ECW! This Is Extreme

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Aug 16, 2007
Reaction score
yea but if u have a PPV and is supposed to be 3 hours and it is about the same as a reg. show, then it makes ur PPV seem like it is only 1-2 hours and not any special


Active Member
May 23, 2007
Reaction score
lmao look at our roster. And I made an announcement that we werent a "real" company until we get a better hold of things. And also the original December to Dismember was alot worse than this.


Dec 22, 2007
Reaction score
dude Snitsky vs. Mark Henry would be better then the real ECW 2006 December to Dismember lol, here is my review for this PPV

BM: Main Event

WM: RVD vs. Dupree

BP: Shelton Benjamins


AC: It was a good PPV, but i agree with Nate it was pretty short for a PPV, like the matches and everything. But keep up the good work and keep the BTB going, good luck

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

just give dylan time so that he can build a roster. there is no hurry man.

bm: m/e
wm: gunna have to say the opener
bp: shelton
wp: na
af: im not worried abou the length of the show, because your starting off small and building up. which makes this more realistic tbh

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: Main Event

Worst Match: RVD/Dupree

Best Promo: Shelton Benjamin's promo after his win

Worst Promo: n/a

Additional Feedbacks: Looks like you've also got Benjamin as your main man! The show is great and way better than the original D2D, well... I still liked it's Elimination Chamber match, lol... I will see what will happen next especially on how the Benjamin/Punk fued goes on.

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

^^i hated ec match. why you ask? lashley i answer. punk vs shelton should rock!


Active Member
May 23, 2007
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lol everyone obvisually liked the Benjamin promo. Though you would like the RVD one.

Cristian Cage

New Member
Nov 4, 2007
Reaction score
Hi for those of you who dont know im the promo writer and GFX artist of this btb


It has been reported that Chris Jericho has been backstage through several house shows lately. There is no confirmation of whether he is negotiating a contract with them yet but rumor has it they may seal a deal soon


Cristian Cage

New Member
Nov 4, 2007
Reaction score
Another 2 signings has been announced

Stevie Cool will be soon reunited with his buddies The Blue Meanie and Hollywood Nova. With those 3 back together who knows whats going to happen.



THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

bwo! and a y2j arrival. should help create new feuds


ECW Show from Mahatten New York!

TJ Here gonna do the show for Dylan. Incase you people aren't noticing I'm the new partner for Dylan.


Taz: "Welcome to ECW!"

JS: "What a show it's going to be."

Rene comes out to the ring

Rene: "You know at December to Dismember I was defeated in the opener match. By RVD."

Crowd Cheers

Rene: "It was a fluke."

Crowd Booes

Rene: "And what does 'Mr. PPV' does? Buys the TV title instead of earning it!"

RVD comes out on the ramp

RVD: "Listen if you want me soooooo bad why don't we face off right now for the TV title."

RVD makes his way down to the ring

Rene: "Hold On!"

RVD stops

Rene: "I want you to take a look at this."

Screen Shows a video from D2D

RVD: See this T.V. title around my waist? Well get used to this sight because you are going to see it for a long time, There is no one in this business never mind this company that I can’t beat in 10 mintues.

Rene: "Big talk huh RVD? Live up to that daring promise. If you can't beat me in 10 minutes, I win and win the TV title."

RVD: "I'm not going back down from my promise. YOUR ON!!!"

RVD enters the ring

Match #1 10:00 Minute Time Limit Match for TV Title
RVD vs. Rene Dupree

They circle up. RVD goes and tries to lock up with Rene. Rene slaps the taste outta RVD's mouth. RVD turns around. RVD stands up and looks at the crowd. RVD smirks and hits a RVD dropkick on Rene. RVD gets up quickly and hits a crazy looking leg sweep on Rene who just got up. RVD hits a beautiful standing moonsualt. RVD jumps up and hits a standing leg drop. RVD goes across the ropes and goes for the rolling thunder.

Rene sticks his knees up and RVD lands on it. Rene gets up and apllies a headlock - Time 1:13. Rene wrenches it and wrenches it, trying to buy some time. RVD gets up, elbowing Rene as he stands. RVD gets behind him and back suplexs him. RVD jumps up to his feet and goes for the Rolling Thunder. He stops because Rene rolls out of the ring. RVD walks to him and goes for a slingshots cross body. Rene moves out of the way.

