EWW - Extreme World Wrestling

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Mar 6, 2008
Reaction score
Many people make two btb's so I thought, why not?

This will be a fortnightly show


It's a week before WrestleMania 23 and the Battle of the Billionaires match is fast approaching. Inside the boardroom and Vince McMahon and Donald Trump are planning the outcome of their match. The original intention is that Donald Trump has his world-famous hair chopped off at the grandest stage of them all. But Trump has other ideas.

It takes a long stressful night but it is agreed. McMahon's hair will get shaved off.

WrestleMania 23 night, and a record 80,000 in attendance. And the match is next.

WrestleMania 23
Lashley vs. Umaga

The match begins with Lashley and Umaga trading blows with Lashley getting the better of Umaga and forcing him into the corner. The referee breaks the two up but Lashley and Umaga again come to blows.

Lashley locks in a headlock as Trump looks on with satisfaction. Lashley delivers the irish whip and knocks Umaga down as the crowd cheer him on. Lashley lifts Umaga to his feet and delivers the same knockdown.

Lashley seems to be feeding off the crowd, as he taunts his opponent, but Umaga locks in a headlock of his own. Lashley fights him off, but Umaga delivers a firm chop, knocking the ECW Champion down.

Umaga locks in a sleeper hold, applying a high amount of pressure on the neck. Lashley fades away, and his eyes close. The referee lifts the arm once... twice... NO! Lashley doesn't let the arm drop for a third time.

He fights back to a vertical base, and delivers firm bodyshots. Lashley pushes Umaga back to the ropes. Lashley delivers a huge clothesline to send the Samoan Bulldozer over the top. Lashley rams Umaga's head onto the steel ringsteps and the apron. McMahon looks uneasy as his chosen superstar is getting a beating on the outside. Lashley goes to the announce table, and removes the cover. Jim Ross and Jerry The King Lawler get edgy.

Lashley removes the other cover and seems to be gaining momentum, as it turns out that Umaga has been busted open, Lashley brings Umaga to the Spanish announcers table and rattles his face on it. Umaga is lifted onto the table and Lashley clambers on. Lashley sets Umaga up for a powerbomb...

...and sends him through the table! The crowd go into a frenzy, Lashley taunts to the crowd, and signals the finish. Lashley sends a dizzy Umaga into the ring, and goes for the cover. 1... 2...

...but Lashley lifts up the the shoulder, as Mr. McMahon calls out to him, "Get off him or you're fired! Really." Lashley looks at the Chairman who gives him a look. Lashley lifts himself up. Trump looks confused. Umaga regains his footing, and hits a sudden Samoan Spike. Umaga puts on fatigue and falls on Lashley's lifeless body. 1... 2... 3. Umaga wins.

Trump is shocked. He looks on as Lashley quickly rolls out the ring and paces up the ramp and Mr. McMahon and Umaga clamber outside the ring trapping Trump. Trump tries to escape but cannot manouevre away from the Chairman and his henchman. The Barber's Chair is in place.

Trump is locked in, screaming for help, but no one know's that he has been set-up. McMahon gets the razor, and starts cutting into the... WHAT THE...?

WWE SmackDown!
Phoenix, AZ

Vince McMahon struts to the ring, combing his hair back with his hands, mocking Donald Trump.

"Tonight is a celebration night of one of the greatest moments ever in the history of World Wrestling Entertainment. When it was all said and done, my man, Umaga, stood tall over Bobby Lashley, and just when I was about to take that razor of the barber's desk and lay in to Donald Trump's locks and make a fool out of him, his world-famous do slid into the palm of my hand. In front of a worldwide audience Donald Trump was exposed! And thanks to me and my man Umaga, Donald Trump will never show his head on TV again!"

And to celebrate, I'm going to invite my family down to the ring, come on Stephanie, Shane, come on Linda!

Vince's family comes down to the ring and plant the Chairman with hugs when suddenly...

...Donald Trump's music hits, and he appears on the stage, wearing a top hat and wig.

He also makes his way down to the ring, as the McMahon family are in hysterics.

"Laugh all you want Vince. But as the old saying goes, he who laughs last laughs loudest. Now I know it was you who laughed last at WrestleMania, but it'll be me who laughs last tonight. Last Sunday, was the single-most humiliating moment of my life, not because the whole world learnt about my hair, but it was because of how you SET ME UP to do it!"

Vince McMahon s******s. "I didn't set anyone up Donald. You signed the contract, and the contract clearly states 'The represented manager, who's wrestler loses, will have his head shaved bald."

"But I'm not gonna leave it like that, Vince," Donald says. "I'm gonna make you pay in the worst way possible. I'm gonna put you out of business for good Vince. By next year, you're gonna be on the streets."

"Let me be the first to inform of the new face of wrestling...


Again the McMahon's burst into hysterics. "You think you can put me out of business, Trump. You and what army?!"

"I'm glad you asked Vince, I've studied your rosters and I've noticed one big time player who you haven't bothered to renew his contract and has become a free agent, just because you assumed he'd stay. Well let me introduce to you, the newest addition to the EWW...


