Dylan and The Ripper presents: NWA-PWF

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Active Member
May 23, 2007
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Thanks for the Comment Comic! The Rippers PWF is up next.

THE Renegade Diesel

Active Member
Jun 26, 2008
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Wow, fans appreciation match sounds uh really gimmicky. I don't know. I just don't like it. The BTB is moving to fast. Also, with joint BTB's its best if you just include the preview's for both shows in one post, after both shows are posted for the week.

Here's a review for the last show. I read the first, and was half way writing a review, but my comp shut down.

Los Luchas versus The Real American Heroes: Good choice of an opener. The match itself, wasn't that bad for its length. Nice action, and the light tube spot, as comic said, was very unexpected on my part. Real hardcore, but in real life, I'd doubt that the light tube will be broken in halfs. I've seen it before, and it just usually shatters completly.

Matt Sydal, and Billy Kidman: Well this was very robotic, or stiff as Comic called it. It didn't sound to good to me, and it had nothing to tell whether it was in character or not. Also, what the hell? Kidman just dumps Waltman without saying anything?

The Brian Kendrick versus Paul London: I'm don't care to much for "THE" gimmick, but its whatever. I can't wait to write this match, when ever it ties into storylines. Good match again, for its length. The whole Dylan, and Kendrick thing is interesting.

Lance Cade, and Trevor Murdoch: Where is the redneck-ness? I can't tell at all. I'm guessing this is interesting though. Never seen a split of the two in a BTB.

The Bashams: I hate this team so much. How you can write with them is a mystery. Native Blood is a team I've never heard of at all.

Bashams versus Native Blood: I read this after I finished reading the show. Figured, if I'm going to review fully, I might as well read it fully. It was an alright match. Nothing special.

Trevor Murdoch, and Cade II: Well this sucks. I thought the match was going to be good. I guess it adds more to the stipulation of Cade, and Murdoch's relationship.

Adams Answers: I don't know if the name is original, but its cool. I thought he'd actually ask Albright questions, but it just became a sloppy mess of words, and responses. Who is the lion? A full stable is also pretty cool I guess.

Additional Comments: Work on your writing in matches. How do you lock in a sitting spine buster? When using the term lock in, the wrestler is locking in a foot to a submission, or an arm to a Pedigree, something like that. For a spinebuster, its better if you use terms like "Navajo hoists Doug up for a sitdown spinebuster, and nails it!". The periods in the show, are really bad, and you should work on that. Overall, it was an ok show. I'll try to get a review in next time.

CT Styles

Best Match: Well, I'm not really familiar with a lot of your superstars as I have seen basically no independent promotions. The matches all are the same rating as they all have the same problems. Punctuation, needs to be improved but that's something I guess you can get past on. You need to work on your vocabulary also. 'Blah does a big boot on Blah.' Does? try 'nails' or 'connects to the face of Blah with a devastating big boot!' Something like that. There wasn't any standout match as they all had those problems.

Worst Match: That's all been explained.

Best Promo: Again, they all had the same problems. They were all so generic and had no emotion. 'Do you wanna be my tag team partner?' 'Ok.'. Research the people and see how they speak because I didn't enjoy any of the promos as they were just all so bland. If I had to pick one that I didn't mind it would be the Cade/Murdoch/RVD thing as that could evolve into something big.

Worst Match: Already explained.

Additional Comments: Work on the things I said. :y:


BM- Your matches were good but the action needs to be varied as do the words you use. I liked the London and Kendrick match most as I knew both of the guys and they had alright chemistry. And another thing, don't have the wrestlers talk in the matches and write what they say, it seems awkward. The finish of the match was alright but could have been explained better, such as saying Dylan was the referee or something.

WM- The two tag matches were both of the same level, which is alright but not good. I would probably say the RVD and Cade match but it evolved into an alright angle with Cade and Murdoch.

BP- All of your promos were bad. Sorry, but in none of them would I be able to tell which wreslter was actually talking, had you not said who. The lines seemed robotic and there was no charachter. For example, in the Cade and Murdoch promo you could have made them sound more redneck. Even just a 'howdy' or something simple like that could have worked to an extent.

WP- Well one promo seemed worse than the others and that is Adam's Answers. COnsidering it was the main event and focus of the show, it was a huge let down, and could have been much more than it was. The lines seemed emotionless and even the introduction of the Lion seemed boring and undramatic.

AC- You need to improve spelling, punctuation and grammar but I hear you write your BTB on your phone and not on Word so that will be hard to avoid. It doesn't matter that much just maybe pay a bit more attention. As CT said you need to alter the words you use to describe moves. Try finding a scheme you use to write in your BTB as organization helps. Having two different colours for one match is confusing and writing a pinfall as ......1...2...............3... is just messy. Work on adding charachter to your promos and adding variety to your matches. Lots of room for improvement. 4/10

The Ripper

Mar 27, 2007
Reaction score

Earlier Today.

