Donnie watches WWF 1980

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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
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WWF World Champion; Bob Backlund- Since 20/2/78
WWF Intercontinental Champion; Pat Patterson -Since 1/9/79
WWF Tag Team Champions; Tito Santana & Ivan Putski-22/10/79

WWF. All-Star Wrestling
April 12th, 1980
Hamburg, PA

Match#1 Tor Kamata w/Classy Freddie Blassie vs. Angelo Gomez

Tor is brutal as shit and kills this poor kid, and Bruno HATES him and his heinous actions. Flying Splash ends it

Post match, they take the kid away on the gurney.

Match#2 The Wild Samoans w/Lou Albano vs King and Williams
This goes nearly 5 minutes so it drags a touch, but there's a lot of fun mualing to save it. Samoan Drop does it

At ringside, Albano puts over his monsters as the best team he's ever handled, and that includes all the champions he's managed. He says he has hired trainers to work the Samoans to get them ready for the champions. He says they're immune from pain and they want money to buy beads and shells for their people, and they're going to take it all.

Match#3 Bobby Duncum w/Lou Albano vs Jose Estrada
Good cowboy shit from our pal. Vince announces the jobber Tor faced was sent to the hospital, and Bruno is pissed. Bulldog ends the fun

Match#4 Hulk Hogan w/Classy Freddie Blassie vs Marc Pole
Short one for Hogan this week, but still pretty fun. Bearhug gets it done

At ringside, Vince talks to Blassie about Tor hurting jobbers, and Blassie laughs his balls off at this. Vince says they want to bar Kamata from using the move, and Blassie says it's a legal hold and they can't bar it. Blassie says he'll fight this in court, and even go to the UN to get them to stop this injustice.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
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WWF World Champion; Bob Backlund- Since 20/2/78
WWF Intercontinental Champion; Pat Patterson -Since 1/9/79
WWF Tag Team Champions; Tito Santana & Ivan Putski-22/10/79

WWF All-Star Wrestling
April 19th, 1980
Hamburg, PA

Match#1 Ken Patera w/Grand Wizard vs. Mike Masters

Standard dull Patera squash. Insane to think he's going to win the IC title, but Vince is going to Vince, i guess. Full-Nelson for the win

Match#2 Tor Kamata w/Classy Freddie Blassie vs Manny Sicla

Tor ends another jobbers life and it's a fucking blast. Big Splash does it

At ringside, Vince interviews Tony Atlas about training and staying in shape on the road (steroids are awesome) and Vince makes him take his shirt off and pose and, well, I'll leave that to your imagination. Patera walks on and says the body might look good and all, but he's weak and can't do what he's done. Vince suggests an arm wrestling contest, and both dude's agree to do it next week.

Match#3 Andre the Giant & Pat Patterson vs Johnny Rodz & Jose Estrada
Super fun showcase for the babyfaces. Andre does Andre things, and Pat has a super fun hot tag and the heels take a great beating for it all. Andre squashes Jose with his ass to win

At ringside, they joke around and it's super endearing to see Andre just laughing like a madman.

Match#4 Pedro Morales vs Frank Williams
Pedro is back! Haven't seen much of him at all, so this is a cool thing. Pedro does a lot of leg work and it's all very basic, but it's fun enough. He wins with a Boston Crab.

Match#5 Tony Atlas vs Marc Pole
No thanks


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Pat Patterson (c) vs Ken Patera (WWF Intercontinental Championship. 21/4/80)
JIP. Patera talks over the entire thing and it's PAINFUL. Patera is beating his back up and it's all decent basic stuff for a while, and Pat sells it really well again, if nothing else. Pat makes a comeback and goes after the leg and Patera actually sells it, i'll be damned. Pat sinks in the figure four for a while and really beats the hell out his legs, and Patera keep selling and has to drag himself up and can hardly stand up. They fight for a bit and Patera throws Patterson into the ref and hurts them both. He jumps off the top with a kneedrop to the back of the head and he wins the title.


