Allen Price: "Always good to see Steve the Techno Vampire here, Jean-Luc?"

Jean-Luc Watkins: "It is? Well, we were supposed to be seeing the in-ring debut of Akihiko Kawaguchi here in this match against Steve, but due to visa issues, Kawaguchi has been unable to leave Japan and as such will not be able to join us on our European tour. It is our hope that once we are back across the pond that he’ll be able to show us his talents. Steve is still here though, and I understand that they did find him an opponent. No idea who this could be, other than it is a returning competitor brought in at the last second. Nova Diamond? Chris Kennedy? WOLF?"

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Oh, for fu-”"

The cursing of JLW is not heard due to the loud clunking sound which indicates that he discarded his headset upon seeing the human anomaly that is Ratin Mikichin awkwardly strutting onto the stage. Ratin wears a long fur coat - which is not too dissimilar to that worn by Natalie Rosenberg - but he quickly sheds it to reveal that he is wearing nothing but a bright pink mankini underneath.

Natalie Rosenberg: “His opponent… Ratin Mikichin.”

Allen Price: "Hey! Ratin’s back! Good for him! It looks like Jean-Luc isn’t going to be taking part in this one, so it’s going to be time for me to practice some of my solo-commentating skills. Ratin Mikichin hasn’t been seen since the Carnal Contendership, and it doesn’t seem like he has changed a bit!"

Unfortunately and confusingly, the camera gets right behind Ratin as he bends over the second rope to get into the ring, which will appall the viewers at home as much as his general presence has done to the citizens of the Freetown. Referee Gracelynn Guerrero looks repulsed to have to check both competitors down - skimping on a lot of the physical checks - and she calls for the bell to get this one underway (and hopefully over with) as soon as possible.

Steve the Techno Vampire vs Ratin Mikichin.
Singles Match.
Match Writer: Mandalorian.

Steve and Ratin circle the ring for a few seconds, before they come in together for a very sloppy-looking lock up. Ratin uses his height to get the better of the exchange and he does manage to apply a headlock on Steve, but the techno vampire pushes him away towards the ropes, but Ratin manages to get himself tangled up in them as soon as he touches them. Steve runs in and hits a knee to the midsection and he then Snapmares Ratin over his shoulder, leaving the semi-nude Kazakh in a seated position.

Steve runs the ropes himself this time and then jumps down with a low Cross Body to knock Ratin flat onto his back. Steve remains on top of him, which the referee registers as a pin attempt!


Allen Price: "Ratin Mikichin kicks out at the last second! I don’t know if that is good resilience or not."

A shot of the commentary table shows Price looking over to Watkins for some advice, but JLW shakes his head, looking at the ‘action’ going on in the ring with his arms folded and a very displeased look on his face. Steve pulls Ratin up to his feet, but Ratin breaks free of his clutches and cracks him with a weak forearm. However, this does appear to do some damage to Steve, knocking him backwards where he almost trips over his own feet and lands with his back against the bottom turnbuckle.

Ratin looks around the crowd, as if to expect some sort of reaction, but no one offers anything up to him. However, his intentions become clear when he turns his back and gives himself a wedgie…

Allen Price: "OH YES! He’s going to back it up!"

The fans are disgusted as Mikichin raises the roof with his hands and starts walking backwards towards the trapped Steve, looking for his STINKFACE - BUT STEVE BITES HIM ON THE ASS!! Ratin howls in pain!

Allen Price: "OH NO! The fangs! The fangs sunk into the backside of Ratin Mikichin!"

Ratin comically holds his ass and jumps around the ring, yelping as he does so as for some reason the cameraman from behind attempts to get a close up of the bite marks. However, all of the lollygagging and jumping around allows Steve to get behind Ratin and go for a cover - and he rolls him up with a SCHOOLVAMPIRE!!


Winner: Steve the Techno Vampire via pin fall at 2:04

Natalie Rosenberg: “Here is your winner, Steve the Techno Vampire!”

Steve the Techno Vampire immediately scurries out of the ring after getting the win; his first ever in the FWA. He cannot believe it, either, and the referee meets him on the ramp to raise his hand. Ratin sits on the mat and gets up, revealing a blood stain from the broken skin on his backside.