Rene picks him up and irish whips him into the Corner Post. Rene moves him in the way - Time 3:56. Rene climbs to the top and tries for a leg drop. RVD moves out of the way and Rene lands on his ass. RVD jumps up and roundhouse kicks the sitting Rene. RVD then hits a standing senton. Cover 1...2... kickout! RVD climbs to the top and signals for the Five Star Frogsplash. Rene moves outta dodge. RVD jumps off and tries for a Rolling Thunder starting from the top rope. He lands on Rene's knees, again.

Rene apllies a bow and arrow and wrenches it. RVD stands up and flips over Rene. Rene turns around and RVD enzugiris him. Cover 1...2... kickout! - Time 6:42. RVD looks at the time and looks back at Rene. RVD climbs to the top and delivers the Five Star Frog Splash. Cover 1...2...3! Winner and Still Champion, RVD!

RVD Grabs the mic

RVD: "Rene you were the first of many future wins for RVD."

RVD Drops the mic and leaves


Super Crazy is in the ring and is waiting for his opponent

Marcus Cor Von comes out

Match #2
Cor Von vs. Crazy

Cor Von tries to stay with Crazy who moves around the ring quickly to catch Cor Von off guard. Crazy gets behind Cor Von. Cor Von lays some elbows in Crazy's face. Crazy lets go and Cor Von grabs him and tosses him outta the ring. Cor Von tuants to the crowd as Crazy makes it to the ring. Cor Von goes for him and Crazy dropkicks the knee of Cor Von. Then Crazy ddts him. Cover 1... kickout which sends Crazy flying! Crazy gets up and hits a standing moonsualt, 1...2... Cor Von sits up with Crazy and rolls out and threw on his feet and brings Crazy up.

Last Call on Crazy. Cover 1...2... Cor Von picks him up again and delivers another Last Call. Cor Von picks up a limb Crazy and irish whips him. Cor Von goes for the POUNCE, but when he leaves his feet, Crazy ducks. Cor von lands hard on his stomach. Crazy goes on the top for a Crazy Moonsualt and notices Cor Von get up. Crazy does the bakc flip landing on his feet, but when he did that Cor Von smashed him with the POUNCE! Cover 1...2...3! Winner Marcus Cor Von!

Burke comes out and enters the ring only to hit Crazy with the Elijah Exprience. They holds their hands in victory.

(Camera Cuts Backstage)

Matt Striker is in full view

Striker: "At December to Dismember I lost my match to Sandman who competed Dishonorably. I'm asking for Sandman to face me in a Submission match tonight."

Crowd Cheers

Striker: "That is unless your to chicken."

Crowd Booes

(Camera Cuts To Paul Heyman's Office)

Paul Heyman is in full veiw along with Team Xtreme

Paul: "Tonight is the debut of one BWO."

Crowd Cheers

Paul smiles at this reaction

Paul: "Well they are having a match as a team. Well guess who they're facing?"

Crowd Chants BWO! BWO!

Paul: "All four members of Team Xtreme. In Extreme Rules. Hahahahaahahaahahahahaahaahahaahaha!"

Crowd Booes


Sandman is seen in the ring

Sandman: "You want to call me a chicken? Well come out here so i can kick your skinny pussy ass right now!!!!!!!!"

Sandman holds the Cane in the air and dares Striker to come out

Striker's music hits and he comes threw the crowd. He swips the Cane form Sandman who has his back turn to him and smacks him in the head with the cane. Striker looks at the cane a throws it out of the way. The bell rings.

Match #3 Submission match
Striker vs. Sandman

Striker looks and tuants the down Sandman. Striker puts a headlock on Sandman and wrenches it. Sandman gets to his feet and knocks Striekr off. Striker kicks sandman low and ddts him. By the way there is no DQ in Submission matches so that was legal. Striker starts stomping on Sandman. Striker puts a leg lock on and Sandman pulls himself outta the ring in a few mintues. Striker kicks Sandman and enters the ring. Sandman gets up slowly. Striker losses patience and goes after Sandman.

