ECW/WCW vs. WWF Invasion

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Ricky Smarks

Jun 28, 2010
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What's with these nasty endings? Hahaha :p
You ain't seen nothing yet :p



Breaking News

Shane McMahon has been in negations for the last couple weeks trying to sign WCW wrestlers to new contracts. Some of the more established performers are sticking to their large salary AOL-Time Warner contracts and are holding out for better deals from the young McMahon. Shane is asking all WCW and WWF fans alike who they feel are they most deserving of the large deals they are asking for and who you, the fans, want to see the most come to the new WCW.

Here are the current superstars who have agreed to principle terms with Shane McMahon's World Championship Wrestling:

Diamond Dallas Page
Chris Kanyon
Shane Helms
Shannon Moore
Evan Karagias
Air Styles
Air Paris
Christopher Daniels
Rey Mysterio, Jr
Billy Kidman
Juventud Guerrera
Hugh Morrus
Chavo Guerrero, Jr
Johnny the Bull
Big Vito
Booker T
Shane Douglas
Bam Bam Bigelow
Lance Storm
Elix Skipper
Mike Awesome
Shawn Stasiak
Chuck Palumbo
Sean O’Haire
Mark Jindrak
Brian Adams
Bryan Clarke
Buff Bagwell
Kaz Hayashi
Jamie Noble

Please let WCW.COM know who feel should be brought in to the new WCW.

(P.S. Please do reply to the thread with the names of the superstars you feel should be brought in and those who shouldn't be.)​


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I'd like to see Pepe the most. :nodsmile:

In all seriousness, Goldberg (could be a tremendous physical asset for the New Alliance, as I like to call it) and Sting.

To hell with Hogan, brotha. :p
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Ricky Smarks

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I'd like to see Pepe the most. :nodsmile:

In all seriousness, Goldberg (could be a tremendous physical asset for the New Alliance, as I like to call it) and Sting.
Pepe it is ;)

I've already been planning and booking months into this and I think I've come up with some great angles and matches. But I'd like to see if I've got my fingers on the pulse. Name some dream match-ups and feuds you've always wanted to see. Mainly WCW guys you never got to see in the ring with WWF guys.

Ricky Smarks

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WWF Raw is War Preview

Last week on Smackdown a war seemingly erupted between Vince McMahon, his allies, the WWF Champion Steve Austin, Triple H, Big Show, and Shane McMahon and some unlikely allies of his own, the brothers of destruction. What's in store for us when these combustible elements collide this Monday night on Raw is War?

We also witnessed one of the most apprehensive actions to ever take place in a WWF ring last Thursday when Stone Cold Steve Austin and Triple H assaulted Lita, the Hardy Boyz valet and Matt Hardy's girlfriend. What's going through Matt Hardy's mind heading into Raw?

Commissioner Regal not happy with his submission loss to Jericho booked an impromptu Intercontinental title defense for Y2J this Monday night. He will be challenging three members of the Right to Censor. Can Jericho walk away with his Intercontinental championship?

Tune in this Monday night for Raw is War.

Ricky Smarks

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April 9, 2001
Boston, Massachusetts

[A video package airs of earlier in the day as the Undertaker and Kane arrive at the Fleet Center]

A horde of security block the brothers path into the arena.

The Undertaker
What’s the meaning of all this?

Vince McMahon walks into frame.

Vince McMahon
After the chaos you caused last week, I couldn’t in good conscience let you into the building tonight. There for until I deem otherwise… you’re suspended.

The Undertaker
Your day of reckoning is coming Vince, it’s only a matter of time.

Vince McMahon
Is that a threat?

The Undertaker
It’s a promise.

Vince McMahon
You’d be wise to leave now before your mouth gets you into any more trouble.

Kane and the Undertaker grab their bags to head out when --

Vince McMahon
(speaking to Kane)
Whoa, where do you think you’re going? You have a match tonight with the Big Show.

The Undertaker gets agitated and Kane holds him back.

Vince McMahon
You better keep him back. Don’t even think of coming back tonight dead man or there will be consequences and I promise you that. Kane, I suggest you get ready for your match.

[We cut to Vince who’s already in the ring with a microphone]

Vince McMahon
Now that I've gotten rid of that riffraff, I can safely say Raw will run without a hitch tonight. Noone more interventions or ungrateful wives, tonight, I'm going one on one with my son Shane in a Wrestlemania rematch. And it will once again be in a street fight! -- Now on to new business...
We all saw it last week. The coming together of the most powerful and influential men in the business today, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Triple H, and myself. And together we will bring dignity, respect, and honor back to the World Wrestling Federation. Without further a due, let me introduce you to the WWF Champion Stone Cold Steve Austin and my son in law, “The Game†Triple H.

Austin and Triple H come out together to Austin’s theme music and get into the ring.

Steve Austin
I think we proved last week why we are the two most powerful men in the business today. First, we get rid off that coward, The Rock. Then on Smackdown we showed the world why no one wants to get in our business again. Lita got in my face and thought she’d make an example of me but I showed her who’s boss. What?

Triple H
(says while chuckling to himself)
You certainly did. You put that bitch in her place, at home.

[Suddenly Matt Hardy shows up on the titantron]

Matt Hardy
Hey… Triple H, speaking of women being in their place, why don’t you keep your wife at home. She’d certainly get in a LOT less trouble at home.

[The camera zooms out to reveal Stephanie tied up in a chair with duck tape on her mouth. Matt has a tire iron in his hand, pressed to her check]

Triple H
You son of a bitch! If you lay one more hand on her, I swear to God…

Matt Hardy
Stop getting so testy. I don’t plan on her hurting her… I’m not a monster. But clearly Austin is or he would have shown some compassion or even an ounce of Mercy when he put my Amy in that chair while you held me there Paul.

Triple H
What do want you son of a?! You want me right here, right now?! Lets go!

Matt Hardy
Hold your britches Hunter. You’ll get what’s coming to you soon enough, I want Austin… in the ring… tonight!

Vince McMahon
You’ve got it! Now, let my daughter go right now or so help me, I’ll rip off your balls and wear them as earrings!