Rhodes and DiBiase are sat down in the locker room, when Orton walks in.

Orton: Why are you both sat down when tonight we finally put an end to the pain in our side which is The Foundation. Not only that but you will finally reclaim that tag titles you should never have lost.

Rhodes and DiBiase both rise to there feet as Orton smiles.

Rhodes: Randy, we were just trying to figure out who The Foundation have brought in to make sure you don’t get involved.

Orton's smile disappears as the anger starts to show on his face.


Rhodes and DiBiase step back as Orton gets more wound up.

DiBiase: The word round the rest of the roster is that Smith and Wilson have brought somebody from out outside of NWA-PWF and there job is to be at ringside making sure nobody gets involved in the match.

Orton grabs Rhodes and DiBiase on their shoulder before turning and walking out of the room slamming the door as he goes.

Styles: Welcome to another edition of Impulse, I am Joey Styles and I am joined once again joined by Jeremy Borash.

Borash: Thanks for the introduction Joey, but what about Randy Orton their.

Styles: He clearly is not a happy man right now.

Borash: Talking of unhappy men, the McAllister’s have been performing badly lately.

Styles: Alot of losses coming by the hands of El Generico and Kevin Steen.


Kevin Steen w/El generico Vs Robbie McAllister w/Rory McAllister

Steen and Robbie lock up in the centre off the ring, both men try to over power one another but Steen backs Robbie into the corner, Steen releases his hlod and delivers a stiff kick to the stomach of Robbie, Steen rolls Robbie forward. Robbie lands in a seated position in the centre of the ring, Steen makes his way towards Robbie and kicks him across the back. Steen pulls Robbie up and hits him with a superkick, Steen drags Robbie in before he falls back and sets him up for a Package Piledriver, but as he picks up Robbie, Rory gets up on the ring. Steen puts Robbie down and walks towards Rory grabbing him by the neck and pulling him over the top rope into the ring, Steen grabs Rory by the head and bounces him off the top turnbuckle, Rory turns round and is met by a yakuza kick to the face by El Generico, Steen picks Robbie back up and hits him with the Package Piledriver, pinfall 1...2...3.
Winner: Kevin Steen

Borash: Another defeat there for the McAllister’s

Styles: Not only a defeat but a quick defeat at that

Borash: Hopefully they will be luckier next week when they face Kevein Steen and El Generico in tag team action.


Orton bursts into Cornette's office. Cornette is sat behind his desk on his phone.

Cornette: I'll ring you back in a bit..........Now what do you think you are doing barging in here like that Randy.

Orton: Never mind that Jim, I want to know what you are doing about The Foundation bringing in people off the street, people that dont belong in the ring.

Cornette picks up his tennis racket.

Cornette: You heard then?

Orton: Of Course I heard

Cornette: Well Randy as you know anybodyu not signed to NWA-PWF can lay a finger on a wrestler in the ring and I have told Harry and TJ the same thing.

Orton: Thank you Cornette, I knew i could trust you not to allow them to bring someone down with them.

Cornette: Well, no Randy they will have somebody there. You see when they told me who they were bringing in I signed him up on a contract right away.

Orton holds the back of his head before slowly running his hands from the back of his head down the sides of his face wiping before rubbing his chin.

Orton: You are going to regret this. Mark my words.

Orton turns and walks out of the room as Cornette smiles whilst spinning his tennis racket

Styles: A new addition to the Impulsion roster Jeremy

Borash: Cornette definitely seemed happy with who he had signed .

Styles: Hopefully we wont have to wait to long to find out who this mystery man is.


AJ Styles stares down the camera before it zooms out and Becky Bayless is stood next to him with a mic.

Bayless: TOnight AJ you take on the Tennese cowboy James Storm, what are your thoughts going into the match.

Styles grabs the mic from Bayless and pushes her out of view.

Styles: james Storm is a drunken moron who doesn't deserve to be in the ring we me. Now to the main reason I agreed to be interviewed tonight, Christopher Daniels.

Styles moves the mic away and takes a deep breath.

Styles: All week friends, family and people on the street kept asking me why did you attack Chris, why have you turned your back on Chris. I thought I had made myself clear but for all the idiots out there, It is simple Christopher Daniels has held me back for most my career. You see I am a former NWA Heavyweight Champion but do you see me anywhere near the title NO! Chris pulled me back and we won the NWA Tag Team titles. Then along come the opportuinty to sign with the NWA-PWF and I looked at this as an opportunity to rise to the top again. I debuted and was competing looking for my shot at Christian Cage when Daniels signed and asked me to team with him again and yes we may have been 2 time Tag Team champions but their comes a point when you have to step out from the shadows and Christopher Daniels is my shadow.

