Incredibly successful territories were built around Dusty in Florida and Texas, Piper was a mid carder at best his entire career. Dusty was as big an act as the world champ in the days when the world's champ was and was in high demand in Japan as well. Pipes, while a good talker, made it to upper mid card level in Portland and Mid Atlantic, places Dusty main evented when he'd drop by. And when Pipes was brought to the E, he wasn't even really brought in to wrestle, but as to manage and talk. He was pushed in the WM main event because Vince thought having a manager/wrestler would balance out having a real "wrestler" paired with an actor as Orndorf was considered the "Wrestler" and Piper the lesser, but equal to the actor.
As far as exciting goes, I can name only ONE good and exciting Pipes match, the famous Dog Collar match with Valentine, I can list about ten Dusty classics off the top of my head. For a fat slob, Dusty could do everything Pipes could, but with more charisma.Mags/Dusty-Andersons, Dusty/Flair almost everytime, Dusty-Tully barbwire series, Dusty-Stan Hansen and so on. And as far as character goes, Dusty >Pipes by a mile, how else could a fat slob get so tremendously over all over the world looking like that? And Austin and Rock's characters are somewhat spinoffs of Dusty.
So wipe that Piper semen from yo lips and like the negros say "be real".