Really nice article. It's so frustrating seeing WWE's booking and knowing all of us could do a better job with just a little thought.
"Cena takes a couple of weeks off to sell injuries, comes back hell bent on revenge on the go-home show. Ryback cuts a promo, Cena's music plays. They brawl. Cena gets the upper hand, cuts a serious, angry promo. Ryback attacks him from behind, says his little catchphrases, they make the rematch". Done. Simple. Took me 2 minutes and so much better than Cena no-selling shit and making stupid jokes like he's going to do here in 30 minutes.
"Oh, well we don't have John Cena for ratings, whatever shall we do?" Well you aren't drawing ratings WITH Cena. A rematch for the tag titles between Hell No and the Shield will draw just fine. Get the sand out of your vagina Vince.