ECW: Bringing Home Extreme!

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THE Renegade Diesel

Active Member
Jun 26, 2008
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Best Match: I liked the Shelton/ Mysterio match more than the main event.. Dreamer popping out in the main event kind of killed it.. I wouldv'e liked a clean match.. A possible Edge face?

Worst Match: Stevie Richard's vs. Mike Knox.. To short, and I don't really like the two...

Best Promo: The opener was pretty in character.. I wouldv'e liked to see Rob throw in some dude's... lol..

Worst Promo: Miz, and Morrison.. I really enjoy writing the two, and I don't think they were much in character.. But good to see that match next week..

Additional Comment's: Pretty good show.. Check out my ECW BTB, I will review next week.. The six pack challenge look's good... Good luck brother, hope this stick's for abit..


Apr 20, 2008
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ECW #3
July 15th, 2008

The camera goes to the arena where don’t question my heart plays throughout the arena. So pryo goes off, before the camera pans around the arena. We then cut over to the announcers table to Joey Styles and Tazz. They welcome us to the show and tell us what we can expect. They then send it up to the ring where Tony Chimel is standing by at. He announces the next match, and introduces the superstars who are in it, whicha re John Morrison and The Miz.

The Miz tells John Morrision to lay down for him, but Morrison tells him otherwise. Morrison tells him to lay down, yet Miz doesn’t do it. They then get smiles on their faces, and they go to walk out of the arena as the crowd boos and the referee calls for the bell. As they get toward the stage area, Morrison turns to Miz, and hits him with a hard right hand. Miz goes down to the ground as the crowd pops for Morrison. Morrison then helps Miz up to his feet and hits a corkscrew neckbreaker! The crowd pops like crazy! Morrison helps Miz up to his feet and takes him over to the stage, and looks like he is going to throw the Miz off of the stage through some tables, but Miz counters it, comes behind John Morrison and pushes him off the stage through the tables! Morrison looks to be out as Miz smiles at him, trash talks him a little, then eventually walks to the back.


John Morrison is seen being helped around backstage, holding his back, but refusing to be on a stretcher. Miz walks up to him and starts telling him how useless he is, and that they are done as a tag team. Morrison looks up shakes his head yes, then slaps Miz right in the face to a huge pop from the crowd! Miz tries to attack Morrison again, but some people restrain him from doing so. The camera then cuts back to the ring.

Styles and Tazz don’t believe what has happened, that The Miz and John Morrison aren’t tag team partners anymore. Tazz says that in the future, he thinks their will be another match between the two, but this time it will be a real match, as real as it will get.

Camera once again cuts backstage to where Josh Matthews is standing by. His guest is Rey Mysterio. He asks him what his thoughts are on facing MVP later on tonight. Rey tells him that he is no stranger to MVP, and that they have fought before. MVP may have beaten him, but he did not do it clean. MVP walks into the scene to some heat. He tells Rey that it doesn’t matter how he beat him in the past, even if it was dirty. He then says that playing dirty, is now legal, and he will get as dirty as he needs too, to win the match. MVP walks away as the camera cuts to commercial.


MVP vs Rey Mysterio is the match that will be next. The match had some good back and fourth action. Mysterio wanted to beat MVP this time, as MVP wanted to beat Mysterio once again. Some Extreme action happened during the match, but not to much. MVP hit Mysterio square in the face with the chair, and you could see a little bit of blood through Mysterio’s mask. The ending of the match saw MVP coming at Mysterio with a steel chair as Mysterio was on the ground. Mysterio backed away from MVP until he was close to the rope. He then let MVP advance toward him with the chair. Mysterio then delivered a good drop-toe hold, that made MVP go to the bottom rope, and hit his face on the steel chair. Mysterio jumps up then comes off the ropes and delivers a 619! MVP flied back to the middle of the ring from the impact! Mysterio waits on the apron for MVP to get up. Finally, MVP makes it to his feet, and Mysterio jumps on the top rope, then jumps off and lands a hurricarana on MVP which results in the three count.