Styles looks down at the floor.

Styles: Now for what I did last week, when I laid Chris out with my title, well the truth is when I see Chris I see everything I could have accomplished and It just makes me angry knowing I could have done so much if it wasn't for him. Now on to the future as far as I am concerned me and Chris are done and I am going to make this title on my shoulder mean something unlike all the former champions.

Styles stares into the camera before turning and putting the mic in Becky Bayless hand and walking off with Bayless stood their looking confused.

Styles: Strong words from the Fusion Champion. But up next is Nic Nemeth taking on DINGO

Borash: Joey did you know that DINGO has now not won in 98 matches here is NWA-PWF.

Styles: I did as a matter of fact Jeremy but he is taking on a man who has yet to be pinned or forced to submit in singles competion.


Nic Nemeth Vs DINGO

Dingo charges at Nemeth who quickly ducks under Dingo's clothesline attempt, Dingo carries on running and bounces off the ropes and comes back with a crossbody takedown, Nemeth quickly back up to his feet but is scooped up and slammed back down to the mat by Dingo. Dingo follows up with a quick pin 1.. kickout, Dingo gets up and pulls Nemeth to his feet by the hair, Dingo lets go of Nemeth's hair and is repaid with a rake to the eyes. The ref warns Nemeth as Dingo paces the ring holding his eyes, Nemeth pushes the ref out of the way and kicks Dingo in the knee. Nemeth moves round round Dingo who is down on one knee and kicks Dingo in the back of the head. Nemeth rolls Dingo over onto his back before jumping up and comes crashing down with a elbow drop, pinfall 1... kickout. Nemeth gets to his feet and drives his foot into the side of Dingo's head. Nemeth guides Dingo back to his feet and whips him into the ropes, Dingo bounces off the ropes and runs back into a drop toe hold hanging himself up on the middle rope, Nemeth grabs the top rope and slingshots over driving his leg across the back of Dingos neck causing Dingo to bounce off the middle rope. Nemeth gets to his feet on the floor and jumps onto the canvas launching himself for a bicycle kick sending Dingo backwards crashing down to the mat, Nemeth slides in and crawls over Dingo for the cover, 1...2...3.


Nic Nemeth pulls his arm away from the ref before getting a mic from outside of the ring.

Nemeth: And Still undefeated NIC! NEMETH!

Nemeth pushes DINGO towards the ropes before kicking him under the bottom rope to the floor.

Nemeth: Since I debuted here in NWA-PWF I have yet to be pinned or made to submit. Even Samoa Joe could see that the future of pro wrestling has arrived, thats why he left the company. He knew that his time has gone and mine has arrived. Now Jim Cornette I know you are listening and it is about time you made the match of me versus Christian Cage for the PWF Championship.

Nemeth drops the mic and makes his way to the back.

Borash: Poor DINGO his streak now extended to 99 losses and a ppv match coming up with newcomer Paul Burchill.

Styles: Also strong words coming from Nic Nemeth, I wonder how Jim Cornette will react to his demand.

Borash: Well up next is the Fusion champion Aj Styles who has turned his back on longtime friend and partner Christopher Daniels


AJ Styles Vs James Storm

Storm is leaned through the middle rope putting down his beer when Styles attacks him from behind, Styles pulls Storm in and pushes him into the corner, Styles drives his forearm into the side of Storms head, Storm stumbles out and Styles hits him in the side of the head knocking him back into the corner, Styles htis a second forearm into the side of Storms head. Styles shotsw his arm to the side and taunts the fans who boo him before going to the opposite corner, Styles runs and goes for a jumping forearm smash but Storm has the move scouted and moves out of the way. Storm turns round and picks up a stunned Styles on his shoulder, Storm runs forward and drops Styles head first onto the top turnbuckle as Styles hits the turnbuckle, Storm bounces off the ropes and comes back knocking Styles down with a clothesline. Storm picks up Styles and kicks him in the stomach before whipping him into the ropes, Styles comes back and Storm tosses him up before guiding him back down for an iverted atomic drop, Storm takes a step back before hitting a superkick knocking Styles down to the mat allowing him to make the pin 1...2 kickout. Storm gets to his feet accusing the ref of a slow count, Styles crawls towards the corner and leans back resting as Storm and the ref argue back and forth, Storm finally gives in and turns his attention back towards Styles and starts to stomp away at the prone Styles, Storm pulls Styles out from the corner and places him in the centre of the ring before bouncing off the ropes, Storm comes flying back and is only just capable of running into Styles boot, styles then pops up wrapping his feet around Storms neck before twisting and taking Storm down through the ropes and to the outside. Styles grabs the top rope as Storm gets back to his feet, Styles slingshots over the top rope landing on the canvas before jumping off taking Storm down with a headscissors sending Storm into the announce table.

