THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

When I heard that Eric Bischoff was going to TNA, needless to say, I was excited. Very excited. We all know Bischoff's history, and after listening to a few shoot interviews where Bischoff talked about how for TNA to be competition to WWE, they'd need to do something different and pick up their game (from before he signed with TNA), my anticipation only grew. And yet, since Bischoff (and Hogan for that matter) arrived, the change that was promised hasn't come. In fact, it's gone the other way.
First of all, let's talk about a certain person's stale gimmick ... gimmick. When I heard this shoot from Bischoff, he talked about how TNA needed to do something different. That's why WCW succeeded with the Hulk Hogan push. They brought him in to do something new. He also said that's why Team 3D/The Dudley Boyz are still stale. Despite TNA being legally unable to user The Dudley Boyz name and trademarks, they still managed to keep them under the same gimmick. Bischoff spoke of this as a reason why TNA would never succeed. They were afraid to do something different. Now, since The Bisch has arrived in TNA, we have seen the debut of one Mr. Ken Anderson, and needless to say I was disappointed. Not because Anderson is horrible and will likely end up to be a stupid investment for TNA, but because he was exactly the same as when he left WWE, despite him having his Kennedy trademark taken from him. Sound familiar? It should.
Aside from some old guys being brought in (of which The Band are the only ones interesting), the only other change we've seen since Bischoff and Hogan arrived was the new four sided ring. Now, while I'm sure this was the work of Hogan and co because Russo had worked with the six sided ring for quite some time now, this is another negative change for me, not only because I would have preferred the six sided ring to stay, but also because it's a purely cosmetic change, with no effect on the product, which is what Hogan/Bischoff should be worrying about. The other thing that irked me about this change was the way they went about it. First of all, they managed to turn the fans of the iMPACT! Zone against them by basically saying "We're right, you're wrong, stfu" which was ridiculously stupid. Then they went on to say it was a toy ring and that only warriors competed in a four sided ring. Erm, who dictated that? Because you said it's true, it's true? Damn, best tell UFC - and their real fighters - that they're play fighting in their eight sided ring. And finally, what irks me the most about this change is that it goes completely against being different to the competition, which is what Bischoff has talked about in the past. The six sided ring was part of TNA's identity, and now it's no longer. Instead they've said WWE's ring has been better all along, and that TNA had a toy ring, obviously making them inferior. Completely and utterly moronic.
What annoys me about this is that Bischoff and Hogan have seemingly had no positive impact upon TNA. Bischoff has gone against what he's said about TNA in the past, and he's either decided, or allowed the opposite to go along. So is Bischoff (and The Hulkster for that matter) being lazy? Are they allowing this retardedness to fly past them? Or are they not involved at all, simply looking for anther payday?
First of all, let's talk about a certain person's stale gimmick ... gimmick. When I heard this shoot from Bischoff, he talked about how TNA needed to do something different. That's why WCW succeeded with the Hulk Hogan push. They brought him in to do something new. He also said that's why Team 3D/The Dudley Boyz are still stale. Despite TNA being legally unable to user The Dudley Boyz name and trademarks, they still managed to keep them under the same gimmick. Bischoff spoke of this as a reason why TNA would never succeed. They were afraid to do something different. Now, since The Bisch has arrived in TNA, we have seen the debut of one Mr. Ken Anderson, and needless to say I was disappointed. Not because Anderson is horrible and will likely end up to be a stupid investment for TNA, but because he was exactly the same as when he left WWE, despite him having his Kennedy trademark taken from him. Sound familiar? It should.
Aside from some old guys being brought in (of which The Band are the only ones interesting), the only other change we've seen since Bischoff and Hogan arrived was the new four sided ring. Now, while I'm sure this was the work of Hogan and co because Russo had worked with the six sided ring for quite some time now, this is another negative change for me, not only because I would have preferred the six sided ring to stay, but also because it's a purely cosmetic change, with no effect on the product, which is what Hogan/Bischoff should be worrying about. The other thing that irked me about this change was the way they went about it. First of all, they managed to turn the fans of the iMPACT! Zone against them by basically saying "We're right, you're wrong, stfu" which was ridiculously stupid. Then they went on to say it was a toy ring and that only warriors competed in a four sided ring. Erm, who dictated that? Because you said it's true, it's true? Damn, best tell UFC - and their real fighters - that they're play fighting in their eight sided ring. And finally, what irks me the most about this change is that it goes completely against being different to the competition, which is what Bischoff has talked about in the past. The six sided ring was part of TNA's identity, and now it's no longer. Instead they've said WWE's ring has been better all along, and that TNA had a toy ring, obviously making them inferior. Completely and utterly moronic.
What annoys me about this is that Bischoff and Hogan have seemingly had no positive impact upon TNA. Bischoff has gone against what he's said about TNA in the past, and he's either decided, or allowed the opposite to go along. So is Bischoff (and The Hulkster for that matter) being lazy? Are they allowing this retardedness to fly past them? Or are they not involved at all, simply looking for anther payday?