Eternal Swerves of the Thoughtless Mind | A WWF '99 Chronicle

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Sep 13, 2022
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WWF Monday Night RAW
8.9.99 | Allstate Arena

Gangrel defeated Christian
Val Venis defeated Jeff Jarrett (w/ Debra)
Kane & X-Pac defeated The Acolytes (Bradshaw & Faarooq) (c) to win the WWF Tag Team Championship
Test & Ken Shamrock defeated Steve Blackman & Joey Abs (w/ Shane McMahon)
The Road Dogg defeated The Big Bossman in a Hardcore Match
The Rock defeated The Big Show by DQ
Chyna defeated Triple H and The Undertaker (w/ Paul Bearer) in a WWF Championship #1 Contendership Triple Threat Match, with Shawn Michaels as guest referee

Why this particular episode?

Well this RAW may have been one of the under the radar episodes that, sure gets overshadowed by Chris Jericho's epic debut, but it had several layers to it that set what could've been a more interesting foundation for the future.

First you have Jericho's debut, which is one of the biggest moments in the history of RAW, laid the ground work for his career path after a rocky start. Jericho coming in during the peak of his WCW run gave him enough momentum to go word for word against The Rock as soon as he stepped in the door. However, to say it was capitalized on is an understatement. He went on to do big things but it seemed shoehorned in right before SummerSlam, so he was left off the card in what could've been Rock/Jericho but ended up having The Rock face Billy Gunn in a forgettable match - aside from the burial of Mr. Ass during the build up. In the day in age of the "bait and switch", Jericho being put on the PPV card doesn't seem too far fetched.

The Hardy Boyz seemed to take a step back by turning heel on that same night after attacking their manager Michael Hayes in favor of Gangrel. It was a head scratcher for sure, these two young up-and-coming daredevils being paired up with Gangrel to form "The New Brood" after Edge & Christian parted ways didn't seem like the best use of their high flying abilities. Who would want to boo Jeff Hardy after a Swanton Bomb off a twenty foot ladder? The "Terri Runnels Invitational" fueled the rivalry further but it seemed out of place and forced and didn't do The Hardyz justice as it was more of a vehicle to flaunt Terri rather than promo Matt and Jeff. The tag team scene is beginning to flourish in late '99 and their is no doubt The Hardy Boyz will be main players in raising the bar of the division.

Speaking of the tag team division, X-Pac and Kane won the WWF Tag Team Championships from The Acolytes in a surprising move that also saw Kane speak his first words without a voice box, those words of course were "Suck It"... Kane was getting more cartoonish as the year went on, and although this pair was a successful and fun tag team, it really set Kane back as the killer monster he once was. DX was a thing of the past but don't tell X-Pac and Road Dogg that, they're still clinging onto their past degenerate success without Mr. Ass, Chyna and more importantly, Triple H. The Unholy Alliance of The Big Show and The Undertaker were just beginning after the long reign of The (Corporate) Ministry. The duo were poised for domination but after SummerSlam injuries began taking a toll on The Undertaker and the team never really fulfilled their potential, costing Undertaker a lengthy stint on the sidelines and a return under a whole different character. There is no telling what the future would've been for these two, especially The Undertaker, but now we can see where this story - and The Undertaker, go from here.

In the undercard, Test and Ken Shamrock defeated Joey Abs and Steve Blackman with these two stories further developing. Test would go on to fight for Stephanie's honor against her older brother, Shane. Ken Shamrock and Steve Blackman would clash at SummerSlam to find out who truly is the baddest man on the WWF roster. The former Union members were poised to continue their solid babyface runs with SummerSlam being a stepping stone for both men. Regardless of the outcome, it seemed as if Ken Shamrock was poised to head back into the world of MMA - but what if he reconsidered and stayed put?

The revolving door of main event players were abundant during this time period and was truly an embarrassment of riches - especially if you switch the channel over to TNT to see what WCW was working with. At the beginning of the night you had Jesse "The Body" Venture make his triumph return as he's the guest referee for the SummerSlam main event where Triple H will challenge for "Stone Cold" Steve Austin's WWF Title belt. Commissioner Shawn Michaels had something else in mind after nearly coming to blows with his former DX mate, HBK booked Triple H in a triple threat match against The Undertaker and "Stone Cold" Steve Austin! As the night went on, Austin was found unconscious backstage with a cinderblock broken near his head. Commissioner HBK suspected HHH as he was the first man on the scene and decided to put his #1 contendership for SummerSlam on the line against The Undertaker... and Chyna! The crowd were in support of Chyna yet HHH was furious that she would even accept the match. At the end of the match, Austin arrived back from the hospital with steel chair in hand - cracking HHH across the back and allowing Chyna to score the upset pin to become the new number one contender! Of course with SummerSlam less than two weeks away, the main event didn't end up this way and was turned into a triple threat with Triple H and Mankind thrown into the mix. There are a myriad of ways to go with this SummerSlam main event, so let's see where this ride takes us.


Card subject to change

WWF SummerSlam
8.22.99 | Target Center

WWF Hardcore Championship Match: Al Snow vs. Big Boss Man (c)

Lion's Den Weapons Match: Ken Shamrock vs. Steve Blackman

"Love Her or Leave Her", Greenwich Street Fight: Shane McMahon vs. Test

Billy Gunn vs. The Rock

WWF Championship Match: Chyna vs. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin (c) (Special referee: Jesse "The Body" Ventura)

Sidenote: SmackDown! began on August 26th but I don't feel like writing 5 hours of wrestling a week so I'm not going forward with it. Plus I can't afford to lose Vince Russo to WCW!


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Hey its DYSI with an interesting concept and time period. Not to sound like a broken record, but don't let this one die too.

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Sep 13, 2022
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WWF Sunday Night HeAt
8.15.99 | Bradley Center

HeAt began with Jim Ross welcoming the new #1 contender for Stone Cold’s WWF Championship at SummerSlam - Chyna! Ross describes her eventful night this past Monday that concluded with Austin himself hitting Triple H with a steel chair and Chyna getting the upset win. “The Ninth Wonder of the World” doesn’t see it the same way, she’s earned her title shot after all her hard work this year - from being the first woman to compete in the Royal Rumble to the first woman to qualify for the King of the Ring. Chyna emphatically says she’ll rip “the head” off the rattlesnake with her bare hands if that means becoming the first woman to be WWF Champion!

Walking down a backstage corridor, Michael Hayes tries to talk some sense into The Hardyz after they seemingly sided with Gangrel on RAW, but they give him the cold-shoulder the entire way. Hayes is persistent in his ways until The Hardyz ultimately demand him to stay in the back for their match, leaving Hayes to contemplate his future with the duo as they brush past.