Camera cuts backstage Teddy Long. He starts to make a main event for tonight. He gets to say six-man tag match, but he doesn’t say who are in it, as Chavo Guerrero and Bam Neely walk in. They talk about their victory last week as a team, and how good they are. Chavo then says that their talent is being misused. Teddy then tells them that he was about to announce the main event, but he’s going to make some changes to it. Tonight, right here on ECW, it will be a eight man tag team elimination match! With John Cena, Tommy Dreamer, Jeff Hardy and RVD teaming up to take on Mike Knox, Shelton Benjamin…and Chavo Guerrero and Bam Neely! Teddy then tells them that they and everyone else better get ready for that match, cause it is coming up very soon!


Camera comes back to the Raw Rebound.

Raw Rebound
-Shows WWE Championship contreversey.

Joey Styles and Tazz run down the card for Great American Bash

The Eight Team Elimination Match is up next. Mike Knox, Shelton Benjamin, Chavo Guerrero and Bam Neely are all in the ring, as ECW cuts to commercial.


All eight members of the match are in the ring, and the bell rings. So far the match has gone on for about eighteen minutes. Mike Knox, Tommy Dreamer, Shelton Benjamin, and Jeff Hardy have been eliminated, leaving the match John Cena and RVD vs Chavo Guerrero and Bam Neely. Chavo and Bam would have a chance to show their talents to everyone, and prove that they really are good if they win this match. Guerrero is in the ring with RVD. He is in control after a rake of the eyes to RVD. He has RVD on the ground, and he comes off the ropes like he is going to hit RVD, but then he makes way toward Cena and hits him off the ropes. Cena flies back and hits the barricade. Chavo Guerrero hits RVD with a few right hands before whipping him into his corner. Chavo tags in Bam Neely, then he holds RVD, so that Bam can kick him int the gut. Chavo gets out of the ring and gets a trash can lid out of the ring, and tosses it into the ring for Bam to use, however as Bam is going for it, RVD kicks him straight in the mouth, making him go back. With enough time, RVD picks up the trash can lid and walks over to Bam Neely and hits him with it straight in the head! Bam Neely falls to the mat as RVD goes to the turnbuckle, and jumps to the top rope. RVD jumps off and hits a frogsplash! Chavo starts to get in the ring, but Cena runs into the ring at that time and clotheslines Chavo out of the ring. RVD covers Bam Neely and gets the three. Bam Neely is eliminated. Chavo looks furious at this, and he slides in the ring. RVD tags in Cena. Chavo then looks at Bam who is going to the back. As Cena is going for him, Chavo slides out of the ring really fast. He walks to the back with Bam Neely. The team off Rob Van Dam, John Cena, Jeff Hardy and Tommy Dreamer are declared the winners and RVD and Cena have a staredown to end the show.


Final ECW Great American Bash Card

ECW World Championship
Six-Pack Challenge
Jeff Hardy vs Tommy Dreamer vs John Cena vs Mike Knox vs Shelton Benjamin vs Rob Van Dam​

Thanks for reading! I know it wasn't much, but i really want to start working on GAB. The final Great American Bash card which includes Raw and Smackdown will be posted today or tomorrow!


Active Member
May 17, 2008
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Milwaukee, WI
BM: Eight man tag- it was the best written match of the night but...
WM: Eight man tag- at the same time it could also be called the worst match because of how rushed the match felt.
BP: Recap promos are hard to judge.
WP: see BP
AC: I liked the begining of the Miz/Morrison match... This show wasn't as good as your past ones.
Plug: Don't forget to check out POI Episode 20 this sunday.