Sandman starts smacking Striker with lefts and rights and then suplexs him on the mat. Sandman rolls Striker in the ring and climbs the top rope for the rolling rock. Striker moves out of the way. Striker apllies a STF. Sandman inches his way to the ropes and pulls himself out of the ring. Striker goes on the other side and grabs the cane. Sandman rolls in the ring. Striker tuants the crowd and swings at Sandman. Sandman hits Striker low. Sandman grabs the cane. Sandman starts smashing Striker in the head and body with the cane. Sandman looks at Striker with evil glares. He puts the cane around Striker's neck and pulls back. Striker taps at this hold! Winner The Sandman!

Sandman smashes Striker with the cane multiple times then leaves


BWO comes out

Stevie cool: "From the BWO to all the fans out there and to Team Xtreme, I got three simple words for ya! WHERE - TAKEN - OVER!"

Crowd roars

Team Xtreme Comes out

Paul: "Lets see how you do against all four members of Team Xtreme."

Crowd Booes

Main Event 4 vs. 3 Extreme Rules
Team Xtreme (Heyman's Enforcer, Chavo, Shelton) vs. BWO (Stevie, Nova, and Meanie)

Shelton starts off with Stevie. Shelton circles around with a smile on his face. Stevie kicks Shelton in the gut and goes for a ddt. Shelton wiggles out and clotheslines him. Shelton apllies a headlock. Stevie gasps for air. Meanie and Nova enters the ring and all hell breaks loose. Chavo drops down and throws weapons in the ring while the Enforcers beat up Nova and Meanie with their handy sticks.

Chavo gets out a Trash can which he throws in the ring. Shelton catches it and Stevie drops Shelton on it with a drop toe hold. Stevie slingshot crossbodys Chavo. Chavo moves out of the way. Chavo grabs a chair from Heyman. He swings and Stevie ducks. Chavo hits the pole and drops the chair from vibration. Stevie picks the chair up and smacks it over the head of Chavo. Stevie enters the ring and one of the Enforecers grabs his head and headbutts him.

Cover 1...2... Meanie breaks it up and throws the Enforcer out of the ring. The other grabs both sticks and starts mugging Meanie. Nova picks Shelton up and Power slams him. Nove goes across the opes and hits the Hollywood Nova Leg Drop. Cover 1...2... Kickout! Stevie gets to his feet and sets Shelton up for the Stevie Kick. Chavo enters the ring and smacks a cane over the face of Stevie. Nova big boots Chavo. Chavo falls back into the the turnbuckle sitting up.

Nova irish whips Shelton to the turnbuckle Chavo's at. Shelton stops him self and jumps over the Sharging Nova who hits the turnbuckle. Nova stands straight up and stagger a bit. Chavo grabs his leg and Shelton kicks Nova in the bakc of the head. Nova smashes his head on the turnbuckle and Chavo gets up and School boys Nova, 1...2... Stevie pulls Chavo off and Stevie kicks him. A Enforcer enters the ring with a table and sets it.

The Enforcers double chokeslams Meanie threw the table. Cover 1...2... Nova breaks it up and clothesline the other Enforcer out of the ring.Nova goes with them. The other Enforcer puts the trash can in the middle of the ring. Stevie jumps on the aporn and is met by Shelton who grabs him and T-bones him with no bridge and Stevie goes slamming into the Trash can. Shelton picks Stevie up and hits the Straight to Hell. Cover 1...2...3! Winners, Team Xtreme!

Shelton grabs the mic and holds it to his mouth

Shelton: "I showed you, there ain't now stoping me now!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Team Xtreme all holds there hands in victory

*End Of Show*​


Feb 7, 2007
Reaction score
Miami, Florida
Best Match - Team Extreme vs BWO it was a pretty good match some nice spots

Worst Match - Cor Von vs Crazy it was basically a jobber match and some more detail could have been put into it.

Best Promo - Rene Dupree's I felt there could have been more but it was still good.

Worst Promo - Strikers a lot more could have been done with this it didnt seem that realistic either.

Overall Thought It was an ok show I've seen woorse and I've seen better work on your promos is my advice to improve.