Tag Team Match | The Hardy Boyz vs. Kaientai
The Hardy Boyz show their new found aggression by attacking Kaientai during their entrance and trouncing them all the way down the ramp and along ringside. The beating eventually moved into the ring and The Hardy Boyz began to showcase their fast paced teamwork that got them noticed by Michael Hayes to begin with, but tonight, instead, Gangrel was the one who now looked on as he appeared at ringside with an interest in the contest. The Hardy Boyz made quick work of TAKA and Funaki and controlled from the sound of the bell, putting an end to the bout with a Twist of Fate by Matt and a Swanton Bomb by Jeff to gain the dominate victory. Gangrel goes to congratulate Matt and Jeff post match but The Hardyz unexpectedly want none of it! Out of the blue Edge and Christian storm the ring and go after The Hardyz as payback from their attack this past RAW! The two teams brawl to the back with a couple of referees failing to keep control.

After the commercial break a recap aired of what happened during the break, with Michael Hayes coming out to argue with Gangrel for trying to take his “boys” - but getting an Impaler DDT on the ramp for his trouble! The cameras then quickly catch up with the live action as Edge and Christian continue their scuffle with The Hardyz until they ram them face first into the concrete wall of the parking lot to end their battle… for now.

In a pre-recorded video from earlier in the week, Paul Bearer is in San Fernando Valley, California at the Local 81 (Hell’s Angels) and asks for a favor from “The Dead Man”. The bikers look Bearer up and down as he requests two bikes for a ride in the desert for The Undertaker and his new partner, The Big Show. The bikers scoff, although they know The Undertaker will be just fine, they doubt The Big Show could handle the 120 degree days in the middle of Death Valley in August. The two grizzled bikers forewarn the only things that survive in the desert are the cold-blooded...the snakes and the lizards. Bearer cackles and agrees, but still insists on both bikes. A rather interesting request was then made, in one of those bikes he wants, for The Big Show, to only have enough gas to get to the middle of the desert and not get back. The bikers look befuddled as Bearer clearly has evil intentions in mind.

A recap from last week’s HeAt saw The Blue Meanie threaten to eat Al Snow’s dog Pepper, which led to Al Snow snapping and putting Blue Meanie through a table. The offbeat Blue Meanie was then interviewed backstage by Terry Taylor and explained last week he was caught off guard by his delicious doggy but tonight he needs to watch out for “Da Blue Guy”! The Blue Meanie did his signature hypnotizing jig as he left with Terry Taylor struggling to hold back his lunch in disgust.

Hardcore Match | Al Snow (w/ Pepper) vs. The Blue Meanie
This was your standard 1999 hardcore match, albeit a bit more timid as the two only brawled around the ringside area. The Blue Meanie had Snow down with a DDT outside the ring and made his way toward the commentators table where Al Snow left his dog Pepper in the hands of Michael Cole of all people. Blue Meanie licked his lips and sauntered over as if he was prepared to down this small dog like he was at Coney Island on July 4th. Just as Meanie neared Pepper, Snow saved the day and sent Meanie crashing against the guardrailing shoulder first! The crowd caused a commotion while Snow and Meanie brawled against the guardrailing just as The Big Bossman appeared on the scene, coming off getting hit with a pet carrier this past Monday, the Hardcore Champion wildly swung his nightstick and mistakenly leveled Blue Meanie instead! Al Snow capitalized on Bossman’s error and stole the three count from “Da Blue Guy”! The Bossman wasn’t done yet and tried to get his hands on Pepper - but Snow swooped in to snatch his chihuahua in time to hightail it up the ramp to safety. Bossman took his frustrations out on Meanie instead, obliterating him once more with a stiff nightstick shot to the gut!

Backstage Terri and Marianna argue over who should be getting their makeup done first, Terri gives up and insults Marianna by insisting she would need it more and she’ll come back in an hour when she’s done. Before they could come to blows, Terri’s boy toy Meat pulls her aside just as Chaz enters the picture to calm his girlfriend down as well, with the latter heading out with his match coming up next.

Tag Team Match | Val Venis and Chaz (w/ Marianna) vs. Droz and Prince Albert
The 1-800-ATT Boot of the Week recapped last weeks attack on The Godfather at the hands of Droz and Prince Albert. The pierced-up duo pounded away until Val Venis and Chaz ran down for the save, setting up tonight’s tag team contest. Being the more polished team, Droz and Albert worked well as they isolated Val Venis and targeted his mid-section to keep him grounded. Marianna did her best to cheer on her boyfriends partner… much to the dismay of Chaz. Against all odds, Venis managed to break free of Droz and even level Albert off the ring apron to go for the hot tag - but the jealous Chaz jumped off the apron and argued with Marianna over her cheering “too loud” for Val! As the referee was preoccupied by the ringside argument, The Godfather came down and shoved Prince Albert shoulder first into the ring post! Droz looked to get revenge for his partner until Val Venis grabbed him from behind and landed the Blue Thunder Bomb for the sudden pinfall! Chaz can’t believe it and immediately blamed the loss on Marianna, with the two arguing past The Godfather as he celebrated up the ramp - before he was laid out from behind by Droz’ dealer Key. Making his surprising debut last month, the massive man clad in a pearl white suit and pants - and weirdly enough, long white braids, Key also leveled Venis in-ring with Albert’s steel tattoo briefcase for good measure. The trio put the boots to The Big Valbowski and stood tall in the ring despite suffering the loss.

Chris Jericho struts down the hallway, riding high after his debut this past Monday, and introduces himself to a disinterested, but severely itchy, Mr. Ass. Jericho insist they both have something in common - and that’s being 100% sick of The Rock. Jericho rehashes Rock having a masseuse putting poison ivy on Billy’s ass during his private massage, while suggesting a “Canadian home remedy” to help aid said rash. Gunn seems suspect but can’t escape the itch and snatches Jericho’s remedy before walking off with his hands down his tights in full scratch, leaving Jericho with a wicked grin.

Singles Match | X-Pac vs. Bradshaw
Prior to the bout, Michael Cole announced the WWF Tag Team Championship rematch on RAW tomorrow night between The Acolytes and X-Pac and Kane. The two competitors came out without their partners for tonight's contest and it allowed for Bradshaw to jump X-Pac before the bell, without repercussion from the monstrous Kane. Bradshaw isn’t one for pulling his punches and used his heavy hands to keep the smaller X-Pac grounded throughout the beginning of the match. The new tag team champion didn’t back down, the lighter X-Pac used his quickness and speed to catch Bradshaw off guard by countering a clothesline with a spinning heel kick for a near fall! The crowd were behind the underdog as X-Pac’s fast feet kept Bradshaw guessing and leveled the playing field. X-Pac got too big for his britches and came off the top rope - only to be caught by Bradshaw and dumped with a Fallaway Slam! The action breaks down when Faarooq ran down but was immediately countered by Kane as the two went at it at ringside! Faarooq turned the tides by sending Kane knee first into the steel steps - going a step further and targeting Kane’s leg with the steel steps raised above his head! X-Pac came to the save as he blindsided Faarooq with a jumping spin kick to the stairs directly to the head of Faarooq as he came crashing down! X-Pac rushed back into the ring to avoid a countout and was nearly decapitated by a Clothesline From Hell that sent him inside out! Bradshaw made the cover for the win, but The Acolytes weren’t done as they put the boots to X-Pac after the bell. “The Big Red Machine” came back in the ring to make short work of the former champions, clearing house with fiery clotheslines to both men all the while favoring his knee. The newly crowned tag team champions stood tall as the crowd cheered on, locking eyes with their opponents tomorrow night with The Acolytes looking to regain the gold.