The commentators and fans go into a frenzy. "My god, it's The Game! He's back and he's a EWW superstar now." Triple H walks down to the ring. Vince and Stephanie are in a state of disbelief. Triple H walks up the steps and steps through the ropes and...

...goes straight to Shane and delivers a kick to the abdomen. PEDIGREE!! The crowd go mad! Stephanie pleads with her baby's father. Triple H seems to have calmed down and turns the other way. The crowd boo. Triple H is about to climb out of the ring... but turns around... kick to the abdomen... PEDIGREE TO STEPH!! And only Vince is left. Vince tries to plead to The Game's good nature but he looks as if he doesn’t have one. The Game drags him to the center...


Donald Trump raises Triple H's hand. Triple H has defected to Donald Trump's new business deal, the EWW!


AJ Styles - Heel
Brock Lesnar - Heel
Bryan Danielson - Heel
Carlito - Heel
Christian Cage - Heel
Christopher Daniels - Face
CM Punk - Heel
Edge - Face
John Cena - Heel
KENTA - Face
King Booker - Heel
Kenta Kobashi - Face
Kurt Angle - Face
Mistico - Face
Randy Orton - Heel
Rey Mysterio - Face
Ric Flair - Heel
Rob Van Dam - Face
Samoa Joe - Face
Triple H - Face

EWW GM - Eric Bischoff
Commentators - Jim Ross & Mike Tenay
Interviewer - Jonathan Coachman

CT Styles

You wrote EEW as your title, isn't it Extreme World Wrestling therefore shouldn't it be EWW? Looks interesting, might check it out

The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
Pretty good backstory. I'm looking forward to your first show to see how this goes. Feel free to check out The Commencement sometime and btw, you may want to PM Levi to fix your title.


Mar 6, 2008
Reaction score
Expect the first show up later tonight peeps!


go luck. cant wait for the first show. i'll review it then but in the meantime i'm posting my show tomorrow.


Mar 6, 2008
Reaction score
This show is only a short show, but next fortnights will be much longer.

EWW Carnage
San Diego, CA
25th June 2007

Jim Ross welcomes us to the show. "Good evening and welcome to the first ever edition of EWW Carnage. I'm here alongside Mike Tenay and we're gonna be calling the action all through the night."

Match 1 - Randy Orton vs. Mistico
Randy Orton locks up with Mistico in the middle and the two exchange perfected wrestling manouevers on the other, countering out of holds. Mistico picks up the pace and takes Orton out with a dropkick the two lock up again and Randy Orton locks in a headlock, Mistico irish whips him, leapfrog, dropkick! The crowd gather energy and chant "Mi-sti-co!" "Mi-sti-co!" Randy Orton quickly takes Mistico to the corner and performs a hard irish whip to the turnbuckle to take control.


Randy Orton continues to beat in the head of Mistico, and puts him in a rear naked choke. Mistico seems to be fading but Mistico starts elbowing the adbomen of the Legend Killer, Mistico performs an irish whip and hits La Mistica! Mistico goes for the cover, but gets a 2 1/2 count. Mistico is in disbelief, but quickly gets back to work on the Legend Killer. Mistico climbs to the top rope to try and hit a moonsault... but Randy Orton reverses and rolls out the way. Randy Orton studies Mistico closely, possibly looking for the RKO... but Mistico performs a diving arm drag on Orton and again... and... NO! Randy Orton hits the RKO! 1... 2... 3!! Randy Orton gets the pinfall!!

Winner: Randy Orton

Randy Orton walks down the ramp with a smirk on his face, as Mistico holds his neck and is obviously very frustated. Jonathan Coachman is backstage with Rob Van Dam...

Jonathan Coachman - I hope you are all having a great time watching EWW, but now I'm standing by, with The Whole Dam Show, RVD!

Rob Van Dam - You know what, Coach? It feels damn good to be on The Donald's show now. I was restricted in WWE and now there are no boundaries for what I can do and where I can go in this company. But I already know where I'm going: to the top. I'm gonna be the first EWW Champion and anyone who thinks they can stop me, can...

Samoa Joe enters on the set.

Samoa Joe - I couldn't help overhearing Rob, that you think that you can make it to the top and win the EWW championship. Well just like everyone else, you're gonna have to get through me. And that won't be an easy task.

A view of the EWW crowd is shown on the TitanTron. Suddenly, Eric Bischoff's music hits, and infront of a shocked crowd appears in the crowd. He walks through the audience and climbs over the barrier and into the ring.

"I'm back... and better than ever!"

The crowd cheer the return of the former WCW man. "I was just sitting down, watching my television, when I got a phone call from a Donald Trump. He told me that he was starting Extreme World Wrestling and offered me a pretty hefty sum, alot more than what Vince McMahon ever offered me. So I couldn't turn Trump down, and here I am, the new GM of Extreme World Wrestling."

Bischoff takes a bow. "Now as part of the contract that Trump handed to me, it states that I will get full creative control of the show and can distribute it to whoever I choose. Now I know that when I was in WWE, I would never get that opportunity because Vincent Kennedy McMahon is too far up his own ass that he won't let anyone with any real creativity put any input onto his shows! So me and the EWW roster are gonna make this the best god-damn wrestling show on the freakin' planet! And WWE are gonna be off the map! And there in it's place will read...