Allen Price: "Steve wins! Steve wins! I called a match on my own! What a night!"

Jean-Luc Watkins: "I want the resignations of whoever signed off on that match, and that perverted cameraman. What a monumental waste of time. Someone get out here and disinfect the ring as well."

As Steve celebrates, the camera catches a rueful Ratin Mikichin in the ring, who vows that this is not over as he leans on the ropes.


An island in a vast ocean.

A lonely mountain.

Upon a white sand beach lies a crown of thorns.

FWA: The King of the Deathmatch II.
Live from an undisclosed location on Saturday 25th March, 2023.


Natalie Rosenberg: “It is now time for your main event of the evening, it is an F1 Climaxxx match with a 30-minute-time-limit and it is scheduled for one fall!”


The familiar sound of “Sonne” fills the air and Alyster Black marches out on stage. Alyster looks out at the sea of rabid fans and then glances down at his X-Championship resting around his waist before marching down to the ring.

Natalie Rosenberg: “Introducing first, from San Dimas, California and weighing in at 220 lb, he is the current FWA X-Champion…”Black Jesus”...Alyster Black!”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Fresh off his war with Danny Toner at Lights Out, Alyster Black now has his sights set on winning the F1 Climaxxx.”

Allen Price: “You have to imagine that Alyster is a heavy favorite to win the Climaxxx, right J-L?”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “My personal feelings for the man aside, I’d be a fool to disagree with you in that respect, Price. Indeed, Alyster Black is a favorite to go all the way, especially after coming up short at Lights Out he’s got to be hellbent redeeming himself.”

Allen Price: “You just had to get that little dig in there at his expense, didn’t you J-L?”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “What are you talking about, Price? I’m just pointing out the fact Alyster Black did lose at Lights Out, that was no dig at him in any way.”

“When the Lights Go Down” hits and Mike Parr walks out on stage and briskly walks down to the ring looking all business for tonight’s affairs.

Natalie Rosenberg: “His opponent, weighing in at 240 lb, representing Executive Excellence…”The Prodigy”...Mike Parr!”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Speaking of redemption, that has to be on the mind of The Prodigy tonight after being unsuccessful in the Golden Opportunity match.”

Allen Price: “That Golden Op sure didn’t pan out for Executive Excellence, did it J-L?”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “How hypocritical of you Price after you accuse me of taking a shot at Black, you blatantly take a shot at Executive Excellence! Yes, we get it. We all saw it. Your buddy Chris Peacock won. Move on!”

The referee for the match is Tommy Palmer and he checks over both men before calling for the bell.

Alyster Black vs. Mike Parr.
Singles Match - F1 Climaxxx (Pool A).
Match Writer: Jimmy.


Black and Parr don't mess about and instantly lock up, and Parr traps Black in a side headlock but Black shoves him off into the ropes and off the rebound he knocks Parr off his feet with a shoulder block. Parr is quickly back up on his feet however and two square off again before locking it up, and this time Black gets Parr in a side headlock and he instantly takes Parr down and he wrenches back as he maintains pressure. Parr reaches out and he’s trying to free himself by any means and he grabs hold of Black’s mask, but before he can take it off, Black releases the hold and starts pummeling Parr with a ground and pound. Black opens up with repeated forearm smashes while Parr does his best to cover himself up.

Black backs off and allows Parr some room to breathe but not for too long as Parr is on all fours and Black nails him with a running soccer kick right into the midsection! Parr holds his midsection as he tries to crawl away to a nearby corner, but Black is hot in pursuit and doesn’t allow any opportunity of a reprieve for Parr as he unleashes vicious corner stomps until Parr is slumped down and Black doesn’t let up with a face wash to Parr. Black drags Parr away from the corner and drops down for the pin…


Parr gets a shoulder up and Black brings him up only to take him back down with a snapmare and dropkick to the back of his head! Black then applies a rear chin lock with his knee digging deep into the lower spine of Parr…

Allen Price: “This has been all Alyster Black from the get go, are you worried J-L?”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “The only thing that is worrying is your infatuation with my current feelings, just do your job and call the match, Price.”

