Tna Game Plan
Hard Justice
TNA World Championship
Samoa Joe vs. Booker T vs. Sting
Basically it’s the olde steal the title storyline with Sting added in to spice things up.
Six Man Tag
Kurt Angle & Team 3D vs. Christian Cage, Rhino and AJ Styles
Rivalry has been going for a while now but which team will pick up the vital victory.
TNA Tag Team Championship
LAX vs. Beer Money
End of feud match but who will leave with the title.
TNA X Division Championship
Petey Williams vs. 'Mystery Opponent'
Petey has been annoying Cornette for a while now so Cornette booked this match, will we see a new champion?
TNA Knockouts Championship
Taylor vs. Amazing Kong
Newbie came in, ruled a few matches, then won the title. Now it’s the rematch.
Abyss Returns to the Ring
Abyss vs. Scott Steiner
After Abyss returned attacking Steiner, Petey and Khan, Steiner demanded a match with Abyss (in a awful promo) and
Abyss accepted.
Can Kaz Win?
Kaz vs. Mystery Opponent
After week after week of losing can Kaz win against this mystery oppenent.
Tag Team Warfare
MCMG vs. Doug Willams & Alex Koslov
These two teams international members stuck around to try and get some glory back after their loss at the World X Cup but now face their ultimate test.
All reviews and comments welcome and will be return in time

Hard Justice
TNA World Championship
Samoa Joe vs. Booker T vs. Sting
Basically it’s the olde steal the title storyline with Sting added in to spice things up.
Six Man Tag
Kurt Angle & Team 3D vs. Christian Cage, Rhino and AJ Styles
Rivalry has been going for a while now but which team will pick up the vital victory.
TNA Tag Team Championship
LAX vs. Beer Money
End of feud match but who will leave with the title.
TNA X Division Championship
Petey Williams vs. 'Mystery Opponent'
Petey has been annoying Cornette for a while now so Cornette booked this match, will we see a new champion?
TNA Knockouts Championship
Taylor vs. Amazing Kong
Newbie came in, ruled a few matches, then won the title. Now it’s the rematch.
Abyss Returns to the Ring
Abyss vs. Scott Steiner
After Abyss returned attacking Steiner, Petey and Khan, Steiner demanded a match with Abyss (in a awful promo) and
Abyss accepted.
Can Kaz Win?
Kaz vs. Mystery Opponent
After week after week of losing can Kaz win against this mystery oppenent.
Tag Team Warfare
MCMG vs. Doug Willams & Alex Koslov
These two teams international members stuck around to try and get some glory back after their loss at the World X Cup but now face their ultimate test.
All reviews and comments welcome and will be return in time