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Feb 1, 2021
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To start the video, a commentator says that Hogan "did a number" on Backlund earlier today. Would have been cool to see it, but it's the 80's, man.

Bob Backlund (c) vs Hulk Hogan (WWF World Championship-12/4/80)
They shake hands, so i have no fucking clue what these idiots are talking about. Hogan tries to go on the mat and it goes as you'd expect as he's promptly embarrassed, so he switches to strength and that doesn't really work as Bob goes for the arms and mostly dominates him in a really weird choice. Not sure why you want Hogan selling and getting shown up when you're pushing him, but whatever. Backlund even slams him and keeps owning him on the mat, and it's all ass backwards and counterproductive. Hogan finally catches him with a backbreaker to take over and his control is lot of fun, and Bob breaks out some awesome selling as Hogan goes after the arm. It's all fun work as he gets more and more comfortable hurting Backlund and making him eat shit. Bob slowly muscles him up and deadlifts him to the top rope in an insane moment, but he can't gain control as Hogan shuts him back down by going for the ribs with a bearhug. Backlund fights back again and hits a piledriver and Hogan is finally hurt. Bob mounts a dramatic comeback and the crowd comes unglued for every moment. He gets him up in an airplane spin and they tumble to the outside and Bob lifts Hogan back on the apron, but he falls to the floor and Hogan wins via countout. Cool finish, but not a cool match.




Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
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WWF World Champion; Bob Backlund- Since 20/2/78
WWF Intercontinental Champion; Ken Patera- Since 21/4/80
WWF Tag Team Champions; Tito Santana & Ivan Putski-Since 22/10/79

WWF All-Star Wrestling
April 26th, 1980
Hamburg, PA

Match#1 Tito Santana & Ivan Putski (c) vs The Wild Samoans (WWF World Tag Team Championships)

This is from a house show a couple of weeks ago, but I'll count the date as here just to make it easier. Like last time, the faces rush them and do everything to keep on the back foot and not get murdered. They work on Afa's leg and it's good times again, mostly thanks to Tito doing the bulk of the work. Sika gets the tag and isolates the Putz for a couple of minutes before Tito gets back and does a good job of handling them, but he fucks his leg up again coming off the ropes and Afa kills him with the Samoan Drop to the wins the titles.

Match#2 Pedro Morales vs Johnny Rodz
Like the Patterson series, Rodz brings it out in people and Pedro loses his cool after going ok on the mat and it turns into a dog fight. Rodz throws his amazing strikes again and REALLY lays them in, and Pedro gets more and more pissed and he throws gross shots in revenge and Rodz is a wonderful pinball. Pedro throws him into an exposed buckle twice and smacks the back of his head off them in a real insane choice that he didn't to do, but fuck yeah. Pedro beats him with the Boston Crab.

At ringside, Pat says he wants a tag partner so they can go after the titles. He says Andre travels too much for that to work, so he's putting out the call.

Match#3 Pat Patterson vs Frankie Wilson
Pat gets 8 minutes to play with this week, and he does an ok job of it. Lots of time spent on the mat grinding the kid down and working on the legs. He wins with the Stump puller in awesome choice.

Match#4 El Olympico vs Marc Pole

EO is an alleged luchador under a mask, and he's not very good at all. Fat old lazy dude shitting the bed. Bad dropkick ends it



Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion; Bob Backlund- Since 20/2/78
WWF Intercontinental Champion; Ken Patera- Since 21/4/80
WWF Tag Team Champions; The Wild Samoans-Since 26/4/80

WWF All-Star Wrestling
May 3rd, 1980
Hamburg, PA

Match#1 Bobby Duncum w/Lou Albano vs DeNucci

Nearly 10 minutes because life is a fucking pain. Bobby does what he can from his end with his offence and selling and its fine, but DeNucci is 100 years old and looks like complete shit, and does nothing to help Bobby out. Duncum wins via countout after he throws the old man into the post

Match#2 Larry Sharpe vs Charlie Brown

Another super fun one from Larry. He gets nearly 6 minutes and kicks the fuck out of the kid with gross strikes to the neck and head, and ends up winning with the Piledriver

At ringside, Bruno interviews Tor and Blassie. They say he quit sumo and went into wrestling for money, and the chance to work for Blassie. Bruno and Blassie banter back and forth about their history in Japan and Blassie being feared by the entire country, and now Tor is following the same path. Blassie happily admits he taught Tor how to dive off the top rope to hurt someone! Tor speaks for the first time and says all the American wrestlers are very dirty and cheat, and he's only doing the same thing. Blassie says he LOVES money and Tor is money, and he's going to sink all these pencil neck geeks heroes.