Matt Hardy
As you wish. The billion dollar princess is free to go.

[The Raw them plays as we cut to break]

[We return from break as the RTC make their way out and get in the ring. Steven Richards asks for a mic]

Steven Richards
All week the Right to Censor has been asked the same two questions. Why did we cost the Dudley Boyz their rematch for the tag team titles and why did we accost Rhyno last night on Heat? It all goes back to a little promotion out of Philly. A filthy, disgusting, perverse company filled with deviants and devoid of all moral decency. I escaped that abyss of depravity looking for a safe wholesome place to apply my craft but soon enough, the WWF got corrupted by vile waste that seeped their way into the company. And I’m as guilty of the WWF’s degradation as they are because I stood back and did nothing. Eventually I formed the Right to Censor but we’ve let too many things slip through our fingers. The buck stops here and it stops with Joel Gertner and every other free loading creature trying to suckle at the tit of Vince McMahon’s generosity.

Chris Jericho
Would you please shut the hell up! I’m sick and tired of hearing about the evils of the hardcore style, the perversion of sex appeal, and the bad influence rock and roll is on today’s youth. I’ve got news for you… Y2J is The Ayatollah of Rock 'n' Rolla! With that being said, I came out of that very promotion and it jumped started my career. If it wasn’t for Paul Heyman, I might not have made it to the WWF. Now, I’m going to go down to that ring and possibility lose my IC title but not before I kick all your asses. And when it’s all said and done, you’ll never, EVER… be the same, again.

:: Opening Match ::
Handicap Match for the WWF Intercontinental Championship

The Right to Censor (Val Venis, Bull Buchanan, and The Goodfather) vs. Chris Jericho (c)

Match Finish
All chaos breaks loose as the referee loses control of the match. Venis and Buchanan hold Y2J so Goodfather can hit the good train but he pulls Buchanan into Venis as Goodfather squashes his team mates. A confused Goodfather gets an enzuigiri from Y2J that knocks him out to the floor. Y2J snatches Venis off his feet and locks him in a Walls of Jericho! Buchanan attempts to break up the Walls but Bubba Ray Dudley out of nowhere pulls him out of the ring while Joel has the referee distracted. Venis taps!!! The referee turns around and rings for the bell!
Your WINNER and STILL WWF Intercontinental Champion, Chris Jericho.

The Goodfather jumps Jericho right after the bell rings. He holds him for Venis to attack him but D-Von slides him the ring knocks Venis out of the ring. Buchanan attempts to clothesline Buchanan but D-Von ducks. Bubba slides into the ring and the Dudley Boyz catch Buchanan with the Dudley Death Drop off the rebound! A visibly angry Steven Richards stares at the Dudleyz from the ramp.

[William Regal appears on the titantron]

William Regal
Congratulations Chris Jericho on successfully defending your championship. As a reward, you won't have to put that belt on the line again until Backlash when you take on me, William Regal in a Commissioner's Rules match! Have a bloody nice day sunshine.

Y2J looks on angrily as he picks himself up.

[We’re in the back with Stephanie, Vince, and Triple H]

Vince McMahon
Steph, you alright? Did he hurt you?

Stephanie McMahon
Daddy, I’m alright.

Triple H
I’m gonna kill him.

Vince McMahon
Calm down Hunter.

Triple H
I don’t want to calm down. What I want is to tear off a Hardy’s head. If I can’t have Matt, I demand to have Jeff in the ring, one on one, tonight.

Vince McMahon
You’ve got it! Bloody him up. Make him wish he never messed with the McMahon family.

Stephanie tries to get Vince’s attention.

Stephanie McMahon
Daddy, before I was taken hostage, I was trying to get a hold of you.

Vince McMahon
Sweetheart, can it wait, Hunter and I have some business to attend to.

Vince McMahon starts to walk away…

Stephanie McMahon
Mother called earlier and she said… well, she said she was coming to the arena, tonight.

Suddenly an expression overcomes Vince’s face, a removed look.

[We cut back to the ring]

:: 2nd Match ::
1st Round Match in the WWF Women’s Championship Tournament
Molly Holly vs. Melissa Anderson

This was a pretty short contest with the newcomer getting in a few good spots before Molly picked up the quick victory with a Molly-Go-Round.
Your WINNER of the match to ADVANCE in the Women’s title tournament, Molly Holly.

Molly Holly shakes Melissa’s hand and raises it to applause from the live crowd.

[We’re in the Hardy Boyz locker room]

Jeff Hardy
Matt, I think you went a little too far.

Matt Hardy
I did what I had to do to get my hands on Austin tonight. Who are you to question my methods? If it wasn’t for you I wouldn’t have had to do anything.

Jeff Hardy
If it wasn’t for me… you got something you want to say to me Matt?

Matt Hardy
Where were you?

Jeff Hardy
Where was I? Where was I when? You’re not making any sense.

Matt Hardy
Last week, when Triple H was holding me back and that sick bastard Austin… God, I can’t even bring myself to say it. Where were you?

Jeff Hardy
My God Matt… Austin jumped me and laid me out. Do you honestly think I didn’t care what happened to Lita and that I wanted it to happen?

Matt Hardy
To tell you the truth, I don’t know.

Matt walks out of the locker room.

[We cut to the ring for next match and Matt Hardy makes his way out alone]

:: 3rd Match ::
Matt Hardy vs. WWF Champion Steve Austin

Match Finish
Austin goes for the stunner, Matt counters with a Twist of Fate but Austin pushes Matt off. Triple H gets up on the ring apron and distracts the referee while Vince slides the title in the ring. Jeff runs out with a steel chair and chases Triple H to the back but it’s too late as Austin cracks Matt with the championship belt while the referee is distracted with the outside chaos. Austin covers Matt, 1… 2… 3!
Your WINNER of the match, Steve Austin.

[We’re in the back with Michael Cole who’s waiting for Matt Hardy]

Matt Hardy comes out from the behind the curtain.

Michael Cole
Matt, can I get word with you about what’s going in your head? Why are accusing your brother of not having your back?

Matt Hardy shoves Cole face first.