Styles: Storm hitting our table hard there

Borash: There is no denying AJ Styles incredible talent

Styles slides Storm back into the ring and heads to the top rope, Styles looks like he is about to go for the Spiral Tap when he looks towards the announce desk, Styles jumps down from the turnbuckle and kicks Storm in the head before climbing through the ropes to the outside and retrieving a chair. Style slides back into the ring as Storm gets to his feet, Styles raises the chair above his head and looks to smash it over the head of Storm when the ref grabs the top, Styles goes to swing the chair and the ref doesn't release the chair. Storm by now has regained his composure and goes to superkick Styles who moves out of the way causing the ref to be hit. Styles kicks Storm in the stomach and pulls him in before setting up for the Styles Clash, Styles turns round with Storm set up and woddles forward and hit the Styles Clash onto the chair. Styles stand up and tries to revive the ref who is having none of it, Styles looks toward the entrance, the crowd start to cheer as Styles looks towards the entrance with a puzzled look on his face. Unbeknown to him Christopher Daniels has come through the crowd and jumped the barrier before sliding into the ring, Daniels walks up behind Styles and taps him on the shoulder.

Borash: Don’t turn around AJ

Styles: Looks like Daniels is out for payback

Styles turns round but before he can turn a full 180 Daniels hits him in the jaw knocking Styles to the mat, Daniels mounts Styles and hits him with punch after punch, Styles is trying his best to defend himself when Storm pulls Daniels off him, Daniels gets to his feet and kicks Storm in the stomach before pulling him in and hitting the Angels Wings, Daniels pushes a motionless Storm out of the ring. Daniels turns his attention back to Styles and drags him back to his feet, Styles stamps on the foot of Daniels causing him to let go, Styles takes a step forward before hitting a pele kick landing back on the centre of Daniels head. Styles crawls onto Daniels on the floor and starts to punch away at daniels until Jim Cornette appears on the top of the entrance way and signals for people from the back, security storm the ring and pull both men to their feet in opposite corners, both men struggle with security until Styles breaks free and charges at Daniels leaping with a forearm smash hitting Daniels and security, Styles unleashes a attack of knees and punches on Daniels until security finally pull him back. Daniels looks to have calmed down and security give him room and guide him from the ring to the floor, but Daniels quickly runs round the ring and pulls Styles under the bottom rope to the floor and start punting the kicks into the head of Styles until security pull him off and make a wall between the two men. Chris Sabin, Kenny Omega and DINGO come down to ringside instructing Daniels to come backstage with them which after heated discussion he finally agree's too. Meanwhile Kenny King and James Storm help a bloodied AJ Styles to his feet..

Styles: Things have took a really bad turn in that former friendship

Borash: The AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels I knew would never have done anything like that to each other.

Styles: Well championship gold has a strange affect on people.

Borash: It certainly does Joey, just look at what it did to the escalating rivalry between The Foundation and The Legacy

Styles: Talking of that very Rivalry, both teams face of next for the Tag Team Titles


The Foundation w/Bret Hart Vs The Legacy

Both teams stand in opposite corners talking to Orton and Hart respectively, DiBiase and Rhodes turn around and runs attacking The Foundation from behind. Legacy pound away at Smith and Wilson before pulling them to there feet and resting both men against the ropes, Legacy whip both men across the ring and lean down in the centre of the ring for Wilson and Smith bouncing of the ropes, Wilson and Smith come back but Smith hits a knee strike to the side of Rhodes head and Wilson hits a dropkick to the top of DiBiase’s head. Smith tosses Rhodes out of the ring and follows him whilst Wilson covers DiBiase, 1.. kickout. Wilson gets to his feet and takes a step back as DiBiase gets back to his feet Wilson kicks DiBiase in the chest knocking DiBiase up right and follows up with a roundhouse kick to the chest, Wilson walks back toward the corner and gets up onto the middle rope as DiBiase walks forward, Wilson leaps of hitting a tornado ddt before making the pin, 1...2 kickout. Wilson gets back up and makes his way over tagging in Smith. Smith guides DiBiase back to his feet and whips him across the ring, DiBiase come back running into a deep arm drag by Smith, DiBiase’s momentum takes him over tumbling into the ropes helping him to get to his feet quicker, DiBiase runs at Smith again and straight into a second arm drag which sends him into the Legacy corner were he quickly tags in Cody Rhodes. Rhodes slowly climbs through the ropes looking at Smith the whole time. Rhodes walks to the centre of the ring and stands toe to toe with Smith before both men step back and lockup, Rhodes edges Smith back but Smith quickly counters edging Rhodes back, both men going back and fourth before Smith finally overcomes Rhodes pushing him back into the corner. Smith breaks the hold and hits a huge elbow strike to the side of Rhodes head followed up by a huge chop to the chest. Smith grabs Rhodes under the arms and tosses him across the ring with a hip toss.