Apr 20, 2008
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Great American Bash Preview

WWE Championship
Triple H© vs Big Show
When Triple H was drafted to Smackdown, Vickie Guerrero didn’t want HHH on the show at all. She decided that at Great American Bash, Triple H would have to put his WWE Championship on the line against the Big Show. With the weeks leading up to this, Vickie Guerrero put Triple H in matches with The Great Khali Umaga, among others. Triple H would manage to pull out all the stops and defeat these monsters, but every time after the match, he would be ambushed. Big Show would come out and save Triple H every time though, ensuring that he was 100% for their Championship Match. Two weeks before Great American Bash, Triple H was in a handicap match facing Kahli and Umaga. He won the match, but once again after the match he was ambushed. Big Show came out and saved him, but afterward when Triple H pedigreed Big Show and stood over him with the WWE Championship. On the Smackdown before the Great American Bash, Triple H and Big Show teamed up to take on the Mr. Kennedy and Umaga in a foes tag team match. They defeated them, but after the match, Big Show chokeslammed Triple H. Show grabbed the WWE Championship and held it around his waist.

World Heavyweight Championship; Triple Threat Match

CM Punk© vs John ‘Bradshaw’ Layfield vs Shawn Michaels
CM Punk cashed in his Money in the Bank after a street fight on Raw between JBL and Shawn Michaels to crown a World Heavyweight Championship, after the Championship was vacated when Edge was drafted to ECW. JBL won the street fight, but was a bloody mess and couldn’t even stand. CM Punk came out with a ref, and the briefcase, and then after the bell rang, he hit the GTS for the win. JBL was furious, and on the next week on Raw, he said he was using his mandatory rematch at the Great American Bash. Shawn Michaels confronted him and said that he deserves a World Title Shot. It was decided that, that night, Shawn Michaels would face JBL, and if he beat him, he would get into the World Title Match at the Great American Bash. Shawn Michaels defeated JBL that night to earn his way into the World Title Match. The Raw before Great American Bash, all three men were in singles matches, and they all won via DQ cause interference would happen during the matches. JBL attacked CM Punk during his match, Shawn Michaels hit sweet chin music on JBL during his match, and CM Punk hit GTS on Shawn Michaels during his match.

ECW World Championship; Six-Pack Challenge
Jeff Hardy vs Tommy Dreamer vs John Cena vs Mike Knox vs Shelton Benjamin vs Rob Van Dam
After Kane was drafted to Raw, the ECW Championship was vacated. It was announced that at the Great American Bash, there would be a Six-Pack Challenge for the ECW Championship. Over the next two weeks, there was qualifying matches. Jeff Hardy defeated Evan Bourne, Tommy Dreamer defeated MVP, John Cena defeated Chavo Guerrero, Mike Knox defeated Stevie Richards, Shelton Benjamin defeated Rey Mysterio, and RVD defeated Edge. Two of the biggest surprises were Rey Mysterio making a return to come to ECW. Also, Rob Van Dam returned to ECW to confront Edge who was calling ECW a ‘dump.’ On the ECW before the Great American Bash, there was an eight-man elimination match. Jeff Hardy, Tommy Dreamer, John Cena, and RVD Teamed up to take on Mike Knox, Shelton Benjamin, Chavo Guerrero, and Bam Neely. Jeff Hardy, Tommy Dreamer, John Cena, and RVD won the match, with Cena and RVD being the sole survivors. Afterward, RVD and Cena stared each other down.

United States Championship
Matt Hardy© vs Carlito
Carlito was drafted to Smackdown during the 2008 draft. In his first match being back on Smackdown, he defeated Matt Hardy in a non-title match. After this, he went to Vickie Guerrero and asked her for a US title match. She granted it to him and said the match would be at the Great American Bash. In the weeks leading up to the Great American Bash, Carlito would attack Matt Hardy at any chance he could, but his plans would usually backfire, and Hardy would hit the Twist of Fate. On the Smackdown before the Great American Bash, Matt Hardy and Carlito were in singles action, and Carlito won, but Matt Hardy lost due to interference from Carlito.