[We cut to Edge and Christian’s locker room]

Can you believe those tools? They’re brothers and they’re fighting like school girls. That’ll never happen to us, will it?

You got that right. The Hardy Boyz just don’t reek of awesomeness like we do.

Billy Gunn barges into their locker room.

Hey, BaBaBa Billy… do you mind?

You don’t just barge into the champs locker room.

Billy Gunn
Well, excuse me! I just thought I’d make you two a proposition. You see, it’s only a matter of time until I find a new tag team partner and we just take those straps from you losers so I figured I’d come in here and ask if you wanted to take the easy road and just hand them over now.

Two things buck-o; first, what makes you think you’ve earned these? [He holds up his championship belt] And two, last time I checked you didn’t have tag team partner, that’s kind of a prerequisite.

Listen chump-stain, you haven’t made any noise in the WWF for a long time, if you want a shot at us and the tag team titles… make an impact. Show everyone you mean serious business.

Billy Gunn
If you want an impact, you’re gonna get one.

Billy leaves with a big smirk on his face.

I can’t believe that gear box just walked in here. He’s such a loser.

You’ve got that right Christian, he totally does not reek of awesomeness.

[Kurt Angle comes out to the ring and asks for a mic]

Kurt Angle
Eddie, I can respect sticking up for your friend but where you went wrong was costing me the chance to be Intercontinental champion and stealing my gold medals. I fought with a broken fricken’ neck to win those, what did you ever do? Now, I’m going to give you to the count of three to give me gold medals or I’m going to the back and hunt you down.

[Eddie appears on the titantron wearing Kurt’s gold medals]

Eddie Guerrero
Look at me Holmes, I’m an Olympic gold medalist. [Eddie takes the medals off his neck and holds them in his hands] If you want these back, you’re going to have to come get ‘em.

Angle drops the mic and runs to the back.

[We’re in the backstage area with Angle]

Angle’s frantically looking for Eddie. He asks a backstage worker if he’s seen Eddie, he points to his dressing room. Angle enters Eddie’s locker room, Eddie’s nowhere to be found. Angle turns around to leave when he’s ambushed by the Radicalz! Saturn and Malenko beat him down as Eddie taunts Angle.

Eddie Guerrero
If you want your precious gold medals back, you’ll have to put up or shut up Kurt. I want you in the ring at Backlash in an “I Quit†match.

[We're back in the ring for the next contest]

:: 4th Match ::
Kane vs. The Big Show

Match Finish
Kane clotheslines Big Show over the top rope and to the floor. They battle on the floor while the referee makes the count. The Show attempts to ram Kane’s skull into the steel post but Kane counters him and sends Show into the post instead. Kane slides into the ring and Show stumbles to his feet but he’s late getting in the ring, the referee calls for the bell!
Your WINNER of the match as result of a count out, Kane.

Big Show furious that he lost, tries to knock Kane out with a strong right hand but Kane blocks and comes back with an uppercut throat thrust. Triple H slides into the ring and clocks Kane with a sledgehammer! Big Show yells to bring him outside. Big Show wraps Kane’s arm around the outside steel post while Triple H grabs a chair. Big Show holds Kane’s arm in place as Triple H whacks Kane’s arm with the chair. Kane falls to the ground clutching his arm but Triple H isn’t done with him. He continues to ram the tip of the chair into his arm while mocking him.
Triple H holds up the chair in celebration as his theme plays.

[We’re back from break with two unknown competitors waiting in the ring. Edge and Christian‘s theme plays]

After a good minute waiting for the champs to come out, a camera man is seen running on the titantron. He eventually stumbles upon Edge and Christian, who’ve been laid out in the backstage area.

[Billy Gunn’s Mr. Ass theme plays as he walks out with a cocky grin]

Billy Gunn grabs a microphone and slides into the ring.

Billy Gunn
I’m sorry but E and C just aren’t able to compete tonight. So Bad Ass Billy Gunn will just have do.

He attacks one of the young men with the mic [Hero].

:: 5th Match ::
Handicap Match
Billy Gunn vs. Chris Hero and
C.M. Punk

Gunn dominates these two upstarts from the beginning. Punk receives a big splash in the corner and followed up with jackhammer. Hero is picked up and slammed down with a One & Only. Gunn stalks Punk and when he gets to his feet, Gunn bounces off the rope and catches him with a Fame-Asser. He makes the cover and yells at the ref to make the count, 1... 2... 3!
Your WINNER of the match, Billy Gunn.

Billy Gunn picks the mic back up.

Billy Gunn
That right there is how you make an impact!

Edge and Christian way their way to the ramp holding their heads.

That’s how you want to re-establish yourself? By jumping guys from behind and attacking two jobbers?

I’m real impressed Mr. Ass. It takes a lot of guts to practically murder two guys trying to get in the WWF, let alone attacking their original opponents when they weren’t looking. If you want a shot at us that bad, you’ve got it.

You’ve got twenty day… that’s almost three weeks to find a partner because at Backlash, the fun and games are over. We’re going to own your ass!

:: 6th Match ::
Triple H vs. Jeff Hardy w/Matt Hardy

Before the match started Matt Hardy joined the commentary table.

Match Finish
Triple H whips Jeff into in the corner but Jeff runs up ropes and springs off with the whisper in the wind, knocking Triple H down. Jeff looks around the crowd and climbs the turnbuckle. Jeff motions that he’s going for it… SWANTON BOMB! But Triple H moves out of the way! Triple H picks up Jeff and puts him in position for the Pedigree but he takes to long to execute it and Jeff flips HHH off his feet into a jackknife pin! 1… 2… 3!
Your WINNER of the match, Jeff Hardy.

After the match Matt throws his headset down and walks to the back. He doesn’t seem pleased with his brother’s upset victory. Jeff looks on, puzzled by his brother’s actions as of late.

[We're in the backstage area with Vince and the Two Man Power Trip]

Vince McMahon
I'm going out alone tonight. I want to prove to my son and the whole world just who is the superior McMahon. Only come out as a last resort.

Steve Austin
Alright Vince... kick his ass!

Triple H
Good luck man.