Chris Jericho is twirling his hair around his finger as he stood bored alongside Terry Taylor backstage for his interview, but can you blame him, it’s Terry Taylor? Jericho mainly talked about Monday Night RAW being the biggest night in professional wrestling last week… until The Rock ruined it, before shifting his focus to tonight, stating how he’ll be absolutely glued to the monitor for tonight’s main event. The cameras then split screen to The Rock heading to the ring with a purpose for commentary in tonight’s main event match-up.

Singles Match | “Mr. Ass” Billy Gunn vs. Jeff Jarrett (w/ Debra)
Michael Cole awkwardly billed this match as the “Ass versus Puppies” contest, which garnered no reaction from Kevin Kelly, as he just recapped Jeff Jarrett’s attack on D’Lo Brown this past RAW when he was on location training Mark Henry to get back into shape. “Mr. Ass” kept comically scratching his backside as the two rounded the squared circle only to be overshadowed by The Rock as he made his fashionably late entrance to the commentator’s table - but had a mic in hand. Rocky mocked Gunn for being a “desperate jabroni” and accepting a massage from the first woman who even remotely notices him. He then turned his attention to Jeff Jarrett… but insisted that nobody cared about his monkey ass, and how everyone came to see Debra’s “puppies” on full display - with Jeff Jarrett merely being a sterile dog walker. Jarrett heard enough and took his frustrations out on Mr. Ass by attacking him from behind! The two had a perfectly capable B-Show main event that got the crowd behind them as Jarrett stayed on top of Gunn for a majority of the contest, working him over and getting the crowd on his comeback. Gunn had a near fall off a powerslam. Mr. Ass was a ball of fire until he missed a big splash in the corner where he clocked himself head first and walked into a snap suplex for a two and a half! The action moved to ringside where Gunn reversed an irish whip and sent Jarrett crashing into The Rock at the commentators table! Debra then saw fit to try and unleash her puppies to distract Billy, however “Mr. Ass” countered her distraction by pulling down his tights… but they were stuck onto him! The tights are glued on! Chris Jericho appears on stage and laughs at Gunn while holding a bottle of Elmer’s glue, all the while the official was caught ogling the puppies. Gunn rolled Double J back into the ring, but with the official distracted, The Rock gained a measure of revenge as he hit an unsuspecting Gunn with a Rock Bottom! However, the referee was locked in on Debra’s puppies long enough for Rock to land a Rock Bottom on Jeff Jarrett too! The Rock stormed out of the ring as he and Jericho traded barbs, meanwhile, Mr. Ass managed to muster enough energy to drape an arm on Jarrett and pickup the win. HeAt comes to an end with Jericho backing down from Rock’s advances - but catching him with his back turned long enough to lay him out on the ramp!

Who The Hell Was That?

THE Shawn Stasiak. He went on to be a Mr. Perfect rip-off in WCW, then member of the Natural Born Thrillers, and finally an insane moron during his WWE run as “Planet Stasiak”.

Key: Vic Grimes, Droz’s drug dealer during his very short WWF stint. Also got thrown off a fucking scaffolding by crazy ass New Jack.

Chaz and Marianna: One was former Headbanger Mosh, and less formerly Beaver Cleavage, and the other was Mrs. Cleavage but now currently Chaz’s on-screen girlfriend.

Pepper: A chihuahua that Al Snow brought to the ring after he got rid of Head. Big Bossman then crafted a special meal for Al Snow and the rest was history!
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Sep 13, 2022
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WWF Monday Night RAW
8.16.99 | Bradley Center

Singles Match | Val Venis vs. Chaz (w/ Marianna)
To kick off RAW an enraged Triple H interrupted Val Venis’ entrance atop the stage with a proper steel chair shot across the back - and another! JR reminds us that HHH lost his WWF title shot at SummerSlam to Chyna at the hands of “Stone Cold” Steve Austin, with “The King” citing that HHH has been carrying the same steel chair that Austin used on HHH last week. Venis, who was scheduled to wrestle here tonight, struggled to his feet as HHH stuck Val’s arm in the steel chair and stomped down repeatedly! As Triple H marched toward the ring, in the distance Chaz’s girlfriend Marianna could be seen in a sea of officials as she was looking on in worry while a battered Val Venis was being helped to the back. Triple H was still on the prowl and no one was safe. Howard Finkel was the next unfortunate victim as HHH leveled him with a punch to the throat and continued to stomp him dry until he slumped lifelessly out of the ring. Before anyone else could feel HHH’s wrath, Commissioner Shawn Michaels came out and pleaded with his former DX stable mate to stop the attacks. Michaels loves Triple H’s fire and emotion but wants him to channel it in the ring instead of hurting innocent victims. Triple H doesn’t want to hear reason and made his demands crystal clear - he wants a title match tonight! However, HBK cannot just do that. “The Game” proclaims that SummerSlam was supposed to be his crowning achievement and it was all taken away in one fell swoop - so unless Shawn wants more blood on his hands then he’s going to have to fix what’s right! Shawn admits that Austin screwed him over big time last week, and since he’s all about second chances, tonight he’ll give Triple H a second chance to get his title shot back… in the main event tonight… but not against Chyna, but a man he knows very well and also deserves a second chance himself. Mankind surprises everyone and comes from the crowd to attack Triple H! JR reminds us that HHH caused Foley to miss three months after getting knee surgery thanks to a brutal sledgehammer attack, with Lawler suggesting both men won’t even make it to tonight’s main event if they keep it up! The tide shifts back and forth in this heated brawl until HHH gets sent over the top with a clothesline and retreats, playing the long game with a title shot on the line later tonight. Mankind is back in the WWF and Triple H can’t believe it!

Hardcore Holly was interviewed backstage with Michael Cole surrounding the fact that The Big Show has been avoiding him - but tonight, he’s going to prove he’s the ultimate super heavyweight once and for all.

Continuing on from HeAt, in a pre-recorded video from earlier in the week, we see The Undertaker and The Big Show seated on their motorcycles given to them by the Hell’s Angels as they're located in the middle of a sweltering desert with the sun glaring down on them. Undertaker, dressed in biker garb from head to toe rather than his usual attire, is with an agitated Big Show as he questions the purpose of the trip. The Dead Man needs to know if The Big Show can hang with him, and if he can ride with him through the middle of Death Valley then he has what it takes to have his back when he needs it the most - in the ring. Without hesitation The Undertaker revved up and rode off, while The Big Show shook his head and reluctantly followed in tow.