Match#3 Pat Patterson vs Jose Estrada
This also gets neary 8 minutes and Jose is WAY better than the old man, so this is good. He forces Pat to fight for everything and gives a real good accounting of himself as a solid wrestler, and a funny stooge. He even gets a brief control seg and beats Pat up on the outside, and Pat sells it which is very helpful. Jose gets too cocky and tries to crossbody him out of the ring and Pat ducks and Jose eats ALL the shit. Pat rolls him up to win

Match#4 Tony Atlas vs Johnny Rodz

Sticking my guy in here is a rib, i swear. Rodz does everything he can to help Atlas look good with some awesome strikes he makes him sell for and some big bumps for Atlas's crappy offence. Atlas wins with a bad looking cradle.

Match#5 Tor Kamata w/Classy Freddie Blassie vs Joe Mascara

Tor kills another kid in wonderful fashion for a few minutes. Just a brutal squash with a ton of gross shots and a motherfucker of a splash to end it.



Apr 17, 2019
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The Impact Zone, Scotland
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From what I can find El Olympico was a territory guy who had worked for the WWWF since the early 70s. He even had one match in the UK defeating Rollerball Rocco.

Not to be confused with Huracan Castillo who used the name in AJPW for his 1987 tour
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
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WWF World Champion; Bob Backlund- Since 20/2/78
WWF Intercontinental Champion; Ken Patera- Since 21/4/80
WWF Tag Team Champions; The Wild Samoans-Since 26/4/80

Before the match, Patera gets on the mic and says he kicked Bobby's butt last time they fought in MSG, and he's going to do it again.

Bob Backlund (c) w/Arnold Skaaland vs Ken Patera w/Grand Wizard (WWF World Championship-13/5/80. Texas Death Match)
They immediately fight to the outside and it turns into a gritty fight as they throw each other into things and throw some awesome punches and kicks. Patera takes over and has his best control seg yet as he unloads a great beating, and Backlund sells his ass off. Patera slams him on the fucking concrete and you hear the THUD as his body hits. Patera works the back with a bearhug and Bobby does his thing where he fights like death to get out of it. He finally gets free and hits a massive atomic drop to take over and then follows up with a GROSS Piledriver that Patera takes on the top of his fucking head. Jesus Dude. Patera isn't dead however, because he's a crazy person without a functioning brain, and he keeps going after Bob and strangles him for a while to weaken his neck for a potential full-nelson. They tumble to the outside and Patera busts him open with the title belt, and Backlund gets a gusher and has some incredible concussion selling. Patera keeps kicking the crap out of him and it feels like if there was a night where he's going to get it done, this would be it. Buuuuuuuuuut, Backlund has other plans as he mounts a wonderful comeback and busts him open in revenge after he throws him into the post. Backlund unloads like a crazy man and Patera's tricks all fail as Bob keeps blasting the shit out of him. He beats him over the head with a chair and hits a crossbody right to the face to the keep the title. Awesome shit.

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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
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WWF World Champion; Bob Backlund- Since 20/2/78
WWF Intercontinental Champion; Ken Patera- Since 21/4/80
WWF Tag Team Champions; The Wild Samoans-Since 26/4/80

WWF All-Star Wrestling
May 17th, 1980
Hamburg, PA


Match#1 Ken Patera w/Grand Wizard vs Steve King
Ken wins in 50 seconds with the Full-Nelson.

Post match, the kid is taken out on the gurney. It was cool the first couple of time guys, but now it's old.