[We're back to the ringside area for the main event]

:: Main Event ::
Wrestlemania X-Seven Rematch
Street Fight
Shane McMahon vs. Vince McMahon

Match Finish
Shane has Vince propped in the corner. Shane wedges a trash can in front of his face and proceeds to climb the turnbuckle. But before Shane can jump off Austin runs down and pulls Vince out of the corner. Shane dares Austin to get in the ring. Austin stares down the winded McMahon. Shane stalks Austin with the steel chair in hand when Triple H gets in the ring and clubs Shane from behind. Triple H holds Shane for Austin to crack him the steel chair but Shane ducks and Austin cracks Triple H. Shane puts Austin down. Vince gets back up and low blows Shane. Vince grabs the chair and taunts Shane with it when suddenly --
A MASKED MAN slides into the ring with a steel pipe! He cracks Vince with it. Big Show comes down to the ring and dares the masked man swing the pipe at him. He swings the pipe but Show punches the pipe out of hand! Show throttles the masked man and prepares to chokeslam him but the man kicks Show in the nuts and DDT’s him into the matt. The masked man runs off into the crowd. Shane props himself up on the turnbuckle and dives off with an elbow drop and comes crashing down on the still prone body of Vince. He makes the cover, 1... 2... 3!
Your WINNER of the match, Shane McMahon.

Before Shane could celebrate his win, Austin jumps him. Vince begins directing traffic to his goons.

[To the surprise and dismay of Vince McMahon, Linda’s theme plays as she makes her way to the top of the ramp]

Linda McMahon
Vince, as usual you’ve gone too far. Forget everything you’ve done to me for the last few months because that’s despicable enough but what you’re doing now to own son is by far the lowest you‘ve ever sunk. I honestly don’t know what I’m going to do with you anymore. I can tell you Vince, divorce is definitely not off the table, anything‘s possible. Enough about you and me, I’ve always put up with your self driven ego trips but it’s time I put you on check. Because you’ve never cared who you hurt in the process of getting what you want. Take what happening to our daughter this evening. You put her in serious danger by allowing your superstars to run wild. And then there is the matter of Shane. Because your son has the courage to embark on an adventure of his own, you try to what? End is career or even the unthinkable, his life? You’ve gotten out of control and then I look at what you’ve done to the WWF while I’ve been out of it but guess what Vince? I’m not on the drugs anymore and I’m in complete control of my faculties. With that being said, I’m going back to work as the CEO of the World Wrestling Federation. There needs to be control around here and I’m afraid Commissioner Regal isn’t doing his job effectively. He’s too busy abusing his power for his own benefit. Therefore from this point forward, there’s a new sheriff in town and he’s someone you’re very familiar with Vince. A man who wrestled his very last match right here in this building, the “Heart Break Kid†Shawn Michaels!

Shawn Michaels comes out to a huge ovation for the crowd.

Shawn Michaels
You know, it’s quite refreshing to see things haven’t changed at all since I left. You’re still up to your old tricks but now you’ve just got new dogs performing them. Well, let me tell you, as the new commissioner of the WWF, things are going to get under control around here and your attack dogs are going to the kennel to learn to behave. There won’t be any more accidents on the carpet, I mean it. In all seriousness, you’ve lost control Vince and it’s time that I cleaned up your mess. As of right now, the Undertaker’s suspension is lifted! He’ll be on Smackdown this Thursday. That leads me to your goon squad attacking Kane when you had Undertaker bared from the arena… at Backlash, I’m making a match, not any match but a six man war. It’ll be the Undertaker… his brother Kane, and your own son… Shane McMahon and they’ll be taking on the Big Show, Triple H, and the WWF champion, Stone Cold Steve Austin. And don’t think you’re getting a reprieve Austin because your title will be on the line. First man to score a pinfall wins the championship. Oh, and one last thing, that’s the bottom line cause the heartbreak kid said so.

HBK’s theme plays as Austin flashes his title at Michaels and the show comes to a close.


Quick Results

Chris Jericho defeated The Right to Censor via submission in a handicap match to retain WWF Intercontinental title at 9:38

Molly Holly defeated Melissa Anderson via pinfall to advance in the WWF Women's title tournament at 4:36

Steve Austin defeated Matt Hardy via pinfall at 11:13

Kane defeated The Big Show via countout at 6:21

Billy Gunn defeated Chris Hero and C.M. Punk via pinfall in a handicap match at 2:47

Jeff Hardy defeated Triple H via pinfall at 12:35

Shane McMahon defeated Vince McMahon via pinfall in a street fight at 15:51

Confirmed Matches for Backlash

The Corporation (Steve Austin, Triple H, and The Big Show) vs. Shane McMahon and The Brothers of Destruction (The Undertaker and Kane) in a Six Man War for the WWF Championship

William Regal
vs. Chris Jericho in a Commissioner's Rules Match for the WWF Intercontinental Championship

The Finals in the WWF Women's title tournament

Edge and Christian vs. Billy Gunn and a partner of his choosing for the WWF Tag Team Championship



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Another solid show. Loved that ending.

Ricky Smarks

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*News from various wrestling sites*

The World Wrestling Federation has been scouting local independent wrestling promotions for enhancement talent and future breakout superstars. So far the WWF has taken a look at Steel Domain Wrestling and IWA: Mid South. Reportedly they have been impressed with a number of female talent that will be used in the Women's title tournament and a few male talent that will be used to job to the superstars of the WWF. Keep coming back as further information becomes available.


*Breaking News*

Shane McMahon has informed that he will be allowing WCW talent to perform at WWF live events to introduce the WWF fans to what the WCW brand has to offer. WCW talent are due to start working WWF live events as soon as this Wednesday when the WWF holds live events in New Hampshire. Stay tuned for more details.