Borash: Did you see the height Rhode went

Styles: I know he cleared the whole ring with that toss

Orton walks over and leans under the bottom rope saying something to Rhodes before Bret Hart makes his way round and stands staring at Orton who backs off slowly. Smith picks up Rhodes and slams him into The Legacy corner before tagging in Wilson, Wilson slingshots over the top rope landing on Rhodes which allows for a quick monkey flip. Wilson runs hits a springboard moonsault to Rhodes, pinfall 1...2.. DiBiase comes in and breaks the pinfall. Wilson jumps to his feet and kicks DiBiase in the side of the head before spinning round and hitting a leg drop on Rhodes, pinfall 1...2.. DiBiase reaches over and pulls on Wilson’s leg breaking the hold, DiBiase pulls himself on top of Wilson and starts to punch Wilson. Smith quickly through the ropes and grabs DiBiase by the back of the neck and pulls him to his feet before tossing him into the ropes, Smith then pulls Rhodes up and tosses him towards DiBiase causing Rhodes to spear him through the ropes to the outside with both men crashing to the floor.

Styles: Oh My God, They went through the ropes hitting that concrete floor

Borash: Good tactics using one man as a weapon against his partner

Orton walks up and is visibly angry with both as Wilson and Smith both exit the ring from either side and walk round cornering all 3 men, Orton takes a few steps back from Legacy as Smith and Wilson pick both men up and roll them into the ring. As The Foundation go to enter the ring Orton looks to attack them from behind, but Hart is quickly round and gets between them, Orton puts his arms in the air as both men get back in the ring and pick legacy up before bouncing their heads of one another before sending DiBiase back out of the ring. Wilson head out onto the canvas as Smith sets up for a spinebuster he turns round facing away from Wilson who then springboards into the ring and hits THE CODE BLUE causing Smith to hit the spinebuster, Wilson makes the cover as Smith watches out 1...2...3.

Winners and still tag team champions: The Foundation.

Orton can’t belive it and slides in the ring attacking the celebrating men from behind, Bret Hart goes to get into the ring but DiBiase grabs his foot stopping him from entering, Hart starts hitting DiBiase as Orton works over both men in the ring, Orton picks up Wilson and drops him with a RKO! Orton then rolls onto his chest and starts to stalk Smith, Smith gets to his feet dazed and turns round as Orton jumps up going for the RKO only to be knocked down by Hart who has broken free just in time. Hart grabs Orton and goes to apply the Sharpshooter, Orton wriggles and squirms his way out scurrying up the entrance way with DiBiase behind. Both men look back at the ring and see Hart pulling Rhodes out of the corner, Hart locks in the sharpshooter as Rhodes screams in pain tapping furiously until Hart breaks the submission hold. Hart and Smith help Wilson up before Hart stands in the middle raising both mens arms.


Active Member
May 23, 2007
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*Are You Dead Yet? Plays, as the Living Legends (Adam Pearce, Joey Ryan, and Karl Anderson) make their way down to the ring.

Adam Pearce: Shut the hell up!

*Crowd Boo's

Adam Pearce: Nobody gives a shit about any of you, you all can go to hell for all I care...

*You Suck Dic* Chants start.

Adam Pearce: We are The Living Legends, and we've proved why last week, let's take a look.

*Video Plays of the beat Down From Last Week


Adam Pearce: He deserved it, you don't mess with the unstoppable. We're are what makes the NWA, what it is today. We are the future of this company, we're better than anyone who's stepped in this ring.

*Shut The Fuc* Up *Clap* *Clap*

Adam Pearce: Moving on, we've introduced a new member into our family, so without further ado.. Ladies and Gentlemen.. I give you.. THE LION!

*The Lion Makes his way down to the ring, as the crowd greets him with middle fingers.

*Pearce and Joey Ryan Hug him.. Karl Anderson guards the outside.

Adam Pearce: This man puts the "Legend" in Living Legends.. And soon you all will see, hell.. You'll all see now as a matter of fact!

Match 1
The Lion vs Shannon Moore

Lion smacks Moore across the face. Moore throws a puch at Lion's face, and nails it. Lion stumbles, as Moore runs to the other side of the ring, as runs back to Lion to be met with a heat butt.

Ric Flair: I just don't get why you have to put the NWA down like you do, you're making that World Championship look a hell of a lot worse than from when I had it!

Adam Pearce: Shut your mouth Flair, nobody could give 2 shits about you. Hell, Im still suprised you're alive to this day.