Eric Bischoff raises his hand in triumph. "Now back on to the show, and allow me to tell you about what's gonna happen for the next few weeks, at EWW Magnitude, the first ever EWW PPV, our main event will be one of the most innovative creations ever in the history of professional wrestling... my creation... the Elimination Chamber!"

The crowd erupt in cheers and start chanting Bischoff's name.

"And we will have qualifying matches to see who will get the spots in the match, and that has already started. Have a goodnight everybody!"

Match 2 - Rob Van Dam vs. Satoshi Kojima

The second qualifying match of the night, Rob Van Dam begins taunting to the crowd, and Satoshi Kojima delivers a hard hit to the Whole Dam Show to start things off. Kojima dominates early with the power advantage, knocking Van Dam down. Van Dam gets thrown over the top rope and falls on the floor, Kojima tosses Van Dam around like a ragdoll into the commentary table and the ring barrier. To avoid the 10 count, Kojima rolls back in. Van Dam folows suit at the count of 7. Van Dam begins to fight back and knocks Kojima down with a roundhouse kick. Van Dam goes for the split-legged moonsault but misses as Kojima rolls out the way. Kojima runs to the ropes and goes for the lariat, but misses and Van Dam performs a superkick and the rolling thunder. Rob Van Dam jumps to the top rope and hits the five-star frog splash for the finish.

Winner - Rob Van Dam

As Rob Van Dam celebrates, Samoa Joe appears out of nowhere and takes out RVD with STO. Samoa Joe pounds Van Dam with clenched fists and busts him wide open. Joe gets a chair from under the ring and starts whacking the lifeless body of the Whole Dam Show. Joe finally sets him up for the Muscle Buster, and drops Van Dam on the chair. Joe holds the chair up as to signal victory as the crowd give a mixed reaction.

A commercial runs showing EWW Magnitude, and explains the Elimination Chamber match which will be the main event at the show.

The show returns to Rob Van Dam being treated to by medics.

Main event - Kurt Angle vs John Cena

Both men get a positive ovation from the fans. Angle and Cena face each other. Angle starts with a slap to the face of Cena, which goes down well with a section of the fans. A fist fight begins with Angle getting the better of Cena, forcing him into a corner. Angle is relentless in attacking his opponent, but breaks before the 5-count. Angle unleashes another slap to his opponent, and brings Cena down with an armbar, and moves into other submission moves. Cena breaks away from the hold, and places Angle in a few submission holds of his own.


Cena knocks Angle down after an irish whip and is getting fired up. He tries the same move again but Angle reverses into a huge German Suplex, and another, and another... and another, and 5 German Suplexes!! Kurt Angle pulls the straps down, and puts Cena in the STFU! Cena is in a large amount of pain but gradually moves himself to the ropes, but Cena can't move any further. Cena rolls over and out of the hold and... ANKLE LOCK ON CENA!! Cena has no way out of the hold as Kurt Angle wraps his legs round the ankle... Cena taps!!

Winner - Kurt Angle

Kurt Angle celebrates in the ring, and succeeds in starting an "E-W-W!" chant as he leaves up the ramp.

Jim Ross - Well what a night it's been Mike, we have three participants in the new Elimination Chamber this month at Magnitude.

Mike Tenay - What a way to kick this new federation off, what a show to start things off and set the example for what EWW will become known for!

Triple H's music hits, and the crowd go wild for the man who defected to EWW last week on SmackDown!

"The Game is back."

The crowd erupt with deafening cheers. "Triple H is back in town! And he's on the A-show now. I couldn't stand being on that show, catering for Mr. McMahon and his whore of a daughter's every wim! And to be honest, I didn't know how much longer I could work for my father-in-law. Just because I married his bitch, he thinks that I'll work for nothing at all. Well Vince, you can take your contract, and you can take your million-dollar bitchess, and you can shove it straight up your ass!

Triple H roars into the crowd, but AJ Styles music hits.

"Woah, woah, woah, Triple H, I think you're forgetting something. Just like everyone else on this roster knows, the only reason Triple H came to EWW, is to wrestle the greatest there is. Me."

The crowd start booing. "You know it and I know it, Trips, nobody can resist working with The Phenomenal One, AJ Styles!"

Triple H doesn't look impressed. "AJ, let me tell you something. You'll regret being on the same show as me after tonight, after I show you, just how I work..."

The crowd want to see AJ vs. Triple H right now. AJ looks like he is going to enter the ring... and does.

AJ is scouting Triple H carefully, but they then go face-to-face. Both men are talking trash, but AJ unleashes a slap right to Triple H's cheek. Triple H grabs the head of AJ and knocks him down with a forearm. AJ gets to his feet, and gets knocked down by a hard clothesline, and again, and again. Triple H kicks the abdomen and looks ready for the pedigree, but no...

AJ escapes and runs out of the ring and up the ramp. Triple H signals that he was 'this close' to the Pedigree as the show goes off air.