Ricky Smarks

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WWF Live Event

April 11, 2001
Hampton, Hew Hampshire

Special Attraction Matches

The Yung Dragons (Kaz and Yang) defeated Air Raid (A.J. Styles and Paris) via pinfall

Chavo Guerrero, Jr. defeated Elix Skipper via pinfall


Chris Jericho defeated The Goodfather via submission to retain the WWF Intercontinental title

Raven defeated X-Pac
, Crash Holly, and Spike Dudley in a fatal four-way hardcore match via pinfall

The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray and D-Von) defeated Billy Gunn and K-Kwik via pinfall

Stone Cold Steve Austin defeated Matt Hardy to retain the WWF title


Ricky Smarks

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April 12, 2001
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

[We open the show with a video recap of last Monday night and the announcement of the Heartbreak Kid returning to the WWF… after the video finishes playing and the Raw opening comes to a close, The Undertaker makes his way out to the ring]

The Undertaker stands in the ring for a few moments trying to collect himself before asking for a microphone.

The Undertaker
In my decade of destruction here in the World Wrestling Federation, I’ve seen it all and I’ve done it all but what’s going on in the WWF now is absolutely sickening. Austin, Triple H… you claim to be the most dominate force ever assembled?! Maybe you’ve forgotten just who in the hell the brothers of destruction are. But then again maybe you didn’t. You conveniently wait until after we’re escorting out if the building before making an open challenge. Then what do you boys do to prove your dominance, beat the team that challenged you? Nope, you damn near kill their girlfriend. Despicable Austin, even for you. To top it all off… Triple H, you attack my brother, Kane?! When you knew damn well that I had been suspended and barred from the arena. That makes you real tough don’t it? You try to injury him, put him out… well you succeeded. He’s not here tonight but don’t think you’ve permanently put him on the shelf. My brother will be back and when he returns, watch your back. Austin, Triple H… you’ve made a volatile mistake when you messed with the brothers of destruction. You’ve awoken two sleeping tigers and I can only ask, was it worth it? You boys want to make a name for yourselves? Off the brothers of destruction?! Well, you’re going to get your wish and when it’s all said and done --

[Vince McMahon interrupts the Undertaker and makes his way to the ring]

Vince McMahon
I don’t know what you think you’re doing but you’re not going to come out here on my show and say slanderous things about the WWF Champion. You’re suspension shouldn’t have been lifted but there isn’t anything I can do about that now. --

The Undertaker
I’m gonna cut you off right here. Slanderous?! There isn’t a single thing I just said that wasn’t true or that I’m not going to make come true. I promise you that. And you want to talk about me… what about you and what you’re trying to do to your own flesh and blood?

Vince McMahon
Contrary to popular belief, I’m not the bad guy here. Try to see things from my perspective, my only son goes behind my back and buys WCW right from underneath me. The one true threat to me and everything I’ve built. What does he do after he embarrasses me on live TV, he goes on to pulverize and humiliate me at my biggest creation, Wrestlemania.

The Undertaker
Is this the part where I’m supposed to feel sorry for you?

Vince McMahon
Look dammit, I’ve worked too hard to let Shane and WCW put me, Vincent Kennedy McMahon and the World Wrestling Federation out to pasture. The moment he bought out WCW and made it clear he wanted to see me and the WWF go down, he was no longer my son --
but if you want to see my as the villain of the story… then I mind as well play the part. Tonight, since you seem vocal about your distaste towards the Two-Man Power Trip, I’m gonna give you a match with them in this very ring. IN A HANDICAP MATCH!

[HBK appears on the titantron]

Shawn Michaels
That’s where you’re wrong Vin man. I wasn’t appointed the new Sheriff around these parts to let you continue to run amuck. If you and your boys want some action then it will be under my terms. Tonight there will be a preview of things to come when your corporate stooges take on the team of the Undertaker and two men I’m sure still have issues to settle… the Hardy Boyz!

Vince becomes extremely agitated at the announcement.

[We cut to break and return with the first contest]

:: Opening Match ::
Billy Gunn and K-Kwik vs. The APA
(Bradshaw and Faarooq)

Match Finish
K-Kwik comes in off the hot tag ducks a clothesline from Bradshaw, bounces off the ropes and launches himself at Bradshaw with a spinning forearm smash. K-Kwik dropkicks Faarooq off the apron. He waits for Bradshaw to start getting him… he runs to ropes, looking for the axe kick -- Billy Gunn blind tags himself in. Kwik just stands there, bewildered as to why Gunn would tag himself in now… Gunn runs off the ropes attempting the Fameasser but Bradshaw moves out of the way. He grabs Gunn and attempts to whip him into the corner but Gunn counters the whip into a whip of his own and Bradshaw crashes into the turnbuckle. Gunn sets up for a big splash in the corner… Gunn runs and jumps but Bradshaw gets out of the way at the last second, Gunn smacks into the top of the turnbuckle! Bradshaw runs off the ropes, CLOTHESLINE FROM HELL! Faarooq returns the favor and pulls Kwik off the apron… Bradshaw makes the cover, 1... 2... 3!
Your WINNERS of the match, Bradshaw and Faarooq.

After the match Billy begins to berate K-Kwik but he won’t have any of it and fires back with a kick to the midsection and a running Axe Kick! --

Edge and Christian slide into the ring with steel chairs! Billy gets to his feet and is meet with a con-chair-to!

[We’re in the Hardy Boyz locker room, Triple H barges in]

Triple H
I hope you didn’t think I was just going to forget about you kidnapping my wife.

Matt Hardy
Hunter, no harm came to your wife… it’s not like I, hypnotically snapped her neck with a folding chair.

Triple H
Listen Matt, that was Austin’s deal --

Matt Hardy
So you do everything the boss tells you?

Triple H
Mind games don’t work on the Game… I’m sorry Austin went too far with your old lady but you are going to pay for the duress you put MY wife through. I know I have you tonight in the six-man but that’s not enough… I want you alone in that ring. I just spoke with the new Commissioner and the match has been signed for next week. You and me, one on one.

Matt Hardy
I look forward to it.

Triple H storms out as Jeff comes through door.

Jeff Hardy
What’s his deal?

Matt Hardy
Just settling some old business.

Jeff Hardy
Alright Matt, it’s time to lay it all out in the open… what’s bothering you?

Matt Hardy
Well Jeff, let’s start with the fact that my girlfriend is laid up in a hospital bed because of the egos of certain individuals on top and then we can get to the fact that you’ve been awfully selfish lately.