The Rock now comes to the ring in all his glory and sheds light on how he’s already tired of Chris Jericho’s act, trying to come in and make RAW more entertaining, but as far as The Rock’s concerned RAW has never been more entertaining… thanks to him. Rock takes a veiled shot at the newest member of the WWF roster by suggesting he’s better off hanging out with toothless fat pieces of garbage or wrestling bald drag queens than coming in here and sticking his nose in The Rock’s business. Before The Rock could completely obliterate Jericho any further out comes Mr. Ass to receive the verbal lashings Jericho was surely going to get. Rocky mocked Gunn gingerly walking to the ring and wondered aloud if he’s been constipated all day since Jericho glued his ass shut! The former WWF Champion insisted Mr. Ass enter the ring and get his glued-ass whooped six days early! Billy took his time to get to the ring and suggested that Rock’s time will come, but Jericho could use an ass beating and it should come from the both of them. Gunn wants Rocky to put their differences aside and team up against Jericho TONIGHT! The Rock reminds Gunn of his match later on tonight against Jeff Jarrett, but looks as if he would actually consider it, going as far as proposing a couple of tag team names they could use: “The Badass Braham Bulls”, “The Great Gunns”, or even “The Jabroni Beatin’ Outlaws”! However, after a very short time considering his own proposal, The Rock would rather have his ass cheeks glued together for a year than to ever team with Billy Gunn! Mr. Ass obviously takes offense and the fight is on! Rock gets in his strikes early but the tides turn quickly in Mr. Ass’ favor after an irish whip reversal ends in a kick below the belt and a Fameasser on The Rock! Gunn stands tall but adds insult to injury by putting Rock’s face against his ass as a sign of disrespect. “The Rock just got formally introduced to Mr. Ass’ .. ass, JR”, Lawler cackled as Billy Gunn celebrated up the ramp, gaining a measure of revenge on “The Great One”.

We see “The Ninth Wonder of the World” Chyna arriving to The Bradley Center with Michael Cole approaching her with the news of Triple H or Mankind possibly being added to her WWF Championship title match against “Stone Cold” Steve Austin later tonight. It’s safe to say she is beyond frustrated and conveys her emotions by pushing Cole up against the wall and exiting with a purpose!

Hardcore Match | Hardcore Holly vs. Viscera
After the unprovoked attack to Howard Finkel, Lillian Garcia was introduced as tonight’s replacement ring announcer to the viewing audience by Jim Ross, with Lawler not to be out done and mention how much better looking than Fink she is. A confident Hardcore Holly stood in-ring and called out The Big Show for an ultimate hardcore battle of the super heavyweights. Instead, out comes Viscera to answer the challenge! The fight is on and it’s bowling shoe ugly. Hardcore and Viscera brawl from the ring to the back, with Holly holding his own against the behemoth Big Vis, albeit both being “super heavyweights”. Holly missed a wild lead pipe shot which led to Viscera sandwiching Holly against a corridor wall with all his weight for a near fall! The brawl continued with Viscera dazing Hardcore enough to position him on a table with cruel intentions in mind. All of a sudden, a man resembling Hardcore Holly, in matching tights and bleach blond hair joins the fray as Lawler asks if he’s seeing double. The duo pound away at the former Ministry member and muster up enough strength to land an impressive double suplex through the table for the win! Post match, Hardcore insists super heavyweights exist all throughout his family and his cousin Crash Holly is no different! The Holly Cousins are here in the WWF for a fight!

An impatient Mankind paced alongside Kevin Kelly as Kelly wanted to know the emotions running through Foley in his big return after three months off. A fiery Foley is honored to be back after Triple H attempted to take away his career with a sledgehammer to his knee that still leaves him hobbled to this day. The disheveled former champion wants nothing more than to regain the WWF Championship but would love it even more if he could stop Triple H from fulfilling his dream. Mankind admits the road to recovery was tough but after all the injuries, concussions, and broken bones, it would all be worth it to watch HHH’s face after he beats him to a bloody mess here tonight! The passionate promo was interrupted by a loud thud- the sound of a steel chair cracking Mankind across the back at the hands of Triple H! Officials break it up as an irritated HBK hits the scene and says since both men can’t follow his rules - then tonight’s main event will be Anything Goes!

Following the journey of The Unholy Alliance throughout Death Valley, the sweltering desert heat doesn’t seem to be phasing The Undertaker nor The Big Show, however Big Show’s motorcycle seemed to have run out of gas as they’re pulled off the side of the road. With no gas station in miles, The Undertaker questions how Big Show is going to survive in the brutal Death Valley desert heat? The Big Show looks ‘Taker straight in the eyes, and without hesitation, tells “The Dead Man” he’s going to wait until Undertaker goes to sleep and stab him in the back, cutting his flesh to make a coat out of it and eat HIS flesh until he could find food! Undertaker, unphased by The Big Show’s response, told his partner he doesn’t sleep and simply speeds off - leaving Big Show left to survive for himself in the desert!

Commissioner Shawn Michaels thought he had a moment to himself as he drank a coffee, but Chyna interrupts and demands to know what’s going on. Michaels tries to settle the situation but Chyna wants none of it, she had a one on one title shot last week and now everything is turned upside down. HBK felt he did what is right and admits that he isn’t perfect. Chyna doesn’t want to hear Michaels’ spiel but her ears perk up when he announces her as referee for tonight’s main event! A sly smirk appears on her face as Chyna seems to be satisfied with the new wrinkle in tonight’s #1 contenders match.

Singles Match | Test vs. Gangrel
The Castrol GTX “Boot of the Week” recapped Test injuring each member of the Mean Street Posse, one by one, over the past few weeks leading up to his match against Shane McMahon this Sunday at SummerSlam. A red hot Test took no prisoners tonight, after Gangrel’s extravagant entrance, he was merciless beaten in under a minute with a big boot and pumphandle slam. Once the bell sounded, Shane McMahon waved out for help as The Hardy Boyz sprint down and go after Test - but get swatted away with punches and clotheslines! Not to be shown up so easily, Shane McMahon again called for reinforcements as Edge and Christian ran down… and met the same fate! Test is a house of fire! The two teams end up ignoring their original mission and begin going after each other yet again. Shane can’t believe his plan to eliminate Test prior to SummerSlam failed as he storms off furiously, leaving Test to revel in the adulation of the audience.

A brief video recap of WWF Women’s Champion Ivory attacking Tori and writing “Slut” in lipstick on her chest was aired from HeAt two weeks prior. Tori was questioned by Michael Cole over Ivory’s jealous attack and their upcoming title match this Sunday at SummerSlam. Before Tori could even get a word in edgewise Ivory was on the attack yet again! The two had a brief catfight with Ivory getting one up on Tori, leaving her laying after dumping ice cold water on her and shoving her into an empty industrial trash can on wheels! “You’re in the trash where a bitch like you belongs,” Ivory shouted as “The King” couldn’t help but yell something inconsequential about wet t-shirts.

Backstage a pissed off Shane McMahon rips into his four hired guns (The Hardyz and Edge & Christian) for the night with both teams looking worse for wear as they took verbal lashings from the head McMahon in charge. Even though he promised them both a shot at the tag titles, Shane said they let him down and he’ll make sure they pay for it. The cameras catch Test running full speed toward Shane in the distance and the younger McMahon wastes no time hightailing it into his nearby limo and immediately out of the Bradley Center! Test gave it a good effort on foot but eventually stops the chase and vows he’ll break Shane in half come SummerSlam!

