The Shield (Ambrose, Rollins, Reigns) vs. The Wyatt Family (Wyatt, Harper, Rowan)
The best WWE match since... Bryan/Punk from OTL? Anyway, this had tons of heat and hatred. Great workovers with zero dull moments in them, awesome pacing and selling. Nothing more you could ask from this. I loved how the Wyatts were giving away that menacing vibe, like they're the true dangerous men out there, like they operate on a whole other level. The Shield, compared to them, looked like a group of pretty models pretending to be pro-wrestlers. Ambrose was the absolute MVP of his own stable, and yet was outperformed by everyone else from the Wyatts. That's how strong the displays of quality were. This is the best non-NJ match in 2014, and can't really see anything from WWE topping this, unless these two groups meet in a rematch.
P.S. I hate to sound like a broken freakin' record, but WWE's C-level horror camerawork and mind insulting directing really take away from enjoyment. They're the WOAT. Absolute WOAT. The biggest common sense scam in the industry.