Need Someone to make BTB Posters
This is just like CMS's and TheAnswer's threads. I just need someone who can make a ppv poster once a month. I tried a single request for my last 2 ppvs the first one got a lot of entries on the old IWF but the last one didnt get any so if you can this month's ppv is Fully Loaded and if you could just put Shawn Michaels and Christian Cage on the front maybe with HBK holding the world title and Fully Loaded somewhere on the bottom.
This is just like CMS's and TheAnswer's threads. I just need someone who can make a ppv poster once a month. I tried a single request for my last 2 ppvs the first one got a lot of entries on the old IWF but the last one didnt get any so if you can this month's ppv is Fully Loaded and if you could just put Shawn Michaels and Christian Cage on the front maybe with HBK holding the world title and Fully Loaded somewhere on the bottom.