Non-Title Match | D’Lo Brown vs. Big Bossman
With both men defending their respective championships in just six days, tonight's match proved to be more of a detriment than a warm up for D’Lo with Bossman getting in an early nightstick shot behind the officials back to the Euro-Continental Champion’s gut! Brown, however, wouldn’t back down and absored all of the Hardcore Champion’s punishment, only to use Bossman’s smugness to his advantage by catching him off guard with an abrupt Sky High for a very near fall! The match then took a backseat once Debra sauntered down to the ring with all the attention focused on the set outside of the ring rather than in it. The beautiful distraction last long enough for Jeff Jarrett to come in from the back door and decimate D’Lo with his guitar to hand Bossman the victory. As Jarrett and Debra celebrate a job well done up the ramp, Al Snow ran past with Pepper in hand, handing his dog over to the official in order to bite Bossman on the nose! Snow then goes to hit Bossman with his own nightstick - but Bossman narrowly avoids it! The Hardcore Champion levels Snow with a clothesline and snatches up his nightstick - cracking him across the head for good measure! With all the commotion in the ring, Blue Meanie was seen snatching Pepper away from the official as he ran to the back trying to stuff the small dog in his mouth!

The Undertaker makes an impromptu entrance off the side of the stage on the same Harley Davidson from days prior with the wear and tear of the desert seen on its paint and wheels. He went over the test he put The Big Show through this past week, and if The Unholy Alliance are going to be partners and challenge for the WWF Tag Team Championships at SummerSlam, he’s going to need reassurance of the monster he thought he knew he had. Undertaker stays seated on his Harley and menacingly awaits his response at the side of the ramp.

WWF Tag Team Championship Match | The Acolytes vs. Kane and X-Pac (c)
It was hard not to take notice of The Undertaker at the side of the ramp as the two teams made their entrances, both having a long history one way or another with The Deadman. Commentary spend most of this title rematch discussing The Unholy Alliance’s trip this past week, with Jim Ross attributing Undertaker’s new look to evolving and becoming more of an insurmountable force within the WWF if The Big Show were to be by his side. In an odd turn of events, The Acolytes used the unconventional strategy of isolating Kane rather than the smaller X-Pac, making quick tags in and out with their fluid teamwork on full display, not allowing X-Pac to tag in and give his partner a chance to recover. “The Big Red Machine” did manage to withstand the punishment to land a desperation big boot on Faarooq on the ring apron and catch Bradshaw with a sidewalk slam… getting the hot tag to an eager X-Pac! The spunky degenerate was a ball of fire as he landed a spinning heel kick here, a roundhouse kick there, and had Faarooq poised for a Bronco buster in the corner - but was nearly decapitated by a massive clothesline from Bradshaw! The Acolytes took over and pounded away with no remorse until the match broke down and all four men littered the ring. The cameras then cut backstage to find The Big Show in the parking lot with his broken down Harley Davidson in hand as he chucks it aside with ease and heads toward the ring! Back in the ring, X-Pac slipped out of a Dominator attempt by Faarooq that led to a diving clothesline off the top by Kane. Bradshaw worked over X-Pac until he was at a receiving end of a big boot by Kane that dazed him into a waiting X-Factor from X-Pac for the win!

The champions didn’t have much time to celebrate as The Acolytes wailed away after the bell with their tag title opportunity now long gone. The Big Show finally made his return as Jerry Lawler commentated on his snake necktie and lizard boots, wondering what that Death Valley trip did to him. The Unholy Alliance enter the ring with The Acolytes seemingly having worn down the champions for them, being greeted by an approving sinister smile from The Undertaker. The mood changes abruptly as Taker and Big Show clean house of The Acolytes and end with stereo chokeslams to clear the ring! The tension mounted as The Unholy Alliance, Kane and X-Pac stared each other down as they stood across the ring from each other. X-Pac struggled to stand as he clutched his neck in pain after that brutal clothesline from earlier, meanwhile Undertaker gave Big Show an approving nod and Big Show proceeded to kick X-Pac clear out of the ring with a massive boot to the gut! The fight was on as Kane defended his partners honor, but the numbers game are too much for “The Big Red Machine” as The Unholy Alliance pick him apart systemically, leaving Kane lying with a monstrous double chokeslam! “Ladies and gentlemen, I don’t know what has become of Paul Wight -- The Big Show as he’s known -- but something has changed in this monster of a man ever since he took that ride with The Undertaker. I don’t know what it is folks, but I can say for certain that we are going to a whole new side of The Big Show and everyone should be extremely concerned” JR said with worry heard in his voice.

A dejected D’Lo Brown is in the locker room with a towel over his head and his head in his hands. Mark Henry appears to cheer up the Euro-Continental Champion and vows to have his back this Sunday at SummerSlam no matter what. Suddenly, Ken Shamrock and Steve Blackman burst in as the two are fighting uncontrollably with officials and referees swarming in to try and pull them apart! Jim Ross reminds us of the Lion’s Den Weapons Match coming up this Sunday on pay-per-view, locking both unhinged fighters with weapons to see who the better man will be at the end of the day.

Singles Match | Jeff Jarrett (w/ Debra) vs. The Rock
The Chef Boyardee “Overstuffed Slam of the Night” saw The Rock hitting Jeff Jarrett with a Rock Bottom that cost him his match last night on HeAt against Mr. Ass, with Double J looking to get a bit of payback here tonight. Jarrett showed his aggressiveness from the start and jumped Rock prior to the bell, aided by a brief distraction by Debra on the ring apron to gain the upperhand. The former Intercontinental Champion got a bit too big for his britches after The Rock fought out of a sleeper hold, only to be caught off guard by an Enzuigiri, allowing Jarrett to strut his stuff to the dismay of the fans in attendance. “The People’s Champion” again managed to regain control by ducking a clothesline and hitting a smooth float over DDT! In spite of Rock’s best efforts, the entrance of Chris Jericho to the commentary area garnered his attention and gave Double J an opportunity to land big right hands and take Rocky off his feet. Jericho wasted little time to insult The Rock and Mr. Ass, “I've been more entertaining and ‘must-see tv’ in the WWF in just one week than Billy Gunn has been his entire career”, he quipped as Lawler couldn’t help but agree. The action moved out to ringside where Rock was able to nearly get his hands on Jericho - but Jarrett caught him from behind before the two could throw down! Debra proved to be a double edged sword as her “puppies” put referee Tim White in a trance, allowing Jeff Jarrett to bring in his trustee guitar - yet The Rock avoided the wayward swing of Double J and landed a Rock Bottom! The Rock had an unofficial three count from the Bradley Center crowd that led to the actual official finally realizing a cover was being made… one… two… but Billy Gunn pulled Tim White out at two and a half and leveled him with a massive right hand! With all control lost, Gunn stomped away at “The Great One” before grabbing a hold of Double J’s guitar and sizing up his target - until Chris Jericho snatched the guitar away from Mr. Ass! After a brief argument back and forth, Jericho insisted he do Gunn’s dirty work for him. In the heat of the moment, Jericho swung toward The Rock - who pulled Billy in front of him to eat the blow! Jericho wasn’t going to stick around afterward as he hightailed it back up the ramp, but not leaving The Rock out of his sights. Rocky had enough of both Jericho and Gunn’s crap and snatched a microphone, challenging them BOTH to a match at SummerSlam to settle this, and beat both their monkey asses, once and for all!

