I think all three companies had a good show. Epic did show a game at Microsoft's conference. It was an XB Live Arcade game though. But it kinda reminded me of the old Die Hard Arcade game that was a lot of fun. Time will tell I supose.
Being a big Little Big Planet fan and a Mario Kart fan you can imagine I was pretty excited about Mod Nation Racer. I think that one will be fantastic.
New Super Mario Bros on Wii looks like fun. Found out can be played single player though too, but my question is what about Online Play? I hope so.
Assasin's Creed 2 looks fantastic. I probably will get it for 360 because my acheivements is growing. Had I started with PS3 Trophies I probably would get games on PS3 more so then 360. But whatever. The bonus weapons by connecting the PSP & PS3 version though was pretty cool.
Super Mario Galaxy's 2 was a pretty big announcement. Should do fantastic for Nintendo.
This is why I love owning all the systems.
As for the who's biased, you all come off biased for your respective systems. I will admit before owning a PS3 I didn't like anything about it as a gaming system. Now that I have one though, I get the appeal (though I still think Home is a joke) I still prefer 360 (generally more games and very little exclusive to ps3 that I'm intrested in) However I think its just funny to watch some of you accuse Nation of being PS3 biased (which yeah he is) but can't see your own biased to 360...but whatever.
one last thing, UK 360 owners are getting Sky TV on there Live. So like when this goes up, and the Party mode is expanded, my question is, if a UK person has a US/Canadian in there party and decides to start watching there Sky TV does the US/Canadian Live user get to watch too? And if so, do UK users still get some WWE PPV's for free? (I think you know where I'm going with this lol)
All in all, there are tons of stuff coming to all platforms and I'm very happy and excited.
What? I have said many times that I like Left 4 Dead. I also have given Gears credit and obviously if I want an Epic game I probably like Gears. Sure I blasted Microsoft's E3 but that's because it wasn't that great. Instead of Lionshead doing something exciting there doing that Milo which sucks because I'm interested in Fable 2 and was hoping for them to have a new IP. If I was biased i'd be a fanboy and never give 360 games credit. Obviously I like the PS3 better because of it's features and exclusive line up but I'm not biased. I was fricking praying for the Epic rumor to be true and I would kill to have Valve not be fanboys and at least make one good game on PS3.