Match#2 Bob Backlund vs El Olympico
Adore the idea of the champion being in exhibition matches as it sells how hard it is to get a title shot, and how Bob being on TV is a true rarity. He guides EO through some mat work for a while and shows him up whenever he gets a chance to really show the skill difference. EO is a nothing, but Bob has a way of making almost anyone look good, or at least passable. Vince says he hopes the fans are enjoying this as they're seeing what scientific wrestling looks like, which feels like he's terrified people will be bored and change the station. Bob keeps beating him up and the match ends after the 10 minute time limit hits, which wasn't said before the match started.

At ringside, Bruno speaks to Patera and GW about the happenings. Bruno is very mad that they stole the title when the ref missed Pat's foot on the ropes. Patera is upset because he beat him like a DIRTY YARD DOG, and there was nothing illegal about it. GW says they'll face the likes of Atlas, Putz and even Bruno if he wants a chance.

Match#3 Tor Kamata vs Rene Goulet
Tor tries to throw powder in his eyes, but Rene catches the hands and throws it back in his face and beats him up. What a cheater. Rene grounds him in a headlock as not to fight him standing because he knows he's fucked in that fight, but Tor gets free...and they have a super mendering back and forth for what feels like forever. Lots of bad strikes and choking from both men, and it gets worse and worse and ends up going to a 10 minute time limit. Fuck off

Match#4 Larry Zbyszko vs Angelo Gomez

Larry finally gets us back on track! Only 2 minutes this time, but compared to the crap we've sat through, it's a Godsend. Suplex ends it after a fun beating.

Match#5 Hulk Hogan vs Mike Masters

Not sure where Blassie is tonight as his boys are all alone. Hogan brother jack puts on another fun performance for a few minutes. Hogan keeps hitting legdrops and dragging the kid up before 3 and Vince says it should be a DQ. Hogan finally ends with with a Bearhug

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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
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WWF World Champion; Bob Backlund- Since 20/2/78
WWF Intercontinental Champion; Ken Patera- Since 21/4/80
WWF Tag Team Champions; The Wild Samoans-Since 26/4/80

WWF All-Star Wrestling
May 24th, 1980
Hamburg, PA


Match#1 Pat Patterson vs Jose Estrada
rematch from a few weeks ago, hell yeah. Goes the same with Jose making a really good accounting of himself, and Pat looks awesome as hell taking and giving a beating. Patterson dropkicks him into the corner and backslides him to win. Cool finish.

Match#2 Pedro Morales vs Marc Pole

Pedro gets nearly 5 minutes to play with, and it's mostly ok. Lots of arm work which is good, but doesn't make much sense when the dudes finish is a Boston Crab and not a Boston Armhold. He wins with the Crab to make himself look like an asshole

At ringside, Bruno welcomes Rick Mcgraw, who is famous for dying of a heart attack (more than likely bought on from drugs as he was only 30, and it's the fucking 80's) the day after he wrestled Piper in a squash and everyone thought Piper killed him for real. Anyway, he's a young kid and he's very happy and proud to be in the WWF, and he hopes to show the great fans he can win a title. My man hit every cliché in wrestling, including the tragic death. God Bless.

Match#3 Rick Mcgraw vs Moose Monroe
The kid moves pretty well and has some nice basic offence, and some good bumps for the big fella. He wins with a crossbody off the second rope

Match#4 The Wild Samoans (c) w/Lou Albano vs Rene Goulet & DeNucci (WWF World Tag Team Championships)

Knowing the match will be hot trash, they turn it into comedy as the faces steal Albano's shoes and Afa steals them and stops himself from eating them so he can give them back to Lou, AND THEY HUG. AWWWWWWWWWWW. It turns into a real match and that isn't funny at all, but they at least beat up the old man for a while. They do the same to Goulet, and that's much better because he's a good wrestler, but it also means a DeNucci hot tag and that's not good. Albano distracts him and he beat hm up and ends up counted out. Lol, what a moron