Backstage, Blue Meanie is struggling to eat Pepper like a hoagie so he instead puts him down by the catering table and grabs a fork and knife! Out of nowhere, Al Snow swoops in and saves Pepper by the skin of his teeth by catching Blue Meanie off guard with a baking sheet across the face that sent him flying over the catering table and leaving him covered in everything from chicken to chocolate pudding! Although I’m sure he’s not too upset about the end result. With Snow and Pepper reunited and walking away to safety, Ken Shamrock and Steve Blackman are again seen in the distance with them exchanging weapon shots to themselves and officials who try to pull them apart! These two fighters can’t be controlled! The attack finally ended in a sudden as “The World’s Most Dangerous Man” rammed Blackman head first into the parking garage door!

We get a side by side shot of Triple H, Mankind, and special guest referee Chyna all heading toward the ring with this huge main event match coming up next!

#1 Contendership, Anything Goes Match | Triple H vs. Mankind (Special guest referee: Chyna)
King couldn’t help but ogle Chyna as she entered the bout in her revealing referee outfit, but she was all business tonight with another contender getting added to the fray this Sunday. Much like the start of the show, Triple H bum rushed Mankind during his entrance and kicked the match off on the rampway! “The Game” controlled the momentum early on as he sent Foley crashing into the guardrails and knee first into the ringside steps, trying to re-injure the hardcore legend in his first match back. Chyna was a bit lenient to start until HHH started pushing her buttons, both literally and figuratively, taking his verbal abuse too far and it led to putting hands on Chyna and shoving her aside! “The Ninth Wonder of the World” internalized the shove and retaliated with a even bigger shove of her own and set Triple H down on his ass! An embarrassed Triple H went to go after Chyna even further until Mankind ran into the picture and clotheslined HHH and himself over the guardrailing and into the crowd! The brawl goes from one side of the arena to the other, with Foley using any weapon he could get his hand on to inflict pain on one of his most hated rivals. Chyna’s loyalty was also tested as she struggled to count the pinfalls for Mankind but knew it had to be done.

The cameras then suddenly cut to The Bradley Center parking lot as Jim Ross is told “Stone Cold” has arrived! A black pick-up truck with Austin’s skull logo speeds through the parking lot and crashes past the security gate that falls onto The Undertaker’s Harley Davidson before it comes to a screeching halt! “Stone Cold” Steve Austin is a bat out of hell as he exits his truck and looks to be headed toward the ring! The cameras then show The Unholy Alliance backstage with Paul Bearer as they look on a nearby monitor at the destruction done to Taker’s Harley Davidson. With the focus back on the action, Triple H had control briefly before he questioned Chyna’s loyalty, only to run full speed toward Mankind as he struggled to raise himself up against the steel guardrailing - but get back dropped over the guardrail and onto the ringside apron! The two struggled to regain their composure just as the glass shatters and out comes the WWF Champion “Stone Cold” with a steel chair! The brash “Texas Rattlesnake” mouthed off as Chyna stood in his way from using the foreign object a second week in a row. Austin doesn’t abide by a normal official and Chyna was no different, Austin reared back just as the two competitors were getting to their feet - but Chyna snatched the steel chair out of his hand! The tension between Chyna and Austin grew as Austin gave the special guest referee the bird, only for “The Ninth Wonder of the World” to take matters into her own hands and take a big swing - hitting Mankind head on! Chyna didn’t have time to show remorse because as soon as she turned around she caught a Stone Cold Stunner by the champ! Austin gets down in Chyna’s face and can’t help but mouth off after just narrowly avoiding a steel chair shot. “The Game” didn’t hesitate to react as Hunter hurried Foley into the ring in order to finish him off. Triple H struggled a bit with Mankind dead weight as he hooked one arm… then the other as he went for the Pedigree - only to be hit head on by a steel chair from Austin! “Stone Cold” proudly makes his exit up the ramp, meanwhile HHH and Mankind fell over onto each other simultaneously as a dumbfounded Shawn Michaels ran down to count the three count… but for who? “Stone Cold” couldn’t careless until Commissioner HBK informs him that with SummerSlam right around the corner, he’s going to make an executive decision, and since there was no clear cut winner, “Stone Cold” Steve Austin will indeed defend the WWF Championship against “The Ninth Wonder of the World” Chyna! …And Mankind! And Triple H!

“Stone Cold” couldn’t believe it as Raw went off the air with Jim Ross shouting that the odds are stacked against Austin come this Sunday at SummerSlam!
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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2020
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I wasn't a big fan of the WWF Title scene at this time so am really yet to remain convinced. I do have faith in you though, so there's that.

Including Jericho in the Gunn/Rock stuff is great for so many reasons, mainly that we won't have to sit through a 1 on 1 match with Gunn in it on PPV.

Hyping up Show throughout the night with 'Taker's test was done really well also.

Everything else is what it is, as you obviously need time to flesh things into what you want. Plenty of stuff happening typical to this time though with the Pepper shenanigans and Tori getting drenched in ice and called names. Thumbs up for sticking true to the era.

One point of confusion here for me was probably The Hardyz and Edge and Christian being Shane's lackeys here. I don't remember this being a thing around the time, so it just seems off that this would randomly happen without any real explanation. Probably the only part of the show of your own doing which I wasn't sold on.

Promising start though, always wanted to see a successful BTB from this era so please keep this one going. And wishing you the best of luck because I hadn't done that yet.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2022
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Right, so... let me get this review in today before I clock into work.

Whew boy. The World Wrestling Federation in 1999... not my personal favorite year of the AE. In fact, from around Mania XV till Survivor Series, I thought it sucked honestly. So I'm curious to see how I take to this.

Okay, super hot angle to start off the show. I'll tell you that much. I loved all of this. HHH's aggression, Michaels, Foley coming out and fighting Hunter. Yeah, this was the goods. I will absolutely give you that.

Heavy, heavy promo-ing here. Which sounds about right for the AE. Don't mind Mr. Ass getting revenge on The Rock. Gotta play things fairly.

Hahahahahaha, awesome. Love the Crash Holly debut! Liked the "seeing double" line also, lol.

More brutality with HHH and Foley. Love it. Anything Goes in the main event will be a hoot, no doubt.

Really like the idea that Big Show's character underwent a huge change after going biking with Taker, lmao. Genuinely think that 1) This is a unique way to introduce ABA Taker and 2) It's a great way to give Big Show some needed character. Dig it. Dig this a lot.

Didn't really like the end of Jarrett-Rock, to be honest. The fallout is fine, a match with those 3 should be good. But I didn't really care for that sequence personally.

UH OH. Austin destroyed Taker's bike. Not good! WUT... Chyna in the WWF Title Match??? Talk about bold.