Lion starts to stomp the hell out of Moore,... He picks up Moore on his shoulders, and drops him with a Samoan Drop.

Ric Flair: Disrespect.. Its the disrespect that's making you the kind of person you are today, you think I became a 16x time world champion by running around, bad mouthing everybody, and talking about how great I am?

Adam Pearce: You know what Flair.. You're really starting to piss me off, nobody gives a shit about you. And how you have a job in this company, still suprises me today.

The Lion scoop slams Moore, amd than meets him with a running knee drop. He makes a cover..

Ric Flair: you know what suprises me? You still carrying that NWA World Championship. With such a big ego, I'd suprised someone hasn't shut you up and taken that championship right out of your hands!

Moore raised his shoulders up, right before the 3 count. The Lion locks in a dragon sleeper hold, as Moore gets up. Moore falls asleep.... The Lion throws Moore on the ground, and taunts the crowd, flexing his shoulders.


Adam Pearce: How'd that feel, you old piece of shit!?

*Flair stands up, and jumps on Pearce.

*Joey Ryan and Karl Anderson run over to Flair, and throw him off of Pearce.

Shannon Moore jumps on the second rope, elbows The Lion in the face a couple of times, and jumps with a springboard DDT, and nails it!

*Flair pokes Joey Ryan in the eyes, and chops Anderson on the chest. Pearce attacks Flair from behind.

The Lion rolls out of the ring.. Moore runs to the other side of the ring, and dives through the second rope with a suicide dive!

*The Living Legends lay out Flair, beating the shit out of him.

The lion does a big boot right across Moore's face. Moore goes down crashing, as The Lion rolls Moore back into the ring. Lion follows, and. Waits for Moore to get up.. More gets up, and lion goes for a spear,.. He nails it! He waits more Moore to get up...

*Pearce spits on Flair, as The Living Legends taunt the crowd.

The Lion kicks Moore in the stomach, and does a sit-down power-bomb, for the win.

Result- The Lion wins

*Commercial Break


Match 2
Matt Sydal and Billy Kidman vs. The Living Legends (Joey Ryan and Karl Anderson)

Sydal drop kicks Ryan, as Ryan rolls out of the ring. Sydal jumps to the top ropes, and jumps with a moonsault onto both men. Kidman follows up with a moonsault of his own. Ryan is roleed into the ring.. Sydal jumps up with a springboard drop kick. He nails it, but is kicked in the back from Anderson, before he can make a cover. Sydal gets up, and recieves a kick in the stomach from Ryan, who than nails an effective spinebuster.. He makes the cover, but Sydal raises his shoulder before the 2.

Ryan pulls Sydal up by his hair, and throws him to Andersons Corner, to tag in Anderson. He tags in Anderson.. Who throws a vicious chop to Sydal's chest. Sydal is than rolled onto his butt, and is met with a knee right across his face. Sydal slams back, as blood drips from his forehead.

Kidman extends his arm, but can't tag Sydal, who is mearly a few inches away. Anderson taunts Kidman, moving Sydal closer, and farther away from Kidman. Sydal is than forced up, and locked into a sleeper hold.. Sydal is held in the middle of the ring, and falls into a deep sleep. The ref. Checks him, and his arm falls down twice, before he raises it the third time. Sydal elbows Anderson in the stomach a couple of times.. And Anderson loses his grip. Sydal than nails a Gory Neckbreaker, as both men go crashing down.

Sydal craws to Kidman, as Anderson crawls to Ryan. Both men make the tag.. Kidman ducks a close line from Ryan, and drop kicks him. Anderson goes for the assault on Kidman, and is met with leg sweep. Kidman than does a standing moonsault, and nails Anderson with ease. Anderson rolls out of the ring, as Ryan sprints over to Kidman.. Kidman hops over Ryan, and nails a swinging neckbreaker! He than tags in Matt Sydal.. And both men go to the top ropes.. Kidman jumps up with a shooting star press... Than Sydal, Kidman hits Anderson hard!, and rolld out of the way, as Sydal lands on Anderson...1.....2...3!

Result- Kidman and Sydal win


*Backstage with The Living Legends. Anderson has an ice pack on his chest, as Joey has one on his neck.

Adam Pearce: What the hell are you doing?

Joey Ryan: What do yo..

Adam Pearce: Shut up! You're are both part of The Living Legends, in being part of the living Legends, means you don't lose.

Karl Anderson: Look Bo..

Adam Pearce: I don't want to hear it! You made us look like shit out there, what were you thinking? You aren't a group of losers.

Joey Ryan: We tried out..

Adam Pearce: Shut up, just shut the hell up! Both of you failed us to tonight, but you have a chance at retrobution.