Match#5 Tony Atlas vs Frank Savage

No thanks
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion; Bob Backlund- Since 20/2/78
WWF Intercontinental Champion; Ken Patera- Since 21/4/80
WWF Tag Team Champions; The Wild Samoans-Since 26/4/80

WWF All-Star Wrestling
May 31st, 1980
Hamburg, PA

Match#1 Rick McGraw vs Jose Estrada

Jose carries the kid to his best match yet. He jumps him from the start and kicks the shit out of him, and it forces the kid to get tough and fire back on him and get tough.Or "MAN UP" as the Briscoes would say. He takes the beating and gets a flash inside cradle to win

Match#2 Pedro Morales vs Ron Shaw
Same Pedro squash as the last few weeks. Starting to dislike this guy, tbh. Boston Crab does it

At ringside, Patterson wants another shot at Patera.

Match#3 Pat Patterson vs Johnny Rodz
WWF is just running rematches and i don't hate it, but it does set the scene for the next 42 years. Rodz works the arm and it's good times as always as he always finds something cool and mean to do to it, and Pat sells with the best of them. Rodz throws him into the post and a gross purple bruise comes up on Pat's shoulder to really put it over the top.Pat mounts his normal great comeback and wins with another fancy rollup


Match#4 The Wild Samoans w/Lou Albano vs Jim Duggan & Frank Williams
Baby Hacksaw is a WILD fucking sight to behold. He takes a good beating, but you would never guess he'd go as far as he did based on this. The commentators spend a lot of time gushing over him (and calling him DOOGAN) and it's clear they see something in him, which is pretty cool. The Samoans beat the crap out of him and Frank for a while and it's their best work in a while. One of them beats Frank with the Samoan Drop

Match#5 Ken Patera w/Grand Wizard vs Steve King
Another bad musclehead squash for Kenneth. All his stuff looks really bad and soft, and the man is just not a good squasher. Full Nelson ends it

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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion; Bob Backlund- Since 20/2/78
WWF Intercontinental Champion; Ken Patera- Since 21/4/80
WWF Tag Team Champions; The Wild Samoans-Since 26/4/80

WWF All-Star Wrestling
June 7th, 1980
Hamburg, PA

Match#1 Larry Zbyszko vs Frank Savage

Savage looks like Necro Butcher's shifty uncle that vanished from the family for 3-5 years. What. Anyway, Larry drags him down to the mat and tortures him and it's a blast. Savage actually fights back and corners Larry and throws some awesome knees to the ribs, and Larry fucking snaps and beats his ass for daring to fight back. He beats him with the Suplex

Match#2 Pedro Morales vs Mikel Scicluna
Oh God. This is not an awesome battle between two old men, instead it's a wrestling match between old men that aren't awesome. They have one of the worst fights possible as they both throw terrible strikes and look blown up 30 seconds in. Just a pile of shit. Pedro wins with a bad backslide

At ringside, Bruno talks to our boy, Larry Sharpe. He says been travelling the word for the last 6 years and he's back in the WWF because this is the top, baby. Bruno says he's brutal in the ring and he hurts people with the piledriver, and he wants to know why he changed. He says he uses his mind to win matches in the quickest possible way, and he not afraid of any hold because he believes he can get out of all of them.Bruno asks if he changed his style because he doesn't think he can do it the right way, and Larry says his mind is strong and his goal is to win. NO ONE HAS SEEN HIM LOSE A MATCH, AND IT CAN'T BE DONE. He is a tough guy and no one can beat him and they all walk on the other side of the street when he walks by. Wonderful stuff.

Match#3 Larry Sharpe vs Moose Monroe
Larry uses his mind, and his incredible offence to take down a big ol motherfucker. Larry works hard to bring him down and when it's time, he ends him with the Piledriver

Match#4 Ken Patera w/Grand Wizard vs Angelo Gomez
Same terrible squash from this moron. Go throw a rock through a window and fuck off

Match#5 Tony At...

