I doin't find Flair similar to Ziggler even in the ring, Ziggler is a much more active superstar than Flair was. By active I mean Ziggler is much more agile, he moves with a lot of fluidity when he's in the ring. Flair has that, but it's not really he's style I would say. Flair is more of a storyteller wrestler.
I see similarities between Michaels and Ziggler in the ring, but not so much in character. Michaels was arrogant, but he was a lot more obnoxious with it, where Ziggler just proves it in the ring. I think @"Dolph'sZiggler" brought up a good point with saying Ziggler is a hybrid of Perfect and HBK. Since Perfect was also arrogant, but backed it up in the ring, but Ziggler's style of wrestling is much more like Michaels than Perfect.