(Pearce gives an evil look)

Adam Pearce: Yes.. That's it, Brent Albright doesn't have a match tonight. You 2 can face him one on one, beat the hell out of him, and help me better winning my chance at keeping this title at Anarchy!

Joey Ryan: Anything for you boss, we'll do what it has to take to make you happy.

Karl Anderson: That's right!

Match 3
Los Luchas vs. Bobby Lost and Frank Sanchez

Zokre and Bobby lock hands, Zokre tosses Bobby,who gets up, and is met with a drop kick. Bobby rolls out of the ring, and Zokre follows him. Bobby punches Zokre in the stomach, and rolls him back into the ring. Bobby gets Zokre into a sleeper hold, and holds him for a couple of seconds... Zokre gets up on his knees.., elbows Bobby in the stomach a couple of times, and gets up of his hold... And follows up with a back body drop. Bobby is nailed hard...Zokre picks him up, and nails a suplex. He slaps Phoenix Starr, and both men pick up Bobby with a double fishermans suplex..1....2... Kick out! Bobby crawls over to Frank, but is caught up with a elbow drop from Phoenix. Phoenix than sets up Bobby in the middle of the ring, and runs to the ropes... He comes back with a leg drop, and hooks the leg.. 1... 2... 2.9, kick out! Phoenix pulls himself up, and shoves the ref., to demand him be the winner, but the ref. Yells at him, telling him that if he's touched again, he will disqualify Los Luchas. Bobby crawls to tag in his Partner, but is quickly snatched, and pulled over to Zokre, by Phoenix Starr. Starr slaps Zokres Hand, and runs over to Bobby Lost, and punches him off of the ring, Zokre than super kicks Sanchez, who than staggers over to Starr, who picks him up on his shoulders.. Zokre heads to the top ropes.. Signals to the crowd, gets on the top Turnbuckle, and jumps with a flying close line. He nails it, as Starr hooks the leg...1...2..3!!

Result: Los Luchas win via pin


*We are brought backstage with Dylan and Brian Kendrick sitting down at a table.

Dylan: Hello ladies and Gentlemen.

(Heavy boos)

Dylan: I understand that some of you might be a little dissapointed with me after what happened to Paul London last week, but I had to do what I have to do.

(You suck di**)

Dylan: But speaking of Paul London, he will one of 4 participets competing in a 4 man ladder match to earn a contract to face the NWA world Champion whenever he pleases.

(Get the fuc* out chants)

Dylan: Also competing, is the man to my right, the undefeated BRIAN KENDRICK!

(You still suck)

Dylan: Moving on, we've still have a few spots left open on the Anatchy pay per view. So, after viewing the actions of Lance Cade and Trevor Murdock last week, they will both be competing agaisnt Rob-Van-Dam, and a partner of his choosing at Anarchy.

(Huge Pop)

Dylan: Also competing, will be Los Luchas vs. The Undefeated Bashams! For the NWA World Tag Team Titles!

Dylan: And If that's not enough, Brent Albright will face Adam Pearce for the NWA World Championship, in a no DQ match.

(Huge Albright chants)

Dylan: Enjoy the rest of your night...



David Marquez: Ladies and gentlemen, and standing here with the son of the legendary Ted Dibiase: Mike Dibiase.

Mike Dibiase: Hey David.

David Marquez: (David Smiles) I gotta ask you Mike, what are you doing here tonight? I mean, you are the son of the Former, and Legendary Ted Dibiase.

Mike Dibiase: I'm here to make my mark. You see, all my life I was told that I would never make it to the big leagues, that I would never amount to anything. Everyone doubted me since day one, they doubted me because of my size. And I'm here in the NWA to accomlish way more than my father has ever done in his career, maybe even more than he's done. I'm here to show everyone why I deserve to be a Wrestler.

David Marquez: (Shakes Mike's hand) Ladies and Gentlemen, Mike Dibiase.

4 Man Ladder Match for a contract to face the NWA World Champion whenever he chooses

Brian Kendrick vs. Paul London vs. Rob Van Dam vs. ???