I'm... I'm fascinated, DYSI. I have to say. You've got me hooked so I look forward to SummerSlam.
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Sep 13, 2022
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WWF Sunday Night HeAt
8.22.99 | Target Center

Tonight’s show begins with The Mayor of Minnesota Jesse “The Body” Ventura as he stood alongside Chyna at the interview position, with the two garnering a pop from the Minnesota faithful in attendance. The special guest referee for tonight’s main event warned Chyna of getting out of control during the championship match, knowing full well of the bad blood between her and “Stone Cold”, as well as her rocky relationship with Triple H of late. In spite of the chaos from this past week, “The Ninth Wonder of the World” was determined to win the title here tonight and become the first ever woman to hold a WWF championship, but more importantly, the WWF World Championship!

Footage shown from earlier today saw Mark Henry conversating with D'Lo Brown as the two entered the arena. D'Lo thanks Henry for believing in him and appreciates his friendship when he needed it the most. Henry returns the favor and thanks D'Lo for bringing him back to 100% and vows he'll make sure not one puppy, cat or dog get in D'Lo's way tonight! As soon as D'Lo enters the locker room, a very intriguing set of propositions arrive in front of the camera. The allure of temptation kept Henry from following D’Lo into the locker room with him as he looks back before telling D’Lo he’ll be back in a second… cautiously walking off as he follows Debra every step of the way.

The camera’s cut to catering where Chaz and Marianna were seen arguing over Marianna coming to the aid of Val Venis this past Raw, speculating that she’s sleeping with Val behind his back! Marianna can’t believe Chaz’s accusation and slaps him across the face! Chaz exits before the situation gets anymore out of hand and leaves Marianna in tears. In a strange turn of events, Terri is quick to comfort Marianna after getting off on the wrong foot last week, suggesting she ditch Chaz for someone who deserves her. Meat approaches with a variety of oils in hand and asks Terri which one she preferred, Terri simply says “all of them” before grabbing her boy toy and walking past Marianna, with Marianna not being able to help but take a glance as the two walk off.

Tag Team Match | Chaz and The Godfather (w/ Ho’s) vs. Droz and Prince Albert
We get a look back at Godfather aiding Chaz and Venis’ win last week over Droz and Albert, but receiving a beatdown at the hand of Key in exchange. This week Chaz joined his partner without the services of his girlfriend Marianna, as he was still fuming from the slap just minutes prior. However, the same can’t be said for The Godfather as his ho’s were on full display tonight. Godfather did his usual “pimpin’ ain’t easy” shtick, but instead of offering his ho’s services like he usually does, since they’re going up against a carnival freak show tonight, he wouldn’t even put his worst ho through a night with any of them! Droz and Albert jumped Godfather after getting insulted and pounded on the former Intercontinental Champion to kick start the match. The oddball duo used their resentment toward The Godfather to fuel them for the entire match, showing great intensity with their offense. But once Chaz entered the match he channeled his frustration with his girlfriend in the ring and was an eager beaver until he took his eye off the ball and allowed Prince Albert to clobber him from the ring apron when he wasn’t looking. It didn’t take long for this match to spiral out of control after Godfather was back in the ring and on the wrong end of a Prince Albert beat down, but survived long enough to break free with a snake eyes on the top rope to make the hot tag into Chaz! Chaz dove into the ring with a crossbody off the top to Albert and dropped Droz on his head with an inverted death valley driver. The big menacing Key once again made his presence felt as he pulled The Godfather off the apron and decked him with a massive clothesline, before entering the ring and planting Chaz in plain sight with Albert’s steel tattoo briefcase for the DQ! Key angrily shoved Droz after not liking what he saw. The man in the white suit ordered Prince Albert to “light him up” and Albert knew exactly what he wanted… delivering a vicious Chokebomb to Chaz on his steel briefcase! As commentary questioned the hierarchy between the three, the eccentric trio proudly left with the damage done.

Once the dust cleared and the cobwebs were shaken off, The Godfather was helped into the ring with the aid of his ho’s, as they all picked Chaz up off that mat. Although their win wasn’t in the most convincing fashion, Godfather graciously offers his partner a night with one of his finest ho’s anyway. After getting his sore back rubbed by a couple of the ho’s, Chaz seems intrigued and sizes up the ladies until he catches the icy glare of his girlfriend Marianna as she stomps down to the ring! Chaz tries to play it off and apologizes, but alternatively, Marianna grabs a ho’s hand and exits up the ramp with her! And Chaz can’t believe it! “Ho-no she didn’t,” a cringeworthy Michael Cole said with glee.

We see Blue Meanie opening a back door to the Target Center and waving someone in off camera, telling them his match is up next and that he’ll be waiting for him.

Singles Match | Blue Meanie vs. Gangrel
We get a recap of The 1-800-ATT Slam of the Week from this past Raw with Meanie getting clobbered with a baking sheet by Al Snow that sent him flying over the catering table and covered in a mess of food. The commentators spend most of the match discussing the infatuation Blue Meanie’s been having with Al Snow’s dog Pepper and the curiosity about who he was talking to behind the back door backstage rather than the subpar action that took place. Despite the lack of attention to it, Gangrel did manage an admirable tiger suplex on the bigger Blue Meanie for a near fall that got a mild reaction from the crowd. Looking for a break in the action, Da Blue Guy stumbled out to ringside and garnered enough of the official’s attention to allow a man to slide into the ring and level the fanged one with a superkick before sliding out and hiding at ringside in a flash! The long hair, ultra short crop top t-shirt and extremely short jean shorts - that could only be Stevie Richards! Michael Cole wisely put two and two together and came to the conclusion that the former ECW mainstay was the person Meanie was talking to by the backdoor, all the while Meanie got up to the top and connected with a Meaniesault to steal the victory. The two celebrate and dance up the ramp just as Michael Hayes passes them by heading to the ring… and helps Gangrel to his feet? “We need to talk,” the former Freebird said, as he exits with a befuddled Gangrel following a few steps behind.

The Unholy Alliance with Paul Bearer arrive outside the Target Center in Austin’s pick-up truck. With Michael Cole stating they’d stole it Monday on Raw after he ran over Undertaker’s Harley. The duo exit with The Undertaker simply declaring “an eye for an eye”. Big Show proceeds to pull out a toolbox from the back of the pick-up truck to retrieve a set of massive steel wrenches and hands one over to The Undertaker. The two destroy Austin’s pick-up with them until Paul Bearer orders them to stop! However, Bearer had evil intentions in mind as he passes The Big Show a gas container! The camera cuts to commercial break with Michael Cole questioning what in the world are they thinking?