Jeff Hardy
Selfish… SELFISH Matt?!

Matt Hardy

Yeah, selfish. You care more about picking your spot then you do having my back.

Jeff Hardy

Matt Hardy
You came out during my match, distracting the referee I might add, and then you take off after Hunter… meanwhile I’m blasted from behind by Austin because you didn’t have my back out there.

Jeff Hardy
You may not believe this because of this paranoia going in your head right now but I came out to help you and the only reason I chased after Triple H was to make sure he didn’t interfere in your match. --
Look Matt, we need to get on the same page or we’re going to be annihilated out there tonight. This is our chance to not only step and prove ourselves as more than just tag team filler but to also avenge what they did to Lita… they’re going to pay for it, I promise you. What do say Matt, you wanna go out there and, to steal a certain WWF Champion’s catchphrase, whip somebody’s ass?

[Matt’s demeanor changes]

Matt Hardy
Oh, hell yeah!

[Matt and Jeff embrace as we cut to Lillian is standing by with Ivory]

Lillian Garcia
Ivory, what are your thoughts about the possible women you could be facing at Backlash for Women’s Championship?

Well, Lillian… seeing as the savior of Women’s wrestling never should lost the championship in the first place, I’m mainly keeping my focus on regaining what is rightfully mine, the Women’s Champion. The Right to Censor will prove to be stronger than ever when I plow through what ever harlots and bimbos stand in my way to becoming the virtuous role model for all the girls out there who watch the World Wrestling Federation.

[We cut back to the ring where two local independent female talent are in the ring]

:: 2nd Match ::
First Round Match in the WWF Women’s Title Tournament
Rain vs. Lacey

The match was a quick, fast contest where the two unknown talents showed the WWF fans everything they had before the young lady known as Lacey picked up the victory following a Implant DDT (Edgecution).
Your WINNER of the match to ADVANCE in the WWF Women's title tournament, Lacey.

[We’re in the backstage area with Steven Richards, Raven approaches]

Let me get this straight…. You, Stevie Richards, man without a backbone, is going to rid the WWF of every last visage of the extreme style? Now, I must quantify, does that include me Stevie? Because I’m gonna have a problem with that. --
You may speak now…

Steven Richards
Very funny Scotty. I see you haven’t lost your penchant for sarcasm and abuse. And yeah, that does include you. You were the bully of ECW and treated everyone around you like your personal baggage. I put up with your crap and humiliation for far too long. One day, I woke up and couldn’t recognize myself in the mirror anymore. I knew I needed to get out of that hell hole that was Extremely Crappy Wrestling. So I came here to the welcoming arms of the World Wrestling Federation. And I don’t like pollution like you and the rest of the scum, poising the great W..W..F..

If you want me gone Stevie, all you had to do was ask...

Raven smirks at Steven before kicking him in the gut and giving him a knee lift. Raven grabs a hold of the back of Steven’s neck and chucks him into the wall, head first.

Why don’t you meet me in the ring tonight if you think you’re man enough to get rid of Raven. It’s time I put you back where you belong, in your place. Quote the Raven, nevermore!

[We cut to the inside of the Commissioner’s office, William Regal walks in to find HBK sitting at the desk]

William Regal
What in the bloody hell are you doing sitting in MY chair, at MY desk?

Shawn Michaels
Didn’t you get the memo? [He chuckles to himself] You’re out and I’m in… Linda’s appointed me the new acting Commissioner. She didn’t feel you were being a fair and reasonable Commissioner. A little too much personal business for her liking and not enough keeping order around here.

William Regal
So what I am supposed to do now?

Shawn Michaels
You’re supposed to go out there and earn your paycheck just like everyone else… by wrestling --
You do know how to wrestle, don’t you?

William Regal
I’ve been fighting since I was fifteen years old on the mean streets of Black Pool. --
If you want to see me wrestle, be prepared to take notes. I’m going to stretch out that miserable toe rag, Y2J in the bloody beating of his life come Backlash.

Shawn Michaels
You don‘t have to wait ‘til Backlash to prove anything to me, you have a match tonight… as a matter of fact, it’s next. [HBK smirks]

[William Regal doesn’t seem pleased as we cut to ringside; Kurt Angle makes his way out for his match and asks for a mic]

Kurt Angle
I’m going to make this short and sweet. Eddie, if you want me in an “I Quit†match… you’re on pal but just remember you brought this on yourself when I break your ankle in two! Oh, it’s true… it’s damn TRUE!

:: 3rd Match ::
William Regal and WWF European Champion
Eddie Guerrero vs. Kurt Angle and WWF I.C. Champion Chris Jericho

Match Finish
Eddie Guerrero locks up Jericho into stalling vertical suplex… Jericho manages to wiggle himself free and land on his feet. Jericho pushes Eddie into one of the corner turnbuckles. Jericho runs to the adjacent rope as Eddie bounces out of the turnbuckle. Regal blind tags Eddie but Jericho doesn’t see it. Jericho comes off the rope and plants Eddie down with a one handed bulldog. Jericho runs to the ropes and springboards off with a LIONSAULT! Eddie rolls out of the way but Jericho lands on his feet. William Regal with a KNEE TREMBLER out of nowhere, connects on Jericho! Angle gets in the ring but is meet by Eddie, who clotheslines himself and Angle out of the ring. Regal makes the cover, 1... 2... 3!
Your WINNERS of the match, Eddie Guerrero and William Regal.

After the match, the rest of the Radicalz come out to ringside and beat down both Angle and Jericho as Regal assists in the beat down. Test and the APA run down the ramp and scare off the Radicalz and William Regal! Test gets a mic.

What’s a matter… you guys scared?! --
I don’t have anything to do tonight so why don’t one of you chickens, I don’t care which one, if you have a pair, meet me in the ring tonight!

Saturn motions to Test that he’ll take him on. Test smiles in approval as Perry does his signature taunt (hands locked, raised over his head).

[We’re in Commissioner Michaels’ office, X-Pac walks in]

Just the man I wanted to see. Now, that the incompetent Regal is no longer in charge, I thought I’d talk to a man who knows a true commodity when he sees it about getting some TV time around here.