London and Kendrick exchange blows to the face, RVD goes to the outside and slides a ladder into the ring. London ducks a kick from Kendrick, and nails an effective neckbreaker. He turns around to get a huge close line from RVD, who than jumps to the second rope, and jumps back with a moonsault onto London. RVD pulls himself up, and sets up the ladder in the middle of the ring. RVD starts to climb it, but gets pulled by the leg from Kendrick, who than picks him up on his shoulders.. London jumps to the top ropes, and does a huge missile drop kick to RVD (who was on Kendricks Shoulders, punching him in the face) London pulls himself up, and is met with a chop from Kendrick, who than throws him into the ladder. London hits the ladder hard, as Kendrick lays the ladder down in the middle of the ring, and than lays London onto it. RVD rolls to his stomach, and is met with a couple of kicks to the back from London. Kendrick than runs to the ropes, and comes back with a flying summersault type manuever onto London. London screams in pain, and rolls out of the ring. Kendrick than picks up the ladder, and sets it up. He starts to climb it.. RVD quickly follows him up. Both men make it to the top, and start exchanging blows. London rolls back into the ring. Kendrick pokes RVD in the eyes, and smashes his face onto the top of the ladder. He than throws RVD's arm over his shoulder, and jumps back with a huge superplex. Both men hit the mat hard, as London unfolds the ladder, and holds it in his hands. RVD rolls over to his stomach, and slowly pushes himself up, as Kendrick uses the top rope to pull himself up. Both men turn around, and are met with the ladder smashed agaisnt their faces. RVD and Kendrick both fall back over the top ropes onto their feet, as London runs to the other side of the ring, and sprints back with a suicide dive over the top rope into both men.

(Holy Shit chants erupt the building)

RVD gets up after 2 min. Of being down, and throws the ladder back into the ring. Kendrick sees this, and follows Van Dam into the ring. RVD drop kicks Kendrick, than lays him down onto the ladder. He says "Rob-Van-Dam" pointing his hands to his face in a upward and down motion, than runs to the other side of the ring, and comes back rolling with a huge Rolling thunder onto Kendrick. Kendrick screams in Pain, as London jumps with a flying close line, that he nails on RVD. London angry, sets up the ladder under the contract, and starts to climb it. RVD crawls up, amd starts to pull himself up the ladder, my step at a time. London has a grasp on the contract, but is met with a punch to the stomach by RVD. London starts throwing lefts and rights at RVD's face. Out of no where, Murdock and Cade run down to the ring. Murdock pulls 2 tables from under the ring, and sets them up on one another on the outside, as Cade runs into the ring, and gets a grasp on the ladder. Cade quickly pushes the ladder foward, and both Paul London, and RVD fall down straight through the stack of tables. Cade and Murdock than taunt the crowd, get in RVD's face to talk crap, and leave the area. Kendrick rolls back into the ring, and sees the mess on the outside. He smiles to the crowd, and sets up the ladder right underneath the contract. He taunts the crowd, taking his time up the ladder, one step at a time. He sits on the top of the ladder, and yells at the crowd.

------Break The Walls Down!--------

The crowd screams like crazy, as out of nowhere, Chris Jericho does his signature pose by the entrance. Kendrick is in shock, as Jericho sprints down to the ring, and jumps on the ladder.. He climbs his way to the top, and throws a furocious right fist across the face of Kendrick, who than, falls right down to the mat. Jericho poses at the top of the ladder, and pulls the contract down.

Result- Chris Jericho wins.

The Crowd chants "Welcome Jericho" over and over, as Jericho poses with his contract in hands.


Main Event
Brent Albright vs. The Living Legends (Joey, Karl)

Brent starts the attack on both men. He throws lefts and rights at both men, Albright throws Ryan out of the ring, and nails a belly to belly suplex to Karl. He hooks the leg... 1, kick out. Albright pulls Karl up, and nails a huge close line. He than jumps through the second rope onto the outside, and does a big boot to Joey. Albright than picks up Joey, tells the fans in front of him to move, and tosses Joey out into the crowd. Anderson crawls up, and is locked into a german suplex... Once...twice....three times! Albright motions to the top rope, and climbs the turnbuckles. He taunts the crowd, and jumps with a huge diving headbutt, and nails it..1...2... Kick out. Joey jumps over the guarding rail, and rolls back into the ring. Albright kicks him in the back a couple a times, and recieves a punch across the face from Anderson, Anderson goes for another punch, but Albright ducks, and chops at his chest. Anderson falls back to receive another chop to the chest. Ryan gets up to get nailed into a fishermans suplex...1...2... Kick out! Albright kicks Anderson out of the ring, as Joey Ryan gets up... Albright turns around to receive a drop kick from Ryan. Albright falls down hard, as Ryan starts to kick the shit out of him. Anderson crawls back into the ring, and both men kick away at Albright. Ryan taunts the crowd, as Anderson picks up Albright, who than does a belly to belly supkex sending Anderson out of the ring. Albright stocks Joey.. Joey turns around, and is locked into a crowbar....he holds all the pain in.... He keeps holding..... He taps!

Result: Brent Albright Wins!

*Albright grabs a mic

Albright: Pearce you son of a bitch! You think that sending these two losers to do your dirty work, would've worked? You beat the hell out of me last week, and I'm getting my revenge! At Anarchy, I'm taking more than that belt off of your waiste, I'm taking all that you got away from you! I'm taking you to hell with me!

*Albright drops the mic, and plays to the crowd, as the show fades...

*End Show