Steel Cage Match
Mr. Kennedy vs Umaga
Mr. Kennedy was also someone that Vickie Guerrero didn’t like. And when Vickie Guerrero doesn’t like them, she makes their life full of misery. Mr. Kennedy wanted a WWE Championship shot, but Vickie Guerrero wasn’t going to give it to him. She said that if he wanted a WWE Championship Match, he would have to beat Umaga at the Great American Bash! The next week on Smackdown, Vickie Guerrero decided to make the match a Steel Cage Match. The Smackdown before the Great American Bash, Vickie Guerrero’s office was vandalized. She figured it was Mr. Kennedy, and put him in a tag team match, with Umaga as his partner against the Big Show and Triple H. Umaga left the ring area just as the match started, leaving Mr. Kennedy to get defeated by Big Show and Triple H.

World Tag Team Championships
Ted DiBiase and Cody Rhodes© vs Hardcore Holly and ???
At Night of Champions, Cody Rhodes turned on Hardcore Holly, to team with Ted DiBiase, to take the World Tag Titles away from Holly. Hardcore Holly tried to get Cody Rhodes, but never could. At Great American Bash, it was announced that it would be Ted DiBiase and Cody Rhodes defending the World Tag Team Championships against Hardcore Holly and a partner of his choosing. With the weeks leading up to Great American Bash, Hardcore Holly always tried to attack the duo team, but DiBiase and Rhodes always ran away from Holly. On the Raw before Great American Bash, DiBiase and Rhodes ran from Hardcore Holly yet again, and he told them that this Sunday, their would be no running away from him. And that he can’t wait to get his hands on them.

Batista vs Kane
Kane was in a match with JBL, where the winner would face Shawn Michaels in a street fight later that night. Kane had just knocked out the ref by accident. JBL hit a lowblow on Kane, then grabbed a steel chair from outside of the ring, and came into the ring looking to hit Kane with it, as he did to Batista last week. Batista all of a sudden runs to the ring and clotheslines JBL. Batista grabs the chair as Kane and JBL get up, and he looks as if he is going to hit JBL with the chair, but he changes focus and hits Kane with the chair. The next week, Kane was upset about what Batista did to him, and he challenged him to a match at the Great American Bash. Batista accepted, only to then clothesline him, then Batista lands a Batista Bomb. On the Raw before the Great American Bash, as Batista was about to yet again attack Kane, Kane countered the attack and hit a chokeslam on Batista!

Return Match;

Randy Orton vs ???
Randy Orton hasn’t wrestled a match since June 1st, 2008, after he broke his collar bone. Two weeks before Great American Bash, Randy Orton returned, and said that at Great American Bash, he would wrestle in a match, he didn’t know against who, but he would wrestle. It was made official that Randy Orton would wrestle at the Great American Bash for the first time in a month and a half, but his opponent was not announced. The Raw before Great American Bash, Orton said he doesn’t care who it is, he will win the match!

Final Great American Bash Card

WWE Championship
Triple H© vs Big Show

World Heavyweight Championship; Triple Threat Match
CM Punk© vs John ‘Bradshaw’ Layfield vs Shawn Michaels

ECW World Championship; Six Pack Challenge
Jeff Hardy vs Tommy Dreamer vs John Cena vs Mike Knox vs Shelton Benjamin vs Rob Van Dam

United States Championship
Matt Hardy© vs Carlito

Steel Cage Match
Mr. Kennedy vs Umaga

World Tag Team Championships
Ted DiBiase and Cody Rhodes© vs Hardcore Holly and ???

Batista vs Kane

Return Match
Randy Orton vs ???

Bonus Questions
1. Who do you think will be Hardcore Holly's partner?