Shawn Michaels
Let me get this straight… you come into my office without an appointment and you’re whining about not getting TV time?

Well, I am the Light Heavyweight Champion.

Shawn Michaels
Now that you mention, I recall you claiming to be the greatest Light Heavyweight in the world… would you like to put your money, where your mouth is?

Damn straight I will! Give me anyone you got. I’ve it said it before and I’ll say it again, I am this division… I became the new measuring stick for greatness that all Light Heavyweights are going to have to aspire to.

Shawn Michaels
I‘m so glad to hear you say that. Because I’ve devised a way you can show the world what X-Pac is made of. At Backlash, you’re going to put up your title in a Light Heavyweight Open. What that means is, any and all challengers that want to step up and try to “aspire†to the new measuring stick, will have the opportunity to do so when they face you as one of several challengers for the Light Heavyweight title, in a gauntlet match. This isn’t just limited to superstars of the WWF either, any Light Weight from around the world is eligible… so you better be prepared.

X-Pac shakes his head in complete shock and prepares to leave --

Shawn Michaels
Oh, As for that TV time you requested, I’m gonna give you a little warm up match tonight… good luck.

[We cut back to the ring]

:: 4th Match ::
WWF Light Heavyweight Champion X-Pac vs. Brian Christopher
w/Scotty 2 Hotty

Match Finish
Christopher charges at X-Pac but is meet head on with a spinning heel kick. X-Pac fires off the ropes with a quick leg drop. X-Pac climbs the turnbuckle and waits for Christopher to get to his feet. X-Pac comes off the top rope with a spinning wheel kick but Christopher ducks, X-Pac crashes into the mat. Christopher sees him laying on the mat and signals to the crowd that he’s going up. Christopher climbs the turnbuckle. He stops at top of the turnbuckle and gets his goggles out. He puts them on and whips them off but X-Pac is getting to his feet, Christopher took too long. X-Pac shakes the ropes and Christopher falls to the mat. X-Pac waits for Christopher to slowly get to his feet… kick to the gut, X-FACTOR! X-Pac makes the cover, 1... 2... 3!
Your WINNER of the match, X-Pac.

Dean Malenko is standing at the top of the ramp, watching X-Pac celebrate his win.

[Saturn’s music hits, Saturn and Malenko embrace before Malenko walks to the back and Saturn makes his way out to the ring for his match]

:: 5th Match ::
Perry Saturn vs. Test

Match Finish
Perry Saturn charges at Test with a clothesline, Test counters into a full nelson slam. Test makes the cover, 1... 2, kick out. Test argues with the official over the validity of the count. Saturn makes it to his feet and sets Test up for a side kick. Test grabs Saturn’s foot and swings it aside before knocking him down with a massive clothesline. Test grabs Saturn’s arm and slowly lifts him to his feet. Test has a cocky grin on his face as he applies the pump handle on Saturn. Test gets Saturn up onto his shoulders but Saturn slides off and bounces off the ropes… Test grabs Saturn off the rebound and slams him down with a tilt-a-whirl slam. Test makes the cover, 1...2, kick out. Test getting agitated gets to his feet and motions for the big boot! Test runs at Saturn but he ducks the boot and sweeps the legs out from underneath Test. Saturn motions to the ground that it’s over…. Saturn grapevines Test’s arm and reaches over to grab the other arm, he locks in RINGS OF SATURN! Test is fighting it but it becomes too much and he nods to the referee he wants submit! The referee rings the bell!
Your WINNER of the match, Perry Saturn.

[We cut to the Vince McMahon’s dressing room, where Vince is addressing Stone Cold and Triple H]

Vince McMahon
The Undertaker wants to come out here and run his mouth… well, he’s not going to get anyway it. I don‘t want you to hold anything back. I want you to go out there and absolutely destroy the Undertaker. When you’re done with him, he shouldn’t even be able to make it to Backlash.
Then we have this Hardy Boys nonsense. I’m sick of hearing them complain at every turn. They need to be made an example of them tonight. Don’t you even think of going soft on them. If they want to stick their noses in our business, they’re going to get everything that’s coming to them and then some

Steve Austin
You need calm yourself down, you’re going to have a stroke. Don’t worry yourself cause tonight, I’m not here to give the Hardy Boyz a hug or an apology or sing “Kum ba yah†to anybody…. I’m here to whoop somebody’s ass! And that’s the bottom line cause Stone Cold said so!

Austin leaves the room.

Triple H
(with a smirk on his face)
Yeah, what he said.

[We cut back to the ring for the next match]

:: 6th Match ::
Raven vs. Steven Richards

Match Finish
Raven Irish whips Steven into the corner turnbuckle… as Steven bounces off the turnbuckle, Raven runs to the adjacent rope and fires with a clothesline -- STEVIE KICK out of nowhere! Steven falls on Raven, 1... 2... Kick out! Steven gets to his feet and walks over the opposite corner. Steven begins tuning up the band. Raven slowly gets to his feet, STEVIE KICK… NO, Raven ducks. Raven grabs Steven into a front face hold… and plants Steven’s head into mat the with a RAVEN EFFECT DDT! Raven makes the cover, 1... 2... 3!
Your WINNER of the match, Raven.

Before Raven has a chance to get up, Buchanan starts laying some boots into Raven’s back. Val Venis gets in the ring and joins in on the beat down. Richards instructs Val and Buchanan to give Raven the dreaded spike piledriver. --
RHYNO comes through the crowd!!! He’s wearing a neck brace, he gets the ring. He sets up for a gore… Val Venis turns around and catches the GORE!!! GORE!!! GORE!!! Buchanan throws down Raven. He tries to clothesline Rhyno but Rhyno ducks and he is caught with a mini gore! Val Venis still perched on top of the turnbuckle tries to surprise Rhyno with an axe handle off the top but Rhyno kicks him in the midsection. Rhyno places Venis into a piledriver of his own and slams him down head first into the mat! Rhyno rips off his brace and throws it…

[We cut to the back where Lillian is waiting for Rhyno, Rhyno comes out from the curtain]

Rhyno, can I get a quick word from you?