An exhausted and reluctant Meat is brought out by his girlfriend Terri, as Michael Cole could only assume they were partaking in “extracurricular activities” in the most unsexual way possible. Terri calls her boy toy “no scrub” and that he calls her his little “genie in a bottle” because she always “rubs him the right way”. Check your 1999 bingo reference boards! This leads to an open challenge to see if anyone can satisfy his need for action… in the ring. Meat tries to talk Terri out of it, being far too tired for any more strenuous action, but her challenge was answered - “Oh, you didn’t know?” Out comes Road Dogg with puns of his own, telling Terri he doesn't usually beat meat in public, but tonight he's going to make an exception! Jesus, Road Dogg…

Singles Match | Meat (w/ Terri) vs. Road Dogg
Either Meat doesn’t approve of public satisfaction or the embarrassment of his lover on live television, nevertheless the angry boy toy struck first and took Road Dogg by surprise! It was a bit of a punch/kick affair by Meat as he wore down the fan favorite degenerate, garnering a bit of heat but showed early signs of slowing down himself after taking care of Terri earlier in the night. As the match continued, Meat’s performance continued to dwindle as he barely had Road Dogg cornered with a ten punch but struggled as he hit five - “Harder, do it harder”, Terri screamed as Meat gave an exasperated unintelligible response, only to allow Road Dogg to gain control and powerbomb him off the second rope! Once Road Dogg started to gain momentum he didn’t look back - running shaky leg drop, followed by a shake, rattle, and roll, which ended with a textbook Pumphandle Drop Slam (with some doggystyle theatrics for Terri’s eyes only) and the academic three count. The crowd ate up everything Road Dogg did from the minute he came out and it didn’t change after the victory. Terri fans down Meat as he looks dog-tired and covered in sweat. Meanwhile Road Dogg celebrated his win up the ramp and managed to get a hold of another microphone. “Is he always this quick,” he mockingly asked Terri before laughing his way to the back.

Back outside the Target Center, we see Austin’s truck being covered in gasoline by The Big Show as Undertaker shouts out - “Fry that goddamn rattlesnake, big man”! Before Show could toast the truck, “Stone Cold” Steve Austin arrives on the scene as he bursts out of a taxi and takes on both men head on! Despite his best efforts, the numbers game catches up with the brave Rattlesnake as The Unholy Alliance sends Austin into several nearby trash cans! Undertaker again commands Big Show to set fire to Austin’s truck - but Austin once again fights back, this time leveling Big Show down low and taking a steel wrench to stun The Undertaker! “Stone Cold” retrieves his pick-up and speeds into the Target Center parking lot - accidentally side swiping Paul Bearer in the process! The Undertaker is livid as The Unholy Alliance glare from a distance but Austin is too far gone to take action. Taker then comes to the aid of Bearer while The Big Show forcefully demands for medical attention!

Michael Cole can’t believe the events that took place before giving one last pitch to purchase SummerSlam on pay-per-view!


WWF Hardcore Championship Match | Al Snow vs. Big Boss Man (c) [3 points]
WWF Women’s Championship Match |
Tori vs. Ivory (c) [3 points]
WWF Intercontinental & European Championship Match |
Jeff Jarrett vs. D’Lo Brown (c) [3 points]
Tag Team Turmoil Match |
The Hardy Boyz, Kaientai, Edge and Christian, The Acolytes, Mideon and Viscera, and The Holly Cousins [3 points]
Lion's Den Weapons Match |
Ken Shamrock vs. Steve Blackman [3 points]
WWF Tag Team Championship Match |
The Unholy Alliance vs. Kane and X-Pac (c) [4 points]
"Love Her or Leave Her", Greenwich Street Fight |
Shane McMahon vs. Test [4 points]
Triple Threat Match |
Chris Jericho vs. Billy Gunn vs. The Rock [4 points]
WWF Championship Match |
Triple H vs. Mankind vs. Chyna vs. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin (c)
(Special guest referee: Jesse "The Body" Ventura) [5 points]

Which match will open SummerSlam? [3 points]
How many titles will change hand tonight? [4 points]
Who will take the pinfall/submission in the main event? [5 points]
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Sep 14, 2022
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I am really looking forward to this. I hope you go full Russo and my predictions will reflect that hope.

WWF Hardcore Championship Match | Al Snow vs. Big Boss Man (c) [3 points]

WWF Women’s Championship Match |
Tori vs. Ivory (c) [3 points]

WWF Intercontinental & European Championship Match |
Jeff Jarrett vs. D’Lo Brown (c) [3 points]
C'mon, Russo gotta give his boy Dubble J the belts.

Tag Team Turmoil Match | The Hardy Boyz, Kaientai, Edge and Christian, The Acolytes, Mideon and Viscera, and The Holly Cousins [3 points]
I really wanted to pick Mideon and Viscera...I really did.

Lion's Den Weapons Match | Ken Shamrock vs. Steve Blackman [3 points]
Shamrock should win sure but it's Russo so let's just go with Blackman.

WWF Tag Team Championship Match | The Unholy Alliance vs. Kane and X-Pac (c) [4 points]
They could make for a real dominant team in the tag division.

"Love Her or Leave Her", Greenwich Street Fight | Shane McMahon vs. Test [4 points]
The Testicles demand it.

Triple Threat Match | Chris Jericho vs. Billy Gunn vs. The Rock [4 points]

WWF Championship Match | Triple H vs. Mankind vs. Chyna vs. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin (c)
(Special guest referee: Jesse "The Body" Ventura) [5 points]
Let's go full Russo if we're gonna do it. Embrace the crap! Give Chyna the belt!

Which match will open SummerSlam? [3 points]
Tag Team Turmoil

TIE-BREAKER QUESTION #2 | How many titles will change hand tonight? [4 points]

TIE-BREAKER QUESTION #3 | Who will take the pinfall/submission in the main event? [5 points]
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Sep 17, 2022
Reaction score
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Sports Team
Favorite Sports Team
WWF Hardcore Championship Match | Al Snow vs. Big Boss Man (c) [3 points]
Winner and NEW CHAMPION: Al Snow
WWF Women’s Championship Match |
Tori vs. Ivory (c) [3 points]
Winner and STILL CHAMPION: Ivory
WWF Intercontinental & European Championship Match |
Jeff Jarrett vs. D’Lo Brown (c) [3 points]
Tag Team Turmoil Match |
The Hardy Boyz, Kaientai, Edge and Christian, The Acolytes, Mideon and Viscera, and The Holly Cousins [3 points]
Winners: Hardy Boyz
Lion's Den Weapons Match |
Ken Shamrock vs. Steve Blackman [3 points]
Winner: Ken Shamrock
WWF Tag Team Championship Match |
The Unholy Alliance vs. Kane and X-Pac (c) [4 points]
Winner and STILL CHAMPIONS: X-Pac and Kane
"Love Her or Leave Her", Greenwich Street Fight |
Shane McMahon vs. Test [4 points]
Winner: Test (I had to)
Triple Threat Match |
Chris Jericho vs. Billy Gunn vs. The Rock [4 points]
Winner: Chris Jericho (need the debut win)
WWF Championship Match |
Triple H vs. Mankind vs. Chyna vs. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin (c)
(Special guest referee: Jesse "The Body" Ventura) [5 points]
Winner and STILL CHAMPION: Stone Cold

Which match will open SummerSlam? [3 points] Al Snow/Bossman
How many titles will change hand tonight? [4 points] 1
Who will take the pinfall/submission in the main event? [5 points] Mankind
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