Lady Deathbane Parabens are synthetic, man made chemcials that are used to preserve beauty products such as make-up, shampoo, lotion, wipes, ect. Jonerthin was right. lol
They are being recognized as causing problems with women's hormonal systems as well as increasing your risk of some cancers. The only reason the FDA has let it slide is because they simply don't give two shits about our health and longer shelf life = more money.
So in short, I try to stay away from them when possible. I use paraben free deodorant, lotion, hair products, ect. Its hard to find paraben free make-up that it cheap which is why I mentioned they had some. I am like you though, I don't wear it often, maybe 4 to 6 times a month and even then only use minimal. What I like about this make-up is the mineral line is paraben free & good for sensitive skin.