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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
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WWF World Champion; Bob Backlund- Since 20/2/78
WWF Intercontinental Champion; Ken Patera- Since 21/4/80
WWF Tag Team Champions; The Wild Samoans-Since 26/4/80

WWF All-Star Wrestling
June 14th, 1980
Hamburg, PA

Match#1 The Wild Samoans w/Lou Albano vs Steve King & Rene Goulet

Not sure who Goulet pissed off to keep getting his ass kicked by the Samoans, but i don't hate it. Goes the same as all their matches and I can't add anything new to the breakdown. King dies, Goulet fights them, and the Samoans withstand it all and win because they're the best.

Match#2 Tor Kamata vs Frank Williams

Guessing Blassie missed the tapings and that's why his boys are alone. Anyway, another fun one for Tor for a few minutes. NERVE HOLDS and chops to the throat, and he randomly wins by punching him in the throat and jacknifing him. Weird choice of a finish.

At ringside, Bruno talks to him, and Tor demandes that Bruno tell the world he's never lost a match and he wants a title match for any of the belts. Bruno lists all the babyfaces that Tor hasn't faced, and Tor says they have been avoiding him because of the danger he brings to the ring. He rambles for a while and doesn't really say much and Bruno is a hack who doesn't try to steer back to where it needs to be, so fuck this.

Match#3 Pedro Morales vs Johnny Rodz
Rodz is the best guy for Pedro to face because he makes him fight for shit and not just in boring ass arm work for minutes at a time. Rodz even gets a control seg against him and he makes the best of it and beats the hell out of his head and neck. Pedro sells nothing and comes back with ease like a motherfucker and wins with a schoolboy. Yuck

Match#4 Pat Patterson & Rick McGraw vs Estrada & O'Hannon

This is happening because Pat wants a shot at the tag titles and he's picked the kid as his partner. I like the booking, but man they could run a interview to show some of this. The kid gets his ass kicked to continue that story, and Jose really lays in a beating for the time he gets. Pat gets the hot tag and easily handles them and beats Jose with a rollup.

Match#5 Tony Atlas vs Moose Monroe

Tony wins in 20 seconds with a big splash

Sucking on toes with corns on them.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion; Bob Backlund- Since 20/2/78
WWF Intercontinental Champion; Ken Patera- Since 21/4/80
WWF Tag Team Champions; The Wild Samoans-Since 26/4/80

WWF All-Star Wrestling
June 21st, 1980
Hamburg, PA

Match#1 Jose Estrada vs Ivan Putski

The stars name goes first as we know. He again carries a chosen one as best he can with simple and cool offence, and then bumps his ass off for the bad offence he gets in return. Polish Hammer ends it

Match#2 Moose Monroe vs Pedro Morales

If you told me this was a man who had killed 30 people and ate them, i wouldn't doubt you. Match sucked, but bless the Moose

At ringside, Pedro wants better competition. Can not wait for Muraco to debut and kill this piece of shit.

Match#3 Ken Patera w/Grand Wizard vs Frank Williams
No thanks.

Match#4 The Hangman w/Classy Freddie Blassie vs Steve King

Hangman is a French-Canadian wrestler named Neil Guay. He kind of looks like a smaller version of Dr Death, but not quite as scary looking. He moves pretty well and has some fun power offence on the kid, so no complaints from me. He wins with the HANGMAN where he lifts the dude up in a backpack position (only with him facing the other way) and chokes him until he quits

At ringside, Blassie says he's been on a world tour for 7 weeks and he found Hangman in Europe and he's here to hurt some people. Vince is disturbed by them carrying a Hangman's noose, and Blassie loses his shit and says anyone who has a problem with it is an idiot. Blassie says they aren't here to make friends, they are here for M O NE Y. He refuses to let Vince speak to him and says he does the thinking and talking for him, and he's in the Blassie Army and that's all that matters.

Match#5 Hulk Hogan w/Classy Freddie Blassie vs Marizno & Gomez
You can already tell how much Vince LOVES Hogan and how he's made his mind up that this is the man who can make the grand plan work once he has the other pieces in place. Hogan does his thing and clubs and roughouses them for a while and it's fun times. Hogan hits a Lariat and pins one of them with a knee on their chest.
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