2. Who will Randy Orton's opponent be?

3. How many titles will change hands?

4. In the Six-Pack Challenge Match, who do you think will be eliminated first?

5. What will be the match of the night?​

**If you would like, you can post predictions for who you think will win!**


Nov 3, 2007
Reaction score
Triple H
Rob Van Dam
Matt Hardy
Ted DiBiase and Cody Rhodes
Randy Orton


Active Member
May 17, 2008
Reaction score
Milwaukee, WI
WWE Championship
Triple H© vs Big Show

World Heavyweight Championship; Triple Threat Match
CM Punk© vs John ‘Bradshaw’ Layfield vs Shawn Michaels

ECW World Championship; Six Pack Challenge
Jeff Hardy vs Tommy Dreamer vs John Cena vs Mike Knox vs Shelton Benjamin vs Rob Van Dam

United States Championship
Matt Hardy© vs Carlito

Steel Cage Match
Mr. Kennedy vs Umaga

World Tag Team Championships
Ted DiBiase and Cody Rhodes© vs Hardcore Holly and ???

Batista vs Kane

Return Match
Randy Orton vs ???


Apr 20, 2008
Reaction score
Also, here are some bonus questions you can answer if you like.

1. Who do you think will be Hardcore Holly's partner?

2. Who will Randy Orton's opponent be?

3. How many titles will change hands?

4. In the Six-Pack Challenge Match, who do you think will be eliminated first?

5. What will be the match of the night?

PS: I will be writing the ECW match in full, and all the other matches in recap, as with the promos and other stuff as that.


Active Member
Aug 12, 2007
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Predictions For Great American Bash

WWE Championship
Triple H© vs Big Show

World Heavyweight Championship; Triple Threat Match
CM Punk© vs John ‘Bradshaw’ Layfield vs Shawn Michaels

ECW World Championship; Six Pack Challenge
Jeff Hardy vs Tommy Dreamer vs John Cena vs Mike Knox vs Shelton Benjamin vs Rob Van Dam

United States Championship
Matt Hardy© vs Carlito

Steel Cage Match
Mr. Kennedy vs Umaga

World Tag Team Championships
Ted DiBiase and Cody Rhodes© vs Hardcore Holly and ???

Batista vs Kane

Return Match
Randy Orton vs ???


Apr 20, 2008
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Terrible sorry to bump, but i think this needs to be asked. Do you guys want me to post the PPV in two parts, or post it in one? I don't mind, i can go either way, i just want to see how you guys want me to do it.


Active Member
Feb 8, 2008
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Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
One, i like it so much more.

WWE Championship
Triple H© vs Big Show

World Heavyweight Championship; Triple Threat Match
CM Punk© vs John ‘Bradshaw’ Layfield vs Shawn Michaels

ECW World Championship; Six Pack Challenge
Jeff Hardy vs Tommy Dreamer vs John Cena vs Mike Knox vs Shelton Benjamin vs Rob Van Dam

United States Championship
Matt Hardy© vs Carlito

Steel Cage Match
Mr. Kennedy vs Umaga

World Tag Team Championships
Ted DiBiase and Cody Rhodes© vs Hardcore Holly and ???

Batista vs Kane

Return Match
Randy Orton vs ???

Also, here are some bonus questions you can answer if you like.

1. Who do you think will be Hardcore Holly's partner? Mick Foley

2. Who will Randy Orton's opponent be? Goldberg

3. How many titles will change hands? 3

4. In the Six-Pack Challenge Match, who do you think will be eliminated first? Mike Knox

5. What will be the match of the night? 6 Pac challenge


Apr 20, 2008
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I have decided to go ahead and do The Great American Bash in semi-full. Some of the results will be different than what i posted before.

THE Renegade Diesel

Active Member
Jun 26, 2008
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The Great American Bash sounded pretty cool. Well I will review the next show man. Look's good to have another ECW btb around..


Apr 20, 2008
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I have decided to go ahead and do The Great American Bash in semi-full, the way i was going to do it. If you haven't got your predictions in, you might want too! I look to have the Great American Bash up in a week.