Parr is reaching out and he starts to rise up and drives some back elbows deep into the midsection of Alyster Black, and Parr has Black doubled over and Parr strikes with a jumping knee to the face! Then Parr hits a low dropkick that brings Black down to one knee, and Parr strikes with a shining wizard and Parr hooks the leg!


Parr locks in a headlock on Black but slowly transitions it into an STF submission hold, and Parr cranks back with the hold while Black is reaching out and he’s able to break the hold! Parr seems a skosh agitated by this as he hits an elbow drop to Black’s back for good measure before hooking the leg again…


Parr brings Black to his feet and Parr has Black on the ropes, and Parr looks to send him across but as he goes for it it’s countered by Black, who sends Parr into the corner and Black levels him with a corner clothesline! Black then proceeds to unload on Parr with a Violence Party!

Allen Price: “That is one party I would not want to be invited to, but it doesn’t seem like Mike Parr had much of a choice!”

Black then takes Parr by the wrist and sends him sternum first into the opposite turnbuckle with an irish whip and then Black hits Parr with a bridging german suplex!


Parr begins to crawl away after kicking out and he’s using the ropes as leverage to help himself to his feet, and he senses Black behind him and he throws back a couple of elbows and then a pele kick! Black is knocked for a loop and Parr shoves Black away and then leaps off with a springboard flying knee strike straight to the mush! Black is staggered but remains on his feet before Parr plants him to the canvas with a tornado DDT! Parr takes a few seconds to catch his breath before rolling Black over so he can make the cover…


Parr is showing more signs of frustration now as he begins to apply an inverted sharpshooter, but Black won’t allow it to happen as he kicks Parr away and he uses this time to help himself to his feet but Parr strikes with a knee to the side of his head! Parr takes Black by the head and drags him away from the ropes and he has him set up for the rolling cutter, and he goes for it but Black spins out and he drills Parr with a forearm smash! Black unloads on Parr with a barrage of forearm smashes to the face and Black hoists Parr up in position for Satan’s Spike but Parr drops out of it from behind and he spins Black around but Black is ready as he nails Parr with a headbutt! Parr is stunned as Black gives himself some distance…ONE SHOT KILL! Black’s patented lariat puts Parr away!


Winner: Alyster Black at 21:52

Alyster Black rolls off Parr and slowly gets up to his feet, fatigue written all over him after the war with the Prodigy.

Natalie Rosenberg: “Here is your winner… ALYSTER BLACK!”

Bad Reputation, the Prodigy’s stable-mates as part of Executive Excellence, have appeared from the back to help Parr out of the ring. There’s a momentary stand-off between Gabrielle and the masked man in the ring, but Knox’s efforts to carry Parr back to the bag require her help, and she’s forced to turn away. Black is in the middle of the ring, and the official lifts his hand in victory.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Alyster Black joins Michelle von Horrowitz and Tommy Bedlam as the Pool A competitors with two points after the conclusion of Week One…”


Allen Price: “With Danny Toner’s withdrawal from the tournament, Mike Parr stands as the only member of Executive Excellence with hopes in the F1… hopes that have been dented by this loss here in the first match. Part of me would have expected Bad Reputation to be more aggressive in their response, but they focus on dragging the Prodigy to the back. Licking their wounds, maybe?”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “It’s week one, Price! There’s still plenty of wrestling to go. Mike Parr will be ready to bounce back next week against… against his old rival, Michelle von Horrowitz!”

Allen Price: “Another blockbuster week of F1 matches lies ahead of us!”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “From the Freetown Christiania… good night, wrestling fans!”

The show ends with Alyster Black stood in the centre of the ring, his FWA X Championship at his side, the fans assembled in the Freetown cheering his name.

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Dark Side
Apr 16, 2016
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Holy matches! Nice touch with several having some limb targetting.

At least one Vampire won :(



E-Fed Staff Member
Sep 13, 2022
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So definitely more of a focus on matches on Fallout, with Meltdown being more segment-heavy. I don’t think we set out for it to be the intention, but I think it’s good that both shows had a distinctive feel.
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