
Best Case scenarios at WM
What do you think the match endings should be to make the show the best possible.
Undertaker vs Batista
After Several Tombstones, Taker gets the 3 count as he holds the belt and celebrates. He drops down on knee and holds the belt up much like wm 13 and the lights go out. The lights come back on and the belt is laying in the ring, and the undertaker is gone. Show ends
Edge comes out and cashs in, and defeats the undertaker.
John Cena vs HBK
I would like to see another screw job. Its been about 10 years since HBK screwed Bret, and I'd love to see bret come back and do the same. Although that is highly unlikely. I'd like to see Vince come out and screw HBK. Cena goes heel with vince as the corporate champ.
Umaga vs Lashley
lashley Trump and Stone Cold shaves vince's head. I just hope its an extreme Rules match.
I would like to see a lot of high spots, the Orton Edge fued slowly build up. Some Punk/Hardy Exchanges and for this match to last at least 30 minutes considering it features 8 of their biggest stars. i really dont care who wins, i just what to see a good match. My favs to win are Edge, Punk, Orton, J Hardy
Beniot vs MVP
MVP pounding the mat due to the crossface.
Kane vs Khali
Short and Sweet, wiht one big blow to Khali to take him out for good.
New Breed vs Originals.
I would like to see a lot of ECW orignals return. Too bad most are in TNA, but TAZ, New Jack, Heyman, FOley, and a few others come back and help the originals win.
Melina vs Ashley
Does it matter?
What do you think the match endings should be to make the show the best possible.
Undertaker vs Batista
After Several Tombstones, Taker gets the 3 count as he holds the belt and celebrates. He drops down on knee and holds the belt up much like wm 13 and the lights go out. The lights come back on and the belt is laying in the ring, and the undertaker is gone. Show ends
Edge comes out and cashs in, and defeats the undertaker.
John Cena vs HBK
I would like to see another screw job. Its been about 10 years since HBK screwed Bret, and I'd love to see bret come back and do the same. Although that is highly unlikely. I'd like to see Vince come out and screw HBK. Cena goes heel with vince as the corporate champ.
Umaga vs Lashley
lashley Trump and Stone Cold shaves vince's head. I just hope its an extreme Rules match.
I would like to see a lot of high spots, the Orton Edge fued slowly build up. Some Punk/Hardy Exchanges and for this match to last at least 30 minutes considering it features 8 of their biggest stars. i really dont care who wins, i just what to see a good match. My favs to win are Edge, Punk, Orton, J Hardy
Beniot vs MVP
MVP pounding the mat due to the crossface.
Kane vs Khali
Short and Sweet, wiht one big blow to Khali to take him out for good.
New Breed vs Originals.
I would like to see a lot of ECW orignals return. Too bad most are in TNA, but TAZ, New Jack, Heyman, FOley, and a few others come back and help the originals win.
Melina vs Ashley
Does it matter?