You can get more than that and I already know what you’re going to ask so I’ll save us a lot of time. I came here tonight to prove a point.

What was that?

That we weren’t going to sit idly by as the Right to Censor drove us out of the WWF. If they want a war, they’ve got one. I’ve already spoken with the Dudleys and all I have to do is see if Raven’s on board but judging what just happened out there, I don’t think I’ll have to convince him. So I’m throwing it out there, we’re challenging the Right to Censor to a match at Backlash.

[We’re in the back with the Undertaker who is practicing his punches before he makes his way out to the ring; we cut back to ringside for the main event]

:: Main Event ::
Six-Man Backlash Preview Match
The Corporation
(Triple H, Steve Austin, and the Big Show) vs. The Hardy Boyz and The Undertaker

Match Finish
Not much of a wrestling contest, a lot of brawling inside and outside the ring. Austin Irish whips Jeff into the corner as Matt clubs him from behind. Jeff runs up and off the turnbuckle with Poetry in Motion! But Jeff connects with Matt! Matt rolls out of the ring holding his head. Matt stares at Jeff who’s standing by the ropes before he turns around and walks up the ramp. Jeff is caught off guard by Triple H. Undertaker and Austin start brawling through the crowd leaving Jeff alone with Triple H and the Big Show. Triple H whips Jeff into the ropes but he bounces back with a clothesline… Triple H ducks and Jeff knocks out the referee. Jeff turns around into PEDIGREE! Triple H makes the cover but the ref is still down. Triple H gets up and attempts to revive the ref. Jeff slowly stirs to his feet. Triple H charges at Hardy, he pulls down the ropes and Triple H crashes to the floor. The Big Show gets in the ring and dares Jeff to do something. Jeff gets up on the middle rope of the turnbuckle and jumps off at Show but he catches him! Big Show slams Jeff into the corner. Show gives Jeff a massive slap across the chest. Show calls for the choke slam. Show throttles Jeff with choke slam but Jeff counters into a DDT. Show grabs a hold of the ropes to get to his feet --
THE MASKED MAN appears on the outside and bashes Show with a steel chair!
Show stumbles backwards and Jeff catches him with a reverse TWIST OF FATE and climbs the turnbuckle… SWANTON BOMB! Jeff makes the cover, 1... 2... 3!
Your WINNERS of the match, The Undertaker, Matt, and Jeff Hardy.

The show comes to a close as the referee is raising, a barely able to stand, Jeff Hardy’s hand in victory.


Quick Results

The APA (Bradshaw and Faarooq) defeated Billy Gunn and K-Kwik via pinfall at 8:23

Lacey defeated Rain to advance in the WWF Women's title tournament at 4:52

William Regal and Eddie Guerrero defeated Chris Jericho and Kurt Angle via pinfall at 10:48

X-Pac defeated Brian Christopher via pinfall at 5:12

Perry Saturn defeated Test via submission at 12:37

Raven defeated Steven Richards via pinfall at 8:05

The Undertaker and The Hardy Boyz (Matt and Jeff) defeated The Corporation (Triple H, Steve Austin, and The Big Show) via pinfall at 14:41

Confirmed Matches for RAW IS WAR

Triple H vs. Matt Hardy

Confirmed Matches for WWF Backlash

The Corporation (Steve Austin, Triple H, and The Big Show) vs. Shane McMahon and The Brothers of Destruction (The Undertaker and Kane) in a Six Man War for the WWF Championship

William Regal
vs. Chris Jericho in a Commissioner's Rules Match for the WWF Intercontinental Championship

The Finals in the WWF Women's title tournament

Edge and Christian vs. Billy Gunn and a partner of his choosing for the WWF Tag Team Championship

Eddie Guerrero
vs. Kurt Angle in an I Quit match

Light Heavyweight Open for X-Pac's WWF Light Heavyweight Championship

*Card subject to change*



Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2011
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You got this, man. You got this by the ass!

Keep up the good work. :nodsmile:

Ricky Smarks

Jun 28, 2010
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WWF Live Event

April 13, 2001
Ft. Myers, FL

Special Attraction Matches

Three Count (Shane Helms and Shannon Moore) defeated Hugh Morrus and Chavo Guerrero, Jr. via pinfall

Johnny the Bull vs. Billy Kidman ended in a no contest after Bradshaw clotheslined both competitors
[He then proceeded to grab a mic and tell the audience that this was a "WWF" live event and the show they came to see was gonna finally commence]


Chris Jericho defeated William Regal via submission to retain the WWF Intercontinental title

Test defeated
Faarooq and Rikishi in a triple threat match via pinfall

Rhyno defeated Bradshaw in a hardcore rules match via pinfall after interference by a swarm of WCW talent (Hugh Morris, Chavo Guerrero, Billy Kidman, Johnny Stamboli) flocked the ring and laid out Bradshaw

Short intermission while security escorted the WCW guys out of the arena

The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray and D-Von) defeated The Hardy Boyz (Matt and Jeff) via pinfall

The Undertaker defeated Big show via count out

WWF Jakked/Metal



April 14, 2001
Boston, MA

The Radicalz (Dean Malenko and Perry Saturn) defeated Low-Ki and Homicide via submission

Jerry Lynn
defeated Bryan Danielson
via pinfall

defeated Gary Swinger
via pinfall

Steve Blackman and Grandmaster Sexay defeated Sho Funaki and Taka Michinoku via pinfall

(Believe or not, Brian Danielson and Low-Ki were both already being used on WWE TV at the time but nothing ever came of it)​


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2011
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More, I want more!


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2011
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I said I want more :p

Sole Survivor

Apr 30, 2010
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Seen this on WC and I am looking forward to this thread taking off because you did take a break from the on WC. Looking forward to Backlash!


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Jan 11, 2011
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Yeah, he said he'd start working again in very soon. Looking forward to it. :)

Still, I'm a bit disappointed by your lack of use of Taka and Funaki (Kai En Tai). I must be the only one in the world who really enjoyed their "Evil" gimmick, haha. Too bad they were nothing more than glorified jobbers by 2001. :p